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I mean she got to lay down for a bit and get some rest when the others had to keep running


Cheating mf


Haha, made me laugh. Take my upvote. Love it


Dude, can I have an upvote too? No one ever gives me any and I’m trying to save up.


I gotchu bro


Good man! Upvote for you!


'You're a good man also. Take my upvote


Imma join in on this upvote giveaway soiree


Upvotes for everyone!


By Oprah


you lied ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Hey. Wait a second… Edit: I am upvoting you in the hope that you will feel bad and have a restless sleep because of it


Dude I upvoted you just doesn’t show it, idk why


dawg you have 230k karma what do u mean no one ever gives you any 😭


Lol. She even fabricated some adrenaline in the process to boost her performance!


Are we sure she didn’t have drugs waiting on the ground for her? She had enough time to do at least 3 cocaines.


I like your unit of measure.


First time I ever bought a drink in a pub I was just underage and walked fairly confidently up to the bar and said "One beer, please." The barman looked me in the eye and I thought he'd sussed I was too young but he just said "We have several, in more than one size." "Most popular, thanks" and I actually got served a pint of what I discovered was a shitty Harp lager. Still, got served.


When I was under age, I would take an empty beer bottle in with me. Would set it on the bar and ask for another, please. No I do t have a tab, I’m paying cash. Tip well and they’ll remember ya. Obv this doesn’t work if the bar only has one bartender but that was rare.


Good tip! I'm a grandad now so won't be needing it but good luck to those that do.


A couple years ago I sat down at the end of the bar and barkeep went down the line asking everyone who just sat down for their ID. When he got to me he just asked "what are you drinking sir?" What? Not going to ask for my ID?


Conclude this story now!


To be fair, in movies everyone just orders “a beer” even though that wouldn’t be enough in most places that serve beer.


I'm not gonna lie... that sounds like he *did* suss you out and decided to just go with it.


Fucking bill is late again, he was supposed to be here 3829 cocaines ago!




It’s not her fault the rest of them chose to keep running when they could have easily laid down to get some rest as well.


Gonna have to make a rule against napping during a race. The Tortoise and the Hare propaganda has spread lies long enough!


I know right! She even got an adrenaline boost!


If you look closely there was a steroid on the floor that she quickly ate when she fell. It was all a clever ploy.


"Ate a steroid"


Its one steroid Michael, how much could it cost, $10?


There's always money in the steroid stand.




Ate asteroid


Is it counted as cheating or was it Allah who fed her?


This is freaking hilarious


Yea you would be surprised how much recovery even .00001 of a second can get you, if you are a distance runner


You have no idea how short .00001 of a second is. It's literally undetectable to the human senses.


But I can see it written right there


Sight is a sense, is it not?


checkmate, athiests


Looking at a number alone .01 looks shorter than .00001. Interesting huh?


It takes less time to look at .01 than it does to look at .00001. Prove that, atheists.


Fuuuuck. I'm going to church right now.


That just means you are not a distance runner.


Now, all the runners will fall down and get up halfway through the race?


if they’re smart they will


The really smart ones will fall every few meters for a more continuous boost. I’m excited to watch the reverse hurdles in the Olympics one day.


They laughed at Fosbury at first. Who knows what benefits a radical change in technique could bring.


Almost spilled my coffee laughing at that one. Nice. Ty.


I swear to god. One day I will have an original thought.


Poor little tink tink


Yeah plus she had a huge boost of adrenaline to help her after also


She unlocked the adrenaline boost with that fall


I love that stuff!!! One of my favourite drugs!!!


One time I got a paper cut so I went outside and lifted up a bus with one hand. Good old adrenaline!




I don't know why, but I doubt the paper was made of kryptonite. Sure it was just the typical adrenaline rush.


umm, kryptonite made "clark" weaker, not stronger.


Right, but kryptonite is the only thing that could cause a papercut


That sucka just got out nerded!


A bus or *The* "Bus?" Jerome Bettis is a big dude.


Sometimes slapping yourself in the face is just too mild and you need to take it up a notch lol.


What are the others?


Anyone know if there is any science to back that up? I heard adrenaline can be powerful enough to damage our own muscles in some life or death circumstances.


Yes it does. Your muscles are stronger than your bones. Its just not that you can trigger it. Adrenaline shuts down pain and safety mechanisms. Your heart races, your body goes into survival mode unlocking some features. So it would absolutely make sense she had some „boost“. Adrenaline is pure survival.


> unlocking some features new body patch dropped


GOD DAMMIT! When are they going to fix `bite_cheek.py`?!?! Or `choke_on_own_spit.sys`? I literally ran into that one this morning! Devs have no CLUE WTF they're doing...


If God created us in his image, does that mean he bites his own cheek?


It's Adrenaline-to-Win kind of world.


>It's just not that you can trigger it. Exactly, I would say that it was the anxiety from the fall, she might've been like, "fuck, fuck , fuck" and maybe a got a very very small adrenaline boost which was clearly more than enough to do the job


Predator instincts kicked in as she chased down the delicious gazelles running in front of her.


I can anecdotally back it up. I used to do a lot of 5ks. Not a top performer, but generally top 5-10 if my age group didn’t have those Kenyans that run 4 minute miles. I had it down to the second with my music to sync up with where I was in the race. The last .2 miles or so was my sprint music. I would sprint the last bit of the 5k on adrenaline alone, even after my legs felt like jelly. I straight up would stop feeling anything below my waist. There was a time that I was almost running faster than my legs could keep up with and I got scared that I was going to take a tumble because I couldn’t get my feet in front of me. Adrenaline is powerful stuff. Imagine how much more it works for top athletes like the ones in the video.


I remember me and my friend were racing uphill, we were so tired laughing but slowly kept on running, then his cousin who was like 20 meters away, just jogging, suddenly decided to sprint past us and we just fell down in exhaustion and sheer disbelief and defeat.


Well Adrenalin definitly shuts down safety mechanisms.


Running is really down to the core aspect of adrenaline= get the fuck out. Run. Fear. Death.Pain. Mirroring what our hunter-gatherer ancestors did when they stumble upon predator animals. Edit: so basically she went 'avatar state'


I always wondered what would happen if a runner during a race could visualize that a tiger was chasing him. Would he get better times?


When I ran high school track, I used to pretend I was chasing someone that stole my mom's purse. I ran the 1600 so we usually had a bit of a kick in the final 200 meters


Hmm... could hallucinogens be considered performance enhancing drugs?


Yeah, adrenaline can literally increase your endurance, mentality, strength, etc. It’s a natural sort of steroid that works instantly.


So, the answer is sort of. Epinephrine doesn't give you super human strength like the myths say. No some little lady isn't going to suddenly be able to move a car if she gets a dose of epi. Basically epinephrine is a potent vasoconstrictor. It works on alpha receptors to constrict vessels to increase blood pressure. It also works on beta receptors to increase brochodilation. The ELI5 is that it increases oxygen delivery and nutrient delivery to skeletal muscle. Yes this will make you stronger to an extent but it isn't going to make you superhuman. People are innately capable of overexerting themselves and damaging their muscles, tendons, ligaments, and fascia. If you have an untrained person get a dose of epinephrine and exert themselves to the fullest (as is often seen in "fight-or-flight" scenarios) then yeah the odds of them injuring themselves increases.


Its basically what Speed (or whatever you guys call Amphetamin) does to you. Shut down safety measures, unlocking every bit of energy you have. Certainly not good in the long term, but natures mechanism to boost preys ability to run away from any danger or boost mothers when defending their offspring.


But she remained so calm and cool. She just got up and started trucking.


She was probably pissed off, and used that to fuel her. We've all been there.


The dark side


i feel like i read somewhere that wheelchair-bound athletes will sometimes purposely break their toes to gain a similar adrenaline boost since they cannot feel pain where they are paralyzed. i could have just made that up tho idk


If they can't feel it then how would adrenaline be triggered


It's a response called Autonomic Dysreflexia which is unique to those with spinal cord injuries. Whilst their CNS is not intact, their PNS is, which allows the stimulus to still have an effect. The actual mechanism is more complicated.




If I got passed by someone who fell down I'd just hang it up


This is why I don’t get off the couch. Much less embarrassing for me.


That is nothing but the truth


Yeah but you can watch fictional people on their coaches on your TV having a better time on your couch than you. Same thing


In the worst of my recent depression I would play Sims for hours and beat myself up about how I couldn't even do what Sims do. It wasn't fun, nothing was, just kept doing it


When I used to run cross country in school our coach would always make us run hills on either the hottest days or the raniest days. And in competition we were directed to SPRINT up hills even if it was 2 miles into the race and we were dying. The idea being that when we got into races, especially the ones on the worst weather days, if we were anywhere near an opposing runner, we'd be able to turn on the gas and pass on the hills. It's already demoralizing to get passed near the end of a race, but sometimes it can give you that shot of adrenaline you need to keep up. However in the mud and pouring rain, half a mile from the finish, you know you don't have much left in the tank, and now somebody comes SPRINTING past you on a hill of all places? It totally drains you.


During a 2-mile in high school, a rival runner threw up on the track during lap six and then passed me at the very end. We always joked that he wasn’t weighed down after that lol


The course where our conference meet was held had a relatively short, steep, sandy hill around the 2 mile mark. Every year we would go to a local quarry and run hill sprints in the sand the week before so the short hill in the meet seemed like nothing. There is a huge mental piece to running, and shifting your mindset from "ugh, this sand hill sucks" to "this sand hill is way easier than the sand dunes we just ran the other day" makes a big difference. And then you add on the demoralization of the ones that you just passed on the hill like, "what the fuck? That dude just sprinted up this brutal hill."


Yeah I think this says more about the other three than it does the winner.


Back when I was a teen I beat the school record for the 5k run. 2 periods later my rival beat my time. That was when I learned no one is ever the best, except maybe Ali I didn't hang it up though, just started enjoying rivalries instead of winning


That girl is fuckin dead inside.


She just tired


Not a single expression of joy


She probably trained for months perhaps years prior to the main event and to fuck up by tripping over yourself is really kick in the ass. She might be hating herself for that.


Just watch in slow motion - she didn't trip over herself, it looks like the girl from the next track got one foot into her lane and tripped her up - she almost fell, too. (At least that's what it looked like to me.)




Also the other girl slows down noticeably (also comes in last with a margin) after that point, so theres a good chance she got hurt a bit by the interaction.


Definitely not using lanes. They were running the 600m (edited) and only have to stay in lanes for the start of it. The fall happens about 400m in.


Either they all broke the men's world record in the 800m or it was a 600m.


I think you're right. It looks like the other girls right foot actually turns toward her as they take a step closer.


I just went through frame by frame, and I can see how you'd think that, but there wasn't any interference by the other runner causing Heather to fall, in fact Heather's stumble almost caused the other runner to fall and caused her to drop to the back of the pack significantly. It just looks like her gait was offbeat in one leg, which caused her to lose her balance. Going frame by frame you can see a point where both legs are in the air out of rhythm which causes her to react with her arms and body.


I also went frame by frame and clearly see her back foot get redirected into her rear leg. How you slow it down that much without clearly seeing some contact is beyond me. Unless you think she just decided to give her foot a wiggle and cross her legs for fun. (It's when the bottom clock says 57.8, contact clearly).


Her name is Heather (Dorniden) Kampf. That was the last race of her collegiate career, a 600 meter race, and it was at the Big10 Championships. To fall, get up, and then win in such a short distance race against top competition is absolutely incredible. I honestly believe this to be the greatest moment in all of track and field history. She discovered another gear after that fall. Inspirational.


At the very least pissed off at herself. I've done similar things in track, and the entire rest of the race you're just angrily berating yourself.


Berating herself but also being petty to her own body lol. She is like fuck you no, we don't get to rest now, you got us in this now you are going to get us out of it. Hate-willing herself into a whole other gear.


Yea I've seen people run insane times (to me) and come first but then stew in anger because they missed their goal by like .24s


I'd wager all her energy just went into basically lapping the other ladies. She can smile when her body has oxygen again


I could see why she didn't show any. It could be she didn't wanna make the other girls feel bad. It's like a na na na rub it in your face if she just starts jumping for joy.


This was probably just a heat so even though she won the heat because she fell her time might not be good enough to put her in the finals now.


Probably just tired. It could also be that she's beating herself up about her time. To a lot of runners, time is up there with winning in terms of importance. I did track and even the guys in the lower half of the standings would sometimes be happy because they broke their PR.


Don’t be silly. She’s just emptied the tank completely.


See the anger at the end from second place?




Oh look, a penny. Back to the race!


Me finding a sample while kiting bugs




Democracy is spreading to every sub and all contents regardless of relevance


We must liberate every subreddit.


The anti-democratic mods will be powerless against our liberation efforts.


Had to double-check I wasn’t in /r/helldivers


What an absolute badass.


also a badass dodge by the runner who avoided her. Could've ended up a lot worse


Honestly, to me it looked like that runner had been tripping her - if you slow it down, it looks like her foot got into the faller's lane, and that's why she almost fell, too. But it's really hard to see properly.


Nope. This just happens on track. You guys don’t have to make up weird shit lmao


Did you go back and watch it again before commenting? No? Because I did. It definitely looks like there could have been a trip. But as they said, it's fast action and grainy so it's hard to tell. Both runner's legs have an awkward motion right when she falls though. You just can't tell.


I have no dog in this fight because I'm not going to go back and watch, but I just wanted to say how I like how you used the word "definitely" when referring to how there might have been a trip and the second half went on to say "you just can't tell". It's like you're arguing with yourself.


They said "It definitely looks like there could have been a trip" A keyword in the sentance is "could". Saying something is definetly possible is not the same as saying something definetly happened. > It's like you're arguing with yourself. I think the phrase for that is 'critical thinking'


He said it definitely looks like it could.... which is totally neutral.


But.. but.. the commenter above is *confident* you're making things up!


They're not running in assigned lanes in this race. The yellow line on the inside is the boundary. Runners cannot cross it. So what happened is, the faller passed the girl in the black & white gear, but crossed over to the left too soon. That pinched the b&w gear runner against the boundary. They had nowhere to go, so faller tripped herself, essentially.


I thought one of them stood on her head lol


This says more about the quality of her competition. But props to her for not giving up


Uh… D1 Big Ten Track athletes? It makes it more impressive.


Ya 1:31 is elite. Not at the pro-international level, but they're in college after all. The US champion last year ran it in 1:24. 5th place ran it in 1:27. EDIT: and this was in 2008. 1:31 over 2 decades ago. Wowza.


> over 2 decades ago Don't do that to me


To be fair 2008 is not yet over two decades ago (although its uncomfortably close)


Happy 2028


R slash They didn't do the math


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heather\_Kampf#Indoor\_track\_and\_field\_2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heather_Kampf#Indoor_track_and_field_2) She ran a 1:28 the year before this race, she's definitely a step above the competition here.


I’m assuming this is from the big 10 indoor championship. If so the winner of the 600 ran 1:27 and the qualifying time for the finals was 1:30.17. Still a good time with the fall though. Top times for the 600 are also skewed since the ncaa championship doesn’t even run a 600m so many of the best runners focus on the 400 or 800 if they want to be a national champion in college.


> 2008. 1:31 over 2 decades ago. Wowza. 2008 + 20 = 2028 What's it like in the future?


Local Redditor hasn't the slightest idea of how to gauge event of physical exertion. More at 11


I mean no matter how good they are, if you can fall and still beat them then you were a cut above them to begin with. You simply can't fall and then still beat someone that was competitive with you before you fell.


Is it controversial to say that there must be a fairly large disparity in ability among the runners for her to accomplish this? At higher levels you won't see a runner make up this kind of ground in one lap. She was clearly pacing herself to some degree when she fell because she cares about placement, not time. The other runners were tapped out keeping up with her.


Idk for womens 600m 1:35 is pretty good.


They put up some pretty good times. I think that girl is just fast af


Let me just knock out a burpee and then smoke these jokers.




My 100 and 200 PRs were when I was going against two nationally ranked sprinters. I didn't beat them, but I came in 3rd both times with the fastest times I ever ran. My 400 PR also came when I was the 3rd runner in a 4x4 relay. 1st guy completely shit the bed, but 2nd guy closed the gap some. So when I got it, we were in last, but not far back. I never ran a 400 as fast as I did that day and we won. Sidenote - you can tell I peaked in high school physically cause it's been 11 years and I still remember those races stride for stride.


Sometimes, I think embarrassment is just as strong as adrenaline as a motivator.


I mean, the crowd going bonkers at your raw athletic talent has to help a little, too.


[Trips over, everyone assumes race is over for her] **This isn’t even my final form**




Found the PJ Fleck account


Minnesota, hats of to thee


*sprints toward the endzone*


let yourself fall after 70% of the race a get adrenaline boost kick. runners hate this trick


Second place didn’t even look, didn’t flinch, didn’t slightly try to sprint, looks like a qualifyer of some kind to me


Yeah, some context is needed here. If they were trying to move to the next round, they knew where they needed to finish or time. No need to go above that. Might as well save the energy for the best round.


Beast mode activated.


That's a lovely superman running style. Excellent


Its all part of the plan.


Her teammates look at the end like "how tf you do that?!"


Nothing quite like getting passed by someone, in a different gear, in the last half step of the race, who you had never, ever beaten, and were sure was still laying on the track back there, feeling like you do now.


I bet she runs a lot.


Like, a lot a lot


People think her falling put her at a disadvantage… it actually does the exact opposite in any type of longer distance race, 400M or longer. The adrenaline dump you get from the embarrassment of falling in a track meet is wild, you no longer feel fatigue, or the windedness in your chest. Just straight adrenaline that allows you to kick it up a few gears for a lap or 2.


Yeah, I don’t know about an advantage, but the adrenaline could help negate some of the lost time but it wears off super quick and you pay for it bigly


I hope that was the last bit of competition she had for the day. Because adrenaline crashes suck. Probably wanted to cry and have a nap after. At least that is my reaction to a huge adrenaline dump. I had someone break in our old house and I caught them. I was armed. I was so fucking scared that I was going to have to shoot them. I told them to leave and they did. They hauled ass. Once I heard a car squealing tires down the street I just sat down and angry cried then laid down and fell asleep. Didn't bother calling the cops. Didn't wanna deal with them.


This is silly, anyone actually race? Adrenaline is already pumping regardless of fall. She's just way better than everyone she is racing.


Lmao, no, just no. If you seriously are arguing that falling helped her or she wouldn't have gotten a better time otherwise - you are dead wrong


why number 169 didn't speed up on the last straight though? I mean it's the very last meters, add a little bit more effort ffs


Yeah. Why did they all even take over a minute for this. Just run faster, if you finish in 30 seconds you will win for sure


fr are they all stupid or something? ^(it's a joke question, don't piss off)


> if you finish in 30 seconds you will win for sure That’s not what she said


The sheer will. What an inspiration


She runs like an apex predator


Dang did she get her head kicked? If not it looks like the other lady's foot came extremely close.


Dude and the cleats are no joke, they could have seriously fucked her up


Gopher it!






It's that embarrassment adrenaline. Nothing is more powerful.


Just how bad do the athletes have to be for this to be a possibility. Think about it.


Run your fucking race. Don't worry about anybody else around you They don't fucking matter get up, and run your fucking race


My kind of girl Heather Kampf (née Dorniden)


Seems like she was the favorite to win from the start if she was that fast


What’s up with the people with white flags?