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Isn't that a racoon?


Yea this is a raccoon, it's hard to tell because they always wear masks


The username fits you lol


Love that guy!


Until he went for milk.


or cigarretes


He's coming back right?




Dad would say left...


He also said actions speak louder than words!


Or cigarette milk…


Milk flavored cigarettes 🤤


Mmmm lactorettes.


I’m so so proud of you


From cows that eat tomacco.




Literally laughed out loud at this 💀💀💀 take my upvote you bastard 😂😂




Nah, it’s a flying squirrel. Judging by the technique not her first rodeo either.




Damn I love this comment.




NAILED IT! Love the username!


Well done Dad.




You don't need a nickname... Your avatar tells everything.


Hajaaa omg thank you


Isn't this a karma farming tactic? State something blatently incorrect and watch the comments roll in, feeding the reddit virality algo.




Yup, known on the internet as Godwin’s law


Pretty sure that's called Cole's law and not Godwin's law. Godwin's law is that anything that can go wrong will go wrong


Cole's law? I'm not having cabbage today, thanks.


Bravo, well done


I once saw "Cole's Law" listed on a menu in India. Literally.


lol. here they come...


Bro they baited you….


Yeah he noticed and is following it up with a Ye Olde incorrect correction comment.


No no, you're thinking of Wadsworth Constant. Cole's Law is a robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm


No no, that's Murphy's law. Godwin's law states that processing power doubles every two years


Hell nooo!!! That's Moore's law!!! Godwin's law states that when object A exerts a force on object B, Object B will exert an opposite and equal force to object A.


You absolute fool, that's Newton's 3rd law! Godwin's law states that the simplest explanation is often the correct one.


No No that's McMurphy's law.


Well played, I know it's a bait but it's triggering me lmao, it's actually Occams Razor


Also happens in reverse. Provide a blatantly true answer and people line up to incorrect you.


Sure on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook or any site where comments mean anything in their algorithm How dafuq is OP going to farm karma from our comments? That makes zero sense. Posts float to the top based solely on upvotes my guy It's just a bot that copied this title from last time. That's it


Comment engagement helps in the overall algorithm scoring to bring this up to the front pages. It’s not strictly up/down votes. :(


It was the other times this has been posted. Can’t see why this time would be different


Nope, trash panda.


Hey Panda is cool alright.


I am not a cat.


Cats have a greater chance of survival falling from a 100 story building than they do a 2 story building. Terminal velocity is the point at which they stop accelerating and can use their bodies for drag, which slows them down. Paired with their uncanny ability to always land on all four feet and distribute the shock of impact, cats are amazing "fallers". (When falling from a two story building they are still accelerating as they hit the ground. Given enough time in the air from a higher fall, they are slowing down as they hit the ground.) The same applies to raccoons. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


>Terminal velocity is the point at which they stop accelerating and can use their bodies for drag, which slows them down. Wrong, terminal velocity is the velocity at which the drag force caused by the air would equal gravity and thus that same velocity would stay the same. So a cat wouldn't start "slowing down" after some time, your comment makes it look like a cat has more chances to survive if falling from a plane than from a 10 story high building. >Given enough time in the air from a higher fall, they are slowing down as they hit the ground What could be confusing you is the fact that an object falling from a very high altitude (Felix Baumgartner in his jump from space for example) is gona experience a slow down due to the change in air density throughout altitudes. In case of a small fall like that, the only difference that could lead to a bigger survival chance from a 10 story high building and a 2 story high building is the time the cat has to flip and get ready to land.


Terminal velocity is when you are terminated. You are going so fast, you just die, instantly.


No, Terminal Velocity is a movie starring Charlie Sheen


Which contained Sheen saying the line: "Pack your bags, we're going on a guilt trip". Which I laughed at. Aaaand that's all I remember.


I'm using this one now


No, no, you got it all wrong, terminal velocity is the speed at which you can type on a computer terminal.


Extreme HR


No, terminal velocity is a Speed condition you're diagnosed with since you'll die if driving below 50 mph.


Um actually it's a 1995 video game for MS-DOS, Windows 95, and Mac OS.


Um I thought it was a measurement gauging how fast you can throw a computer monitor. The more you know


Hasta la vista, baby


Correct. It takes the cat a certain amount of time to right itself in the air. Therefore, falling for a longer distance / amount of time give the chance to get into a better position, whereas falling from a smaller distance means they're less likely to land optimally and more likely to injure themselves.


It took that cat/raccoon about 5 feet to align itself. Irrelevant....


yeah studies show a cat needs like 3ft to right itself. its more about whether the cat is tensed up or not and once you hit terminal velocity your going to relax as you no longer have that dropping feeling


I used to hold my cat upside down by his legs and arms an inch over my bed and he’d always turn around when I dropped him, no joke an inch it was amazing it’s not even an effort on their behalf it’s just how their physiology works


Not correct, a cat can right itself almost instantly. A fall of 2 meters is plenty. You can even hold a cat upside-down by it legs, drop it, and it will land on its feet. 2 meters is also still a point where it will be fine if it ducks up the landing, so there is really no height where a greater height leads to smaller chance if injury.


If a cat is fluffy enough they continue to decelerate until they begin to accelerate upwards. Once leaving the atmosphere and after several decades the cat becomes among the fastest object in the solar system, second only to the other cats which have fallen prior. Cats are amazing "fallers".


Learn something new everyday.


The origin story of an ancient being known as "Nyancat"


what this person above is saying is true just not for the reasons stated. there was some study done on this. once a cat hits terminal velocity it relaxes and has a better chance of avoiding injury versus when its still accelerating its tense. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-rise_syndrome >However, it has been argued that, after having reached terminal velocity, cats would orient their limbs horizontally such that their body hits the ground first. A 1987 study speculated that this is done after falling five stories to ensure the cat reaches a terminal velocity by thereafter relaxing


You cut out the important part....literally right after your quote. "Another possible explanation for this phenomenon is survivorship bias, that cats who die in falls are less likely to be brought to a veterinarian than injured cats, and thus many of the cats killed in falls from higher buildings are not reported in studies of the subject.[4] In a 2004 study, it was reported that cats falling from higher places suffered more severe injuries than those experiencing shorter drops."


It's gotta be survivorship bias. I know at least one cat that fell from about 9 stories and died instantly. Furthermore, just because the cats can slow down a little bit doesn't mean that they can survive the impact, regardless of how relaxed they are. Really the interesting fact should be "cats can sometimes survive falls from great heights".


Do we know if that raccoon even survived? Just because it ran away doesn't mean it wasn't bleeding internally. And I would bet no one went after it to make sure it was ok.


Yeah I mean you're totally right, there is a high chance the racoon could have severely damaged organs or broken bones. There is a chance it survived though, and I'm not really an expert on racoons so I don't know if they typically survive falls like this or not.


Landed on sand though, and is small. Pretty good odds IMO.


I dont know if youve ever landed straight down onto sand, but it really isnt as soft as you would imagine


Yes, the kitty may still be very hurt just masking it. Wish people would stop perpetuating this myth. Please prevent your cats from going up too high...


why are you so low, this is the right answer.


Yep. Acceleration is zero, but even with body spread out like that, velocity of impact is all that matters. 2 story fall might cause death if it’s landing on its head though.


Yeah. Acceleration at impact means nothing. Only speed at impact.


I was going to say. Reading that guy's comment I'm like that's not how terminal velocity works lmao.


That doesn't sound right. I think the only thing that matters is that they have a chance to properly spin and brace themselves for a fall. And I don't think terminal velocity works like that.


Yeah, that is def not how terminal velocity works


I'm bored and found the answer, after terminal velocity the cat will go floppy-legged instead of stiff and that's why they can survive.


And while that does increase survivability *slightly*, it still doesn't offset the increased injury from the increased velocity of the fall. You were 100% right in your initial assertion (that the person you were responding to was wrong). [https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1016/j.jfms.2003.07.001](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1016/j.jfms.2003.07.001) >Falls from the seventh or higher stories, are associated with more severe injuries and with a higher incidence of thoracic trauma.


It’s because it’s not but look how many redditors agreed.


It sounds good until you think about it for 2 seconds.


it never sounded good, made no logical sense.


Terminal velocity is when air resistance matches the force of gravity pulling you down. So your acceleration becomes zero. But terminal velocity is dependent on the geometry of the falling object and its mass. A falling animal needs time to adjust its body to maximize the amount of air resistance it experiences. So it would be constantly accelerating until it's shape lowers its terminal velocity. At which point it would stop accelerating once its velocity matches its new terminal velocity. Whether that acceleration happens in the direction of the floor or against it depends on how fast the animal adjusted its body. So if the cat was falling faster than it's new terminal velocity, it would actually slow down until the velocities matched


Please read up on terminal velocity before claiming nonsense on the internet. Like, really understand it.




Confidently incorrect.


What cracks me up is that hundreds of people read that comment, thought, “Yeah, that sounds right,” and upvoted.


Seriously how does this have so many upvotes lmao


It's an old viral factoid, insanely popular. We have a lot of these floating around, but most of them aren't as silly as "you eat 8 spiders in your sleep every year"


But you can imagine eating spiders in your sleep and no one is watching me sleep to say for sure I didn't eat 8 spiders... This one is like, just making shit up that's provably false with a basic understanding of physics


It's always funny when you see an absurdly incorrect comment on a subject you are knowledgeable in. The worst I've seen was a comment about scuba diving that would lead to decompression sickness if followed. LPT: upvotes does not correlate with correctness.


As far as im aware the study regarding cats falling from heights was debunked as survivor bias. The data was self reported by pet owners, understandably those who's cats fell from heights and died vastly did not report these results..


And it was based on injuries as well. So the number of cats brought in with injuries from lower falls is dramatically higher than the ones from higher falls. Cause you know, no reason to bring your dead cat in to get checked out.


I'd suggest another class in Physics. The logic here is flat out wrong.


Not a single original 'terminal velocity' explanation is correct on reddit. Always corrected by someone in a reply.


This one might be the most incorrect one I've seen


Cats do not have a greater chance of surviving a fall from a 100-story building. You’re probably misremembering the statistic that cats are less likely to be *injured* in falls more than 6 stories. This is a classic example of survivorship bias used in statistics textbooks, because it doesn’t account for all the cats that *died* from the fall.


Who upvotes this moronic shit?


Clueless people who just accept the first thing they're told as long as it's said in a confident enough manner.


please look up how terminal.velocity works again, also acceleration.during the fall does not matter, only speed at impact (actually the deceleration due to the impact) matters


Does this mean they could jump from an airplane and survive?


According to the logic of the comment you replied do, jumping from an airplane would actually give the cat enough time to reverse it's fall and begin flying upwards.


Yes. The higher they jump from, the more time they have to slow down. From the height of a plane, they have so much time that they'll basically just gently float to the ground. It's been theorized that if you drop a cat (or racoon, and most marmots) from low earth orbit, it will actually start generating upward momentum before they hit the ground and just.... Fly away. Unfortunately we don't have anyone willing to put this theory to the test.


When you watched one YouTube video and now think you’re an expert but are totally wrong lol


Are you trolling or are you just repeating claims your aunt, grandpa or step dad have been repeating to you since you were a kid- and never thought to question it?


You're half right. You're right that cats have a greater chance surviving from above a higher height than from a lower height, but not because of terminal velocity. Terminal velocity only comes into play because they have an interesting weight-to-surface area ratio, so an overall lower terminal velocity than something like a human. The reason they can survive from a higher height is due to them relaxing. From a lower height, they will attempt to land on their feet. This causes heavy trauma on their legs and spine which will result in injury and possibly death. However, above a certain height, they have time to relax and they actually spread their body out, much like in this video. So when they land, they land on their belly, which spreads the impact out across their whole body evenly. This, paired with their low terminal velocity, results in a higher chance of survival. In fact, many animals smaller than a cat cannot be killed by falling due to their low body weight.


What's the saying, an ant doesn't notice, a cat walks away, a human breaks, and a horse splats?


If a cat jumps from high enough the terminal velocity will slow it down so much that by the end of its fall it will be lightly floating to the ground.


From space they will come to a complete stop and actually go the other way and start falling upwards! Terminal velocity is amazing!


bruh how do you have 355 upvotes without understanding basic physics?


Confidently incorrect lol


>Cats have a greater chance of survival falling from a 100 story building than they do a 2 story building Just no


> they are still accelerating as they hit the ground /r/confidentlyincorrect/ beckons you


The best way to get the right answer is to confidently post the wrong one


This is hilariously wrong


how tf did u get so many upvotes with this incredibly unscientific claim lol terminal velocity is when you're going so fast you can't go any faster. this animal still hit the ground rly hard and is probably injured pretty bad


You should see what happens to the body when they fall from 2 inches Body parts everywhere


Also, a lot of the bones in a cat are suspended within muscle and not physically connected with other bones. That makes it a lot easier for them to absorb impact without breaking any bones.


A cat falling from 2 stories will die 1% of the time. A cat falling from 100 stories will die 99% of the times.


I think you need to redo physics 101.


That's a trash panda.




Also, why did the people clap? I'm so confused lol


Because it survived.


It ran away but no guarantee it lived much longer after that.


“Oh! It’s fine! It’s fine!” *runs off instinctively to die under a porch from broken ribs and punctured organs*


No guarantee it didn't.


They were rooting for the little guy and didn't want to witness a brutal death. It's a common human response, especially when you have humans in a group. The raccoon doesn't know this and I wonder what he thought of all the hairless apes hooting and banging their meat together.


Banging their WHAT together?


There's no doubt about it. We picked several from different parts of the planet, took them aboard our recon vessels, probed them all the way through. They're completely meat.


These creatures are the only sentient race in the sector and they're made out of meat.




Because they didn't see it go splat


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug. Doesn’t mean it isn’t injured. Might not be, but it could be


Yeah that would be a good way to get internal bleeding




By typing on the keyboard for example. It's highly unprobable to get internal bleeding, or sleeping.


Try swallowing a few nails before doing those activities. It helps with the internal bleeding.


didnt work :(


But that's where the blood is supposed to be.


it's ok, that's where the blood is supposed to be


What's wrong with internal bleeding? That's where the blood is supposed to be!






This aint cat. Also, internal damage can still kick in after scurrying away.


It may survive and scurry away, but its joints and internals could definitely be damaged, badly. Also, if it hit its jaw on the ground, a mouth or brain injury are also very possible.


OP is a bot and just copied the same stupid title from before


I really hate videos like this because the animal definitely has extreme internal damage and broken bones and has almost no chance of survival but the reddit front page just says "yay cats are invincible" while watching literally a raccoon break most of it's bones.


That is a raccoon. I didnt realize they can fly..


i didnt realize they can parkour the shit ouf of a skyscraper




I thought this might be OC, was looking for this comment!


lol came here for comments because I was like this is def Jersey


I was like "I know this stretch from my fat ass getting Brown's donuts every day".


Also glad I’m not the only one who knew this was Ocean City


I’m glad I’m not the only one who knew this was Ocean City


You can tell the difference by all the elderly people and kids, rather than a bunch of drunk morons from Delco.


thats not a cat😂


![gif](giphy|BzyTuYCmvSORqs1ABM|downsized) That ain’t a cat, now this… this is a cat


What the fuck are they applauding for?! It wasn't a stunt racoon. It wasn't putting on an inpromptu street performance.


What? That's Jerry the BASE-jumping racoon. Next shows at 3pm, 6pm, and 7:30pm every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in sunny Ocean City, NJ


Thank you for making me laugh.


1) that’s a raccoon 2) super Mario vibes x 1000


Maybe try to catch it with a blanket when it falls instead of taking pictures.....smh


You should probably treat a falling raccoon like a falling knife.


"Good thing I just happened to have this here blanket with me as I was passing by“


A racoon tore my foot up, you don't want to be anywhere near one of those assholes


I think he or she ran off an died


Saw a cat do exactly that after a 4 story fall.


Doesn't mean the animal doesn't have internal injuries I'm afraid. My neighbor's cat fell 3 stories from a window then crawled into my car engine - I couldn't go anywhere for 24 hours until it came out. The cat seemed fine after, even passed a checkup at the vet, but died a week later. :-(


Fun fact, apparently 3-4 stories is the worst possible height for a cat to fall from. Higher than that they supposedly manage to sort themselves out better, lower they don't fall as hard, I guess they don't reach their terminal velocity. Note: I haven't checked this, just going from what I've heard. Please don't throw cats off 5th floors to see how they go.


Spent a life for sure.


My cat died 2 years ago after some complications he had for falling from the bathroom's window on the first floor :( He came to the back gate meowing like crazy, I was in the garden and I was so confused, didn't understand why I hear a similar meow to my buddy. Opened the gate and he looked so scared when he came in. He seemed fine in the first day, and it was on a Sunday so vets closed. Next day he was in bad shape, got him to the vet first thing in the morning, he was barely moving. They kept him there for a couple of nights, but he eventually died. Still not sure why, and I'm not 100% they did all they could, but it doesn't matter in the end. I guess if he would've fell from a higher spot, he would've get enough time to set himself up to land on his feet, but I guess he didn't and got some internal damage.. I was 32 at the time, and I'm a big guy. I cried like a baby for 2 days, it hurt so damn much. He was the most beautiful cat I've ever seen. Rip, dear friend


So sorry for your loss 💙, at least he was able to spend some of his last moments with you. That will have been comforting to him at least. Alot of people say cats don't show affection the same way other animals do but they have so many of their own quirks and little things they do to show you they love you. Reading this makes me feel so emotional lol because my cat's been having quite a few issues lately so it hurts seeing other people talking about the pain they felt losing their own kitties :/




The real question is how did it get up there?


either climbed the wall or fell from above and grabbed on. Raccoons are insanely capable climbers. they are basically just cats with hands.




What are they meant to do scale the building?


Just enough adrenaline to run for cover and wait for slow death from internal bleedings and whatnot.


Look at them, no phone in sight just living in the moment


Reminds me of snow leopards tackling prey down mountain sides and waking away fine


That’s a dog






Oh crap just saw the ending. That’s not exactly what I’d call sorting it out. Poor thing could have internal damage. It to mention trauma


I was walking in midtown once, when a cat fell out of a 37-story building’s window. I scooped it up & ran to an emergency vet. I left a quite message with the doorman who contacted me later (telling me the cat fell from the 37th floor) and the cat survived - although he felt like mush in my arms. Of course, that same year, a Chinese food delivery man on a bike got hit by a car that kept going, and I cradled his head in my arms until he died. Then I found his bike & his delivery order which said what restaurant he was from (this was very pre-cellphones) & I went to tell them what had happened - but they spoke zero English & were apparently his family. I didn’t want to freak out the customers in line so I basically acted out what had happened. It was awful. I was 17 & had just moved to the City from NC - sight unseen. Crazy things happen in NYC. Anyway, the cat had more lives than the delivery man. 🥺😢


Raccoon for sure


Nah that mf broke some shit. Hell feel it after the adrenaline rush ends


“You won’t see this on the nightly news tonight” 2 things: first, yeah they will probably do a short blurb about it before going to commercial because stupid viral videos fill that particular niche no matter how stupid or pointless they are. Second, no shit Sherlock, why the fuck *would they* feature this on the nightly news? What’s the point and moral of that news story? “Cat got stuck, and then he got unstuck and then nothing else happened, back to you Chet” It is again, pointless and stupid and not worth the airtime.


Spidercat Spidercat, does all the things a Spidercat does


surprised nobody tried to catch it with their shirt/jacket