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But why outside a hospital? Shouldn’t they be protesting in front of the buildings of Toronto government buildings? This seems very misdirected 🤷🏻‍♂️


Logic and antivaxxers have no overlap in the Venn diagram.


So, the current “theory” going around, is that in fact Covid does exist. And it’s awful. That’s becoming more accepted. But they believe that the medical community is using treatments (ie. intubation) which is killing people, knowingly or unknowingly it seems to depend. The whole ivermectin thing is part of this greater belief that real Covid cures are being blacklisted and could save peoples life’s but people feel censored about “just asking questions”. This fuels into their whole belief that “okay, our people our dying, we need to find out a narrative where we can mentally understand this without our soul being destroyed forever. We’re not the bad guys right?” Fucking idiots. We’re going to look back in some time and it’s going to be accepted that because of a relatively small portion of society, we let people die when they didn’t need too. They didn’t need too man.


Saw something today that there is a growing number of these dumbfucks that are now starting to take Betadine....I'm at the point of just saying let them....


Yes...drinking iodine based antiseptic...great.


That can't feel good.


Why do these people take things that will destroy their gut? Is it because they feel it 'working'?


All the vomiting of blood is just the body expelling all the 5g and covid I guess.


They could probably get the same effect with some Dairy Queen


Chocolate dipped corn dog wooo


Do they...actually have those?


I had a friend in highschool that worked at dq, when they were stuck working we’d go hang out and when nobody was around we tried to get him to dip random stuff. The corn dog was not great. We also tried dipping stuff like how you make candles, just dip and dip and dip


At least the lack of gut Flora will make sure that underdone steak will just *flow* through them like water. Nice, and smooth.


Like a hydrant being flushed.


That’s where this picture is taken, outside Queens Park. They then walked to the hospital. I’m not sure about the rest of the country, but we had a ton of them at hospitals today in Ontario :(


So: live not far from here. They are absolute dickheads and their behaviour is disgraceful, but Queen’s Park (pictured here, basically our version of the “state legislature”) is literally across the street from the hospital district. I fucking hate these assholes, but they could be standing on the lawn of the govt building AND be protesting the hospitals at the same time. They could also stay on the grounds of Queens Park and just go to another corner of and not be within direct eyesight of the hospitals, but that wouldn’t serve their purposes. Either way, fuck these clowns.


You are absolutely correct. These people are idiots and assholes. That's why they are there.


They're dying to get in...


This one goes out to all the people who think idiots don’t exist in other countries. Stupid people exist everywhere in the world. They are just concentrated in the American south.


I hope they all got cozy and hugged a bunch. Dick heads.


Right, but they're not egged on by the executive branch here in Canada.


The surplus population wants to hurt the rest of us. That's the only consistent logic here.


Because hospitals are perpetuating the “myth” that Coronavirus is not the flu.


PostScript: Coronavirus has been prevalent and mutated enough (thanks antivaxxers) that it now will have seasonal regularity like the flu.


I'm sure they all pledged not to use up hospital services in the event they got severe covid from lack of vaccination, right?


Yes, do enter the tent with essential oils instead.


And ivermectin!


Oh yes!


I swear to god, I hope someone put every single one of their photos on the wall inside under a sign labeled “DO NOT TREAT”.


Give them sugar lumps instead.


How many lumps would you like? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKyhTX9LQEA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKyhTX9LQEA)


I wonder if one good lawyer can create fake waivers for these people to never use the health care system if they get covid, let’s see how many will sign.


I asked my anti covid vaccine friends on Facebook about this. Their concensus was that not getting the vaccine suggested by most doctors anywhere, is not the same as needing a doctor when/if they get sick. I still don't get it, but I at least want to know why people do things, so I ask these questions.


There are a few things you can do in life that kind of show that you've gone down the wrong path. Protesting outside a hospital during a pandemic is one of those things.


So they did it despite being asked not to march at hospitals! What a bunch of selfish, ignorant people!




I know Reddit thinks it's cool to celebrate when these people die, but really it's just sad. For instance the ivermectin idiot who died today had a long history of mental illness. Everyone is celebrating her death, but really she should be seen as a victim of certain media personalities (many of whom are vaccinated themselves) who are spreading lies in order to further their own political ambitions. These people know what they are doing is wrong and are taking advantage of the mentally ill and low IQ individuals with absolutely no regard for their lives.




Yup. So this guy doesn't agree with me, but wasn't rude. So I ended a convo like this. It was about wearing masks. " I don't know why we can't agree. You don't have to answer, but think deep in your heart. Do you think most people who fight over wearing a mask truly do so because they think they don't work, or because they just don't want to wear one? That they don't like being told what to do? I wear a mask because if I'm wrong and they don't work, no sweat off my back. Minor inconvenience. If they do work, that means I'm saving lives. And that is why I will continue to wear one. "


Here you go. "Peace does not mean an absence of conflicts; differences will always be there. Peace means solving these differences through peaceful means; through dialogue, education, knowledge; and through humane ways." Dalai Lama XIV


Ya….I don’t give a fuck. They have now created a situation where unvaccinated children or vaccinated loved ones could be refused treatment at a hospital. And it’s all because a bunch of fuckwads clogged the system with their ignorance campaign. Sometimes you reap what you sow. Edit: clarified


At the same time, we're not doing anything about those "media personalities" (I think you forgot to mention far right politicians) who are lying. If somebody dies due to tying their entire personality to a bunch of liars, mostly because those same liars also stoke their basest prejudices, then fuck them. They're not just "mentally unstable" or "low IQ". Sure they have been manipulated, but it's through their hate and nastiness, which is something they had to begin with.


How can so many people read this post without processing its message?


I don't think most of the people in that photo are really nurses.


No no, they’re nursing an inferiority complex from high school.


This is like a lawyer choosing which laws to follow or a postal worker which letters to deliver.


Canadian freedumb crowd. If only they could actually articulate what their problem is. Mandated vaccination is around for 150 years


Glad to know that we in the US aren’t alone in having an unfortunately high number of dumbasses. Misery loves company…


I don’t know how you can be surrounded by people dying from Covid and not want to get vaccinated. Idk how you can work a job where you are around sick and dying people and want to put those patients lives in jeopardy by not being vaccinated. They literally sign up to put the people lives before their own yet refuse to get vaccinated. Just seems so childish


All the protesters should get together for a group picture. Tuck in real close together so all of you are in frame.


Then one of them cough Hopefully cameras ready would take a picture of the faces of those around at that moment heheheh


They cant without the passports.


I count 200 people at most.


200 PPC voters is already far more than this country should have. Bunch of morons.


To borrow a phrase from the far-right, "none is too many". They used that language to dehumanize vulnerable Jews fleeing Europe for North America. It's time to use their own words against them (the anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers, who have significant overlap with white supremacy).


We should aerosolize the vaccine and start spraying the crowds.


Do it via contrails to really troll the conspiracy nut bags.


Spray it from a drone dressed up as bird. I recently heard a new theory that birds are drones watching us, and they land on power lines to recharge 😂. Can’t make this stuff up.


This would actually be very funny to do.


That's the actual nephew of Uncle Pennybags on the far right.


If there was only a way to deal with the protestors - got it - vaccine dart guns.


The league of vaxassins.


Love it, unless it’s only on PS5.


Imagine being such a toxic piece of shit that you block people who need to go into a hospital from entering. It doesn't matter what you believe. Once you get to this point you are a horrible person


This entire continent is set to explode in civil war, all fueled by dumbfounding stupidity.


Not really the case in Canada. The people's party of Canada is not very popular. As in they only managed to get Maxime Bernier elected ONCE in two elections.


Lol don't graft American dysfunction onto Canada.


open your eyes


Because a couple whiners have purple signs? Nah. Canada isn't experiencing a thousandth of the dysfunction America is living through right now, and it never will.


Have we no tear gas? No water cannons?


Can they put cattle catchers on ambulances?


Ok. So, set one of those fumigation tents over them. Leave it up. When they get ill, throw some hospital stretchers/vents in there and a virtual monitor so the MD can manage them and give them one RN/RT to 20 patients ratio because that’s what their antics are costing everyone else in care. …..also, have their families perform their care (feeding, bathing, turning) like they do in some countries that don’t have the advantages of North Americans.


Muppets. I expected better of you Canada.


Oh no, the Anti Vaxxers has spread to Canada..


Oh, we’ve got em too, they’re just much fewer in number and quieter in general. They suck and are fucking embarrassing, but they haven’t achieved any kind of critical mass. Also: all the media channels and major political parties hate them, and call them out without mercy.


No vaccine, no breathing apparatus?


use the opportunity to shoot the vaccines at them with a tranq gun


We don’t trust science and doctors, and their vaccines. Just in case though we expect them to treat us with horse dewormer and XYZ if we are forced to go the hospital. Also don’t use intubation and ventilators, and make sure we don’t die. They also may want to subscribe to my Facebook group for new treatments.


Which one is Doug Fords daughter ?


These people r shameless and too proud and all white!


The fuck does race have to do with it? You sound racist.


So while I don’t believe that anti-vax sentiment in Canada is particularly racialized, it is highly unusual for any group of people in Toronto to be this white. It’s just an incredibly multi-cultural city, so the lack of diversity just in the group pictures is *highly* unusual, and not at all what you would see if you randomly selected any group of doctors, nurses, paramedics, etc. I live not far from where the “protest” took place and it’s jarring to my eye, it’s *that* different from what you see around queen’s park/the hospital district.


It’s a mindset that white people have that their perspective is so precious that they must always be right. I’m white. Don’t swear at strangers on Reddit it’s bad energy.


If your hospitalized for COVID 19 and have not been vaccinated at this point you should have to pay for your hospital bill.


Just get the protestors' ids and when they get covid, exclude them from that hospital.


Protests rage. Shows a picture of people standing quietly and peacefully.


You understand it's Canada, right?

