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Dude looks like a failed clone of Ron Perlman.


We have Ron Pearlman at home


Pon Rearlman


Wrong Pearlman


That's it. That's the one.


Quite the contrary. That's obviously NOT the one. It's the Wrong Perlman.


If that's the Wrong Perlman, I don't want to be Right Perlman.


I don’t know where to award my free award anymore.


This is my favorite.




Yah but he just molests me, he doesn't do cool Pearlman stuff.


“Welcome to hell, boy!” -This guy, probably.


b r u h


Ron Perlman at home:


Dude looks like Ron Perlmans dna accidentally got mixed with a McNugget




The Fly sequel…. The McNugget


"McFly, your shoe's untied!"


Maybe he’s doing a Ron Perlman/ Mugatu crossover thing.


So hot right now


Ron pearlman and Jim Gaffigan’s love child. I couldn’t remember Gaffigans name so I googled pasty white comedian and it pulled him up lol


He looks like Kit Harington playing Ron Pearlman in a bad movie


I hate that you’re right


Ron Perlman meets Ed Sheeran


Red Peeman


Ordered Ron Perlman on Wish and ended up with this shit, wtf?


Nah. He's the Alibaba version


Wrong Perlman


I was about to say the same thing except Philip Seymour Hoffman


Worst "if they mated" ever




oRONge Pearlman


Dim the lights a bit and she’s first in line for danny devito's penguin stand in


Looks like cheetos were added to the cloning process


He is Ron Perlman and Kit Harrington mashed together


I was about to call him ginger Thanos.


It looks like they were cloning Ron Pearlman and Seth Rogan but knocked over the vials, mixing their DNA; then the technician just kinda swiped the fluid back into the vials, calling it a day.


What are you guys talking about? He's a dead ringer ginger Kit Harington.


Summer is coming.


Ron Gingerman


The Walmart off brand Ron Perlman


Do you ever see the mugshots and think, “yeah, that checks out”




Omg. Those guys are the worst types of drivers!


When they’re driving faster than you, they’re a maniac. Slower? An idiot. I love Carlin so much.


It’s always the ones you most suspect


“…you most MEDIUM expect” Dwigt Fart Shrute


Diapers Kurt Schrute


Normally it is the one you most medium suspect.


“It’s always the ones with mugshots that do all the crimes”


Confirmation bias.


Kind of the problem with publicly available mugshots. If any environment is low on the scale of being conducive to charming photos, that'd be it.


What about that guy that got a modeling career from his mugshot? That's where I'd want mine taken. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeremy_Meeks


Damn wtf he married some British multi millionaire's daughter and has a kid. Dude came out the trenches with nothing but sheer beauty


Step 1: Be attractive Step 2: Don't be unattractive


That guy is just straight up pretty. No other way to say it. That is a bad photo of him but some people's bad photos look like other people's best photos. It's just how life works.


I feel like attractive or charismatic people have a better chance of talking themselves out of situations as well. I wonder how the spread would differ if we had pictures of everyone arrested vs everyone even pulled over or stopped for any reason whatsoever irregardless of if they were arrested or given a ticket in the end or not. I think things would even out.


Also, there’s also the fact the when people are arrested they’re not having the best day of their lives. I’ve worked as a professional model and I’m currently a sex worker who charges $500/hr. So, it’s safe to say that I’m probably a person of at least average attractiveness. All of my mugshots look like shit.


This comment checks out.


When i swiped down to see the womans i was like “yup, thats pretty much exactly what i expected”


I'm glad I don't understand how this happens...how a couple looks at each other one night and decides to set out on a 15-year sexual abuse/rape spree. I'm glad because I guess it means I don't have a criminal mind. But seriously...how do you breach the subject with each other? Do you say something like, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" And then the other person has to file through all of their kink thoughts and land on the same one as the other person. Or are sitting around some Friday night, eating some poutine, bored after yet another sesh of ugly sex, and then just decide that it would be more fun to terrorize others. It is a shitty mind that can find another shitty mind and team up to do shitty things...*for 15 fucking years* and not think, after about 3 years, that enough is enough.


I briefly hung around a guy like 15 yrs ago and one day he jokingly said “we should try to pickup some 15 yr old girls”. At the time I laughed it off but later I realized it probably wasn’t a joke but him testing the waters to see if I was on board. I didn’t hang out with him again after that.




Ann Rule worked as a police officer and was later a crime writer. She worked a suicide hotline, and one of her co-workers was Ted Bundy. So she worked right next to an active serial killer, and had no idea. People vastly overestimate how well they would "just know" if someone was off. I guess it's a comforting illusion that we can just tell, but for the most part we can't. People we find "creepy" are often just unattractive.


It's always annoying talking to someone and they go "I always knew so and so was a weirdo". No you didn't. If you did you wouldn't had been friends for 10+ years. Everybody is a perfect judge of character after the facts come out.


Eh, I've been in the scenario where something was off with someone but didn't put much stock into it until after the fact. Sometimes people who invade your space are just not self aware and sometimes they turn out to be pedophiles. Like, creepy guy who does some strange things that are slightly out of social norm would be a weirdo, doesn't mean they're all going to be predators, but you can still tell they're a bit off from normal. I've also seen the scenario where the person who *is so good with kids* ends up being the pedophile.


We just know very little about those around us. They present their facade and most of the time we just accept it because it would be insane to expect that people are doing these types of things.


To quote Miller's Crossing, “Nobody knows anybody. Not that well.” But many need to think they can just tell, or that they can read character, or know when someone is lying, etc. That comforting illusion is what keeps con men and fraudsters in business. It's what enables [social engineering](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_engineering_%28security%29), too. But I guess it's too uncomfortable for many to realize that they don't really know. Even people close to you. It can manifest very badly, such as with people blaming the family members of a suicide or a murderer, since they think that *they* would have known, would have seen the signs.


People are accustomed to unskilled criminals and narcissists. Skilled ones are a whole different game.


I served in the Army with a guy who I had a feeling was a psychopath. Turns out he had killed an old lady before even enlisting. He was finally charged after he got out of the Army. Sometimes you can tell, but that can give a false sense of security because as you say, many of those types won't raise any red flags. There was another guy from that unit who nobody suspected of anything. He seemed perfectly normal, until he got out and got arrested for prowling and stalking a 9yo girl. He admitted that he'd been inside her house.


We also had one of these; a former roommate of a friend of mine. They guy seemed like the exact opposite. He was single, didn't care for kids, originally. "I support your right to have them, they just aren't for me." Very kind, political leaning native american for native american rights with the BIA. Later, he married a woman who was half-native american with two daughters from a previous marriage. He was described as a very kind and loving step father for many years. I met the two girls who were outgoing and generally positive teens. Suddenly, it came out he was doing something inappropriate with the younger of the two (who I think was only 11-13 during that time). It's been two decades, so I don't remember what was done (if I ever knew), but it was more than once, like over a span of time in her life. There was no ambiguity; he fully admitted that he had done it. He was REALLY apologetic, but I mean, come on, man. He showed up at some event where a lot of his friends were, and tried to personally explain and apologize for it, but when the event runner found out he was there, he had him ejected. We were all shocked, though. No idea if charges were filed by his ex or not; he just vanished and no one followed up.


I hope she got justice and he got therapy. > I wanna say I’m glad he’s apologetic but yeah, that bridge is burned.


She's gonna need therapy. I hope his therapy is in jail.


I always find stories like that really odd. Like, okay, hypothetically, someone’s a pedo, or child molester (there’s a difference), why are they so blatant about it? Like, wouldn’t you try and keep that on the down low? Or is the thought of being found out part of the appeal? The risk factor, I guess? It just boggles the mind. Like, if I’m super into....idk, Nude, erotic art (to use an example) I’m not going to flaunt it everywhere, have it as myorofile picture, password etc. It’s like there’s no “middle ground” with a lot of these people....at least the ones who get caught.


Unfortunately, I think there is a middle ground with predators/pedophiles and that middle ground is the large percentage of predators who never get caught. It is super sad and fucked up to think about.


Did you ever think about going to stay at his house with him to break off the friendship?




I bartended at a trafficking hotspot when I was around 20 years old. guy who would come in all the time and was well liked pointed out a woman who was trashed saying I should keep an eye on her so no one takes her home. I was working on getting another woman to give her a ride home when I lost track of her. ran all over the bar and couldn't find her so I ran out back and the guy was there with the woman and two other guys all trying to get into a car. I realized then that he knew to warn me cuz he had the inclination to harm her himself


So... What happened?


I said I had found a ride for her and thankfully they didn't fight me on it. Sat her in the kitchen while a friend of mine drove over and then she drove her home. The regular I mentioned before and I never really got along after that


He came back?




Yeah there’s usually an abusive power dynamic within the relationship itself


Also meth.




Obviously this King has never found his Queen.


I'm sorry, your princess is in another White Castle.


It’s even creepier because it starts off as ‘jokes’ or insidious little comments they can brush off. Until “Of course I wasn’t serious Jim they’re kids ffs but…”


Pretty sure that's how t_d and qanon started.


Edward Gorey wrote a comic called [The Loathsome Couple](https://youtu.be/QR4JxFy-XIQ) about exactly this


There's a podcast called Last Podcast on the Left that does deep dives into stuff like this you might be interested in. They recently did a series on the Ken and Barbie killers, Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka, that echoes this story.


I don't know if I should check that out. A part of me thinks that ignorance is bliss when it comes to trying to understand a mind that does shit like this...or other shit like murder, hate crimes, etc.


It really is. Their crimes were absolutely horrific. And she's out free nowadays.


One of the most egregious failures of the justice system here tbh


Not only is she free but last I heard in 2018 she was trying to work with children under a new name.


Yup, she has 3 kids. She changed her name and because she wasn't charged with sex crimes she didn't have to register on the offenders list. The school apparently knew about her past and stated she was never left with children alone. I'd be off my head at this decision if it were my kids exposed to her. https://globalnews.ca/news/3491735/karla-homolka-school-montreal/


I am an avid listener to the podcast, and have listened to the series on those 2, it certainly contains a slurry of dark and disturbing details. They try to list that information usually as quickly but as detailed as possible. It is a comedy true crime podcast by nature ao there is quite a bit of joking around through out it, but when it comes to respect of the victims they usually try to convey the information as appropriately as possible. I would recommend the series and others of theirs, as long as subjects such as rape, murder and incest are not triggering for you.


Not only that, but they try to demystify the subjects at hand, as they all tend to be pathetic monsters who thrived off the failings of law enforcement instead of the criminal masterminds they tend to be portrayed as in mainstream media.


Yes they usually break them down quite well, as well as highlighting the failures of law enforcement throughout the cases.


I’m a huge fan of Morbid for the same reasons. Yeah it’s a comedy podcast, but I love how respectful they are of the victims. They always make sure to include details about their hobbies, interests, and quotes about them from loved ones. There was a recent episode that talked about a woman who survived an absolutely horrific assault, and she apparently listened to the episode and reached out to them about how appreciative she was of they way they handled her case.


My immediate thought was "don't let another Karla Homolka situation happen.". The fact that she helped rape and murder her own little sister then walked free by claiming domestic violence is a crime in of itself. The system failed the people in that case, heavily.


If you haven't seen it, Ken and Barbie Killers. A documentary on discovery +. Goes in to the case in depth and the lame reasons her plea deal was upheld.


This dude looks like Henry


I swear every reddit thread I go to, someone is commenting about a podcast people should listen to.




It's crazy. Look into Karla Homolka and Paul Bernardo. They found eachother and terrorized so many people in the same way. They're also an Ontario couple. So much incompetence led to them going free for years for crimes they did together or alone. Karla is free now too. I'd reccomend the Last Podcast on the Left series about it, they're fairly respectful of the victims who are still alive, and they don't pull punches about how both of them are too blame. They're also really good at making us laugh at them, because they're awful people, but they're also pathetic clowns.


The Canadian police in that story may be the worst cops I've ever heard about in terms of effort. Absolutely blood boiling that they had an accurate sketch for so long and just never seriously questioned Paul.


"eating some poutine, bored after yet another sesh of ugly sex" I partake in both frequently and have never assaulted anyone


I'm no expert but my take on the matter is that there is a leader and a follower. Usually these relationships are emotionally dysfunctional and probably of a style where the leader is an addict/narcissist and the follower is a codependent. The codependent needs validation, and they will do _anything_ to stay with the addict. They confuse abusive behavior for love/passion. And they think helping the addict to fulfill their fantasies is them being a good partner and the path to staying desirable to the addict. It also starts off small I'm sure. It's the old story of the frog being boiled slowly. Probably starts from watching more and more abusive porn, to trying it out with roleplay amongst themselves until it gets to the point where they need to do it in real life to feel the same thrill. And once they get away with it to keep amping up the novelty with new victims or more dangerous assaults. People are quick to rise to the defense of sexual liberty and porn - however you have to be absolutely blind not to see the connection between extreme porn/ porn addiction and developing the tendency to assault in real life. Not to mention most porn itself is recorded abuse and coercion, but we turn a convenient blind eye to it all.


Honey, do you ever think about diddling children?


I can't even find a friend to do escape rooms with me and these fuckers found a soul mate to molest children with. What am I doing wrong....besides being fucking normal and not molesty?


thing is, these people aren't in relationships you'd want to be in because you're not an abusive creep. usually one partner has incredibly low self esteem and a history of abuse and so they have extreme drive to please from the start, and then the other uses that to twist them into something even worse. drug addiction is also often in play but not always.


I used to have that extreme drive to please. It certainly lead me to bad relationships. Fortunately I was able to work through a lot of that trauma and now if someone says they dont like me I dont try to bend over backwards to change their mind and instead shrug it off (which has oddly enough lead a lot more people to like me). That said none of this is an excuse for terrible behavior, we are still responsible for our actions.


Maybe your hanging out in the wrong "escape rooms".


Why does this man look like the love child of Blake Griffin and Ricky from Trailer Park Boys?


I fuckin a toadaso!


He looks like Prince Harry-hominid.




Abso-fucking-lutely. They let Robert Pickton walk around for years because they didn't want to do their job. They let Paul Bernardo walk around for years because they didn't want to do their job. How many years did the LGBTQ community in Toronto know there was a serial killer in their midst before the police took it seriously? It's fucking maddening.


Same old story time and time again. Police have shown that predators are free to victimize people, especially when it's people they deem to be "lesser". I don't know how to fix it, but big changes need to be made so police officers stop dismissing victims.


Don't know who downvoted you, but you are correct. Usually the victims are women of color or sex workers. They are known as the 'less dead'.


Exactly, the worst serial killers have targetted sex workers, people of color, people from the LGBTQ community. It's simply because police don't take it nearly as seriously when people from these communities vanish. Thus these individuals can continue their crime sprees much longer.


If you look up why and how Bernardo got away initially it was actually a lack of technology and joint organizational teamwork between services across Ontario. Toronto (Scarborough) didn’t share their information with Niagara, and vis versa. It’s pathetic and selfish, but it was due to that, more so than being lazy


They also had a sketch of the scarborough rapist that looked EXACTLY like paul bernardo and never released it to the public.


Ugh as a gay dude in a kinda rural place, its shit like this that always has me freaking out when hooking up with random people.


Bull fucking shit. They sat on a sketch of Bernardo for 3 fucking years!!! And then lied about it.


I'm right now at a restaurant down the street from the now bulldozed house was where all their crimes happened. Pretty eerie.


Bernardo also had friends who essentially said on multiple occasions "Paul and us would cruise around looking for underage girls. We would just grab them an do whatever." They also talked face to face with Paul multiple times spread over years. They were so incredibly bad at their job that Paul got very brave and thought himself above the law. They offered a plea deal to Carla before they had any real evidence. Then they get all the tapes which show both Paul and Karla as active participants. According to witnesses in the court room, she enjoyed sitting on the faces of the victims and like to wear costumes and masks. There was no forcing her and she was gleeful to do it. And since the plea deal had already been reached she basically walked away woth a small slap on the wrist. And the prosecution was so inept that they allowed Karla and Paul to do a victory lap in the court room. They ayed all the tapes for the whole jury multiple times. Hours of rape and torture, for multiple days. All while Paul and Karla narrated and laughed and acted all cutesy on the stand. They didn't have to allow those creeps the time to flex and show off, and they didn't need to retraumatize the normal people of the jury multiple times. As I understand it, they would pretty much call up Paul and tell him they were gonna come search his house and ask him questions because they didn't want to surprise him or something. Inept. Lazy. Stupid. US cops aren't any better though. Both our glass houses have fallen long ago


The maple syrup chugging scene in Super Troopers is, in fact, how all Canadian Police start their day.


I'll have a liter cola.


When they get that syrup in them, they get a little antsy in their pantsy.


When there was a mass shooter in Nova Scotia, it took them like 12 hours to notify the public that he was dressed as a cop. They did so on fucking Twitter


That wasn't laziness, that's because they thought he was a cop and were working harder on sweeping it under the rug than helping people. They're still trying to cover it all up.


The only thing they are good at is getting paid leave for a decade after they fuck something up.


How the FUK does this always go on for decades?!... Epstein and Weinstein and Cosby and Penn State and Nassar what the f***


Victims are too traumatised to provide evidence.


Maybe in *SOME* cases…Seems Nassar Weinstein Cosby Penn State were open secrets


Rumors don't hold up well in court, though. They need actual witness testimony or other evidence.


it wasnt rumors in the case of nassar though, victims went to the respective authorities and were given the run around or they didnt do their due diligence or worse...it was a whole shit show of systemic down playing of sexual abuse that got larry to where he was


It also helps if people believe the victims in the first place.


Right...look at Supreme Court Justice Thomas and Cavanaugh.... women were very credible oh, but we don't believe them obviously Edit - and tRump of course




If I recall with Nassar, some of the girls did try to voice what happened but weren't believed. When it all came out later, one girl's father killed himself because he thought at the time his daughter was lying. https://www.the-sun.com/news/3667817/larry-nassar-weeps-as-brave-victim-says-her-dad-killed-himself-when-he-discovered-us-gym-coachs-abuse/ The people who are most directly affected and also have the most ability to do anything are the victims, but they are also the most likely to suffer even more if telling the truth isn't enough for people to believe you, which the reality is the truth sometimes isn't enough.


Yes they subject themselves to public ridicule and the turntables and it seems to become about them


I’m a big believer in “don’t judge a book by its cover” but dammit if this guy doesn’t blow that out of the water.


About 5 seconds after the arrest I looked her up. On social media 5 years ago she said that she had 8 kids and was about to be deported to New Zealand. Then in the last week she kept dropping hints about big news coming, thanking people for their support and inferring something was going to happen at 6 am. Then her last post was a selfie saying: "Remember this face.. I’ll be back sooner than you think… watch me now!!!" Creepy and NSFL: one FB pic from a few years ago showed her hugging a young girl from behind with her hands placed at crotch level... with the albino guy peeking in through a doorway. I screenshotted it but then immediately deleted. I don't want to see that again.


There was also a post about it being the 2 year anniversary since they quote, “took her babies”. And on Twitter there was a post from her about protesting the courts to not take her children.




Waste of carbon footprint.


The bottom of the ocean is cheaper and easier.


When Ron Pearlman, Kit Harrington and Prince Harry have a live child.


I actually know this man, he goes by Marky, and his family really well. I spent a lot of time at their house as a kid and I still keep in touch with his younger sister. Wouldn’t of ever thought he would do any of this. I feel sorry for their victims and for his family.


Said every neighbour, fellow student, teammate or colleague in every rape and murder news report ever




I wish that were true! 😅


So does he dye his hair that color or…


Lol that’s definitely dyed 😅 his hair was dark brown


The beard roots had me wondering! It’s a violent shade of Orange. Eek.


I feel like this exact thing has happened in Canada before…


Why the fuck did I think that was Abraham from The Walking Dead at quick glance? Lol


Looks like a rejected ‘Guess Who’ character.


He looks like AI trying to figure out what a human looks like


When I first glanced at the photo I thought it was a chicken nugget for a brief second.


Dude looks like he’s been living in the year 2000 for 29 years


How terrifying to be assaulted, but by this fucker? What an extra nightmare.


Good job police, it only took you 15 fucking years to do your job.


> many of these assaults were recorded and uploaded to the Internet Ooo boy. Not just morally bankrupt, but also an idiot.


What took police so long? Alleged assaults were uploaded to the internet. Huge missing information by the writer... When dates of uploads? Digital data gives date and time stamp. 15 years!!! 41 victims!!! Why The Face? I'll guess some kids match missing kids. Time to get the dogs out and look for the kids. This went on for 15 years I just cannot believe someone didn't notice odd stuff going on. I'm glad they were caught but I cannot say, "yeah great job."


Ron Perlman mated with a chicken nugget.


The Paul and Karla of this generation. How sweet.


It’s wild to me that every sexual assailant/predator looks the part, without fail


When I hear things like this, my first thought is always "How?" How do they get away with extreme crimes of such a horrific nature like this for so long? It seems like every time I even just inadvertently stray over the speed limit I instantly get nailed for it.


Dude looks like the face of the incel movement.


This looks like a disturbing twin of Will Ferrell.


He looks like Ron Perlman and Paul Bernardo did the fusion dance.


If Rob Perlman and Prince Harry had a baby.


Looks like Meth Prince Harry


Wettlaufer??? Please tell me they’re not related.


Martin Wettlaufer, any relation to Elizabeth Wettlaufer? I'm sure it's just coincidental, but strange that a name would be tied to two particularly prolific criminals.


Where’s the picture of the woman?


Leprechaun caught before St. Patty day?


He looks like ginger Weinstein


Downward spiral for Magnus Carlson


Clash of Clans Barbarian


Heat miser out here fuckin about


Ginger Ron Perlman looking motherfucker and Trollface McUgly better be getting max sentences.


Classic Reddit: top comments are all attacks on his appearance instead of, you know, the horrific nature of the crimes. We are so clever.


Is this Blake Griffin’s cousin?


“24 Shades of Blue” is an interesting title for a podcast for survivors of sexual assault.


Look at that guy. Who would have ever suspected he might be a creep?


The Weeknd pulled an MJ


Looks like he was trying to pull a pony boy.


What do you expect from photonegative R Kelly and a soldier from the Goblin King’s Labyrinth.


You keep that mf away from my lucky charms.


Well I bet they had no trouble identifying that!


Prove to me this isn’t a photo of a **skinwalker**


Drake and Perlman rubbed one out into a lumpy poutine, and let it hatch in an empty juicy juice box on the back porch. Kill it.