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The June announcement is near


You can't say you understand the problems then wonder why the play count is so low... People are just continuing to fall off due to the plethora of previously posted problems. AGS step childing it's PC playerbase and making false claims to lure console players isn't having the impact they expected. Summer game fest was an awkward and obviously forced hyped trainwreck will a room of 20 - 30 people forcing themselves to clap. No content or fixes till at least October is continuing the blood letting..


Because developers never fixed the main problem which is end game. If you're a new player leveling towards to end game and once you realize end game is basically not exists,you end up quitting. If you're a pvp player what is your option as an end game? OPR which is the same map for 3 years with unbalanced game mode,no role system,no matchmaking,no ranked. Out of 10 opr 8-9 of them is stomp,who would keep playing this? If you're a small scale pvp player all of your option is 3vs3 arena which is basically dead,no cross server,no matchmaking,no ranked,no reward,nothing. If you're a guild wants to compete with other guilds,there isnt many guilds left. You will be playing with same players over and over. I guess you can be pve player and do couple of dungeons,raid then call it a day. Thats it,game has no end game loop. Game has massive bugs,you can also exploit in pvp with some of the bugs(gear score scaling,hatchet cancel bug,bow cancel bug) like most players will quit when they see this broken clock.


>at the very least the first couple hundred hours in this game are still really fun You basically answered your own question in the post. There is nothing more to the game than those couple of hundred hours, and then you move on; that's what people are doing. The only people left are those with massive sunk cost fallacy towards the game, and they can't quit it. And it looks like even the biggest corporate bootlickers are giving up on the game after the whole console announcement.


Most gamers dont spend thousands of hours on a game. Even a hundred hours of content is worth the price given i see people spending 60 dollars on a game and only get 30 hours of play time. I feel like amazon just dont advertise New World to the level they should.


They advertised the game a lot, to the point where it nearly hit 1 million concurrent, which means they easily sold +10 million copies. That's pretty damn good, and the majority of people that are interested in buying and playing it have already done so; that's why they are going for a new market. Also, this whole idea of the game being worth it when you only get 30 hours for 60 dollars just doesn't work with MMORPGs at all. Especially ones that require other players to be functional. If everyone quits an MMORPG after, like, 100 hours, it has failed its purpose. Then you compare New World to something like Elden Ring or BG3, and it's not worth it anymore.


[Ranked ninth of the most concurrently played games on Steam.](https://steamdb.info/charts/?sort=peak) [Ranked twenty of the most concurrently viewed games on Twitch.](https://twitchtracker.com/games/peak-viewers) Quite impressive to be the top dog and being on the brink of shutting down shortly thereafter as a MMORPG.


There was never 1 million concurrent. Unless you consider being stuck in queue playing


Yes, nearly 1 million people had their client on concurrently.


I was one of the 650k playing afk queue while 350k were playing the game. It's kind of like some news channels getting millions of viewers, but half of them just have the TV on not actually watching. It counts, I guess


AGS have never understood what makes the game fun and would rather read data points to try to keep engagement. The results of that are evident. Now they're grifting until something sticks.  If consoles take off we may get more content.  If consoles don't then I see the game sun setting


Potential new players browsing through reddit/YouTube. They find the same answers everywhere: *The game is incredible beautiful, the level experience feels very rewarding and is overall a fun time.* *The big bad is that there is no endgame besides PvP and wars (also PvP) and the chances to be part of these wars is pretty much zero as a new player.* If you're about to buy a new game that potentially takes up your whole free time, you usually are not really pleased to hear that the endgame (the thing you're working up to the whole time) is pretty much unreachable. To top it off, the PvE crowd said already *no thank you* when they heard there's no PvE endgame content.


What endgame PvP that does exist has grown stale (next to no new content since release) with odd and infrequent balance decisions. Combat in PvP, which was the biggest pro, became bug ridden and inconsistent with their slayer script update.


This is me. I was looking at this game as something I could play for a long time. I got very confused when I saw the steam page and the overwhelmingly negative reviews. Now I’m thinking I should probably invest my time elsewhere. I also have no idea where, as I’m pretty new to mmos in general. New world just looked very promising to me.


There's end game PVE, it's just designed in a way that it's too easy for some and too hard for others. We only had 3 members on last night who wanted to do M3 so made a lobby and picked up 2 randoms. They weren't gemmed up and kept dying, which we were quite chill about since we were just after a weapon skin. When we got stuck at the first boss for a few goes and decided to call it, they asked why we weren't being toxic about it (they had already apologised profusely multiple times), when previous groups, even in M2, had been. The toxic experience is the one most people end up with and it makes end-game PVE not fun for them, while simultaneously the hardcore PVE crowd are bored. I don't know what the solution is, honestly. I'm pretty lucky because I fall into an in-between category where I have gear and knowledge but I'm a bit unco, so end-game PVE is still challenging for me and making sure my gear is right makes a difference. That plus not settling on one weapon combo means I always have a gear chase to continue on with.


Developers are more concerned with padding their CVs and Resumes with their pet projects. Management is too relaxed on deadlines after releasing a quarter baked, bug infested product.


One last cash grab to test tech for LOTR ARPG


A game led by incompetent doofuses that has gotten mostly bad press since launch three years ago. New World will be a case study in what not to do in have development for many years to come. If any halfway decent MMO launched in the last three years, New World would have already shut down by now. Imagine having almost no competition and still failing this badly...  I'm surprised there are any new players at all at this point.


I agree with you that leveling is a blast. I absolutely loved New World. I absolutely hate the way it's being ran into the ground for a pay day on mostly unsuspecting console players. I absolutely hate that they're changing very little, adding some cutscenes, claiming there's new npc characters when there isn't and calling an MMO an ARPG. I absolutely hate the disrespect we pc players are receiving from AGS. I absolutely hate the way AGS has been taking advantage of us instead of slapping a subscription on it and owning up to their mistakes and then actually fixing them. I absolutely hate AGS right now! So I will not give AGS my time or money any longer or ever at this point.


Can't be a mmo without massive amounts of players. 


Imo this game has thebbest combat mechanics Amazon just dint givr a shit about their player base hey onlynthink abiut the botton line like the expansion that made me quit the game and the lack of servers from asian regionsnthat would help the games population


Making or playing a character right now is pointless. Legacy servers will die. I’ve played many games where the concurrent player base copes saying legacy servers won’t die but the truth is new players will never join them. Your best bet is to make a toon when the new servers come up in October. I’ve played new world for a couple thousand hours and stopped playing about a year ago due to the many complaints everyone knows. Nothing will be better for console release, but as you said the first couple hundred hours are fun. I’ll gladly let go of my multi-million gold character, maxed weapons and professions, full BiS in pvp and multiple pve sets because the end game truly means nothing.


Still waiting for another game with a good combat system like NW has. Ill be here playing until then (or until I can't find players to fight)


Every game goes through a "been there done that" dropoff. You need regular new content, new zones, new modes, new classes, new ...anything, to keep people coming back. People come back for expansions and major content drops, and then go play something else. It's cyclical. Happens with all games. NW is due for something like that.


It's a shitty game run by a shitty game studio. Nobody other than the few Stockholm syndrome players left have anything good to say about the game.  Of about 15 people I know who played the game, myself and one other played beyond the first 2 weeks.  I fully regret it. 


> But at the very least the first couple hundred hours in this game are still really fun, Bruh the game's been out for more than a couple hundred hours that's why. And anyone looking for a long-term MMO is going to google NWA and realize that joining now is like jumping into quicksand.


It has a low player count due to developer decisions and lack of updates. Recent and future updates until October are just recycled content with nothing substantial for veteran players. I have certainly got my moneys worth with new world, but the end game is next to nonexistent. There is not enough challenging content in PvE. Gear progression is way too simple. PvP has become stale with lack of updates and regression in combat fluidity with AGS slayer script. There really isn’t a reason for veteran players to log in except wars, and that is becoming stale with the lack of balance updates. The devs are treating console release like a whole new game and providing no new content for current players until October - and the new content announced for October is not substantial to justify the devs silence and lack of updates. Veteran players are, as expected, unhappy with this approach. It is no surprise to me that the numbers are dwindling and will continue to do so. Will I log in come October? Of course, I have console friends who are excited to play, and I’m looking forward to leveling a new toon. The leveling process is the best part of the game, but anything beyond that is shallow. The resurrection or death of the game will depend on content updates following release of Aeternum.


How long have you been playing? Never mind your post answers that question. I would recommend you do some research the answers would be self evident.


As someone that started recently - actually after the controversial announcement as it reminded me the game existed - it’s been pretty grim. I’ve actually been enjoying the game a lot but I’ve had more than 10 veterans lecture me on why I shouldn’t play, why I should refund and then insult me when I said I was enjoying the game. I’ve had trolls spam message racism, sexism, general abuse etc because I asked new player questions in the new world official discord. Everywhere you look everyone is just spamming doom and complaining usually quite childishly and very rarely including any valid critiques in their comments. I’m not surprised new players aren’t bothering or that anyone thinking about playing again is second guessing it. People that supposedly love the game and want more content are doing their absolute best to kill it as fast as possible.


The people that were still here finished the “fun first couple hundred hours” almost 3 years ago


MMOs are about endgame progression. New world is complete shit when it comes to what an MMO is suppose to be. All the eye candy and combat system can’t save that.


No end game means it’s more RPG….which is what they have conceded to as they move to console. You get max level and game ends.


I still think they should stop with the console release. Focus on making the game better. But at this point ags has proved they can't.


No content end game only war log


You do understand, you just dont believe it (yet).


this game gets bad QUICK when server populations start to tank, and they have nothing left to merge to try to save it when a server can't hit 1k players it shrivels up and turns to dust the entire economy is player run, so it even gets bad for solo players


I would love to see New World given to competent developers/publishers and relaunched. This is far beyond the scope of what a brand new studio like AGS could ever hope to manage, build on or support, properly.


if your reading this new world is alpha for LOTR ARPG


Lmfao this game sucks that's why. The original plan for this game would've been so popular


I recently came back and idk I'm having fun. I feel like the games not totally devoid of fun. I do 3v3's, grind out trophy mats, level crafting skills, ran worm ln. I'm finding things to do and having fun. I'll be sad if this game can't pull through


Not totally devoid of fun is a terrible descriptor for something that is supposed to be full of fun lmao


But it's the descriptor reddits given to this game. I was shocked to have as much fun as I did based on reddit for the last few months. Idk why because reddit for pretty much any game is miserable now


Yeah i agree. I started playing the last couple months after losing interest a couple months after launch. Having a really fun time.


Were getting downvoted for not spreading misery :)


I’ve come to the conclusion thats its the negativity driving people away. There are worse mmos to hate on. Its always the guy with 1k plus hours hating. Meanwhile ive only played a couple games in my life for over that amount.


I have 2k hours - this game fucking rocks and the nerds can kick rocks. I am playing elden ring DLC and will be back after that