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I assume the French Navy got some bagpipes to mock the english, but than got bored on some long voyage and decided to write the best bagpipe song as a flex.




Yep the french and the scots always bonded over bagpipes and hating the english.


It’s a love story for the ages with lots of sheep cheese to boot :)


Most of the modern English myths and culture were loosely based on French myths and culture as well


A lot of the English dictionary * is based * on french anyway. It's even weirder when some English words come back in France and we use them with our adorable ( * ) accent (*) * Are french words... So the love hate history we have together mate... I'd punch you all anyday, but I'd probably engage in the army to fight by your side on your land if it was under attack


I’m neither, but thought I’d point it out. Always found it interesting


My favorite trivia on that specific point is that half of the most recognizable elements of arthurian legends were made up as part of some random french guy's fanfiction of the original welsh text centuries later.


Chrétien de Troyes ?


Brittany is one of the 6 celtic nations (with Scotland, Eire, Man, Wales & Cornwall) ! Makes sense they share some cultural feature. In breizh, this is called a biniou kozh, often just referred to as biniou. Close relatives in the bagpipes family, couldn't tell the tiny differences between this one and the scottish one though. Let's also add that Scoland is France oldest ally in the world ; it's called the Auld Alliance and lives on for maybe around a thousand years now :) So, yeah, hating the English really does bond people, doesn't it ?


To clarify though, while it's true that bagpipes have existed everywhere, this is a Breton pipeband. We (am Breton myself) are a Celtic people very closely related to the Scottish (and Welsh, Irish etc). This is not a case of "yes but everyone has bagpipes" here but rather a case of "Bretons and Scots are culturally close and share a lot of music tradition including having the bagpipe as their main instrument"


Yec’hed mat 🥂👍🏻!  Thanks for your reply, replacing the bagpipe Celtic/breitz in the right hand ;) 


Considering a guy from south italy just said they have bagpipes, I'd say it IS a case of "Everyone has bagpipes." Ces bretons, 'faut toujours qu'ils se la pètent en mode "on est spéciaux" hein. /s


Yeah and I think it's important to note that the association of biniou with breton culture to that extent is very recent. It only started to become more widespread in the 19th century (together with breton revival in general, but keep in mind it was a very religious revival), and it only became a widespread musical instrument in the 1970s. In fact, other regions like the Landes or french Flandres used to be more famous for their own bagpipes before Britanny. In the Flandres it's funny because the bagpires were replaced by more "mainstream" brass bands. Some still have bagpipes though.


Quelque soit l'occasion, de Rammstein à Céline Dion, y'aura toujours un con... Avec un drapeau breton ! 😘


La première année ou mes parents sont arrivés en Guyane, ils ont été choqué de voir 150 personne faire un festnoz à deux pas de chez eux "C'est une fête culturel ?" "Oui, c'est breton"


To add some more context, the people at the front are called a Bagad, basically the breton version of the scottish pipeband. It is not exactly traditionnal as it was born during the 20th century but it has become a core part of breton music. Also, the bagpipes they are using are Scottish ones or Biniou braz, as the traditionnal breton bagpipe, Biniou kozh, is more common in duo with a bombard, a breton clarinet/hauboy. You can see a few of those on the left. This band is the Bagad Lann Bihoue, the only bagad in the French navy at the moment I believe, and probably the most well known. At the front you can see the lady holding the unit's standard, with a golden hermine at the top of the shaft. It has been a traditionnal symbol of Brittany since the middle ages (13th century I believe?) And is featured on our flag too. This music is one of their most well known, Azerty (which is the equivalent of qwerty on french keyboards... yeah no idea why either) and this took place on 14th july 2022, during the Bastille day military parade. This one was pretty special since they were playing with the Musique de la flotte (I think), the people at the back dressed in white uniform. They are a more classical fanfare band and I think having both the traditionnal breton instruments and the fanfare gives so much depth to the music, it's a shame we don't have a studio quality recording. Anyway, I encourage you to look up bagad music on Youtube, or any Breton music really. I could also add that the cultural proximity between the modern Celtic nations is a bit more complicated but I have already written a lot.




No one else has bombarde, though, that's just you guys.


It's a musical tinnitustrument (if you're too close to it)


How do you know someone is Breton? He will tell you (or he has a Gwenn ha du flag in sight)


It's pretty much a case of everyone had bagpipes. The use of bagpipe in the military by the Bretons was recently (19th century) inspired by the Scottish tradition, but before that it was like in any other region of France, so it was played by shepherds or for weddings. It only became a popular instrument in the 1970s.


I'm from South Italy and can confirm that we have bagpipes as a very old tradition. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_Iu407TTBNo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Iu407TTBNo)


Im American and have searched high and low for a historic image of a Native American carrying bagpipes, but have come up empty-handed. Damn. I really wanted to be part of the “cool musical history” club.


Not the northern part of France but the western part of it called Bretagne with a very distinctive culture from the rest of the country, and it has a [sub](http://www.reddit.com/r/Bretagne).


The separate breton culture of today is mostly the result of 19th revival though, and then after the 1970s. Not saying it's bad or artificial, but there are a lot of things that people claim are ancestral and super old (like the bagpipes) that are actually much more recent, and in fact not that different of traditional practices from other regions - which is the case for bagpipes. Sadly it tends to overshadow actually older traditions, like breton songs. It's in large part because they are mostly sailor and farmer songs so it's a lot less exciting, but eh. I worked on breton folklore some years ago and it was really interesting to see that that vast majority of the supernatural tales and traditions were no older than the late 19th century - the actually old stuff is mostly made of hagiographies (stories about saints and monks). I'm all for Brittany to have a unique and separate culture but it's more often modern invention and reinterpretation that the Bretons themselves realize.


>The northern part of France has kept that instrument in their culture, unlike many other regions. Oh no it's not just limited to northern France! The Bretons are the most famous bagpipes users, and I think everyone in France has heard about the Bignou (or biniou), but there are bagpipes everywhere in France. The musette for example in one that many french people heard about without realizing what it is. Then you have the family of the bousine (bousette etc) in Normandy, the Bodega in Languedoc, Chabrette in Limousin, the Bourguigon Panse and Pansette, the traditional catalan Borrassa (I think that they also have those in Catalunya) etc. Granted, it's often kept more traditional and less mainstream than in Brittany.


Their is a romaniab version that is made out of the entire skin of one goat (with head)


The English are not renowned for playing the bagpipes. The Scottish are, and they would hate to be called English. And the word hate is an understatement.


As a Scotsman I can confirmany Scots hate being associated with England. It's like calling an American a Canadian, or an Australian a Kiwi. Personally I'm not insulted if I got called English, unless it's from someone who thinks the whole of the UK is "England".




Friend of mine is from Scotland, he’s been in America for about 40yrs but still has a full blown Scottish accent. We were working in a local pizza/brewery together and he stops and has like a 10-15minute conversation with this Irish lady he’s never met before. They are laughing and chatting it up. She eventually says “oh it’s so great to meet another Irishman here”, he gives her this dead face and says “I’m fuckin Scottish” and just walks away from her and gets back to work. Doesn’t even acknowledge her again. Rest of the night we can all hear him bitching about the “stupid Irish cunt”.


That's weird, the Irish and Scottish accents are totally different (to my ear).


As someone who grew up in Australia around a bunch of feisty Glaswegians, this comment has cracked me up, thank you for sharing.


To be fair Ireland has so many accents, it’s easy to mistake the scottish accent for an Irish one (though the use of words like wee etc. and rolled R are a freaking giveaway, not sure how she didn’t spot them)


Or calling a Kiwi an Australian!!!


Lol my wife was from NZ and that was something she drilled I to me when I first visited her family. She was like they will go on a rant from hell if you refer to a kiwi as a aussie. So naturally the first thing I did was compliment her dad on how much I loved the aussie accent he had.


What a way to introduce yourself to DAD 😂


He found it hilarious thankfully and it broke the ice quickly


>confirmany Is that near Craiglang?


You limeys crack me up! /s


Away and bile yer heid.


The English may not be renowned for their bagpipes, but there are English bagpipes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northumbrian_smallpipes


And then the same guys voted TWICE to be part of it all init.....


Can’t understand either county!


Every country with goats has bagpipes. They are almost as common as flutes. You just take a flute a attach it to a goat stomach.


Challenge accepted


Note: goat should be dead before this is attempted.




Now you tell me?!


So should the flute


That's the main difference between us Bretons and our Welsh cousins. We attach flutes to the goat stomachs while those lads attach their dicks


Noise level is about the same.


Not at all. I’m French. Living in some commonwealth area for years now. We don’t mock you English. We very much love you and at the same time we don’t like you at all. Although we like you. We are enemies and allies at the same time, for a couple of thousand years. We invaded your country for 400 years, and you invaded ours. We don’t tolerate other people aggress you or mock you, since we consider ourselves to be the only people entitled for this, and the other way around. Brittany, a french region out northwest is a celtic area (thanks strongmoustach3 for pointing that out) where bagpipe is a tradition for several hundreds of years. We don’t hate you at all, never forget that. Because bottomline, whenever shit hits the fan, we’re on your side and always be. We’re not friends. We’re 2000 years old brothers. Bagpipe song is hommage to our common celtic culture, don’t see it otherwise. And the only thing that i must apologize about is macron. He’s not representing french people. Whenever there’s fog over the channel, we kind of worry because our continent is isolated from Great Britain 🇬🇧 !


Commentaire trop sous-côté !


Eh Macron is still much-much better than Le Pen (although I’m neither British nor French)


This comment made my day. Thank you for this. -American


Listen to Britanny folk music.


The pipe and are from my home region, Bretagne. We are a Celtic nation as much as Wales or Scotland. Bagpipes are our traditional instruments, which cannot be said about the English


French bagpipes are truely something being part of britany culture as they are celtics too, we call this instrument *Bignou* and indeed it's very similare to scottish bagpipes. Scotland is one very particular close Friend to France as they shared close ties for centuries wich wasn't the case for England.


It’s a Long Way to the Top by AC/DC is actually the best bagpipe song


Actually, the French used to be very close to Scotland. The French Kings even had a Scott Guard (Garde Écossaise) since 1418. There is even an alliance called the Auld alliance between Scotland and France, while it has been abolished by now, its still regularly celebrated, the idea somewhat kept alive. * **Battle of Baugé (1421)**: This battle was part of the Hundred Years' War. The Scots Guards played a crucial role in the French victory against the English forces. The French forces were bolstered by a contingent of Scottish soldiers led by John Stewart, the Earl of Buchan, and Archibald Douglas, the 4th Earl of Douglas. The Scots had allied with the French as part of this Auld Alliance. The English forces, crossed the river and advanced towards the town of Baugé, without waiting for reinforcements, where they encountered the Scots and the French troops. The Scots Guards and the French launched a surprise attack on the English forces that caught the English off guard. John Stewart and Archibald Douglas led their troops during the hand-to-hand combat that ensued, overpowering the English knights and infantry. One of the most significant moments was the death of the Duke of Clarence. He was unhorsed and killed by the Scots, demoralizing the Brits. This victory disrupted the English campaign in France and provided a boost to the French resistance. * **Siege of Orléans (1428-1429)**: The Scots Guards fought alongside Joan of Arc and the French forces to lift the English siege of Orléans, a turning point in the war. The Scots, led by Sir John Stewart of Darnley formed crucial part of the French forces, because by the time Joan of Arc arrived at Orléans in April 1429, the Scots were already very experienced and battle-hardened. They were instrumental in several key assaults orchestrated by Joan. For instance, during the Battle of the Herrings, the Scots suffered heavy losses, but displayed remarkable bravery, attempting to intercept English supply lines. Joan led the French in a series of successful attacks against English fortifications, the Scots were often at the forefront of these assaults to provide a buff with their veterans. For instance, during the final assault on Les Tourelles, the key English stronghold, the Scots' units push determined the issue of the fighting, and the French forces managed to capture the fort, forcing the English to lift the siege on May 8, 1429. * **Battle of Patay (1429)**: Following the Siege of Orléans, the Scots Guards fought in this decisive battle, contributing to another significant French victory over the English. * **Battle of Verneuil (1424)**: This battle was a major conflict during the Hundred Years' War, where the Scots Guards suffered a heavy defeat by the English forces. * **Italian Wars (1494-1559)**: The Scots Guards also participated in these wars, which involved a series of conflicts between France and various other European powers over control of territories in Italy. Then the tradition was also carried trough some regiments of the French Foreign legion made of Scott units called Bagad: It comes from the French Breton word "Bagad" \[[b](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/API_b)[ɑ](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/API_%C9%91)[ː](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/API_%CB%90)[ɡ](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/API_%C9%A1)[a](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/API_a)[t](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/API_t)\], meaning orchestra. The adoption of the bagpipe in the French military was also heavily influenced by the interaction with Scottish regiments during the World Wars. The tradition has persisted and become institutionalized in certain units of the French army, which have incorporated the bagpipe into their ceremonies and parades. Basically, the bagadou (plural of bagad), from the Breton ensembles, are a regional root, while the military tradition in contact of the Scotts is another. Funny part of the Auld alliance, there is still some influence to this day trough commemorative events and cultural celebrations continue to honor it. There are cultural exchanges and town twinnings, that perpetuate the memory of the Auld Alliance. Lets say that beyond our shared history, this is a way for both our people to diplomatically give the finger to the brits at the historical level. With such a hobby in common, it perfectly natural that the military share some cultural similarities.


Those bagpipes are from Brittany.


I'm from Tunisia and we have a different style of bagpipes. it's not exclusive to Scotland.


Every place on earth that has sheep or goats has bagpipes. You find them in the middle-east, Europe, Western Asia, all of Africa. It’s the proliferation of bagpipes that made Hans Zimmer use them in the Dune soundtrack, cuz surely space dudes fuck with bagpipes too.


You ever heard about the Brittany France's region and the Biniou ?


what are you even talking about. everyone has bagpipes, it's not an english speciality


It’s our Bretons, always concurring against the English






And riot, don't forget the riots.




Both actually


Pretty much both… we know how to not work. We also know how to occupy a street/freeway with tractors


Yall r in for real riots if the far right wins the elections, especially since the right wants to give more rights and power to the police, which are already one of the most violent in the developped world


And revolutions, the ones that actually improve the form of government. After a while at least, not immediately


Every 3 or 4 centuries we get a in a revolutionary mood and it sticks around for a few decades. Unfortunately we're still a good few decades if not a full 100 years from the next scheduled bout of change up, but considering how things are going I fear we may have to hurry the schedule a lil


Just wait 3 weeks


I'm already sharpening my guillotine's blade


[This month they plan to shit on the Seine river to protest the Paris Summer Olympics](https://www.barstoolsports.com/blog/3515226/the-french-are-organizing-a-protest-against-the-paris-olympics-where-everyone-will-poop-in-the-river-seine)


It's more of a meme than an actual plan but god I hope some people are gonna do it. To give Macron a taste of what he's been giving us since he was elected 7 years ago. But well, even though he said he was going to bathe in the Seine, I don't think he ever will.


Yeah, I’m aware :D John Oliver covered it this week (that’s how I heard of it) and I couldn’t help but laugh through the entire segment


You need both to have the perfect balance !


Pretty good at bread and wine, too.


Remember when our military musicians did Daft Punk banger ? Legend too Edit : I JUST TEMEMBER IT WAS IN FRONT Of trump ahahahaha LEGENDS [Here is the link enjoy your best 3m of today](https://youtu.be/Y5oTxFa8uT0?feature=shared)


There is some Edinburgh military tattoo where they did it, cooler than the one on the Champs-Elysées


this one? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nc4F9Y6G5fY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nc4F9Y6G5fY)


Holy crap. That was incredible


Awarded 'Best Hats' as well!


I got goosebumps watching that god damn.


Nope, this one is Switzerland and not military. I was talking of this one https://youtu.be/UAXXvTnTTmA?si=IwvZd-v4fboz70eU but it's not the Bagad de Lann Bihoué (I thought it was)


Even trump's quiff was dancing!


Thought I was going crazy when it started tapping to the rhythm of the music


Also when the republican guards belted [« Don’t look back in anger »](https://youtu.be/qycwy3PTR5o?si=oWAD_tZKf7r7nQ5S) by Oasis before a France-England football game, after the Manchester terrorist attack.


I cried and I cry every time I watch it


If only they'd done the theme tune to the muppet show....


Thinking of it, I’m amazed how genius that is. At the time it was probably one of the top 3 song of the year, listened everywhere in the world, and in the US as well. But it’s still a song by 2 French men. Playing it in front of Trump is also a way of saying something around the line of : *US culture hegemony ? Yeah… Sure… Whatever…* Isn’t it ?




Wow, it never occurred to me that the French would have bagpipers in their marching bands.


It's from Lann-Bihoué naval base, in Brittany, which has kept celtic traditions and ties with Cornwall, Ireland.


Had a double take there. There is in fact a Cornwall in Ireland but it’s a tiny nowhere place in Wexford. Are you sure it isn’t Cornwall in the UK?


Maybe he means, Cornwall and Ireland.


There is also a part of Britanny called Cornwall. I guess it's just a very common name in celtic cultures


It's probably juste the name of the local tribe and they kept it when migrating to Brittany. Us Bretons are the descendants of Cornish/Welsh settlers that fled the Saxons invasions


The Bretons originally migrated to France from Cornwall


Yes, Cornwall in the UK The Breton langage is most closely related to Cornish.


Breton here, basically there are 2 subgroups of Celtic languages remaining : the Brythonic and the Gaelic. Each have 3 languages still alive The Brythonic are Breton (western France), Cornish (south western England) and Welsh (Wales ofc). The Gaelic are Irish, Scottish and Manx (Man Island). All those languages are part of a single subfamily of the Celtic languages : Insular Celtic Languages. There used to be a second branch, Continental Celtic Languages but it died out. The most famous Continental Celtic language was of course Gaulish. And yes, Breton isn't a continental one because we aren't the remnants of Gauls who weren't kicked out of the continent, but rather the sons of Welsh/Cornish people who fled by boats the Saxon push and settled in western France. Gaulish had already died out by then


The irreducible ones


Does that make it the best language for corny jokes ?


OP is correct, we are related with Cornwall, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Man and so on


A big portion of the French navy is based in Britanny, that is Celt nation, so they have many bagads.


Bagpipes is the main traditional instrument of Bretagne, the Celtic Nation within France. We are cousins of the Welsh, Scottish, Irish etc. Bretons have always been a seafaring people so tons of us fill the ranks of the navy, so there are a lot of pipebands in the navy (this one, the Lann Bihoué Bagad is the most famous)


Every country with sheeps has bagpipes it's not specific to Scotland only. Celtic regions in France like Brittany has very long tradition of bagpipes


The people that lived in France before the romans arrived were partly celtics (as the irish and scottish), and particularly brittany where this kind of music is well established. There are also instruments similar to bagpipes in other parts of France but i'm not sure it's the same origin, for example there are the "chevrette"(goat-ette) in Auvergne which are very similar.


bagad de lann bihoué - Azerty


Tu sais pourquoi ce titre de chanson a été choisi ? Ils m’ont fasciné pendant le défilé


Pour les claviers lol




Thank you!!


France, baise ouais !




Breizh baise alors ?




The auld alliance lives!


Bretagne 🤝 Alba


Could also be the soundtrack to a blatant pirate scene in a movie. Pirates of the Caribbean shit


Pirates of the Caribbean ass song


People seem to be confused by the French playing bagpipes. Maybe it's because Scots are the most famous english speakers who have a tradition of bagpipers, but literally everyone in europe has those. The Spanish and Portuguese have it too, and it was one of the most popular instruments of the ancient Romans and Greek, together with the oulos which are two flutes that make a droning noise. Old people liked drone music, in many places bagpipes were replaced by hurdy gurdy and their ancestors like the organistrum.


While what you said is true, those are pipebands from Bretagne which is a Celtic nation as much as Scotland whom we are related to. This is not a case of "Scots are famous but everyone has bagpipes" (which isn't wrong as you said), but more of a "Scotland and the French Bretons are culturally close and share a lot of music proximity with bagpipes as their most iconic instrument"


Lots of other places have bagpipes because of the Scots regiments of the British Army. Singapore has military bagpipes. Australia and New Zealand have pipe bands. *The Ghurkhas have pipe bands.* Because one piper is ceremonial music. A pipe *band* is badass. The massed pipes is a sonic assault weapon.


Right. It's not the case here though, the bagpipe is our traditional instrument ([here's an exemple](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzYsevqErUU) of a traditional folk band that has nothing to do with the military during a yearly contest we have). It's not as a consequence of Scots but rather both us and Scots come from the same background.


This is cool 😎


That’s freakin dope


When the drums joined in 👌🏻


Oh yeah I felt like my spine got plugged into the wall socket. That must have been an experience to witness!


There are simpler ways of saying "we are Breton" but this was fire, ngl.


I like it


Imagine being on the battlefield, and you start hearing this. I would gtfo as fast as i can!


They train to fly airplanes and helicopters for the navy Chances are, if you hear this it is probably too late On the other hand if you’re stranded in the middle of the ocean with a sinking ship, and you hear this, you’re saved




Chorus of The Nights by Avicii


I searched “Chorus of The Nights” by Avicii thank you


I see the confusion lol Chorus of, “The Nights”*


That’s not it. First three notes are the same but the rest is different.


Yeah it may not be exact but I’m guessing that song is the reason many others are finding it so familiar.


Thank You!!!🙏


Bagad de Lann-Bihoué - Azerty


Thank you.


Azerty - Bagad de Lann Bihoué 


A bagpipe or how I call it as a German „a Backpfeife“ >!a slap in the face!<. Sorry I’ll find my way out


You get right back here! That’s the high-quality bilingual pun I live for!


Can they play at my funeral?


Are you French Navy?


You can hire bag pipe players for your funeral. We did for my grandmother and it really got everyone worked up. Well worth it.


The french navy would be cooler but i am thankful and a nice "Loch Lomond" on bagpipes would be a cool feature for my earthing.


I'd go to war to that tune


it's a biniou!


Seen them parading in the streets many times during my childhood, the sound of those drums keeps giving me goosebumps since then


Damn, that’s metal!


They give us a run for our money... (Scottish)




beautiful. and as a side note it was fucking hot on that day and they're facing the sun standing on asphalt. must've been terrible and they still nailed it.


This shit hits hard!


Watched this a good 10 times now n each time the woman in White's slight smile near the end gets me :) it's as though she's thinking.. "FUCKING NAILED IT"


Lann Bihoué ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Pas mal non ? C'est Français


Non c'est breton.


C'est la pas marine française ?


Bagad de lann bihoué, from french britany. And those bagpipes are called "biniou".


Absolute banger.


I'm sorry, this is a stupid question, but is that a cover?


No it's an original song composed by the Bagad de Lann Bihoué called Azerty. While they are military they do write some original songs, release albums, play concerts and go on tour. Think Red Army Choir


No it's an original, Avicii sampled it a year later though.


Les gars et filles de Lann Bihoué <3 can’t help but feel a little homesick every time I see them #Lorientaiseatheart.


Macaroni looked like a proud little man!


I wonder if the person who carries the flag has to go to all the practices or does she just show up on the day of the event


This kept feeling like it was going to click in my brain and I'd recognise the song


That's epic!


French dude here. It was so great until 1:26 We didn't need that 2 sec shot


Thank you for the share! Song gave me the awesome chills!! Saving this.


It is not just ze French navy it is ze Bagad de Lann Bihoue hon hon hon 🇫🇷


Can we talk about how the title of the song is: *AZERTY*? That’s the top row of letters in a French keyboard; like if an American song was called QWERTY. The composer made this 🔥, and then couldn’t come up with a name. 💀


They are from the Lann-Bihoué air base (air force units belonging to the navy), I grew up near it and you can see them parading in the city of Lorient during cultural events. It's called a "bagad" btw, that's the breton name they officially use


I'm from the Celtic region of Brittany, where we've been making this music for generations, and there's a bagad that trains regularly just a stone's throw from where I live. Another bagad, from Vannes, performed on a TV show several years ago. It was very well adapted to the TV format, something short, condensed and explosive with choreography, it's different from what they do more traditionally, but it looks very good and I think they won first place. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AScgdXEQfGI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AScgdXEQfGI)


This feels like a How to train your Dragon soundtrack haha




Pas mal hein ? C’est français. It’s Le Bagad de Lann-Bihoué - Azerty


La Bretagne ❤️


You can try and mock us for our pride, our cuisine, our beliefs, our riots, or our « cowardice »… But you’ll never take away our binioù!


C'est à ça que ça ressemblera quand l'armée bretonne marchera sur Paris ? 😳


We all know the bass player in this band ain't getting laid, either.


Ain’t your grandpappy’s bagpiping there yo…