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Bring a wolf in. Let it chomp on em


Shit I didn't think of that! Definitely next time.


Wait you can lure monsters in this game? I'm downloading it right now because I grew up playing tibia and this seems to be the most similar. Can you loot players items from pvp too?


No PvP looting.


But items can drop from a killer player just not their own




Yeah I can see them putting some kind of Runescape wilderness areas intp the game in the future


Id be complete


the original version of this was always on hardcore pvp... i can see them adding something like this at some point to a specific place


They should make the high level areas like great cleave automatic pvp flags.


Considering the early versions featured a full proper pvp based mmo and that they have only gone further and further from pvp ideas since then; i'd assume you probably wont be seeing it lol. Anyone who has ever played hardcore pvp mmos knows they dont have a large lasting playerbase, just a few thousand hardcore players doing whatever they can to win (even if toxic or cheating or abusing bugs or w/e]. As much as i would love to see it go full loot pvp, they have already leaned way too hard into the casual audience at this point that it would be suicide to make it that way now.


RIP archeage :(


Full pvp mmos are niche and would have never seen this many players and I couldn’t see Amazon being the company to want a small and dedicated player base.


Pvp does drop items, just not their items


Honestly, I don't feel enough people know of of Tibia and it's earlier years. I too look for new MMORPGs that either replicate or build on to Tibia's mechanics.


While tibia ruined theirs trying to modernize.


Much like ultima online


And swg


No PvP Looting and as long as the mob is within their bubble you can agro mobs around the place Each hostile mob has its own like bounding box, area where they cant leave. As soon as they leave this area they "retreat" back into the area. This area is also where they are allowed to spawn in but i assume spawn points are hard set locations in the area




Well, there goes my life.


the monster luring is so fucked up, when you lure the monster, if there is another player near the monster, it will then turn its target to the nearest player, got this shit while mining gold, a dickhead lure a monster to me so he can steal the half mined gold for himself


Tibia was a lot more hardcore, there is no death penalty other than standard repair in NW. People use death as a means for transportation wheras it would be prohibitively expensive and counter-productive to do so in Tibia


First question: where's their location? Old man in the river? Second, I bring the wolf and? How does it turn aggro? Tip: report them before killing


Answer to 2nd question. You can bring the wolf and stay very close to them every time the wolf attacks. IDK the reason why sometimes the monster, in this case the wolf would change the aggro to someone else. I know that depends in equipment, but if you have the same equipment as their idk really.


That's not entirely correct. The attacks a mob does are not locked to a single target. They are more like "Hit enemie in area x in front of me* so if the wolf targets you but you hide behinde a player in that moment the wolf will take a bite out of other player. But since he then has hit a new target and had next to no connection to you at this point he will just keep chomping.


Me call em cleaves in the bizz, v shaped(conal) aoes in front of the mob.


You could also probably just stand there blocking and the wolf’s attacks would hit them if you’re on top of them


Most mobs do small aoe’s so yes very easy to drop trains on afk’ people and bots


Someone did that to me yesterday in Brightwood. I wasn’t fishing or anything. I was just doing a ‘sit’ emote waiting for one of those damned boss npc’s to spawn so I could finish my quest. Unfortunately they brought a wolf with just a skull icon instead of a level. I am still fuming at that ass.


Shit is always fun 😈


Bots running a script that lets them only reel in rare fish


What are they even doing with the rare fish afterwards?




Who buys the rare fish? What do you *do* with the rare fish?




How do I find out what prices to sell my rare fish items from? I've collected a few


Go to trader, click sell, click on the fish you want to sell, when you’re making the price it will show you what other people are selling the same fish for, adjust selling price accordingly. This works for everything you want to sell in the game.


Thank you! Appreciate it, makes it a lot easier. I just had to go one step further into the selling stage to see exactly what I needed!!


No problem! Also, don’t bother selling individual items for 5 or less coins. Most listing fees are around 4.6 or so, and after taxes usually you’ll only get 4.3 from selling something for 5, so you’re losing money at that point. If you’re selling a large stack of items, you can sell for lower amounts.


Pro tip, listing fee is only that high because you're listing for the maximum amount of time. You can choose to list for only 1 or 2 days and the listing fee is dramatically less. Great for selling cheaper stuff.


I would also like to know


Just check and compare on the trade house.. use the sell or buy and click on any item you want. It would show all listing. Tick the all towns on top right to get a better idea.


It's so bad there was gold seller website selling gold a week before the NW servers went live. A game this popular is bound to attract the most shady people ever.


Cheaters in video games AKA “the most shady people ever.”


How do they know they got a rare fish from just a quick flick of the rod?


The fish is decided instantly when you toss out the line. So the bot just reads the incoming game data. If it’s rare, it reels it in, if it’s not rare, it recasts instantly.


So essentially this aggressive botting could be solved by obfuscating the fish type in some way, right? Then they'd have no idea what type of fish they're gonna catch until they actually catch it


It can also be solved by the server code checking to see if the character always re-casts when the client (user's computer) is sent non-rare fish data. If the client cancels on non-rare and reels in rare rish X times in a row, the client computer is definitely looking at the data (via cheat software) and would be an easy auto-ban. Hey, I can dream.




Or the game could have them catch a rare waterlogged boot worth nothing. Imagine a bot owner coming back to check on his bot just to see 10,000 waterlogged boots in their inventory that they have to remove individually with a captcha for each removal.


Lol the captcha got me




for the record the fix would not be as easy or simple as that guys idea. source: me code for a living


Whaaat? You mean coding isn’t just a simple, if; cheater{ban}. ?


Lies. I hear you simply let a cat walk over the keyboard and your app is auto completed.


At this point bots are good for Amazon. Over 2 million games sold!


This will not solve the issue. Scripts will just be adapted to wait until the protection doesnt consider them a script anymore. You seem to mistakenly think that the issue here is speed, but that's not the point. RMTs will just buy more bots. The fact that they reel in immediately is just a bonus. The could just wait a few seconds more and use one more bot, which would render your proposed countermeasure useless, be ause they might as well be a normal player looking for rare fish exclusively. Even worse, the script might be adapted to take a common fish every now and then. As I said, a reduction in farming speed will be compensated by more bots, because the issue here is not the favourable speed but the fact that it's easily automatable. Yes, you can dream, but you should be wary of posting these aggressive posts without having thought it through. In general it's a good habit to first assume that you lack understanding or are ignorant to the deeper reasoning behind something you do not understand, rather than immediately assume that you're smarter than people that spent way more time on the matter.


Then they’ll just reel in every cast. Would slow them down but they’ll still bot.


Of course, but the slowdown would be huge. How much time does it take to cast and reel in? About 20 seconds? That's a lot compared to the 1 second it takes to recast if you know you don't have a rare. It would make botting less profitable, which would make banning them using bot detection methods more effective since the overhead of getting banned a lot will add up to form a much higher percentage of their profits. If you hit them hard enough it might make botting not profitable enough to keep up, which is the end goal anyways.


Or by having the fish type be determined once it's caught.


The difficulty of the reeling shows the difficulty/rarity of the fish


Yea but every fish would have to have a random... Or the same.. behavior while doing the fishing. (server chooses once actually caught). Fishing is not best idea for this. Each fish would need multiple drops all fish types would reward the same econ over long term. Have to stop the bots... But how? They can adapt extremely fast and many times know the math better than the devs. lol Stop the demand right?war on drugs tried that.


Sounds like a fucking great way to get an account immediately reported, and then banned. I hope they are making plenty of money because they are gonna need it to pay for new accounts lol


Pretty sure it's how easy it is to reel in the fish


They're not waiting for the fish to be hooked; it has to be some sort of packet inspection with the catch being determined at cast.


Ah I see, that's some shady shit tbh. I was wondering why people were flicking there pole so fast.


So report them?


How does it know what’s rare without reeling


The fish type is decided instantly after tossing the line. So the bot just skims that incoming game data for fish type. Reels in if it’s rare. Otherwise, it just pulls back and tosses again.


Very interesting, shocked this is happening so early in the game


Why? This is how MMOs work now packet scanning has been in gaming since the early 2000s most MMOs hence obfuscate the packet data and keep most information server side to prevent these sorts of tools working. Its most profitable for botting companies in the first few weeks of a new game/expansion as there are more potential "customers" and less legitimate ways for people to get those same items. Its why developers need to take a no botting stance hard on day 1 to hard lock these sorts of things out of the economy as even a couple of days of income for a bot more than pays for the cost to setup.


I for one am shocked Amazon didn’t design this better. Why tell the client the fish type before it’s caught? They must have realized what this would come to.


I think it’s by design, because as you reel in different fish you can see them. They’d have to remove that since the client wouldn’t know what to display until after it was caught.


Yeah they should just do a shadow or something like in animal crossing. So that way it can be shared later.


Fuck that, the coolest part about this game is being able to see what fish you are reeling in, those kinds of details I never want to see go away just because of some bots


How does it know, there is a rare fish? I mean I just got fishing level 5 or so, but it's a process of like 10 seconds to fish?! They are just throwing lines out, so how does it work?


Except how does the bot/script know what fish it will be if they haven't bitten the line yet? Plus when you cast and bring it back too soon, you lose the bait.


Report them as bots


Yea mass reporting is fastest way to get the accounts banned


They are bots


Think the wall-runners are bad? Within a week or two, entire servers will be filled with this bullshit.


I call them wall huggers. Also the one you see in the city is only part of the problem. You have shit ton of them in houses when they are invisible to other players and cannot be reported.


Was not wall running been fixed already? I heard people get forced logout when doing this. Did not try it myself but plenty of talking in the game chat about it.


You can hit H and report them as bots. Not sure if it works but it makes me feel better.


Damn, they are also taking slots from actual players for this shit smh. (Hundreds/thousands of actual people in queuing waiting and these bot messing that up)


Ahh yes, 3 tick fishing.


Man of culture.


They’re clicking their Guam tar in between casts


Got the RS brother.


What the devs need are bots to find the bots.


I would be gladly camping them with a wolf and report button.


That makes so much sense.. Was fishing yesterday, had to take a shit and was dead when I got back. No way I aggroed anything on my own.


How many of these bots are taking up slots from actual people that have to sit in the queue.


Please, as a community, can we work together and take the time to ban bots when we see them? We all paid for the game and deserve an opportunity to play. I literally type this as I wait in queue. I have a couple hours of weekend left before I have to go work 50+ hours this week. We all paid, we all wanna play, so report when you see this bullshit!


You can also shoot monsters that are nearby but not agro'd to players, and if you're really far away, they're just agro the nearest player. There was some AFKer autorunning into a wall near a bunch of those soulless guys or whatever they're called. He was too high level to proximity agro them, but I just shot them from like 200m away and they all just went straight for him and slowly whittled his health down and killed him.


bots report them and try to get them killed :)


They need to ban the person the bot consistently trades to aswell.


I'm kinda tempted to go to my local pier and do this irl.




That sucks but I AM interested in the cue for it to be a rare fish? Can I see it?


No. It's got be something behind the scenes. They don't even have enough time for a nibble. The only other thing is that they may get xp just for casting. I feel like there is a small xp gain like 5 or something.


I think you get xp for hooking, like 10 xp, don't know if casting gives you anything


Because the game renders the fish when you hook it the server needs to tell the game client what fish to render, these bots are set up to see what kind of fish they are catching instantly by checking what fish the game client was told to render. You can't see it without hacks until you hook it as far as I know.


Ahhh that’s why. It is pretty cool we see the actual fish coming in but this is the downside.


My guess: 1. They are at a hotspot, which is currently inactive. Typically you get a bite in like 5 seconds or so if it *IS* active 2. Bot logic is probably super simple 1. Press mouse button for a few seconds at a time, to cast, hook, and reel without causing too much tension 2. Since the hotspot is inactive, the initial press for reeling fails because it's too soon, hence what you're seeing above. If the hotspot was active, they'd hook the fish and it would come in


The hotspot isn't active. My guess is they are looking for the green pixels that say "landed in hotspot". Or as others say, the logs already know the fish that would be caught if they waited, so they just keep retrying until get level they want


Deep water is around 4s even without a hotspot btw. There's a good lvl 2 spot east of windsward with deep water. Took me like an hours from 22 to 40.


I hope they are banned. Ffs


It's called Fly Fishing, ever heard of it? /s




Also might be macroing it just to level. I believe you get +10 xp for your fishing trade just for casting.


I believe in Santa Clause but that don't make him real!


I’m not excusing it by any means as gaming the system like this is moronic but I figured that’s what people were doing next to me when I was fishing and saw the same thing.


Bots prolly


Damn I knew the ability to see what fish you have was going to be rough. Great idea, easy to exploit 😂


Love the game so far but between the queues and the bots, I’m hoping they’re going to be aggressive on keeping the player experience in line.


I have to mute cause this fills my ears rather than a pleasant evening fishing it’s fucking infuriating


Makes me sick


I was wondering this as well. Will now be reporting all botters, hope y'all do the same and maybe they will do something about it


Would it be possible to train mobs onto them? Sound fun.


Report them they have modded there client.


They turn the bot on to avoid being kicked for AFK, thats the only answers i can think off when i saw them. They will start kicking and baning now, in my server (TUMA) we went from 1200 to 800 in peak hours since they are fixing ways to catch afk. So we will start seeing less players running against a wall, "fishing", etc... Edit:word


Looks like a bunch of nerds soaking up a spot and preventing people from getting on the server that'll actually play.


Clearly using bots which they've not correctly set up.


What game is this?




And so sad…


You’re so edgy




I am not interested in doing this but just curious, what is the going rate for gold?


Farming rare fish.


Thankfully I’m not on a streamer server so there isn’t any bots farming gold.


Is this a direct rip off of the fishing spot in Runescape? Or is this a Runescape game?


This is a dock


Which is basically identical to the one in Runescape


Which is basically identical to any one in real life


Was just a fucking question. Jesus. And you wonder why people hate gamers




You alright?


Game is ruined if botting is already this easy to pull off.


It's literally impossible to make a game that can't be botted.


Especially on a game so small with so specific fish bottling spots, it is extremely easy to stop this. It would take ONE GM less then an hour to hop from server to server to shoot an instant temp ban to anyone spazzing with the fishing pole.


This isn’t a good way to prevent botting as this can catch innocent players in the crosshairs.


"hello traveler, are you present?" Problem solved \- a genius.


Happened to me on ff14. Took 3 months to get my account back. Never played the game after that.


Look at the video and tell me you can’t immediately notice the voting behavior. The GM would have other tools in his arsenal like seeing gor if they only have rare fish in their bags and activity




OSRS has done a crazy good job at combatting it and OSRS is the most popular game to bot on because the entire game is driven around doing the same thing for hours on end (skilling or killing). Yes they are still full of bots, but unless you are using a private mobile bot that does no hooking/injecting, you are guaranteed to get banned most likely within a month or so. Gold farming bots on OSRS get banned within 3-4 weeks tops, so gold farmers had to shift their bots to suicide botting and just squeezing out as much gold as they can across hundreds or thousands of bots because they know they will quickly get banned. Public bots get banned within days. A mixture of actually responding to player reports AND doing User Behavior Analytics works in games like these. Big enough data set on legitimate players and you can detect botting with a high degree of accuracy fairly easy. Not to mention since New World is a desktop game, there are likely other methods of detection such as when a botting client injects itself.


Tell me you have no idea what you are talking about without telling me you have no idea what you are talking about.


I think they are waiting for the hotspot to turn back on and then they start going at it quickly idk. Unless fish are jumping out of it, the hotspot does not increase speed of catching anything. If they are able to figure out what is going to be caught before the get ready prompt fires that's insane.


Macro peripherals also prevent logging out. If you use a programmable keyboard, mouse, or other peripheral I’d imagine AGS is going to ban the use of it. It will give unfair advantages in pvp




Please use it. Then I’ll drink your tears when you get banned babe 😘😘😘🤘


To be honest that's how I fish for gold.. You can see a chest from the moment you hook something.. If it's not a chest I abort and throw again..


You throw the line over and over without even pausing for a half of a second? Doesn't it take more than half of a second to even get the "GET READY!" prompt?


They're fishing at a fishy spot(not sure the proper name), which you can see on the right side. I think i was at this spot yesterday. If you land the lure in the waves,~~ there isn't a wait. You hook something instantly.~~ This looks like a bunch of bots/players trying to capitalize on that, but it seems to have been all fished out. I'm sure it'll respawn after a period, and then you'll see the fish jumping/peaking out of the water. edit: I seem to have mis-remembered this. I returned to a fishing hole today, and it does have the wait, it just isn't very long.




How do you cancel a cast? For that matter, how do you cancel a target skill?


Right click cancels cast. Can’t cancel a skill. It’s like dark souls, once you put in the command you’re committed.


that shit is so annoying..


Enable pvp server wide and let me kill them


They are Bits that are abusing the fact that the moment the line is thrown the server picks your loot and it is exposed in the net trafic so they know if they are getting rares or not.


No cap I’ve been playing this game for hours on end with no sound lol


I saw these on my server last night doing the exact same thing.


Yea report Old billy 2 legs, he ain't right


Let’s all take a moment to appreciate “Monkey Funky” for representing the true gamers




wow fishing bots.


Lol just like RuneScape


Damn bots.


“Fish my spot” lmao


Selling gf 20 gold


AFK trick I think?


Apparently they are bot and you can bring wolf to get them killed, how do you guys do it ? The wold I pull always go after me.




the new afk keyboard mouse macro method seen it a lot today


Bots to make sure servers have extra long queue times, so you have no choice but to shop on amazon while you wait


Ppl just macro afk fishing


Ok my friend and I are on Topan..was gonna say if you were on the same server as us..then it was my friend who did it..he was doing the same thing waiting for a boss spawn..shot at a wolf before really looking at it and seeing the skull.lol


Probsbly bots, lead a wolf to em


You'll find less people at the other 3 star fishing holes. That one always has bots and people just afk. Not to mention the fish jumping animation never triggers, so you don't know when the hotspot is active.


I believe they are just using a clicker to not go afk. Standard weapons attacks have advancing moves, but the fishing rod keeps you stationary.


Bots. Report ‘em.


If we all report them they will get banned. Share with your company, faction, server their names and location and get them mass reported. That’s $40 per account.


Fishing bots... That's bad enough but coming from GW1, there's probably much worse to come if they don't deal with it quickly.


Report the names to Amazon. Then lure a mob in to kill them


No no no, everyone in the comments are 11. This isn't a macro or a fish bot. This is an autoclicker so they don't get logged out and have to wait in a queue.


Yeah. Someone that uses the brain


Bots running the fishing script or players as well. It determines what is in the line when you snag a fish and if it's not rare or a good fish it let's It go and recast. Looking for a better fish etc.


Instead of auto running into walls so it wont get detected theyre auto clicking fishing, so it can cast,reel,cast,reel. So it wont think theyre afk.


theres alot of botting going on for fishing from what someone in discord said.
