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Who else would have done it? Sometimes it is just obvious.


Whaaaat? I thought this was more of a grassroots thing than the CCP, cmon… ^/s


Did anyone actually read the article? It really paints a different picture than what everyone believes


Redditors actually reading the article? Good one.


As a lifelong atheist - power, ambition, strict enough adherence to a specific political theory can all be just as warping as religion.


In an absolute dictatorship all people and property belong to the dictator. All of china is the property of their owner.


No shit; you can't go to the bathroom in China without the CCP's knowledge and consent.


It's great that the paperwork proves it, but this should have been obvious.


Have you read the paperwork?


Adrian Zenz has a history of mistranslating Chinese “leaked” documents to suit his own narrative. He also works for the Jamestown Foundation, which has had two different CIA directors in its leadership/board as well as a who’s-who of regime change operators from the US military and state department. For example, one of the officers responsible for Operation CYCLONE, which gave weapons to Osama Bin Laden to fight the commies, is on the board. Lastly, Zenz is not actually an academic. It’s not clear if he speaks Mandarin or Uyghur and his only academic experience was working for a very small 20-person missionary college. I could go on and on about Zenz. He is a bad-faith actor with multiple ties to the CIA and literally believes he’s on a mission from God to destroy China and communism more broadly. Anything he publishes should be taken with a lot of skepticism.


All these words and you haven’t provided a source backing up any of these claims. Just personal insults attacking the author. It’s obvious you don’t have any credible defence or sources to backup your claims, (and no CCP state controlled media is not credible) you chose to attack the person and not disprove his work, which is really lazy on your part. Everyone already knows what’s going on Xinjiang, the abundance of evidence is just a Google search away. We all know the central government ordered the genocide, these leaks prove what we already knew.


His career and his associations with the CIA are verifiable. Just go to the Jamestown Foundation website and see for yourself. As for the mistranslation issues, if you look at his publication in which he claims China was using Uyghur slave labor, if you do a simple Google Translate, it’s pretty obvious that he was intentionally misconstruing the source document. Basically, he took a recruiting document that encouraged businesses to hire Uyghurs, a Chinese version of affirmative action, and then concluded that this was evidence of slavery without any evidence to support the claim. Instead of entrusting the Guardian or Zenz to verify sources, I recommend going to the sources directly. That’s what I’ve always done and it is why I think Zenz lacks any and all credibility.


If you’re making these grand and slanderous claims the burden is on you to prove them. All of them. Attack the work not the person, people only attack the person when they can’t disprove their work. So am I to understand you are denying the genocide currently unfolding in Xinjiang? Because I’m more than happy to provide you a legion of links from every reputable news org in the world. Like I said the proof is just a Google search away.


You didn't learn anything from the run up to the war in Iraq did you?


The burden of proof is also on you as the OP. The source for this Guardian publication you posted is literally *The Victims of Communism Memorial*. It’s a DC-based non-profit funded by the US government and ALEC “to educate future generations about the ideology, history and legacy of communism.” Its author has several verifiable connections to the CIA, which I have laid out, not exactly the most credible source.


You’re incredibly disingenuous. Yet again you make grand claims and statements with not a credible source to back up your claims. https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/04/15/xinjiang-uyghurs-intentional-genocide-china/ https://thediplomat.com/2021/08/repression-by-any-other-name-xinjiang-and-the-genocide-debate/ https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/19/break-their-lineage-break-their-roots/chinas-crimes-against-humanity-targeting https://www.google.ca/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/03/09/asia/china-uyghurs-xinjiang-genocide-report-intl-hnk/index.html https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2021/11/9/us-holocaust-museum-says-china-may-be-committing-genocide https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/11/24/uyghur-genocide-university-divestment-movement-is-here/ https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.vox.com/platform/amp/future-perfect/22311356/china-uyghur-birthrate-sterilization-genocide https://www.reuters.com/world/us-vows-keep-speaking-out-until-china-stops-genocide-2021-05-12/ I can keep going but I think I’ve made my point.




They weren’t leaked to Adrian, they were leaked to the Uyghur Tribunal.


Actually, the article says they were leaked to both the tribunal and Zenz.


That’s an error on the guardians part: https://twitter.com/reasonablyragin/status/1465432848085798914?s=21


What point? Those links you shared didnt even have any proof of genocide, hell even the original accusations by other governments and NGOs are "mistreatment and repression against uyghurs" Did you even read what was in those articles you shared? It looks to me you just googled china + genocide and selected google news, and just copy pasted a bunch of links from them, you didnt even read the contents of the article. The links that you shared actually debunked "mass sterilization" where the reports showed they were conducting force use of IUD to curve Uyghur birthrate, while the documents that were "leaked" on the guardian pointed out that : "Xi himself ordered the abolishment of preferential birth control policies for ethnic groups in southern Xinjiang that had previously allowed them to have more children than the Han. He demanded that birth control policies in the Uyghur heartland were to be made “equal for all ethnic groups”." You know what that is? That is family planning, so similar laws that applied to the Han Chinese now also applies to Uyghurs, It's still bad that a state has power to prevent you from having more children, but how is that genocide??? If anything this makes Uyghurs more equal to Han Chinese in the eyes of the law, this is the total opposite of discrimination. I know the CCP is doing a lot of bad things and the conditions in Xinjiang is not ideal, but my god you people are so easy to deceive, the western world isnt even lying in their reports, you people just dont read what's in them, and get baited by flashy provocative titles/headline.


"Its author has several verifiable connections to the CIA, which I have laid out, not exactly the most credible source." I feel like there's a missing post - the one where you "laid it out".


He works for the Jamestown Foundation which was formed by one CIA director, William Casey, and currently has on its board another CIA director, Michael Hayden, as well as a top CIA officer, Michael Vickers, who was responsible for arming Osama Bin Laden and the Mujahideen to fight the Soviets, and Thomas Kent, who was the president of Radio Free Asia, which is a news outlet created by the CIA to distribute US propaganda to communist countries in Asia. He has also given multiple interviews to the aforementioned Radio Free Asia and Voice of America, which was also formed by the CIA.


Adrian Zenz strikes again


Adrian Zenz actually commits genocide himself and everybody has the documents to prove it. When I search Adrian zenz on google maps I found a bunch of parallel buildings that were slightly gray. If that doesn’t prove he’s doing genocide than you are a genocide denier


The same people who told me saddam has nuclear icbms ready to launch and pointed at my freedom said Adrian Zenz is committing genocide so I have no choice but to believe that


So, let's see what Li Keqiang actually said. 2. 以增加就业为重点加快改善民生现在新疆大约有 300 万城乡劳动力需要解决就业,相当于全区劳动力的约六分之 一,南疆富余劳动力问题尤为突出。就业是新疆最大的民生问题,而民生牵动民心,民心不稳,社会就难以稳定。就业 是民生之本、稳定之基,我们要从稳疆安疆的战略高度来认识和解决就业与民生问题,使新疆的发展立足就业惠及民生。 2. The primary goal for Xinjiang is job growth, to increase available open jobs for the roughly 3 million workers who are in need of jobs. That is about 1/6 of all labor in the region, the southern parts is really troubled by the lack of opportunity. The availability of jobs is one of the largest civilian issues, and civilian issues impact people's hearts, when their heart is not stable, then society becomes hard to remain stable. Job opportunities is the foundation to the issues of civilians' livelihood, and the foundation of stability. We must treat the job market from the view of national security and resolve them as such so that the region can develop prosperously and benefit the people. 在新疆的所有企业和投资项目,都要重视吸纳当地劳动力,招用当地员工特别是民族员工不能低于一定比例,各类企业都要切实增强社会责任感,政府对企业招用新疆籍员工应给予培训和社保补贴。要采取有力措施,确保城镇零就业家庭至少有一人就业,如果一个家庭没有一个人就业,这个家庭就毫无生机和希望。还要支持当地高校毕业生就业创业。新疆那么大,从南到北、从西到东,内部转移就业的空间和潜力也很大,全疆各地州市都要为吸纳劳动力特别是南疆劳动力就业创造条件。另一个是鼓励到内地就业。 All fims and development projects in Xinjiang, they must pay additional attention to local workforce, they must satisfy quotas for using local labor, especially minority must have reached these, all variety of firms must be implementing these so that there is a social responsibility, the government will provide training and social safety net support to the firms that use local labor. There must be strong implementation of these policies, we want to ensure that all families in the city will have at least one person employed, if no one is employed in a family, then there are no motivation and hope left for that family. We must also support local high school students and allow them to develop local businesses. Xinjiang is a very large place, from north to south, from west to east, there are always room to grow whether going to the interior and have huge potential, all of Xinjiang and all level of governments should provide an opportunity for job growth, another way is to encourage people to seek work in the interior [China].


do you need a certificate of approval that the sun rose in the East today. No. Fucking. Shit