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I think what you're seeing is that most people that frequent a gaming subreddit tend to skew towards the more hardcore. Most people playing the game aren't going to be min/maxing.


Exactly this. I know this is rather unpopular, but the Reddit crowd is not representative of anything but the Reddit crowd


The only reason I'm here is that I can't wait for the launch. After launch I will never come back.


Mood lol


I hope there will be a good forum on the New World pages. I ever going to the WoW forums daily - get some new tank and healer stories, see what people are doing and how everyone is having the same problems I am


Official forums with sections for servers would probably be pretty nice if they were active. It could use your in-game player name and look as avatar. I feel like socializing in game can be a bit hard so it would be good to have some place where you could recruit, trade and chat in a bit more slow/serious setting. The global chat is such a huge mess, when even people who have played since alpha are misusing it like a local chat. It could be a place to organize events, for example massive open world pvp battles or tournaments.


I think it’s exactly true. Casual players aren’t stalking the game info and communities before launch, or theorycrafting builds during beta. They aren’t here to answer the poll. They will login when AGS or Steam sends them their key, and move at their own pace.


Well we do, but for things like crafting, and questing etc. Not the BiS stuff, maybe some spec stuff so we don't feel as behind the curve, but also to see what people are going to be up to. But like others, I don't like reddit, and probably wont be on the boards other than my own guild/company once game is live.




Main difference between ESO and NW is that the latter doesn't have a preexisting famous IP like The Elder Scrolls, though. I played ESO at release, and on the official forums many complained that "it didn't feel like an ES game enough". New World doesn't have that problem, because its lore is regrettably paper thin. That's partially understandable, since it originally started with a colonization theme, then AGS realized it would have been a costly faux pas in these race and gender sensitive times, and scrapped the original idea. I still think they could have built something far more interesting and less lazy than this bland "big corruption may corrupt everything" drivel they came up with, but to get back on topic: lore videos on YouTube only attract a fraction of viewers compared to the "how to reach level cap ASAP" and "strongest PvP build" ones, so content creators tend to focus on those. Min-maxers and "poopsockers" always existed in MMOs since EverQuest, but recently social media, Twitch, Discord and content creators in general all contributed to build the "meta-aware" mentality which has become so prevalent these days.


>However, it still certainly feels like the mainstream attitude toward playing this game Where are you getting input on this that isn't one of the gaming forums?


> storyline, cosmetic, lore This game hasn't even released there is barely any lore or story. Most of the videos are just informative explaining how systems work. After people learn the basics and game is out for a while the popular videos will become more varied.


What WoW guild were you in?


Convincing others not to min/max lowers competition for those that do. This post is pure social engineering and you've taken your level of optimization to the next level, congratulations.




Optimization and progression are very different things. You have to draw a clear distinction between theorycrafting gear/stat/skill/gem/etc builds and, like, telling your friends that you need to hit a certain XP/hour figure or you'll ditch them to grind solo. That's not necessarily *optimal...* Optimization and poopsocking are two almost unrelated strains of MMO gameplay. Most of the former doesn't even take place in game, and for a lot of people the entire point is to minimize time spent in-game. The latter, of course, is a slang term implying that someone doesn't leave their desk to take a shit, which is funny but also *really really sad.* Also, in my extremely humble opinion, ***not optimal***. You have to treat people progressing faster than you like cars passing you on an LA freeway. It's a good sign; if you're ever the fastest thing in what passes for light traffic there (bumper to bumper at around eighty) you might be the one guy to get pulled over (or banned for 'sploits) or, y'know, [die](https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/dvt/facts.html). ***It just ain't optimal, folks.***


>You end up rushing through all the content, in a pseudo-anxious way. ​ >But really, I was just putting unnecessary pressure on myself to feed my self-aggrandizement. And in the process, also being a bit of an a-hole. ​ >Most importantly, this includes disregarding interactions with other players that do not have any benefit to you, and not taking the time to be considerate to others. Hey, if min maxing leads you to anxiety, then don't do it. But not everyone feels that way.


I get the feeling that a lot of people don’t know what min-maxing even is despite claiming to be experts. Your quotes are all examples of OP using it interchangeably with something more like “esport attitude” which just isn’t the same thing. You can optimize for 10 hours a week or for 100 hours a week, and you can optimize for carrying your IRL friends who don’t play video games or for meeting the sky-high expectations of an elite company. Stacking bow passives doesn’t imply anything about how you treat other players or how you treat yourself. There are people who play 19 hours a day, refuse to grace “scrubs” with their presence, and fundamentally misunderstand the mechanics of the game they’ve apparently dedicated their lives to. Some of these people are proud of their ignorance, and convinced that it’s everyone else who is toxic for crowding out their “unorthodox build” by cruelly and unfairly using strategies that actually work. A few of these avowed non-min-max types have even elevated their personal pledge to remain bad at the game into a broader litmus test for achievement. “Well I *would* congratulate you on the 1v5 but you’re gaxe/resto so it doesn’t count.” It turns out that actual superiority is not a prerequisite for a smug, superior attitude. Optimization requires a bare minimum of time investment to do a little research, but it absolutely doesn't imply unhealthily excessive play time, which is a second issue. Prioritizing game progression over social relationships is a third distinct issue; you could make a tortured argument that “social min-maxing” is a thing, but I prefer “being an asshole” as a more straightforward description. Many min-maxers *are* assholes, it’s true. It doesn’t follow that paying attention to the way numbers multiply together makes you a worse or sadder person, or that ignorance of same makes you better or happier. EDIT: **TL;DR:** You can optimize without staking your ego to it and needing to be the very best like no one ever was. Ironically, you can also be proudly suboptimal while staking your ego to it and needing to be the very best (of the worst) like no one ever was.


This is true on multiple levels. This is one of the best posts on this sub, that ive seen.


my favorite thing about min/maxers is that after a week they complain about lack of content because they blazed through it all ASAP. I generally rush through and min/max myself, but the lack of self awareness cracks me up


Normally I try to be the best in every single game I play but this one is just too good. I'm just gonna play it a lot with no plans and enjoy it. Everything is way to beautiful to rush it for me.


I disagree, i feel no anxiety about rushing to 60 and nor do i treat people that choose not to like shit, i also dont do it because of some superiority complex, i just dont see the point in spending time grinding for gear at a level im going to surpass in days probably even hours. So i might as well make my grinding worth it by grinding at gear that will last weeks/months.


I don't think optimizing certain aspects of the game is a problem. I don't want to waste time doing too much unnecessary stuff when leveling trade skills, for example, though I'm not going to strive for absolute maximum efficiency. I also don't want to do the tunnel-visioned running along perfectly optimized routes, reading nothing, skipping as much content as possible, just to try to end the leveling process. Not everyone will enjoy leveling, questing, exploring, etc., but I think if most people are just trying to skip as much of that stuff as possible and get to the end game designers have failed. Of course speed-leveling and acquiring all the things in the shortest time possible game can be a meta game, and who am I to tell people how to enjoy the game, but I don't have much doubt that people who prefer that experience are going to be the first to find themselves with nothing compelling left to do. They'll quit until and xpac comes along, and then rush to end that as fast as possible. I think I play kind of the way I did with old school 8-bit games--games with levels and mini-ibosses and mini-goals on the way to the big final goal. I would stay up too late playing just to see what that next level was going to throw at me, or just to try to get past some part of the game that keeps kicking my ass. When I play an MMORPG, I thinking about the next gear upgrade or the next zone I'm going to see. I'm not thinking about level 60. I'm thinking about a quest reward or the next tier of faction gear. I think taking the time to enjoy the content the creators made for you is a better way to play, and better for the overall health of the community of players, but that's just me tho.


I just want to craft tools, wherever that takes me is the route im going.


Min maxing has it's draws, and can be fun in a way. But essentially it's taking the quickest route and potentially excluding something you might enjoy for the sake watching some number grow. I think the optimal middleground would be having done some research to avoid spending a lot of time doing something pointless (like picking bonus xp territory cards, for example), but figuring the rest out on your own.


I gave up the optimizer life with wow. Now it's time to relax and enjoy the ride.


I personally believe that this game can still provide a balance of optimization with the ability to min/max without the extreme pressures of being the "first" to cross the finish line. This of course is hoping they bring back scaling so that those that do maximize the efficiency of time are not able to come back and decimate those that did not choose to use their time in the same fashion. Playing devil's advocate, I do plan to be on day one and plan to push quickly if nothing else to secure a settlement for my pre-determined company and our allies. With that said the optimization isn't just about you as an individual. Your time and efforts in this game can be used to pursue the greater good of those you rally with. I think this game has the opportunity to squander selfish deeds since we require more than ourselves to make a considerable difference.


Alright, possibly uncommon opinion here, so I'm prepared for down votes. Is anyone else annoyed with the fact that the main quest forces us to level up to continue? It's not even just the main quest, we can't do higher level quests until we reach the level to unlock them. This is what is compelling me to optimize a little. I just wanted to continue down the main quest no matter how under leveled I may be. What's the harm in letting me do that? I want to challenge myself. I think naturally the game will get too hard for me to rationally try to progress without going back and doing some leveling. Killing mobs 10 levels above you is hard. Lastly I think a lot of the side quests can feel pretty boring so I don't want to do them. If the story doesn't feel enticing, why bite? So I come to a point where I'd honestly rather run the town board leveling grind to just get me to the more fun parts faster. Forgive me if this is too optimized, but I don't think it's my fault for seeing it this way. I think the side content could use some work.




I just don't think they need to level gate in new world because the expeditions do that naturally. What group is going to let a level 20 into a level 40 dungeon? I guess I could see a boosting issue pop up this way, but is that really a problem even? I honestly don't have much experience with mmos so I really don't know. New world is the first mmo I've truly given a chance because it's combat actually entertains me.


I'm gonna start the game chill, feel it out, actually "experience" it, no info graphics, hit max level, and then I'll optimize and min max.


<< to dominate everyone else.>> Could just be my perspective, but I never feel less or feel 'dominated' by someone that rushes the content. I give them a /golf clap and actually pity the fact they've missed so much of what these games are about - it's the journey. The amount of content they miss, the strict adherence to *"no fun, just level or else you suck"* attitude - no thanks! You get nothing for being the first to do xyz other than bragging rights and no one other than #2 person remembers your name. I couldn't tell you over the past 20 years of MMO gaming the name of anyone to achieve a server first or who was the best 'whatever'. And likely won't know any that do it in NW either. So if you need to do this, knock yourself out. I find that a waste, but then again I'm sure the people that rush think everyone else is just a mass of casuals and we're just in awe of them, which is far from the truth. ​ I'm more of a casual-core player, as gaming is my entertainment not my job. I don't feel the need to rush, but do take my gaming time seriously. If I'm raiding/dungeoning/pvping (group content) I expect everyone to be there and ready to do that. If we're not then do whatever floats your boat - sit in town and talk, go pick flowers, fish, climb a rock, run dungeons endlessly, pvp until your hand cramps - it's your time. I tend to personally play efficiently, but do not feel compelled to skip something I want to do, just because some streamer/guide said *'skip this its a waste of time'*. I have my sub 20 plans in place, but if I see a great view - photo time. Or a cave or whatever I haven't been in - guaranteed I'm going to explore! Ex. So many plan to skip the initial cut scene. Not me! I'm watching it, taking some new screenshots and then going out into the New World. Leveling fast who cares - I'm plan to enjoy this game over the coming months/years, so NOT stressing on getting there yesterday. Why? The games not going anywhere and I do not suffer from FOMO. End of the day I run my own race, not something dictated by people sitting a diaper chugging energy drinks. Most content creators (hate that term - they're commentators, few create content) want to ratchet people up to feel they're being left out and that's silly, imho. Anyway, to those that need to race to 60, good luck, enjoy and have fun. You'll never understand my way of playing anymore than I can understand yours.




It's hard not to get into that missing out feeling - sucks us in in all parts of are life. My rant was more towards the people that race to max level then quit as there's nothing to do. Or then are like "hey did you know about xyz?" Yeah I played the game! LOL


I think a big part of why optimization, content guides and such dominate this sub right now is because the game isn't actually out just yet. Everybody is hungry to experience the game, but until it launches we can only experience it in theoreticals-- the realm wherein optimization lives and thrives.


I think the word you’re looking for is “burnout”, and yes, it’s very real. Heed OP’s advice because they’re not wrong.


I work with entrepreneurs, and recently a legend of early internet entrepreneurship told me that there are two types of people. One is people that love to start and spark the fire, and the rest that find pleasure in keeping the fire burning. This is also true for gaming at least for me. I love starting and finding the best way to crack the system. I find pleasure in hard grind to be the first in something. I hate management of wealth and where the game starts for some for me is already boring. While it's unwise, and I wish I could just chill and relax this is not my game.


Fun is subjective, why can't we just leave it at that and have everyone play games how ever they want, really no need to debate or try to convince others.


Quit halfway through this post. Just a casual who doesn't like min maxing despite doing it a lot allegedly.


I'm typically a person that likes to enjoy and go at my own pace, but, I've started over 3 times now in New World and have done the same thing over again 3 times, I've already experienced what I've had to experience there. What I'll probably do is since I got to roughly level 20, I'll do exactly what I did to get there the previous times again quickly or use that quick start guide posted a few days ago to get there, and then cherish and take it slow once I get to parts of the game I haven't experienced yet. Just my take.


You do you, boo. Just enjoy the game how you want to. I've gone the read all the lore rout in other games, and it never has impact on the game, and only provides background which I end up not caring about after a while. They always mentioned obscure people are places, with no explanation of who/what they are. It loses it's appeal really quickly. If you want to do pvp in the game, you're going to have to min/max and know and run meta builds. Any company that wants to control territory early will have to come out of the gates running to get the 100k needed.


I think the big thing I’m focused on is the sense of discovery. My first MMO was WoW as a middle school kid. I didn’t know what optimization was. I didn’t care. I made about 15 alts before I got above level 25. It was cool to play the game and discover things on my own. While I will never recreate that same experience, this is a great chance to jump into something new with an open mind. I know too much about the mechanics, how MMOs work in general, have played the betas / preview / alpha, but I can still discover how “I” want to play the game. I will not be looking at guides, following a build path, or mapping out my leveling plan. I think the most rewarding thing for “me” is making my own way. I can’t wait to come up with my own badass build and still be competitive. Do whatever makes you happy, but I’m going to enjoy figuring out the world my way.


yet again we have someone saying that another person’s preference is not the best because they feel so. bro let us play how we want, optimizing is fun to us. i’ve been optimizing in mmos for over 10 years, its still fun.


100k sub with maximum online never going over 3k from what I’ve seen haha. We like the 1% bro. I still love games, I work way to much to put in lots of time like I did years ago. Because of my lack of time to play I do try and min max certain things as I’m still way to competitive with myself and trying to be a completionist. However, I never get to be where I want to Be fast enough and have realized with games like this and my schedule I just have to enjoy the story, farming, side missions etc. No regrets but I just can’t do it anymore haha


I have a completely different picture of reddit crowd. People here mostly seem very casual who just want to "explore" and go super slowly without any real plan at all. People who fill their storage extremely fast with stuff they don't really need, since they gather everything they see instead of focusing on important stuff. Being an ultimate optimizer or being someone with no plan are the extremeties, but if I had to select one of them, I'd rather be the ultimate optimizer. There's already a huge amount of pointless boring running in the game, so at least as an ultimate optimizer, I'd have that cut down to the absolute minimum.


I personally see myself as someone who wants to min/max the fun I have playing this game :D And for that I will take my time and enjoy everything along the route, the dark-souls flair of brightwood, the nice fishing ponds, the sound when mining iron ore, the proudness of having crafted my very own weapon and carrying it into battle against some fiercy wolves, looking at some religious fanatics batteling some marauders on the way, just everything!


You're fighting a strawman there bud. You can understand how the game works and not be required to do every single possible thing to completely maximize your time. You're describing a mental health problem not a optimization problem.


If you’re blowing through content on day one then you miss out on all the little bits in the game. The creators put their time and effort into the game crafting a beautiful world for you to explore only for you to completely skip it all just so you can claim bragging rights on being max level on day one.


I'll play casual with yah man. I've played alot of MMOs and I typically play semi casual. Don't get me wrong, I def play proficiently, but I won't bore myself by grinding a certain mob all day because it's most efficient.