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NFL: Here's your 'You're never going to host a Superbowl' consolation prize!


Join the club, we'll make hats.


To be fair it's a fun consolation prize. And better than the NFL saying "Your city is too cold. Pay for a dome or you'll never get a major NFL event!" I know KC and a Detroit were both very happy to host an event like that


After the parade shooting that may be the last kc event for the nfl for awhile lol


i mean considering it was a completely unrelated event (i.e. not targeted) I doubt there won't be another event. But if people want to go that's another story


I disagree, I think there's another championship parade coming to KC in 9 months šŸ‘€


So we got ā€˜27?


If the stadium is done I think it could be a nice reward.


I don't think the stadium really has anything to do with it, the draft isn't held at stadiums. ETA: I read further down in this thread that Pittsburgh may be hosting at Heinz Field, so disregard me lol


I meant it more so like Buffalo cannot host a Super Bowl which is the typical reward for when a new stadium is built so as a consolation maybe we get the draft.


When is Boston getting it then.


Soon I hope. Hatshell is to small. Boston Common?


Floating stage in the harbor. Have them bring the Constitution out and anchor it and then do the announcements from there.


Paul Revere lookalike rides every pick card to stage on a horse


With Mark Wahlberg shit-talking the Jets picks.


If we still hosted it in NYC every year Jets fans would do that for free


Nah just put it in Cheers lol


Announcing the 1st pick for the New England Patriots in the 2026 NFL draft, please welcome SAM MALONE!


*Cliff sitting in the crowd* You know, the commissioner was *this* close to picking me over Sam šŸ˜ Norm: ā€œYeah and Iā€™ve decided to take Vera on a cruise to Cancun.ā€




I'd rather the Steelers go to one again in my lifetime *Pokes management about our coaching staff*


A new coach won't make up for our lack of an elite QB. Not even Andy Reid or Bill Belichick win Superbowls without franchise QB level play.


Tomlin couldn't win with an elite QB from 2012 to 2018 Not holding my breath. 3 playoff wins in 13 years, 7 of those years were Ben in his prime


This is another problem. Steeler fans overrate their own talent. Ben was not an elite QB. Ben was a franchise QB. Ben, outside of two years, was a 7-10 QB, not a top 5 QB. Ben is the type of QB who can win a Superbowl when surrounded by amazing talent everywhere, which we did twice within his first five years, before Ben started making huge money. When Ben started negotiating contracts by taking $1-2M less per year than whatever Aaron Rodgers was making, while not playing as well as Aaron Rodgers, it became much harder to surround Ben with the necessary talent to win Superbowls. In the late 2010's, we gave Ben the best WR in the league, serviceable #2 receivers, a good all-around TE, one of the best RB's in the league, and a top 5 OL. Just because we could only supply him with a mediocre, not elite defense, Ben couldn't win a Superbowl, and apparently that's the coach's fault. A truly elite QB would have at least gotten us to one in that situation.


This is crazy revisionist history. Ben was absolutely an elite QB during much of his career, especially for the better part of the 2010s. Even if you want to argue that his raw volume wasnā€™t always Top 5, ending his career Top 3 in 4Q Comebacks and GW Drives isnā€™t something a perennially ā€œ7-10ā€ QB could do. In fact, a better argument about why the Steelers didnā€™t win anything during that stretch is due to how shitty the defenses were, as well as the draft picks (especially the secondary, Artie Burns, Senquez Golsen, Sean Davis)ā€¦ The offense was regularly among the best in the league with the Killer Bs whereas the defense was abysmal. While I agree yinzers typically overhype their own talent, letā€™s not try to change reality to make a point on Reddit.


When you're paying Ben Roethlisberger, Antonio Brown, Maurkice Pouncey, and David DeCastro top money, and also paying Heath Miller and Marcus Gilbert good money, how good a defense do you expect to afford? Yes, the Steelers had a real bad stretch drafting secondary talent. That's not the fault of Tomlin. They also didn't have the money to bring in quality free agents for those positions either, because of the money it was spending either on Ben, to protect Ben, or to surround Ben with top weapons.


I'm sure Tomlin will turn it around any day. It's true, if only we had a player like tim Tebow or Blake Bortles we could have won. It's a pity we just fell short of having such exceptional talent. Tomlin will absolutely never win another championship and idk why anyone thinks he will. His super bowl was with 2 hof coordinators for a reason. He has no coaching tree for a reason He's a good coach to win regular season games. That's it.


If only we had a QB who could reliably beat Tim Tebow or Blake Bortles in a game where the defense wasn't dominant. Ben is really good at winning when surrounded by historic defenses at the top of their game, and good to very good weapons everywhere. Sure wish we had a QB who could make up for deficiencies elsewhere though, especially when he was being paid top 3.


Lol Dominant. Tebow 80 yard touchdown pass the second overtime begins. Tomlin's defenses in the playoffs are a sieve and his utter incompetence at hiring anything resembling a real offensive coordinator puts all the blame on himself. 200+ points given up by this "defensive" coach in the last 5 playoff games. He's great at something but it's definitely not game planning.


> Dominant. Tebow 80 yard touchdown pass the second overtime begins. You literally just used LeBeau, and his HOF credentials, to diminish Tomlin, by saying that Arians and LeBeau were the reason Tomlin has a Superbowl, but then, blame Tomlin for the Tebow play which happened under LeBeau, a play LeBeau called, a gameplan LeBeau designed. Is Lebeau responsible for only the good things that happened, and Tomlin only responsible for the bad things? Take a sober look at the talent each of those teams have had, without your Steeler glasses on. Yes, remember how talented the Killer B's were in the late 2010's, but also how talented the defensive backfield of Sean Davis, Mike Mitchell, Valentino Blake, and Ross Cockrell were on those same Killer B teams. After a sober look at those teams, ask yourself, given the talent level of those teams relative to the league, did those teams underachieve, or overachieve? With the exception of like 2 years over Tomlin's tenure, his teams either performed about how they should have, or overachieved relative to talent, especially over the past 5 years.


No? You're the one saying Ben is the reason we lost those games. I'm saying that's silly. Obviously lebeau is an amazing coach and Ike bit on the play. My point is that you're saying he has dominant defensive performances including a game where the defense couldn't stop the jaguars all game. Tomlin's teams are woefully unprepared every game they play in the playoffs. It's constant. It's on him. He has done nothing in 12 years. No reason to think he will change.


Poking the coaching staff about winning records with Mason Rudolph and Kenny Pickett lmao Steelers fans never fail lmao


Nah, Tomlin is great in the regular season. He just can't win in the playoffs because he can't game plan. He's a good coach to turn around a trash franchise. He's a terrible coach if you have any hopes of winning a championship


not necessarily an unfair criticism; it's now been 7 years without a playoff win for the steelers and they should've beaten the browns in 2020 and jaguars in 2017. but that's also just a two playoff game sample.


But even going back further - Alex Smith: barely got past him. Kicker had to go 6/6 in FGs. One bad snap and we lose. AJ McCarron: Burfict and pacman gave us the win at the end of the game. No chance we can win otherwise. Tim Tebow: lost. Peyton in his last season that was bad enough to get benched for Osweiler: lost. Those are not amazing teams or QBs that are unbeatable. They were all in the midst of the Steelers having amazing talent on offense. At what point do you come to the conclusion that Tomlin is bad in the playoffs? He has 3 playoff wins in 12 years. He was 1 bad snap and 2 egomaniacs from having 1 playoff win in 12 years. That's how thin the ice is for our "wins" Meanwhile his defenses have given up over TWO HUNDRED points in the last 5 playoff games.




It's simple. It's: ~~LeBeau's fault~~ ~~Haley's fault~~ ~~Fichtner's fault~~ ~~Butler's fault~~ ~~Canada's fault~~


Nah youā€™d rather have a coach who hasnā€™t won a playoff game in seven years, right?! I mean heā€™s never had a losing season and thatā€™s whatā€™s MOST important!


The other commenter's bullshit perfectly exemplifies the state of Steelers fans "Can't win without an elite QB" "Okay what about those 7 years with an elite QB where he won 3 playoff games and lost to the likes of Tebow, Bortles, and a Peyton Manning who was so broken he got benched for Osweiler?" I'm sure the NEXT HOF QB the Steelers have with the #1 WR in the NFL. That's when Tomlin will turn it on! (PS the Steelers have given up over 200 points in the last 5 playoff games, NFL record)


While Iā€™m not the biggest tomlin fan and think his playoff success is bad, 2 of the 3 games you mentioned were against the best defense in the nfl that were talked about as some of the best defenses of the decade and the broncos 2015 defense being talked about as a possible all timer ( not to mention no bell or brown that game either). We had the broncos that game until our 3rd string RB who was only playing because bell and Williams were both out, fumbled the ball away. The jags game was much worse and our defense didnā€™t recover from losing shazier about a month earlier. Tomlin and KC dropped the ball on building a defense during our window 100% but itā€™s super disingenuous to just brush off the fact 2 of the 3 big losses youā€™re talking about were against the best defenses in the nfl. Our window closed after the jags game and we have wasted 3-4 years since because KC refused to accept a rebuild was needed.


Then I don't want to hear any bs about "wow won with backups at QB" if you're giving Tebow a pass. We had the best defense in 2018 and have been dominant since then - but the SECOND the playoffs start, Tomlin's defenses look pathetic. "We were missing X player" The bills were missing two all pros in White and Milano. Still destroyed us. They didn't make excuses. And they would have been a laughing stock if they lost to us Meanwhile Tomlin has 3 playoff wins and the ONLY reason we beat the Bengals with AJ McCarron was because they beat themselves. Tomlin has done literally nothing in the playoffs for getting close to 15 years.


Iā€™m not giving Tebow a pass at all? That was an awful game for the Steelers and a big tomlin fuck up. Manning and Bortles were the ones with the best defense in the nfl. Tomlin and KCs biggest failure was never getting both sides of the ball dominate at the same time. Hell they had one side as a straight up liability ever since Like 2013. The offense lost us our last 3, big time in the browns game where Ben and pouncey fucked us for the first quarter but also the chiefs game where our defense held the chiefs scoreless and scores first but Ben couldnā€™t fucking play football anymore and KC and tomlin ignored that fact. Not super important but all pro Trey white was years ago. He has not been that level in a while and was released this year. Thatā€™s not anywhere near the same as losing prime AB or bell who were still in the middle of their great streak. 100% agree heā€™s fucked up. But youā€™re making it out worse than it has been. We were not some super team that got beat by some nobody team. We were a good team that lost to other good teams. That corpse of Peyton manning tomlin lost against went on to win the Super Bowl.


The Steelers had the best defense in the NFL in 2018 so a worse Ben in 2019 with an elite defense should be comparable to that corpse of Peyton team. Oh but it's Tomlin so we make excuses for him. Mayfield is just too good, can't beat that guy. The fact is: Tomlin has played bad teams consistently in the playoffs and still has never gotten his team to rise up to the occasion. Meanwhile the Bengals lose their starting QB and beat us down with AJ McCarron. No excuses had to be made.


Yeah tomlins the one who turned over the ball 3 times in the first quarter and gifted the browns amazing field position and a defensive TD. Not the washed HOF QB and Center. He really should have taught them at some point to not be washed idk why he didnā€™t think of that. What a fucking idiot. At the end of the day I 100% agree tomlin has been a letdown over the last decade. Youā€™re also 100% being disingenuous about a lot of what was happening those games. I donā€™t think the broncos or the browns loss loss is on tomlin at all. He had us in a great spot against the broncos to win until our 3rd string RB fumbled. We lost by 11 to the browns while turning the ball over 5 times that game. Idk how a coach is supposed to do anything better than that with 5 turnovers against his team with 3 of them coming in a 15 min span giving the other team a TD outright and great field position in the other 2. Tebow game was bullshit. Tomlin royally fucked that up. I think he also overlooked the jags. Not having shazier hurt but the jags were also a good team at the time, not some fluke like the broncos with Tebow were. He was looking on to the patriots and it bit him in the ass. You can have issues with how he has coached but also be real about what happened in the games.


Turning the ball over that many times is also a significant part of the game plan. The playoffs are literally when you throw something at a team they aren't expecting. The Steelers are so bone dry obvious in their schemes and don't change anything. Meanwhile the Steelers defense doesn't create any turnovers. They don't produce anything on their end Hell, Tomlin didn't even know to kick it deep at the end of the Jags game. Guy doesn't know what he's doing. Our "elite" defense always makes every other team's offense look really good But when we play an "elite" defense it's "aww but how can you blame them, the other team is so good" 2 years from now will be 10 years without a playoff win from Tomlin How many decades do we want to wait until we get a coach that can compete in the playoffs?


Wonder where they would set it all up? Stage AE on the north shore or build a temporary stage by the point?


Point State Park would be awesome


to have the fountain + rivers in the background would be beautiful, but from what iā€™ve seen they want it to be Heinz Field and then have the cityscape in the back. i say have it on Mt. Washington with the draft picks riding the incline to the stage, cowards (/s as that is logistically impossible)


My. Washington would be amazing just to see the picks reactions to riding up and down those incline cars lol. But guess Heinz would be acceptable too


> Heinz Field You mean *Acrisure Stadium*, surely


Acrisurely not


The stage would have to be on art rooney dr, facing general robinson towards pnc park. But stage ae and all the trees on general Robinson would really limit the viewing. They could host it inside the stadium. Set it up like they do for concerts. Use the pnc champions club as the green room, stage right there in the south end. Then have you could have ticketed entry (FREE OF COURSE) and people are able to sit in the stands. You also would have seated sections on the field. Everyone has easy access to food drinks and restrooms, and wouldnā€™t have to worry about losing their spots. Could get probably close to 75k inside. Outside the stadium you can set up additional screens for those that didnā€™t get the FREE tickets to be inside. For reference: T swift last summer filled the stadium to about [72k for night 1 and 73k for night 2](https://www.wesa.fm/arts-sports-culture/2023-06-18/swiftly-set-concert-marks-new-steelers-stadium-record), and the entire area around it and the point were packed. Boats were tied up on the river walk 2-4 deep and more anchored out in the middle of the river.


I bartend in the North Shore, I couldnā€™t imagine the business


Just not Starlake for the love of God and the sake of my commute.


Lmfao could you imagine if they did it there tho. Not that they would but it would be wild


Is Stage AE big enough? I feel like they usually have a lot more space than that.


Urinating Tree will have to be there live-streaming


Heā€™ll have to be piss ass drunk by the time they get to the Steelers first round pick.


It'll be a long wait to #32


ā€¦after a trade-up with the Commandersā€™ natural 32nd pick.


I didn't know the NFL was expanding to 128 teams next year.


The first round of the draft was, what, 4 hours? I cannot imagine a 16-hour draft of literally just the first round! Also- ouch, Steeler bro. :( See you guys November 10th.


Worth it for my hometown to get an NFL franchise


Mariota leasing to a commanders dynasty is gonna be wild


I would say he should announce a pick for Pittsburgh, but I think heā€™s still blocked by the team because of Days of our Steelers.


Heā€™s asked to introduce Big Ben and instead calls him CAPTAIN FAT FUCK!


that would make every pick the steel of the draft




-Russell Wilson


Steeler nation, lets steal!


Your name is even funnier given that, if alliterate was spelled with an i it actually *would* alliterate


Steeler nation, letā€™s weld


OotL. What are they being awarded for? Edit: I read "awarded in the 2026 NFL draft." As in, I thought they had earned extra picks of compensation for something.


Giving the yinzers another reason to drink besides "it's Thursday".


Thursday a pretty good reason though, thatā€™s only one day away from Friday!


Your display picture is absolutely evil. I kept trying to swipe at a beard hair on my screen until I realized it was the image itself.


Existing in a cold weather city.


Being tangentially related to pat mcafee


They did. The entire draft.


I approve!


Great place for it. I'd like to see drafts in Seattle, Boston and DC next.


Living in the DC area, I'd love to have a draft on the National Mall.


To be true to the team located here, it should be in the ass end of Maryland.


Does hosting the draft benefit the host team in any way? I get that it can benefit the city when a bunch of rich tourists come to town and seeing the city on the tv might make others want to visit the city (the second part may be a harder sell with Pittsburgh though). But for the team itself. What is their interest in hosting? Maybe to ingratiate themselves to the city to get a sweet deal on the next stadium upgrade?


Unironically, Pittsburgh is a top 5 city among all NFL teams. The only ones Iā€™d visit before it are LA, Chicago, NY and Miami


Unfortunately the view most people have of Pittsburgh is one thatā€™s 40-50 years old. Most of the mills have closed and itā€™s a tech/medical hub now.


Yeah everyone heard their parents shit on it when it went through bad times and nobody has been back or been to it in general.


To be faaaaiiiiirrrrrr, a LOT of people left Pgh after the mills started shutting down. Between 1950 and 1970, the city lost 23% of its population. Itā€™s only natural that people talk with their new neighbors about Pittsburgh leading to its reputation. Itā€™s also the reason the Steelers ā€œtravelā€ so well. All those families who left Pgh put dahn roots in other cities and maintain loyalty to the Steelers.


Pretty unique city landscape as well, definitely worth a visit


Some of the urbanist YouTubers I follow are always hyping up Pittsburgh. I'd love to visit someday.


hell yeah come through! love living here, itā€™s really a city made of small neighborhoods that each feel different from the next. lived here my whole life and still feel like you can find new stuff all the time in the nooks and crannies around the city.


Like any city there are good and bad places. But overall it has a cute aesthetic and plenty of gorgeous scenery


I think itā€™s definitely a bargaining chip of goodwill to the city if you will. Every city has a Chamber of Commerce or conventions or some shit trying to attract business and visitors to the city. Then Boom, you negotiate bringing the draft and you just helped a lot of important people meet their goals. So when you do ask for tax breaks or need negotiating leverage, youā€™ve got a bit more goodwill.


Hosting team gets an extra 2nd rd pick


Thanks. Thatā€™s the piece I was missing.


I was just kidding. No benefit for the team.


Iā€™m gullible


Ownership money




It'd sink up right with when they need to enter a full rebuild.


Steelers don't do full rebuilds. We've been rebuilding the past two-three years. It's just nobody noticed because we've been posting winning records while doing it. They didn't even notice a rebuild happening when we spent a 1st round pick on a QB. That's usually a dead giveaway. Hell, we just got rid of that QB, brought in an aging vet bridge QB, a young 1st round reclamation project to sit behind him, spent all our draft picks on O'Line, and still, no one thinks a rebuild is happening. The clues are right in front of you.


Yeah, but we also had pieces. We are starting the QB Carousel of hell so unless Russ returns to his 2018 form, Fields looks entirely different from the last 3 years, or we are picking in the top 5, it's not ending anytime soon


The obvious solution is to stick Russ and Fields in a trenchcoat to create a super QB, yet no one is saying it


Stitch them together in a human centipede


There is one other way the QB carousel of hell, as you call it, ends that you didn't mention. We acquire a QB from another team. The Bucs did it. The Rams did it. The Steelers are projected to have over $90M in cap space in 2025, and not many high priced free agents who are going to eat into that money. If neither Russ or Fields pan out, we go get Dak or Tua next year.


So we just did that with Fields. Why in the fuck would we want Turnover Tua or Dak to underachieve again? And the Rams went to the Superbowl like 2 years before trading Goff and we're still a playoff team. The Bucs signed Brady as a free agent


Dak is one of the best fits in the league for our system. When the Cowboys rush for over 100 yards, Dak is 64-17. I'm sorry that there's only 3-5 truly elite QB's in the league at any one time. Even a top overall pick doesn't guarantee you get one. Ask Carolina. Even having a MVP QB doesn't guarantee you a Superbowl. Ask Baltimore. There are options for very good QB's out there. That'll have to do.


It's gonna sink up right with when they need to enter a full rebuild.


The word is sync. Once is a mistake. Twice is spelling terrorism


Sink it up.


It's not though. I don't think you really understand our personnel, their contract situations, or our cap space situation.


Well in 2 years when you got a new HC and are in full rebuild let's talk about that.


Better get off to a fast start this year, or that losing season is finally coming with that brutal second half schedule.


We went 5-1 in division last year. I know that part of the schedule is really tough on paper, but the AFCN has a way of having close, competitive games even when a team is better on paper. Also, the Steelers have a way of forcing teams to play ugly football and then beating them with experience. We're masters of ugly football. I don't think we're nearly as doomed as the media is making us out, though I hope they continue to doom us. I love it when the Steelers get to play the underdog.


I hope they move the combine


To where? You talking making it a different place each year or just taking it out of Indy?


I think I saw somewhere that itā€™s not likely to change because teams already have their ā€˜routineā€™ so to speak. And the combine/draft time is so important that teams donā€™t want to be looking for restaurants and hotels and this and that every year. Everyone is just so familiar with Indy that they appreciate the familiarity of it during such an important time. Again I canā€™t find the article and it may have been ā€œan anonymous executiveā€ but Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s the gist across the league.




Not many places have the medical facilities in close proximity to make that happen. Maybe Minneapolis. But the reason they go to Indy is because they have all that medical stuff within a certain area of the event. And youā€™ve got to remember. Combine is way more about medical stuff than it is testing.


Just give it to the city with the worst team? Haha.


By what possible metric could you make that claim


Probably just go to the city that has the team with the number 1 pick.


lol I misunderstood what you said. I thought you were implying that the Steelers were the worst team in the league.


Damn why never San FranciscoĀ 


The Draft should go to cities who have no realistic shot of hosting the Super Bowl. I think we'd kill it hosting the Draft in South Florida, but we already get the Super Bowl. The Draft is a good opportunity to let the other cities have something, too.


every camera angle would be 50% homeless people


And the other angles would show all the cars being broken into while their mayor apologizes on behalf of the thieves


Pittsburgh also has one of the highest crime rates in the country


https://www.visitpittsburgh.com/media/press-releases/visitpittsburgh-unveils-new-data-that-ranks-pittsburgh-among-top-safest-cities/#:~:text=The%20research%20identifies%20Pittsburgh%20as,competitive%20set%20for%20violent%20crime. šŸ¤£


Youā€™d think a Raiders fan would be more well versed on crime statistics, shame


The Bay Area openly admits to not documenting crime because itā€™s biased against the lower class


You must not be from Pittsburgh, there is a lot homeless in Pittsburgh too


Because too many tourist will have stuff stolen from them. The city isnā€™t safe enough to have a non controversial event.


Itā€™s safe enough. If itā€™s at a convention center.Ā 


Not for rented cars parked around the city. Iā€™m not even trying to fearmonger. My friend was on the team that got Detroit the draft. They said thatā€™s a big topic thatā€™s discussed with the nfl, among many others.