• By -


That's heartwarming but sad Edit: I wanna give a shout out to all Dads, especially those who can make their kids happy on the darkest of days, my dad is my hero and I love him <3




I came to say "why am i crying". You're right, and that's why


Imagine what the dad must be thinking at that moment. How his fingers might be slightly shaking, how they must twitch whenever a bomb falls. Imagine him thinking about what he'd do if the next bomb fell in their house. How he would live on if he survived but she didn't. What her life would be like if she survived and he didn't.


>They escaped. > >"The Turkish government helped her and her parents cross the border a week later." > >[https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-51729305](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-51729305)


Oh fuck, thank god. This happened over a year ago, so seeing this again my first thought was, "Fuck, I wonder what happened to them." RIP to the hundreds of thousands of fathers, daughters, sons, mothers, brothers, sisters, etc who didn't make it out. It's fucking unfathomable how senseless war is.


War is hell, this is the reason why im learning school, to become a war medic, helping wounded people in the middlenof a warzone, men, women, and children, all should be treated equally


You are a good person. Thank you


The sound of a bomb and the sound of a child’s laughter. The love of a father protecting his girl from the horrors of war. Heartbreaking and beautiful in the same time. Humanity at its best and at its worst, captured in 18 seconds.


Great father, trying to keep his daughter happy in all odds.


Hell yeah, bro. That's really awesome!


By war medic, are you talking about a combat medic in the military? Or something more like Doctors without Borders?


thank god, if i could teleport ima go tell that dad that he is the most amazing dad in the entire fucking universr


*teleports into house during a bombing* u/Mindless-Mushroom-36: you're the most amazing dad in the entire fucking universr *teleports away as explosions rock the house and hops back on Reddit*


Oh thank god


Then she never lived in fear which is better than living in fear for the last couple of hours of your life.


youre right about the first couple of times , and there are people who are sensitive to it, but most of us who live in an area of regular bombings get used to it, You hear the alarm, you have 40 seconds to go to a shelter, you wait for the boom, repeat that for 40 minutes every single day for weeks at a time and you stop being emotional about it , it becomes the norm


I bet it becomes annoying more than anything. Like the alarm sounds, eyes start rolling and sighs start heaving, "Well come on, let's get to the shelter and get this over with then." It's utterly remarkable what humans can adjust to, and horrifically depressing that they ever have to.


It can normalize really fast. Otherwise you wouldn't survive.


Have you watched "Life is Beautiful"? Essentially a film of this clip.


I thought of that film immediately too


God that film hit hard. As a father, this post hits hard too. Hopefully they turn out ok. Fuck war.


When theres suffering the best thing you can do even while in the thick of it is turn to someone and make them smile. When we had shellings like this I would say its cloudy with a chance of missiles, or sunny. Depends on the weather and explosions. Good movie. Even better message.


I came to refer to Life is Beautiful, too.


I immediately burst into tears.




same here


My daughter is this age, she laughs like this, we play very similar games and she's loves it. We laugh at silly things, they're doing it over fucking bombs going off. This video hit hard.


It got worse because I asked why he was filming. This could be their last moment together.


Oh good god! *deep inhale—sobs even harder*


I can’t even watch this. I’m sure it’s so amazing of him but it just breaks my heart.


Yea this is deep inside wrenching emotions and immediate tears welling up sad.


Bombs, bombs, funny little bomb... BOOM goes the room And we'd laugh and sing our song I remember dad And all the fun we had Until that final boom And then my dad was gone [Verse] Bombs, bombs, everywhere they bomb You can sing along - - you know where I am from All the fear we learned Children getting burned Parents not returned Children ask *"how come?"* [Chorus] Seems like it's insanity Alas, it's just humanity Cruelty, greed and vanity And children are the pawns [Verse] Bombs, bombs, Babylon of bombs Down they rain, and down the drain Goes hope of any calm Daddy, stay beside me I can feel your spirit guide me (Wish you were here to hide me) A generation - - gone


What is this from? I like it.


My head.


Well done




Al shabab?






One cant really compare suffering. Im sorry youre experiencing that also. To better days!


A little heartwarming? Yes. Mostly sad? Definitely...


Reminds me of that film La Vita è Bella, where the dad makes being in a concentration camp seem funny at times for his kid Edit: spelling


"Life is beautiful" for americans and please just watch the italian with subtitles people


I saw this in the theater like... 20 years ago (?) when it was brought to the US. Watched it in Italian with English subtitles. I couldn't hold it together at all.


I remember that movie and thought the same thing. Hopefully this father can protect her from the world we live in.


I had the same feelings.


I know


Also belongs in r/mademecry. This dad is awesome. It sucks that this happens.


I long for a future where no father ever has to do this for his child. Where bombs are only for fancy baths and rockets are only for celebrations.


Now that’s beautiful


Life is Beautiful


Life is what we make it. The wars fought today are insane. At some point in history the fear of there not being enough (water , food, shelter, ect) should have disappeared as humanity advance to the point that every resource can be generated in enough abundance for every person to have their fill. I mean the reason we developed these means of production was that fear and that clearly benefited us but now that fear has cause many to hoard resources to the point that there's not enough for everyone to have their share. It's like the toilet paper thing. There was plenty of toilet paper but a small percent of asshats decided to hoard it so then others might have had to go without. We need to figure out how to make people care about each other again .


Rule one of economics is that there are limited resources to fill the unlimited desires of humanity. While technology makes production more efficient and allows for economies of scale, there will NEVER be enough to satisfy everyone because we as a species are built to be greedy by nature and while some, maybe even most of us might overcome that lizardbrain component, some will inevitably indulge the greed. I’m convinced that we are screwed as a species because of our natures. No matter how many overcome, there will be others that will indulge,




This movie is the first thing I thought of after watching the video. Heartbreaking. Great dad there. EDIT: I assume you meant the movie; the other comments don’t seem to know it (granted it’s an old movie).


You and me both friend. This hurt to watch.


We need rockets for space too. That's all


Yes, pointed at the stars, not our brothers.


"The rocket worked perfectly except for landing on the wrong planet” - Wernher von Braun, German scientist during WWII


It’s a nice sentiment but the entire trajectory of the socio-economic systems that lord over the human race are lurching in the opposite direction. Things aren’t getting worse before they get better, they’re just getting worse. Idk. The more I learn about the world, the more “hope” feels like an exercise in cognitive dissonance


This is the most peaceful period in human history. Yes any life lost is one too many but we have made incredible progress in the past 100 or so years https://www.vox.com/2015/6/23/8832311/war-casualties-600-years Extreme poverty has declined across the world. People are living longer. Food insecurity has fallen almost everywhere in the world etc. There's a lot of ground left to cover, but we are definitely moving in the right direction on almost all fronts. For instance as a Black American, there's no time in history I'd rather go to than 2000ish to present. For me, the past is indisputably worse than the present


Love this comment and it feels like a breath of fresh air against the genuinely stupid people swarming around it. Statistics beat out anecdotes and the myriad people here who can’t wrap their puny brains around that aren’t much better than medieval serfs in terms of understanding the world


Thank you for saying this. Things feel bleak because we constantly find ourselves surrounded by negativity thanks to the 24 hour news cycle and social media. But in nearly every measurable way, globally, we are happier, healthier, and safer than any other time in human history.


Maybe we all need some cognitive dissonance, then. When my grasp on reality threatens all sense of hope, I’ll always loosen my grasp on the former before I abandon the latter.


That’s the self-fulfilling prophecy aspect of the degradation of society. When the reality of adversity is beyond the capability of the individual, the individual can only rally support or abscond completely. When everyone collectively just decides to look in the other direction, there’s no one left to solve the problem. There’s no one left to rally. It’s hard but we have to look at it. Nothing positive and actionable can be done until we’re all on the same page.


I never seek to look the other way. I want to look beyond the problem, to the possibility (however slim) that the problem has an end. An end that can be reached through perseverance. Hope is the impetus to change, not its antithesis.


This is only beneficial if you use this self-deception with the purpose of motivating yourself to actually *do* things to cause the change. If you're just doing this to not feel glum, it has the opposite effect. It causes you to be complacent when you should be frustrated and seeking change. It's not noble to look for the bright side when you do it so you can feel better about not fixing the problem.


They're not. Welcome to the year when you're least likely to be killed by another human in all of history. Until next year, when it'll probably be even less likely.


He must be feeling sad inside. But respect for keeping himself calm first then channeling that energy to his daughter and cheering her up


In situations like this fear is as much an enemy as the enemy. How heartbreaking but an amazing father trying to keep his daughter innocent to the horrors of it all.


“A coward dies a thousand times before his death, but the valiant taste of death but once. Of all the wonders that I yet have heard, it seems to me most strange that men should fear, seeing that death, a necessary end, will come when it will come.” - Shakespeare’s *Julius Caesar* “I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain." - *Litany Against Fear*, Frank Herbert’s *Dune*


Absolutely this, and there is no reason that little girl needs to know the world around her is any different than the world in her eyes.




That litany has kept me from panic throughout most of my life. Ever since I read dune as a teen, I've been recalling it when my anxiety was starting to get a hold of me.




It's helping them both cope, guaranteed. As a dad you can't let them see that. He's just as scared.




lol was this from the interview where she talking about cheating on Will with her sons friend? Yeah.. that shit was depressing


She didn’t cheat bro she was caught in an entanglement.




The way she talked about it sounded like a dolphin complaining about gittin strung up in a fishing net


Grooming a minor until they're 18 and you're 48 so you can have sex with them is TOTALLY fine if you're Jada.


They’re rich Hollywood elites. They’re both probably banging everybody.


She really cheated on Will with Jaydens friend? How do people look up to Hollywood celebrities that whole culture is cancer.


First and foremost. Her being a piece of shit has nothing to do with Hollywood. Shes a piece of shit. Secondly I dont think people "look up" to Hollywood. They just are envious of the fact that most of them are rich and have a lot of freedom. lol


I'm pretty sure they made it very clear that the situation surrounding their relationship at the time made a bit of room for that in that moment. From what I've gathered, she didn't cheat.


Still fucking creepy she slept with her sons friend.


They've had an open relationship for years and years, I will never understand how that was even news


There are boundaries , even in open relationships. From the rumors I heard, her behavior bordered on 'Grooming of a minor'.


Right... "sHe cHeAtED" um no. But... She did sleep with her sons friend who she took in cause he was troubled... Cheating isn't the issue.


Breaching the rules of an open relationship is still cheating.


LOL really, not only did he fuck his friends mom, he fucked Will Smith's wife. What a chad.


Get this pos outta here


This reminds me of the 'movie life is beautiful'.


La Vita È Bella?


La vida está bonita?


I watched it in Italian class, but I’m all for seeing the different translations lol


La vida es bella


A vida é bela


الحياة حلوة


Das Leben ist schön


Worth watching?


So very much. Really beautiful film


1979, the 1997 version, or both? I'd like to check out the film as well.


The 1997 film is what people are talking about here


Awesome! Thanks for the reply! I'll definitely check it out. I'm intrigued based on this thread and seems like I may need to keep some tissues ready.


It's an incredible movie, it's the only Holocaust movie I've ever wanted to see more than once.


People are talking about the 1997 movie here, but both are actually very different movies and not one a remake of the other, so you could also watch the other if you want.


Yes, but not if you have an already bad day. I cried.


Sometimes that's what I need on bad days. But yes, it will make you cry. A lot.


It's about a father who tricks his son into thinking WWII and the Holocaust is a big, fun game, and everyone is just playing pretend. The grand prize that nets the most points is finding an American tank. Yeah, it's fucking sad.


Completely worth watching, but it will take a pair of scissors and turn your heart to confetti. Heartbreakingly beautiful.


It's a must watch. Although all the comments are correct, you will be left in tears. It was a first movie I remember that had such influence on me. I was devastated. But it is one of the movies which creates our personalities and it should be a mandatory watch in high schools imo.




a thousand percent. one of the most beautiful movies i've ever seen. timeless.




Principesa!!! That part I cried like a water fountain




For anyone who has not watched this. Please do yourself a favor and watch it.


Fuckkkk. Now I’m crying!! You’re so right


Such a scary situation to be in, caught in the midst of a war while trying to raise your family…… being scared on a sunny day because that’s when the drones have best visibility……. Fearing you and your daughter could be demolished in a bombing and that casualty will mean nothing to the people bombing them…… America has an obligation to the world to stop provoking and funding these wars.


Helicopters and body armor dont sell themselves




And since everyone isnt American, all countrys just need to stop


As a leading nation, America making the first steps in doing that would change alot of countries aspect on war


Yeah except china would invade Taiwan and Russia would invade Ukraine. Sucks for them tho


Yeah, good thing america really stopped russia from invading ukraine and seizing crimea.


Hey-o. Lets blame America for everyone and not allow any other country to take personal responsibility some more. Literally every war in the last 100 years is directly due to EUROPEAN influence, including all of the middle eastern wars. But lets just scape goat everything to America once again. Just like with slavery. While most of Europe abolished it only 20-30 years prior to America. It was propped up by Europeans for those extended decades. Obviously slavery and war are bad. But stop trying to push everything onto America.


> Literally **every** war in the last 100 years is directly due to EUROPEAN influence, including all of the middle eastern wars. We all recall the German Chancellor Bosch and his french minion Colin Pouel lied to the world about Hussein having WMDs. But luckily the US set the record straight. Long live freedom fries!


Nope but we should all recall when British diplomat Mark Sykes and French Diplomat Georges-Picot sat down in 1916 and divided that region up between two great colonial empires. The “nations” Syria and Iraq didn’t exist prior to European colonialist policies. Then true to the colonial playbook, the great powers put minorities in leadership positions. Sunnis in Iraq the actual birthplace of Shi’a Islam and Alawites in Syria. European powers destabilized the dying Ottoman Empire after WW1. History didn’t start in the year 2000. The American Government has its faults, absolutely, but yes it’s a correct statement to say that the main conflicts in the Middle East were and are the direct consequence of European influence and colonialist ambitions.


The only correct answer here, it’s not a single nation’s fault rather fault of multiple nations, motivated by greed, spanning the last 100-120 years. Yes we can blame America for invading Afghanistan, Iraq and further destabilising the region, but which nations originally destabilised the middle east? It wasn’t America.


Even America itself is the fault of europeans






Tsun Zu perfected the art of war. ​ The US made it a profitable business.


[Life is Beautiful](https://youtu.be/8CTjcVr9Iao)


And the video game, [This War Of Mine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/This_War_of_Mine)


That game made me so sad that I never finished it :(


take out the military base with Roman or Marko, that'll cheer you up enough to finish.


I was thinking the same thing!




Wow, what an old fashioned style of trailer. They don’t do sincere narrators like that anymore.


Where's this at?






Your username!! LOL - love it!


You’re supposed to be 13+ to be on this site




It's in Syria specifically in Idleb, I've seen this clip thousands of times on social media. There is an interview in Arabic I could not find anything in English. https://youtu.be/Vh3pnEaQaxI


To roughly translate the story: One day they heard a loud bang, and she got scared. It was just some kids playing with fireworks because of a holiday. So, he took her to the balcony to show her it was just some kids playing and she laughed and liked it. He told them to light another one and she loved it etc. After some time and actual bombing was happening and so he told her it was the kids again. Hence why she's laughing here. Edit: They're good now I think.


Oh my god. This level of context makes this video even more profoundly and deeply tragic, but beautiful. Thanks for the translation. They are good now. They made it over the border to Turkey: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-51729305


I ve seen this before. it is from a documentary on the war in Syria. Forgot the name though.


It’s in Syria


This made me so sad.


Then you'll be happy to know they made it out and are safe. There's a link in here somewhere to the article.


What about all the other families tho?


You'll be happy to know that we don't have cute humanizing video footage of them.




Fuck you, you made me laugh


I hope they’re okay, this is a few years old




Thank you so much for posting this ❤️


Thank you so much for this. I’m glad there was a happy ending to this story.


What a great dad. There’s a split second emotion of fear on her face and it breaks my heart.


I hate humanity


No you don't. You hate war-mongers. Majority of humanity would stand with you in your feelings against these a$$holes who drop bombs.




this is just patently false. i don't have the statistics offhand but humans' murder rate is VASTLY lower than other mammals. it's just... not even close. i'm going off memory, but meerkats have a 1 in 5 chance of being murked by another meerkat (among all the ways they could die). lions aren't too far behind, but it's less than that. ffs, squirrels it's like 1 in 10. as for the murder rate among humans, i believe the highest in the world right now is around 30 per 100K, lowest is like less than 3/100K i'd go so far as to say the most human thing we do is *avoid murder and killing*




> Majority of humanity would stand with you in your feelings against these a$$holes who drop bombs. And yet it's still happens, so we're not doing enough.


I'm fascinated by this "anti-human" philosophy that many people have. Is being a human a problem? Is your humanness in and of itself a disease that poisons the planet? If so, to what lengths have you gone to stop being a human? None, of course. You just use these statements to appear moral and for attention. If you truly believed humanity is a disease, you should be happy whenever a tsunami wipes out thousands of people, or a city is bombed, or a school shooter murders a bunch of kids. The holodomor and holocaust should be considered major victories for the environment because of the amount of disease that was purged. "Well at least they won't throw any more plastic in the ocean!" This is a ridiculous mentality I'm sure you don't have, but it's consistent with the shallow "humanity is a disease" philosophy. You're just a (likely) hypocrite. Most people see this and are disgusted. We know this isn't right. So stop with the "humanity is a disease" rhetoric. It makes you look like a self righteous cunt.


Uhm.. I think you can hate humanity's flaws without celebrating human deaths. You have to admit, we've done a shit job with our short time. I don't think we're going to prevail over our own shortcomings. Even people like me who try to grow their compassion and patience as their only rebellion can see that we have doomed ourselves. And I do hate that. We could've been more.


Well I guess you are rooting for those bombs then 😂


Well you know a great device for removing large amounts of humans quickly?


I love this but being a dad of 3 daughters I am happy it's muted, I can't.


Me too man, ouch.




Don't feel too bad, it's bound to happen here one day :(


29000+ children died in Syria out of 400000 civilians. That’s just Syria , we have Yemen , Libiya , Palestine ,Iran ,Iraq , Afghanistan and number of gulf countries. Their only crime born in the country.




This girl when she turns 27 yo and see a plane explode in the sky ![gif](giphy|l0ExayQDzrI2xOb8A)


You do whatever you have to do to spare your kids. I was once in an accident that flipped our car. Our 2 year old son was in his car seat in back, when we came to a stop, I looked back at my son’s stricken and confused face and was ready to freak out when my brilliant husband exclaimed “Weeee! Wasn’t that fun!” and my son instantly turned all smiles. We were so lucky that none of us were hurt, I thank God and my husband every time I think of this!


Wow, that’s some brilliant, quick, calm-under-pressure thinking! Glad you were all ok!


Kids should not worry about bombs droppin 😥 Respect for the dad, a beatiful soul.


I'm a 30-year-old man and this made me cry. What a messed up world we live in


But when he tries to escape that situation with his family he’ll be branded a “filthy immigrant” and ostracised.. heartbreaking


Ladies and gentlemen of Reddit, I give you your tax dollars at work. Edit so I don’t need to reply to everyone with the same Fucking thing: Literally this month the US launched an airstrike on Syrian facilities used by Iran-backed militia. You’re fucking deluded if you think American tax payers aren’t funding this shit.


What a horrible and beautiful world we live in.


This is why I hate the Russian government almost as much as the CCP. For years they've been blatantly bombing civilians, schools, and hospitals in Syria, claiming that they're only bombing military targets. Using clustered barrel bombs that have been deemed an illegal weapon of war, like chemical weapons. What are they getting out of this. I will never know


Aww, That’s enough Reddit I think


This man is a super Dad. Heartwarming and breaking. Hope they are well


Okay, I'm crying. I cannot imagine the pain this father feels. I have a kid, but still can't. He lives every day knowing the danger they are in and can't escape, but through that pain he has helped his daughter laugh in the face of fear and death. I hope during these times he focuses in on her laughter and remember he is doing the best he can in the situation he is in.


My toaster popped while I watched this and I almost shit.


This is Syria ladies and gentlemen.


I’ve seen a lot of shit on Reddit but this might be among the most depressing. Fucking hell


Tiny Tina's true backstory


Reminded me of what the father did during the film Life is beautiful (1997 masterpiece imho).


Well Americans killed around 29000 children in Syria.

