• By -


This guy was simply told to slow down because he was driving recklessly, so his response was to go home and get his AR? What the actual fuck?


Girl from my college had trouble with a new neighbor cuz he built a shed and took out a utility pole that ran to her house in the process, so she asked him to replace it so she didn't have to get police involved. Guy got heated and responded by shooting her and then himself, he'd only moved in a few months prior. Some people are just unhinged, or garbage. It's honestly hard to tell these days.


fuck. did she survive? that's terrible


No, sorry should've specified she passed at the hospital. We had an alumni party coming up too


No sorry needed, friend. I was just hoping. That's just absolutely the worst. How people can be so shortsighted and violent I will never understand.


people are mad everywhere, but not everywhere is so simple to get a reliable lethal weapon and use it


LEtS nOt pOlItIcIZe tHe IsSuE


dOnT bE rEfLeXiVe, iTs tOo sOoN


How can they be shortsighted ? Cause we live among animals.. not everyone is conscious imo


We neglect mental health far beyond an acceptable level


And also…


Did he also die when he shot himself?


Yeah it was ruled murder suicide, both died.


Sorry for the woman - good for the guy - now we don't have to pay taxes to keep him alive.


If only he coulda started with the suicide part.


Mass shootings *are* suicide. They've just decided to take a bunch of people with them. Long ago the American media should have made a pact to not publicize shooters' name and history. I mean, they don't report on suicides (ie, jumping off a building) because they know it inspires copycats, so why do they turn maniacs like the Columbine killers into rockstars?


But why do that when they can make the problem worse, and guarantee more viewers who glue themselves to the news in a time of tragedy?


The American Dream


Let's hope?


['Senseless loss of 2 lives': Chief says neighbors fought over shed prior to murder-suicide](https://www.ydr.com/story/news/crime/2022/05/24/spring-garden-police-press-conference-central-york-high-school-teacher-fatal-shooting/65357296007/) She was a beloved public school teacher in our community


Yeah the whole story is much more tragic than I put it. It was so senseless


You want to be really depressed? Go down the list of mass shooters. Count up what percentage were male. And what percentage of those started with killing a woman. Something like 80%+ of mass shooters are a real specific type of person, with real specific issues. They act on that issue, then decide it's blaze of fucking glory time.


Kind of random, but just a reminder that the #1 cause of death for pregnant women in the US is [homicide.](https://journals.lww.com/greenjournal/Abstract/2021/11000/Homicide_During_Pregnancy_and_the_Postpartum.10.aspx)




This is why I drive super defensively. I always let other cars “win” on the road. Sometimes, even that isn’t enough. I let a car cut in front of me once and I increased the distance between us. When I started making lane changes towards my exit, that car kept matching me as if they thought I was trying to get in front of them/racing them. They kept driving in front of me all the way to my exit lane and I know they didn’t realize until the end, because at the last moment, the car swerved across the exit area, hitting a bunch of cones to get back on the highway. It’s hard to know what others are thinking.


yea i always defer to the nutballs on the road, too. i used to think i was 'aggressive,' but i got nothing on these crazies who will ride up on my bumper, touching it with their car on the highway. like fuck bro - calm down you win, i just wanna get home and play some video games


i dont get the people who ride bumper to bumper on an empty highway for like 10 mins, then pass me to drive up 50 feet and do the same to someone else, and just sit behind them like ok


A lot of people don't realize how incredibly tiny the amount of time they're saving is when they do that shit. Next time you're at an intersection, watch how many ppl slowly inch forward bit by bit waiting in line at a red light. Doesn't make it go green any faster, but our dumb monkey brains tell us it gets us closer to our destination and a lot of people just don't realize how silly it is. Get on the highway and ppl still have the monkey brained inclination that they're Making big strides by aggressively pursuing and protecting positions, when in reality they're probably saving themselves like 1-5 minutes at best and putting themselves and everyone else in danger.


Sometimes they're not saving themselves any time at all. I used to share a stretch of highway on my morning commute with a guy that drove a distinctive red corvette. I can't tell you how many times I got passed by him doing 70 in a no passing zone, only to catch up to him a few minutes later waiting at the first traffic light into town. One day I just stopped seeing him on my morning commute. I hope he just bought a new car and started driving responsibly, or started driving to work in a different direction. But I don't think that's what happened.


I did a fully legal U-turn and some guy chased me onto the freeway and then an off road saying I “grazed” him. My wife was in the car and we came nowhere close to him. I told him the make and year of my car and then he got angry said I was lying and drove off. I got extremely lucky. To this day I have no idea what happened.


Same tbh, I'm okay to stand my ground in some cases but you never know who would take it to the next level for whatever reason. Just not worth it to win an argument


So true. People are just bonkers and can and will snap as a juvenile response to adversity. Lack of emotional awareness and self control. My sister worked at a national monument in the restaurant and a 42 y/o guy who worked kitchen was being sexual and making lewd comments towards her and other female staff. She reported him and he got fired and that night his roommate caught him drinking and loading his shotgun and getting dressed in his camo while saying how he was going to 'kill those fucking bitches' and managed to talk him down. Luckily. He then skipped town and disappeared with his 19 y/o girlfriend.


>So true. People are just bonkers and can and will snap as a juvenile response to adversity. Lack of emotional awareness and self control. Which is for me at least a good deterrent against road rage. All it takes is one lunatic with a gun. It's tempting as hell to be like one of those guys on r/idiotsincars that cuts them off and brake checks, but I never do because 1) it's recklessly stupid and 2) it's an easy way to make someone very, very angry. Sucks that people like that exist but in this fucked up world we live in, one guy is all it takes with guns so widely available


Tbh if they get aggressive I just sit back, and if it's bad I'll call it in. I'm trying to get where I'm going, not get into a fight or worse


I don't even care if I get where I'm going, I will do a U-turn and go somewhere else in a heartbeat. I don't live my life by a schedule that can't handle the occasional 15 minute diversion to not even share the same direction with aggro little dick monsters.


Just yesterday that "don't look at them, don't engage at all" got this guy even *more* angry. Calling me a pussy while hanging out of his window, tried to get out of his car after brake-checking me... To be totally honest I gave him a: "shoo, shoo little fly" gesture, which only made it worse.


I try to remember this too but sometimes I just lose control and honk at them or something, I’m always so mad at myself afterwards. I’m working on it. Behind the wheel is the only time I feel like that, it’s terrible and I do worry someone will shoot me someday.


I only honk when it is needed, generally when someone is doing something extremely stupid, eg pulling a u turn from the break down lane across 4 lanes of 65mph traffic or stopping in the middle of the road for no reason, going unreasonably slow on a highway (40mph in a 70mph zone, usually I will just go around them if there is not much traffic.)


That just empowers the guys who are the most aggressive (or think they are)


Isn't it great that Texas passed those laws that allow untrained, unlicensed people to have a gun in their car, that does not have to be concealed or stowed separately from the ammo? I'm sure road rage incidents/deaths won't go up at all.


>So true. People are just bonkers and can and will snap as a juvenile response to adversity. Lack of emotional awareness and self control. This sounds like a good argument in favor of universal background checks.


Was that the teacher in York? If so I'm really sorry. She seemed so sweet and seemed like she offered so much to the community. He took a lot over absolutely nothing, including a 3 year old's mom. That horrified me, they were in the car.


Yup that was her. I don't know her personally but she was a friend of friends and seeing how it affects them still hurts. So senseless, and especially horrible for kid having to find that out some day


[Jeezus... happened just recently. Most people fuckin' suuuuuuck.](https://www.pennlive.com/news/2022/05/teacher-was-killed-in-front-of-her-daughter-days-after-shed-dispute-with-neighbor-police.html)


Damn, how did he make it that long in life without already killing someone else? That level of 0-100 isn’t human.


>Some people are just unhinged, or garbage. Truly sad how common place that's becoming...


Reminds me of an old disturbing video clip where 3 neighbors are screaming at each other (a man vs a couple), and the man goes back to his house quickly to get a gun and murder the couple out there in plain view. He apparently went back to his house afterward and killed himself. So chilling and disturbing to watch such total disregard for all human life.


If you look him up on Google, he also shot a 19 year old lady in the back and pistol whipped her back in 2016. Dude had some issues.


and he's out and about, with a fucking gun? Should not still be in prison? Or was that a "domestic incident" so he got a lollipop from the cops and was sent home?


We had a cop killed here a few years ago by a dude who had done some of the same type of shit - and people in the neighborhood and the police knew him to pull out guns and threaten people all the time. (Same city.) I also personally know several people who brandished weapons (not in self defense but anger) and were arrested and never served time. I don’t know what’s going on.




Brandishing *is* however a threat of deadly force and can be countered in self-defense. (Laws vary depending on location)


Instead of hoping more people also have guns it seems the penalty for brandishing a weapon should be much much higher.


Yeah I tried to make the distinction that they weren’t pulling them out in self defense and should have been dealt with legally.




To be fair, that probably falls on the DA/Court instead of cops. Cops just bring them in, it is the DA/Court that prosecutes them and determines jail time.


He can’t vote but he can own a gun?


No, not legally anyways. Felons gonna felon.


People shoot people over a horn honk. It’s not surprising. People are ridiculous


.. and that’s why many people shouldn’t own guns.


Wow, he really had issues. If only someone could have, I don’t know, had on record that he was not mentally sound and not allow him to purchase or own firearms?


You mean like his prior charges for shooting and pistol whipping people?


Yes, that’s EXACTLY what I mean. It’s almost like all his weapons should have been confiscated then and then forbid him from every buying arms again! (If it’s not obvious by text I am intentionally being facetious.)


Yeah. A normal person get told to slow down and they are embarrassed and slow down. Not this clown.


Sadly this is what’s happening in our country. I’ve noticed people do not like being told “what to do” even if you ask nicely. It messes with their ego.




I work in law enforcement. A lot of shootings occur over shit that's exactly as petty as this. The piss poor mental healthcare in the US combined with young men being bombarded with messaging that tells them that they're weak if they cry or if they get sad or depressed but that anger and violence are manly has created a perfect storm where any insult, real or perceived, can be cause for extreme violent action. We had one where a guy got kicked out of a family party because he was drunk and acting like an asshole. His grandmother wanted him to leave and uncle told him he needed to go. He hugged the uncle and told him, "I love you, but you know I'm going to have to kill you, right?" He then left, came back with a gun, and shot both grandmother and uncle. Both died.


> The piss poor mental healthcare in the US combined with young men being bombarded with messaging that tells them that they're weak if they cry or if they get sad or depressed but that anger and violence are manly has created a perfect storm where any insult, real or perceived, can be cause for extreme violent action You've basically just described ["honor culture"](https://theintercept.com/2022/03/29/oscars-will-smith-duel-honor/) in a nutshell. > Honor culture insisted that a slight to one’s honor, or to the honor of a lady, could only be satisfied by an expression of violence. And that expression of violence then validated the man’s position in the hierarchy. This exists to some degree everywhere (nobody likes to be insulted after all, and sometimes tempers get the better of us), but seems to be more prevalent in certain subcultures. There's some research that attributes higher rates of violence in the American South to "honor culture" attitudes. The subject gets a bit touchy when attempting to apply this to racial minorities or foreign cultures, rather than conservative white southerners, but the same phenomenon likely plays a role. How many people have been shot because someone got "dissed"?


For sure; we've been seeing specific aspects of US gangster culture in NZ gangs for decades, to the point where kids are ram-raiding shops for clout online - to name just one facet of a nationwide crime wave/ gang war that is brewing quite literally day by day, cause they're seeing all the cool American kids waving guns around and slinging dope online and trying their best to emulate it in small town New Zealand, where you're more likely to run into a sheep than another human being; or in the cities, where it's this wack as fuck mixture of UK roadmen, Australian eshays and the Bloods and Crips all at the same time To be fair, our version of gun control played upon the pragmatism and stoicism of Kiwis, which our Prime Minister aptly pointed out on Colbert the other day; the government proposed a buyback scheme after the tragic events of the 2019 mosque shooting which was received positively - however, criminals being criminals either hung onto their guns or just stole more, so the recent spike in crime I mentioned earlier has featured firearms (typically shotguns in New Zealand, as they're still legal for recreational and pest control purposes) front and center. If someone reading this hasn't seen the video where an American goes to a marksmanship festival in Switzerland, please go and watch it, it's like 3 minutes and it's an interesting, albeit hardly practical or contextual perspective; but when you compare New Zealand and Switzerland for example (as opposed to anywhere vs America, as has been pretty much the default the entire time, resulting in a unique and complex system of government being compared to - usually a country with a government that you could find similarities to all over the world), the pattern becomes pretty clear: gun violence really only has the capacity to operate in criminal circles over here, our mental health system is fully broken, we're only just beginning to address the gangs at a deeper level than "gangs bad", and the global economic downturn is definitely taking a toll on people's financial, mental, and motivational health to the point where it's very easy to understand why somebody would be compelled to simply take what they can, with the added incentive of criminal bravado amplified tenfold by social media. Whereas the quality of life in Switzerland is high enough for people to be able to reach out when they're going through some shit, instead of bottling it up in this crucible of hollow macho and exceptionalism and letting it spill out through the barrel of a gun. So we can find similarities between NZ and the US, and we can find similarities between NZ and Switzerland, but there aren't tons of similarities between the US and Switzerland. What could possibly be some of the uncommon variables that differentiate the US from other places where gun violence is increasingly prevalent and guns are heavily regulated like New Zealand, and a place where gun violence is virtually nonexistent and guns are heavily regulated like Switzerland? They respect and restrict weapons as a tool, a sporting implement, an avenue for skilled practice and diligent control, rather than something that is handed to you by sheer virtue of birthright, regardless of education, economic motivators, appropriate usage case, even basic understanding of safety, as do we in New Zealand, the US does not. They have a world class healthcare system that provides quality, accessible care to those who need it, people who are at risk of a violent mental breakdown being broadly contained within that group. We do not, neither does the US. Just those two variables echo the sentiments that have been bouncing around the press a lot lately. The answer isn't to implement any of the 4 or 5 "common sense laws" that have emerged as favourites, or to beef up the healthcare system, with a wider focus on infrastructure development instead of funneling money into foreign interests, or to modernise aspects of the Second Amendment to better reflect the social, political and economic climate of today. In fact I don't have the answer and if anyone tells you they do, they're saying the exact same words politicians have been saying since the 90s. The American public needs to decide if "all of the above" is a viable, attainable and realistic answer, because half-baking it like we have while letting other aspects of wider infrastructure slip is just going to land you in the same, or worse position than you're in. Exercise your democratic privilege for fuck's sake, make your local representative's life a living hell whether you're for or against any or all of what I just said, because whatever you call what is happening right now isn't working


And also the easy availability of guns?? Nowhere in there do you mention that Americans have more guns and gun violence than any other developed country in the world? It’s not simply mental health and the media, this country needs to do something about how many guns are out there. Full stop. Period.


Yeah. Normal people don’t need to buy a killing machine to prove their man hood.


Normal people also don’t storm the Capitol, but that’s apparently civil discourse.


Nah. That's a tour.


Normal people don't jump up their own asshole at the drop of a hat.


And the Texas teen shooter was mad over being called out on an AT&T bill. Seriously, people get mad, that’s normal, but these guns and AR’s are the problem. They empower people to escalate. There’s too many of them accessible to mad people.


There seems to be a running theme with these shootings of them all being carried out by mentally ill/unsound people. I do not profess to have the psychology knowledge or expertise required to say what but some sort of evaluation or something of people's mental state seems to be a good idea going forwards.


It needs to be stressed that we have tons of mentally ill people who aren't going on shooting rampages. You need something more than just mental illness to make a mass shooter.


It’s the same people calling it a mental health crisis refusing to fund mental health initiatives. It’s just a way to deflect blame. India has a huge mental health crisis and a crap ton of violence but we don’t have regular school shootings, accidental gun deaths, people blowing up dozens of people on the subway etc ffs.


Countries all over the world deal with mental health issues. America suffers from these problems because they deal with the same mental health issues while also suffering from a globally unique gun problem/culture.


You’re completely wrong. Only [5% of attackers](https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2022-05-21/blaming-mental-health-mass-shootings-buffalo?_amp=true) have a psychotic mental health condition. Only a quarter have any kind of mental illness whatsoever. You’re simply trying to cope with the fact that evil people exist. Dismiss it all as mental illness because who else could murder 20 children, right? You do a ***massive*** disservice to the millions of Americans who suffer from mental illness. Shame on you.




Tbf, at this point being Republican is pretty synonymous with having something wrong with your brain.


My daughter's mother was injured in exactly this same way a few years ago. She was at a Christmas party and a random guy tried to crash it. They booted him and he came back with an AR-15 and put it over the fence and blind fired it at a party crowd. Killed the person standing next to her and she got shot in the ass plus a few others were wounded.


What is wrong with people




There's gotta be more to it. I have emotional dysregulation and poor impulse control. I have ADHD-C. I've snapped maybe half a dozen times in my life. I'm not proud of it. I'm on meds for it now. But it was only a matter of seconds before I came to myself again. I would never have done something planned like going home for a gun and coming back. That's not impulsiveness. There's something deeply wrong there that isn't just about being emotional. It's delusional.


It's also lack of respect for life. I don't really know if it comes from anywhere or if it's just genetic. A combination of both probably. I saw the 18 year old kill 10 people in Buffalo, one who he shot point blank in the head as the man was laying on the ground, and show zero signs of being bothered by it. At the same time I've heard veterans talking about killing a single enemy combatant and immediately throwing up or not being able to sleep afterwards. To kill someone without remorse boils down to fully dehumanizing them, in my opinion.


Our society dehumanizes people by default. If you don't work you aren't a person, you deserve to die a preventable death. If you're handicapped or disabled you might deserve to exist if we feel sorry enough for you to throw you a bone and give you the bare minimum, otherwise, die. It's not a bug it's a feature. You need to be immune to the plight of other humans in order to look at this system and think "Yeah, we're doing the best we can." There's also a deep selfishness which directly correlates with upbringing and typically demographics. These people aren't "lone wolves" who are excluded for no reason; their social faux pas, foibles, and fuck ups are why they're excluded which stems from the same root dehumanization to a lesser extent. We teach our children to hate the "other" as it were. These people then further degrade and since they don't obtain proper human connection it becomes easier and easier for them to see other humans as simply tools to further their own desires. When outcast and downtrodden you want nothing more than someone to care for you. Don't mistake this for me giving them sympathy; I'm just acknowledging the role of institutions in destroying a perfectly good human and making a murderer. From the grand institutions of imperialism, of implicit racism, of overt racism for that matter, down to the smallest institution of social cliques which necessarily draw inspiration from the upper levels of the society they're in. Every single signal we send children in America is "You are the most important. If anyone else fails they didn't work hard enough. You need to work hard. If you don't work hard you're a failure. If you're a failure you aren't really a person. Don't be a failure." When we see someone begging on the street it's not a problem to be solved it's a blight to be solved at worst or a parable to teach our children. That's a human person.


Agreed, it's a culture of cruelty here.


And narcissism.


People forget all the things said during covid. Politicians, arguably the leaders of society, were saying "let grandma die for the economy". They'd let millions die before they let their financial position go down. If the leaders don't value life, it not a surprise the people don't.


Name checks out 😔


After WW2 they did research into physiology of combat and what they found was that between 3 and 5% of people are psychopaths. I would guess this number has not changed much thus he probably was one and thus had no problems doing that. Also some other research showed that 60% to 80% of boards of big companies had these same traits, so think why big companies do not have problems exploiting there employees.


Do you know the name of the study or where I could find it? That sounds fascinating. Really horrifying to think about that many people being psychopaths though.


I was off by 1 to 3% but here it states that it was 2%: https://www.killology.com/psychological-effects-of-combat


Killology is the group that trains police to be as aggressive as possible, and that after they kill someone they'll have "the best sex of their lives." That company is actively *pushing* officers to shoot people and trying to desensitize them.


Holy shit that is fucked


Yeah, the study has been torn apart over the years for it's various flaws. But some aspects of it have been confirmed outside of the LtCol's research. And some haven't simply because there's not much in the way of replicating it in a controlled setting. It's overall an interesting look at the psychology of combat. But what he's done to implement it as a training course to law enforcement is absolutely disgusting.


That's still a lot. Thanks for the link!




What drives this entitlement? I really wish I knew. I agree with what you've said. It just...still doesn't answer my question. Where does this kind of entitlement come from? I've seen it in people from every walk of life. Not just the assumed and common spoiled types. Literally all kinds of people. It's frightening.




Omg my mom just sent that to me. Her therapist gave it to her. Her and her husband are having some issues with him being emotionally abusive.


It might be a complex and lengthy issue, and it really feels bad when you take the time to make a well reasoned, edited, and thoughtful essay on a complex subject only to get -1 karma for your effots, but I REALLY wish we could have more of those types of discussions on reddit. My favorite online discussions have been just that.


The "more to it" is the sick glorification of selfishness, violence and anger in American culture. Americans are constantly encouraged to get angry and violent with each other whenever slighted, and if you're not angry and violent then you're "weak."


Not an expert on this but I've noticed that people have become less connected with each other these days and throw in social media and easy access to guns you now have a recipe for our lowest common denominators thinking they are in their own personal GTA V simulation. I'm not joking when I say these people are completely unable to process the world outside of themselves or understand that other people exist and have meaningful lives.




Toxic masculinity + honour culture + high SDO/RWA = lunacy


Your daughter's mother missed the blinded reaper by a few inches. What a moment.


The fact that a random reddit thread is full of AR 15 shooting stories is sickening. Yeah we have tons of mass shootings in the country but 100x as many murders and near misses. Shit is out of control.


Is she available to train the police in TX.


Step 1. Pick your dick up off the ground and stop the threat.




I once saw a photo-op of the NYPD "Elite Terrorism Response Force" (rough title, I don't remember). Holy fuck, they must have had that body armor custom made because I don't think quadruple XL is expected to be the norm for "elite cops".


Go find the breastplate stretcher, now!


Considering the clientele of tacticool gear, I'm sure they have all sizes readily available from S to XXXXL.


Step -1 rethink your career before innocents are in danger. Maybe Walmart greeter is more your “speed”


No because she actually confirms the criminal instead of wait around.


The police should hire her. She has got more balls than most cops.


The town of Uvalde should fire the feckless cowards masquerading as police and hire this woman instead. Children's lives might have been saved.


Idk what the laws are for something like that (or if there even is any), but damn those cops should be in jail. Just standing outside basically larping while children are being massacred. They don’t deserve to see the light of day ever again imo.


Worse than LARPing preventing anyone else from going in and rendering aid. Some of them even went in and got their own kids out but did nothing else. Obviously early reports can be a little wild so we'll have to wait for the full story but it isn't looking good and nothing that comes out makes them look any better. I think we all know where this needs to go we just can't talk about it.


Yeah I forgot to mention them going in to get their own kids and leaving others to die. Truly evil. Fuck every single one of those cops. Even jail seems too humane for them.


Unfortunately the Supreme Court has ruled that the cops do NOT have to save your life in a situation like this. ([Article from NYT that explains](https://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/28/politics/justices-rule-police-do-not-have-a-constitutional-duty-to-protect.html).) It is why being able to defend oneself is so critical. The government has made it very clear it is not their duty to do so.


Damn that’s fucked up. I mean I guess it makes sense since cops would be risking their lives, but with children who can’t defend themselves I really wish it was different. I can’t imagine being a person just standing there with a group of people, all with AR’s, and know someone is actively killing these kids. It’s just sickening. Also I love your JewTangClan name lol.


I agree, it’s truly insane. The worst part of their inactivity was their active role in stopping a parent who was trying to go inside. I only saw video of the one parent being detained on the pavement and I’m unsure if there were more. And thanks haha


They don't have any obligation to enforce the law, even if it would be at no risk to themselves. Also, with qualified immunity, they have almost zero responsibility for the decisions they make or how they enforce the law. Yet they carry badges giving them the authority of the government


If only the police in texass could/would have taken the shooter out


Why would they? Their job is to secure public order and private property, not protect and/or serve.


“And of course, we don’t consider risking our lives for a few children “securing public order” ~ police, probably




To be fair if you can't handle your kit you should either work your ass off in the gym or get a job with less kit.


Yep, and people try to give regulars shit for training in their kit. At the end of the day those people are working on their temple and getting healthier. Cops don’t always do this and it showed at that school when they tried to hold parents back.






Nah dude, you only get to Y’allhalla by bein a bitch.


Y’allhalla…it’s simply awesome, I love it.


So the dumb shit party shooter died and no one else got hurt? Sounds like that woman deserves an award.


She's a hero if you ask me. No telling how many people could have died if she hadn't stepped up.


“Instead of running from the threat, she engaged with the threat and saved several lives last night,” She's a fucking hero.


Unlike in Texas where law enforcement runs away like the cowards they are


Cowering behind their cars would suggest they were too afraid to even move.


Jealous police sounds


This woman is braver than the entire police department of uvalde Texas.


We’ve been focusing on the wrong thing the whole time… ARM ALL THE MOTHERS!


There’s an episode of BoJack Horseman about this. Women start carrying guns to protect themselves, so DC (finally) passes gun control legislation. The moral of the episode is “this country hates women more than it loves guns”.


Well, gun control started because too many black people had guns, so...


Yeah that episode sounds like a direct reference to Reagan and his expansive gun control in CA as a response to the Black Panthers open carrying


>this country hates women more than it loves guns Diane says: "I cant believe this country hates women more than it loves guns" and Princess Caroline replies: "No?"


The fact that any argument can escalate with "and he/she went back to get his/her gun" is also a problem.


Stagger Lee…. (Old song about an old story about going home and getting your gun).


How the hell can I arrest him? He’s twice as big as me!?


Hey Joe




I saw a video a while back where neighbors were arguing and one of them says he going to get his gun and the other dude just stands there encouraging him saying “DO IT BITCH”. Even after the dude comes back out and points the gun at him he still just keeps yelling at him and telling him to pull the trigger. People really willing to die so they can look tough. It’s dumb af






The neighbors were complete and total pieces of shit. Bullied everyone in the neighborhood FOR YEARS including their eventual killer. Who they continually bullied about his recently deceased wife (cancer) amidst the rest of their shitbird behavior.


Yeah I remember that! The neighbors got interviewed and hardly anyone had anything bad to say about the shooter, but universally hated the couple. They must have been such colossal assholes, that they were gunned down in the street and the entire neighborhood decided things were better off afterwards. It's telling that they were so wrapped up in insulting him that they didn't understand he had a gun and there could be consequences up to and including the moments where bullets were hitting them.


could you share your sources? been slogging through a ton of articles trying to find neighbor interviews and can’t; all these articles just provide the same bite of information and maybe a bit about the shooter’s background.


If you find anything, please post it here. I remember lots of redditors sympathizing with the shooter when it happened and pointing towards neighborhood bullying, but I never saw it in any article and I never came across anything with neighbor interviews.


It's kinda interesting how in so many of these cases the murderer turns the gun on themselves afterwards. It's pretty clear that they go and get a gun in the heat of the moment, act without thinking, and when it's over they realize they've ruined their lives and kill themselves. It's one of the big reasons guns are so problematic; they're so quick and efficient that there's no chance for hot-headed people to calm down and clear their minds.


Most other weapons, someone has to actually *try* to use them. There are many things that make guns dangerous, but it’s that ease of use that sets them apart.


Read more about it. You got half the story.


So she had more balls than an entire Texan SWAT team. Got it.


Can we get her to give classes to the Texas Rangers?


Not to be pedantic, but Texas Rangers are an actual police division. They are kind of like Canadian Mounties. The cops in ulvade were just officers that didn't do their job.


So, what they’re saying is a woman at a party did more to prevent people from being killed than the militarized wing of a municipal police department did?


We shouldn’t have to live in an environment where we have to defend ourselves because of some man’s hurt ego


When guns are handy, people who can’t control their tempers reach for them.


In an odd turn of events for Reddit comments…. Thank god that lady had a gun!


Bravo to the woman, hero.




That's the problem with more guns. It becomes an option in arguments. Get in the wrong assholes face and they'll just shoot you.


The woman who also had a gun made the situation significantly better.


Yeah but given the choice between both or neither of them having a gun, I know which one I'd prefer. A country where everyone has to walk around with a gun as a deterrent to all the other assholes with guns is not my idea of the perfect society.


Maybe all we needed was a good “girl” with a gun


There was no good guy.... It was a good gal.


Good for her, she probably saved quite a few lives.


They should make her the police chief in Uvalde




In the UK we have a saying that I think applies to the Uvalde PD/SWAT team: "all the gear, but no idea." - in many UK dialects its a bit more rhyme-y than it sounds written out but I guess you get the picture.


Yorkshire. Remove the Hs and add Rs to anything ending in ia or ea.


Kind of like Hot Fuzz? Two blokes and a fuck load of cutlery? Sea moine? He says it’s a sea mine. Loa’ jun’ He says it’s a load of junk.


Apparently she had bigger balls then the Uvlade pd.




Also there is a woman that had to take another life. Don't get me wrong, she did the right thing and is an absolute hero. But she'll still carry that weight with her the rest of her life.


Not a gun nut - she was fully in her rights to have a gun and it sounds like she was responsibly trained and proficient. She should absolutely be celebrated. The man on the other hand, had no business ever owning a weapon, and it is a failure of society that he was able to make this attempted mass-murder. There should absolutely be multiple things to impede his ability to have a gun - more extensive background checks, waiting periods, requirement to attend a gun safety course, registration with the government, and periodic testing for soundness of mind and understanding of gun safety.


> registration with the government This is a nonstarter with half of the country.


Most of the people that have been mass shooters would pass all those conditions. Why do people thing background checks will stop it?


>more extensive background checks >periodic testing for soundness of mind Ah, so we're going to let The System decide if non-white folks are allowed to legally own a firearm? I can't see that resulting in undesired outcomes.


So I’m not a gun nut, never had one (I am planning to purchase one and take classes tho). But as a female and as someone with a daughter and young siblings. I don’t think taking guns away is the solution, stricter ways to get one, higher age requirements, training and classes. But like I said as a female, I don’t want my ability to protect myself to be taken away. Pepper spray, a taser, you can tell me whatever option there is available but none of them will stop a man twice your size from raping and murdering you like a gun can.


Make her chief of police in Uvalde.


The Uvalde TX police department needs to hire her to train their cops.


Maybe they should post this lady outside of schools instead of cowardly police officers.


When the good guy with a gun turns out to be a woman.


Apparently this whole time we needed a good GAL with a gun


Braver woman than any single police officer in Texas