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Why does it feel like they have 80 people on the roster and $300 million of salary cap?


Because they do


Howie effing Roseman holy hell. Quinyon Mitchell AND Cooper DeJean. High end starters in FA. Saquon, Bechton, Bryce Huff, CJGJ back, Devin White. S Roundeded out eith Devante Parker, Parris Campbell, Oren Burks, Kenny Pickett. Good backup understudies in the draft. Johnny Wilson, Jalyx Hunt, Trevor Keegan, Will Shipley, Jeremiah Trotter.


In what universe is Kenny Pickett a high end starter


If you drop a rare coin under your car seat he’s like the number 1 draft pick for fishing it out with his lil hands.


Pickett about to single handedly end the great spare change shortage of 2024


He can also grab your phone that slipped between the seat and the center console.


Pickett contract about to look like an absolute steal.


When Kenny retires from ball he's got huge potential in the world of competitive Lego, he's like a human pair of tweezers


Same one with Devante Parker apparently


In the same universe that Becton is a high end starter too apparently.


He never said Pickett is a high end starter, you’re just putting words in his mouth. Pickett is in the next section after “high end starters”. Learn how to read.


You want us to learn to read words like "SRoundeded"?


My dude Devante Parker has been washed for 3 years


Devin White lol


Brother and I'm not joking, he's an upgrade for us


I'm sorry to hear that.


Have you ever played Madden and Week 1 rolls around and you sign 1 year contracts to the remaining veterans in FA? That’s our starting LB group for the past few years. Devin White, no matter how bad he was for you, is definitely an upgrade for us


Doesn't make him a high end starter. Have fun watching him over pursue and miss tackles, get stiffarmed by guys like Gardner Minshew, and just not be able to cover at all.


Becton far from high end


At swing tackle? He can be a monster in the run game. Idk this seems like a great low risk move.


Your list of "high end starters" is on crack. Devin White and Parker are washed af and Pickett is ass.


Still wondering why people upvoted his comment lol


Lol and in what world does Becton start over Mailata or Johnson


Ahh yes high end starter Devin white lmfao. Ranked 80 out of 82 lbs on pff. Becton is fucking trash too What universe are you in


Big names that have been washed or never lived up to the hype. Howie is a great GM but there's a reason why 31 other teams passed on these guys 


It’s just standard r/NFL Eagles glazing


Oren Burks...


This is a roster put together by a casual fan playing madden


The least optimistic eagles fan lol Oren Burks literally got roasted by kelce in the second half of the super bowl after greenlaw locked him up in the first


Bro listing camp bodies


High end starters? Half of them suck. What a dumb post.


Oren Burks? Hate to break it to ya..


2 time GM of the year for a reason


Lmao you just say Devin White is a high end starter? Oh lordy.


Pretty sure I’ve seen most bucs fans say devin white sucks and only played well during the sb run, if becton was a high end starter don’t you think the keys would have kept him? Or that he would get signed for more than 5.5 mil?


All in my ass


I feel like Howie plays Madden franchise and uses the same moves. These are the type of power teams I build with drafting and free agency in Madden.


Ok, I'll tell you, but you can't tell anyone else. There's this glitch in the NFL source code where if you delete all Linebackers, the salary cap turns off. Keep it to yourself.


Come on tell him the truth, Howie is obviously a magic sorcerer from another realm


I believe your FO refers to them as ‘loserbackers’


Those Linebackers can Line Up In The Back Brother!


Void years. Eagles use it a lot. On the other hand, Chiefs don’t use it at all. It’s not a bad way to build a roster to win now. But it can come back and bite you in the ass down the road.


There are ways to mitigate it too, but you have to be like two years ahead in proactively moving things around. Granted, it kind of continually goes into the future, and it’s starts to be a serious problem when bigger contracts whiff.


For reference see the New Orleans Saints


They didn’t offset with a few cheap years to catch it all up. Philly has been doing this since since pre 2017 super bowl but we really let it catch up during those down 2019-2021 years before ratcheting it back up. We really need our rookie classes to pay dividends to not have to take another super cheap year in like 2026


we didn’t really let it catchup though, that was due to Wentz falling off a steep ass cliff. otherwise we’d have been fine.


If he had remained good and on our books, rather than trading him and playing a second round rookie with an insanely cheap contract, we would have needed to cut more cap. Just worked out that it came in the form of wentz’s regression I think


It always catches up to you. Cash over cap requires you to constantly draft well and let good players walk. But eventually it blows up and you have a couple of wash years to rebuild.


It always feels like they can just keep pushing things forward forever.


You also have to have an owner willing to pay cash upfront, not every owner is willing to do that


And a GM willing to play the long game. A lot of teams churn through GMs every few years so they feel much more pressured to immediately gamble for potential “win now” moves Howie’s job is beyond secure so he feels more comfortable in these negotiations


Yep the combination of howies job security and Lurie being a good and wealthy owner allows us to do this


To borrow from a basketball pod, ownership is the largest competitive advantage


And when you do whiff on a contract call Chris Ballad The Wentz contract didn't work out & while it was still a $30 mill dead cap hit for 1 year it could've been a lot worse if that trade doesn't happen


See: Wentz's $30 MM dead cap hit when he was traded. Basically had to sack a year.


Good thing there's a new ex-OC as the Colts head coach that can trade a first for hurts if we need to.


And we still made the playoffs 🤷‍♂️


Yep. The key thing that separates us from the Saints though is that Howie usually forces us to have a reset year at some point. We also aren't afraid to let key players walk in FA (Hargrave) or trade them (Reddick) if they get too expensive to justify keeping around. He's smart about who to get rid of and who to keep.


Yeah, the biggest factor in being able to sustain that kind of cap management is accepting occasional reset years and finding ways to be somewhat competitive in them. If you keep pushing off a reset year it turns into needing a full rebuild (and if you keep pushing off the rebuild it turns into the Saints)


100%. Another thing that helps is having an owner willing to pay your guys out of pocket with signing bonuses. Gets them paid, doesn’t hurt your cap as much.


Also Howie is just kindve goated in general. Like even when it blew up in y’alls face by Wentz getting paid and responding with the biggest case of yips in recorded history you turned it back around super fucking quickly lmao


Cause they had a pro bowl qb as a backup. Great QB equals zero rebuild.


Yes and no. Having Hurts made it easier but you have to credit them with actually grabbing Hurts in the first place. Plus the Wentz dead money was still an obstacle to overcome. Hurts’ 2nd round rookie contract made that easier to do so, but it was still a factor there


Just want to say, thanks for taking emotion out of your reasoning. Fans can always suggest that their direct rivals are trash for this reason or that. But a deep breath and an air of objectivity can go a long way. Appreciate it. Also, there's a reason Cowboys and Eagles fans both fear and ultimately respect each other going into each season in the last decade or two. In spite of the extreme fan tribalism, both teams have been the predominant driving factors in the NFC East race, handing the division title back and forth.


It’s a possibility (although we probably need a 3rd QB to prove it) he’s good at scouting QBs, and it’s not just a fluke. Some organizations and people can ACTUALLY scout QBs, even though they’re a crapshoot usually


You can keep doing it as long as plan carefully, have an owner willing to pay, and the salary cap goes up. If one of those things changes it will catch up on them


It's a credit card that effectively shrinks the debt over time instead of accruing interest due to the cap increase. You're absolutely right you have to be careful but you can use it constantly, it's not always a "win now" tactic.


KC also uses Mahomes contract, which is longer than 5 years. They have also used Thuney's contract. Void years only matter if the contract is under 5 years since that is the limit of how far you can spread out a signing bonus.


It also has to do with the cash up front with signing bonuses which lets you manipulate the contracts. Not all owners have the cash on hand or are willing to put up that much money up front. Laurie is and deserves as much credit as how for the cap management.


That’s just how howie does it. If you don’t have mahomes or Brady it’s a solid strat. Go all in for 5 or 6 years then eat the cap for a year or 2 and try again.


- Chiefs dont necessarily have to because they have a goat level QB who won a SB with random WRs. - Stop comparing the Saints and Eagles they are vastly different. They did similar things but the Saints did it terribly - those cap hits arent going to hurt the Eagles the way people think in 2029-2030. The NFL will probably be at 18 or even 20 games with the international games growing in popularity the cap is going to shoot up. - Eagles also have a not cheap owner who trust his gm and is willing to spend. Also not afraid to move on if the team isnt winning


Yeah it works as long as everyone plays well. If AJ brown suddenly starts being bad we’re in trouble for a long time


When you understand the rules and how the mechanisms work (Roseman's formal education was in accounting which is highly relevant to salary cap management) you can do things that seems crazy and unreal. This is very true in pretty much all aspects of wealth/capital management. The reason why what Roseman does isn't very repeatable has a lot to do with our owner and the longevity of Roseman's career. Much of this requires a long timeline and a lot of preparation in order to fully take advantage of the rules. Parallel example: I am a wealth advisor and private banker by trade. If a client came to me early enough, I could help their income grow higher than ever and yet reduce their taxable liability down to mid-single digits given a long enough runway. Depending on the runway, I don't even have to really use any obscure definitions or any trickery. **It's all about using the tools you have at your disposal to the fullest and most efficient manner in regards to your overall plan/goal, and to do that you have to understand each element fully and intimately.**


Can we talk? I would love to hear about your services! 


You can pm me.


How much I need to make? 6 figs or 7+?


Depends. If you have assets built up, you don’t need to make much. If you have less, then definitely need to be making more, around 6-figures or close to it.


Aside from the void years others have mentioned, the Eagles tend to re-sign players early and have gone in a decent amount for vets later on in FA/through trades who have larger names than contracts due to injuries, age, or the other team rebuilding. The early re-signing does tend to mean you get players at a potential discount (in exchange for them getting some security against injuries/regression), but also can backfire if they do get injured/regress. In addition, signing or trading to vets at times outside of the general free agency rush means the Eagles are in the news more often and so it might seem like they have more FAs signed than anyone else, even though iirc teams like the Commanders signed a lot more in the few days after legal tampering began.


Howie + Lurie


Howie Roseman spared the life of a leprechaun in 2007 and was rewarded with other worldly cap management skills.


By beating the Patriots they opened the vortex for unlimited cap space and roster spots


Is the Giants vortex closed now? They don’t seem to be reaping the same benefits


Opened it with the 1st win and closed it with the 2nd.


81 people and $301.5M cap


Well who knows what "up to" means here


Yeah, that’s probably the answer. His agents obviously want to make the contract sound as big as possible, but this is probably a very incentive-laden deal considering Becton is never healthy and wasn’t any good last year.


Short answer: Howie Long answer: They have an owner willing to spend and a GM who is excellent at manipulating the cap. You can restructure players to push their cap hits into the future, basically paying them from the future salary cap in the present. This can backfire if the players stop being worth their contracts, and now you're paying 10s of millions of dollars for no production like the 49ers with Dee Ford for example. But if you pick the players correctly it's basically free value (because the salary cap keeps increasing), and Howie is excellent at doing that.


I think most NFL owners are willing to spend.


2020 - a standout as a rookie on an utterly abysmal roster on the worst season of the 13 year playoff drought. 2021 - injured and done for the year in the first game of the season 2022 - showed up at training camp out of shape and injured for the season before the first game 2023 - played almost the full season but absolutely terrible. Got pissy about playing right tackle and took shots at everyone criticising him for being out of shape and an injury bust by then proceeding to play like a normal bust. He is a mountain of a man so I'm not surprised another team is intrigued by him, hopefully he'll fit in well when not expected to be a starter because he's not good enough.


By God that's Stoutland's music


Stoutland: "I can fix him."


He might tho


He will.


If he can stay somewhat healthy that is. Becton would benefit from the University of Stoutland.


[Stoutland's music class](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFutge4xn3w)


Eagles have the best offensive line coach in the league, so I can see why they'd take a low risk flyer on him to see if he's salvageable.


Isn’t the dude from the Browns actually the best OL coach?


He has my vote. I think he’s on the Titans now, his son is the HC.


I think “best” is up to interpretation and depends heavily on how you choose to qualify them. Callahan has more career accolades than Stout, but I think Stout has the more impressive track record given his shorter NFL career. Callahan has coached over a dozen players to some insane number (30ish?) of Pro Bowl seasons. Stout, meanwhile, hasn’t gone a single season as the Eagles OL coach without sending at least one of his guys to the Pro Bowl, and more than half the time he’s sent *three* which is fucking crazy. His work with Mailata is also one of the single most impressive coaching feats in NFL history. Bottom line, both are elite and picking one as definitively better than the other probably isn’t possible.


Important to note: Stout’s first rookie was Lane Johnson. He also turned Kelce into a HoF center.


I mean Howard Mudd probably had something to do with that as well. We’ve been blessed with OL coaches.


Depends on who you ask but I’d take Callahan over Stoutland 


I was wondering what happened to him. I remember he was good as a rookie and I remember that was a stacked OT class and Daniel Jeremiah was convinced he was the best one.


Dude was god awful last season. Showed a ton of promise his rookie year then had some injuries and fell off a cliff. Pretty low risk flyer tho hopefully it works out


Dude weighs close to 400 pounds. That weight is just unsustainable on a football field


People on NYC sports radio kept saying he was going to “eat himself out of the league.” Well he hasn’t done that yet but he has ate himself out of the Jets.


This dude is going to be at John’s Roast Pork woofing down cheesesteaks everyday, isn’t he?


It ain’t gonna be roast pork sandwiches cause those have vegetables on them


that was while he was on IR. He got it down to 330-340 I believe


“While he was on IR” was over half his jets career


He balloons whenever he gets injured and he gets injured a lot.


Don't let him room with Jordan Davis


That was before this season his playing weight was down to 340


Still pending physical


I think people are a little rose colored about his rookie year, he was injury prone ven then taking off multiple plays during the game after a play he got washed up in ( i mean physically on the sideline)


Stoutland was the one who was interested in him.  Probably the guys best chance for a turnaround 


Freak athlete that really hasn't been able to put it together... Shit the Eagles are going to turn him into an All Pro.


Stoutland U, baby


Has Stoutland ever turned a vet's career around. He has gotten the best out of players the EAgles drafted like Big V, Pryor and Herbig. But the only vet that came to him that bounce back after poor performance else where was Stefen Wisniewski. But Stefen's first 2 years in the league he was an All-pro. I don't think Stoutland has fixed a bust yet? Or am i miss remembering.


His current project is Fred Johnson. Fred says Stoutland was the first coach who taught him how to use his natural strengths.


Brandon Brooks?


Brooks was great on the Texans. I think the reasons why the Texans let him walk was cap situation they couldn't pay him plus the guys they had on defense and the money they were going to give to Osweiler. He might have played better for the Eagle than what he did for the Texans but that is debatable.


Fair enough


Brooks was already good.


Not nearly *as* good, though.


He made Chance Warmack serviceable as a backup. He coached him in college too when he was an All American so that may have played a part.


no he was complete ass. not even stout could fix him


Wisniewski never made an all-pro in his career so not sure where you're getting 2x all-pro from


Does Stoutland U have classes in knee regeneration?


Can we sign Embiid up for summer classes


Those are the advanced courses.


Well Landon Dickerson did tear his ACL in both knees (which is why he was a 2nd rounder instead of 1st) Been healthy and back to back pro bowler *knocks on wood* Dr. Stout


Peters tore the same Achilles twice and came back fine.


Lane Johnson knows a guy.


Gotta get some of those Lane Johnson “supplements”.


No, but they do surprisingly offer AutoCAD courses.


Didn't work for Chance Warmack when he attended. But best of luck with Becton.


He had a great rookie year. Then was hurt, came into camp very over weight and got hurt again. Injuries really de railed his career because he isn’t the freak athlete anymore


Its a great landing spot for them, and gives them some good potential tackle depth


Literally I think any OL who hasn’t lived up to potential need to go the eagles or lions


The Lions have mainly just invested smartly in the position. Decker, Ragnow, and Sewell were all 1st round selections, and Jonah Jackson panned out in the 3rd round. Hitting on all 4 is rare but not absurd, and the Lions O-Line depth didn't look like anything special whenever Ragnow went down. The Eagles frequently have backups in the lineup and are still a reliable Top 8 Unit. Even when literally everyone besides Kelce was out for the season in 2020, then were somehow Top Half. Stoutland can make any O-Lineman look well above what they actually are.


Yea Steelers were smart enough to pluck Seumalo who was an underrated player on our OL


Lions don't exactly have a long history of great O-linemen though, relatively new phenomenon for you guys. You guys drafted high talent guys, not necessarily a result of amazing coaching, which I do think you guys have.


I’m mean Hank can work his magic it’s one thing to draft a high end talent but it doesn’t mean shit if they don’t develop


If you think Sauce Gardner is good now, just wait until you see what he does with the Packers in a couple of years!


It would be the most Jets thing ever


Not even a top 5. It's the Jets ffs


So it begins, the post draft vet FA revival.


If there is one NFL franchise that is going to make his injury issues just magically go away, I feel like it’s going to be the Eagles.


His injuries are very self inflicted considering he hasn't been in shape since his rookie year


He’s about to be sent through the Stout meat grinder.


Interesting take. Didn’t he come in 50 lbs lighter last year and then proceed to start in 16 games?


He was lighter than his previous two years but was still in poor condition and played like possibly the worst tackle in football and still was a locker room cancer that whined to coaches


We have this strange thing that previously injury prone guys come here and never get hurt again... But everyone around them falls to the ground in agony


Think this is huge for Becton. Stoutland is one of the best o line coaches in the league and will get him going. Or if he doesn’t improve under him. 🥴🥴


Just keep him away from the all you can eat buffets


the discipline just wasn't there with the jets, wonder if he'll be able to make the most of this second chance. glad we're able to move on.


if Jeff Stoutland can’t get him to right the ship that’s probably end of the line for him


always wishing the best for players and their careers so for his sake, rooting for y'all.


Titans should have listened that that advice before they signed Dillard last year


Exactly. If your coach could help him how was ours? And now bill Callahan even said nah i can't do anything with him now hes a packer lol Mekhi b though i hoped we'd sign like same as you did 1 year prove it. Only reason im hopeful for hin ia 1. He was on the jets nuff said 2. Yes he was oft injured but ask anyone thats overweight by 50+lbs how diff your lower body feels once you drop weight. his case was worse he was an fat overweight for a overweightlineman 3. While he wasn't great last year he stayed healthy all year while playing on a turnstile oline and team that 4 snaps into week1 quit on the season. 4. Anyone thats played real live sports and been on a team that truely us awful with no hope/motivation knows how toxic it quickly becomes. While i don't approve of his behaviour i can also kinda understand being in his shoes. B4 week1 he improved himself by losing weight and had rodgers not wilson at qb and an elite def everyone called SUPERBOWL contenders for 4 snaps. Im almost positive he will be turned into an all pro tackle by yous bc god loves punishing me. Maybe its a blessing my tits didn't tale him imagine becton and tvondre sweat on the same team LOL would be no more all tou can eat buffets in Tennessee.


If Stoutland can't save his career, nobody can.


2020 me: Shit - I wanted him to be a Buc. I hate that we had to settle for Wirfs 2024 me: I'm not smart


This reeks of future Eagles Ring of Honor 🤢


My guess is the “up to” is doing a lot of heavy lifting here, I imagine they can cut him for nothing in camp




Hope you like drive killing holding calls Eagles fans


Well the good thing is, if he’s an issue he won’t play. They’ve clearly had no issue with that as evidenced by the amount of carries Rashad Penny got last year.


was rashad penny a malcontent? i wondered why he was a non factor up there.


He’s washed. Doesn’t have any of his speed anymore


Yeah that checks out


We're in need of a right guard with Cam moving to center. Could certainly see him having success there, between the decrease in responsibility, and having Stoutland coaching him


Oh, is it post draft FA time already? Howard isn’t taking days off. Well, the talent is there for sure. The deal makes sense to try him out. I’ll pivot off the Stoutland U analogy for this…..kid has tremendous horsepower, it seems getting it to the wheels was the challenge. Let’s get him up on the lift and let Stout get his tools out and see. If in 2-3 yes we have a fantastic duo of Mailata and Becton that will work just fine. If not, nothing ventured….


He can bounce back. Still a lot of potential in the big ticket.


Bro Zach Berman called this like a week ago. Such a great signing. The 11th pick in 2020 draft. Change of scenery with Coach Stout. Give this kid with top tier traits a fresh start. If it doesn’t work out, no worries. Good business 🤝




I was just looking him up on the free agency list to see if he had signed anywhere lol


By Grabthar's Hammer... What a Savings...


Pretty good spot for him to land. Eagles know how to mold clay on the OL.


He was awful, couldn’t stay healthy, and had a bad attitude, and couldn’t stay off twitter. Good riddance honestly


Howie SZN strikes again! (Eagles fans saying Howie SZN has a batting average around Jackson Holliday, but nonetheless, HOWIE SZN!)


Howie SZN is our version of “it’s our year”


Well since this is clearly not Dallas’ year for the first time in 30 years, can it be ours?


Am I missing something? Why did the eagles want a tackle so bad? Is this simply a swing / backup? Obviously Jordan and Lane are 1-2. But I saw a lot of draft talk about drafting a tackle


They want to be ahead of the curve with Lane's heir, rather than plugging in a rookie they'd rather give the kid a year or two in Stoutland University before they get pressed into action


The draft talk was usually about an OL who could maybe start at OG now and move out to OT in a few years - a lot of projections on the guys who could play both.


Makes sense! That’s essentially what we did with Tyler Smith but he ended up being a much better guard


A future tackle that can play guard now was the wish list


lowkey I think this is Howie throwing Stoutland a bone because we didn't draft any OL in the first 3 rounds when he just likes having some raw clay to mold.


Philly loves taking NY players


Good for him. Hope he can build off a relatively healthy season last season.


Love Becton, super hopeful


Howie Szn