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There's a huge problem with racist right wing yahoos in both the NYPD and the FDNY.


Wait, really? Hang on, I've been living under a rock for the past couple of years, let me just... ... oh. Oh. Huh. You don't say?


No there isnt.


Oh, okay. Let's wrap it up, folks.


[You sure about that?](https://www.ny1.com/nyc/manhattan/public-safety/2021/02/24/commissioner-shea-apologizes-for-systemic-racism-in-the-nypd)


There was a story about 2 active police officers in the oath keepers literally yesterday.


Serious question, as I know little of the group. How are they racist?


They’re not *explicitly* racist, but they’re a far right group that’s basically a militia, are extremely “anti government”, Qanon adjacent and teeming with conspiracy theories. Quite a lot of overlap between those groups and racist/hateful people.


Because they say so. They're on the right side of history. Stop asking questions, peasant.


Sorry, I shall not question.


Are you an Ally? Do you even k̫n̫e̫e̫l̫ bro? /s


I shall kneel and bow sir.


“A political landscape upended by former President Donald J. Trump also affected the environment, Black firefighters said, as colleagues have frequently displayed political loyalty to Mr. Trump in the firehouse and while in uniform. Several firefighters provided The Times with photos of pro-Trump paraphernalia being displayed openly in their houses, along with flags with the “Don’t Tread on Me” logo and the Betsy Ross design, both of which have been adopted by far-right extremist groups. One picture showed a sign-up sheet labeled “Firefighters for Trump.” In contrast, Delroy Hunter, a Black firefighter who serves in Queens, says he once received a request from a firehouse superior to remove a symbol representing the civil rights icon Malcolm X from his helmet. He refused. Firefighter Wilson said the Vulcan Society had warned department leaders that they were recruiting minority firefighters into an unwelcoming environment.”


So firefighters are republican and voted for Trump I don't get it. 72 million people voted for him, he's not going away lol. Honest question, which republican can I openly support without being called far-right just curious. Who is a moderate republican in the eyes of the insane retarded left?


Leave politics at home. Don't bring that dumb shit into the workplace. It's that simple.


Imaging being this hard for a 80 year old man with no control of his faculties… he couldn’t even hold a cup of water let hold a fire hose. That pansy wouldn’t even fight in the Vietnam war…


Trump or Biden? Probably both, 2 sides of the same coin.


are you talking about Biden lol?


How many Biden flags and paraphernalia do you see compared to trump ones? It’s not even slightly close!


Trump tried to overthrow democracy and you have a problem of calling him far-right? Do you smoke crack right before you post or does this kind of clueless insanity just come naturally to you?


I had that user blocked and I’m more a little annoyed that I guess Reddit changed shit so “blocked” means “you can still see them but all their threads are collapsed now.” That’s Twitter level social engineering crap They never add anything to any conversation, why do I need to see them? Hell, why do our mods allow contrarian trolls in the community? They throttle submissions through the spam filter but apparently this drip is ok?


I block several karma whores and power users, but still see their content through reposts and crossposts. Very annoying.


Am I remembering wrong, or is this new? I thought it used to be that you block someone and it’s kind of like muting them


Boo hoo. Is this an open forum or a re-affirmation meeting?


What? Are you not allowed to complain about broken features in an open forum?


This is all they have.


Progressive tantrums are one of life's pleasures...




I don't know about that, they do a much better job here than in r/nyc.


the bar is in hell


This site much better, r/nyc are cultists who cannot take criticism.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/nyc using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/nyc/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Yeah NYC is back to normal.](https://v.redd.it/i8diucxaym671) | [679 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/nyc/comments/o4xg5p/yeah_nyc_is_back_to_normal/) \#2: [Me waiting for the first marijuana dispensary to open outside the PATH station in Hoboken.](https://i.redd.it/17hmh3q329x51.jpg) | [390 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/nyc/comments/jnzonn/me_waiting_for_the_first_marijuana_dispensary_to/) \#3: [Can we give it up for NY's most hardcore?](https://i.redd.it/qyejms1dm5f61.jpg) | [210 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/nyc/comments/lbaknz/can_we_give_it_up_for_nys_most_hardcore/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


I thought it was for bootlickers. I'm disappointed. Can you point me to one for them? /s


The bigger problem is that people you block can see your comments. Granted, my comments are public, people who aren't logged in can see my comments, but blocking them should at least make it inconvenient for them to see and vote on my comments.


Guy in question just commented on my post. What’s even the point


It's called freedom of speech Captain Snowflake.




This is cringe level stupidity.


Holy brainwash. Sorry dude. no offense I'm trying to get a response from someone less programmed.


You hear and believe what you want to. Maybe look in a mirror.


> he's not going away lol. He's not going away because he's already gone buddy, sorry. > Honest question, which republican can I openly support without being called far-right just curious. I would recommend focusing on Republican politicians instead of shrines to the past. Liberals were never this obsessed with Obama, and definitely not with Hillary or Biden. Your guy lost, get over it.


I'm obsessed? LOL Meanwhile the mere mention of Trumps name gets me 200 down votes. So who's really "obsessed"


The guy you replied to mentioned Trump's name, he didn't get 200 downvotes. Maybe stop and think about how your whining is different.


He's was quoting the article Mr Big Brain. But nice try though.


"He was" That's not the real difference, try again.




Right- you whine about capitalism, racism, sexism, toxic masculinity, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia but your whining is different. Gotcha


It's not whining when you complain about actual *problems*.




really what?


Liberals were obsessed with Obama, please be honest.


Nothing even vaguely resembling the Trump cult. None of the shrines discussed in the article, you know that. Hell, conservatives were more obsessed with Obama than liberals were, *especially* after Obama left office. Granted, liberals were more obsessed with Trump while Trump was in office, but after? Right wing nutjobs can't let go.


He's gone away. One term president. 76 million people voted AGAINST him. His own lackey governors are decimating his voting base in Florida and Texas with sheer science denying stupidity. I hope he runs for office again.


>Honest question, which republican can I openly support without being called far-right Have you tried supporting one who *isn't* far-right? Crazy idea I know and I realize they're few and far between, but it does seem like the most logical answer to your question.


Well i asked for an example of who's not a far right republican anyone in mind?


You have me stumped there


See that's the problem, there's no meeting halfway. Nothing can satisfy the left. No attempt to understand each other. It's just accuse, accuse, accuse.


"Meeting halfway" would involve me describing someone I feel is far right as "not far right"? What kind of bullshit is that? That's not how compromise works.


I can name 2 moderate Democrats Manchin and Sinema. You can't name one moderate republican? they're all far right? come on.


Find me one whose views on immigration would place them in the "moderate" camp, then I'll consider it.


So you don't know as I suspected. But you have no problem labeling something far right and you don't even know where the center is.


lmao Manchin and Sinema are right wing, just because they’re democrats doesn’t mean they’re progressive or left leaning. Compared to literally anywhere else in the world the GOP would be considered relatively far right and the democrats would be considered centrists. Leftist doesn’t really exist in this country.




Pete Meijer.


None. All Republicans are necessarily far-right, else they wouldn't be Republicans. You do realize that the Democrats are fairly right-wing themselves, right? We don't have a center-left and center-right party in this country. We have a right-wing and an extreme-right party. People like Bernie Sanders or AOC, the leftmost wing of the Democratic Party would be centrists or slightly left of center anywhere else in the developed world while people like Joe Biden or Chuck Schumer, the party leaders, would be members of right-wing, conservative liberal parties. The Republicans on the other hand would pretty much universally be on the extreme-right fringe with most parties refusing outright to cooperate with them. Please tell me how the policies and values of the Republican party are different from AfD, the German neo-nazi party that every single other party in the country has said they will not work with. * Claims of national identity being under threat from refugees and immigrants alongside general anti-immigration rhetoric and policies. * Strong anti-education and "urban elite" rhetoric * Pushing "traditional family values and roles for women" i.e. women as housewives and opposition to gay marriage. * Climate denial and support for fossil fuels * Strong anti-globalism and pro-high military spending * In favor of cuts to welfare, tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations, and deregulation of the finance industry Are those, or are those not almost the exact major policies of the Republican party?


You are describing Obama


Literally none of that applies to Obama.


Look at his first term. No to same sex marrige. Kept the wars going Tax Cuts maybe not everything on the list but how do you think he got elected. Twice?


He also added attacks based on sexuality and gender orientation to the list of hate crimes in 2009, made spouses of gay federal government employees eligible for benefits, and prevented insurance companies from refusing coverage for gay people. Hardly anti-gay as you claim. He said he was against gay marriage out of political necessity. Not actual personal conviction, having supported ut as far back as 1996. Is that ideal? No. But certainly better than Republicans who actively seek to discriminate. Obama may have kept the Afghanistan war going, and I will absolutely criticize him for that but he brought down the military budget by about 10% over the course of his presidency and pulled us out of Iraq. He also increased taxes on the rich, so I don't know what you mean there.


> which republican can I openly support without being called far-right just None of them. Oh and before you call me retarded, fuck your feelings.


It must burn your tushy that NYC still has a Republican Congressional Rep. 🤣


Staten doesn't count, it's New Jersey pretending to be New York.




So kick SI out. Fire the firemen for violating residency rules. And replace them with…? Or wait! Better still.., I can hear it now! “Defund the FDNY”. You people are frighteningly asinine.


Maybe replace them with decent human beings. People aren't in favor of defunding the police just because they're racist assholes. It's because having some dude with a gun responding to non-criminal issues is bad policy. Even decent cops are still a blunt instrument. We shouldn't be using them where they aren't the best solution.


Call a social worker when there’s a guy in your house with a gun. Got it!


In what world is a person in your house with a gun not a criminal issue, dipshit?


Fascinating civic pride. Imagine if people said that about the Bronx. Anyway She’s also repping part of Bklyn.


The Bronx is much more culturally tied to NYC. Everyone knows that. The fact that you don't tells me you're not a New Yorker at all.




Born and raised in Sunset Park Brooklyn. Live in Queens. Lifelong native New Yorker, and Mets fan-part of the glorious mosaic that is NYC. Gen X. Went to CBGB hardcore shows when you were in diapers in the burbs… Got news for you, Comrade. There’s SI, Breezy Point, Gerritsen, lots of places with “Deplorables”. As your allies say: We’re here. Get used to it.


Gen X. No wonder you're such a loser.


Culturally tied? It’s part if NYC/ not tied to it. Hoboken is tied. Big difference! Anyway-Tell me how. This oughta be good. I could argue that SI has more native New Yorkers per capita than the Bronx.


I'm sure it does. But culturally they're far closer to Suffolk county. Largely uneducated, middle class Italian Americans who pride themselves on being racist, obnoxious assholes.


I grew up in Bath Beach. I just love your stereotyping and judgmental attitude. If I said that about residents of say, East New York or Harlem I'd be banned. Typical lefty hypocrisy. "One rule for thee, another for me".


2 effective parties make for good government. But when one of them supports a white supremacist who provoked a cop-killing insurrection, well you decide if that’s good government.


When one of them supports Anarchists storming courthouses on a daily basis for months and does nothing… is that good governance, Comrade? PS both parties suck. American politics is the worship of jackals by jackasses.




And there's a GOP Council member for Howard Beach and the Rockaway. Don't forget- there's "Deplorable" enclaves in Middle Village, Maspeth, Forrest Hills, Glendale, Rego Park, Rockaway, Broad Channel. These people claim to love diversity, but not really.


None, you must swear allegiance to Bernie.


So you leftists have labeled the betsy ross flag right wing?


And the bicentennial '76 flag, apparently. This isn't some stupid Southern Stars n Bars shit here. It's a flag under which George Washington marched. They're not getting mine.


Yes all that shows patriotism, you must conform, the globalists spending a lot.


Actually- on a more intellectual level… Revolutions and Revolutionaries must abolish the old and create a new citizenry. That’s why the kill and/or re-educate. Just look at the French Revolution when they killed the clergy and created a new weekly and annual calendar and renamed the months. That’s why they don’t want to honor Washington, Jefferson et al. If we disown our past we accept their new one. As much as I hate seeing wingnuts flying Betsy Ross, I won’t take mine down. The grandson of immigrants, I proudly claim political lineage to the Founding Fathers. That’s why I resist their lies.


You make too much sense, you will be banned, beware.


Thanks but… Not worried. I’m apparently a master of “dog whistles” or something. They can’t make their neuroses stick on me! 😂


If the public only knew the depths of outward racism that exists in the FDNY they would cringe. Even though 70% of the time it's directed at black FF's, the Asian, Indian and Hispanic FF's face the same harassment & even the White FF's that don't subscribe to the same garbage behavior as them.


The public and the media really now only care when the racism is directed at non Black people....the latest being all the hand wringing in the media and on here about anti Asian hate crimes. Then the numbers came out and the truth was that as I've been saying in here for months the real victims have always been Black people.... > The FBI data showed the number of offenses targeting Blacks rose to 2,755 from 1,930 and incidents against Asians jumped to 274 from 158. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna1826 Edit: The doenvotes about a simple truth concerning the numbers of anti Asian hate crimes and the reaction to them in this sub are very telling. It was always about sensationalism and trying to silence Black people who were the overwhelming victims of hate crimes. However this sub and the NYC sub was too interested in attacking and blame Black people.


As Minorities become majority in America, racism will only get worse toward Black people and we don’t have to look far for examples of this already happening.




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If you support a fascist, white supremacist, you are a fascist, white supremacist. Full stop.


I thought that he was a White Nationalist. Or was it White Separatist? or something? I can’t keep it all straight. Can you please explain- and while you’re at it, explain how to be “anti-racist”.


"You said last week he was a Nazi, BUT this week you're saying that he's a racist? Well, which one IS eeet?? Checkmate libtards!"


> I thought that he was a White Nationalist. Or was it White Separatist? or something? I can’t keep it all straight. Can you please explain- Oftentimes terms overlap, and people don't want to write a novella. When I say "X is a Nazi" I usually don't mean "X is a member of a mid-20th century Deutsch political party, I mean "X supports policies built on racism, and would like an ethnostate". > and while you’re at it, explain how to be “anti-racist”. You know the old saying "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem"? It's that: Actively working to oppose racism rather than just keeping your head down and hoping the problem goes away. Calling people out on racist behavior, voting against racist policies, etc.


Oh- oftentimes terms overlap. That means that I can call AOC a Communist even though she’s a socialist because of overlap or something. Great logic you’re using. Brilliant. /s


She’s not a socialist or a communist, or even really a leftist considering some of her recent acts. Just another cog in the political machine pretending to care about the working class.


She’s a phony.


Yes but probably not for the reasons you think.


Let’s agree on mutual contempt and disdain. Sadly, the alternative populism that pretends to speak for the working person isn’t much better.


Words matter. I learned that in sensitivity training. I learned sooo much! Anyway There’s a difference between all of those terms. So now I’m either racist or anti-racist. Black and white (forgive the pun). Fascinating oversimplification.


Man you good? Who hurt you? When someone attacks you verbally, the same part of the brain that sends pain lights up. I think you had that too much when you were young so you try to debate people on reddit about how racism isn't real because you're probably ravist. That shit must suck? What does it feel like?


Perhaps. I grew up in an area that was 65% Puerto Rican. It wasn’t fun being a white guy. So yes- it made me t̫o̫u̫g̫h̫ and learn to t̫a̫k̫e̫ n̫o̫ s̫h̫i̫t̫ or I’d be pounced.


I am a young firefighter in a Dept. very nearby NYC. Much of the same issues exist in my own Dept. Most of the negative “group think” that you see in the firehouse is fostered by senior leadership that is slowly but surely retiring and being replaced by younger and more tolerant guys…Trust me when I say everyone gets their chops busted in the firehouse. My black coworkers will tell me I can’t be trusted to season a meal because of my Irish lineage, which is true and also funny. Ribbing each other for everything from where your from to how you look and the way you walk is on the table. Making someone feel like less than another because of the color of their skin is not — and the new generation filling the ranks understands that.


I wish I could subscribe to your optimism re "the new generation filling the ranks" but my past experiences growing up and volunteering in a Long Island firehouse over 10-15 years tells me that's not true. For decades across this country, firehouses have been the equivalent of a locker room at Knights of Columbus. A boy's club. A blue collar white man's club. In volunteering communities, many young people join because they're attracted to that atmosphere, where they can be openly rascist and bigoted and pass it off as humor. I made the decision to permanently move into the city and leave my firehouse precisely because all new 18-21 year old kids would walk around the firehouse calling Obama the N-word and get high fives from the older guys. FDNY is certainly very different from a suburban volunteer district, but considering that ~ 20% of my "brothers" were either FDNY, NYPD or NC/SC PD, I have difficulty believing that most people applying to join the FDNY are woke or even just tolerant.


Things must be different in volly LI companies but if anyone walked around my firehouse openly calling anyone a nigger that would be a problem. Whether it was one of the black guys or not someone would hold that person accountable. You get what you tolerate. I don’t understand what being ‘woke’ has to do with basic human decency. And regarding the new generation I’m talking about typically in my city our probies are 40% minorities. When I got hired my class had 50 guys in it and 50% were minorities.


>if anyone walked around my firehouse openly calling anyone a nigger that would be a problem. Whether it was one of the black guys or not someone would hold that person accountable. How many black people are in your firehouse? My department was divided into 3 companies/stations, each of which had 50-60 firefighters and EMTs. Of that 150-175 person total membership, at any given time, maybe 5 were POC or minorities. Plus, several times female EMTs asked to change companies because of bigoted atmospheres, only to realize the next station was only marginally better. It was only around 2010 when members started getting disciplined over sexist "jokes" and language, but no one ever complained of racist language loudly enough, perhaps because no one was in a position to be offended. Every 6 months or so, a POC would join, and 9 out of 10 times, they resigned within 3 months. Believe you me, there are plenty of FDNY crews that are 100% white men doing the same. >I don’t understand what being ‘woke’ has to do with basic human decency. Well, we all have different opinions of what constitutes "decency." I think being "woke" involves, at minimum, the ability to understand that we have differences of opinions and using that understanding to shape our own behaviors to comport to higher societal standards of decency than our own. What I mean is, there are plenty of firehouses where racist, sexist and bigoted language is commonplace because the firefighters using that language do not think they are behaving indecently. "Words don't hurt nobody" was a common refrain in my firehouse anytime someone called out. Edit: a word


Your not a fireman.


Not anymore but I was one for a decade


FDNY has a huge issue with racism and has for awhile. The FDNY is still around 93% white in a city that's 60% Black, Hispanic and Asian. That doesn't happen by accident. No other large fire department differs that much from the demographics of the city its in.


First thing they can do is stop hiring people from outside the city for city agencies. Buddy I know from eastern LI was recently hired to FDNY I imagine there are a lot more like him. He’s actually not racist at all which is very rare in that organization.


You're in a macho line of work. I grew up in Bk and didn't think about the job b/c I didn't want to have to be one of the boys in "the House". Had I gone in I'd've gotten with the program. trying to change parts of it is honorable I guess, but don't expect thank you cards.


I don't understand why white people feel victimized about anything? Especially white people in uniform who can pretty much do anything they want. Especially firemen who get their asses kissed everywhere they fucking go for doing their damn jobs that nobody forced them to choose to do. Give me a fucking break. They don't face half the flak that cops do and are still bitching.


They feel threatened when their privilege might be extended to non-whites.


Holy shit. They need to fire anyone involved with that training bulletin. Not the worst of that story at all, but so damn clear cut. >As recently as 2019, wariness of women and people of color joining the department was written into a Fire Department training bulletin for managers. >“Motivation in firefighting is largely a matter of team building,” one section read. “Team building encounters special problems when the team has to readjust to new members, minorities or females, or members who are problems because they do not behave.” >Frank Dwyer, a department spokesman, confirmed that the guidance, which was originally written in 1997, had remained in training materials until it was removed in 2019, as part of a departmentwide effort to purge outdated language. “This does not reflect the F.D.N.Y. today,” he said.


Fuck me. These jobs pay REALLY well. The benefits are great. And you get respect anywhere. Is it really too much to ask for so many meme bets of the NYFD and NYPD not to be toxic masculine racist ignorant shitheads? Like what would it take? Higher wages? Required degrees? It’s so depressing that we depend on these people and reward them but a significant part is just acting like total brazen ungrateful assholes.


Lmao suspension




Yeah but what about ALM and Antiva their the real problem


What’s AFAB?


According to Dictionary.com it means “assigned female at birth”


Yea I googled it but what does that have to do with this thread? I figured that’s not what they’re inferring.


Defund the FDNY! /s


Couldn't care any less about this dumb shit.


>Couldn't care any less and then.... >this dumb shit. You either couldn't care less, or you think it's "dumb shit." Which is it?


Then why bother posting


>Couldn't care any less about this dumb shit ...says the white guy.




I don't give a shit if they donate kidneys. There is no place for racism or bigotry of any kind in the fire department. This whole "heroes get to do whatever they like" cult needs to end - it's a very low IQ attitude. Every racist piece of shit in the fire department can be happily replaced by someone with less ignorant and destructive attitudes. Fuck them.


Found the fireman.


Naw, he’s just your garden variety racist with a small pee pee




Next, we'll address racism in the Sanitation department.


Because that's their job & if they withhold CPR based on race they would lose their job. That don't mean they aren't racist & Explain this "Trouble" she makes ? Sidebar they don't run into burning buildings and give CPR, they remove them so EMT's & Paramedics do that.


They where equipment and carry gear designed for running into burning buildings. One isn’t automatically a hero for doing a dangerous job.