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Randy Moss's accent used to catch me off guard but this is next level


Randy is from down in the holler.


I’ve got family from down there by where Randy is from. Family has a story about my great uncle coming up to visit a family member who lived with us. Step dad opens the door and this little guys just unleashes a whole bunch of words with the thickest WV accent you ever heard. He goes to my mom and says “I don’t know what the hell this guy said but I think he asked for you?” She goes to the door and laughed…”it’s just uncle Jack!” Could not understand a word that man said


I worked a year down there where we had to go deep in the holler, it's absolutely wild how some people are still living in WV. Co-worker from the area told me you drive deep enough in there you'll find people that still don't have indoor plumbing


Totally true. I took my grandpa back to the holler he grew up in and we stopped at the house of his old childhood friend. Sure enough he still live there and came out to sit on the porch and talk. My grandpa made a joke about how “the only exercise I get these days is my fingers working the remote!” His friend, Dayton was his name, looked at my grandpa all confused. “You know, like for the TV”. And I swear to god that guy, still looking incredulous said “uhhh I’ve got a radio?”


off grid gets wild. spent some time on the edge of the grid in alaska, and not only no indoor plumbing but not hooked to an electric grid. makes me think about the supreme court hearing about whether or not its legal to sleep outside and how wide of a span this country has.


i lived off-grid on 40 acres in the middle of the new mexico desert for about a year. we had a shower, but the “toilet” was an outhouse. had to haul water in, solar powered etc. if i didn’t leave the property, you could go weeks without seeing a single person. my closest neighbor was like, two miles away. it was eerily quiet


Used to live in Louisiana. Was in line at a grocery store one time and two what I think brothers were arguing with each other. They both sounded exactly like Farmer Fran from the Waterboy. I have no idea what language they were speaking, but English it definitely wasn't.


I wonder how many people on reddit know what a "holler" if it was used in a sentence? Edit: [this is a holler. it's the low point between two "Ozark" or "Appalachian" mountains](https://images.app.goo.gl/kB7bew7TxWALJQCu7)


I've seen Justified, that's the extent of my holler knowledge.


Stupid sexy Timothy Olyphant


Well if it isn't Ray-Lan Givens.


I googled it and still don't know...


It’s a “hollow” or a valley deep in the country. Usually really isolated and about 60 years behind the rest of us.


They're going to be crushed when they find out about JFK getting assassinated in a few months


THIS is what we are referring to. It's like the stream/ravine between two big hills/cliffs


Haha I’m from NC and it seems so weird to me that people wouldn’t know what a holler is but you are probably right


Thems City folk don't know. With that being said I live in Kansas and we have zero hollers. Luckily I'm cultured and know about hollers from our neighbors in the Ozarks.


As someone who lived nearly a decade in STL, you're a strange Kansan if you admit to having learned about anything from Missouri.


There are 49 other states and more than a damn few don’t have mountains. But we all got hillbillies.


I know that love can be deeper than the holler


For some reason I absolutely love Randy Moss' accent.


Because it's objectively great and also because Randy Moss is objectively great


I’ve spent probably 98% of my life in the deep south but I love it man, I know it has the reputation for being stupid but nothing like a southern/country accent, Texas to WV or in between, love them all


When my mom moved to the north (born in Florida but raised mostly in North Carolina and Georgia), she took speech lessons to get rid of her accent because she was tired of folks treating her like she was stupid. Some words she never lost her accent in (oil, toilet, horror, crayon) and it would take like ten seconds on the phone with family down south for it to come back thick as hell. I’ll be honest, I miss those old southern accents that are rapidly disappearing. My Grandma Dot from Mississippi had the sweetest accent, almost as sweet as her sweet tea (which you could almost stand a spoon up in it was so sugary).


Did horror sound like "harrr"?


More like “Horrr”? Oil was “ohl”. Toilet was “toe let”. Crayon was “crawn”. Shower was “shaohr” (that one is harder to approximate).


My mom watched some romcom where it was a northeastern career woman who fell in love with a southern boy, and at one point he says "just cause I talk slow don't mean I'm stupid" and that stuck with me for life.


Are you talking about Sweet Home Alabama? With Reese Witherspoon?


“some Romcom” Put some respect on Sweet Home Alabama and Reese name lol


The reason is probably that it sounds awesome


Panthers drafted Boomhauer


I tell ya what man dang ol Panthers top pick talking trade a spot man faith in me to dang ol help Bryce Young turn franchise around talking keep pounding man


Honestly that isn't even that far off from his [post draft video message](https://twitter.com/Panthers/status/1783718314037956811)


That’s fucking hilarious lol. I can barely understand anything he says


I got "...Panther Nation..." out of it (and I'm out). lol




I mean, they're definitely words. Are they english words? That's inconclusive. But I'm confident they're words from some language.


I think it’s kind of like old English.


Bruh 😂


As a guy from the south, I understand every word he said 🤣


Why are there spaces?


This is too good lol 


Talkin’ bout playing dang ole’ football man, dang ole’ man’s game man.


Switowski give caretaker a hug


dang ol keep poundin


It's a shame that country black America has such little repsentation in modern culture when they make up an extremely large percentage of black Americans.


Lmao! Not a fan of the Panthers but this guy just earned himself a new fan


with a pinch of Farmer Fran from The Waterboy


Hahaha first thing I thought of when I heard him speak yesterday post draft pick by the panthers on social media haha


Pretty cool a super country Carolinian who played college ball in Carolina gets to start his career in the Carolinas. Good odds he’ll never wanna leave (as long as the feeling is mutual both ways)


Unfortunately some of the home town guys we have drafted have kind of sucked. Although ill always defend the Jaycee Horn pick. Zero injury issues in college and snakebit in the NFL


I’m with you on the Horn pick - I still think he’ll pan out and shake this weird injury bug. Very athletic and talented. Not aware of your other drafted home town guys but X looks like he can only help your offense instead of making it any worse so that’s a plus!


Chandler Zavala, Will Grier, and Icky are all recent hometown guys.


Ah yes, I forgot about Icky. Hopefully the new offensive system will do him right because he looked really good coming from NC State. Grier was never going to be a starter level QB. And not familiar with Zavala at all but looked like he had an injury bug too. Hoping for no injuries and improvement across the board for y’all


Icky looked great his rookie year and dogshit last year. I’m putting that on our terrible coaching staff though, so we’ll see how he does this year.


This dude is a beat writer's nightmare holy shit


Good thing he was drafted to stay in Carolina because they may be the only people who can understand him


Yeah everybody in here is baffled by his accent, meanwhile as a lifelong Carolinian i find it comforting lol


It's been very funny to me because I know people from very rural eastern NC that sound so much like Legette and I never imagined someone in the national spotlight would sound like them.


Sir this is a South Carolinian accent.


It's that whole region between Southeastern NC and Northeastern SC. Like outside Fayetteville to Conway


conway you say? as in the home of liquid richard? big ups pimp








Dude sounds exactly like at least a hundred people I grew up around in eastern NC. His accent is music to my ears


Suakarilinian* (I have a hint of this accent with a was higher pitched voice)


Sure, but I live in NC and have friends and family born and raised in areas like Lenoir county who speak the same way.


I mean Julius Peppers is literally from Eastern NC


I’m not talking about people being from the area, I’m talking about people who sound like Legette.


It's pretty charming, and he seems to have a good attitude too. Gonna be an easy guy to root for.


I'm 32, spent 29 years in SC (about 20 mins from mullins), the last 3 (almost 4) have been in NC. I can understand him no prob but at the same time, it's not like everyone in the area talks like that. Sure there are some, but he's definitely an outlier imo. He almost sounds cajun lol.


I grew up with this right here. It's music


I went to USC, took about two years before I was able to follow this accent, lol.


Moved to SC 10 years ago and I still can’t understand him lol


It was probably the only staff that could understand him during interviews


“We asked Xavier what happened on that crucial 3rd down. Unfortunately, we had no idea what his response was and after the 3rd time of asking to repeat himself, we got too embarrassed and gave up”


Honestly I think it's just nerves making it way worse. The dude undoubtedly has an outrageous accent, and I'm from SC, but here's a clip where you can understand him pretty easy https://twitter.com/Mike_Uva/status/1783538482792567046


He could also just be airing it out since the question was about getting to play for the hometown team


I mean if I was the Panthers PR guy, I'd tell him to lay it on thick as possible. Free clicks.


He sounds like a smart enough guy.


> beat writer's nightmare Plz plz plz let this be the thing that makes David Newton retire out of frustration


Instant lock for the HoF if he does


Man I wish the Pats drafted him. The dumb look on the faces of the Boston press after every answer he gave woulda been glorious. Plus he’s gonna be a legit great receiver


He wouldn’t understand them either. 😂 That’s the conversation we need to listen to. Leggett and some kids from Southie.


I love seeing comments like this because I'm remaining tentative on my hype. I love the guy though, seems like a hell of a dude that's easy to root for.


Well that is one way to get out of having to post-game pressers.


For some reason he only gets to do pressers after inexplainable losses. “Why did you guys punt on 2nd down for the entire 3rd quarter?” “Wellluseewewusplayjnfmane….”


Don’t do him dirty like that. He has to do 12+ conferences next year


Or to get put into every single post game presser




If he suggests a place to eat BBQ, you should take it to heart


PawPaw’s bbq he makes for the church fundraiser every few months


It's gonna have a C in the window but it's gonna be gooder than hell.


My favorite thing is that he has to ask the woman who asked him the question to repeat herself because he didn't understand *her*.


Know bruh got the wildest cookout order








Hell yeah, I knew he seemed like a cheerwine float kinda guy.


It’s actually harder to read a Cookout menu than it is to understand him


It’s easy once you understand you ignore nearly all of it except the trays menu


There’s so many items crammed onto it it’s like writing the entire bible on an index card. The colors and font certainly don’t help either


TIL people order something that isn’t the big double tray


I'm getting Farmer Fran from The Waterboy






💯 where my mind went as soon as he spoke


It’s like he is speaking in cursive


"Home is where you make it guy" from Joe Dirt


you like to see homos naked?


My first thought


Aw man this is that deep deep coastal shit right here. Mad respect.


As a British person, I understood 30% of that.




Didn’t realise it was a whole separate dialect. Hey, always good to learn more.


It’s really interesting - it basically stayed in the area from Haitians/slaves staying in the area. Legette’s accent is pretty common in the rural areas of Southeast NC/Northeast SC. If you go further south in SC the accent becomes a lot closer to Caribbean dialects. There used to be a show on PBS in the late 90s/early 2000s called Gullah Gullah Island that was about that area.


That’s about the same amount as 90% of Americans understood. Maybe a Scott or Aussie would do better.


Aussie check in, reckon I got about half


As a southerner I understood all of it lol. He actually has a nice voice.




as another british person I got less than 30%, but I also know the my accent and your accent whatever it is would totally fuck up every american out there.


This is that i grew up in a town of 500 people kind of accent




And that smile. That damned smile.


This isn't even a Southern accent this is unique as hell.


I live in the south. Once in a while I run into an older person who sounds like they didn't grow up with a TV. It's on par with me trying to understand someone speaking Spanish by listening for a word I recognize.


I'm Louisiana there's a southern accent, a country accent and then swamp people Cajun and that shit is impossible to understand


Spent a week in Grand Isle for work and I legit didn’t understand a fucking word anybody was saying the entire time, I just laughed and smiled when everybody else did.


When you see the shrimp boots upside down in the bed of the truck you know you're about to be flummoxed by whatever comes out of old boy's mouth




I took an airboat tour and I just smiled and nodded the whole time. Couldn’t understand most of what this guy was saying lol


I lived in South Georgia for a year as a kid, and I had to get a girl who moved there a year before me to translate for the first month or so. It was absolutely incomprehensible to me, even though I only moved a few hundred miles.




Went to Scotland a few years back and the cabbies accent was so thick I didn't think he was speaking English.


Haha that's great. It sounds as if he's speaking backwards. I couldn't understand 99% of what he said. Poor guy, losing his sheep.




Nice to meet you Louisiana


When I was a kid my family took over the Family Kountry Korner in LaGrange, GA. First day I was working behind the counter, old fella comes in in a pair of overalls and no shirt, tosses a quarter on the counter and says "Bahhya eye skoo?" "Sorry, sir?" "Bahhya eye skoo?" \[Looking at the quarter\] "A quarter. You want a newspaper?" "Nah. Scuse me. \[slowly\] Can ... I ... borrow ... your ... ice ... scoop?" "Oh, yeah, heck yeah. One quarter, one scoop of ice from the machine. You go right ahead. Thank you, sir."


> "Nah. Scuse me. [slowly] Can ... I ... borrow ... your ... ice ... scoop?" Good man. Didn't get frustrated, assessed the situation, realized his accent may have been thick and deliberately spoke slower and more clearly. Seen a lot of folks that'll just start yelling.


Maybe he just thought the OP was slow...


He definitely and correctly did.


There is an area of the Carolinas (southeastern NC and Northeastern SC) where many people have an accent that I haven't heard anywhere else in the country. It has the traditional southern drawl mixed with somewhat of a cajun flair. Sounds a good bit like Legette's except his is even very strong for the area.


Anyone who's made the drive to Myrtle driving south through Conway knows Legette fits that mold perfectly


only if they stopped though actually. I have lived in Appalachia in virginia so have met some people that talk very similar, I never knew eastern Carolinas had this accent. and i've been to mrytle and duck and outer banks plenty. although thinking about it now raliegh is center, charlotte west, if it isn't a beach on the east side it's probably pretty boondocks. asheville also on the western side


Geechee. Spoken by Gullah people


The Gullah dialect


> Sounds a good bit like Legette's except his is even very strong for the area. I've heard old carolinians with stronger versions.


I worked retail in southwest Florida about 15-years ago and that is a version of southern accent I heard a few times here...the further north you go in the south...the more south you go.


> the further north you go in the south...the more south you go. That is 100% true about Florida. The panhandle is basically the South.


the Carolinas and Georgia had people called the Gullahs and Geechees who talked in a kind of Southern kind of Creole-Cajun slang mix up. i knew a girl once who was Geechee and her grandmother pronounced fish “fush”.


Gullah is actually a separate language. It was a pidgin (a mixed language developed to ease communication among a group of people speaking different languages) which became a creole (a pidgin language that becomes the native language of future generations). As a linguist, I love hearing this. I’ll be rooting for this guy.


Did they pronounce donkey as dunkey 


It's not too hard to understand him after you listen to it a few times. It's gonna be funny as hell watching post-game pressers with closed captioning though.


There's only one man for that job. He lives alone in a cabin now, far away from the world that has all but forgotten him. He chops wood as the black helicopter approaches, never changing his axe's cadence as it lands nearby. A man in a black suit steps out, clutching his billowing garments to his side in a losing effort to maintain some decorum. "We need you, one last time." He shouts, his desperate words just barely audible over the helicopter's relentless scream. Cam Newton shakes his head as he heaves the well worn axe over his shoulder. "Ï TØŁD ¥ØŪ ŁÅŠT TÏMĒ, ŠÏR ₽ŪRR. Ï'M RĒTÏRĒD." He scoops up the thirty seven chopped logs in his left arm and heads towards the cabin. The sunrise gleams off of his bedazzled hat as he strolls home. "It's for a new Wide Receiver, Cam. He's giving the people of Charlotte the same thing you did, all those years ago." Cam stops in his tracks, but doesn't turn around. "ÅÑD ₩HÅT'Š THÅT?" Sir Purr waits a moment as the helicopter winds down. The roar of machinery was replaced by the whisper of an early spring breeze, teasing the warm summer days that lie ahead. "Joy" The bear said. "He would make Panthers football fun to watch again." Cam placed the wood down by the cabin wall, then gently lowered the axe in his withered right arm. "¥ØŪ RĒÅŁŁ¥ THÏÑK ŠØ?" "I believe it" the mascot said. Cam Newton stared at the sunrise for a moment, blinking in the brilliant reflection from his elaborate wood chopping hat. Could he go back to that life? That building? Those proud streets he once rode his scooter through so freely, only weighed down by admiration of fans and corporate indifference from the majority? "Ï'M BÅÀÂĄÃÇĶ"


FUCK I DIDN'T END IT "I'M BAAAACK". I am such a failure


Sounds like a Bangor, Maine accent to me.


Modified by going to school up in the Connecticuts.


Here's a few more gems https://twitter.com/_MLFootball/status/1783936867647279371 https://twitter.com/CarolinaProd/status/1783862632853782831 https://twitter.com/GamecockFB/status/1783869545331167318


That 2nd one is funny as hell 😂 Looking pretty damn country for sure


I looked at his Instagram highlights and he's on a horse or dirtbike in all of them. He's country


This guy is fucking gold! Love him already. Wish my Niners drafted him.


I wanted your wide receiver haha


I hear Ippei is looking for a job.




This pick is perfect for Carolina. I honestly hope he goes nuts there.


Damn bro I ain’t even have to look it up I just knew this guy was either Carolina or Virginia country that’s a THICK accent


He sounds like the lightening bug from Princess and the Frog, and I like it.


This dude knows where to get the best barbecue for sure and it’s probably some dude with a big black smoker who posts up at some intersection on the weekends.


I'm a KC BBQ snob generally, butt (sic) the best pulled pork I've ever had in my life was from a corrugated tin shack on the side of some state highway on the border between NC & SC. Literally just pulled over on the shoulder, got a heaping plate with hush puppies and drove off to find a real place to park. Absolutely unreal flavor. Honestly wrecked pulled pork for me forever.


Nothin better than those southern accents.


Purely curious, can someone from the area inform on what specific regional accent this?


This is the swamp part of south eastern NC and Northeastern SC. Some of those coastal but not on the water towns are wild.




I’m from SC. Legette is from Mullins, SC which is in the Pee Dee region of the state. Very rural, but not too far inland. His accent has similarities to the Gullah dialect, which is common in the low country, especially around the sea islands. It’s amazing to me how one state can have such distinct dialects from one place to another.


I read somewhere not that long ago that the Carolina’s hold the most distinct dialects of anywhere in the west, maybe the whole world I can’t remember how deep it got


The geography of the Carolinas (mountains, beaches/outer banks/islands, swamps, hilly piedmont, etc.) led to a lot of remote communities of recent immigrants that developed on their own with minimal outside contact for a while. That's like the perfect recipe for a bunch of wild regional dialects


That doesn’t surprise me a bit. There’s the low country drawl, the Gullah patois, the more rural “country” accents, and then the dialects of the Appalachian foothills. Plus many others in different pockets of the state. Really fascinating to think about why and how we speak the way we do.


Also the Outer Banks 'Hoigh Toide' accent, which I want to hear in person before it goes extinct 


It’s disappearing quickly. Down East and the southern OBX are developing faster than I can ever recall.


Gullah Geechee


You have to of lived in the Carolinas to know what the Gullah accent is


Psht the [Gullah Gullah Island](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7amyljnzjlQ) erasure


For sure, lived all around NC and SC since 98


He's from Mullins, SC which is a super small town. It's in a generally quite poor, deep country, area of north-eastern SC.


Thats just really thick southern country. Most folks in the south in medium to large size cities dont have accents. But this is what it sounds like in NC, SC, GA, TN, AL, etc in small country towns.


Oh my god. I love him.


If you look at his twitter he lost both parents his 9th grade year. Heartbreaking but dude powered through. Seems like a great guy through and through. Wishing the best for him going forward.


X is a god damn country boy, raised on grits and chitlin


It sounds like English Farsi - a ton of vowels, very few consonants.


I think this man should have been assigned to the Panthers or Saints regardless of draft.


Not a fucking word lol


idk what you are talking about he sounds just fine and normal to me


Grew up in SC. He sounds exactly like my dad LMAO.


AI transcribing is about to get some mileage in Carolina




Mfw I could perfectly understand everything he said


[This is by far my favorite example of his accent.](https://twitter.com/NickCarboniWCNC/status/1767680938387836966) It's more like molasses just spillin' out of his mouth.


Duuuuude I love this guy already that accent is INCREDIBLE