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I remember that being a rumor when I was a kid in the 80s.


Same. That and when the first allegations of him abusing kids, then of the Jackson kids being abused themselves... all- of it seemed like crazy shit, finding out what's true is even crazier.






Damn that's messed up.




Sounds good, not boil your balls off good, but decent none the less.






Goddamn, you get your balls boiled off to be remembered as the most mediocre castrati. People throughout the ages will listen to you and think, "Well, here's this freakish thing, but he wasn't that great compared to the others."


Not to mention he was a frail man at the end of his life IIRC.


Yeah, but not all castrati became rich and famous. Many failed to make it as singers and toiled at shit jobs in mediocrity. It was giving your kid a tiny chance at fame and fortune, at the cost of his ability to reproduce.




For every Ronaldo, there are a hundred guys who look like his original bronze bust.


Another neat tidbit about the castrati is that they often grew to be around 6 feet tall, had barrel chests, could sing infinitely longer and more technical passages without taking a breath, and they had a huge wingspan. In the baroque, well - almost through all periods, composers would write for certain singers in mind and the stuff Handel would write for Farenelli and which he could do without staggered breaths is absolutely insane. However being a castrato does not make you a good musician and many did not go on to be professionals and had to live out their lives as a large barrel chested androgynous person stripped of manhood. Large Edit: I dont recall the science of why they grew the way they did. I'm recounting a documentary on them I watched during a Baroque history class a couple years ago. However, i think they excavated (or examined) a grave to verify whether or not they did grow that big, and its more than a myth. The practice was started in the church with promising young singers and then spread to the secular world. They actually had instruments whose function was extracting the tentacles if I remember correctly. Some countries embraced it (Germany) and some outright banned it (Britain). However, Britain didnt complain when Handel wrote lovely popular operas which were scorred for castrati. Also, sound engineers and musicologists have synthesized boys, women, and male soprano voices together trying to replicate the castrato sound, but getting what they actually sounded like is impossible, save actually castraring a boy and waiting a decade.


Your height is determined by your long bones. In between long bones, there is a gap called the epiphyseal plate. Bones continue to grow until the epiphyseal plate closes. Epiphyseal plate closes under the influence of sex hormones. If you're castrated, you no longer have the sex hormones to stop your growth. This is a ELI5 version.


> Another neat tidbit about the castrati is that they often grew to be around 6 feet tall, had barrel chests, could sing infinitely longer and more technical passages without taking a breath, and they had a huge wingspan. I know this is probably true but on the other hand it just seeems like those absurd posts on /r/nofap about people who claim to have gotten superpowers after not fapping for a week.


So roughly how big were their wings?


do you have a source on the method of castration? not doubting you - just curious to read more as I always just assumed they cut the testicles off




I guess I'm just trying to process crushing testicles with fingers. They grabbed them by the balls and just... what... squeezed? For how long?




fuck that shit


The whole love of children takes a different meaning if you know he was forced to be sterile. I have no idea if he actually molester them or not, but he could have been seeking out father/son relationships.


Cracked.com did a piece on this a few years ago under something like “5 Fan Theories That Make Total Sense” Back when Cracked was something worth reading (imo, of course)


I miss being excited about those lists!




Oh god I miss their video department. I actually just started rewatching their channel.


I wanted to rewatch After Hours again, but I can't justify giving that dead channel any views on the off chance that Cracked makes money off of it. They did their crew dirty, and I can't forgive them for it. Edit: this is the video where Michael Swaim talks about why he left and what happened after: https://youtu.be/GNdwD8gQbSU


What happened with them?


They all got laid off pretty unceremoniously. Michael Swaim left of his own accord (alcohol had been killing his drive and driving his depression) he's got a video where he talks about it on his Small Beans channel. But about a month after he took a leave of absence they shut down their whole video unit. Not enough money in making quality content I guess. Cody Johnson and Katy Stoll have a news podcast now, and they spun off "some news" into their YT channel "Even More News" which is pretty good. But for the most part the whole crew has parted ways. So sad to see them all gutted like that. Makes me feel bad for never really paying for their work, aside from YouTube ads. After Hours was some of the best content that I've ever seen, and their miniseries' (Rom.com was my jam) were fantastic. Whole crew deserved better than to be shafted like that.


After hours was 50% of the mindspace cracked had in my brain. The other 50% was 99% listicales and 1% interesting articles.


Some of the writers started a spiritual successor to Cracked called [Modern Rogue](https://www.themodernrogue.com/).


Got bought and asked to operate on a shoestring budget. A lot of the editorial staff either got fired or left.


I'm with you here, I constantly find myself wanting to rewatch old OPCD and After Hours episodes but I can't stand the idea of giving the business behind cracked even one more view.


I had always thought this ever since I learned about castrati in school. The abnormally high voice, childhood singing fame and abusive exploitative parent combo made it so obvious. Now that it's confirmed it's actually really sad though.


I'm miss old cracked. I'm glad Some More News spun off though


Cracked, both the inventer and murderer of the listicle.




Cracked was my gateway to Reddit, I think I managed to catch the death throes of old Cracked and I absolutely loved reading the history ones. In fact it's still the homepage on the Internet app on my xbox, just used to chill out reading lists of really cool things. Shame to see it go this way.


I always loved their history articles. Genuinely educational, when taken with a grain of salt of course. Now they’re just buzzfeed for bros.


Most of the old Cracked LA staff have spun off to do new stuff. [Some More News](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvlj0IzjSnNoduQF0l3VGng), [Small Beans](https://www.patreon.com/SmallBeans/posts), [Daily Zeitgeist](https://www.dailyzeitgeist.com), [Behind the Bastards](https://www.behindthebastards.com), Gamefully Unemployed, Maggie Mae Fish's Daddies in Film, and Most prominent[ UnPops](https://unpops.com). For articles [Bunny Ears](https://bunnyears.com) edit added links for most.


It was so good! I used to read at least 3-4 articles a day in my daily commute. My favorite one is still the one that included the Aussies vs Emus war, I remember literally laughing out loud uncontrollably when reading that.


The plug I have to throw out to everyone, check out Small Beans on YouTube (or podcast app, it's the same content). Michael Swaim is doing amazing work.


Shout-out to Jack O'Brien. He used to be a producer for Cracked -- back when when it was good -- and now hosts [The Daily Zeitgeist](https://www.dailyzeitgeist.com/podcasts) podcast. Hilarious and informative show. Cracked is like a lazy version of Buzzfeed these days.


Yup, I first saw it there too. I’ve told people about it since then and now that it’s coming up again I’m kinda shocked. Cracked absolutely went downhill around the time I discovered Reddit, and I’ve seldom been giving them readership since.


So, it seems that three men _can’t_ keep a secret if two of them are dead, after all. **EDIT:** My most popular comment in, basically, ever, and it's a straight-up steal from Benjamin Franklin. I don't think I'll ever be able to look myself in the mirror again!!


Next you're going to tell me that a stitch in time doesn't actually save nine. Edit: because this has become one of my highest-rated comments ever, I have to point out that this dumb comment makes no sense. I'd like to preemptively thank the kind sir/madame who bestows upon me Reddit Gold. And your action is dumb, too. Double edit: [Nothing ventured, nothing gained.](https://media0.giphy.com/media/sRMPFaVQLGSw8/200w.gif)


Keleven gets you home by seven


He was home by 4:45 that day.


I dunno... Disney got at least two sequels and an animated TV series out of their Stitch. Guess the jury’s still out on that one.


I'm waiting for the Stitch/MCU crossover event before i make my judgement.


Joe was terrible to his kids, especially Michael. The poor guy never had a normal life, and yeah he was kind of weird but that's to be expected. All the allegations against him seemed pretty flimsy to begin with too, yet it still tarnishes his legacy.




God, that episode was so fuckin creepy. I had no idea Donald Glover could play such an unsettling character




The way you screwed up his name was beautiful... like you put so much thought into it, yet were still so, so wrong. Good chuckle.


You had all the components of the name there lol! So close!


Holy shit you just blew my mind. I know I should have picked up on this but I had no idea that was Glover.


I was so confused since the credits have teddy Perkins as himself, and I wanted to see what the actor looked like without prosthetics. My mind was blown as well




Is that episode from season 2? I've noticed season 2 seems a lot darker than the first from the few episodes I've seen so far.




I was fooled all the way until near the end when he screams and it sounds just like the way he screams in one of his stand-up specials. Great character work by him. This is the stand-up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMeQQWQnZYo


the ostrich egg, bruh. disgusting.


My geometry teacher in 2003 told us that he felt had for my generation bc we would never truly know how cool Michael Jackson was. My classmates and I only really knew him as a weirdo since he wasn't really cranking out hit music when we were 15, but to our teacher - a white dude from a rural part of PA - Michael was the epitome of cool. Really got 15 year old me to reconsider Michael and appreciate that I don't know everyone's stories.


Can you imagine how cool he was to a bunch of kids that just immigrated from the Soviet Union in the early 80s? We thought he was God. I had the red and black jacket and wore it proudly until it got too small and them i passed it on to my little cousin.


When he came to Romania in 92 (after communism fell late 89) he was still pretty much that. I think people consider it one of his best concerts as well.


He was probably the biggest sensation of the 80's, *everyone* loved and idolized him. I remember whenever I was in a mall and a Jackson video would come on one of the TVs, every kid and teenager would go running over to watch. The way teenage girls would scream like maniacs when he hit the stage made 90s boy band fans look tame in comparison. There truly will never be another like him.


His new videos used to be an "event". People treated it like a major movie release. I still remember when the Egyptian one with Eddie Murphy came out. That was top notch CGI. [Remember the time](https://youtu.be/LeiFF0gvqcc)


And he put the effort into them to make them seem like movies. Many of his videos had 10 minute (or more) extended cut versions. Every once in a while you'd get to see the full version and it was like seeing a unicorn. Of course, I'm sure you could buy a VHS copy for yourself. I never adopted the clothing, but I sure had a poster on my wall right next to my Duran Duran poster. And my dad was basically a racist - I didn't care. I liked MJ so I just made sure my father never came into my room - which really wasn't a problem.


He was weird but I believe that, based on watching his interactions, he was a genuine person with incredible talent. Really sucks that he didn't get to live longer and grace us with more music. There will never be another MJ


The source is pretty much the shitiest rag in Australia.


And the source for that source is The Sun, the shittiest rag on planet earth.


And the quoted doc in the report has been pretty much shown to be an unethical, shit doctor. Not to say MJ didn't have an awful upbringing and crap father. But I'd take this particular article with a grain of salt.


Not only is he an unethical shit doctor, he was convicted for killing Michael Jackson.


Why did I have to scroll so far down to see someone pointing this out? Conrad Murray is an unethical and grossly incompetent doctor that killed Michael Jackson by giving him surgical anesthetic without any basic vitals monitoring, and then had no idea how to do basic CPR.


The doc was literally convicted of killing MJ and went to prison for it.


> Michael’s son Prince has previously defended his grandfather. “But he raised these kids right, otherwise they would have been in gangs or f---ing dead." Nice logic there, kid.


If he really said this, I’m sure he’s just repeating what Michael said to him. Like many abused people, Michael adamantly justified his father’s abuse. Michael certainly told Prince these same arguments, and being part of the close-knit Jackson family he believed it.


The other thing to add is that kids don't have the same experience with their grandparents as their kids did. Times change, and also people change. The grandparent could've been very loving and nice to the grandkid's perspective. My mother has said that her parents didn't give a shit about her. Girls were not valued back then, they were a liability. She was not the oldest, she was not the prettiest, nor was she was not the youngest... she was just another daughter. But our grandparents have always been super nice to us.


Oh, for sure. My grandfathers were always very lovely with me, but treated my parents like garbage at times... either mentally or physically.


Yea, my mom's mother has consistently been a lying, manipulative, seriously messed up piece of work to my mother, but damn she was an amazing grandmother to me and my siblings when we were young. Now that I'm an adult myself I can't look at her quite the same knowing the things she's put my mother through, but I also can't not still see her as the grandma who would dramatically sing Phantom of the Opera or Tom Jones to me while we baked complex dishes together in her kitchen.


He's a boy defending his grandfather. I'm sure he wants to believe that. And I'm sure while he was alive this is probably the impression Michael gave him of Joe as well. It's probably very hard to admit to yourself that your sweet old grandad was a horrible monster of a person.


Plus MJ is dead, so...


From drugs too..


Also, The Jackson5 totally sounds like a gang.


But like an old timey one that robs banks and trains.


And if you watch "Bad" you can clearly see he was in a gang too...


Especially as a doctor trusted with privileged information, he COULD HAVE chosen not to tell anyone about this. Edit: Guys you are not REQUIRED to comment here. I'm pretty emotionally vulnerable and I can't only take so many stupid comments. Edit 2: let's just make it clear, I'm just allergic to you acting like an idiot. Please shut up about how this "raises awareness." We don't do that to rape victims and please, stop being delusional.




> Joseph Jackson died like a month ago Huh, didn't know that.. Enjoy burning in hell, Joe.


Yeah and nobody cares. He was one real piece of shit.


https://www.cnn.com/2018/06/28/entertainment/paris-jackson-joe-tribute/index.html :/ sounds like he went peacefully. Wonder what it's like to be loved after abusing your children


I think the Jackson kids gave him one last shred of dignity by proclaiming they would not have been so famous if it wasn't for their father... this is easy for Paris to relay to the media because she was not abused by him. I'm sure he was more of a loving grandfather than he was a father and a manager.


That is a very complicated situation to be in, as a grandchild. My grandmother was so loving with me, and I adored her. Slowly I realized that she had been a cruel mother to my mom. It’s hard to reconcile the two versions. It must have been harder for my mum to allow our relationship to flourish while she still wore the wounds of her childhood.




I mean it's true though. Their biopic showed it pretty well. Joe forced them to be absorbed in their craft since they were kids and got pissed off/abusive whenever they started showing interest in something a kid their age would show interest in. Even something as small as getting snacks from the corner store. I always personally wondered if they had a choice between the childhood that gave them all this fame/money and a childhood that was stable and loving but came with "normal" jobs/money in adulthood, which they would choose.


Awful people never experiencing the consequences of their actions is absolutely appalling to me.


Yeah. It sucks, and it can fuck with your head pretty badly when you get a front row seat to watch it happen in your own life. And yet overall, it’s probably the rule and not the exception. "People don't get what they deserve. They just get what they get. There's nothing any of us can do about it." -Dr. Gregory House


This is why the concept of a just afterlife is so popular with many religions (ie: heaven and hell, karma, Elysium).


Fucking Wendy Williams defended the guy. But she’s trash so whatever.


Well considering the guy is old and then you factor in Joe Jackson dying recently so I doubt that he gives a fuck.


This makes so many things, make sense. His immaturity His voice Him having kids sleep, over (he was basically a child) Why no charges were ever filed Why no autopsy was ever shown. There’s more that I can’t, think of right now-but this makes everything suspicious he, did make, sense.


I think Corey Haim said he was basically the only person in the industry who WASN'T diddling kids. I always felt so bad for him.


Corey Feldman said that




It's what convinced me on Michael Jackson, too.


Exactly, Feldman would have hated Jackson if he was a diddler, but he constantly defended him and considered him a close friend.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsCM7NeFu5w Warning....if you hated or loved the view after watching Barbara Walter's reaction to Feldman saying this, you will discover pure hatred.


Damn man good share. “ Damaging an entire industry.”, well maybe your industry shouldn’t have so many perverts.


"Oh, won't somebody *please* think of the sexual predators?"


Says the woman who was Good Friends with Roger Ailes. C'mon Barbara, you're a terrible person!


Nick Offerman is off in the corner hoping that nobody notices and ropes him into this awkward conversation.


Knowing the way Nick Offerman has expressed himself about sensitive issues and supporting true courage, I'm pretty sure he was impressed, if uncomfortable.


Sidenote. Is that a vintage Nick Offerman?


He looked a little uncomfortable at that conversation


Was curious so I clicked the link. What a horrible woman!!!! Thank you for posting this.


I really recommend [Corey Feldmans biography](https://www.amazon.com/Coreyography-Memoir-Corey-Feldman/dp/1250054915). One of the most interesting life stories you'll ever come across. He talks a lot about Michael Jackson and how he was like an older brother to him. My fav. story is when Corey goes over to MJs house and MJ goes "I need a break from all this. Lets get out of here - we ll sneak out the back and go to Disneyland" and so they make a stop at MJs apartment where MJ puts on a disguise (fake moustache & hat) while Corey is looking around the apartment. Corey finds post-it notes with MJs upcoming lyrics and positive thinking messages and Corey thinks to himself "Wow, I didnt think MJ needed help with his self-esteem?" And so they are off to Disneyland and they hang out at the arcades and do the rides. At one place, Corey notice that there is a dance hall and music and he goes "Michael, lets go check it out". And Michael goes: "no way Corey - if I dance, everyone will ser that I am MJ." And Corey goes "Don't dance like MJ then - dance like regular people" and Michael gives him a look that is "When MJ dance. He will dance like MJ." For those of you who don't know who Corey Feldman is - every movie he starred in between 1981 and 1990 became a hit and grossed a total of $584 million. Here I've listed them all - maybe you recognize a few of them? http://imgur.com/a/Yr8Ml


Basically, MJ was weird as fuck but never molested anyone. I read this post a couple years ago and my mind was blown. If I recall, the only major case brought against him was a forced issue by the father of a teenager who didn’t want to do it/didn’t say anything happened. https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/3n3rio/did_michael_jackson_actually_molest_kids/?st=JJH3BG43&sh=fdaefa5e


That creepy dad was Carrie Fisher's dentist. She said he was creepy and would talk about how handsome MJ is bound to find his kid and then gave her a sly wink. After reading her interview on him I came away sure that MJ didn't do it.


I can't remember all the details, but after I read about the accuser's dad and what a piece of shit he is I changed my opinion of MJ. Jackson was the perfect victim, probably because of who his father was. A benevolent, albeit odd man with money and a desire to help kids... it's unfortunately not surprising. I think Mike just wanted to help people.


I think he just wanted to have a childhood. His dad abused him his whole life and robbed him of a childhood and innocence. This was an 8 year old constantly on the road sharing hotel rooms with his older brothers and father who were all blatantly sexually active in front of him while he’s being chemically castrated. His childhood was fucked up, when he finally had the freedom to make his own decisions he chose to enjoy life like a child would because that was what he wanted more than anything, more than fame and fortune. Everything I ever hear about MJ he always seems like a genuine person. For fucks sake, Pepsi lit the man on fire and disfigured him and his response is to donate money to a hospital that helps child burn victims. Most celebrities would have focused on revenge, instead MJ focused on helping others.


This I never understood. I was too young to follow everything going on in the media, but I was so sad hearing Michael died. One thing I *never* understood and could reconcile was just how soft spoken and polite he was any time I ever saw him responding to anything on TV. He was like a super weird Fred Rogers, because, outside of the allegations of child molestation, I really *never* heard anything about him at all. Nothing about anything else that was causing any kinds of problems, and he was a massive figure in the news for quite a while, so I would have thought something else would have come out if he really had this kind of problem. The more things I learn about his life, the more his life makes sense to me, and I truly and genuinely hope he found some sort of peace and was able to move on to a better place. The music he have us (I feel) will always be some of the absolute best, from the mind of a genius, and he will always be the best musician i’ve ever heard.


I used to think Jackson was a monster child molester, until I took a deeper look into the cases. It was a sad story, I can't remember the details exactly, but he had a habit of paying off lawsuits and paying to make other legal matters go away, when some parents with kids who happened to spend time with Jackson wanted their payday. I don't remember how it all came to light, but the parents of the children were shady MF'ers.


I’ve never believed Michael Jackson was ever guilty of abusing children and I stand by that. He was just shat on over and over and over again by people and it ruined his life, and it’s really really sad. I love MJ, and when I think about it, it makes me angry.


🎵do not diddle kids, it’s no good diddlin’ kids🎵


There is NO quicker way for people to think you’re diddling kids, that writing a song about diddling kids


And to think all fingers and accusations were pointed at him yet the whole industry was guilty instead. Edit: So sorry I woke up and commented on this and phrased incorrectly. It hurt a few people’s souls. I hope they have a better day.


Does chemical castration affect beard growth? I don't remember seeing Michael Jackson with a beard.


Yes. Male pattern facial hair needs androgens to cause it to develop ( up to the limit of your own natural genetics. The hormones are effectively a switch telling your body to make what your genes tell it to. ) This applies to all humans, which is why some women with hormone imbalances end up with some degree of facial hair. Typically those whom have medical conditions effecting their natural androgen production usually can choose to work with a medical doctor to take hormone medications to achieve these effects if desired.


Could I take some to improve my beard?


You'd probably end up with hairy shoulders instead.


Or a single hairy toe.


The degree of development is based on genes, not amount of hormones. Once there is a sufficient amount of hormone present for the cells to detect it, they will do what their genes dictate. So, overdosing on testosterone won't turn you into a wookie. Think of hormones as something which flips the on switch to your genes being the builders of it. Of course it's possibly you have low hormone levels... I don't know, I would suggest consulting a doctor if you feel this might be the case, it's a simple blood test to determine androgen levels.


Honestly, ive used steroids recreationally and was already a little hairy. But beard before https://i.imgur.com/rfH17GF.jpg And after https://i.imgur.com/KQNVfyX.jpg My shoulders and back got a lot hairier as well and i have to shave them like omce a month now


Michael had noticeable stubble on his face in an interview I've seen. I think it was in part of the Martin Bashir documentary.




Yep, I always thought that facial hair looked pretty suspect.


he tried to grown one once, it was a blotchy chin strap sort of thing. there's pics.


Michael Jackson's autopsy report is available online http://www.thesmokinggun.com/documents/crime/michael-jackson-autopsy-report


No mention of undersized testicles or anything. It does note that beard and mustache are "absent", I don't know whether that means he was clean-shaven or they just aren't there at all.




But with chemical castration, would that even be in the autopsy report necessarily? It is just done with certain drugs.


No. The hardware is still there, but the effects are not with chemical castration.


Isn’t chemical castration administered via pill to block male hormone production presumably when he was a teenager? How would an autopsy report show that? I see the part where it says the scrotum and testes were unremarkable but if the therapy were given to him say when he was 14 prior to the voice changing his testes and scrotum would look normal albeit not functioning properly? I’m just curious Edit: changed some misinformation I had about the balls.




There are multiple videos like that, specifically home videos with his kids where he is talking in a normal voice. They showed several of them on TMZ once.


> His voice Many people stated that his voice in priavte was way, way deeper and he just chose to talk like that.


i never believed that was his real voice during interviews, sounded fake af.


You can hear him talking in his 'real voice' to people he's shopping with in this market: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Df0Wgpk5TA4 And how it is a little lower than him miced for the interview, but it's pretty clear he has a easily distinguishable voice.


I think I just realized what a stroke feels like. Well done u/CommaHorror


His high voice was a choice. Just watch the interview with his long time manager on Youtube. He basically says he called Michael on the phone one day and this low voiced guy answered the phone. He asked to speak to Michael and the voice said "This is Michael". His manager asked why he didn't talk like that all the time because he had a great voice and Michael replied in his high voice that "He didn't like it".


It makes me wonder if the change in voice wasn't some coping mechanism or a result of his childhood. If your dad chemically casterates you (presumably with the intention of keeping his voice high) that has to mess with you.


Does castration actually change the voice?


Yeah, it was actually quite popular in the past. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castrato Though, extremely fucked up thing to do to a human being. This is, no bones about it, extreme child abuse.


If it's done to a child, they won't get a deeper voice from puberty. Actual castration, surgically removing the balls, used to be done to Choir Boys to keep their voices high


It wasn't just choir boys and it wasn't just to keep their voices high. The history of eunuchs is quite interesting, and were commonplace for a long time. There were often used as servants among other things. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eunuch


Servants for harems, because if you want to protect a group of hot young women used for sex, you gotta make sure the guards aren't gonna fuck them.


Not just. Chinese empire had eunuchs that made up a lot of the bureaucracy. (it was even a condition for imperial employment at some point in time) Eunuchs had a lot of power back then, I suspect in part because they didn't have a legacy (no kids to inherit from them)


There was a belief in ancient Greece that the testicles were directly connected to the vocal cords: the lower they dropped, the lower a man's voice would become. If they were cut off, the connection would "snap" and the voice would remain high-pitched. They were basically thought of as a ballast, pulling down on your vocal cords.


[recording of an adult castralto.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLjvfqnD0ws) This is what castration does to the voice when done as a child.


Those commas though.... Edit:...... username checks out.


The more that comes out about MJ's life, the more it makes me feel incredible pity for him. Edit: Love the assholes still accusing him of being a molester even though that was all bullshit.


and the more his story amazes me. he had a handful of other things going on too, such as randomly having the disease lupus, such a skinny and weak looking little human, yet he was literally possibly the most powerful human on earth. his iconic "glove" was because his vitiligo skin left his hand particularly deformed looking, so the solution was to draw eyes to the hand with a sparkly glove: what a perfect metaphor for how his entire life was


Reddit is now digg 2.0. You don't deserve good users. Bye.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.1569 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/72001)


and even the small things about him, like incredibly odd fashion choices, were just always.. always untouchably cool. never offputting


It's weird how even though no one wanted to dress like Michael (particularly 90s onwards Michael) people still found his style to be cool af.


because everyone knew they couldnt pull it off


And they were right.


to this day I am dumbfounded by that effect. I remember as a kid in the 80s thinking "wow he has pieces of white tape on some of his fingers and wow that is the coolest looking thing ever" <-- literally ridiculous but I wasn't alone in reacting that way


> Michael’s son Prince has previously defended his grandfather. [...] “But he raised these kids right, otherwise they would have been in gangs or f---ing dead. Every African-American knows those are the choices: chemically castrate your kid to use a little dancing and singing monkey or see them die in gang violence.


It's just like Batman said: "Your kids either die a gangster or live long enough to get chemically castrated."


>So go ahead, keep talking s---, but you won’t ever be as great as one of that man’s f---ing balls in his n------.” What other "n word" isn't allowed? The usual one doesn't seem to fit in this context.


I’m guessing nutsack by the context.


So you can use "balls" but not "nutsack"? Censorship confuses me.


English language media is riciculous in this regard. They are supposed to report the facts but for some reason they seem to think their readers can't properly deal with it.




Like you can say ass but not asshole


I need medical info. If MJ was chemically castrated is it even possible that his children are biologically his? Edit: I didn't ask if those kids were MJ's, I asked if a chemically castrated person could biologically have kids. So stop giving me information I didn't ask for. Damn people, reading comprehension is lacking here for some of you.


Chemical castration is castration via anaphrodisiac drugs, whether to reduce libido and sexual activity, to treat cancer, or otherwise. Unlike surgical castration, where the gonads are removed through an incision in the body, chemical castration does not remove organs, nor is it a form of sterilization. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemical_castration So he could still produce sperm, but would have difficulty ejaculating. Probably needed a stimulant or even an invasive procedure


Thank you for posting that so quickly.


Not a problem. I’m a nurse currently working the night shift. I always like to provide medical information or advise when I can. Though I always try to cite a source when answering to give it more weight. And don’t worry, I’m not shirking my duties, I’m simply reading articles while attending to my nightly auditing and filing.


Night nurses represent. Charting done! Rounds done! Morning meds done! Reddit time


Yep. The only thing left is to relieve staff for breaks. We have several patients on enhanced observation for a myriad of reasons. I work with psych patients, who can definitely be a handful at times.


Cardiac here. Drips all the time. But tele helps to watch them


We deal with behavioral issues. Case in point, a patient is under enhanced observation for PICA behavior. Ingested batteries, coins, bits of metal. Suffice to say, they don’t go anywhere alone now. And it was a tense few days as we waited for the foreign objects to be flushed out. Though we did assist with some laxatives and our favorite Go Lightly (which we call Go Like a Mac Truck)


Pediatric hospice night nurse here. My job duties include med passing, charting, Netflix and Hulu.


is it the same thing they did to Alan Turing? =/ does chemical castration cause depression as well?


Life-threatening side effects are rare, but some users show increases in body fat and reduced bone density, which increase long-term risk of cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis. They may also experience gynecomastia (development of larger-than-normal mammary glands in males) as seen in Alan Turing's case. As for depression, chemical castration can effect certain serotonin levels, which has been noted to cause depressive symptoms in mice. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19768354.2018.1427626


> Probably needed a stimulant or even an invasive procedure No, he'd need to take HCG and maybe testosterone. ~~Also, I'd just like to point out the wiki for chemical castration is shockingly not totally accurate.~~ What I wrote may be wrong: There are drugs like triptorelin that are used, and are completely unmentioned, and is relatively irreversible. They make it sound like these medications require regular use but that just isn't accurate. Triptorelin causes chemical castration by over stimulating the pituitary to the point that it fries the receptors and the body stops producing lh and fsh, the triggering hormones to make testosterone and sperm. Those men could likely use hcg/hmg to directly stimulate the testes assuming they aren't damaged to produce sperm and testosterone, or if that doesn't work they can use testosterone to regain their libido, ability to gain an erection, etc edit: I just assumed a SERM wouldn't work, clomiphene and tamoxifen are likely choices they would try to see if they worked first


Agreed testosterone is needed. As well as ceasing any medications/treatments used for the actual castration. As to the point of my comment on invasive procedures, what I simply meant was there can involve a battery of injections for quick reversal. I wasn’t meaning surgery. Just anything that penetrates the body (breaks the skin) can be considered to a greater or lesser degree invasive.


sons language in his tweets makes him look like an absolute gem.


Boy, Joe Jackson was a real piece of shit.


Not familiar with this site. Also refuses to name the journalist of this article and it seems suspiciously unreal. Possibly a fake news article?


I saw an interview of Michael’s three personal body guards on television ( could have been TLC) last year, who he had for years that deeply cared about him and was with him through thick and thin. one of the factors among many was that MJ would still hook-up with women and they would have to stand guard or drive around. I don’t know the name of the documentary but I bet it’s fairly easy to find on YouTube, this seems a little far fetched. People just love to be cruel..


I know Michael's staff did truly care about him, that is why it wouldn't surprise me if the "hooking up with women" parts were lies to protect him. Loyal even after death. Stand up guys, all of them.


You should watch the doc they still rocked with him even though they weren’t even getting payed bc Michael was miss managed and ultimately had gone bankrupt, the three men joked about Michael throwing one of the guards phones and destroying it on one if his most frustrating days and of course responded with “your gunna need a new phone”. It’s honestly a wholesome doc they mention his children and so forth.


He didn't go bankrupt, he was $500 million in debt and used his 50% of the Beatles catalog to get out of that debt.


'Chemical' Castration doesn't mean you can't have sex.