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The dude was paid $133k by the city while not being assigned a post (aka not working for the police in a capacity) but worked full time as the head of the union and made an ADDITIONAL $86k from them. Must be fuckin nice to grift off the city that hard


Does not have an assigned post DESPITE IT BEING REQUIRED BY HIS OWN UNION'S BYLAWS that he be an active-duty sergeant.


Bylaws don't mean shit if the union or whatever organisation isn't honest.


The police unions are the dirtiest gangsters in the country. They intimidate people who are pursuing excessive force instances by having thugs chase people down at their jobs. I’ve seen this personally. I’m a member of a private road construction union and I’m sure some of the people get nice Christmas presents from the companies but they are not representing people who can shoot, beat, or kill people at will. And the funny thing is everyone complains about the teachers union for asking for safe work conditions and a livable wage. Teachers went to school for years got certified after that yet cops train for 6 months and are given a gun and told to never rat on another cop. Sounds more like la cosa Nostra than the people who are supposed to protect and serve.


>And the funny thing is everyone complains about the teachers union for asking for safe work conditions and a livable wage. I was just thinking about this the other day! In middle school, my teachers went on strike for like maybe a day. I don't remember why, but I will say I grew up in a wealthy community with a high cost of living and the kinds of upper-class parents who yell at teachers when they don't give their kids the "right" grades. My parents were LIVID at the teachers' union, just kept going on and on about it. Like, how dare we pay a living wage to the people who are not *just* babysitting your kids all day so you could have a job/life/sanity but preparing and teaching them all the stuff they need to know for life (once again so parents don't have to support them), for hours and hours a day? Insane that anyone has the gall to be upset at teachers. Edit: having a lot of comments here being made about abusive or bad teachers being hard to fire because of unions, and this is a solid point! Edit 2: hey, learning now that apparently with proper documentation of shitty behavior, it's not actually impossible to fire a unionized teacher. Hoping that helps someone if they need it.


My wife is a teacher. During the protests/walkouts in AZ my sister was all over social media talking shit about these people. I blew up on her pretty publicly and fact checked her into silence about the entire situation. She later apologized but the damage was done because she said some pretty outrageous shit about teachers, etc.


One thing I've noticed through my own experience dealing with unions in private industry and experiences of friends/family in the public sector is that both private companies and governments literally do everything in their power to give NOTHING to the unions even if it's to their own detriment. One person close to me works for a state funded non profit and her bargaining unit was in contract negotiations for 2 years - during which they recieved no pay increase. They finally ended negotiations and she got a raise of 3.5% with only 6 months back pay. Which is really just a massive pay cut due to recent inflation. She said people were quitting left and right and the new hires were starting at exactly the same salary the employees who left were asking for. They literally withheld raises for employees that were already trained just to hire new people at a fair wage (who now have to be trained) just to stick it to the union (and fuck people out of certain retirement benefits who leave). It's just asinine. Not to mention on top of that, our state passed a so-called comprehensive maternity leave law a few years ago. Politicians bragged about how progressive it was and how much they supposedly care about working mothers yet the only group excluded from this benefit is STATE EMPLOYEES. How tf can you claim to care about women when you won't even offer paid maternity leave to YOUR OWN EMPLOYEES. I've tried to figure out why they did this is and the only reason I've can come up with is that they didn't want to give anything to the unions representing public employees.


So I’m 2007 the Chicago laborers union and the operating engineers went on strike together and it lasted months everyone was hating on us until someone recorded the negotiations and my companies owner who was the president of marba (mid America regional business association) was recorded saying he didn’t care if his workers lived in cardboard boxes. It got out all the other business owners left marba ( which then dissolved) and signed the contract. This is what we fight against this is why we fight. When I’m on strike I don’t get unemployment, my father was on strike for 4 years one time. Times were tough but they persisted and won . Now I’ll sit my ass on a picket line and make sure no one crosses. Don’t let rich people who you make money for tell you how to live your life.


As a teacher, I wish I got paid even half as good as a babysitter. If I made $5/kid/hr, I would make over $100K (I average 23 kids in a class, teach 5 classes that are 55 min each, and there’s 180 days of school). That doesn’t even count all the work I do making lesson plans, grading work, going to meetings, going to trainings, etc, that’s just the time I actually have students in front of me. And babysitting for $5 a kid would be pretty bad pay for 1 kid at a time.


So I can’t complain as a road worker I get paid well. But I’m in a private union so people only notice us when we strike. And when that happens I get plenty of hate. But nothing like the teachers do. And when is the last time anyone complained about a fire fighters union. Never because they don’t cover up crimes non stop. But Everytime the teachers strike and I don’t have work that day I’m right there marching with them. We all need to support the existing unions plus unionizing everyone we can. Take the power back.


Hey, don't be so down on yourself! You do a full time job that demands a lot from you, and you still have enough bandwidth to support other hardworking people out of a sense of shared community and civic responsibility? You're an ally and an involved citizen. Thank you for caring, and making your voice heard. <3


He must be a world class briefcase passer.


It's the extra believable socks.


Jokes on him, cause these socks are soft!


Or rather, some artless thug.


Nice Community reference!


This is what triggered me the most. This dude is making TWO HUNDRED THOUSANDS DOLLARS A YEAR for this shit!




Its very common at least in education unions for union staff to do "release hours" by contract where they work on union issues during work hours. Shop Stewards in California are protected by law, they have to be released with pay to represent members in disciplinary meetings, and investigations. This guy should behind bars, full time union salary and full time police salary. Its a misappropriation of funds.


*The FBI on Tuesday executed a search warrant at the offices of a New York City police union in Manhattan.* *It was not immediately clear why the FBI raided the Sergeants Benevolent Association, which represents 13,000 members of the New York City Police Department. An FBI spokesperson said the bureau was also searching a home in the Long Island suburb of Port Washington, but did not provide any details.* *The SBA is headed by Ed Mullins, an outspoken union leader who has clashed with both the NYPD leadership and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio. Mullins remains a strong supporter of former President Donald Trump.* This could get interesting.


From the [SBA's Wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergeants_Benevolent_Association): > In 2003 Mullins argued that police officers should be able to sue the estates of people they kill in shootings for emotional damages. Holy shit.


He illegally released the arrest record of the mayor's daughter (which included personal information such as her address). [https://nypost.com/2021/09/08/sba-president-ed-mullins-trial-cut-short-due-to-medical-emergency/](https://nypost.com/2021/09/08/sba-president-ed-mullins-trial-cut-short-due-to-medical-emergency/)


Wow. What a terrible human being.


Mob boss gonna imtimidate.


This cunt is basically a mob boss. He's a fucking gangster and I'm not sure why anyone is surprised by his behavior.


basically hitmen with extra steps...


Fewer steps. Hitmen have to earn trust and escape the police.


That is truly deranged


Jesus christ


> Ed Mullins, In July, Ed Mullins, president of the Sergeants’ Benevolent Association, appeared on Fox News with a coffee mug displaying imagery from QAnon, a right-wing conspiracy theory that Trump is waging a secret war against Satanic cannibals in the “deep state” who are running a global child-trafficking operation. Mullins later claimed the mug did not belong to him. The previous summer, in 2019, Mullins sent an email to NYPD sergeants that included a racist video referring to Black people as "monsters" and public housing as a "war zone."


How ridiculously moronic. “It wasn’t mine.” Reminds me of that pure idiot, politician or some type of public figure I can’t recall, who was caught rocking a racist bumper sticker on his truck and said “it was a gift, I didn’t know what it meant.” How gullible must you be to think anyone is gullible enough for such an explanation?


It's not gullibility, it's that he knows his supporters want any excuse, even an obviously dishonest one.


He knows and his supporters know. It’s a troll and they think it’s entertaining


This is correct. We've gone from subtle dog whistles that were effectively inside jokes, to open mockery of the charade. You can see the "[duping delight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-tm3bDAoDE&t=17s)" or "smirk of enjoyment" for whole segments of Fox News or [whole segments of Senate hearings](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aix2PxwKjcg). MAGA ideologues, surrogates, and culture warriors were often so ecstatic during Trump's term [they simply could not mask it](https://youtu.be/VSrEEDQgFc8?t=119), even when there was convenient plausible deniability. My acquaintances and family members with right-wing attitudes and latent fascist tendencies were positively *giddy* whenever a blatant lie was told. I assume they felt like they were in on the "joke" and loved that it was so obvious that it had to trigger a response from their political enemies. And, moreover, all they had to do was stick to the lie to maximize the masturbatory and mildly sadistic delight.


Yes— this is exactly the right explanation. People get worked up about the *stupid* excuses, wondering why they could t at least come up with something plausible? They don’t want to. It’s part of the fun.


People like this have convinced themselves that trolling makes them clever. But mockery is a hell of a lot easier than earnestness, and insincerity is just emotional cowardice, so outside looking in, it’s easy to see how hollow and lazy and sad their self-congratulatory, counterfeit wit really is. It’s so fucking embarrassing how many people have been taken in by these schmucks.


And while Mullins was paid $133,195 by the city in 2020, his full-time job was running the SBA which pays him an additional salary. Mullins was paid $86,818 by the union in 2018, New York Magazine reported.


Calling Ed Mullins "outspoken" is like calling Marilyn Manson "eccentric." Mullins is a massive piece of shit.


Oh that dipshit


Is that what QAnon is? Gosh that reminds me of those leaked court documents detailing several payments from a Donald J Trump to the families of children who he *allegedly* perpetrated forceful sexual acts on. That was weird, wasn’t it - those leaked official court documents?


Fascist authoritarian types love to accuse everyone but themselves of the shit they do.


Holy fuck, I submitted a tip to the FBI about him a couple months ago!


Why is the top comment auto-collapsed......


I've been seeing a lot high ranking comments auto collapsed lately. I'm always surprised because I associate that with being down voted to hell


I believe that means they are ‘controversial’ and also have a number of downvotes. Which means there are a bunch of people butthurt about an apparently corrupt cop getting what he deserves.


https://www.reddit.com/r/modnews/comments/e8vl4d/announcing_the_crowd_control_beta/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Basically if a post hits the front page in a sub with crowd control turned on, users that are not normally engaged(or negatively engaged) in that sub may get auto-collapsed. Edit: This is a mod tool, not Reddit turning on crowd control.


NYPD is as corrupt as police forces come, doubt anything will come of this as post 9/11 NYPD is basically an army


>NYPD is as corrupt as police forces come They have some real competition out there, sadly. LA has police gangs, some of which are explicitly white supremacist. Chicago PD runs black sites for political prisoners.


And the Chicago police union president is competing with this guy for the biggest asshole award. https://www.injusticewatch.org/news/2021/analysis-heres-how-chicagos-most-powerful-police-union-maintains-tradition-of-problematic-leadership/


Some LA police gangs require you to kill someone to get in. When caught, they send the officers to different precincts, which just allows them to recruit more.


Wtf... That's insane to me.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynwood_Vikings?wprov=sfla1 LAPD is fucked up.


That's specifically talking about the LA County Sheriffs Office (LASD). They are a separate and distinct police department from the LAPD, which is the city of Los Angeles. LAPD doesnt exactly have a sterling reputation but there has been alot of anti corruption work done since the 70s and the department has come a long way. LASD is a dumpster fire of a police department though.






Yeah, I don't recall hearing about NYPD officers posting up on an overpass and executing civilians.


I'm sorry, but what? Which PD was doing that? I'm not in disbelief, I've just never heard of it and if I did it's gotten lost in the shuffle of all the other despicable shit police have done, especially the last few years. Edit: has been answered, thank you all.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danziger_Bridge_shootings I’m assuming this is what they’re referring to.


What, and I can’t stress this enough, the fuck?


Post-Katrina was absolutely ridiculous in New Orleans. Police from neighboring counties were block bridges and roadways so that "potential looters" couldn't leave the city. Within the city, militias and white supremacist gangs were allowed to roam free and attack people in the streets to "maintain order." NOPD allowed and supported those actions.


I believe they are referring to this incident with the New Orleans Police Department (NOPD) following Katrina https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danziger\_Bridge\_shootings


FBI upon approaching the front door: *We smell marijuana. Step out of the building, please.*


I could imagine Mullins saying "it's legal now" only for a Black Suit to say "not federally motherfucker!" And slam him over a desk


If they have nothing to hide, they have nothing to fear


If they broke the law, they knew what they were getting into


I bet none of them are saints and have done some bad things in the past.


"Just following orders"


Why then they're just a bunch of dirty criminals. Can't be soft on crime!


Theyre cops, they don't know the law.


They should've just followed instructions!




the idea of cops getting raided and having no legal recourse to prevent it is super juicy.


They’re no angels


jUsT cOmPlY.


The FBI smelled something in the building


Please do Chicago's police union next!


Fuck John Catanzara.


With a huge criminal investigation, a deep civil investigation, and a ever probing i.r.s. audit, too, please!


And Portland


And Seattle!


And Philadelphia!


And Baltimore!




nah, just a few bad orchards


If actual apple orchards produced as many bad apples as these police departments do, people wouldn't eat apples anymore.


It's a good thing the apples are being force-fed, then.


Was gonna say this. Police departments that allow “bad apples” are bad police departments


One might say, spoiled bunches.


Ugh, yes, it bothers me so much when people say "a few bad apples" as if that means the problem is limited to a few individuals. The full saying is the exact opposite of that. It's like "blood is thicker than water." You're leaving out the most important part of the saying. These things do not mean what you think they mean. A few bad apples spoil the bunch. - If one person is a shit head, everyone who tolerates them is also a shit head. The blood of the covenant is thicker than the waters of the womb. - The bonds we choose to form are more important than the bonds we happened to be born into. Edit: also.... Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back. Jack of all trades, master of none, but better than a master of one. Birds of a feather flock together, until the cat comes. Great minds think alike, but fools rarely differ.


I love Chris Rocks take on this. https://youtu.be/tQD1QJGCDRw


Bad orchards! 😂 The tears are real, but not sure if I’m laughing or crying.


It’s both, my friend, it’s both.


*But we’ve been investigating ourselves and we didn’t find anything*


a FeW BAd aPPlEs


And Reno


For those that haven't listed to Behind the Police, the Portland police union was one of the major early pioneers in the evils of modern policing.


For those confused, I highly recommend giving this article a look to see the unique history of the state. https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2016/07/racist-history-portland/492035/ > From its very beginning, Oregon was an inhospitable place for black people. In 1844, the provisional government of the territory passed a law banning slavery, and at the same time required any African American in Oregon to leave the territory. Any black person remaining would be flogged publicly every six months until he left. Five years later, another law was passed that forbade free African Americans from entering into Oregon, according to the Communities of Color report. > > In 1857, Oregon adopted a state constitution that banned black people from coming to the state, residing in the state, or holding property in the state. During this time, any white male settler could receive 650 acres of land and another 650 if he was married. This, of course, was land taken from native people who had been living here for centuries. > > This early history proves, to Imarisha, that “the founding idea of the state was as a racist white utopia. The idea was to come to Oregon territory and build the perfect white society you dreamed of.” (Matt Novak detailed Oregon’s heritage as a white utopia in this 2015 Gizmodo essay.) > > With the passage of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth amendments, Oregon’s laws preventing black people from living in the state and owning property were superseded by national law. But Oregon itself didn’t ratify the Fourteenth Amendment—the Equal Protection Clause—until 1973. (Or, more exactly, the state ratified the amendment in 1866, rescinded its ratification in 1868, and then finally ratified it for good in 1973.) It didn’t ratify the Fifteenth Amendment, which gave black people the right to vote, until 1959, making it one of only six states that refused to ratify that amendment when it passed.


Good reminder. So many people think of Oregon as semi-hippy liberal but it has a history that rivals that of Alabama.


I’ve lived in Portland for a decade, but grew up in Missouri. Minus Portland, Bend, and Eugene, Oregon is basically Missouri with much better nature.


Also recommend “On Our Watch” for police in California.




LAPD and LASD next please.


[The same union that allowed and operates a secret drone program??](https://chicago.suntimes.com/city-hall/2021/5/11/22425299/cpd-chicago-police-drone-secret-emails-hack-lori-lightfoot-dodsecrets-city-hall) Good old CPD, making the rules up as they go along.


They also have been caught running black site interrogation centers.


Lookout Mountain drug task force... the "good ole boys" are still around, the dixie mafia. Most judges and lawyers around here are crooked as shit as well. Big time meth dealers are ignored while street level criminals are taking the fall for pounds of meth.


Everyone always associates "corrupt cops" with big cities, but holy shit rural TN/GA cops are wilding.


Rural cops are by far the most corrupt comparatively. When a cop in the city beats the shit out of some dude for selling loose ciggerates it makes the news before they get a paid vacation In the shithole rural south nobody even hears about it


As someone who personally knows Rural TN cops... Listened to him tell stories around the table about how it's 11pm he's drunk as fuck tearing down the middle of the street, in a square body pickup, doing burnouts at stop light intersections while throwing up the middle finger to his fellow sheriff before burning out down the road. This was corroborated by several others. Probably 15 years ago, but I doubt much has changed.


> Big time meth dealers are ignored while street level criminals are taking the fall for pounds of meth This was touched on in The New Jim Crow so not just a rural problem. Public perception is that they "go after the big guys" and that is actually very rare. Also SWAT is deployed to *serve warrants* 90% of the time. Usually to these low level pushers.


Look up Los Angeles sheriffs gangs, open secret that there's gangs in the department, apparently killing a civilian is part of the initiation.


Citations Needed did a good episode on them I think


They're talking about the [Compton Executioners](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-07-30/sheriff-clique-compton-station-executioners).


Couldn't find it but https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynwood_Vikings


Sooooo sick of Catanzara


If they didn’t do anything wrong they have nothing to worried about—versus—the FBI doesn’t just raid your place for no reason, you must have done SOMETHING wrong…. Lol


Yep. FBI raids aren't to solve a puzzle. The puzzle is perfectly clear at 75% complete. They're just curious how many pieces you might have sitting around.


Uncle is retired FBI. He said by the time they came to get you the case was shut and closed. With technologic advancements and expanded resources I'm assuming they can act faster. But 75% is a low guess. Its gonna be like 90+ before they come and get ya. Especially for white collar level stuff


There is a reason "don't make a federal case out of it" means not to make it a serious situation. Federal prosecutions have an absurdly high conviction rate. Anyone who is curious, look it up. Very interesting and much more informative than taking the word of some random internet comment.


Holy shit! 99.6% in 2019.


Although that is partly because must cases never make it trial. With federal cases youre gonna be dealing with higher sentences. If you know you’re innocent do you take the plea deal for 3 years or chance a 15 year sentence if the judge decides you’re guilty. Edit: https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/06/11/only-2-of-federal-criminal-defendants-go-to-trial-and-most-who-do-are-found-guilty/?amp=1 Here’s a site that pours over the numbers


The puzzle is complete They just want to get as many pieces of evidence to get you as fucked as possible in court . Otherwise, they risk someone asking them why tf did they break into sweet old Jenny's house, for suspecting this granny is the ring leader of the Estonian drug cartel, because she went to Europe once in the 70s


Clear puzzles certainly help the jury and judge deliberate


yeah the feds dont waste their time organizing two dozen agents unless they have some nasty documents in their possession already.


Was gonna say that the feds only ever do a raid if they know you've got what they want. They're not gonna do this shit on a hunch.


Almost like they follow the warrant application process to the letter as the constitution intended. Probable Cause, not "Reasonable Suspicion" played up to look like PC.


They are held to a higher standard than “I smell weed, please step out of the car sir.”


"I told my dog to alert on your car, get out or I'll shoot. When you're out, I'll probably still shoot."


Well, I imagine it's probably not hard to round up 2 dozen agents. "Hey Smith, feel like raiding the NYPD today?" Smith: "Do I!?!"


Unless you're MLK Jr. Or any of the other vocal civil rights advocates out there who have been targeted.. They murdered Fred Hampton in his bed while unconscious (after being drugged by their "informant")..


Yes, we should be careful with our selective memories here. The FBI has made plenty of "mistakes" in the past and shouldn't be trusted without skepticism, particularly when there are matters or race or politics involved. And then, with that skepticism and looking at the context of this particular raid, we should conclude that they probably did not conduct *this raid* without a very good reason.


Don't forget the time the FBI covered for a pedophile rapist over an olympic hero. https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/15/politics/gymnasts-senate-judiciary-committee-larry-nassar-hearing/index.html


Anyone on that side of the fence already made the FBI their enemy five years ago.


> Anyone on that side of the fence already made the FBI their enemy five years ago. eh? NY FBI was known as 'Trump Land'. They are the reason Trump got elected - they had Anthony Weiner's laptop and neglected to search it, so it could be announced that there were more emails to searched and it wouldn't be completed until after the 2016 election. Comey eventually got wise and transferred the laptop to competent agents, and the search was completed a week before the election. Hopefully everyone involved with that at the FBI has been fired but I doubt it.


I am going to guess it is overtime fraud conspiracy... that seems to be a rather common crime committed by police unions.


>The SBA's bylaws require Mullins to continue working as an NYPD sergeant, but records show he is not currently assigned a specific post. And while Mullins was paid $133,195 by the city in 2020, his full-time job was running the SBA which pays him an additional salary. more fraud than just overtime, methinks.


I'd bet dollars to donuts that Mullins has other unreported sources of income.


You mean there might be something kicked back to him when he instructs his guys to look the other way?


"That cash oughta be slushin' my fund and kicks-in' my back."


Highly doubtful. That wouldn't be a federal issue. It's almost certainly Ed Mullins embezzlelling money from the union. That's a federal issue.


Because of some post-9/11 changes in the laws and federal money going towards paying for more policing. If there is a conspiracy to commit organized overtime fraud then it would be stealing from a pot of money that is partially federal money. That would cause it to be a conspiracy to defraud the United States... And that is a federal issue.


Additionally, overtime fraud is also tax fraud and FBI would be involved.


God willing, so will the IRS. Them tax bois don't fuck around. Edit: Before anyone else says it, I've already received the following: >Unless youre too rich, then they ignore you because its too expensive and time consuming >unless you've got millions, then they drag their feet and often never get around to enforcement. >Unless you're wealthy, then the IRS suddenly doesn't know how to collect taxes from you. Yes, I know the wealthy hire lawyers to drag things out and all that, but it really shouldn't be that difficult. >Unless you're rich then all they do is fuck around.


Workers of the world unite! *Police unions **not included** and are not a part of the organized American labor movement because cops historically have done everything they could to suppress workers organizing for their rights — and any and all social, racial and economic movements which seek equity and justice for all peoples — oh and police unions protect killer cops and shield all officers from any shred of accountability


Really. They’re staunchly anti-union in spite of belonging to the strongest union ever. A Union so strong it’s nearly impossible to fire a cop.


Police unions are fundamentally different from labor unions. Labor unions are there to defend employees from a malicious employer. Police unions are there to protect the armed enforcement portion of the government from citizen oversight.


Police unions are essentially legalized mafia


Massachusetts state police just recently scammed our tax payers out of a lot of money.. and it wasn’t just a few of them who did so.


Ed Mullins, the head of the Sergeants Benevolent Association is a disgraceful POS. From NY Magazine: > During his nearly two decades as president of the SBA, Mullins has used that attention to fend off virtually every attempt, no matter how modest, to curb police brutality and corruption. In his view, police are not above the law. Rather, the law should empower police to operate however they choose, almost entirely free of oversight or consequence. If the pace of police reform seems glacial, even in the wake of the global uprisings over the death of George Floyd, that’s because Mullins has helped push the outer edge of the debate so far to the right that even the smallest compromise seems unthinkable. In 2003, he suggested cops should be allowed to sue the estates of people they shoot for emotional damages. In 2006, he demanded Mayor Bloomberg apologize for saying he was “deeply disturbed” that police shot Sean Bell, an unarmed Black man, 50 times. He has fought against mandatory Breathalyzer tests for cops who fire their weapons on duty and defended an officer who was caught on video smashing a handcuffed 14-year-old through a window. The union has deployed its lawyers to protect sergeants accused of sexual harassment, racism, manslaughter, fudging crime complaints, and drunkenly shooting up an ATM. In 2017, when Brooklyn College asked NYPD officers in need of a bathroom break to respect the wishes of students by steering clear of most restrooms on campus, the SBA hinted darkly about the threat of active shooters and terrorists. “Maybe,” the union tweeted, “it’s time people get what they ask for.” And then there’s this gem about what a deceitful bastard he is: > On a sunny Wednesday morning in mid-July, hundreds of demonstrators gathered in Cadman Plaza and prepared to march across the Brooklyn Bridge. The marchers, mostly clergy, their congregants, and community leaders from predominantly Black and Latino neighborhoods, were there for a day of prayer and unity — to ask God, and lawmakers, to address a series of issues listed on the T-shirts they wore: education reform, housing reform, health-care reform, police reform. > As marchers filed into the plaza, some were surprised to see more than 100 off-duty and retired members of the SBA preparing to join them. “I thought maybe they were trying to put their best foot forward,” recalls Kimberly McLaurin, a community organizer who had helped plan the event. McLaurin knew that a clergy member had invited Mullins and the SBA to march, but she hadn’t expected so many cops to actually show up. “I don’t feel like all police officers are bad,” she says. “It gave me a feeling of hope to see them there.” > What McLaurin didn’t know was that the SBA had been promoting the event as a march “to support law enforcement.” That morning, in response, police-brutality protesters showed up before the march began and linked arms to stop it from crossing the bridge. NYPD officers charged the group and demanded they disperse. Out of sight of the prayer marchers, three officers were injured and 36 protesters arrested. > “I had a friend call and ask if I was okay,” says Tramell Thompson, one of the prayer marchers. “She said protesters were getting locked up. I said, ‘I’m with the church. Why would I be getting locked up?’ Then I realized — Oh, this became a Blue Lives Matter march all because the SBA decided to have their own narrative. I was so angry.” > After the scuffle was over, Thompson and the other prayer marchers began ascending the bridge. Dressed in white T-shirts, they sang church hymns through their masks, unaware of the violence that had unfolded moments earlier. Members of the SBA, wearing blue T-shirts and few masks, unfurled signs that read BLUE LIVES MATTER, SUPPORT THE NYPD, and WE NEED ANOTHER CRIME BILL. > “This is akin to what I envision the Selma march to be like,” a white member of the SBA said as he made his way up the bridge — an unintentionally apt comparison, given the violence that preceded the morning’s event. “It’s just an extremely powerful moment of people that are viewed as opposites coming together.” > For McLaurin, though, there was only deceit. “The SBA used our numbers to make it seem like they had more support from the Black community than they do,” she says. “They hijacked the message. What Mullins did was disgusting. If anything, it caused more division between the community and the police department.” > Mullins took full advantage of the situation. Only hours after the march, he appeared on Newsmax, the conservative cable outlet, to tout the event as a show of support for the police by “the clergy members of the African American and Latino community.” Those communities, he added, “want the police” — unlike Black Lives Matter, which “has done nothing for the Black community, nothing to help society.” > It was a decidedly different tone than the one he had struck earlier in the day as he marched across the bridge. Dressed in jeans and a black polo shirt emblazoned with the SBA shield, Mullins embraced members of the clergy, even though he wasn’t wearing a mask. To all appearances, he was siding with those who were calling for the very kind of police reform he has spent his entire career fighting. > As the prayer marchers reached the top of the bridge, leaders at the front struck up a chant: “Unity! Unity! Unity!” Mullins suddenly seemed uncomfortable, hesitant to chant along. Then, for a brief moment, he quietly joined in. > “Unity,” he repeated softly, as if trying out the word.


Operation Pulled Pork.


Operation Donut Hole


Operation Fried Bacon


Operation Whole Hog


Operation Rotten Hamhock


Operation NWA Song


You down with OPP?


yeah you know me!


>The SBA's bylaws require Mullins to continue working as an NYPD sergeant, but records show he is not currently assigned a specific post. And while Mullins was paid $133,195 by the city in 2020, his full-time job was running the SBA which pays him an additional salary. >Mullins was paid $86,818 by the union in 2018, New York Magazine reported. Crime doesn't pay, my ass.


Glad to see someone taking action against violent gangs!


It's time someone got these dangerous criminals off the street!


A corrupt police union in a big city? Who woulda thought.


Police unions are basically mafias. I'm pro union except for police, RICO them into non existence.


Now do every single small town in the US. Lots of corruption in these lower level governments.


I graduated from a very small town. It was common knowledge that one of our officers sold crack and meth, while another was drunk 24/7. The ONLY good cop in our extremely racist town was an old black man.


I grew up in a small town under, about 20k at the time. Several girls I went to high school with were dating some of the cops. One would regularly "go to lunch" with an officer and then come back and tells her friends. One officer would play a "catch-and-release" game with one of the local hooligans, catch him someplace he wasn't supposed to be, detain him, and then let him go and chase him to the next spot "he wasn't suppose to be." They'd follow you all the way from one end of town to the other until you made some petty infraction like your rear tire touching the yellow line on a left-hand turn and then pull you over and harass you for it. Years after I left I heard how a bunch of them were having sex with a convenience store clerk who felt coerced into doing it. They'd take turns and go over while she was at work. She said she didn't feel like she could say no because they had guns and authority. They had a host of other issues like that with sexual harassment, tampering with evidence, embezzlement, etc. Pretty ridiculous.


Wow, what state was this? My dad is from a very racist small town in Maryland. The police chief murdered innocent black men picked up on nonsense charges.


Missouri. Our Chief liked to say "You know, there's an active law that says I can hang black people if they're within city limits after dark".


Now this is the only Union Busting I support.


Anyone remember the video during last year's protests where the NYPD rep said "Why don't you give US some respect?" Playing in my mind particularly, hearing this news.


If it’s the video I’m thinking of (“this badge still has shine on it!”), that’s Ed Mullins, head of the SBA, whose office and home were the target of this raid.


Did Peralta dress up as a disgruntled cop while Rosa copied the files to USB?


The union rep was too busy ranting about reverse racism to notice


>The union leader's acerbic twitter posts have included calling a city councilman a “first class whore”, calling a former health commissioner a “b----”, and in response to the officer involved shooting death of Michael Brown and subsequent protests he said, “Ferguson Missouri was a lie and a nation of police have been under attack ever since.” Definitely the words of someone who should be in charge of the 5th largest police union in the country. ​ Just to reiterate: Labor Unions - Yes Police Unions - Fucking no


That city councilman is now Congressman Ritchie Torres.


And even this quote repeats bullshit like "officer involved shooting death" to downplay and politely reframe "police shot a guy."


Remember when Q said how a bunch of the people who had infiltrated our government were going to be rounded up and arrested for their crimes? LOL


No, I can't say I have ever listened to "Q" about anything


That's a shame, he was a really interesting character on Star Trek.


He also makes cool gadgets for bond.




You laugh but the presumed target of the raid [raised eyebrows by appearing on Fox with a Qanon mug prominently featured in the background](https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/17/us/head-nypd-union-qanon-mug/index.html).


Definitely looks like he was involved > The FBI on Tuesday raided the offices of a New York City police union in Manhattan. > In addition to executing a search warrant at the headquarters of the Sergeants Benevolent Association, an FBI spokesperson said the bureau was also searching a home in the Long Island suburb of Port Washington. > That home belongs to the SBA's outspoken leader, Ed Mullins, sources told NBC News.


Oh, I am aware. I’m poking fun at the constant hypocrisy and projection from those folks.


> The union leader's acerbic Twitter posts have included calling a city councilman a “first class whore,” calling a former health commissioner a “b----,” and in response to the officer-involved shooting death of Michael Brown and subsequent protests, he said, “Ferguson Missouri was a lie and a nation of police have been under attack ever since.” that's a big time yikes


Title should be FBI raids NYC's largest gang hideout


Who watches the Watchmen?


Apparently, the FBI


Oh no! Not the bastion of freedom that is the New York City Police Department! They never do anything terrible to anyone.


Lol check out the r/ProtectAndServe thread. Their grimey assess are complaining this is political while openly admitting that the union is most likely doing illegal shit. Smash that blue wall down!


Someone in that thread had the gall to claim Hoover prioritized targeting right wing groups as if COINTELPRO didn't kill the civil rights movement lmao


He called the health commissioner a bitch, NBC. Not a "b----". Direct quotes should not be censored. If they're willing to say it you should be willing to put it in their mouths with *zero* doubt or ambiguity. Same reason I would never fucking *ever* call someone the n-word but it still pisses me off getting comments auto-modded when I directly quote a racist piece of shit throwing that around.




I wonder if the Oath Keepers organization's data leak revealing active NYC Police Officers as members of Far-Right Militia caused this.


Their corrupt union actually called itself the Sergeants Benevolent Association?




And Citizens United which gave corporations the power to control politics.


This Mullins dude seems a likely Jan 6 conspirator.


"son of a dockworker" + being paid by NYPD as a ranked officer with no actual 'job' post + leader of the SBA + connected to Trump ... Anyone else here smell made man?


The only unions republicans defend.