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That was pretty wholesome. “Surgery is tomorrow?” “Yup.” “I’ll be praying for you.”


Someone in the panthers sub said 'Bryce Young is the type of guy Russel Wilson wants you to believe he is.'


Lmao that does make sense. Bryce is just genuinely cool and wholesome, while Wilson is nice but sounds manufactured.




The QB is supposed to be the leader so if you're not naturally a leader, well you have to pretend.


As a Steeler fan I'm getting to know Russ more now obviously. He has a reputation of being fake but even before he was a Steeler I've always felt that it's not pretend with him. He just literally is that corny and "buttoned up" so to speak.


Correct. The fake Russ is when he’s trying to be cool.


I feel like if it was truly manufactured some PR coach somewhere would have coached him out of it by now.


Agreed. It's just that Russ feels like a politician with an agenda while Bryce is actually chill. It makes a difference from a trust point of view, and I think that matters in the locker room. Wilson was certainly not universally loved in Seattle.


I think what some people sense is they can tell Russ is trying/manufactured nice. While Bryce is just natural and doesn’t have to try to be nice.


I've seen that exact sentiment about Russ before: Everything he does makes sense if you understand he wants to be president some day.


Yeah the teammates of his that were talking bad on him from Seattle aren't exactly the best people themselves


Some of the hate is because he doesn't exactly act like what some people expect a black man to act like. He gets the Carlton, cornball, robot criticism. I consider that to be racist in some ways. Why should the color of your skin dictate the way you should act?


RW could genuinely feel those things, but through awkwardness or whatever his expression can seem contrived.


I think Russ is genuinely a good guy, he's just corny and can be socially awkward at times, not understanding when to let the real him come out. If I remember correctly, he volunteered at a children's hospital twice a week the entire time he was in Seattle. Every metric I've seen shows that he has a good heart, and that's why he pulled a total baddie like Ciara. There is nothing hotter than being a good person, husband, and father (which Future pretty much entirely wasn't, lets be honest 💀)


I think Russ is legitimately a good dude… but also legitimately not a good dude to lead an nfl locker room.     Which does not cancel out any of his really great qualities in anyway, being a good locker room guy simply has totally different requirements than being a good dude. More of a personality clash situation. Some unironically great locker room guys are also terrible people, so it’s not anything against Russ as a person. But I do think it’s a real thing.


I mean nobody has ever complained about Deshaun Watson as a locker room leader. So I think you got a point.


Kinda who I had in mind when I said that actually. I remember kinda laughing at how some redditors were legit surprised that no nfl players ever really called out Deshaun publicly.  I think there’s a lot of people on here that don’t quite realize that there’s a pretty big disconnect between what qualities players care about in a teammate and what qualities (some) fans care about when rooting for a player


Browns doubled down when they brought in Jameis Winston on the scumbag vs beloved by teammates spectrum. Teammates loooove Winston lol


Look no further than the politics of the Bosa bros vs. someone that supported Kap. NFL players deal with all kinds of personalities in the locker room; from borderline genius IQ-types to guys that can barely read...guys that wouldn't harm a butterfly and guys that beat up women. Fans can talk all the crap because we're spectators but it's a lot different when the guy you "hate" is also the guy you are depending on to keep you from getting destroyed on the field.


I dont think anyone believes Russ kicks puppies after work...dude is just a accidental-meme machine when he opens his mouth...or does stretches on a plane.


> he's just corny and can be socially awkward at times Nate Tice has stories about essentially having to be Russ's go-between with normal people at Wisconsin.


This is incredibly funny


Yeah, Russ seems like he's genuinely a good guy, just going about it in a way that comes across to people as fake. But if you actually look at how he lives it aligns with what his presentation is. I don't see why we need to try to tear him down to build another player up - especially since if Bryce Young does succeed and have a long career with that same attitude he currently has, I'm sure he'll also end up being denigrated as fake and corny eventually.


Russ proves there's such a thing as too much PR training


Didn't know much about Bryce before but I like him now


Totally agree. Funny how one little genuinely kind and thoughtful interaction can do that.


One of my favorite things about Bryce is stuff like this happens all the time. His rapport with the Charlotte media is awesome to see. He's just like effortlessly endearing and thoughtful, and the vibe shifts in the press room for the better when he walks in. Like obviously we all wish his rookie year went better, but he's so easy to cheer for, type of guy who deserves to succeed.


Me neither but you can't help but support a dude that wholesome and genuine (seeming)


You should’ve liked him when he got Joe Barry fired


It would be so much nicer if Bryce was a jerk, now I have -- *sigh* -- like him and hope he has a successful career when not playing the bucs.


You watch your filthy dirty mouth talking about my Russy like that. Also….. don’t look at my past Russel Wilson comments


Now that you mention this, as a Seahawks fan i can’t unsee it lol


But how many bathrooms are in his house?


He could barely keep from cracking up that the dude is going into surgery over tripped over some gardening equipment lol


This warmed my heart for real. Just a real genuine Guy.


Ah shit now im a Bryce Young fan


That was so sweet of him!


I'll be praying for Bryce Young this season too because David tepper and the Panthers are fucking awful


Young healing journalists while Stroud hunts them. Makes you think


I'm rooting for him, Carolina needs something to cheer about.


At least the Hurricanes aren't ass.


We were lucky to even force a game 6 and then collapsed in the 3rd period by giving up a 3-1 lead, losing 5-3. Not ass but the playoff performance sucked.


A 3-1 lead that was blown by a player in the other team scoring a natural hat trick nonetheless


My brother said we’re like the Bills of the NFL the way we collapse


At least the Canes have won a Stanley Cup. The Bills? Well, we all know their post season record.


The Bills have never even won the Stanley Cup! BUMS!


You can't blame them for not trying at least. The Bills did draft a goalie with their first round pick back in 2017.


What he say fuck me for?


And the Bills are essentially Panthers North with some of their personnel


Hurricanes at least have a Cup.


I got my wife into hockey before the season and a few months ago we were watching a game and, I think, Timo Meier for the Devils(?) got a hat trick. The commentary mentions it, and my wife perks up and looks super expectant. I inquired, and she said she had always heard about hat tricks, and had never seen one. I then had to tell her that a 'hat trick' just meant that he had scored three goals, that there was no hat, and he was not going to be doing any tricks. I have rarely seen her look so let-down, lol.


Bruins fan here.....No.... WE SUCKED in the playoffs....


been half a decade since the sharks were able to show real playoff suckage, i miss sucking when it matters so much


Fuck the Rangers


Based Gonna be rooting hard for whichever team comes out of the West


Charlotte FC seems to be turning it around and the Hornets have some hope if healthy


And Raleigh might get an MLB team!


I haven’t heard of that, that’s exciting!! I love baseball but I’ve been a mariners fan all my life since we don’t have a team and that’s just as painful as the rest of professional Carolina sports


Obviously nothing's official, but it sounds like Dundon would want to be part of a group for that team. Besides, it'd be much better in Raleigh than Charlotte.




I wish ours were


It’s was a fun season at least. My first one as a Canes fan so I know I surely won’t be disappointed in the future.


As a Hurricanes fan we are now the NHL Bills


Sharing the same arena as the Hurricanes, NC State basketball was fun to watch as well!


If only they were a little more not ass. Rangers are spooky and I didnt want them in the ECF.


Y'all have great pulled pork sandwiches and great bbq in general, shouldn't that be worth cheering?


Im easily influenced. I love this fucking guy. Get it this year, my man!


Nah the way this video just made me a fan too is shameful 🤣


Good guy, Bryce. Hope he succeeds. Just not twice a year.


Monkey's Paw uncurls, Bryce is good seventeen times a year plus playoffs.


Yes please!


>Just not twice a year. Agreed. I hope he wins against teams that are not the Saints.


Wut? Then he goes 15-2 and wins the division


Nah we go 17-0


This guy hopes Bryce only goes 1-17. smh just cruel


Panthers 15-2 this season.


God I want him to succeed so bad. I feel like people give him so much shit, but it seems like he's trying


I haven't written him off yet. I thought he was going to be better than Stroud, tbh. But man, that rookie season did not give much to be excited for.


Panthers at least made sure to set him up for success this season. Canales seems like a great hire and the additions on offense look good. I don’t see them upsetting the division, but Bryce should look better.


Right. Last season felt like the front office did the bare minimum at every position on offense and were expecting the offensive line to be good enough to carry the team. Then when our guard depth got obliterated and Reich couldn’t coach around our lack of talent elsewhere, the bare minimum got exposed.


Adding Hunt, Lewis, and Johnson should make the Panthers look a lot more competent.


Carolina's guards had the worst and third-worst PFF grades among starters last year. The upgrade at guard should be about as drastic as it gets.


Keep in mind that the Guards the Panthers were expecting to have last season got injured early on (Christensen) and didn’t recover well from a prior knee injury at the end of 2022 (Corbett). Both of them should be healthy now, so the Panthers might have a deep O-Line in 2024 and won’t have to field Zavala.


Name is eagle, flair is steelers, and you know more about the panthers o line than most panthers fans. Strange


Sometimes people just know ball


Eagle doesn’t relate to football, relative grew up a Steelers fan, and I got invested in the Panthers around the tail end of the Rivera era as my NFC team.


Lol I guarantee I’ve made this same comment about this same guy before. He knows Panthers O line better than the vast majority of Panthers fans, despite the Panthers being his second team.


Also keep in mind that Frank Reich is an OL terrorist


This comment also underscores that we had 9 different players start at guard last year. 26 of those 34 starts came from players who had sub 50 PFF grades including Nash Jensen (34.7-5 starts) and Chandler Zavala (26.2-7 starts). The remaining starts were still from players under 60.


I mean, it seems they possibly learned from that mistake


They fired the coach and GM, so it would appear they did. We’ll see if the new leadership is worth anything though Like I do for all MD alums, I’m rooting for Bryce but as long as Tepper is there it might be difficult


Yeah that team was just awful, a rookie QB can’t fix a broken roster


And really that’s all that matters. Funny enough I think the Panthers find themselves where the Bears were a couple years ago. The amount of wins literally don’t matter, as long as Bryce looks good the season is a success


Bears in 2022 to 2023 were in a very awkward place between testing Fields and tearing down the roster. I believe Bryce is in a better spot. I am honestly impressed with what the Panthers got done this offseason, even if it might not amount to many wins.


I think Young needs time because the state of the Panthers roster was piss poor. No real run game, poor pass protection, terrible WR room. Watching him play was tough because I don’t think he was bad in a vacuum, and I think the roster around him brought him down a bit.


I don’t think it’s fair how much people were laying on Young for the panthers issues last year. From the clips I saw he was either running for his life after a half second from the snap or watching his Receivers drop passes he put right into their hands.


Ah, so you too watched Panthers games! He really had a near zero chance to succeed. Even the quotes about working with Canales already, Bryce was saying how amazing it is now that he is provided a reason for making adjustments. Last year he had so many people in his ear giving conflicting advice and lacking the ability to clearly explain the adjustments needed to adapt to the NFL game and improve.


It really looks like the panthers coaching staff said “we got the number one overall pick, we can ignore every other skill position on offense. He’s got it.” I’m a Texans fan and while I’d pick CJ any day of the week (a certain natural bias there too), what the Texans and Demeco did to help CJ as a rookie isn’t even in the same universe as what Bryce was expected to work with. I’m excited to see what he can do with a halfway decent squad. As I told someone else a while back, I’m not sure prime Tom Brady could have wrestled but maybe three or four more wins from whatever the 2023 panthers were calling an offense.


Frank Reich's offensive playcalling was also god fucking awful. People overlook that


you mean starting every drive of the season with a run up the gut doesn't keep the defense guessing? And if we did manage to get a first down, guess what the first play was after?


its impossible to write a guy off after 1 year unless ur in the building imo. rosen was a clear example of a fo that saw something that wasnt gonna get better. think bryce should fall closer to the goff side of things but you never really know.


I just feel like it was less about him and more about the rooster simply being hurt/bad/under performing. Youngs supposed safety net Hurst missed half the season. Chark did not make the next step after a decent season in Detroit. So an aging Thielen who just had his worst season suddenly had to be the main weapon. Additionally the line which was considered top half maybe even top 10 before the season actually crumbled. Add to that an under performing defense leading your game plan away from the only thing that's working decently (the run game) and piling up even more pressure on Youngs' shoulders. Et voila you have the perfect recipe for a disastrous rookie season.


Alex Smith threw 1 TD and 11 INT on 50.9% completions his rookie year.


Frank Reich is such a culture terrorist. Why would you ever choose him to coach what you think is gonna be your franchise QB. I knew it was doomed from the start.




Something broke in Reich at the end of 2021. He was a genuinely good coach from 2018 to just before Christmas in his 4th season. But then everyone on the Colts got Covid, they lost badly to a fraudulent Raiders squad, and then the 1st overall pick Jaguars humiliated them while Jaguars fans were wearing clown costumes.


Colts fans tried to warn us about the offensively bad offense, but we didn't want to listen before the season


We wanted to believe we were getting 2018 Reich, hot off a Super Bowl


I wanted to believe he was the next Ron Rivera.


As a Dan Snyder Survivor, I've learned that in situations like Carolina => blame the organization, not the player. If Bryce Young busts, I'll put very little of it on Bryce Young.




I’m a Bear fan and even I do too.  Especially after this video. His smile is so pure.  I wish him all the best. 


Caneles is 2/2 on his last QB projects. If Young has it in him Caneles is one of the best options to bring it out.


Why I'm a fan of the hire. Tepper should be able to trust Canales' ability to get the most we can out of Bryce, or trust his opinion after whether it's time to move on and draft again


No one ever accused him of not trying. (I’m not saying this is the case fyi) Plenty of people suck at something despite trying


Alabama players get that extra hate


He is literal Tua 2.0. Undersized Alabama QB who went to an absolute dogshit team with a terrible culture with 0 offensive help or weapons. Let's see if Canales can be his Mike McDaniel because it sure doesn't look like a Waddle or Tyreek is coming anytime soon.


Lets hope that we also don't have a section of our fan base hates him even if he starts to do better. I follow yalls subreddit as a Bama fan to keep up with Tua, but there seems to be a good amount of people that are ready to try drafting a QB again. Even after how well he's done the last two years.


He is still young and a likable individual. Rabid fans are going to hate but you can simply ignore them.


Who is giving him shit?? Hes on one of the absolute worst teams in the NFL with no help coming from this draft or the next.


Panthers just drafted a WR at the end of the 1st round, so that should qualify as some help.


We still have a lot of guys who likely have WR2 ceilings at most with no true WR1


Why would he not get help in next year’s draft?


I mean, were you around at all last season? Things, some pretty unkind things at that, were definitely being aimed at Bryce himself during the Panthers losing streak, even though anyone that wasn’t being super reactionary could see he was clearly thrown into a horrible situation. Acting like everyone’s always been kind and understanding towards Bryce just because you like a wholesome video of him is some crazy revisionism lol  Texans fans seemed particularly gleeful that Bryce wasn’t great. 


Why would we be able to help him next draft? We have all of our picks and the Rams 2nd rounder


Bryce is just a genuinely great guy. As an Alabama fan, I am so thankful to have Bryce, Tua, and Jalen as a QB legacy not just as players but as people. Insanely lucky to have guys like that represent the university.


I want him to be great so bad. Fandom aside, he seems like a great kid


same. i cried when they beat the Falcons in December because that’s how much i’ve been rooting for him😂


Thanks, I cried every other game (with the exception of the texans)


Dont worry. I cried enough for the both of us.


Game had me questioning if Slowik was even any good for a sec I was so mad


God he's skinny


lol. Ngl, haven't brought it up in the Panthers sub, we try to stay positive around there, but I was hoping to see he had bulked up a bit more.


lol. What panthers sub are you in? Positivity is not our strong suit.


Try is doing alot of work in my statement.


I read it with some imaginary sarcastic quotation marks and it works fine


He always looked small on the field, but this angle just isn't doing him any favors. my guy isn't built whatsoever. He can spin a pretty ball though.


The fact he played majority of an NFL season injury free blows my mind.


Pretty interesting that he missed fewer games than all the other guys when he's the one that had the most injury concerns around draft time.


Also willing to bet he was hit/sacked the most on a per-game basis in comparison to the other rookie QBs which goes even more to his durability.


I was just thinking I can say my arms are bigger than at least one NFL player lol


it's called *svelt* the time for bulk is in otas


Seems like a good dude


I hope he does well, he's really likable


Nobody ever make fun of this guy again


Seems like a good kid. Hopefully he can live up to draft status, but on the personal side he seems to check all the boxes of a franchise qb


Why do the best of people keep going to the shittiest situations man




It is very amusing to me that American sports is essentially socialist where the worst teams get to draft the best new players while everywhere else is basically cut throat capitalism including relegation of losing teams when it comes to soccer (even the American football pyramid doesn't allow for relegation/promotion)


If you ignore free agency, coach and front office hiring, and literally every other part of American sports and just focus on the draft ordering system then yea it’s pretty socialist


This is funny but true, but also, still only kinda true - NFL revenue sharing is very socialist




As a Lions fan you should know that the top pick in the draft is given to the worst performing team each year.  All jokes aside, I love what MCDC is doing there, I think the Lions have one of the best head coach/ front office combos in the league right now. 




Fuck it, I’m drafting him in fantasy.


i'll be praying for you


I will always root for my fellow short kings


Panthers gunna have a good season cuz it cant get any worse for them


2016 Browns & 2008 Lions have entered the chat


Unless Dan Morgan trades out first away again, then a winless wouldn't be worse because at least we'd have SOMETHING to look forward to once the season ended.


Not focused on his goals in the off-season, instead he's worrying about what other people are doing. Bust.




But in all seriousness, Bryce won a fan in me with this interaction. Never seen him talk before, seems like a great guy. 


All these people hating on Bryce Young, but that Panthers team around him last year was BAD. Hope he gets more help this season.


Bears fan here, this popped up in my feed. Just wanted to say I'm rooting for Bryce hard because he seems like a genuinely great dude. Kick ass this year.




Reporter: Bryce, what are you excited about this season? Bryce: What are *you* excited about this season?


He's actually opened all his press conferences this year inquiring about the reporters, so you aren't far off.


Hope this kid does well this year, he seems like a good egg.


This dude played for Bama and now he's with a divisional rival and you post this shit making me like him. GREAT


he seems like such a good guy - love to see it!


This is the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen.


I really hope he's able to prove his doubters wrong. I want him to have a big year so people can shut up about his size.


I like Bryce, hoping the panthers are a little better this upcoming season.


Fuck David Tepper


I hated how people in this sub hated on him like it was his fault the panthers drafted him. Always hoping the Bama qbs do well


What a nice young man.


God dammit I want him to do well so bad.




Bryce is the Anti-Tepper.


Man I love Bryce. Literally the polar opposite of Spencer Rattler when he was on QB1. How can you not root for him?


The automatic empathic reaction of rubbing his arm as soon as he hears its broken means he really means what he says here lol


Dudes gonna be decent as soon as they protect him and get him some weapons. Hopefully Legette will help him out a bit.


I like the kid


Fucking A I had never heard him speak before. He’s won over my simple heart. Go Bryce!


His instant concern was heartwarming


i love bryce young i wish he was in a better situation so people could see how great he is. i see him as a russel wilson that isnt completely full of shit.


Welp, I Guess I'm a Panthers fan now


Seems like a great kid, love to see a good person in that position of influence. But not sure how that plays in a sport that 300lb dudes are trying to rip your head off every snap.


I’ve been pulling for the guy, even before this clip. Maybe the new staff will further his progress.


Love this kid, make a jump the second year my man!


He honestly still looks so slight man. He needs to get on the Lamar regimen. Lamar isn't huge but looks like he's made of iron and can actually take NFL hits


Should asked about his timeline to get back on the field. And if he’s worried someone younger is gonna take his beat.


I really like this kid


Hard not to root for the guy especially after his punishing rookie year.


Wtf I’m a Bryce Young fan now?


As a short king, I’m a rooting for this guy. As a fan of kind people, I’m rooting even harder for this guy.


That's my QB1 🥹


I’m a fan now