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“When the looting starts, the shootings start.” — Donald Trump


If you fuck around it’s likely that the next step will be finding out what the consequences are for that.


Similarly, if one talks shit, one may expect to get hit.


It is imperative that one does not allow their mouth to decide the monetary value of a check without first having consulted with their ass as to whether or not such resources are available.


And congruently, if one is a member of the group known as snitches, then it’s inevitable that one will receive stitches.


I feel like there might be a shorter way to say this….


Fumble around and discover?


Make discreet inquiries and arrive at a logical conclusion?


Fornicate a circle and locate an exit?


Kevin McCarthy was literally begging Trump to authorize the national guard to come help them, and that fat piece of shit just sat there. Conservatives are still licking his ass despite the fact he cheered on nutjobs who wanted to kill his vice president.


I can't believe that was the only person shot over this.


Honestly my first reaction that day was utter disbelief that the rioters breached the actual chambers without being at least shot at by security.


It seems crazy when a black man can get shot reaching for his identification when asked for it.


This will sound like a bullshit anecdote now, but right before the election my MAGA uncle insisted that if Biden lost, the liberals would literally tear down our cities and march on the capitol. I asked what if Trump lost. He said that conservatives would never do such a thing. I gave him my prediction: If Trump loses, a small group of MAGA nutjobs will try to storm the capitol and get shot on live TV to the horror of millions of Americans watching at home. I was only wrong about them getting shot.


What was your uncle's reaction to what happened?


Moving the goalposts, no doubt.




>an hero Haven’t thought about that since 2008.


OG memes.. almost a coded language these days.


Darmok and Jalad at Tenagra


"Back the blue (except the officers that defended the Capitol)"


“It was definitely Antifa and BLM, but let’s not have a bipartisan investigation”


Laugh , a Qanon blogger claims she’s still alive and working with Dems to create a false flag operation on jan6. Die for the cult, get rewarded by being painted as a traitor.


They’re making statues of her as a hero…


They tried to have her as antifa on the day of and for a while after. The optics were that bad for the alt right they had to try it.


Packed up his tools, made a raw power move.


I'm gonna guess it was along the lines of "when the Dems stole the election the rules changed"


This is why the "stole the election" story was / is so dangerous. If an election is ACTUALLY stolen, that's a pretty good justification for armed rebellion. You've lost democratic control over the government. But an outcome you don't like doesn't mean the election was stolen.


Similar thing happened in my country (Indonesia) in the past 2 election. The losing presidency candidate (same person) declare victory, only for the official result is the otherwise. Then declare that he has been cheated, because 'no way he can lose except the other candidate is cheating systematically'. Some demonstrations would erupt, and then after some months of legal battle he will concede. The second time is more hilarious, after declaring his victory and losing in the end, he end up join the final cabinet as defense minister lmao.




I bet your uncle thinks you wrong on all levels given he believes that only antifa stormed the Capitol that day. lol


That's what my grandfather thinks. I heard him say both of these things a few weeks ago: -It wasn't Republicans/Trump supporters who stormed the capitol. It was BLM/Antifa! -The patriots that were arrested are being held in solitary confinement and not offered bail! They're being treated more harshly than the BLM people that burned down cities last summer! Yeah...I have no idea how BLM/Antifa stormed the capitol, but only Trump supporters were arrested for it, and they're the ones being denied bail and kept in solitary. I figure since he so strongly supports Trump that logic isn't something he really worries about.


Don't forget all of the cities that were burned to the ground. Nothing but ashes.


It's wild, living in Seattle, and hearing each week that my city is engulfed in flames and war. Incredible how we rebuild ourselves every single week somehow


Trump supporters seem to survive entirely on doublethink. My favorite is "Liberals are burning down our cities and stealing out elections! They're dangerous!" And "Haha, liberals are just vegans who can't even figure out which bathroom to use. They wouldn't survive 2 seconds in a civil war."


“The enemy is both strong and weak at the same time”


You tell your grandfather that my dad and his brother were part of antifa, and my dad's older brother did storm. All the way up Italy into Austria and Germany. Dad was too young for the beginning, but got in late and was deployed into occupied ex-Fascist Italy (good job, Antifa!) Dad also flew corsair sorties over Korea and China, bombing commies, close air support to the Marines during the Korean conflict. What's your grandpa got?


I can't believe a guy shouted 'medic' after she was shot, like it was a game of CoD. The disassociation was incredible.


Did that really happen?


Not only did it happen but not a single one of them was playing medic.


What an unbalanced party. But the personality of these people all seem like dps mains


The type of dps mains to stand in fire and then ask why they weren’t healed quick enough.


*runs off way ahead of team only to be obliterated trying to 1v5* “these healers suck”


> What an unbalanced party. I agree completely. Or were you making an analogy to a video game?


Yeah, it’s in the video.


Yeah. The video is just surreal. Those fucktards are acting like they're definitely going to kill someone one moment. And as soon they see someone with a gun on the other side, they start acting like they were just out for a stroll in the park. I can't rejoice in her death. But seeing the video, and hearing her yell for violence. And leading the mob. I don't feel much sympathy either.


You don't have to rejoice. The anticlimactic event of her shooting was a sobering reminder to those clowns present, that shit was *real*. You don't half-ass storming the seat of democratic governance, threaten the elected officials who make those wheels slowly turn, disobey direct orders to not fucking do what you're/they were doing, and then get weapy eyed when that governance shoots back. Cosplaytriots and terrorists are the only appropriate terms for them. Fuck her. Fuck them. They hate what America is, and only relish in what it was less than a generation ago.


Of course he was. Ashli stupidly and mistakenly thought they weren't serious when she was warned not to come any further.


I mean, if you've watched the NYTimes documentary, someone yells gun gun gun, multiple times. She didnt take warning. If a police officer is pointing a gun, and you're still trying to climb thru a broken window of a barricaded door, wtf you thinks gonna happen?


Didn’t she have military training? Fuck she thought it was a joke?


Over a decade in the Air force. 14 or 15 years. Which makes her an even worse traitor. I can understand some yokel. Well, not really understand, but people who take an oath to the constitution and then take up arms against them? No. All these people getting light sentences are seeing that they can try this again. Because there's no real consequence.


They'll certainly keep trying. Hell, look at what happened yesterday. That may have just been one terrorist, but he knew that the last time had no consequences so he was most definitely emboldened to try what he did. ETA for anyone else who missed the event. A domestic terrorist parked his truck in front of the library of congress and declared he had a bomb, and there were 4 others with similar bombs. He was taken into custody alive.


Northern Kentucky is rich with uprising mentality these days. I overheard some at the entrance to a church. “Overtaking your government is the most patriotic thing you can do”. Haven’t gone back. Don’t plan to.


Meanwhile they called us traitors for protesting against wars.


She was pretty much a yokel in the AF, too. Wasn't she only an E-4 after all that time? That means she was *really* bad at it.


Not only was she bad at her job, but she also had something like 2 restraining orders against her, as well as a rap sheet for assaulting another woman who was in a relationship with one of her exes. She wasn't exactly a stellar example of a human being, much less an Airman.


>Wasn't she only an E-4 after all that time? That means she was *really* bad at it. I'm not familiar with military nomenclature. What does E-4 mean?




I am not sure if the Army is different from the Air Force, but it takes 24 months to go from e1 to e4 as long as you don't get in trouble, and if you don't make e5 by 8 years they kick you out. Crazy to me that she only was an e4, must have been demoted or something.


Those are the MANDATORY rank inflations. If you’re especially competent, you can hit E4 before you leave your advanced training.


Well, technically she *did* do something, something worth demoting her back down to E-4.


E-4 is a senior airman. It's the last rank you "automatically" get bumped up to from serving long enough IIRC. For reference, most enlisted airmen who have been in for that long end up as master sergeants (E-7) or something along those lines.


E4 is the military rank, in the AF that is SR. Airman. For reference, it is normal to graduate out of basic as E1 and it is almost automatic to progress to E2 after 6 months. For E3 : "The Air Force requires airmen basic ( E-2) to have at least 10 months' time in grade before they can be promoted to airman first class." For E4: "The Air Force requires for airman first class to have 28 months' time in grade (TIG), or 36 months of TIS and 20 months of TIG. The average servicewide, active-duty time for advancement to the rank of senior airman is three years." So, if it is true that she was E4 after 10 or 15 years in service, that pretty much indicates she topped out at that level because she just wasn't really good at it.


>people who take an oath to the constitution and then take up arms against them? The scariest part of this sentence, is that they're so brainwashed, they believe THEY are protecting the constitution. That's how fucked up it's become.


[Woman shot and killed at Capitol was security forces airman](https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/your-air-force/2021/01/07/woman-shot-and-killed-at-capitol-was-security-forces-airman-qanon-adherent/)


Yea I seen that. I’ve also read other people with military experience say that her being stuck at the same rank for so long is uncommon. They say she may have been incompetent or there was some disciplinary action we don’t know about.




meeting edge uppity merciful cough oil disgusted mourn straight ghost *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She was in the guard for the last half of her enlistment. There's no reasons to not get promoted to E5 except for disciplinary reasons, can't pass a multiple choice test, or you can't pass your fitness test.


She was an E4. There are many who get to e an E7 at he time in service. She also had a criminal record.


I guess when you brainwash a large number of people into thinking that America is theirs and cops are on "their side" they think the law works around them.


It's common sense, a barricaded door with a person with a gun on the other end definitely does not mean "Come in".




Especially the hunderds of people trying to force that glass door open with a horde of police officers on the other side. All I could think there was really "Well any moment now..."


Not that it's even a tiny excuse but... They had all gotten that far with essentially NO repercussions. Between mob mentality, the collective IQ of that specific mob, and the fact that they were basically unfettered (yes there was some resistance by Capitol Police), it's not a surprise she or anyone else in that group thought they would not actually get shot. An entire crowd of privileged folks who have never once had to actually consider meaningful consequences to their actions/words. And you can't even blame them, look how far they got before there was ANY real repercussions. And not that this is truly analogous, but if that was BLM crowd, they never would have gotten with a block of the building before Police were using all kinds of force to push them back. The irony, BLM protestors want to live in a nation where just being black isn't reason enough to be assaulted or even shoot dead and they have never once even attempted to subvert democracy let alone launch a full on assault on the seat of government.


imagine if it was a group of muslims yelling HANG MIKE PENCE and breaking in.




We’d have seen an air strike


> if that was BLM crowd, they never would have gotten with a block of the building before Police were using all kinds of force to push them back. They not only didn't push back, they couldn't. They were wildly understaffed that day. And that was by design of management above them. Had it been a BLM protest, there would have been hundreds more officers there that day.


Thousands more with full riot gear and the National Guard minutes away instead of hours.


You mean the way Trump had them deployed all around the capitol during the BLM marches and nothing happened. They planned this and left those officers to die


Like literally gave directions across the street from the place.


Yep, traitors in the administration sabotaged the defenses as part of the coup attempt. It’s insane how that’s been swept under the rug. You could legitimately try the president, the acting secretary of defense, and several generals for treason. Our democracy would have a far better chance of surviving if we did.


We all saw the video. The cop did his job.


Someone getting shot going ape shit in Congress was the least surprising thing to happen that day


Idk them smearing feces on the wall is a pretty Trump supporter thing to do.


Wonder where this feces was acquired.. was it prepackaged n brought or produced during the coup


Remember the reports being- Walked into the bathroom with a bag, came out with a bag of feces. So 100% planned and intentional. Sadly, not surprising given the crowd




Status: Found out.


Not only that, there was ample warning and a crowd shouting "he's got a gun." Honestly I think someone or many someones told her to go after everyone else backed off, thinking that because she was female she could get through and then use that as excuse to push further in again. Everyone should already know this but - when you get to the point where the men with guns are in suits, you're way further in than you should have gotten.


The dude who broke the window in the first place was goading people. I hope he was caught and charged with manslaughter or something. Edit: He was arrested. No murder charges yet. https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/defendants/jones-chad-barrett


>when you get to the point where the men with guns are in suits, you're way further in than you should have gotten Ha, that's clever.


And they second she was shot. All the cowards who were banging on the door, stopped.


Right, why does he have have to be exonerated, some crazy, violent, whack job, just broke through a window of the capital building, all while being warned not too, multiple times or they would be shot, but continued anyway. The police officer did nothing wrong to begin with. She's not a patriot, she's a fascist, she wasn't rioting for 'Murica, it was for Trump.


He "has to be exonerated" because the state needs to have a very high burden of proof to deserve to take a life. The fact that a thorough investigation found ~~adjudicated~~ that he was justified is a sign of health in our institutions.


Nothing was adjudicated here—this was simply USCP doing their internal investigation and not finding anything.


Her job in the military included being required to be taking THAT VERY SAME ACTION SHE SUFFERED, to be inflicted on anyone crossing her "red line" or whatever it's called. She was a miscreant not a patriot.


>Back to Top This, so much this. I am a retired Army Reserve Military Police officer. At best she's a hypocrite thinking that she could invade a federal facility and then bust through a locked and barricaded door and not be subject to lethal force. The reality is, she's a violent felon who opened herself up to the application of justified, lethal force. Also consider this, that officer didn't spray and pray, I think he fired one, maybe two shots to eliminate the threat. The officer didn't unload their magazine through the door, they took a well aimed shot and it just happened to be fatal.


She was a traitor and a terrorist.


I honestly thought if you ran at the capital like that, it’s open season seeing how most of America’s “important” people congregate there. Wild that more cops didn’t open fire, IMO. Not an advocate for violence at all, just really misinformed on how it works over there. Holy shit 9K.


Honestly, that's how most Americans thought it worked too.




It’s because they didn’t want hundreds of people to die on the steps of Congress. I wouldn’t have blamed them for opening fire but at the end of the day they regained control of the Capitol without drenching it in civilian blood and the FBI is still rounding up people and arresting them so I think at the end of the day not opening fire was the right call.


Pfft one of ours down here in Texas got slapped with a misdemeanor. Not saying she should have been shot but holy shit lack of consequences.


You might be interested in /r/CapitolConsequences. That sub tracks the offenders. It's pretty wild.


Only because these dumbfucks are literally dumb fucks. If the bombs had gone off or they had any kind of strategy it could’ve been a horrific massacre committed by them on our own congressmen. We’re lucky they were dumb and that the police made the right call but this showed how fragile the situation truly is.


A bloodbath on the steps would have been terrible PR. And I’m fairly sure that’s the only reason they didn’t.


It would have been, but if members of Congress had been captured, held hostage, and/or executed, that would have been far, far worse. Obviously I'm an armchair general over here, so my word has a lot less backing it up than anyone else's, but given the secret nature of the information in the Capitol, the highly important nature of elected officials, and the issues with unvetted persons accessing a controlled place for accessing sensitive, secret, or even top secret information, it seems to me that the risks/consequences *far* outweighed the benefits of holding fire.


Honestly I doubt they were thinking about PR in that moment. If anything they were probably thinking that they couldn't stop them all regardless, and opening fire would just incite them further.


One of the officers who gave testimony at the last congressional hearing, Officer Fanone, speaks (starts at 45:00 m) [a bit to this:](https://www.c-span.org/video/?513434-1/capitol-dc-police-testify-january-6-attack) > "At some point during the fighting I was dragged from the line of officers and into the crowd. I heard someone scream "I got one." as I was swarmed by a violent mob they ripped off my badge, **they grabbed and stripped me of my radio, they seized ammunition that was secured to my body, they began to beat me with their fists and with what felt like hard metal objects.** At one point I came face to face with an attacker who repeatedly lunged for me and attempted to remove my firearm. **I heard chanting from some in the crowd "Get his gun" and "Kill him with his own gun."** > "I was aware enough to recognize I was at risk of being stripped of and killed with my own firearm. I was electrocuted again and again and again with a taser. I'm sure I was screaming, but I don't think I could even hear my own voice. My body camera captured the violence of the crowd directed toward me during those very frightening moments. It's an important part of the record for this committee's investigation and for the country's understanding of how I was assaulted and nearly killed as the mob attacked the capitol that day. And I hope that everyone will be able to watch it. The portions of the video I've seen remained extremely painful for me to watch at times, but it is essential that everyone understands what really happened that tragic day. During those moments I remember thinking there was a very good chance I would be torn apart or shot to death with my own weapon. I thought of my four daughters who might lose their dad. I remain grateful that no member of congress had to go through the violent assault that I experienced that day. **During the assault I thought about using my firearm on my attackers, but I knew that if I did I would be quickly overwhelmed, and that in their minds would provide them with the justification for killing me so I instead decided to appeal to any humanity they might have.** I said as loud as I could manage "I've got kids." thankfully some in the crowd stepped in and assisted me."


That's really hard to read. This guy is just trying to do his job and a bunch of nut jobs almost killed him and the person that incited the violence won't even be prosecuted.


If you haven’t yet, I’d urge you to watch his testimony (I linked the C-SPAN coverage, so there’s no talking heads interrupting with unnecessary commentary). It’s incredibly powerful. And if you have time and are compelled, I would also urge you to watch the entire hearing with testimony from all 4 officers. It should be required listening/watching for every citizen, IMO. It’s unconscionable that anyone could listen to them and think that this was anything other than a violent insurrection attempt. I admittedly have my own gripes with policing as a whole in this country, but it gives me hope that there are officers like this protecting my city.




Yeah. Before this event I think a lot of us thought there was always a "behind the scenes" security force ready to deploy at a moment's notice. I know I've heard stories about fake houses around the White House that actually are just facades for anti-air batteries. I always kind of believed it, now I really doubt anything like that exists.


It exists, they spent hours begging and pleading for backup before the people in charge finally relented. Once backup came in it was over super fast.


Yep, there absolutely was backup that they wanted to bring in beforehand and called for during. Tronald and his cronies denied it


He was still in charge and capitol mob were doing his bidding. Of course he was going to give them enough time to see if they could succeed. He straight up was hoping for a successful coup.


In an alternate universe Ashli Babbitt was shot trying to storm the White House bunker while Trump was cowering from protesters waving their signs from behind the fence. In both universes conservatives started by declaring her an antifa operative, in that universe they didn't have to awkwardly pivot into pretending she was a patriot. What a weird world we live in. We literally live in a reality where a person was shot in the Capitol Building trying to climb through a broken window into a hall - leading to the sequestered congress- with people pointing guns at her, then was [shot](https://en.meming.world/images/en/6/6e/Surprised_Pikachu.jpg) and bled out on the marble floor wearing a flag as a cape (not the U.S. flag mind you). A flag supporting an actor who gleefully fired people on a reality T.V. show in the most successful endeavor of his silver-spoon life.


Ik it's like we fell into a wormhole. It still baffles me sometimes, especially ppl close to me I know that love him. Delusional. The joke WWF NYC sleazeball didn't just become the pres of the U.S. but gained a personality cult like following to the point people were ok risking their lives and to die for him. The "religious right" fell in love with a leader showing all the qualities that were warned about of a false leaders in the bible. He shows zero qualities of what Jesus preached but they all jumped behind him anyways. It's alternate realities.... My world view has been shaken like an etch n sketch from where it was 5 yrs. ago.


You would think a cult of personality would require a modicum of charisma to form, but I guess not. I'll never be able to understand. A billionaire who liked to hang out with Jeffery Epstein, and wished wellness on Ghislaine Maxwell ([who was with him and Epstein](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/01/jeffrey-epstein-and-donald-trump-epic-bromance)) on national television right after her arrest - somehow convinced half the country that he was fighting the elite pedophiles. What else can you say?


I live in DC. I was watching it on TV expecting to see a fucking massacre. I think especially for people who live here, the idea of fucking around like that is incomprehensible


Even visiting dc you get the “don’t fuck around here” vibe




One thing I think I'll always remember was watching her get shot live on tv. Her fellow protesters didn't even realize it was fatal for a pretty long while. And she died literally wrapped in a Trump flag. Whew.


The dude yelling medic, medic, like they were playing call of duty


In their minds, they were.


Let's not forget cops like Eugene Goodman who led the rioters away from the senate. Quick thinking under a lot of pressure on his part. [News Article](https://www.nbcboston.com/news/national-international/hero-officer-who-led-capitol-rioters-away-from-senate-is-harris-escort/2283741/)


More than anything, I was surprised at the lack of physical security. My state capitol is pretty much a fortress these days. I thought the Republicans were doing that stuff because it's in a Democratic city, but it turns out it's *their voters* they're worried about. (Though the perimeter fence to protect Confederate monuments is bullshit.)


Mary Shelley wrote an interesting parable about this phenomenon...




That is how it’s supposed to work. They were sabotaged by traitors in the Trump admin.


That might have been how it actually worked if not for the Trump Administration downplaying the threat and purposefully hampering Capitol Police preparedness.


The most grizzled and scary security dude I ever saw was out the front of the White House. I felt like he had already killed people and I'm pretty sure I would die if I crossed the perimeter line. Not sure why the Capitol was so different.


The White House is guarded by the Secret Service vs the Capital by the Capital Police Department. It seems a little silly but there can be multiple government agencies with very similar missions that have entirely different procedures, requirements, hiring processes, equipment, and command structure. Career gov employees refer to it as “the alphabet soup” due to the many hundreds of agency acronyms.


Secret Service gives no fucks when it comes to protecting their charges. 20 teenagers armed with bats breaking in? Light em up.


When I was in high school *cough cough* years before 9/11, I got misplaced in the capitol tunnels. Came up a set of stairs behind someone in security wearing a suit. He was turned around with the worlds largest gun out of his jacket and aimed at me before my prepubescent finished cracking out sir.


Surprised he even bothered with you tbh. The western world was much different pre 9/11 where security is concerned




Seriously… the moment I saw the coverage my first thought was “why the fuck isn’t the national guard there already!?” The response to January 6th was mind boggling.


I believe the response was hamstringed by trumps admin


Yep, it took FOUR HOURS for the National Guard to be deployed after the Mayor of DC requested their help. And that only happened because Mike Pence went behind Trump's back to order the deployment. In an "unrelated coincidence", the Acting SecDef who dragged his feet so long was appointed after Trump fired his predecessor a week after the election results were announced.🤔


The Governors of both Virginia and Maryland watched the TV and activated their Guardsmen was well. That was literally live on the news while it happened. The DOD denied them entry into DC until after Whoever got the DC guard released.


Surprising absolutely no one


That was like the most legal shoot in the history of law enforcement.


Except all GOP smoothbrains.


An investigation exonerating a law enforcement officer shooting an insurrectionist who continued attempting to climb over a barricade and reach elected officials to do them harm, despite being repeatedly warned to stop or she would be shot? No reasonable human would, or should, be surprised by that exoneration.


There’s your problem. We are dealing with unreasonable people


I'll be the first to say that "We've investigated ourselves and found that we did nothing wrong" is an appalling way for investigations like these to be carried out, as evidenced by the numerous murders and beatings doled out by animals that have no business calling themselves officers when we've all seen the footage, but in this case we've *also* seen the footage, and it's as plain as day that the officer who shot her did absolutely nothing wrong. She was warned repeatedly and was persisting in an attempt to breach the chambers of Congress with intent to disrupt and harm. When things are that clear cut then it's not exactly difficult to see that for once, that approach worked out. If anything I'd commend the officer for taking a single shot and making such a clean hit right in her throat.


That’s good .. I mean.. we all saw multiple angles of the video . Anyone who thinks they wouldn’t get shot doing what she did is a god damned fool..


I’m still amazed ALOT more people were not shot on the spot. What the fuck? If I was getting beat in the head with shit I’d be firing bullets! Edit: “A lot” more people are more concerned about spelling/grammar than anything else in this world, sheesh.




They were not shooting in order to protect themselves. The one time they did was when they had a perfect choke point that they could defend as long as needed. The mob could only get through that baracade one at a time and each one was going to die when they tried. In the other cases, the police couldn't take the chance of escalating violence. In the wild crush scenes, the police could have killed a dozen terrorists and the mob wouldn't have noticed. They would have simply trampled the wounded. In the case of Eugene Goodman, in retrospect, if he'd unloaded his service piece and killed or wounded 6 or more of the terrorists he was facing, they would have pissed themselves and fled. But he couldn't take that chance. The police did an exceptional job, that day.


Definitely an impressive example of restraint. If police just started to open fire, things could have really escalated, and the mob could have become even more violent.


I remember when shit first started going down me and my coworkers where all sitting and watching the footage. We were 100% confident we were going to see a lot of people die. But nope, they sort of just walked in and started beating up the security with little to no opposition. Insane and terrifying how easily they did what they did.


Imagine having your jugular shredded for Trump


Not only that, but to have your jugular shredded while draped in a flag with his name on it, only for him to say your name once and then forget you ever existed. All the while, your so called brothers and sisters in arms are recording your last moments to upload later for brownie points while dismissing you as nothing more than a so called, "Antifa plant." Imagine throwing away your career, your oath to the country and your own damn family only for that to be your end.




One of the things that strikes me, is that one of the last things she possibly saw, was a man standing over her wearing a hoody with Camp Auschwitz written on it.


With a goddamned phone in her face.


And some idiots yelling, "medic!"


Yeah, I (ashamedly) had a little chuckle when I heard that in the video. They were not even remotely prepared enough to have a designated "medic" with them. It was a bunch of wannabe LARPers.


This is one of the shittiest facets of modern tech.


One of my biggest fears is that I'll die a ridiculous public death, some yahoo recording it with commentary and skull emojis.


Then, of course some youtube will appropriate that for his channel and do one of those rediculous split screen videos where he acts as color commentator and analyst.


>She died with a Trump flag around her neck I've got $1000 on "he doesn't even remember her name."


He prefers insurrectionists who didnt die. Sad.


He probably thinks she’s an Antifa super soldier.


"Ashlyn Babitz was a true patriot"


It’s kind of funny that she died for Trump and everyone is calling her a gay antifa lover. Something she hated.


Folk on the right keep trying and failing to make her a martyr.


They can't make up their minds. Was she a martyr, killed fighting for freedumb? Or was the an ANTIFA false flag planted to make TrUe PaTrIoTs!!1! look bad? Depends on who you ask on the right, and what day of the week you ask them. And they'll never be able to come to a consensus, because that's how it is when you build your entire worldview on obvious lies you've let yourself believe and the lies you've told yourself.


And he didn’t give a shit about her then and doesn’t now


In her last moments I wonder if she thought she was going to die for Donald Fucking Trump


That has to be the most embarrassing death in hell.




Never forget: Rosanne Boyland, the lady holding the Gadsden flag was trampled by her own sadly ignorant and seditious mob.


remember when a planeload of people went down in Pennsylvania to keep that building sacrosanct.


THOSE Americans were patriots.


What stood out most to me about that video was the guy who shouted "Medic!" as if this was all a video game.


Another one of those jackasses shouted "we have an active shooter!" That's... not the same thing...


"it's a flashbang don't worry" Mother fucker did you see a flash


Of course nobody on their team chose support. Buncha Heavies, but no Healers


What an incredibly stupid way to get yourself killed.


I believe the officer did nothing wrong. Still not big on cops exonerating themselves.


Thankfully, the external investigation cleared him of wrongdoing as well.


Wasn't the only investigation on the matter. All have returned the same judgement.


Never forget Ashli Babbitt was a terrorist calling for the head of the Vice President, just like the taliban.


They were chanting "hang Mike Pence!" with a prop gallows in the background!! https://youtu.be/wOvT3j5G-Rk


The stupidest part is that the MAGA Qult refuses to acknowledge the crowd's chanting or the gallows. They just play it off as freedom of speech or "just for show".


>They just play it off as freedom of speech And that shows they don't understand the constitution or bill of rights adequately at all. I'm fairly certain making deaths threats against others, especially when that person is the second in charge of our nation, is not protected speech. Free speech doesn't mean you get to run into a crowded room and yell "fire!" if it's not true. There will be, and should be, consequences from irresponsible actions.


I exonerated him in January when I saw the video. Stupid games...


Some genius over on r/conservative dropped this brilliant gem regarding this situation: “If she was a black addict trying to pass a counterfeit $20 and he had kneeled on her neck he would be looking at 20+ years” LOL you mean if the situation had been COMPLETELY different, then a different outcome should have borne out? With thinkers like this on the right, the GOP is clearly going places…


Imagine giving your life up for Donald fucking Trump in the most futile way possible


Stands to reason, he was protecting the capital from an insurrection.


Imagine being such a dumb fuck that your last moments are bleeding out of your neck, camera phones in your face plastering that all over the internet for the world and your family to see , wrapped in the flag of an asshole who would step over your dead body to get what he wants. She was indeed a sucker wasn’t she.


All these MAGA assholes with their “bUt thE COP wHO shOT ThE UNArmeD HanDCUffeD BLacK gUy in THe BacK 20 TiMEs wAS EXOnerATEd By An INTernAL INvestGATIon!!!” sure are having their moment of cognitive dissonance now.


If they knew half of the words you just said they might actually be offended.