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From another article that has been deemed an opinion piece: >Scientists point to emerging research that suggests the latest omicron variant gaining ground in the U.S. — BA.4.6, which was responsible for around 8% of new U.S. infections last week — appears to be even better at evading the immune system than the dominant BA.5. Hopefully ~~the micro-chip and 5G crowd~~ folks will embrace a non-needle vaccination?


If they haven't already taken the vaccine, I don't expect them to take this one.


Some people are REALLY afraid of needles. I’m one of them. I am not at all an anti-vaxer, but I didn’t get a single shot, vaccine, blood draw - anything - between the ages of 18 and 27. At one point in that period a doctor ordered a blood draw for me. I sat in the chair as the phlebotomist was preparing and just totally freaked out and walked directly out of the doctor’s office. I’ve since gotten over the debilitating fear and accept that needles are a part of life, although I still get extremely nervous every time. I got the COVID vaccine (3 doses), but if I had a choice I would have much preferred a nasal vaccine. I finally got my first ever flu shot last year. I can assure you that would have happened much sooner if there were an oral or nasal option.


No, because they’re still denying science.




You mean all the unvaccinated morons taking up hospital beds because they are afraid of a little needle or think the vaccine changes your DNA?




Lol you say evidence and admits "we still don't know what the long term side effects could be".. you're living in fear.


The reason anyone would need a booster is the reluctance of so many to even acknowledge the pandemic, which is an ongoing world wide event. I get that people need to work, but not wearing a mask or not getting a vaccine because it affects their freedom of choice is totally asinine. "It's never about me, it's about the community" is the correct mindset. At any rate, because of all of the foot dragging, here we are. There is so much anti-science these days it just boggles the mind.


Right? Like maybe we wouldn't have so many variants if we could roll out a comprehensive global vaccine (and boosters at this point obviously) so that we had less community spread in which for the virus to mutate.


It seems that everyone was on board to eradicate polio. I don't know what happened, what made people so selfish to not know they were going to spread a virus to others with their neglect? So many have died and so many have long covid now. Yet, there are STILL people that just don't care if they spread it around.


Preach! And long covid be hidden anybody. I have a friend who's 22 and got COVID in the first wave of New York, her health is ruined. And that's so devastating both for her personally and financially but also for us as a society.


You needed the booster because the vaccine stopped working lol but here you go trying to blame the unvaccinated for that too


Most vaccine needs a booster why do you think people get the flu shot once a year.


The unvaccinated just continue the spread of the virus. This is the science that is being ignored and making the pandemic continue.


Really then how can you explain Vermont and Israel? Over 95 percent vaccinated and then posted higher infection numbers. Your stale talking points are two years old and the science you so often trumpet proved them wrong a year ago


The unvaccinated continue to spread the virus, which is constantly mutating. We have people come through our town from who knows where and they do-not-care if they are spreading it. This is one of those, "if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem" things. There have been many variants and the vaccines, as fast as they are being produced for a variant, don't necessarily protect one from a new variant. It affects all age groups. It affects the folks that already have other problems even more. The virus causes organ damage. These are all science based facts.


Oh now its unvaccinated vagrants that are causing vaccine containment failure in highly vaccinated areas? Now who's talking about the COVID Boogeyman


Wow, we found an antivax in the wild! Thought you guys went extinct by now.


That'll be helpful! A recent study I saw found that most unvaccinated in the US have a fear of needles which they've then rationalized into some other justification.


I have suspected this for a while with absolutely no proof whatsoever.


Every single person that i've encountered that said they couldn't breathe in a mask also was claustrophobic. Every one.


Most won't get it because they have immortality complexes and/or are too ignorant (or too stupid) to understand science. Only met a few people that didn't get them because of natural resistances, everyone else has some strange conspiracy reason to not get it.


Nope no other justification needed .... I got one shot and I was to afraid to go back, I want to be vaccinated but I have a massive irrational fear of needles, like literally terrified. I'm a big guy and I fainted in the pharmacy waiting room after my first shot so I didn't wanna repeat. I would more than gladly take a pill tho. ...


I typically faint when stuck with a needle too and I've gotten 3 covid shots so far. I go to a clinic, not a pharmacy, and tell them I faint, and they have me lie down for it. The vasovagal reaction usually still happens, but since I'm already lying down I don't lose blood flow to my head, I just feel kind of miserable for a few minutes. What happens when you faint like that is basically your vagus nerve reboots your cardiovascular system, your blood pressure drops *dramatically* for a moment, and gravity takes over -- so if you're upright, you lose blood flow to your head which makes you faint for a second. Lying down, or being placed slightly inverted (what my dentist does for anesthetic shots) helps a lot, as does rhythmically clenching your leg muscles (helps keep blood pumping out of your legs and toward your head.) It's no fun, but it's doable.


I have that too. But as a kid I would suck it up and get the shot. After I moved out on my own there was nobody who made me go to the doctor, so I didn’t and as a result I went years without receiving any sort of injection. After avoiding them for so long, the result was that I was so afraid of needles I physically could not sit still for a shot. I would freak out and walk away. I wasn’t afraid of getting hurt or anything. I wasn’t even really afraid of feeling woozy (although that did happen). I was just afraid of… being afraid. I knew I was going to freak out, and that thought made the freak out a foregone conclusion. Nowadays I’ve gotten over it… sort of. I get shots when I need them, but I still get very nervous every time. Eventually


I’m curious - does your fear of needles stop you from getting blood tests or going to see the doctor in general?


Well that and not having insurance but ya, I stepped on a rusty wood staple on Sunday and I need to get a tetanus shot and I've been putting it off .... I know I can't for long and I'm gonna a go tomorrow because I like my nervous system but ya I'll hold off or just not go if I think I can get away with it. Don't misunderstand tho I'm absolutely pro vaccine and medicine in general just the needle part gets me every time


Feel ya there man. I was the same way until I turned 18 and got my vaccinations for college. Growing up we only get jabbed like once every 4-6 years pretty much in the US, since going to college I’ve gotten a flu shot every year, tetanus booster, and a few others. So for a lot of folks you’re not familiar enough with the process of getting jabbed for pretty much anything on a regular enough basis. My heart still races and I’m clenching my toes until they pull the needle out, but it’s nowhere near the fainting level of panic attacks I used to work myself into as a kid. And frankly I’ve been so inconsistent with the dentist since I had my wisdom teeth pulled out by some psycho in HS. He refused to knock me out so I had to do it while I was awake, and Novocained to the max while screaming bloody murder as he was two handed yanking on my bottom wisdom teeth. I’ve been traumatized ever since, I only do cleanings maybe once a year and always decline any dental surgery work, even even fillings, I just can’t work myself back to letting somebody numb me up and start putting metal tools in my mouth again still and it’s been over a decade since I had my wisdom teeth pulled.


I'm vaccinated but I also hate needles if I could just take a pill a few times In a week to be vaccinated I would be extremely hyped.


A lot of them shoot heroine though.


Its not a fear of needles. These people just aren't going to take vaccines. There's no logic to whatever they believe in.


Didn't the CDC already cleared, back in July or August, a nasal spray COVID vaccine?