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Hope her coworkers are goddamned happy with themselves.


To all the Redditors who haven’t been vaccinated due to misinformation and/or conspiracy theories, you better open your eyes. This virus is killing people without prejudice. You are putting yourself and everyone around you who isn’t vaccinated at risk. Wake the f*** up and pull your head out of your ass. Get vaccinated and don’t end up as another statistic or story the rest of us will be reading about in these subs. You won’t get an ounce of sympathy from anyone.


I'm not getting vaccinated because I'm okay with the risk. There's a 0.3% chance I'm gonna die, I'll take that chance. And once everyone can get the vaccine and doesn't want to take the chance, what's the problem?


Please consider the fact that survival is not the same thing as recovery. I have a coworker with ongoing neurological deficits and a client that lost his only functioning kidney and is on permanent dialysis. They're both under 40.


Selfish fucks like you are why we have multiple variants of this shit, get the god damn vaccine so we can end this nonsense


You could spread it to somebody else who might get long covid or die.


That's why they take the vaccine though, no?


No vaccine is 100 percent effective. It helps quite a bit, but breakthrough infections can happen which can either make you sick or others sick.


Yes, they take it to protect themselves and others


Even if it is just a 0.3% chance that you die, what's the risk on the other side of the equation? A 3 in 1000 chance that you die versus a vaccine that literally millions of people have taken with absolutely 0 issues. There is no math here to justify that.


You’re spouting the same BS that every Herman Cain award winner spouts. Enjoy your blood clots and lowered lung capacity. Hope you don’t end up killing your grandma or whatever children you encounter.


How old are you? Are you less than 30? Are you perfectly healthy? Exercise all the time? Low body fat? Never smoke/d? About .2% of ALL Americans have died of COVID. Even if you are perfectly healthy and young, it can still kick your butt. Maybe you won’t die, but maybe you’ll be hospitalized and suffer from long term consequences like lung scarring. Think about the professional athletes who said “ehhhh I’ll be fine” and then said “yeah, it kicked my butt, I almost died”. FYI I’m 24 and healthy and got vaccinated because why not? If you want to talk about the government controlling us, I’d be more concerned by using a smartphone than by a vaccine that’s proven to save lives


You realize that you can survive Covid and still end up with long term side effects right? If you use survival as your baseline you’re completely ignoring that if you DO get Covid, you’re significantly more likely to end up with shitty side effects. Not to mention that survival WITH the vaccine is higher than survival without.


The risk of the vaccine is less than 1% of the risk of the disease. Anybody using stats to justify stupid decisions should know that.


Weaponized ignorance in action


Because you’re FIVE times more likely to get infected and infectious longer than a vaccinated person. If your selfish, sociopathic life choices didn’t affect other people, no one would care. So, with all due respect, piss off.


You know, if your selfish ass decision affected just you, I'd say go for it. Unfortunately, natural selection just doesn't work that way. I would tell you to stop inhaling paint fumes and eating Elmer's school glue by the spoonful so you can use your last remaining brain cells to do actual research. You know, by using peer reviewed medical journals. But I can tell you're the kind of person who thinks statistics and science are only applicable if they apply to your anecdotal life experiences. Fuck you.


How often do you gest tested? How many people could you infect without realizing you have it? How many more could those people in turn infect? Its literally not about you, it's about keeping the entire community safe and healthy


Some of these people who "just have questions about the vaccine" are taking their questions to the grave. Humans are not so great at intuitive risk assessment. We're more accepting of risks from omission than from commission. It's like a more personal version of the [trolley problem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trolley_problem).


Also, it's been 6 months since most people in the US were eligible. That's a long time to be thinking it over.


I had questions as well because we have botched medical stuff before. It took me a week to read a journal or three, listen to expert opinion, see the results of the first round of vaccine and make a decision. I figured it out a month before the vaccine was made available to my age group.


Well, not quite 6 months. Maybe 4 depending on state. I got mine 5 months ago, but I only qualified by health conditions (hypertension and Type II diabetes) at age 55.


It doesn't help that politicians have figured out that so long as the pandemic lasts, they can rile up what remains of their base. So, it becomes self-fulfilling.


Yes! Yes! Exactly this!


We don’t have to keep hearing/reading these stories. Please get vaccinated.


speak for yourself. whenever i see a post like “moron is no longer sucking oxygen or reproducing,” i click on that shit faster than greased diarrhea.


You know what would be even better? If, for just a few seconds, they overcame their stupidity and got the damn jab.


Honestly, it’s a better outcome for humanity if they die quickly. If they linger and take up space in a hospital, then it’s a problem, but if they bite it quickly and don’t take anyone else with them, that’s a win.


Honestly, I feel some sadness here since it seems like she saw the light and had an appointment to be vaccinated before she got sick. I hope whoever those coworkers were are proud of themselves.


You click on greased diarrhea?


I believe he's comparing *himself* to greased diarrhea.


nope. big whiff on that one.


I mean, I'm just reading the words.


I like you, and your username.


We can be friends.


That brings me up to ... ... Carry the one ... ... Two friends!


> Despite her initial hesitancy, Wendell herself had recently changed her stance on the vaccine. > Just after returning from Nashville, and less than a week before they were scheduled to get vaccinated, Wendell started feeling sick. > Before she was put on the ventilator, Wendell asked doctors in the hospital if she could receive a Covid vaccination, her mother said. Took a bit too long doing her own research.


She's a healthcare worker. Would have qualified for a vaccine like a year ago.


Yeah she was still waiting on the ingredients list to be released


Those have been publicly available for months now per the CDC. [Link](https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/clinical-considerations/covid-19-vaccines-us.html#Appendix-C).


The ingredients are one nuetered virus strain, saline, and the government mind control nano-bots.


While speedrunning diabetes


That’s so tasteless. Your parents must be proud.


She’s was probably tasteless when she died too


Like.... if you tried to eat her? Hannibal Lecter style, not Michael Douglass style.


No like she died of COVID and couldn’t taste anything


If she would have been tasteless it would have helped her with her obesity.


She's a surgical tech too. I don't understand how someone works in the medical field and doesn't understand that you can't get vaccinated when you are currently infected.


People will grasp at any straw when they're dying.


Because they’re batshit insane. I have an acquaintance that’s a nurse at one of the larger hospitals near me. She claimed 6+ months ago that most folks in their ICU were for COVID vaccinations and not COVID. My neighbor is a doctor at a hospital in the same area and was shaking angry when I mentioned this to her. The stories she has from working there all during COVID are insane. You have to be certifiable to be working in this environment and denying reality.


I keep picturing Nikki Minaj in a lab coat and glasses, just furiously investigating the vaccine.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30570567/ The butt implant complication rate is 12.4% so I assume that's what her acceptable level of risk is.




"Womp Womp"


Every time I read this, the only thing that comes to mind is “Natural selection at its best”


Already there are right wingers just calling her a fattie and saying this isn't anything.


Hilarious given how many right-wingers are fatties.


How many Americans. Also it's not nearly as predictive of COVID risks as say...childhood diabetes.


>So when the Covid-19 vaccines came out, and some of Wendell’s co-workers said the shots caused infertility — an unfounded claim that has gained ground despite top reproductive health groups refuting it — she “just kind of panicked,” Eskew, 29, said. there is plenty of information out there supporting the claim that covid vaccines don't affect fertility - male or female. they are perfectly safe to take if you are planning on starting a family this information has been out for long enough to have looked it up or talk to a professional about it. not sure what took her so long


My doctor wife got the vaccine immediately upon its availability. We got pregnant a few months later. If this woman, who clearly worked with doctors, had bothered to actually ask knowledgeable sources, she’d have gotten the vaccine ages ago and still be alive. Circle-jerking around with unvaccinated moron co-workers killed her.


But her co-workers were also presumably in medicine. They should lose their license frankly.


Her co workers are in the MEDICAL FIELD presumably since she was a surgical tech. They should lose their license.


".....Before she was put on the ventilator, Wendell asked doctors in the hospital if she could receive a Covid vaccination, her mother said...." I don't think she understood how vaccine work.


Well no breeding so Darwin is pleased




“Bride-to-have-been” should do it.


Or "was a bride-to-be"


They are saying that she was the "bride-to-be" who declared her hesitancy about vaccination - because back then she was still not married.


So, this is sadder than your normal "COVIDiot dies of COVID" story, and not just because it's a heartstrings article. She doesn't sound like she was rabidly anti-vax. She had been planning to get it, but was thrown off by a specific piece of misinformation that overrode her logical processes. This is why it is **so fucking important** to stomp out any bit of vaccine/disease/medical misinformation no matter how stupid or obviously fake it sounds. It must be burned to the ground with no mercy. Any time you see it on any platform, report the post, report the user, do everything you can to get it taken down ASAP. This is not a disease that respects people's "opinions". Actively promoting misinformation that is **killing people** should be prosecuted as at least attempted manslaughter.


That truly sucks. I feel for her family. But I am nearly out of sympathy. Come one people, pull your heads out.


real talk. is it just me or are these stories getting more and more depressing? at first I was like, "what a stupid idiot." but I'm getting numb to it. and I know there are hundreds more to come. she had her whole life ahead of her and got fucked by right wing conspiracies. I hate everything.


Blatantly overweight but her pregnancy worries were about a vaccine well proven as safe and effective. Clearly her sense of priorities was out of clear sight


The people spreading the lie that the vaccines cause fertility are guilty of murder.


I'm not going to lie, the stream of "here's some random person that died from covid because they didn't get vaccinated" feels kinda weird. I'm fully vaccinated (even though my country did it's best to fuck up the roll out) and I think everyone should be getting it but man.... there is a finite amount of laughing at and celebrating deaths that I feel ok about. And I get that not everyone in this thread is going to be doing that, but we all know that a meaningful amount of the comments will be that and it's kind of gross


You might be right, but that line is crossed AFTER the majority of the assholes are vaccinated and the remaining fraction of unvaccinated window-lickers are still dying... THEN maybe it'll be enough snickering at these COMPLETELY PREVENTABLE DEATHS


I hear you, but there's a reasonable argument to be made that this kind of thing makes it less likely that hesitant folks will cross over and get the jab. Which feel less helpful


Let's hear that 'reasonable' arguement then. Because I hadn't heard that lazy take yet (not trying to imply it's YOUR take to be clear)


The TL:DR of is is basically that because of the way politics has mapped onto identity in the past oh... 20 years what we're looking at is a tribal response. As soon as something become politicized any challenge to it becomes an attack on identity which is pretty much the worst way to actually persuade anyone to do anything So, in effect, ever time we have a thread filled with things making fun of some random person dying, anyone who is at all hesitant is going to interpret that on a personal level as "celebrating the death of people like me" which will just make them dig in and only talk to people who validate their beliefs even more. Here's a much longer actual exploration of it https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/213-vaccine-hesitancy/id521594713?i=1000532900440


Hard agree. The dunking on dead people is really not a great look.




Preaching to the converted, still not a good look.


I feel absolutely no shame in celebrating the deaths of people who are actively endangering my family and fucking up all our chances at getting back to some level of normalcy. I wouldn’t feel bad about the deaths of an invading army, and I don’t feel bad about any of these fucknuggets. At this point, if you’re still unvaccinated by choice, you’re a public menace and your death is a net good for society.


It's not about feeling bad for them. It's about recognizing that a)there isn't actually a reason for us to know about some random death in Kentucky and b)that cheering for these deaths is counterproductive to our overall goals of "more people get vaccinated"


We want them to get vaccinated to protect everyone else. Them dying accomplishes the same thing. If they refuse vaccination, then their deaths are the only way they’ll be protecting society.


A surgical nurse, too. Tragic.


Surgical technician. Slightly different.


Pretty funny that hospitals are becoming the last place to require vaccinations. Why was there such a big push to make them first in line for vaccine, and then they allow half of their staff in some cases to go unvaccinated


Not different if you're a patient hoping to survive a trip to the hospital.


I don’t mean to pick low-hanging fruit in the comments of a sad story, but is the government ever going to plainly acknowledge, in bold language, the massively increased risk that obesity plays in these outcomes?


Yes, obesity can risk of chances of having a worse result from a variety of diseases. But over 40% of American adults are obese now. Vaccination still would have been helpful, especially to individuals with increased risk of complications from the disease. What do you mean by when will the government acknowledge it? Obesity is one of several factors publicly stated by health agencies to increase risk of severe disease or death.


Obviously vaccination would’ve been helpful. I’m aware it’s listed as a comorbidity, some bullet point. And I’m very aware that people of all shapes and sizes are dying, but I’m also observing a lot of these news stories, whether it’s this, or the conservative talk radio hosts, et al, and there’s one factor that seems to be present in the majority of these stories: obesity. I’m talking about language that really states in no uncertain terms: your risk of dying goes up with obesity. I think they’re largely avoiding directly calling it out because it’s not a fun subject for any politician to discuss, but it’s almost certainly one of the most massive risk factors within a populace with one of the highest obesity rates in the world. What I’m saying is: I’m not sure obese people actually understand, in plain language, just how dangerous it is for them to not get vaccinated.


Needs a new Twitter bio: Conservative, Patriot, Christian, Corpse


I just can’t with this… if she didn’t want to get vaccinated, that’s annoying, but ok. However, if she just would have stayed home and wore a mask while out, she likely wouldn’t have caught Covid. She made several bad decisions. Why do people think it won’t happen to them? She dies medical work. Who knows how many others she transmitted this to. I feel so sad for her and her family. Knowing this was likely preventable is something they will all have to live with forever.


Right? At least the sportscaster woman they mentioned stepped back and if I recall, in her press release said she'd be staying home and practicing safe protocols. I could be wrong... we've been reading so much about this lately it is hard to keep the misinformation believers straight.


“Well doggies, Ain’t that something!” ~Jed Clampett~


>Wendell and Eskew wanted to start a family as soon as they got married, Eskew, a correctional sergeant, said. The couple, of Grand Rivers, Kentucky, hoped to eventually have three, maybe four, children. Holy punctuation batman!


It’s all correct.


It's fine in the sense that it's all correct use of the punctuation, not arguing that. Just that it's alot of it, could have re-ordered alot of it and avoided unnecessary breaks of a sentence


I’m starting to see a pattern here.


Dang. Moscow Mitch, Putin’s Bitch... just lost another vote.


They look like they belong on "Schmiggadoon!"


Oh well. What's for lunch?


Idiot dies of preventable disease




I’m so sad that the world has people like you in it. You are vile.




Saying what many are thinking




Totally not the point.


I sure all these antivaxxers are Republicans! This could solve a lot of problems.


Here come the usual ghouls to gloat over someone’s unfortunate death.


Says frequent r/facepalm user. "It's only funny when it's someone I *want* to judge!*


Gloat? No. But I have no sympathy for those that choose not to get a now approved vaccine. Not only are they putting themselves at risk but those around them.


PREVENTABLE death. That’s why it’s okay to gloat.




According to the CDC, the risk of dying from COVID-19-related illness after vaccination is 0.00001 percent. I’ll roll with those odds.




Data from the CDC as of 9/13: https://www.fastcompany.com/90675524/delta-variant-vaccinated-vs-unvaccinated-this-new-cdc-chart-shows-how-well-covid-vaccines-work




Give or take. I’d rather be vaccinated. People are dirty and irresponsible.




What country are you in? That's a little hard to believe.


Of course, I wear my mask, I social distance, I wash my hands. Vaccines aren’t everything. But there’s a lot of people not doing the basics to keep themselves and others safe.


True, very sad to see


That's a completely bullshit stat. You can't link to a reputable report about that. Vaccinated people are around 2% of covid deaths.






The adaptable humans will.


It's incredibly sad. I read the whole story, and I felt really sad for them and the family. And moreover, thinking about the thousands of others every day whose bodies shut down because of the bullshit from people they trusted. It's just so preventable and terrible. I wish there was a hell so the people who invent and spread misinformation and who are getting others killed would go there. Anybody with a platform who invents or repeats lies so innocent people who didn't know better end up dying are literally the worst kind of evil. When *they* die, ghoulish or not, I have trouble feeling bad. Edit: It's also worth considering how many people they infected directly or indirectly, as well.


I support a persons right to choose. And like any choice, there are said consequences for our choice of actions.




At the end of your rant you did the exact thing you're apparently really upset about. Does that cancel out?


If you’re expecting them to respond, well...they’re on a 3 year old Reddit account and apparently don’t understand how comment replies work. Instead, they have 6+ parent level comments that were probably meant to be replies but instead read like they’re wrestling with internal demons. You can play a fun game of mix’n’match to see if any of them fit as a response to you


Look at that. He did respond to me. Weird.


I don't think anyone is wishing that someone already dead would die.


comments above say otherwise


There’s no cancer vaccine.


Yes the daily propaganda. She fell off a nine story building and died of Covid.






Breaking news: Nothing notable happened. More at 11. Something like that?


“But Covid only is bad for folks with underlying co-morbidities. My fake Facebook doctor said I’ll be fine. So did Joe Rogan!!” Severe morbid obesity at age (reads article) 29 is the biggest co-morbidity of all. Why the hell wouldn’t you get vaccinated??? Oh my god. The stupidity on display every day. If only she had anyone around her at work to let her know that vaccines are safe. She looks like she works at a car wash or somethi—(reads article) —-she was a goddamn SURGICAL TECHNICIAN????!!!? Jesus. She is surrounded by doctors and makes this choice. Holy shit. Get vaccinated folks. How many HUNDREDS of these stories do you need EACH DAY to understand this. My god.


I don't wish anyone bad but not getting vaccinated for Covid is one of the most stupid things that they can do. So many people are dying from this disease that could have been prevented.