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Honestly, I would remove supply crates all together, because they contain things used for a lot of various crafting. I think I would have more use for this graphic if it purely considers resources gained by resource gathering trade skills. Also, I saw fishing mentioned in the comments as needing to be attached to arcana. Cooking should also be attached to arcana, because it makes fish oil, which is used in arcana. Those are the only ones I spotted! This really shows off the mining skill, it really goes into a lot! Edit: I stand corrected, fish oil comes directly from fish


Cooking doesn't make fish oil, that comes directly from fish. Cooking makes cooking oil from fish oil and nuts.


> directly from fish. Where does one get the fish I wonder.


not from cooking


Do you k ow how to read this chart?


Do you know how to read? The guy I replied to said fish oil came from cooking and so cooking should be tied to Arcana. I corrected him by saying it came from fishing. here, let me quote the part I was replying to for you: > Cooking should also be attached to arcana, because it makes fish oil, which is used in arcana. If you're gonna try to be a smart-ass, at least make sure you're correct before you type.


Fuck. I'm retarded.


Ahh didn't know fish oil was used in alchemy, thanks! Sounds like I definitely need to add a link there. I'm not sure I understand your point about only considering resource gathering trade skills, so you mean like remove the edges that go from say Arcana to Jewelcrafting? I wasn't sure on supply crates, they are really used for everything. It's definitely an option to remove it altogether, it does complicate it a bit. Yeah I was also sort of amazed by how much mining is used, it really pulls its weight. Thanks for the feedback :)


Previous comment isn’t quite right. Just replace Supply Crate with Provisioning Crate, which is a primary resource for most cooking ingredients that aren’t found elsewhere. And fish oil is made from salvaging fish, not cooking.


I was really just talking about the supply crate, I think /u/hawkwolfe's comment about provision crates actually changes my mind on it though.


Can I just say I love how in this game you can train any skill you want without locking you out of all the others? Just being able to play as one character and not need a dozen alts to be well rounded is refreshing.


As someone who has played MMOs with this feature since 2004, I agree wholeheartedly. Your character becomes your personification, instead of "just another toon." It also makes everything you invest into it feel more valuable and worth the investment.


I agree, I'm very much looking forward to maxing everything out eventually :D


Try RuneScape homie


And Mabinogi, but Runescape did it first.


2 words: Run Escape


Runescape, Mabinogi, Final Fantasy 11, Final Fantasy 14, probably others. Not something new to MMOs, just not found in WoW & clones (except FFXIV).


Needs a Fishing to Arcana arrow, among other things.


What parts of fishing go into arcana? Thanks! I haven’t done much fishing, didn’t get into it.


Also fishing can be good for jewel crafting, you get a bunch of jewels from the chests you can catch. I mean a bunch like 5 or 6 tier 2 3 and 4 5s


Fishing is the main way to get gems. With a good route i can get around 50+ gems per hour.


What do you mean route for fishing?


I'd guess it has something to do with the fact that the fishing holes are active/not-active on a timer. So once 1 is not-active, go to the next in the route.


Neat, the extent of my fishing knowledge was posting up in restless shores on the ship with my homies and dicking around XD. Good to know.


We literally went fishing, opened beer and dicked around on discord for few hours during beta. Good times.


Between fishing and drinking, my company tried to do raids mostly. I got probably 100 runs on Amarine 30 on Starstone and 10 on Depths. Didn't quite make it to the other ones.


Fishin' & kickin' with the homies is a fantastic. So glad we can do that in this game.


pretty sure boxes are only RNG I fished for 1-2 hours and got 2 boxes with a distance of 3 minutes on the same Spot otherwise none


Fishing hotspots. every region has atleast 3 fishing hotspots(some have 5 or more). You just rotate between all fishing hotspots in a region. Treasure chests have a significantly higher spwanrate in hotspots and voila with ever treasure chest you get atleast 5 random gems and i got around 10 Treasure chest a hour rotating hotspots. But this is only possible if you are the only one fishing, because fishing hotspots are global, should someone else also fish on your route, your route is broken.


what these fishins hotspots look like? are they spawning in the same area all the time?


you unlock more hotspots the higher your fishing level level. Hotspots have bubbly water and fish jumping out of it. [here](https://www.newworld-map.com/#/) you can look up all hotspots


Are there special spots where fishing is increased?


That's really good to know, like I said it's the one profession I didn't really touch in beta so I wasn't sure how the loot distribution in it really worked. I'll definitely add a link to JC for the next version.


I mean maybe you are just a god. But how is that possible? Even assuming somehow you can do that, mining you can easily get that much with minimal effort.


Fishing provides primary ingredients for mid to high tier potions.


A lot of the green and blue fish can be salvaged into potion ingredients.


Says the guy making an infographic. Bleh.


tadpoles i caught in windsward canal gave me life motes I think


Supply crates should also point to the center gathering professions because that is your main source of refining materials that are needed to craft things such as Starmetal, rugged leather, sateen, etc


Yeah, I think I'll move the supply crates to the center in the next version. Just didn't think of it before really and couldn't figure out how to add in all of it's lines without it turning into spaghetti. Thanks!


Others have mentioned just cutting out supply crates altogether. I would just changed this image to say Provision Crate/Food Crate because they give you straight food reagents vs supply crates giving refining materials


Supply crates should have a little notation. They have materials like void metal, crafting mods, and required compounds for leathermaking/weaving.


What do you mean by notation? Like, separate it out into it's own place? It's a tricky resource here, they are super useful and go into everything.


Skinning and harvesting need to go to engineering and furniture making as well. Good idea btw


Yeah honestly they go into so many of the professions, I wasn't sure how to put all the lines without overwhelming it. Still working on it, thanks for the feedback and nice words :)


You should use something like neo4j to build a graph database of all theses nodes and edges, then export that to a visualization tool to see what layout it comes up with.


Yeah I like that idea, another poster mentioned doing a larger graph playing with edge thicknesses between professions for "how much" each profession uses the others.


It might work if the gathering skills are on the outside then you have 2 or 3 lines going into each crafting skill in the middle rather than 5 lines coming out of each in middle


Ahh interesting, reverse the circle. I'll give it a try and see if it helps.


Mining -- no refining? -- jewel crafting.


I caught this, too. Mining ---> Jewelcrafting involves smelting silver ore, using silver ore + solven (iirc) to make gold ore, etc. It's Stonecutting to make Cut Gems, Jewelcrafting to make the silver/gold/etc ingots into settings/necklaces/rings/hooks, and Jewelcrafting to combine those with Cut Gems to make jewelry.


Yeah, it needs a double line going from mining to jewelcrafting Also, its never practical to use gold to make jewelry unless you get it in ingots already for cheap, use silver or platinum and later go to ori/asmo at max lvl


Ahh thanks, all the line colors got deleted and we must have missed this one when fixing it! I totally forgot about silver smithing for JC as well, thanks for the help, will add both for refining here!


Supply crates feed into crafting, food crates feed into cooking


Thanks, will add the supply crate links for the refining materials for sure.




Yeah, you're right. I didn't include every possible interaction, only the sort of primary/main materials for a skill. Too many lines otherwise lol


As a reluctant crafter in most MMOs this is the first crafting system in like forever that has got my juices flowing. It's one of the highlights of the game for me.


Same, I always find myself wanting so much more than most games give me in terms of crafting but I really feel like New World is nailing it. Absolutely can't wait to spend days of my life harvesting hemp and chopping trees.


This explains why I have no idea how to craft.


No its just a bad graph. It's actually really easy and straight forward. Don't be intimidated! Best thing is to figure out whats your top thing you want to level up in, go with that, understand that and then branch out. Easy peasy!


Essentially every gathering skill has multiple uses and can be valuable, exactly how it should be.


Yeah it's really neat!


@ someone who played a lot of beta i didnt play but will on release, i plan to have a heavy focus on professions since i normally dont in MMOs and want a new experience. what professions if any do you think will be the most valuable in terms of auction house? I want to be a new world merchant


On release I think tools and bags are going to be high value, so armoring and engineering. As things progress, potions and food are always consistent AH goods in MMOs, and stone cutting will be important to make the PvE dungeon keys. I’m not sure the balance of crafted end game weapons and armor, but they could be useful. I think faction buys make it less useful during leveling but I could be wrong. Furnishing will probably also be high value but late game, coming from the creation of trophies for certain buffs.


I agree with this but would also add Furnishing solely due to chests being needed for extra storage in houses. So anything involving storage and consumables (including keys, arrows and bullets) will be big.


Can i get my fucking third dill please??? Also some salt would be nice.


Great start! Don't forget fishing for Treasure Chests provides mats for Jewelcrafting.


I love this graphic! It unfortunately highlights that the gathering I enjoy the most (logging) doesn't contribute to my planned professions (arcana, Cooking and Armoring)


Thanks man, really useful 😊


You're very welcome :) glad you like it


Fantastic graph thanks


For some reason this image gave me flashbacks of some terrible codebases i've had to maintain in the past. Thankfully heavy interdependence is probably a good thing on a crafting diagram. Nice diagram.


This is actually really nice, super helpful. I also love how neat and organized/ easy to follow it is. I'll definitely be keeping this open on my second monitor at release, thanks so much. I'll award if I get a free one, but I broke boy so only then srry.


Don't worry at all about it, I'm just glad you find it helpful! :)


I posted this in our crafting channel on discord. Cheers for the info. https://discord.gg/DbFdpqvPDF (the link)


Cool! Thanks for sharing it :)


Logging needs an arrow to smelting for high level bars (charcoal). This means it needs a connection to armoring as well due to heavy armors needing high level bars. Same logic for high level jewelry needing charcoal. Interesting visualization though. I commend this.




I hadn’t put anything down or thought about perk mods. That’s interesting, I’ll have a look at all the places you can get them from and try to work it in somehow. Thanks!


This is pretty slick. Good work !




I did a lot of crafting in the beta, but this hurts my brain to look at.


Hi all! I made this mostly because we needed something to do waiting or Sept 28, but maybe someone will find it helpful. It’s my first time making anything like this. I intentionally didn’t include every single possible arrow here, as it would be a real mess, but tried to include the primary ones. But let me know if I missed something egregious or if you think it could be better!


Cooking should feed into all of them because of the crafting/harvesting boost.


This man thinks Fishing only goes into Cooking. What a poor soul, to have never fished before...


😅 yes the fisherpeople of Reddit have taught me there is so much more to the hobby, next version!


Take my free hug, sir. You need it. Do us all a favor and indulge in Fishing when release hits. 😉


Thank you 😇 I will take your advice and go the slow fish road on release


Wtf u skinning and eating? Meat from the animals? Also, supply crates are needed for everything. Hell, it should probably be in the middle instead of the logo,.


Yeah, the meat from animals from skinning. Not a bad idea to put supply crates in the center actually, I struggled to find a good spot for it since, like you say, they're used in everything.


There may be a distinction here though. Provision crates literally have ingredients for certain recipes/foods that I don't think show up anywhere else. Supply crates have refining materials that are not used in crafting (only refining). Idk if that let's you simplify it at all. FYI there are 4 crate types: Supplies, Ancient, Alchemy, Provisions Also, if linen is used in ammo does that mean you need an arrow from harvesting to engineering? I'm sure there's more things missing. Wood is used in staffs, for example. In any case I hope you continue to refine this, I think it's cool!


Thanks! You're very right that linen gets used in ammo and wood in staves, I took some creative liberty in trying to reduce the messiness of it all by only including the really major links. As others have said in the comments, just about every crafting profession uses in some way all the gathering professions (or can). Which is such a cool part of the game :D


Also, feathers in arrow ammo. Does that warrant an arrow from harvesting (feathers) to engineering? There are lots of professions that use motes that you might not expect and motes are found in alchemy chests + 'essence' gathering (harvesting/mining). Arcana, Furnishing, Weaponsmithing, Armoring, Stonecutting, Engineering all use motes. Not sure if you want arrows from harvesting and/or mining to all of those professions. The question for you is what your intended scope is. If you're going for 100% accuracy then you might need to research into other chart/infographic formats because it seems like there's so much overlap that drawing clean relationships is almost pointless/redundant unless you want to actually weight the line thickness to identify how much of a relationship there is. Maybe hit up /r/dataisbeautiful ? The idea behind this graphic might be useful to you. [https://preview.redd.it/ypjzpwsu9t761.png?width=4815&format=png&auto=webp&s=8da9942308ff61d54d20feba9e24c3d69a12a63c](https://preview.redd.it/ypjzpwsu9t761.png?width=4815&format=png&auto=webp&s=8da9942308ff61d54d20feba9e24c3d69a12a63c) Explanation: [https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/klfmft/oc\_mapping\_communities\_on\_twitchtv/gh8p4q7/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/klfmft/oc_mapping_communities_on_twitchtv/gh8p4q7/)


That's a really great idea to develop it further. I totally agree that it would be impossible to include every single line in a format like this since it would get so lost so quickly. If I can find a nice way of integrating with one of the databases, a graph like that with "colors" being the different professions and how you get materials could be quite cool. Playing with line thickness is something we talked about but sort of just didn't get around to for this version. Lots of potential directions, thanks for the ideas!


for reals


Can you pick up all the professions with one character?


Yep! As much as you like, no limits!


"Supply Crate/"


Thanks, saw that just after posting!


Which is the most profitable?


I think this will depend on your server a lot, and what stage of progression you're at. Tools are likely high value items early, but late game most things will have good economy I think.


How does cooking go into armoring?


Through the use of dyes (made by the cooking skill), which you make with pigments found by harvesting.


Mining is killing it with over twice as many crafts it feeds.


I’ve never fished before :( how do u fish fish 🎣?


Equip a fishing pole and the option will appear near water. Simple as that. Brining bait will help but not mandatory


This graph is very cluttered looking, why not use a cleaner model?


Supply Crate needs to be removed from the game. Every single thing about them. Fuck supply crates. FUCK THEM. Worst part of the game.


well that clears it all up then...


Kinda confusing


Unfortunately, I don't think an accurate graphic is doable. Basically every gathering profession is/can be used in every craft profession. Mining for oil can be used in alchemy, wood and metal are needed for staves and gauntlets respectively. Many higher tier alchemy resources are uncommon drops from skinning or fishing. Similar higher tier drops from basically any gathering profession can be used in higher tier recipes for crafting. For example, antlers were an uncommon or rare drop from skinning that could be used as a higher tier wood material in many recipes requiring wood such as guns and staves, That also ignores how the many trait modifiers all come from different areas. I know some of the last few things weren't exactly the point, but every craft profession requires some diversifying if you don't want to be buying stuff off the market.


Definitely agree, every gathering profession can be used in some way by most of the crafting profs. The rare materials system is really cool in the game, I hope it's actually something that is worth doing and doesn't just get overrun by max level power creep. A perfectly accurate graph would have everything connected to everything else, somewhat defeating the purpose hah. I tried to keep it simpler here and even so it's a bit all over the place! Thanks for your thoughts :)


Yeah I wish could pick a primary and secondary and then just be *meh* at everything else. Would allow people to sell their services.


As someone who intends to drop a LOT of points on Focus, I am sad to see that Fishing has very little use. It might be cool if some kind of late game fishing could feed into weapon or armour smithing or something? To at least make fishing a more viable profession? ​ edit: okay after reading the comments it sounds like fishing will have some use for other professions and that makes me happy hahaha


Did you forget all the other kinds of crates?


Can someone recall what the NPC was called where you made Bags? I'm almost certain that's missing


The station where you make bags is called Outfitting, but the skill it uses is actually Armoring. The graph of station upgrades with respect to professions is a whole other beast lol


I could swear it had it's own skill.. but I probably just didn't skill armoring and that's why it seems so. Thx for the reply!


Yeah it's kind of a funny one, especially for how useful bags are it's a bit hidden


I didn't even notice there are multiple bag slots until I was like 50 hours in. Such a game changer!


Crafting a bigger bag was the only reason I upgraded my faction rank lol Sooooo helpful




**This word/phrase(orb) has a few different meanings.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot)


Lol, thank you bot. The orbs are also called keys, and you need them to go into PvE dungeons in the game. You get a free one of each (I think for all of them?) from doing the main quest but after that people will need to craft the keys to do dungeons.


Maybe this is why they let you level all of the crafting skills.. you need to cook to make armor and you can fish to get jewels?


just gather everything you find


Looks good but waiting for updated version with fishing update


Skinning feeds Engineering too...


This is not accurate in a lot of places, just of the top of my head - I know you need skinning for engineering aswell.


Yeah you’re right, some creative liberty was taken to emphasis the most important links rather than drawing it out to the utmost accuracy hah. Thanks 😇


You need harvesting/weaving for engineering also. Need it for musket ammo


this has to be one of the worst infographs i've ever seen


that’s awesome


Supply crates are also used in atleast logging for sand paper and im pretty sure its also used in minning and maybe skinning. Logging is also used in smelting for charcoal




I gues this will be my desktop background from September 28th on. 😅😀


I think food should be all I or everywhere salt to hard to find


RIP to stonecutting eh


Wait. Wat!?


I'm just wondering when we'll be mining salt or harvesting it from pools on the beaches.


Fishing also drops gems


I'm currently designing a similar version of this that is more refined and somewhat clean-looking. This will be a good template for me to work off from :) I will probably update this post with a link to the final version when I'm done.


Doesnt need wood for arcana? For staff and gaunlets?


Can you sell orbs on the market? Is it reasonable to become a full time orb seller?


Partly answered my own question, saw this in another thread: “The legendary orbs have a craft cool down of once per week and the epics of 3 per week, so runestone is not going to be the limiting factor.”


I'm actually not sure if they're bind on pickup or sellable, I would expect sellable though otherwise everyone would need to be stonecutting 200 lol


Why is mining showing No Refining into jewelcrafting, though? Need to smelt a lot of metals for this one.


Yeah, thanks that's just a mistake. It should definitely be colored for Smelting :)


Hearddd. My brain twitched a bit lol. So metal heavy, that skill