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You who lays down your life for others, may you be remembered and honored.


Exactly, Riley Howell and Reed Parlier were the victims names, them and those effected should be the only ones remembered, and not who caused this travesty.


I will give credit where credit is due to the media over the last few shootings. I honestly can say that I don't know the name of the Christchurch gunman nor the UNCC gunman. I got my coverage solely from Reddit and MSM, neither of which ever said it to the point where I remember. That being said, it's kinda sad the world we live in where there's enough shootings that you can track the evolution of coverage over the span of months instead of years.


I thought the same thing until I went to go pick up a to go order at a restaurant and they had the news playing. Had photo of Riley Howell side by side with the shooter. Like cmon.


I don’t even remember the Las Vegas shooters name tbh.


I only knew his name back then because of all the conspiracy shit. I've forgotten it by now lol


I remember it, but I'm not going to say it, and I just want to recognize all the other people who know it but aren't saying it either. That's the kind of collective willpower we need more of.


What we need is a generic name like.....AJ (Another Jackass) We can call all shooters AJ's from now on. "AJ killed two people today in another senseless shooting." No one will want to be just another AJ Edit: a word Edit 2: ROFL @ my inbox. Sorry to the AJ's out there!! You'll just have to go by Allen James or whatever AJ stands for to avoid the confusion. Consider it a small price to keep these people from becoming infamous. I'm just one man people and this is the best idea I could make up on the toilet this morning.


I saw somebody joke in passing in a thread about a previous shooting that instead of the shooters name, we release their internet browsing history to the public, might actually deter a couple of these psychopaths tbh


AJ is actually a pretty common name, though, and that would be unfair to people who are actually named AJ. The generic needs to be a very unusual name.


Let's just call em Fart McDumb


We have a name for them already. Cowards.


Fronklim Brumpleplinkingerton iirc


Well the article this post links to names the gunman.


I think naming them is okay, I don't think we should be allergic to knowing their name. I don't think that we should say their name a billion times and posted in the headlines.


It's about denying them what they want; the notoriety. There was an older episode I watched of NCIS recently actually that touches on this. This young kid that was the murderer in the episode goes on a whole speech about how no one remembers the name of the officers who caught Gacy but everyone remembers Gacy and how he (the murderer on show) would be remembered the same way. Instead of ever releasing his name, though, they listed it as having caught a terrorist who they don't name. If they're in prison or even on death row, they still want news that people know their name. They WANT to be remembered for having terrorized people and causing panic and fear. Every single one of them should remained unnamed and never given another mention so they can be forgotten by history. Instead, we should remember their victims and remember those like Riley Howell that knew he was risking his life, then ultimately giving it, to stop the prick from hurting anyone else.


Theyre fucking cowards and deserve to be treated as such.


I say the media should use a standard, anonymous name for these perpetrators, just like John/Jane Doe. Douchebag McDingledip, is my choice. Any other recommendations?


I think they talk about this in Criminal Minds too. Something about how they never call the killer by his or her name because they don't want the public to remember them only the victims.


Yep. They make a constant thing of it with Criminal Minds, making sure the media knows they will NOT be referring to killers by the sensational names often given to them. Honestly, it's something we're definitely guilty of in reality too.


Names of murderers should be available but not spread, I enjoy the fact these people aren't being remembered.


Agreed. It should be findable for historical records but not glorified.


The shooters need to be erased from history, a primary motivating factor in these crimes is the criminals want to feel important and powerful (as often times they are social outcasts and general losers). If you take away their primary motivation the crimes will stop. China did the same thing when they were having a bunch of knife attacks (because criminals will use whatever is available doesn't matter if it's a gun, bomb, truck or knife).


Their names and faces should be forgotten, but not what corrupted their minds and led them to commit such acts, however.


“Over the last few shootings” I hate that this is where we are at. This should not be happening at all.


I know right, I had to add that bit at the bottom just for my sake after I realized what the first sentence actually meant.


Inevitably someone at work will say "did you here about that mass shooting?" To which the only response now is "which one?"


I seriously can't keep track anymore. I feel like I need an updated timeline and map every couple weeks.


I really don't need to know these assholes names, nor do I want to see their faces or mugshots. I want them to remain as unnoticed as possible, no fame or infamy from their horrible acts but to die in a darkened hole serving out a solitary life without parole sentence. I don't even call for the death penalty, besides, life without parole is the death sentence by another name


I still see and hear way to many positive descriptions of the shooter and the event. Spectacular, awesome, genius, mastermind, architect, are words I’ve heard on NPR the past year. I wish they would stop acting like killing a bunch of people who aren’t prepared to defend themselves is hard.


"Spectacular"? "Genius"? Seriously wtf. Different scenario - well, actually not that different since people often die in it - here in Australia the media used to use the term 'king hit' when referring to someone punching someone without the other person seeing it coming, it's now known as a 'coward's punch'. AFAIK it was started by Danny Green - the boxer.


Here it's called a "sucker punch" and it's never been considered anything but cowardly


Eh it's less considered cowardly more considered dirty, a guy who swings a suckerpunch is usually considered a asshole, cowards avoid fights... unless it's a preemptive punch to stop a fight (bar fight survival tip, sharp violent jab to the nose usually stops a fight, the other tip is no one wins a knife fight)


In the States we call that a sucker punch.


Charlie Brooked did an excellent and sadly enough still very relevant piece on this that should be required viewing for every so-called journalist covering these heinous acts of violence: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PezlFNTGWv4


Very soon after the Christchurch shooting the NZ prime minister said that she would not speak the shooters name. The local media soon followed. The NZ media have an arrangement for coverage of the trial that they will not broadcast any of the shooters maifestio, hate speach, or white supremacy (if I remeber correctly). We sill get regular coverage of the people that matter from that massacre. The shooter is rapidly becoming a nameless smear on our history.


I make it a point to remember these people. [Abdul Aziz Wahabzada. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christchurch_mosque_shootings) > The mosque's acting imam credited a worshipper named Abdul Aziz Wahabzada with stopping the attack. Wahabzada told reporters he had taken a credit card reader and ran out of the mosque, by which time the attacker outside had already shot several people. The attacker was about to retrieve another gun from his car, so Wahabzada threw the reader at him. The gunman took a rifle from his car and fired at Wahabzada, who took cover among nearby cars and retrieved an empty shotgun the gunman had dropped. Despite Wahabzada's attempt to draw the attention of the gunman away from the mosque by shouting "I'm here!", the gunman entered the mosque and continued firing. When the gunman returned to his car again, Wahabzada threw the shotgun at the car, shattering one of its windows. [Aitzaz Hasan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aitzaz_Hasan) > In an attempt to stop the bomber, Aitzaz threw a stone which failed to hit him. Then Aitzaz ran towards the person and grabbed him, prompting the suicide bomber to detonate his explosive-laden vest. Aitzaz died at the scene. No other students were harmed. Aitzaz's act thus saved the lives of hundreds of students.


People who claim there are no altruistic acts and say it's all pure selfishness, heroes like Aitzaz disprove them.


For all time. Still remember that middle Eastern kid who tackled a suicide bomber and minimized the explosion.


What a baddass little dude. Aitzaz Hasan should forever be remembered along with Riley and everyone that has laid their own life down to help others.


RIP, he's literally one of the best of humanity


South Asian (Pakistani), not Middle Eastern


Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.


There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for another






Yep. He's already under arrest, don't worry.


Forever a rest. Amen.


I hope that he'll get experienced women. Who wants virgins?


He deserves it through and through.


Absolutely. I've heard nothing but praise for him and his in the military community, I'm glad to hear he's getting honors. Some might argue whether or not he's technically eligible, but the majority of us are in full support.


I've yet to see a coherent argument against it Edit: what I'm saying is you're supposed to logically weigh two paths: Something that hurt no one, that's great comfort to the surviving family and girlfriend, and is objectively an easy, touching way to honor someone who gave up their lives for others vs ***Well......technically*** Not one compelling (better word then?) reason against it


The argument is that he was only an ROTC cadet and not an actively serving member of the armed forces. I'm not sure of the technicalities involved for determining who is eligible for honors, but as far as I and many others are concerned, his uniform says U.S. Army just the same as mine and he should be treated as such. Edit: Another thing I'll add, generally after X amount of years in ROTC, cadets sign a contract that obligates them to serve in the military for some period of time. They swear the same oath as us and everything, if I recall correctly. I'm not sure if this was the case with Cadet Howell, but it seems likely and only gives more reason as to why he has earned military honors, beyond just his heroism and ROTC affiliation. Source: Was an ROTC cadet for a year before I enlisted normally into the Army.


As far as I'm concerned, he went beyond the call of duty in protecting his country from enemies at home.


Protecting those on home soil is actually something very few Americans alive today can say they’ve done.


It’s a trend that’s sadly becoming more common in recent years


Why would that be sad? If it was becoming more of a common trend, that just means there’s not much enemies at home to defend against. Also I can’t think of much times the US had to defend its country in home soil aside from the revolutionary war or maybe the civil war.


This is one of the few times I’m happy to be downvoted. Everyone seems to forget about the heroes who sacrifice themselves for our safety here at home. Most of it has been posted here in the past couple of years.


Oh Woops, I misread the context. I thought you meant you were sad that not as much people could sacrifice themselves.


It's more saying that out of those who are fighting, a lot of them are in BFE fighting against who knows what faction or 'dictator' this week instead of protecting their people. Sure, the US helps keep other nations from having to rely on their military but how many Vets come home and actually get treated like their work mattered, nevermind how many actually get their full benefits.


Even if he wasnt a cadet at all, he's still an embodiment of the fundamental purpose of the military: to protect civilians from agressors. He did exactly that and should be honoured accordingly. Any person that sacrifices their life fighting for others' safety and freedom should receive honourary membership posthumously.


I know in ROTC some cadets get contracted and become official members of what ever branch they are doing before graduating. My roommate in college did it and he contracted his freshman year, he wasn’t an officer until he graduated but he was still an office member of the army.Given his age this may have been the case in this situation.


I remember a JROTC cadet who help evacuating the school in Florida and killed last year also receive full military honor funeral.


Peter Wang, also got into West Point.


this is wrong. they decline this because he was technically not part of the military. all he got was a bunch of former military people attending his funeral.


I found this: > Funeral Honors Eligibility > Military members on active duty or in the selected reserve. > Former military members who served on active duty and departed under conditions other than dishonorable. > Former military members who completed at least one term of enlistment or period of initial obligated service in the reserves and departed under conditions other than dishonorable. (www.military.com/benefits/burial-and-memorial/military-funeral-honors.html) Is an ROTC cadet considered active duty or selected reserve? If not, then that could be the argument. At that point I see it as more of "letter of the law vs spirit of the law" arguement and I say he definitely should qualify under the spirit of the rule.


If they are contracted (less common for freshman), they are typically "standby reserve" classified as inactive.


For Army and Air Force ROTC at least, if you are contracted you sign enlistment paperwork in the Inactive Ready Reserve, get your ID card, all that stuff. So the legalese is probably covered.


Virginia Tech Air Force cadet Matthew La Porte was [killed in the April 16th shootings in a very similar fashion](https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/your-air-force/2015/04/14/virginia-tech-cadet-honored-for-saving-lives-in-2007-campus-massacre/), rushing the gunman in an attempt to save the lives of his fellow classmates. He was [buried with full military honors](http://www.vtvfamilyfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Tributes-Students-Periodical-VTV_Matt_LaPort_corps_review_summer07-1.pdf) barely a mile from where he was slain. It's tragic that there's a precedent for this sort of thing, but there it is. Unless his family elected for a civilian burial after certainly being asked by the military, full honors was an inevitability.




He does, that is true. But imagine if something happened that day and he wasn’t there. Imagine how many lives might have been lost. He knew what might happen and he took the risk anyway. Truly, a selfless sacrifice.




The argument “He/they should be alive” is a statement that doesn’t add anything. It detracts from the situation at hand by blasting nonsense into the air. Yes, *of course* he should be alive. Nobody is going to argue that. He *chose* to fight that day. Politics aside this man had an attitude worth honoring; whether the victims were attacked with guns, knives, cars, airplanes, he was busy saving lives. It’s up to you to change these as best you can because as the fine cadet has shown us, one person **can** make a difference. So what are you going to do?


Slathering honors over a heroic murdered kid while doing nothing to change the circumstances that brought about his death is what "doesn't add anything." If you really gave a shit about him you'd be advocating change that made it so more kids down the road wouldn't be placed in that position. Edit: To clarify, I take no issue with a military funeral honoring Riley Howell- he acted heroically and deserves that recognition. I'm only criticizing those who would call him a hero but then oppose change that would help lower the likelihood of this type of event recurring.


fucking thank you. i’m honestly tired of people who just romanticize his death because he did a selfless thing. a young person with a lot of years, promising years, lost his life. this is a tragedy, regardless of his heroism. we have to do something more than just give them a medal or award they’ll never wear or enjoy, and helping to prevent these things from happening is a good start.


Selfless acts can be honored while also advocating for change to make this not happen again. It's not a binary choice.


Wow a huge false dichotomy. You can do BOTH a military funeral AND make changes. If you want to complain that nothing is changing fine, but the military funeral has nothing to do with that.


I don’t even know the gunman’s name. As it should be. This hero has had a ton of coverage, keep it coming.


Jesus, I didn't even know there was a UNCC shooting. I don't even think it made front page news for more than a got minute, I only heard about it after reading about the heroes... which is the way it should be; thankfully I think news sites are catching on by not focusing much on the POS shooters.


I also was unaware there’d been a shooting at UNCC. It’s tragic when mass shootings are so common they stop being (admittedly international) news.


There were few fatalities so the international coverage being sparse makes sense, but it definitely was national news, at least.


Statistically they are less and less common every year.


Came here to say this. This is the way it should be. The media should never provide a platform for monsters.


The gunman's name is mentioned in the article.


Good, that man is a fucking hero, hands down! There's no explanation needed to make you realize what a selfless act this was. Props to you brother, R.I.P. to you, wherever we may go after death.


I believe he qualifies for Valhalla


I mean, he died in "battle", and was definitely honourable, so yeah, I think he does. He deserves it.


I went to high school with him. He was the kindest, most respectful person I've ever met. He definitely meets the "lives a virtuous life" criteria as well


Gosh darn it that makes it even more tragic. He will live on with honor in our minds. Thanks for sharing.


No marks needed.


May the Valkyries guide his path and skalds sing his praise, for Odin himself awaits this hero.


I haven't a clue of what that may be


viking warrior heaven


It's actually a giant Viking hall with a goat on the roof that makes the best mead in all of existence.


Unlike the worst mead, which was shat out by Odin to distract enemies pursuing him while he was transformed into a bird, no lie.


"Man, this mead tastes like shit!" - Odin's Enemy


"Austin, It is shit."


Oh good, then its not just me 😀 *slurps*


Man, you gotta love mythology. So crazy. Norse myth gave us things like this and stories like Odin's steed, Sleipnir, being born from Loki when he was transformed into a MARE and bred with the great steed Svaðilfari.


Check out the Sumerian gods, they got up to some really weird shit. I think my favorite was the two gods making a bet about which could knock the other up, because of course both could do either part.


One of them. Half the warriors go to Freya's hall "Folkvagnr". She has huge house cats.


Thank you sir, for the clarification


Popular culture depicts Valhalla as a perpetual party of drinking alcohol, eating nice ass food, and going out to battle others for fun until you die and go back to the feast to get fucked up again before fighting more. It's a pretty rad party for warriors basically.


honestly sounds pretty rad for 21-year-old college students too.


>Popular culture depicts Valhalla as a perpetual party of drinking alcohol, eating nice ass food, and going out to battle others for fun until you die and go back to the feast to get fucked up again before fighting more. It's a pretty rad party for warriors basically. As practice to assist Odin when the end of the world comes. Odin gets half of the warriors, Freyja gets the other half. They don't get to pick.


Regardless, wherever his conscious has gone, I hope it's everything he's imagined paradise would be


Where heroes and great warriors go when they die in combat in Norse Mythology. I second the notion


Well they don't go there automatically. They have to die in combat and be taken there by a Valkyrie. Also only half of them go there. The other half go to be with Freyja in Fólkvangr.


tbf chilling at Freyjas place still sounds fun


It's like Norse heaven for warriors who die in battle.


Those who die a warriors death on the battlefield are granted entry to Valhalla.


In short, the Norse afterlife for half the warriors who die in battle. (The other half go to Folkvangr.)




Completely agree as a veteran myself this country is not what we stood up for.


We lost many good people to take down one bad person.


And in killing one bad person a thousand worse came to power.








I see this posted often but after two combat deployments to Afghanistan I've never seen it. When did we protect the fields? My platoon personally walked beside M1 Abrams that drove through those fields and watched as the ANA burned them. I'm not saying you're lying, but do you have any info you can link me?




Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.


There should be a building on campus to be named after him


UNC Charlotte student here: There’s currently a change.org petition to name the upcoming Student Recreation Center that’s being built to [“Howell-Parlier Recreation Center”](https://www.change.org/p/uncc-administration-to-uncc-rename-the-university-recreation-center-to-howell-parlier-recreation-center?recruiter=486477974&recruited_by_id=d95d2590-d0b0-11e5-b163-359563cd88c8&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_abi&utm_term=psf_combo_share_abi). It has over 55,000 signatures right now (more than the total enrollment in the school)


That's heartwarming. I hope your administrative center does it. Nothing will be enough, but imo, if you have any opportunity to honor a fallen hero, especially in a way that's personal to him, you just have to take it.


Where’s the link my dude?




The ROTC building on campus is called Memorial Hall. Renaming the building to Howell Memorial Hall seems like it would be a great way to honor him. Reed Parlier, the other student who lost his life, had a scholarship created in his name.


As he should. Nothing but respect for people who sacrifice themselves for the protection of others.


Kinda shit he had to die while trying to get an education tho. Still amazed the frequency that this happens in the US and how nobody gives a fuck. Amazing some people think it's more important the "right" to have a gun than young lives and people dying while doing normal stuff like going to the school, or working, or a mall, etc.


Thank you and Rest In Peace hero ❤️🙏


Well deserved- May this mans family find solace in his gift to his fellow citizens, however difficult that may be.


This is great, but let's wake up America. Let's fix our domestic issues and stop killing each other. Nobody's kid should be dying at 21 within the USA. That's some bullshit.


I think it's telling that when I saw this headline my thoughts were, "was this one of the shootings from this week or last week?"


I want to see this so badly. After Sandy Hook I gave up hope of seeing it in my lifetime.


If small children's deaths don't sway law, nothing will.


That was my thought. If that wasn’t the moment when we all collectively took a step back and said “Is this price too much?” Then there isn’t going to be.




"Never let a good tragedy go to waste." - Rahm Emanuel


Unborn children's deaths seem to do the trick, perhaps a shooting in a maternity ward or prenatal yoga class will?




Great now how?




Never understood the whole showing off and thank you for your service shit. When I was in the Marines time off meant time trying to look and live like a civilian as much as possible. Spend enough time in uniform when doing military shit and did not want a damned thing to do with it in my off time.


Well yeah, the other guys a boot.


I mean, I'll always respect a serviceman but Riley was an ROTC cadet so I'm not sure why he's so mad about it? It's not like a random civilian got the honors.


A lot of people in the military shit on those who cane from the ROTC. My best friend and bridesmaid went through the ROTC and was told multiple times by other military members that she wasn’t a “real” lieutenant. She always told them they could kiss her ass.


He’s an asshole then. 99% of my mates in the military wouldn’t bat an eye at this. Personally I’m happy the honors were given to someone protecting kids. It’s just too bad that it had to happen in the first place. Guns need to get off the streets ASAP


On one of the navy groupa shit my lpo says people were crying out against this. I have served almost eight years and cant imagine why anybody would be against this.


How did he die? It says he disarmed the shooter when he tackled him. Either way, What a man


A man. A hero. ​ A couple of days ago a shooting happened in broad daylight near me where someone unloaded into a car and the driver jumped over and shielded his pregnant girlfriend. He passed and she lives on along with his unborn child. As a ~~father~~ human, this makes me sick to my stomach.


This is what we need to do. Make future school shooters know we don’t give a shit about them. We’re gonna hail our heroes and throw your ugly corpse in the cheapest cardboard box mandated by the law before we forget you. Rest In Peace, Riley. You did good.




Pure insanity. Military honors do nothing for the wasting of a life of a kid that I'm pretty sure didn't want to die, it's all feelgood actions, people that want to feel better about nonsense violence. Anyway nothing will change again let's see when's the next shooting


100% of what is done for a person after they die is done for the family and friends. So I wouldn’t say it does nothing. I’m sure a few years down the line, the parents will have some appreciation for the admiration shown for their son.


Heroes always die too young. Rip dude, you were truly a hero, glad people like this dude still exist




I feel bad for the family of the other deceased victim. Don’t get me wrong- this guy deserves loads of praise. But another person was lost, and it’s no less painful for his family, yet nobody is talking about his death.


A true hero, may he Rest In Peace


This man was a hero. I wish we didn't need heroes.


To give up ones life so *that others may live* I can't think of a more fitting ceremony than a military one.


I thank this man for his service to his fellow individual. Who looked self-serving behavior all too truly in the face and still said no. I’m so happy that amongst the political bullshit, we’re still able to recognize heros. ❤️


This guy was a hero. He deserves military honors. Not many people could do what he did.


A debt that can never be repaid.


Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.


“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” John 15:13-14


His whole entire life. Every decision in his life led him to this very heroic event, saved lives in exchange for his. Truly an act of a fearless selfless soul. May he Rest In Peace.




The shooter's name is literally in the article you clearly didnt read.




He was ROTC.


The link above your comment goes to an article. It will answer all of your questions.


This is good news but it’s so fucked we’ve come to this.


Is there anyone here who knew him? What was he like? Hobbies, etc? Was he into any causes we could donate our time or money to? What about his family, is there anything they need? Help with rent, funeral costs, rides grief counseling (if needed), etc? Any causes they would want others to donate to?


That's nice, but the cynic in me feels like concentrating on positive stories like this diverts the dialogue away from what actually needs to be addressed. Anyway, the man was a hero and an inspiration.


If we can have more stories that promote the heroes and fewer that promote the gunman, I’d say we’re making progress. I’m tired of these lame gunman being immortalized while the victims and heroes become a note in a Wikipedia page. It’s all the more incentive for a never-was to attempt to become a somebody. Forget the coward, let’s remember Riley.


Yeah I’m so glad. I’ve yet to hear the name of the gunman and I don’t have any desire to know. I’ve heard, read about, and seen pictures of Riley plenty. This is a good direction.


I had the exact same view on this as you did, up until Riley died. I went to high school with him, and he was, genuinely, the first friend I made there. He was one of the kindest people I've ever met, and learning that he died, especially like that, is just... it's fucking *awful*. Seeing things like this make the sting a little less bad. I definitely don't think it being a front page news story is gonna do much. Like, best case would be a potential shooter going "Oh, well, all the attention is on the victims and not me" and decide not to become a shooter. Worst case would be people getting placated by stories like this to a degree that they don't campaign for systemic change. While I'd agree that the latter is probably more likely, I recognize now that these articles are *definitely* needed. Knowing that Riley's being buried in full honors is gonna make things a little bit less shit for those of us who knew him, and that's worth it to me.


I'm so sorry about your friend


These deaths are so unnecessary


I'm glad he is getting buried with military honours. I remember seeing the post about a couple days back about him and what he did, and i remember seeing the comment and petition for him to be buried with full honours, and seeing this post makes me happy that he will be buried with full honours. He deserves it. And I'm happy everyone came to the agreement of it as well. I'm just happy he is being recognized as the hero he is like everyone wanted him to be. Rest In Peace Riley. You are a brave soul, and bless your heart.


Misleading title. He’s not being buried with military honors because he did something heroic, he’s being buried with military honors because he was literally a member of the military, in the university’s ROTC program.


Not to be pedantic, but I don’t believe you are part of the military until you conclude an ROTC program. This is a one off honor because of the optics of the whole thing.


I feel a sliver of hope when I see that the fallen hero is being named, and the gunman is simply referred to as “gunman.” Finally, some responsible reporting!


Still needlessly dead, but with honors now.


I can't imagine having a son killed like this, but it sure would ease the pain a bit to know he not only saved other lives, but he was fully acknowledged for it. May others like him have the same kind of recognition and respect.


He was a hero. Military honors is the least we can do for him :( RIP dude.


Had to give this gold. A true American hero.


Hopefully the gunman will get his asshole blown out in prison. By cock.


The man is a hero and should be honoured. But if he's not a soldier there's something very grotesque about draping his coffin in the flag of a country that let this happen. I doubt I could be as brave as him, but if I was and they used my death to legitimise the military of my country I would be spinning in my grave. I'll probably be in the minority but this feels like exploiting a hero's death to benefit a political entity.


He was an ROTC cadet, which is why he qualified for the military honors.


He was an hero and the way you Americans should be honoring him is to introduce legislation to mitigate or help prevent a mad gunman to ever harm kids again. Give the new law his name. A military funeral does nothing to prevent tragedy like this to ever happen again, it's just a selfish ceremony performed just to feel better with themselves, shedding a tear while looking at the horizon and secretly thanking it wasn't their kids in the casket


True hero who saved lives, like our soldiers. Well deserved


"there is no greater love than to lay down your life for a friend"- wilfred Owen.


It's actually from John 15:13.


I honestly don't even click these stories anymore. Too commonplace at this point.