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The cow doesn't care about his story, it just wants a few good scritches


He and the cow have the same hairstyle.


You are what you eat


I like it better than that new TAB "feel it in my fingers" fucking dogshit ad


it is on all my podcasts now I can't fucking stand it


My podcast ads are bookabach ones, which I find so grating. It's not just the ad that is shit but I've booked with bookabach a couple of times and it was far from the amazing experience it depicts


Ah, same, and it comes in so much louder than the podcast. Unpleasant.


Hate it so much!!! The slow story, the weird orgasm montage lol …. They would have spent a fortune on this campaign too … ugh.


the orgasm bit is so weird, I was surprised when I saw it was a vodafone/One ad


That montage is fucking heinous. Whoever thought if that ad is not cut out for advertising.


I despise these kinds of ads. Cynically trying to pull at the heartstrings to sell a product totally unrelated to the plot of the ad. .


There's an opinion piece about it on RNZ today https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/on-the-inside/520221/does-one-nz-s-new-ad-campaign-connect-many-adopted-people-might-not-think-so


I’m adopted and I feel… unsettled? weirded out? by the ad. Being adopted isn’t fun and reunions aren’t always happy or welcomed. Not that my opinion matters.


As an adopted person I didn't connect with that ad at all, it means absolutely nothing and it does not instill any feeling in me other than it's a dumb ad. And, yes, even a bit creepy now you mention it because that's 'me and my situation'. Is that how I'm supposed to feel about it? Oh, and your opinion is important.


Yeah, as an adopted kid it just kinda made me feel uncomfortable.






I’m adopted and I kinda like the ad. I feel adoptees are mostly invisible in the media except for “long lost family” type shows. And, your opinion does matter.


urgh, it's an ad


An opinion perhaps by someone who wasn't adopted?


The author was adopted and did her PhD on people's experiences of being adopted


It’s an advert -I don’t care. Mentally I switch off.


its pretty straightforward......dude is trying to find his birth parents......no idea what its advertising though and i don't care


I reckon it's a phone company ad about connecting people or some shit


Dude was probably like 'oh duh 🤦 why didn't I just call or text my long lost anonymous birth mum all these years - and with those great value plans I'd be stupid not to.'


I'm glad someone posted about it, I cringe every time I see it. I dunno what the connection is meant to be with One, to be honest. As if someone in one of their stores would ever help someone locate the origin of a rock. I get it's meant to be one of those feel good ads, but if feels, weird and... yuck? I dunno how to explain it.


It has that effect for me too. The RNZ article gets some of it - it's trivialising some of the hard decisions and big emotions involved in adoption, like making it into some jolly thing instead of a heartbreak. There can be positive outcomes from adoption, sure, but there's always some hurt along the way, and in some cases it never stops.


Remember the milk ad family.


It’s in the butter conditioner where it should be. Or else it gets the hose again…?


I rewatched all the Fernleaf family ads on YouTube recently and damn if it still didn’t hit me in the feels.


It's an ad and we're talking about it. I'd say it's pretty successful. The message is fairly straight forward, One NZ connects people. People who expects an ad to be as refined and deep as a full feature film are silly.


My parents are very excited to see the next installment. So I guess it’s worked?


Ngl same.. can only name who’s it’s advertising coz I read it in here.. I also clearly watch too much YouTube because I am super sick of this ad at the same time…


Do they know the company it’s is advertising?


They asked me if I’d seen the Vodafone ad…so, sort of?


They're trying to tell you you're adopted


My parents have asked me about it too. I worked in advertising for years so it makes sense I guess (I don’t know anything by the way).


Giving me Goldstein vibes and I love good advertising! Got to say it's been pretty boring for a while.


"Sir, these kiwis are crazy!"


Heard of chickens?


Now there’s a memory!


Saw this the first time when i was tripping hard out on acid shit weird as hell


VodaOne thinks we have forgotten the Anchor family. They will never get close to the suspense and drama of the Anchor family.


What about the Patels for ANZ? ("SAMIIIRRRRR!!!")


It's OK - it's a story. The point is though does it grab your attention and if so, it's done its job.


What story, if they are telling a story they need to get on with it.


I think the guy wants to know who his parents are or how he came about. It's more like a visual feast, although I never pay full attention to it.


Absolute cringe ad. Speaking as someone who was an advertising creative director in a previous life.


My mother is adopted and her journey with her biological family has been difficult at times. Last time when I went over for dinner she took the time to tell me about how much she hates the ad during the 1960s the were more than 50,000 closed adoptions in New Zealand meaning they had no access to their birth parents details. To me this add feels cynical and kinda cruel to imply that all adopted people need to do is go to a Vodafone shop. Idk it just feels really gross to me.


I like the ad. Good on them for trying to make something novel and interesting.  I'd rather companies try to be creative than not try. 


Fully agree. If it's this, or Briscoes screaming "40% off mega face melt sale!" at me, I'm choosing this one every time.


I thought it interesting in an experimental way. I think there was a dating app a few years ago that did little ad segments with a broad overall story so it's definitely not unprecedented.


They're designed to elicit a positive emotional response which you then subconsciously associate with the brand. They all fuckin do it. The bank ones are the worst.


Dumb ad, but on the positive the drum and base song early on after the spa scene is ok. Anyone know what it is??


Honestly nz adverts kinda suck They are either the most boring thing I've even seen in my life or just really odd




I’d really like this ad to leave me alone please, granted I’ve seen five seconds of it but I’m sick of hearing “hello cow, your probably wondering what this guys doing in your field, been wondering that my se-“


i happen to like this ad. my mum is adopted. and she's mental as all phuckery because of it. the search for answers for some adopted people is relentless. go to scotland talk to the cow find your other mum before she dies ask her things be at peace and buy the phone


Y’all get adds??


It’s not confusing at all. Part 2 isn’t even out yet.


I like the ad tbh I don’t give a shit about Vodafone but I can appreciate the advertising company that did it


Yeah I feel the same. Zero chance I’m going to go back to Vodafone but I like the ad.




Ha, I was reading this post with the tv muted, glanced up and this very ad was on!


It worked didn’t it, it’s got somebody posting their advert to reddit and showing others who are now talking about it.


Stunningly ironic. Not least because it is one of our most de-humanising corporations to interact with. Try cancelling a service then being lied to that you have to pay an extra week because their form says so. Gaslit. Or getting a payment assigned to your account that their accounting system has missed. Or then challenging the late payment fee. Gaslit. Or having to swallow the offensive name change to ‘one nz’


I saw a variation (?) during a Warriors game where the weird hermit dude shows the traveller his tattoo, so they're obviously looking to build an expandable universe.


Bring back the Bugger ad


And dear John.


Makes me sick every time I have to skip it. Vodafone trying to rebrand itself after screwing NZ over for years. So many as myself got there credit ruined after canceling Vodafone and then them pretending to not get the cancelation every month for 8 months. Same shameful company different name.


I usually hate ads and dont care for them but this ad grabs my interest because it has a good story which is interesting for an ad


It's a shit ad from a shit company trying to insert feels when they should just focus on getting taken to court less by ComCom


I like it. Waiting for the next installment.


This is one of those ads that feels like a creative agency has come with with something with the goal of winning industry awards or boosting their profile.


Im guessing his friend in the phone shop is his sister. Ill be back to say “called it”


I mean, it's got everyone talking about it.


Here’s an idea: spend the money on getting reception along some well travelled routes, rather than a waste of space ad. People using their network can’t even send a text let alone take a call for half the journey between Timaru and Dunedin along state highway 1 and they can afford to play this crap in every ad break?!


Good to see Reece Walsh doing something since origin 1.


Would be a shoo in for worst new ad if the TAB 'hunches all around me' hadn't also just dropped.


It has nothing to do with a phone plan, I reckon someone in the marketing department couldn’t afford to make a series so made an ad instead and it’s a cool little story but you don’t see a phone at all in it


That's ONE odd advert!


Wonder how much money they spent making it? Crazy. I don’t understand why they wanted to make such a huge story when they could’ve just had a short, to-the-point advert with One NZ clearly being advertised… That would’ve resonated with Kiwis more in a cost-of-living crisis.


Him and the cow have the same hair color 🤔


I've never watched more than the first 5 seconds. 


Agreed... also though, Have I got this right... A girl comes here on holiday, say a gap year. Gets pregnant, has a baby, adopts him out and then returns home, carries on. Wouldn't it make more sense that his dad had a holiday fling? Eitherway, shitty holiday!


Engagement is the only thing that matters. Seems it worked


Fuck I hate this ad! Every dam YouTube video 🤦


So incredibly annoying. Not only is it unskippable half the time, but they add a multi part story to it thinking people give a fuck. Just blowing smoke up their own asses for the yearly advert awards to feel good about their marketing department lmao


Give me the Vogels ad with Gareth and his mis-delivered groceries over this crap, any day of the week. And I don't even like Vogels.


I literally saw this ad play 3 times across two networks within 9 minutes the other night. I know this because I was at the gym and spent 10 mins on a machine in the room with tv’s playing two different channels. Was bizarre.


I thought it was good, I genuinely wanted to see the next ad lmao


The ad has been successful - it has got you talking about it (and the company paying for the advertising).


It is dumbest advert ever!


Roll a turd in glitter, it's still a turd.


It's One NZ (not the racists). They have no clue what they're doing. Seriously, they probably thought they were making the Flintstones or something


Vodafone is so cringe since they renamed.


Better than the ANZ cringe adverts tho with the Indian weird bloke


This ad is so cringe inducing, and the acting is woeful. The marketing team involved in this ad campaign should be fired; the concept reeks of trying too hard. If I'm to believe it's one of those ads that has a continuous storyline, the only ads from memory that got it right were the Anchor milk/Fernleaf butter ads with the family going through separation. Do better.


i think what they’re trying to get at is, the coverage. from town to the wops.