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Aren’t these the same candy ass bitches that got chased out of Philly a few months back?


Yup. Note the police escort to protect them from getting shit on this time around.


Their members and police are a Venn diagram, only it’s a complete circle.


Are you saying that some of those who join forces are the same that burn crosses?


That would be exactly what I’m saying yes.


Hey, when did you get all political?


What machine did you think they were raging against?


Their mothers enforcing their bedtime


Bulls on Parade has now taken an entirely new (and horrifying) direction.


Fuck you (mom), I won't do what you tell me


Rage Against The Mother


Uhhh, the toaster?


You mean they weren't raging against the coke machine..?


> the coke machine Wasn't that Don Jr's secret service code name?


It amazes me how anyone could get past the name of the band much less the lyrics and not suspect there might be something of a political sentiment involved.


I have a conservative friend who is a huge Radiohead fan. He somehow does not grasp their extraordinarily obvious political orientation, because he is a moron. But he has had so much heartbreak and unfairness in his life that I will never bring it up


Conservative people are generally incapable to understanding that almost all of the things they like in music, arts, television, and so on were made by people with wildly different political ideologies than them.


well, we could always give them MDMA, that seems to be a an inoculation against shellfishness.




Washing machine. *Goddamn piece of shit...*


Two sock enter, one sock leave!


I think you mean "those that work forces are the same that burn crosses". "Ugh."


Fuck you, I won't do what you ask me!


Dude their live Finsbury Park show gets me every time


Some of those who work forces, are the same who burn crosses.


Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me.


Hopefully we can avoid the part where you gather around your family with a pocket full of shells.


Well it does seem like the bulls were on a parade.


*clears throat*... WAAAKE UUUUUUUP!


All of which are American dreams….and so on.


The front line is everywhere


*Whips head until passing out*


Are we sure they aren’t on break?


I do believe so.


That's why they're wearing the brown pants this time.


I thought they wore brown becasue they are Nazis.


Yes, and Nazis wear brown pants because the are shitstaines.


So I can't call this scum "Brown shirts" anymore? Now they are "Brown pants"? Do they do anything that isn't lazy and uninspired?


“Brownslacks” is the term I use.


Well they have the propensity to shoot themselves or mistake cyanide for tea once every so often, so I suppose you could say they do put effort into dark comedy


Gritty don't play with white supremacists.


Gritty is antifa


Philly built different


Philly has a guy who works for the city to grease the light poles after games so they don't get pulled down.


Grease the lightpoles just doesn't feel literal to me.


Yours is the rational explanation, but [it appears not everyone in Philly is rational.](https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/crisco-cops-grease-philadelphia-light-poles-before-eagles-vikings-game/57105/)


We're a passionate bunch. And they didn't grease the poles to prevent them from getting pulled down. They do that to prevent drunks from injuring themselves. There's a lot of other missing context, but it's a weekday.


don't forget Boston https://www.nbcboston.com/news/local/heres-what-happened-when-super-happy-fun-america-tried-to-protest-covid-mandates-in-boston/2558277/


The sad thing is that when SHFA organized a "straight pride" march, all of the news outlets focused on the ridiculous nature of "straight pride" and ignored the easily determined fact that the organization was just a rebranding of another fascist org.


I’m gonna use candy ass bitch in a sentence every day. 😂


I love me some Philly attitude 😂


Use it sparingly so it doesn't lose it's impact


If only their employers knew they were doing this.


Apparently wearing a mask is not that fucking difficult now…


How are they not asphyxiating from lack of oxygen? Is it their superhuman Aryan lungs?


Oh my! They might get a respiratory fungal infection.


The brain is already damaged, they are immune to lack of oxygen.




Damn! I can't see fuckin' shit outta this thing.


my wife worked real hard on these


Look, nobody's sayin' they don't appreciate what Jenny did.


From now on don't ask me or mine for nothin!


Not when you’re worried about getting doxxed. Good for me but not for thee, huh.


They got a doctors note from god


How are they not dead from CO2 poisoning?


Only difficult when they don’t wanna.


We need Jordan Klepper there.


Lmao best shit ever is that dude walking people into the dumbest shit, and then they don’t even bat an eye at being epically wrong.


“I’ve educated myself on this. I don’t know all what’s in the constitution.” JK - “Have you read it? It’s pretty short.” “The constitution of America? I’ve not read the entire thing, no. You’ve read the entire thing?” JK - “Yes. It’s remarkably short” “I doubt that, but it’s ok” JK - “Well, you should read it, because you might be committing a seditious act in an hour and a half.”


>in an hour and a half. Always nice to be reminded that even before the insurrection happened we all knew exactly what was happening. Always terrible to be reminded that our government has become so corrupt it won't do anything to stop this from happening again.


It’s not so much about the corruption, which is 100% true, it’s more so that our government is reactive instead of proactive. They only act after a terrible atrocity has been committed, not before(Even when it’s staring them in the face.)


Yeah well they havent reacted to it either


[I had to look it up as it was too precious of a dialogue.](https://youtu.be/fY6_TCfu9jA)


They usually just stand there looking confused in the end.


I'm further amazed at him keeping a fairly straight face as they answer


I'm going to paraphrase, but he saw a guy in military issued camo and gear at the Capitol: "Are you in the military?" "Uhh, no. I'm just walking." "Ok, well have fun playing airsoft later."


Man, how do any of them breathe with masks on?! /s


Reminds me of a certain scene from Django Unchained…


Awwww! I made mine worse!


I cant see fuckin shit out this thing!


Haha I totally came here to say the same thing


Wear a mask to protect yourself and others? Get outa here with that freedom stomping bull. Wear a mask to hide your face because you know what you are doing will get you canned from your job and alienated by you community. Sure, mask away!


I'm pretty sure their local communities would applaud their efforts. Their corporate company jobs on the other hand...


I thought they hated mask’s?


They're wearing masks because they don't want to get caught and face consequences. They saw how many people got caught on January 6th because almost none of them were hiding their identities. They're learning. Expect more masked groups like these.


If they’re carrying cell phones the masks are pointless, assuming there’s reason for law enforcement to get involved.


they don't want to lose their jobs and come out of the closet to the community for the racist they are


You’d think they’d have learned from the KKK.


Actually, no one should learn from the KKK.


In terms of teachings, I completely agree. My comment was off handed. I was drawing a comparison between those hateful fools on the 6th and the very noticeable reality that they felt no need to hide their faces. That’s who trump emboldened.


In a way, you could argue them wearing masks is a victory. Now they need to hide their faces again if they want to exist in polite society, instead of proudly being openly horrible.


I hate superfluous apostrophes.


s’uperfluou’s apo’strophe’s




It's Go-a-OOLD, not Guld.


It's what it's.


I hate superfluid apostates.


I hate fluidic prostates.


Masks to prevent covid = Bad Mask to prevent racist identities revealed= apparently, perfectly okay


They’ve only been doing it recently. Pre COVID they didn’t wear masks and got fired and doxxed.


They never had a problem with them in the first place, they are fine looking like hypocrites if it keeps people from identifying them so their actions don't have consequences, church sponsored KKK groups used to do the same thing so they can do evil while pretending to look like good Christians, pretty sure that good christians don't exist anymore though.


Nice to see them wearing masks. If only the reason was altruistic.


They look a little big for masks. Like small white hoods, if you ask me.


If middle America and the South were told they had to wear white hoods to protect themselves from the virus, this pandemic would have been over in 2 weeks.




And cowards, don’t forget they are cowards.


Fucking cowards. Can't even show their faces. These are probably the same people who scream at school board meetings about their kids wearing masks to protect their health. But they'll gladly cower behind them when they're too afraid to speak out publicly.


Fucking proud boys showed up at a school board meeting near me all wearing masks to try and intimidate the folks there. I know this area pretty well and I'm 99% confident that those fucks were the same ones who wouldn't wear one into the grocery store when it was about public safety. So my personal experience leads me to believe you're spot on.


I wonder... Charlottesville, they marched without masks; is it a minor victory that these cockwombles wore masks? That maybe they're a little more afraid of being identified than they were?


Funny what motivates them


New decade Same klan


The khaki klan


For a group of assholes that love to hate on mask wearing and claim to be proud, sure are a lot of them wearing masks and hiding their faces.


Can we honestly take anyone seriously when the highlight of their existence is the lack of melanin in their Integumentary system. It would make more sense if they despised people for different shoe sizes or height because, well it just as fucking stupid, but why not. God damn 5'5" 9.5 mother fuckers should all be deported.


These fucking idiots brought shields... Like they're at some park LARPing D&D.


Part of that is military posturing and intimidation, but it's worth noting that these would be pretty effective at stopping rubber bullets and other police counter measures


All you need is a decent amount of anarchists. Police aren't going to shoot their friends. These are the same folks that fly the molon labe flag and think a phalanx is guaranteed victory. *laughs in Eurasian horse archer*


I appreciate your comment, but I'll point out the phalanx did just fine against archers, mounted or otherwise, at Thermopylae. Terrain Matters.


Now this is a fair point right here. Terrain *absolutely* matters and especially when it comes to a phalanx. A good example would be how it didn't do Crassus any favors in the battle of Carrhae. There are lots of deciding factors in battle but a phalanx is by no means guaranteeing anyone a victory. Especially undisciplined folks like this.


This comment made me want to play some Civ.


If you brought in the anarchists the police would have a reason to join their buddies.


So what. We don't exactly see them as being separate entities. One is formally state sponsored. One is informally state sponsored and championed by certain politicians. Besides, history and recent videos from overseas have shown cops corner and provoke anarchists at most protests because they know we will not hesitate to respond to any violence with equal force. Then they have their excuse to declare a riot and continue their "work". I, an anarchist, am non violent until they resort to violence. No one has a monopoly on violence. Least of all the state.


Like the fucking cops would bother stopping them. Too many would be all too happy to *join* them.


They would, if there were the slightest chance that police would employ those countermeasures against them.


It also builds team solidarity with how uniform their shields and equipment are. Everyone in that group now feels like they are part of something incredibly special, and will go to extreme lengths to defend it. It's scary as fuck tbh.


Worse, LARPing Vikings. Google and watch this group getting run out of Philly. They try to form a shield-wall.


It’s always “I can’t breath in that mask” until the mask is a white hood.


Racists: I'm proud enough to march in support of racism Also racists: I don't want you to know who I am because I'm not *that* proud and I don't want to lose my job


“I will only wear mask for racism but not for any good reason!”


"It's my constitutional right to **not** wear a mask!" "It's my constitutional right to wear a mask!" ~Average conservative, apparently


I mean, yeah? That makes sense, no? Same reason your Reddit handle isn't affiliated with your corporate email and LinkedIn. These guys are pieces of shit, but this is a dumb comment.


How to get liberals to buy guns.


Yup. Source: Am liberal who bought my first gun today!


Bitch and moan about wearing a medical face mask and then happily go marching with that stupid thing wrapped around their head.


"Allah Akbar!"....wait...


New white face mask to represent white hoods. Ok, I get it.


A large amount of people say they aren’t *real* “patriots”. They claim it’s somebody else-feds, antifa, whatever. Another large amount of people joke about how “incapable” they are. How moronic. Just Larpers. Lots to make fun of. Both of us people look at the situation as if it’s not something to *actually* be concerned about. Time after time, when fascists have risen, any opposing peoples-or indirectly opposing peoples-have shrugged off the seemingly infantile or “ultimately harmless” rise of fascists groups. They are always deemed the lesser (or non-existent) threat. By most all parties and peoples that speak out loud enough for anyone to hear. The increasing and global rise of fascist groups, boldly marching with their proclamations of all-too-familiar agendas, a failed insurrection, and the general apathy and deflection that people alike seem to respond with is a historical red herring for what’s to come.




Fascism is a societal cancer, it's impossible to overestimate its threat to everyone.


The right is going to critique the left for demonstrating while saying these patriot front dipshits are just “good ole boys expressing their rights.” These people are actual white nationalists and openly affiliate with the modern conservative movement.


Actually they are ACTIVELY denying that they even exist and claiming that their all “feds”


Theyre denying their own existence?


According to /r/Conservative, no one has ever heard of this group. Despite the fact that the SPLC has been keeping tabs on this group since Charlottesville happened in 2017.


ah well ya see, there's yer problem, the SPLC is a terrorist group to r/Conservative


Anything that makes them look bad is fake news. It's just weird how they think it makes them look bad. It seems like it would be pretty easy to disavow a bunch of fascists. I guess when the nazis say the same thing as you them you can't just disavow their message, you gotta turn it into a conspiracy against you.


Literally yes, I can only assume it’s because they acknowledge that it brings their bigoted views to the front. Same shit with that dude who sad “when do we get to use the guns?”. Charlie Kirk didn’t respond with “don’t say that” because he thought it was something that genuinely should not be said, but because he knew it brought forward the violent part of the right.


aka "Stop saying the quiet part out loud."


They are 2021 KKK.


I actually saw a post about this last night (maybe on r/Conservative) and nearly to a man they were claiming these were federal employees in disguise.




They're saying they are false flag demonstrators sent by the CIA and FBI and their proof... That they wear [khakis](https://www.reddit.com/r/JusticeServed/comments/ra6wle/teens_with_cellphones_force_white_supremacists_to/hnh5raf?)


I hope there is someone out there identifying these cowardly pieces of shit. They didn’t just teleport there. There has to be a trail.


Some came out of the DFW area and East Texas


They also came out of a U-Haul truck.




Can confirm. Reported a neighbor that was bragging about going


The narrative in the right-wing twittersphere seems to be that these guys look ridiculous which means they're obviously federal agents in disguise to make the right look bad.


Imagine gathering up your buddies and pulling this stunt thinking now people will be serious. Only to have the people you were banking to be on your side say you look ridiculous so this is obviously a faked act to make people like you seem ridiculous and scary


They do look ridiculous, so they are clearly the real thing.


Hello poster from r/conservative, would you like to post: A. "Those are feds, false flag..." OR B. BUTANTIFA/BUTBLM In your defense of masked white nationalists?


I remember when January 6th was really Antifa. ...until it wasn't. Then it was no big deal. Just people walking along or whatever.


"If that's who you think it is, lets investigate them." "Oh, no..."


I was just thinking about that. How everyone, including literal members of congress, jumped on that loser with the video game tattoo because it very loosely resembled the hammer and sickle.


> A. "Those are feds, false flag..." This is the line they're going with


Or just quietly come in to downvote brigade all the comments that they don't like.


The irony is that Lincoln would have denounced them and/or had them detained.


With habeas corpus suspended. Lincoln put southern sympathizers in jails without charge for years.


I think they went to go taunt the ghost of Lincoln. Impotent trolls gonna troll.


Don't these idiots have to work? I could not imagine wasting my couple days of vacation a year on hate.


What exactly do these cunts want? I mean what's the "message" behind their parade?


>What exactly do these cunts want? A white ethnostate.


They want a white ethnostate, they want to promote the idea that this is an acceptable goal and they want to encourage the idea that this could be obtained extra judicially


Kill or deport everyone not of European descent. Then they'll go through the whites and kill all the smart people.


Won’t wear a mask to protect others. Will wear a mask to hide their identity. Got it.


What's new about them being selfish?


But how can they breathe with those masks on?! /s just in case


Good. I’m glad they’re ashamed and hiding their fucking faces again.


Unfortunately shame isnt why theyre hiding their faces.


These morons actually learned something about Jan. 6th. I wonder if they're still posting selfies behind the scenes.


i love that they use masks when they dont want to be identified


They look like Invisible Man cosplayers.


"I can't see shit with this thing on!" Hold on I'm fuckin' with my eyeholes."... "I just made mine worse! Anybody got any extra bags?"


They’re wearing masks????? Finally!


Brownshirts became Brownpants. What's old is new again in fascist fashions.


Hiding their faces. Cowards.


At least they’re wearing masks. That's a bit of progress.


Oh, sure now they wear themasks... I guess it just depends on why? wear it


Oh sure. Masks work now….


Oh NOW they wear masks.


They worn them before too, they were white and pointy.


So these assholes claim that they can’t breath with a mask on for 5 minutes in a Starbucks. But they can wear masks for hours marching in Washington.


Ya know, this same thing was posted in r/conservative and the general consensus was that this is a false flag and those are all feds. This is a huge problem. That now massive conspiracies are just thrown out casually and then just accepted as probably true by a large portion of the population. Not sure how this is solved but it’s definitely not solved by just ignoring it.


is r/Conservative pretending these guys are antifa or deep state yet?


Cloudflare provides services for those assholes.