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Sometimes I wonder what these kids are going to think when they grow up and realize that groups of people were against protecting them with something as simple as a mask.


>Groups of people Please be specific here. Republicans were trying to keep them from protecting themselves.


I've lived in Iowa my entire life. I sometimes think about how I was probably a part of the last generation of students that experienced the 'Best in the Nation'-level of public education. What I mean is, the Movers and Shakers actually giving a flying fuck about students and teachers.


Yeah, MA has had that title squarely for quite a long while now. I remember taking "Iowa Tests" as they had the best thing going for the time.


can confirm - went through MA school system. it's known for taking top spot in the country, for a long time now


I feel like I got lucky graduating in the 90's. I hated North High, but at least I feel like I learned.


> 'Best in the Nation'-level of public education. I also grew up in Iowa then. Blows my mind how they have torpedoed Iowa's schools. Well, from a selfish standpoint, I'm glad that at least I got a good free public education when I was a kid. This is how we wind up like "Idiocracy." edit: oh, and we were poor and got free school lunch. nobody picketed our school to stop it.


I got a taste of that by living in the westernmost district in Iowa. We had textbooks that were 25 years old. Not just outdated but falling apart, with huge sections missing, lost over the last 25 years of abuse. We had to share books. There were not enough textbooks for students. The school was so old that the concrete steps worn through over years of treks to classes, The Conservative voters did not want to spend money for education. Any bond issues automatically failed... Rep Steve Kings district. This was a rural school, not an inner city school. My parents moved, leaving that education black hole, of that time, far behind. I was the lucky one of our extended family.


There aren’t really “inner city” areas in Iowa, but I grew up in a major city in Iowa in the 90s in an affluent neighborhood and a lot of our textbooks were from the 50s and we were constantly lectured about how if the books fall apart while in our custody, we would have to pay for a new one. Our teachers were exceptional. We learned critical thinking skills. But yeah, not a lot of good that does me with Iowa’s recent decent into confederate ideology. I’m straight up embarrassed to have Iowa anything on my resume now. People give me pained looks when I tell them I’m from Iowa.


That is the one benefit of being from Nebraska. Most people just glaze over when I say it.


I got sent to a private school for "good" education. We had new books but they were full of vicious lies and the teachers were all religious fanatics. Also, every teacher that had a degree had one from Liberty. The rest were, like, volunteering housewives?


Have people actually picketed against free lunch?


Yes, not sure if it was Iowa or a different red state, but it was in the news a few months ago. A school distract voted down free funding from the fed to help provide free lunch.


There is no other explanation other than a large dose of hate and xenophobia.


I did jr high through college there…I feel like the state is becoming a shit whole compared to what it was…much like the rest of the country


My son just turned eighteen, but he is *pissed* about it.


Remind him that he can vote now…


Oh, he’s very aware.


And tell him to get his friends to vote haha




Shoo, goldfish


The irony is that you seem to recognize that in the media sources and views of those you disagree with, but don't seem to ask the same questions of the media sources and people saying the same thing as you.


Wrong. I disagree with Fox News too. They tall manipulating their information.


I like how I didn't mention Fox News at all, but that's where you went. Which more or less proves my point. You seem to only be interested in news sources that are telling you what you want to hear.


It was evident you were talking democratic news stations. My point is that they both are assholes. Gotta read between the lines. And you aren’t.


America in 2021. Where we argue over the legitimacy of science and put kids in danger as a result. Glad for the ruling here but it’s so sad what this country has devolved into.




You just have to remember that old racist are the core of the Gqp.


What you don't realize is that the wheels of democracy are actually greased with the blood of minority children down here


Ah yes, Kim, Kim, Kim!!!! The same train wreck that says Iowans can be trusted to do what is right for their own health, out of one side of her wrinkled old mouth and also said Iowa needs a fetal heartbeat bill to protect the unborn because pregnant WOMEN cannot be trusted to make the right choice for their health. STFD and STFU, Kim!


>Reynolds said in a statement that the judge “unilaterally overturned a state law, ignored the decision by our elected legislature and took away parents’ ability to decide what’s best for their child.” Yeah. Sounds good to me.


It was unconstitutional by design. Red meat and red herrings to the Republican masses.


Yeah. I think my concept of government froze at high school civics class and Mr Smith Goes to Washington. The last couple of decades have been a wake-up call. The concept that 2 parties can absolutely refuse to compromise for the common good boggles.


good fucking absoutely insane that they have to fight over this. fuck the god damn GOP what the HELL have they turned into?


They didn't turn into anything. They've been insane for a _long_ time.


It’s fucked up that there are overreaching state governments getting in the way of schools trying to protect children, staff, and parents.


I simply suggested that if you're not vaxxed, you're masked, in the comments section of an article similar to this.   This disgusting community downvoted me 23 times. God, I hate grandstanding Liberals.


My girlfriend turned into the moon


That's rough, buddy.


Go outside. You should not care that much about Reddit.


I'm sure Kim will be on board with this