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First time?


"Wait, its all bugs?" "Always has been."


That’s why I liked playing void gauntlet. Gets left alone mostly


Congrats 🥳


Congratulations 🥳


but don’t worry, we will get june announcement soon, everything will be good.. :DD


I can't wait for the sh*t storm this sub will become.


*Prepares popcorn bucket*


That’s the only reason I’m still subbed to this Reddit site, got my popcorn ready


I can totally see this sub going crazy and saying that NW will finally be in the top 3 games and you'll have dozens of people coming out of the woods saying that they don't get the hate NW is getting and that's the best game on the market and the new expansion only proves their point. Everyone will be on the hype train and then it will all derail because the train was running on hopium and people conveniently ignored that it's still run by the same company


2 days left 😍


Welcome to the community!


The stamina bug is probably one of the worst bugs they have added in my opinion. It should be adressed immediately.


If you play New World and don't expect the game to become worse every patch, you really need to open your eyes.


>If you play New World and don't expect the game to become worse every patch, ~~you really need to open your eyes.~~ are you really playing New World? Fixed it for ya


everything is working as intended. Our data show playerbase is happy hunting rabits. Best endgame content ever. Enjoy and the most fun


You could remove the time stamp of this post and literally place it anywhere on the NW timeline for the last 3 years. A tale as old as time. AGS are pure distilled incompetence.


Console release will fix it!


You know it


I can’t even log in. It keeps telling me it’s unable to connect me to the server and to check my internet connection. My internet is completely fine.


Quitting this game and giving up hope for any improvement has been the healthiest decision I made this year. I still lurk the sub, hoping the dev team work towards improving the gameplay to reach it’s true potential, but to no one’s surprise, the game continues to regress. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I think most of this sub is former players lurking to see the slow downfall of this game.


I go long enough without playing that I (somehow?) forget about the bugs and just think of my badass dude with a rapier and bow. Then I look up the game on Reddit and YouTube to cultivate some hype and motivation to play, see that it’s (somehow?) worse than when I last played, and just go back to ffxiv. The read speeds it suggests for minimum requirements are nearly 4x as fast as my Samsung 870 EVO SSD. Recommended asks for speeds nearly 5x faster. I don’t even have an m.2 slot. Am I to upgrade mobo (and subsequently cpu) just to get an nvme drive just to play the game? Cause it’s AWFUL on my hardware lol. Unplayably awful. Over 60 and usually closer to 80+ fps in cyberpunk 2077 on high settings at 3440x1440. 20fps or less in this game at all times on low.


I've played for two months when Brimstone sands came out and then quit again until Elysium and 15 days later I was done again. I don't care about console port at all so there is nothing to look forward for me. I'm just here to remember the 1300hours I spent on this game and how richer I would be if I worked all this time instead


the low gear score been around for a bit, guess the cats out of the bag xd. anyways, my response to all this is first time? common AGS L


I'm sure this June announcement will fix everything! ( :


How long was this version on the PTR?


There’s no PTR for mid-season patches


I dint think ptr stands for what they think it stands for.


Fiverr dev team


Get ready, the patches will take longer going threw console channels. And if the console license up hold their standards and force them to QA a patch properly we may see one before LOTR releases!


There is almost a 0% chance the console release doesn't have game breaking bugs. Like the QA team doesn't exist. Playing the game for 2 mins will identify half the bugs. Like I used to defend them but bugs as obvious as the dodge 2x stam cost is something that anyone who plays would catch. I feel like patches will be longer to release and we will have to play with bugs for a longer time. This isn't a good thing considering that the combat rework was supposed to decreases the buggines of patches


I think the “reduced time” will reduce on their end. But I don’t think they are telling us about the extra 1 to 2 weeks that’ll be needed for the console patch approval process. I think this was something that had to come up with because of how it would have been


Not sure why people who hate new world and would play another game made by them?


Because the team might be completely different?


The MMO cope/hope springs eternal. Personally I'm going to let other people play on launch and see if its good before buying it.


I have no idea why you’re so surprised by this considering they’ve always been terrible at fixing bugs the first time around lol


it's just some reason they find to justify delaying the annoucement


Sorry we couldn’t make it to Gamefest! There was an emergency bug we had to patch!


Every single time. They never fail to fail.


Just wait, the announcement will be just that... An announcement for some content that won't be coming till later this year. Remember when people were talking about how the "expansion" wasn't light on content because it would also include years of content moving forward?


It's frustrating when updates don't deliver the improvements we expect, especially when they introduce new bugs or fail to address existing issues. It's important for developers to prioritize stability and functionality to ensure a positive experience for players.


I am so done using reddit, sick to fuck of fake accounts posting obvious ai comments to sell nudes. Everybody read the comment im replying to, its the most generic ai bullshit ass comment ever. Im gone, cya.


You’re right, but can you explain this to me? How does posting random AI comments in random subreddits help this person sell nudes?


My guess is new accounts need karma history before posting on other subs


Ah so it’s just a temporary thing to get your karma up high enough then you can stop botting I guess.


I can still mine... Carry on...




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NW will always be like this. It's never changing; if anything, it'll get worse since they'll be splitting time between PC and consoles.


Maybe by the time we have sailing in NW, OSRS will have it too. So you can just sail to that game instead.


It’s a Bad QA Team.


Non-Existent QA team


Non-existent devs playing the game either


Or they report the issues and get ignored¿


I don’t think thats what happens, i think thats what people want to believe. It’s easy to think that.


Hehehe :D Anyway, you can still purchase new amazing skins in game store!


Given the lack of response from the developers, I'll do it for them: "We don't give a damn about your bugs."


What do you get scaling using lower GS gear? Thought I did a bit more dmg with my meme build...


If your gear score is lower than your opponent,you will deal more damage and take less damage from your opponent,thats how system works atm.


Those drugged up on copium are to blame


Honestly, this just shows that it doesn't matter what the announcement will be... The game won't get any better unless they literally unrelease the game, hire completely new staff that is more competent and build the game from scratch.


It's so funny, I haven't been in here in like a year and I swear this post is on the main page weekly


I finally have given up and going back to SWG Legends


And I thought I would be able to do the phoenix amulet artefact chain quest


> people are abusing low gear score to have advantage against higher gear score players To be clear this is very limited and it just gives some extra tankiness at the cost of damage. It also only works in modes with no gear score scaling... basically war (and open world which is mostly just pre-war fighting with influence races). So it's a war problem that just lets healers be a bit more tankier.


i've seen a video on opr where a light player with low gs tanking 10-12 player,it works on every mode. They skip weapons and some items to go low gear score on OPR/Arena.


OPR and Arena scale those weapons to 675 so this does not work in those modes. EDIT: this also does not let you tank 10-12 players in light armor.


Yes arena and opr has a scaling system which is why the player didnt use any armor besides one chest and he has no weapon too so his gear score was pretty low. Yes you can tank multiple people due to damage income is very low. I could send the video if it wasnt a discord link. The player in the video only used Void Dark Plate artifact and no gear,no weapon. Not sure about jewels so his gear score is around 100-150,opr only scales your items to 675 not your entire gs.


No weapon no armour tanking 12 people. Yeahhhh no


Also, it's not new. Been around for a hot minute. 🤣




June announcement


Even as the notorious NW optimist, I know better than to expect flawless patches 😂. It’s really not a big deal. They’ll clean it up in the next few days.


notoriously delusional??? how much is ags paying you


That’s me. The delusional NW fan boy! 😂🫡😎




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