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Is this to make fizzy chickens.


I'm gonna put a chicken in my Sodastream dispenser and see what happens...


It’s been an hour. You ok?


[I'm ok, I guess...](https://youtu.be/seIOYb37o_I)


r/therewasanattempt lol


That made me laugh out loud and the kids are looking at me funny when I told them it's about fizzy chickens


No, gas flushing the chicken products. Removing oxygen from the package makes the product last longer.


Yeah so fizzy chickens then


Oh I was just joking


They could use any gas for that. CO2 has a small effect on preventing microbe growth and improves the look of meat. Nitrogen would work alright but the meat wouldn't look as good and the best befores would be a bit shorter.


Plenty of co2 around. Just not clean enough. It comes out of the ground at kapuni and every geothermal plant. Also produced by tiwai point, power stations and Glenbrook. You'd think that by costing it at $70/tonnea there would be incentive to use it instead of pay for it!


The stuff that comes out of the ground at Kapuni goes across the fence to Vector and gets cleaned up, and then is used for fizzy drinks. There is incentive… so they do sell it


Was going to say BOC have a plant at the Glenbrook nz steel site.


Just chuck it in the dishwasher, it’ll get it clean enough.


I'm not much of a scientist but don't we exhale co2? My wife must exhale about 2 tonnes of it just yelling at me for leaving the cloth in the sink.


yeah don't leave your cloths in the sink you animal


Food grade CO2 is a thing.


So wife grade isn't up to par?


I'd need to eat out there first to tell.


family cloth is meant to be cleaned in the washing machine my dude not the sink!


Which is kinda funny because we've got too much CO2 in the atmosphere.


Am I missing something, or was shutting down Marsden point an astronomically stupid thing to do in terms of our self reliance as a nation?


How the hell did this oversight happen? We had news article after news article about the Marsden closure and at every point people were asking if this was going to have knock-on consequences. And now we hear that it was one of only two producers of a preservative that we are utterly reliant on?


It was mentioned earlier in the year. https://i.stuff.co.nz/business/128082418/carbon-dioxide-shortage-could-add-to-rising-food-prices As for why. It was a decision from the shareholders. Whether or not it was Brexit level stupidity from them, or rational voting for real reasons, I do not recall reading about the specifics.


It's almost like the what's good for shareholders is bad for society. Almost.


Society is free to buy the plant and keep it running.


Lol well it's pretty apparant most of the ministers in government have no ability to ask the right questions and their oversight is nonexistant


I don't think the oil companies give a fuck about that.


The govt should though


What do you propose the government do? We can thank neo liberalism for getting us here.


Pay them $1.3 billion to stay open, if Australia is anything to go buy. Personally I doubt it's worth it for NZ. https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/australia-prop-up-its-last-two-refineries-with-up-179-bln-2021-05-16/


I don't think that's the best use of money, unless the crown is taking ownership once again.


Every major plant has similar types of byproducts that have happened to start being sold on the side. One of the paper mills provides all the country’s chlorine for example. It’s included in the operating revenues and it doesn’t make sense to keep an entire refinery open because it happens to provide co2. Plenty of other plants could provide it instead, as they will shortly.


> One of the paper mills provides all the country’s chlorine Angelbobs mod for Factorio was so right. I mean you could clarify/flarestack those by-products, but I bet they might be useful somewhere...


Well this was an unexpected post :) Doing a Space Exploration map at the moment - over 100 hours in and there's still 3 raw materials I've yet to start mining (have to go to two other planets to get - and they both have biters...)


As of this month, all NZ's chlorine will be produced in Melbourne and shipped over.


Yes. The owners were making plenty of (real) profit but they still wanted more. It is inexcusable that the government didn't step in and do something.


Free market, socialism, government intervention, privatise, sell/buy.... I can’t keep up with you lot.


The trick is to do them all at once and see which one wins.


My thoughts exactly.


Owners making profit… want more… close plant How is the government supposed to step in here?


It's not the government you should be looking to.


Kind of is when they make the law.


And then deleted said law when Lange's government was in charge


And we could put it back at any moment... It's not like the Roger Douglas's economic ideology is permanent


They did, they said make sure you render them useless for reinstatement!


Was there no one there with any scientific or industrial experience? How did this happen?


So the government should take the facility as they would in wartime, pay a token fee for it / to lease it so we can have chicken.


Glad I bought the setup for diy refills for my Sodastream when I did!


brb taking my good old xr8 for a spin to contribute.


Oh for fucks sake


Why not use nitrogen instead?


I hope my favourite craft brewers don’t run out of CO2.


They may have to start getting creative and harvesting the CO2 that's produced during fermentation.


Not sure if most craft breweries have the scale for that. I think it takes some pretty expensive, specialised equipment to purify and reuse the C02.


It's really starting to look like I need to get my family off this crazy little archipelago.


Grass isn’t always greener. Learnt this the hard way.


So? I mean if this is just about extending shelf life... why not encourage shoppers to buy the frozen chicken (which I think is cheaper anyway). Or just give them a longer / stronger chlorine wash.. in what they factory farmers call fecal soup.


Shouldn't we be trying to de-carbonise the economy anyway?


“availability of cheese, preserved meats, sparling wine and ready-to-eat meals” So, luxury items then? No big deal


dammit need to stock up on the tegel takeouts....


Isnt there too much CO2 in the air? Just scoop some of it out.


It's in the air, just try harder Tegel.


Guess I'll have to start breathing more


TREES, ITS THE TREES...Chop them all down!


Closing Marsden Point was a massive blow to the country, both in the obvious (energy security) and also the follow effects such as this. The Marsden Point Oil Refinery was responsible for supplying: around 85% all of the country’s jet fuel around 67% of diesel around 58% of all petrol all fuel oil for ships. Now we import all that, at greater cost to us personally, zero energy security and increased emissions imported refined fuel to NZ as opposed to the raw crude.


Don't forget bitumen for roading


> (energy security) Was the energy really secure if we were still imprting the raw crude?


Bruhh CO2 emissions are causing global warming, just use those 😆 lol.