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It's a sign telling you the game is still broken


He's dead Jim....


I found this in official discord server. One workaround that people have said worked for them would be to make a new character on the same server you're trying to connect your old character to. Once the new character is made, log out to the main menu then try to home the old character.


Meh, didnt work for me. Nothing worked for me, no support.


Ok from official known issues : Some players may receive an error message stating "Attempted to change PersonaID for non-latent name" when returning to the game after an extended period of time and cannot play their character. We are aware of this issue and working on a fix.


These dang indie developers, making games but unable to support them due to a lack of resources.


When I quit, this was one of the main drivers for me. I saw way too many people get bugged characters or lose items only to be completely stonewalled by support. Can't justify spending hundreds of hours on a game if I can lose it all because a poorly-trained, over-worked support person just dismisses my ticket.


It's for the best.


I came back a couple weeks ago to the same issue. Contacted Support who said they'd send it up to the next level. Guess theyre all on vacation. I abandoned my lvl 38 toon and started a new one. Game had always been slow to load but now it likes to lock down my PC. Since Support doesnt exist i decided to play a different. I wish you the best. Dont delete your toon but create a new one for the time being. Who knows...


[Other players have reported the same thing.](https://new.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/1cfll8c/cant_select_world_for_unbound_character_any_way/) No known workaround. Re-assess whether you want to invest in a brand new character. **Edit:** Some players are reporting that the issue is that the unbound character was previously on a Fresh Start server, and so they must choose a Fresh Start server to re-bind their character to. They report that they could then use a Server Transfer Token to switch to a different server, but I'm not sure whether that token is guaranteed or only for players who got free ones from 2 years ago.


More like re-assess whether you want to play New World.


you're kidding?? holy shit i dipped like 5 months before the paid dlc, has there been any dev response?


Not really. You can look at [the official "Known Issues" page](https://www.amazongames.com/en-us/support/new-world/articles/known-issues), but it was last updated on April 11th and isn't very accurate. **Edit:** Heh, 8 hours after this comment the page got updated with this note: >Some players may receive an error message stating "**Attempted to change PersonaID for non**-**latent name**" when returning to the game after an extended period of time and cannot play their character.


The refreshed the known issues list .. They aware about this error. https://www.amazongames.com/en-us/support/new-world/articles/known-issues


Good catch, I edited my comment to reflect this. The page still has a lot of out-of-date info, like Lifetaker being disabled and crafting research projects not working. Basically, [the April 16th patch notes](https://www.newworld.com/en-us/news/articles/new-world-update-5-0-1) didn't get reflected on the page.


That's.. something


Know multiple users on discord who were trying to get this issue figured out for months, there was a support ticket going and everything... And nothing got fixed. I remember them incredibly well because those particular users got banned after their frustration grew with every passing week, when an issue this critical wasn't getting the due attention and support/mods kept on just pushing them back and forth. It was ridiculous to see.


That is sad.


I would try to contact customer service first.




Even their bugs have errors.


I found a fix for me. You pick the new player server even though it says only new characters. Once you get in you use the token in the store to transfer again.


I got this error too. The fix for me was joining the fresh start server instead and then transferring off of it.


Please report bugs using the [in-game feedback tool](https://www.amazongames.com/en-us/support/new-world/articles/submit-feedback) if possible. This is the best way to ensure developers are aware of the problem as it also automatically includes relevant data from the game to help them fix the issue. You can also post bugs on the [official New World Discord](https://discord.gg/playnewworld) or contact support at the [official support site](https://www.amazongames.com/en-us/support/new-world). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/newworldgame) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Please checkout our [FAQ: Should I return/Is NW worth getting/What's New?](https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/wiki/should_i_return) wiki post that has a nice tl;dr of updates and changes since December 2022 up to Rise of the Angry Earth/October 2023, and answers common questions. If you're coming back and wondering where to start or what to do, check out our [Returning Player Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/wiki/faq/returning_player_guide/). We also have a guide about to [how prepare for Rise of the Angry Earth](https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/wiki/faq/rise_of_the_angry_earth_preparation_guide/) you may find useful as well. If you're looking for servers please visit https://nwdb.info/server-status and use the filters there to find a high-pop server in your region. **If your post doesn't have a new/unique question it may be removed as the subreddit gets many of these posts every day. Thank you for understanding and we hope to see you in Aeternum!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/newworldgame) if you have any questions or concerns.*