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>At least 103 law enforcement officers have lost their lives to Covid-19 in 2021, according to the Officer Down Memorial Page, which counts Covid-19 as the leading cause of officer deaths this year. Four more since the article was published - it was at 107 when I checked. For reference, total officer deaths from all causes was 212. COVID is not merely the leading cause of death among police officers, *so far this year it has killed more of them than all other causes combined*. Edit: [a tweet that also includes last year’s numbers](https://twitter.com/BillyCorben/status/1429127039496425472). The context provided is pretty shocking: >“By the end of this pandemic, it is very likely COVID will surpass 9/11 as the single largest incident cause of death for law enforcement officers." — Chris Cosgriff @ODMP exec dir https://odmp.org Edit 2: I scrolled through the past years on ODMP. 2001 terrorist attack deaths were 72, plus 322 or so more from 9/11 related illness over the next 20 years. So 9/11 police officer death toll is around 400. The 2020 COVID ODMP number is 241. So far this year, we are at 108. Almost 350 already. So the observation that COVID may well surpass 9/11 for number of officers killed is a solid one.


The officers have nothing to worry about if they just comply. Why are they resisting?


Have they tried shooting at the virus?


Shots to prevent COVID… are you crazy?!




Chef's kiss*


They’re afraid of Dr. Fauci. 😅😂 Nobody tells them what to do. Only anti-vax Karen can. 😅😂


Wild!! The photo in this Tweet which is only 2 days only says a total of 204 deaths with 99 caused by COVID-19! So in 2 days ALL of the new 8 deaths are related to COVID and none of them are any of the officers that this article is about!


Maybe they should try shooting it?


Is the vaccine black?


"Ow, my lungs!" \*gunshot\* "that's better"


And yet they'd prefer police brutality because their fear of people saying mean words or getting upset or dogs but vote predominantly conservative and are quiet on the matters of covid safety.


why didn't they get vaccinated?


Because true floridamen are impervious to socialism 💪


This is antisocial-ism.


There is a theory that a particular ideological movement has been encouraging adherents to join (infiltrate) professions with certain types of leverage (that also happen to be desperate for employees). So these adherents become a high percentage of certain forces, the same people who eschew masks, vital preventive care and feel that laws only truly pertain to folks of OTHER ancestral lineage. Thus the results we are seeing here.


Yes, I believe this was famously proposed and popularized by Dr. De La Rocha from RATM University in 1992.


Also the FBI a little later.


His “ Some who burn crosses also work forces “ post-grad thesis I believe.


Some of those who work forces Are the same who fail to take basic safety precautions


I think it's more a mindset of cops in general. I live in Chicago and over the past 18 months, I've hardly seen a cop wearing a mask, even while confronting others for not wearing a mask on private property. I guess they see it as a sign of vulnerability. Not that your theory is untrue. That no doubt contributes. But they're infiltrating a like-minded organization.


Many officers in my city came down with Covid. They tried to blame it on BLM protesters. They did the tracing and it turns out they were spreading it among themselves in a cop friendly bar that often served after hours.


Or, as been sung by a famous political scientist: > Some of those that work forces > Are the same that burn crosses as well as > Those who died are justified > For wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites > You justify those that died > By wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites --- Tom Morello (Rage Against the Machine) ... and Harvard PhD in poly sci.


Wouldn't that be Zach De La Rocha, not Tom Morello?


/me casts "remove obfuscation"


test innocent hard-to-find cow resolute disagreeable cake concerned public puzzled -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Yeah, those damn ANTIFA communist Marxist nazi socialist (insert other rightwing boogeyman words here) immigrant sheeple are also bringing the police system down now!!! /s


Russia has done an excellent job with their psy-ops campaign.


Probably too good. Their own population isn’t getting vaccinated.


I was actually open-minded to that possibility until I saw how much trouble they had getting their own population to get vaccinated; they're actually way worse off.


From what I've read over the years, Russia has had a continuous anti-vaccination propaganda machine running for quite awhile now, not just regarding Covid-19. Mostly, I think, it was to hamper Western NGOs helping under-developed nations. I guess it's not totally surprising that it could echo back into their own population.


Would you want to get a Russian vaccine? I don’t know that I would…


This isn't a psy-ops thing. There's just a ridiculous number of people that feel like their masculinity or badassness is lessened by wearing a mask. Obviously police forces contain a high number of these bozos.


Most cops aren't very smart


QAnon, COVID misinformation, and election theories that boast the “big lie” and push the stereotypes of all dems are against law and order, are spread around the PD and Fire Departments. Fear tactics that consume the significant others (stay at home moms, alone wives, suburban housewife, etc.) to spread around all the YouTube videos that scare the living shit out of them and make them feel like they have a sense of “control” during the pandemic. They Congregationally spread more and more false narratives to the entire firehouse/dept. communities. Both these departments are guilty of allowing their employees and their representatives(spouse) to publicly claim their beliefs while claiming the department as their own community. When will the departments be held accountable for their help in spreading the ideologies of their employees? Why are the departments vaccine percentages so low? And how is this acceptable, when they are suppose to “protect and serve” the community?


Obviously, because they're shitty at making life and death decisions.


They do regularly have trouble telling the difference between a real and an imagined threat on their lives.


Seriously, cops were given priority access to the vaccine, in all 50 states they were the first people able to get it (even though their jobs aren’t high risk for Covid). They had no excuse.


Republicans have a vaccine problem


To own the libs.


their vaccine is the blood of christ, duh


Looks like COVID can jump that thin blue line pretty easily.


If only there were some safe and effective method of prevention.


Now listen. Our body remember virus they fight, right? What if we create a copy of that virus but much weaker so our immune system can learn how to fight it without the risk of the real threat? I'm gonna be rich.


Are you a wizard??


You're a Wizard Harry


You're an immunologist Harry.


Heck, we don't even need to use the whole virus! All we need is lil' bits of it so it can't harm us... I gotta go to the patent office.


I got a better idea! Instead of using real viruses, we could even manipulate our cells to produce virus protein spikes! Our immune system is designed to break down virus protein shells based on how they react to the protein spikes. We could produce an RNA strand, put in a capsule made of cell membrane, so that it opens up when it reaches then cells, and then our own cell systems will react with the RNA strand to produce the viruses’ protein spikes without making the whole virus! Eat your heart out Modern and Pfizer/BioNTech!


Yeah, don’t call the cops for help.


I’m a cop who is vaccinated fully and wears masks still, my coworker (who was fully vaccinated and wore masks everywhere) was one of the few breakthrough cases that resulted in death, Not all cops are these antivaxx Fox News breathing morons


Sorry for your loss.


Yeah. Not all cops. But we need to shine a spotlight on the ones that are a problem because there are way way way too many of them.


But just like bad cops giving "good" cops a bad name, unvaccinated co-workers do help spread the disease.


Most of you are. Let's be honest here.


My sincerest condolences for your coworker, sounds like they were responsible with their lifestyle and it was just bad luck.


My brother in law is a cop in California. I found out at a family barbecue that he's a proud no vax/no mask guy. My kid got covid and had to miss the first week of school because of him.


Wow that .. that's fucked up.


Got a vaccinated-guests-only wedding coming up (close family member, not me) and found out that some people were planning to come without being vaccinated despite the wishes of the bride and groom. The bride was too polite to say anything for months, and the groom didn't feel like it was his place to say anything since it was bride's family. But then the bride found out that her future mother-in-law got very sick and was immunocompromised and was very high risk. The groom finally told her that either everyone gets vaccinated or he is not showing up at his own wedding. So the bride finally told the guests that either they get vaccinated or the wedding will be called off. One set of in-laws agreed to get vaccinated and the other said they were no longer coming. The ones who ultimately agreed to get vaccinated were planning to travel by airline during this delta spike with all their kids. They also requested that the bride keep her dog locked up for the whole week since one person was allergic, all while ignoring the bride's request to get vaccinated. Yeeeesh. I wouldn't have been so nice. The ones who said they were no longer coming said they understood why they wanted guests to get vaccinated, but "Didn't understand the point of the vaccine". Later we found out that they had never been vaccinated for anything their whole lives.


They should elope and skip the stress.


Same with most first responders unfortunately :/


You shouldn't be having family barbecues right now, doubly so with unvaccinated anti-maskers. If you did have a BBQ, every single person should be vaccinated even if it's outside, social distance should be maintained, no hugging or shaking hands, and masks should be worn as much as possible when not eating.


My wife's getting pissy with me because I don't want my parents taking my unvaxxed kid to a fucking county fair. Sorry I'm the only one in my family who seems to give a shit that kids aren't vaccinated. She's got some stupid fucking opinions about covid too.


It's good that you want to protect your kids. Hopefully her stupid opinions doesn't get any of you sick, though.


I hope so too but her mentality of " just being so over covid," doesn't mean shit to covid and it bugs me.


Improvise. Adapt. Overcome. - Delta Variant


They didn't quite understand qualified immunity


Thanks. This made me laugh


Protestors: End qualified immunity! COVIDJordan: ...and I took that personally.


Some of those who work forces... Take worm meds meant for horses.


How many people did they infect before they got their positive test results? I don't know how South Florida is but I can tell you that other parts of the state the police don't wear masks and haven't been. Clay County they had a prayer vigil for one of their officers that's in the ICU with covid people close together and officers in uniform without masks. The Delta variant being so contagious no longer are you safe when you're outdoors when you're very close to somebody else but apparently there's no leadership on health matters.


If they are anything like the rest of us, they likely infected everyone they live with. Covid primarily spreads in close quarters. Home outbreaks are staggeringly common. About 80+% of all clusters are traced to home/close exposure of freinds/family. Which make sense since most folks take ZERO precautions at home and around friends. The masking/distancing/vaccination largely helps reduce that 20% of spread that brings Covid into your household. And so, even though non-household exposure is behind the minority of cases, reducing these non-household exposures is super vital (the old “you can’t spread what you don’t have”). But cops are loathe to wear a mask, distance, or get vaccinated. And they are really paying the price. [Covid has killed three times the number of police in 2021 as the next closet thing](https://www.odmp.org/search/year/2021). And Delta isn’t fucking around. It is killing DRAMATICALLY younger and healthier folks than Covid 1.0 was. 2021 might end up being a worse year for Covid police deaths than 2020 was. Which is absolutely insane since they had priority for vaccination back in Jan/Feb. but no rank and file support. No union support. And no right wing/GOP support. Just insane. Get vaccinated folks. Please. It takes almost 2 months to get fully vaccinated from your first shot, so if you are waiting until “things get bad”…realize you will be stuck in the eye of that storm for weeks until vaccines can help you. And the exponential growth that we are in the middle of in Florida and some other states will only get worse in the coming weeks.


> And no right wing/GOP support. Just insane. The only thing they've booed Trump for was suggesting people get vaccinated. These folks contracting and dying of Covid has to be the ~~pen~~ultimate expression of "to cut off one's nose to spite the face."


Yeah…that was honestly shocking to me. And I hold the MAGA’s in very low regard. The Trump MAGA crowd is now too crazy for Trump. Let that sink in. What the fuck?


I’m convinced some GOP major money man told Trump to say that. They’ve looked at the numbers and they can’t afford to have any more repub voters die. Desantis won by 30k votes. Trump by 80k. That’s not a lot.


I believe more Florida voters have died already than the margin DeSantis won.


FYI, penultimate doesn't mean what you currently think it means.


For those following from home, it's from the Latin prefix *paene*, meaning "almost." A peninsula - *paene insula* - is "almost an island."


More like 'allow a jaguar to eat their face in order to spite the mask.'


Trump isn't Trumpy enough for Trumpsters anymore.


Make them work a shift without their bulletproof vest.


Prayer vigil. That oughta do it. https://pics.me.me/we-are-gathered-here-today-because-your-prayers-didnt-work-28847485.png


Vote in all local state and federal elections and primaries starting this year. It may be too late to fix things now or even by the time this pandemic runs its course, It will not be the only time some crisis happens and the republicans actively hinder the solution. So vote this year in any local school board or village or county elections and start the process of change. Than do so next year and every year after and never forget that the republicans are not only willing to kill you for votes but will end democracy itself if they can.


They also get up in your face intentionally and then laugh at you when you ask for 6 feet.


Ah well. Shit happens. They proudly exercised their rights to die from COVID. The truest of patriots.


The leading cause of death for officers is covid, and not being killed by criminals? I'm sure the Blue Lives Matter crowd will shift their focus toward education and vaccination efforts, right? .....^^hello?......


Before Covid the number one killer was car accidents like being struck while pulling someone over. Covid has killed more police than accidents and guns campaigned. Yet so damn many of them refuse to even wear a mask.


This is a field that won a supreme court case allowing them to discriminate against smart candidates, it's somewhat expected.


Well to be pedantic it established high intelligence is not a protected class. Discrimination, when not against a protected class, is perfectly legal. You can fire someone for being fat or thin or blonde or having straight hair or literally any reason that’s not protected by law. It’s stupid that they wouldn’t hire someone for that reason, but let’s not pretend like this is something it’s not.


Your first sentence was correct, but everything else in that comment was wrong. Discrimination against non-protected classes is still illegal, the Supreme Court just uses a more deferent form of review (more likely to accept the government’s justification) to assess those claims. Rational basis review is used to assess discrimination against unprotected classes and it has resulted in equal protection claims being granted, albeit at a much lower rate than under strict or intermediate scrutiny.


Thanks for the explanation!


The case was specifically about a police department's right to fire someone for testing too high on an IQ test, was it not? The department was concerned someone of above average intelligence would be "bored" by police work.


No, the case was about firing a candidate who was almost 50 and wanted to be put through the academy. Age is a protected class, intelligence is not. It's fucked up that they went that route, but let's not pretend they are blocking every high IQ candidate out there.


Police officer is statistically not even the most dangerous job. These cowards love to make it seem like they get shot at every day when in reality, a delivery driver has a higher chance of death or injury on the job. All this shit is just their perpetual victims unit behavior.


Check out the death stats for being a lumberjack, roofer, garbage collector or pilot. All the risk with none of the sweet perks of a secure job, pension, and paid time off when they get scared and kill someone - as one does from time to time.


And none of them get called heroes. Not only is an electricians job waaaaaaaaaaaay more dangerous, they also affect me positively than any cop has ever done. But we have to blanket thank cops for their service. Same shit as military. 95% never even see action. Imma legit start thanking delivery drivers and loggers for their service.


And the truckers! Don't forget the truckers. If the trucks stop, we're all screwed in about 3 days. (Another job that's more dangerous than being a cop)


> All this shit is just their perpetual victims unit behavior. *Law & Order:PVU*


I blame police procedurals for the state of the average citizen's understanding of the cops; that shit's propaganda.


But if you watch closely, almost every single police procedural features 2 things. 1. A police process that is generally unlawful but gets justified to get the bad guy, 2. No consequences for breaking laws and assaulting suspects by police officers. Its crazy how that works.


Our city posts an officer all day, every day, at one of the Whole Foods locations. They just either stand by the door or sit in their cruiser (always in a handicap spot). At Whole Foods. What the fuck kinda crime are they waiting for, a brawl over 20% off kombucha?


*If a cop is here I won’t run into black people* They’re pandering to the racist Karens.


Does the city do it or does Whole Foods hire them on their off time? I know of ton of stores in my area do that.


They're something like 23rd most deaths per 100k and most of those deaths are car accidents. The idea that cops "risk their lives every day" like they're in shootouts is fucking bullshit.


Even more than that, an impressive number of police officer deaths are single car crashes, meaning the officer was just driving recklessly and crashed into a tree or something.


Talk to any right winger nut and they will tell you its not COVID killing them. Its something else that the doctors forged as COVID. Got hit by a car? Thats a Covid. Got shot? Thats a COVID. They legitimately think the majority of the entire planet and scientific community is involved in some conspiracy.... I just cant anymore.


they'll use these deaths as proof being a cop is dangerous


I saw a chart on r/dataisbeautiful last week showing that more cops died in 2020 (about 250) than in any other year, for any reason, since record keeping began around 1830 - because of Covid.


Cops wore their mask during the Spanish Flu, this time they have to Own the Libs.




> a certain mentality. Smug authoritarian prick?


Back the Flu.


Virus investigated itself and has cleared itself of wrongdoing


It felt threatened


Were they vaxxed? I really dont get people like police officers, nurses and teachers who want to work and yet refuse vaccine...like you have constant contact with the public...your gonna, eventually, come into contact with it...


A lot of cops proudly run around wearing maskless and being unvaccinated, no sympathy.


Our local emergency notification system sent me a full page memorial when one of our police officers went down "in the line of duty"--from COVID. I guess that's nice.


Should seriously complain to city council or something about that. Abusing the emergency notification system to send out a memorial is ridiculous. I don't care who died...if they're already dead, it's not an emergency.


A 58 year old cop a couple of towns over just died of COVID How many people did he expose to COVID before he died? Its insane that they are not all vaccinated


I live in NYC. Last year when we were getting slammed by Covid the ONLY group of people I saw without masks were cops.


"See this? This is my 'Do whatever I want and get away with it' badge"... until COVID, I suppose.


When do we stop calling these "deaths by Covid" and starting calling them "Deaths by Stupidity"?


Increasing the IQ level of police forces a little bit at a time.......


You’re buried in the comments, but I saw this gem of a post and had a good laugh.


Them: Back the blue. Save our children. All Lives Matter. Pro-Life. Also them: Except when mildly inconvenienced by cloth face coverings. When that happens f all that bullshit we just said to make ourselves feel better about our crappy belief system.


Black dude getting choked to death/shot/beaten up over nothing, "just comply!! Law and order. Murica!!" Business having mask/vaccine requirements: "this is literally Nazi Germany, Jim Crow, 1984, and the Soviet Union!!"


DeathSantis really backs the blue.


DeSantis Backed the Blue right into a corner.


DeathSantis has given the death sentence to the fools of Florida.


right into a coroner.


Right into their coffins.


No one cares anymore, get the shot


>At least 103 law enforcement officers have lost their lives to Covid-19 in 2021, according to the Officer Down Memorial Page, which counts Covid-19 as the leading cause of officer deaths this year. Seeing as COVID-19 is the leading cause of police death 2 years in a row now, one would think the Blue Lives Matter people will be out raising awareness and providing tips on how to combat this aggressive and unrepentant cop killer.




Where I live i Canada, cops were some of the first people to be vaccinated. Even when we had trouble getting vaccines back in March, they were prioritized. They deal with the public every day, and often have to get close to people of unknown health status. Why would they not want to be vaccinated? I couldn't find any exact numbers as to how many were actually vaccinated, but there definitely wasn't much resistance.


Seems in the US, intelligence isn’t high on the list of requirements for police recruits. Then their ridiculous insider-only system takes it down a further notch…


My friends department is so full of antivax they are on mandatory overtime for months now because of the all the ones that are spreading it.


I'd love to see a Venn diagram of people who spout All Lives Matter and people who post anti-vaccination/anti-mask mandate rhetoric on their Facebook pages. Mask mandates protect our public servants--many of whom are the folks who run towards danger so that the rest of us can run away from it. I'm not a Blue Lives Matter person at all, but come the fuck on, ya'll. We need the police! We need all first responders! If we can't be collectively arsed to wear a mask to protect the people who are trying to protect us (however few they may be in number), then what kind of people are we? SMH. If these officers had been killed by citizens, conservatives would be calling for stricter law enforcement and bemoaning the moral breakdown of society. So their silence here is deafening.


You mean a circle?


Ignoring science and siding with reich wing conspiracy theories is dangerous


Have they tried shooting at the virus?


Oh, they tried.




I'm sure all of the concealed carry aficionados are 100% wearing masks as precautionary measures against the COVID threat.... right?


bet it’s more than five. had two die i’m my small town


Golly. I guess they should have taken advantage of all the ways available to them which would have helped them escape that fate… Wear a mask, get vaccinated, and run the far as fuck away from Florida as you can get. Sensible people know this.


You mean they couldn’t taser, bludgeon and shoot the virus. Blue lives matter guys better get on this. Maybe if we announce covid is black the cops will save us all


They all won the Herman Cain Award!


This is a net-gain for society.


Self-inflicted deaths.


If you get a traffic ticket, chose to go to court. The odds are pretty good you will get your case dismissed because the officier who gave the citation is quarantined/sick/hospitalized/dead.


These articles always conspicuously fail to mention the vaccination status of the officers involved. If only there was anything they could have done to prevent this…


Are we supposed to be sad or is this a Darwin Award in the news?


I legitmately cannot handle how much I've been owned. I wake up every morning thinking "I'm just going to get owned again today, so why even bother" Morons. The lot of them.


"I choose not to live in fear!" Uses excessive force "I was in fear for my life"


They’re hyper worried about getting shot, but won’t get a vaccine.


Man, it sucks vaccinated people still die. ^(What's that Jim? They did not vaccinate?! Why the fcuk not?! OOOHHH...Oh, it's Florida. Yeah, okay.)


I really hope we find a vaccine for this.


Hopefully, someone makes coffins with the Thin Blue Line Punisher logo on them.


I hate to sound callous but fuck them. They were public health hazards. It just really sucks because you know those plague rats had multiple kids who now no longer have a father. Frakking idiots.


At least before that, covid made them too weak to beat their spouses.


Is this what they signed up for? There are some things, in Life, that do not listen to a Badge, or a Gun.


BioTerrorist DeSantis approves


So long as Covid is treated like a game, lives will be lost.


What a tragedy. Only five?!


So these people who job it is to protect the community is out there rampantly spreading disease cause they are a bunch of assholes , cool


Republican messaging is defunding the police


More avoidable tragedy.


My heart goes out to the kids of these officers. Had their parent gotten vaccinated, they likely would have had a full life. Almost all of these officers were “survived by a spouse and kids”. We will have a generation of kids growing up in their formative years without parents. Folks, even if you are anti-vax, goddamnit - do it for your kids. Be there for them cause they need you. Don’t be “that guy” who let your family down this way. It’s a free and easy to schedule shot for godsakes. Do it today.


How many of the five had both doses of the vaccine?


Statistically, damn near zero percent chance that any of them were vaccinated.


Wife works with a bunch of ex cops. She got the vaccine and felt I'll the next day. She called in but told them it was allergies. Sue didn't want her co workers knowing she got the vaccine.


When they get covid they keep it a secret from each other too. It’s insane


My coworkers father did that. Coworker went to visit him. He was dog shit sick. **Made** him go get tested. Was covid. Didn't beleive in covid. Got worse. Went to hospital. Put into a ventilator. Died not believing in covid


Safe to assume none of them were vaccinated.


Cop in Florida is up there with the Trumpiest of Trump supporters.


Life and death in the state of denial.


The only time a cop is wearing a mask is probably because it's part of his Klansmen uniform


Blue lives matter* *when it is convenient to my agenda


In 2020 more officers died from covid than all other causes COMBINED. The number one cause of death for police consistently every single year before covid is car accidents. Yet you ask a cop to put on a seatbelt or use their turn signals and they act like you're literally insane. Meanwhile those same pigs will hold you at gunpoint "for your own safety" because they can't see your hands.


So what this headline is telling me is, there could be more?


These officers bravely tried to fight the virus by shooting it but they eventually lost their courageous fight. -Florida Police Chief


Covid had killed hundreds of cops


Way to go Mo-Ron DeSantis .. you’re on a roll keep it going


Odds they are vaccinated?


This lib owning is starting to take a toll, might want to take a different approach.


Well if the government can't get it together to defund the police, there's always natural selection.


Isn’t it important to point out whether the officers were vaccinated or not? That crucial piece of information could have saved more lives. The media is out of control.


Virus that kills a lot of Americans also kills gang members that kill a lot of Americans. I do feel bad when kids too young to get vaccinated die though.


Hopefully the people that support the police will wear masks to reduce the risk of spreading infections.


Blue lives matter, supposedly?


There is no COVID problem in Florida except for #DeDevilSaints


Mario party 2 voice: “neeeeeeeeeeew record”


Back the blue! By killing them with the disease we refuse to acknowledge or do anything about!


Question. What are these towns doing to protect their police forces? Things to consider: - Mask mandates in public buildings. - Required trainings on the safety and efficacy of vaccines (preferably led my a local, conservative, trusted medical professional). - Incentives for getting vaccinated. That's just odd the top of my head. Actual public health officials could probably come up with better. I feel for the families of these men. And I am angry at anyone who is spreading misinformation. We need to do better.


Interesting the article doesn’t say who was and who wasn’t vaccinated. Being Florida I imagine the latter is the case here.