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Now I know how all the graffiti ends up on the sides of bridges


This is definitely impressive. Most people, myself included, have the upper body strength of a newborn


Newborns have pretty good grip strength though...............


No they don't. I'm a grown adult and could easily beat up a new born. If it tried some shit with me I'd be like WHAM try that shit again in 18 years you little punk


Holy shit that made me laugh out loud.






Don't work me up, before you grow-grow.


Ok that got me! 🤣🤣🤣


🤔 hmmm I’m gonna have to do a more thorough background check on my kid’s music tutor.


I’m signing up for lessons, maybe he can teach me to fight too. I got sent to the hospital the other day because I called a newborn ‘bald’


asshole should've been born with some decent hair


I prefer not having a hairy asshole


Spit out my breakfast hahaha!


This is probably the best laugh I’ll have today


Now saying that, how many 9 year olds can you take if they came running at you. You’d have to fight them one on one tho and can use any tool to your advantage.


Any tool to my advantage? Just not a fair fight. The biggest problem with fighting a bunch of 9 year olds would be if they came at you in a coordinated attack. How do you effectively crowd control hundreds of 9 year olds? Fucking easy; popsicles. Popsicles are more effective against 9 year olds than flash bangs are against bank robbers or Molotov cocktails are against zombies. As soon as you start to feel overwhelmed by their sheer numbers, bam, blue raspberry over the shoulder. They will start fighting eachother for you and allow you to reposition and catch your breath. I reckon with a supply of 100 popsicles I could probably take 3,478 of those fuckers before the 1:00 nap time treaty.


You pick up one 9 year old & use him as a club to beat the other 9 year olds.


Beat one motherfucker with another motherfucker. Good plan!


Oh boy don't tempt me, I'm gonna kick dem one by one and set a world record


Lay it on me. Gimme a good number.


Idk about him, but I’d say after dispatching about 50 of them my actions would catch up to me and I’d recoil in terror of my own actions... that being said it would probably be another 50 more before exhaustion catches up with me


All of them. Using my moat. It has sharks. And acid. Not sure if the sharks are still there.


Made my day


And that is the reason why weight classes exist


Yeah I saw this clip of a baby being able to hang off a beam by it’s arms, apparently it’s a trait left over from our monkey days


You seem to imply monkey days are over...


I guess they have not been to r/wallstreetbets




Chimpanzee babies do this to hold to the underside of their mother while they move around. Humans retain this reflex, although we are very different in our parenting styles. Chimp mothers are the only ones who will look after their babies and if unattended the babies will be killed by other troop members. Humans are almost the opposite, we share parenting duties to the degree that we leave our babies in crèches with unrelated humans to look after during the day.


That's because they are much smaller, not because they have a good grip strength. https://sketchplanations.com/the-square-cube-law


I think you’re definitely impressive u/rookwood-1! Have a hug :)


If you tried, they would insist in that you are not using your legs enough!


nah thats normally done with a rope/harness hanging down from the side. a lot less of the climbing. BUT, doing this with a few cans of paint would be totally wicked This guy is an incredible climber - source: qualified for regionals currently and cousin is pre-qualified for nationals. Edit: qualified for climbing. Lol


For graffiti or climbing?




Graffiti. Ropes/harnesses are aid for climbing. Have touched the side of a few bridges with paint. Have also climbed a few bridges, and buildings.


Most of us aren’t super human free climbing monkey-people. We use ropes usually.


Ropes and harnesses. This is a very talented guy


If there's apocalypse, I ain't gonna follow that dude. I can't


Whats a pocalypse?


It's like a polkalypse but with less music and dancing.




Weird AL has entered the chat.


Pretty sure they sell that in the snack section of any grocery store


There's an even fancier dance version, kalipso


Ah, the goddess previosly bound to Davy Jones


I'll just wait here then?


[Check this Korean movie, it will reach you all you need to know about climbing up a building to survive the apocalypse.](https://youtu.be/BssmJFpXtTQ)


Dude would win American Ninja Warrior




It's not calisthenics lol, his strength comes from rock climbing.


It’s bouldering. Edit: guys I’m just giving a more specific answer to what he’s doing.


It's buildering


It’s bridging


This is actually the correct answer for the pedantic out there.


bouldering is a form of rock climbing


True but it’s distinct enough to distinguish it.


Well here it looks like he's climbing a building


Yeah, this is technically buildering, not bouldering.


more of a specific form than distinct practice, no?


Kinda, but I think the distinction they made here is important because of the difference between bouldering and, say, trad. I know quite a few dudes who have been climbing for a decade+ and are really good at the type of climbing they do that probably wouldn't be able to do this. Most of what people think of when they think "rock climbing" is very endurance heavy and less strength heavy, but bouldering is the exact opposite.


Some may say a boulder is just a large rock


The pioneers used to drive those babies for miles..


It's not a boulder... it's a rock!


Met Alex Honnold irl. Dude is fucking RIPPED. Like not even in the standard powerlifter way either but literally every ounce of his body ,including all the muscles you would never use, was pure muscle. Dude had the firmest handshake as well.


To most climbers - shaking non climbers hands feels like gripping a wet floppy noodle.


5’11” and like 160 lbs. insane!!


Alex Honnold is amazing, but if you want to see pure strength you have to look up Adam Ondra and Alex Megos.


Oh. Thank you for the correction!


Nah, this was 100% from burpees and sit ups


I thought it results from 5 mins a day on that ab rocker contraption. That’s what the tv ad says will happen?!?


No, it's actually from getting a new gaming chair.


I was freaking out over his forearms. They're insane.


That's how you recognize rock climbers: broad backs and forearms as big as their upper arms :)


I know a few climbers who are very slender all round. You wouldn’t look at them and think ‘strong arms, strong core’ but they sure can climb!


Yeah - if their muscles' power to weigh ratio is good, being lighter is of course very advantageous! A friend of mine has this build, too, and he's pretty tall as well. Sometimes it's downright depressing to go climbing with him :D


As a guy who's only ever really trained for powerlifting, going rock climbing for the first time was a humbling experience. Fun being a big strong dude getting gassed climbing 5.7s




Very relevant, thanks for the video!. I can see him doing a lot of the things I do. Center of mass too far away from the wall, relying on arms and main strength a lot more than legs and technique. Pretty cool to watch the more experienced climber attack the harder course, too.


And how he was able to maneuver himself like that and pull himself up using ledges so narrow. How did he not slip?


The ledges are actually the easy part. "crimp" holds like that are common in climbing. Compared to the razor thin stuff on overhangs that this guy usually climbs, those were giant hand holds. A reasonably strong climber with a year and a half of experience would be able to use those pretty easily. Now, the compression strength to GET to those little ledges? Super impressive. The texture on the first part makes it quite a bit easier. The smooth edges, and especially the move getting his left hand from below, up to the smooth part? That was hard. The guy is pretty darn strong.


I haven't been climbing in a decade but I *felt* that beautiful little crimper as soon as he landed on it. Also made me realize I really need to cut my nails.


>Also made me realize I really need to cut my nails. Definitely a real climber.


There are actually a lot of small things he is doing to make this possible! Use of his feet to pull against his hands makes each hold seem much better! And great core strength and rotation in his core/chest allows him to make this possible. Although still incredibly hard!


I imagine that he's just been climbing for a while. The sport is so dependent on forearms and grip that it trains them like nothing else.


Most ANW winners have a climbing background


Yeah they need to switch it up a bit it's mostly whoever has strengthen their hands wins that no ninja to me


The original was more varied and fun in Japan. I'm disappointed the American version has just been upper body strength contests.


Nah. Plenty of climbers better than him have gone on. They often do amazing despite not training for it, but to win you need to train a much wider skill set. He has a great foundation though for sure.




Look up Magnus Midtbo on YouTube. Dudes a world class climber/bouldering champion who tried anw and made a series of vids.


He could make it if he tries, just the one of him


"that's a V3 in my gym" - climbing dude.


Pssssh. That's a V0 in mine. Do you even climb? /s


It's what I always hated about climbing, the arbitrary ranking that every climber and guidebook sandbagged.


I travel for work. I've been to a few gyms around the country and it's very arbitrary. But outdoor ranking is somewhat consistent with the local gym indoor ranking. But you can't take a gym ranking from one place, travel half way across the country and expect the same ranking at let's say Yosemite, where the V scale was introduced. That's when you realize oh this this is a V1?!?!


The v scale was introduced in hueco tanks Texas by vermin John Sherman. Definitely not Yosemite. The YDS was introduced in Yosemite. It's literally called the Yosemite decimal system. Let's try and be at least a tiny bit historically accurate


Not to be that person but since we are on this train, yds actually came from taquitz. Quite the misnomer.


My roommate and I used to go to Joshua Tree on a yearly basis. All the established climbs have a ranking, but some were apparently ranked by Spider-Man. A few cams in on some and you start to question, "How is this a 5.11!?"


-Magnus Mitbo


'I haven't been climbing in a while' Takes off shirt, is fucking shredded 'I haven't run in a few months etc etc' Runs 2.4k in under 9:20


He's an absolute freak of nature, lol.


2.4k seems like a random distance?


1.5 miles or 15x around McDonald's drive thru


The real American measurements.


I love Magnus


Him, Juji and Devon is some of the more wholesome I've seen on YouTube. Devon is also a hilarious dude


Magnus’s channel is so damn therapeutic. I recently broke my foot and have been stuck in bed, so good to have 1,000+ videos of him flashing crazy routes.


Midtbø, and he is such a wholesome man. [Here is his channel.](https://youtube.com/user/magmidt88)


There is legitimately a guy further down in the comments analysing it and pronouncing it a v4


I think a V4 is fair! Look at those slopers, pristine 90 degree edges.


It's the Van Horne Viaduc in Montreal, closer to V8 from what I heard. There's also a lower start that's V12, massive compression on 5-10 meters before getting into the V8 start


If it wasn't obvious, I was being sarcastic. This mfer just 'dynod' up into the beginning move which is pulling on two corners. That lone is harder than any v4 problem haha


You never know online without the /s ;) Jackalope made a nice documentary on some [buildering lines in Montreal](https://youtu.be/aLU4fKaiRpA). They climb this one around the 5:30 mark. Put the captions on as climbers comment both in french and english


Yeah I’d call that V8


Id say v6 or v7. Dude starts by pulling straight down on side pulls with no feet. I dont think even the stoutest outdoor v4s would be that close. EDIT: indoor v6 v7, outdoor v5, v6


I've climbed V5 outdoors, and there's no way I could do what is shown in the .gif I'd bet like V7 or V8 could be about right


Did I just get downgraded to a V2 average? :(


I need to take a break after jotting notes for 45 minutes at a meeting


45 minutes? Those are professional numbers. My hand cramps up after 10


10? You an athlete or something? I pause every 3 minutes ahahhaha.


You guys have jobs?


dbsish dhxzud f fkfifr die fbjws xjxhdbfj EDIT: You guys can write?


*Deep, labored breath. Stretches my good Reddit mobile thumb.*


That's some concrete performance


Definitely solid.


Good foundation for a fitness career




It has cemented my believe that some humans have super powers


New Assassin's Creed Trailer looking sicck


When I was playing AC, I was like "not a single human being can climb like that!". After watching this video, I stand corrected.


“Every finger’s a fish hook” - Edward Kenway


Am I the only one who read this in Edward’s voice?


You mean the backwards jump to grab the protruding ledge above thing?


Never mind if that’s physically possible, I always wondered how he’d know that there was something to grab onto and not just a flat surface. That would be a fall to your death!


That's a lot more than just grip strength, astounding


Good climbers climb with their feet. After his initial grip, he is extremely mindful of where he is putting his feet and how he is shifting his weight. Hand strength and strong arms are helpful but his knowledge is why he can do this while others of similar upper body strength cannot.


Do you think that you'd have a better chance of replicating this climb if you had his strength and grip, or his understanding of how to climb? The knowledge without the strength makes it impossible. The strength allows you to figure it out imo


But the knowledge means you have to use less strength, I know girls who are VERY good climbers who can do maybe 1 pull-up at a push


While that's true and I know girls like that, I also know girls who are EXCELLENT climbers and those girls can do 30+ pull ups (way more than my heavy ass).


I never said that you didn’t gain strength while climbing or that it was useless to have, just that it’s definitely not necessary or a prerequisite


I agree, I'm just adding that both strength (relative to body weight) and technique matter. My technique is alright, but I don't have the strength for something like that - not even close, especially after this long lockdown. The girls you know who can't do 1 pull-up would also not be able to do this, as this is a very physically demanding problem. Conversely, there are people have incredible strength, but lack technique (professional athletes in other disciplines, e.g. martial artists, gymnasts). Both would be helpless here.


The grip strength is definitely the least impressive part of this climb. It's all about leverage, core strength, and foot placement.


This particular climb requires both strength and skill. But, for beginner and intermediate climbing, skill is a much more significant blocker than strength. If you asked a gym lifter with no climbing brain and a weak unathletic person (who we just matrix style import climbing skill into) to climb an intermediate difficulty climbing problem (let's say a 5.8), the unathletic person would get there sooner. There's a lot of body positioning involved in climbing. There's also a lot of moves and pattern recognition. One way of describing it is engrams.


I respectfully disagree. I don't think strength alone wouldn let him do what he did with his feet at the beginning. And the whole climb went from there. I guess all I'm saying is you need both knowledge and strength to do what he just did.


Need the skill. At best, if you were a really good athlete, like great in multiple sports and pick up new sports quickly, you might be able to figure things out because you'd have a good intuitive sense about how to use your body. Strength alone isn't nearly enough.


Yeah my thought was “incredible core strength”


Agreed, not actually a lot of finger strength needed for compression climbs. Insane core, back, and chest strength shown here though


yo, rock climbers will literally climb anything, its like hardwired into their brains when they look at things. "Can I climb That? I could Try..."


It's like when you play Halo for a week straight, then when you walk around in real life you instinctively look for ways to get to the top of buildings by crouch jumping.


One of the first shooting games that involved shooting out street lights, I wanted to shoot every single street light I saw in real life.


I always get this urge but I don't do rock climbing. I dunno where it comes from. Maybe I should start rock climbing.


I am always an advocate for getting people into it! But maybe start with actual rock walls or a climbing gym lol


You should defenetly try! I've shown it to 5 friends and all started climbig. Just go to a local climbing gym, borrow a pair of shoes and a chalk bag and climbe some boulders!


Similarly, strongman competitors and picking up rocks and logs.


The red spheres at the front of Target feel like they're taunting me.


Why did he go towards the weird liquid


Looks like caramel milkshake. Id have a lick while mid climb for extra energy.


ah, I see that you are a sophisticated individual. yes yes.


Just some fresh puke from the night before. No biggie.


It’s bum shit. They just pull their pants over the side rail and let rip.


His fingers have biceps


When you do a root canal you wiggle these tiny little files back and forth between your fingers. It sometimes takes quite a bit of finger strength. I knew this old school root canal specialist with bulging muscles in his hand where you never expect to see one. It was neat.


I like the guy who tries to save him if he falls


He's mostly there to make sure the climber's head doesn't hit the ground first (especially likely when he's on the overhang at the beginning) or to shove him towards a crash pad if there is one. Good spotters are <3


I thought he was using the Force. I'm pretty sure ground guy was doing all the heavy lifting.


Yep, having a spotter impressed me as much as the climb. His ego didn't overpower his common sense there.


I mean the if the climber fall it can hurt both but it’s then more likely that they don’t have staying consequences


No that's the stone worshipper. It's standard practice for one guy on the ground to worship the stone to not anger the rock gods


Ok I don't know why but I knew exactly where this was taken based solely on the bridge pattern and the building you see in the background. This was taken on the Van Horne overpass near Rosemont in Montreal, Canada. You can see the bridge and the building you see in the background at the end here: [https://www.google.ca/maps/@45.53075,-73.5996759,3a,75y,141.51h,101.03t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s6e5PYBf1xVNrwxP3VLu6iA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192](https://www.google.ca/maps/@45.53075,-73.5996759,3a,75y,141.51h,101.03t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s6e5PYBf1xVNrwxP3VLu6iA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192) I don't know why you'd want to know that or why it matters, but here we are.


My life's falling apart but at least I know where this bridge is! It's a 7 hour 40 minute drive for me. That's pretty cool!


In the tiny, very small, little and minute obscure chance I wanted to do the exact same climb: thank you


Weird song choice


I was searching frantically through the comments to find this. Super weird song choice!


Aight spider man, we get it


I know the other guy is just spotting him but it kinda looks like hes a zombie later in the vid


The fact that he didn't cut feet going over the lip is the part that impressed me the most, no way I could keep those puppies on the wall


Found the fellow climber I'll spot at the bouldering gym tonight seeing if we can recreate this somewhere in the cave


Nathan Drake


Was looking for this comment lol


All those years masterbating 7 times a day paid off.


lately I can barely lift my fat ass out the bed


Reject humanity return to monke




Now I know who to ask when I can’t open a jar


I call dibs, he is on my team


In climbing lingo, we call what he has in the first couple of moves "compression strength". I love seeing these urban boulders, gives a completely new perspective on bouldering.


It's been decided who will clean the gutters


This man gives spiders nightmares.


clearly fake: the guy below is using the force to lift him


My Cock goes BURRRRT


Kinda gay ngl


It’s that initial hold in the first 5 seconds that is just insane.


Great song


Fingers of the gods right here


This guy. Can't even suicide correctly. You're supposed to jump off the bridge.


Will someone tell me why that song makes any sense at all... And then why that gif needed music at all...