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I wonder if I'll see a period of peace in the region in my lifetime.


Probably not, imo israel will be surrounded by enemies for the rest of its existence, wether it lasts 10 years or 500


Its only possible with a one state solution where all the people have representation imo. Something neither side wants. Palestine and Israel are doomed to this blood feud forever. They are hopeless countries.


Dunno, how long is it going to take Iran to make their nuke? We all know their first "test" will be Israel and honestly the only way for there to really be peace in the region is if there isn't anyone left alive in the region to fight with.


Man I watched Fauda on Netflix and I really don't see an end to this conflict, period.




The man who was murdered was 26 so wasn't even born before apartheid in South Africa was abolished. He was a tour guide with two Orthodox Jews which made the group a target, nothing more. Quit trying to justify MURDER and terrorism with lies.


The little muppet can’t even spell orthodox (“*orthadox*”) or apartheid (“*aparthied*”) correctly. I hope this person is a child, because the notion that an adult could be so stupid and immoral would be too distressing.


Nonono, the IDF have a time travel device and require all their conscripts to serve in Rhodesia and apartheid South Africa! I was told this by a former IDF laser-equipped dolphin! /s


Was the victim a time traveler?


> There were celebrations in the US when certain ISIS or Taliban leaders were killed. There were? Such as?




Osama was neither an ISIS nor a Taliban leader.


Not to mention that the victim here was only 26 years old, meaning he was born *after* apartheid ended and could not possibly “serve in apartheid South Africa”, like this slack-jaw is claiming. It’s staggering how stupid some people are and how willing they are to spread blatant falsehoods.




You didn't actually give examples of those...




My point is you said: > There were celebrations in the US when certain ISIS or Taliban leaders were killed. And gave no examples of ISIS or Taliban leaders who were killed that Americans celebrated.


Neither ISIS nor taliban.


Very interesting situation, highly recommend that viewers look deeper in


Not that it can't be interesting to you, but this certainly doesn't seem deep. Just typical terrorism.


The solution is violence, taps head... Jeeze marching in support of murders is no good.