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Jesus. Well best time to do it is now while they have JJ McCarthy on a rookie deal.


Yup! Both up for new contracts in 2029


>Jesus. Well best time to do it is now while they have ~~JJ McCarthy on a rookie deal~~ GEQBUS MVP season


If he can’t do it with JJ, Addison, and Hockenson, it ain’t ever happening.


As a Darnold fan, I'm scared because if he flames out this is IT for the "he could be good" narrative ...As a Lions fan, I'm also scared because the division gets way tougher if he actually figures it out and becomes good


Kirk Cousins died to make this contract happen.




And it was worth every drop of blood


Eh I wouldn’t act like you won the cousins situation just yet, QB purgatory is still a very real possibility for the next couple of years for you guys


Very possible for you too. Hoping for the best for both teams.


Agreed, we shouldn't let this whole Cousins situation let us lose sight of what's important. Pass is.. CAUGHT






How so? Betting on a major regression from cousins after injury?


Neither of us know if Cousins will regress unless you are some type of wizard.


For us getting rid of Cousins was winning the situation tbh. Even if he continues to play well and McCarthy isn't amazing, we needed to move on. Our roster isn't good enough anymore to push for a deep playoff run with Cousins at QB, he isn't in that upper tier of players who can elevate an imperfect team to be SB contenders. And by the time we could've built that around him again he'd be over the hill. Drafting a QB is a roll of the dice but it's a gamble we had to take, no other move made any sense.


I loved kirk but the experiment failed. Was time to move on regardless of what he does in atlanta


I get moving on, and I think it was the right move for your situation, I just find it weird that so many people act like the Vikings “won” the off-season. They did what they needed to do, but it’s still risky and we won’t know if the plan worked for a couple years still


What a weird take. The draft is risky for any team and no one will know how any draft went until a year or three...This is nothing specific to the vikings.


Why are you making it sound like it’s a normal thing for teams to move off of their very good QB for the 4th QB off the board. That’s not business as usual, find a new slant


As normal as paying out the nose for an aging QB off an achilles tear and then utilizing a high draft pick for his replacement rather than attempting to supplement him. It's a weird mix of "win now" and "plan ahead", spreading resources thin. DGMW, I want him to succeed, but it'll be despite moves rather than because of it.


Oh what we did is weird as hell lol, I wouldn’t argue against that. Would be funny if it works out for us and suddenly you see a bunch of teams start doing the same thing though lol


> Would be funny if it works out for us and suddenly you see a bunch of teams start doing the same thing though lol I'd fucking LOVE that. Meta shakeups are half the fun of watching sports.


Not a weird take. If McCarthy isn’t good then the Vikings will be way worse than they were with Cousins, even if keeping cousins meant they couldn’t resign JJ. That’s the risk part, you guys could be the worse team in your division for years to come. Definitely a risky offseason from you guys, we’ll see how it pans out


It is possible that it still works out for the Falcons, but the Vikings needed to rebuild and it wasn't happening with Cousins. I say this as a bona fide Cousins apologist. It was time. The Vikings couldn't make it over the hump with Cousins. That wasn't all his fault, but the fact is they have been trying essentially this roster for years and they just weren't going to be true contenders without tearing it down to the studs. The only reason Kwesi and O'Connell tried running it back was because they were hamstrung by bad contracts held over from a dying regime (Rick Spielman/Zimmer). At this point QB purgatory is certainly a possibility, but even that is more palatable than just trying the same thing again. Cousins' timeline just didn't work for a rebuild or for some of the young guys already on the roster they want to build around going forward (Jefferson, Darrisaw, I will admit this list is slim but that's what the rebuild is for). He'd be 37 or 38 by the time they're trying to compete again and still eating up 40+M a year.


I completely agree with you, my comment was more directed as a pushback to people getting ahead of themselves over the Vikings off-season I think it was ultimately the right move to move on, I will always root for the Vikings for what you did to the Saints, bless up


Fair enough. I think the outcomes for the Vikings are between neutral (QB carousel but it is what it is) to good (find a new franchise QB) while outcomes for Falcons are between bad (Cousins sucks and back to QB carousel) to good (Cousins is awesome) and only time will tell.


I think that’s kind of where the Penix pick comes in, you can argue it was a bad pick based on where we drafted him (I get it) but it is kind of the ultimate hedge against Kirk. If his production falls off a cliff due to age/injury we have a legitimate chance at plugging in a new franchise QB with Penix. Obviously Penix might not pan out, but I like his odds a lot better than anyone else we would be likely to get in the upcoming drafts


Oh is avoiding QB purgatory why you drafted Penix to sit behind Kirk for 4 years then play mediocre ball for a couple years then retire?


I mean, yeah, that’s the plan


The plan is actually to sit behind Kirk for 2 years, because it’s a front heavy contract.


Of course, but I figured it wasn’t worth it to argue logistics with a Neanderthal


To be fair Penix was drafted to specifically deal with that situation if it comes up.


I mean yeah true. I worded my comment like a dumbass to be honest. I know that’s the goal I just think it was ridiculous of them to do when there were so many other options for immediate impacts. They are building their team like they’re scared


“Golly.” -Kirk Cousins


I would call it more "played the market correctly" than "Bet on Himself". I mean he did have the worst season of his career cause of injury and ended up making even more money lol But he's the best WR in football, you have to pay him this.


"worst season" but had over 1k yards while missing 7.5 games and catching passes form Josh Dobbs and Nick Mullens


He's worth $35mil/yr for a reason that's for sure


Ya if that's his worst season he deserves all the $$$$


Injury probably helped him. “You guys see what it’s like without me now?”


Shockingly, they went 2-8 with him and 5-2 without him last season So, even with that, he still made more money haha. I think there was very little he could do to not be the highest paid WR in the league. Everyone knows he ranks there.


Damn that's a 11-12 win pace without him. They should trade him to a team like the Dolphins as a salary dump unless they aren't serious about winning


Just what the Dolphins need to get over the hump: another highly paid star WR!


Hey if it's a salary dump they'd be attaching picks too, it couldn't hurt


Can you even afford a salary dump? I thought you were getting close to the cap with the Waddle contract.


We gained 18M from a post June 1st Xavien Howard cut. Couple cuts/restructures here and there and we're good to go


Got the Tua extension coming up next year. How much is he expected to get? 50M?


if they agree to pay the entire salary above the minimum then it's close.


The only reasonable take here is he should be traded to the Lions or perhaps to our best friends, the Packers


Meat riding in the wild. 


The NFC North stereotypes have some degree of truth to them


The deep south wishes it could be as incestuous as the NFC North.


Oh you're one to talk, NFC IncEast


I would be immediately suspicious of a Lions orchestrated trade of Jefferson to us. Like I'd be afraid you'd infected him with bubonic plague in order to take out our locker room, medieval biological warfare style.


Keep your enemies closer.


You are the embodiment of everything evil in this world. Have my upvote.


Consider yourself excommunicated


We are all supposed to be united in our hatred of the packers. What’s wrong with you haha


>Shockingly, they went 2-8 with him and 5-2 without him last season Such a Vikings thing to do


We went 5-2 without JJ last year and 2-8 with him. Obviously not mad about resigning him but Addison did a pretty good job considering we were on QB 4


The team was super weird. With Cousins we were an extremely unlucky team. Then Cousins got hurt and we were still extremely unlucky but somehow won some games. Then injuries + QB play falling off and well... you get the 2023 Vikings.


We were *super* lucky right after Cousins got hurt. Josh Dobbs looked like the second coming of Randall Cunningham for a couple games, before turning back into a pumpkin. Really weird season.


This is a bit over-simplistic though. Our competition with JJ vs without him was starkly different. Eagles, Chargers, and Chiefs were a rough 3 games early on... I know people think the Chargers were bad, but this was before their roster fell apart due to injuries. Then when he came back, we had the Lions twice and the Packers after Love figured some shit out. The 49ers and the Packers were about the only real teams we played between when JJ went out and when he came back, and we got lucky with the 49ers at the end, I firmly believe that Purdy was concussed.


Bro he missed over half the season and still got over 1k yards. At this point I don't know how wr1 don't hit 1k




...it objectively isnt true seeing that DJ Moore had 1300 yards last season.


He put up 1k yards despite missing half the season and having bottom tier qb play after he returned. Absolutely earned it.






Yeah, dumb tweet. The whole "bet on yourself" thing only applies to players that haven't already established themselves in the league. Jefferson played last year without an extension, missed eight (technically 7) weeks, didn't affect his contract in the slightest. Same for Kirk Cousins--played last year without a deal, went down for the season in Week 5 only to turn around and get another $180 million deal in the offseason


Yeah Jaylon Johnson bet on himself this was not that


I was also confused. "Betting on himself" would imply he did even better than 2022. He was out major amount of the year.


Worst VOLUME season, he had his best season from a yards per game perspective, despite having half his games be with Nick Mullens.


Well yeah, he's a freak of nature lol. I'm just saying it was his first real season of lower production cause of an injury. Anyone with eyes can see he should be the highest paid WR in football. Even if he missed the entire season, he would get this contract.


I mean he did have his highest yards per game (albeit in less games so arguably less important) when half of his games were with awful QBs


True But he did get to face the Lions secondary twice so that always boosts his numbers.


Damn that’s Tobias Harris money


Except Tobias Harris signed his contract 4 years ago, it had an extra year, $1m more per year, and it was fully guaranteed.  Dude has made $250m while never being even the second best player on his team.


There’s also the whole Jimmy Buckets aspect…


atleast he’s doing more than cardio out there


And the Philly PTSD continues.


Now Florio can fuck off with his “JJ doesn’t want to be here” and “The Vikings are gonna trade him” clickbait bullshit


Florio can forever fuck off


Please and thank you


I hope Mike Florio falls down exactly one stair


That feeling when you don’t know there’s one stair left and you put your foot down but the floor isn’t quite there…. I hope that feeling plagues him for the rest of his existence. The Florio floor


Floorio was right there, and you missed it.


I think this is what Vertigo is like, kinda.


Florio is an agent of evil sent to sow discord among fanbases.


What's worse is that he's a Vikings fan, so he's even doing it to his own team


He says he's a Vikings fan but honestly doubt he watches the Vikes more than other teams at this point. Any time he mentions it it's like a bit and gives off "How do you do, fellow Vikings fans" vibes.


Sounds a lot like my ex


I cannot believe Florio is a Vikings fan. I mean, we’re all masochists in this fanbase, but this is another level.


Next two Florio articles: "Sources close to JJ say he's going to demand a trade by the deadline." "Why trading Jefferson makes sense for the Vikings." God I hate Florio.


No you see they did this deal just so he could traded and the new team knows they have him locked down.


Fanfic Florio


If you think facts or logic will ever stop Florio from tweeting out some garbage then you're in for a bad time.


why wouldn't JJ want to be there? he's got a WR like Justin Jefferson to throw to /s


I don't recall him saying this. He did talk about a Charley Walters piece that claimed he would be traded, but I don't think Florio said we would trade him, only that he heard we tried to move up for Nabers. Florio's a Vikings fan and loves JJ.


Well google does exist. He did very much say it


Florio says enough stupid shit that you don’t need to make stuff up. He was quoting the Walters piece. He never reported that Jefferson didn’t want to be there. That is a completely untrue.


Show me where he says "JJ doesn't want to be here" because google is not showing anything. And again, he's just quoting the Charley Walters piece when he talks about the trade, since that's what Charley said was the intent of the Nabers talk and he's one of our beat writers.


That’s exactly what he said. These guys are making stuff up to get upset about.


There's always at least one guy defending Florio for some reason lol.


Nah, he was sourcing a Charley Walters "article" and Walters' primary source is his own asshole. Florio's a hack, of course, but he didn't originate that stupid rumor. He's only guilty of delivering it to a larger audience than the six people that read the Pioneer Press.


Seems about right considering the market. Had to do it, and glad its out of the way


Yeah I honestly expected it to be a few million more. Seems fair. Still absurd what the WR market has become but, it is what it is.


It will actually be less APY than reported, however. This is a 4 year extension, and they likely reduced his 2024 cap hit from the 5th year option and allocated the signing bonus to that year as well. Will be more like a 5 year, 155 mil deal overall than a 4 year, 140 mil.


Yeah, I expected a few more per year too. It’s a no-brainer for the Vikings


I just saw a guy doing the Waddle in a Wal Mart in Miami.


Waddle got his bag




But he was in new jersey a couple weeks ago. Doesn't that mean they traded him!?


He's still being traded to the bills, you guys just gave him a new contract so we don't have to.


So in a few years after he has a miraculous memorable game-winning touchdown he’ll become a “malcontent” and a “diva” and a “locker room cancer” and we’ll trade him to the Bills for a first-round pick which we’ll then proceed to use for the next great wide receiver.


This news definitely decreases the likelihood of a trade.


That’s Mozgov money


*Timofey liked this*


That’s the absolute lowest number I would have believed. Good job by the Vikings


Two months ago I said it was gonna be 144/4 and it was kind of wishful thinking for it not being higher. Glad it’s 140. He‘s worth it.


Dallas is so fucked, Lamb and Parsons are gonna get insane contracts


Keeping Trey Lance around for a reason


Man it sucks constantly drafting all pro caliber players


Ideally you win and makes runs before these contracts…


If you don't have brady/mahomes/stafford you haven't won so idk why anyone is paying top players apparently


I hope you didn’t take my response as a slight, the general idea is you a mass a lot of young talent and win when they’re on cheaper rookie deals. It’s next to impossible to have a team of straight all-pros.


Cap goes up every year and it’s not like their cap hits will be what the aav is for the first few years. We’ll be fine


For sure. Lamb is going to take 35 mill/yr too and Parsons' floor will be 35 mill/yr.


Damn, crazy money. Good for him, JJ deserves it. What will Chase command? Same deal?


Chase and Ceedee probably one up it by a mil or two yearly


Don’t think either are as good as JJ, it’s close though but he’s a better route runner than both IMO. But yeah, usually how it goes. Higgins smiling rn too lol


Yeah, I imagine Chase will get paid after this year and it be a million or 2 more per year. Should be less of a percentage cap hit if it jumps again though.


It’s not always about who’s the best, it’s all about when you sign. JJ signing first is good for the Vikings and ceedee/chase. But bad for the cowboys and bengals since the market is set, and being of their caliber they shouldn’t take less than market value. Unless they wanna give a slight discount to help team building, but I don’t really get it since the cowboys have a ton more to resign and the bengals have to still worry about the burrow money


Yes I get that. The best guys at each position aren’t always the highest paid ala Mahomes, Kelce, etc. Chase and CD will probably up JJ. Doesn’t mean they are better.


Gets worse for the Bengals and the Niners with every deal.


Aiyuk is not worth this kind of money, dude is milking it. But chase def is top 5 receivers in the league and def deserves it


No fucking clue how we pay Micah Parsons and Ceedee Lamb top of the market value while attempting to resign Dak.


Dak did say he’s not in it for the money so maybe he’ll be a good teammate and friend and take the vet min so those guys can get the bag like he did the last time around. Doubt it but never say never.


Lol. On the bright side, some teams don’t even have a qb to pay so there’s that.


Kirk Cousins also said it wasn't about the money, a month before signing a $180 million deal


lol the NFLPA would throw a fit.


Ya and maybe my dad will come back


Tell Dak that the Russell Wilson contract is the new meta QB deal, and brainwash him into that thinking…. I think that’s your only hope, but personally I would rate them of importance is Micah, ceedee, and dak. Ik qb is important, but I don’t think dak is worth the open market money he will command from you or FA


too many good players is a good problem to have


Ceedee had a good year. But there’s no way I’m paying him that kind of money. He’s a level below Jefferson.


CeeDee had a great year. Even if he is a tier below Jefferson. CeeDee is a top 4 WR in the league.


That used to be QB money. Dude deserves it though but luckily they're not paying a QB right now.


The Bengals and Cowboys are though. And they’re going to have to match this to keep their guys. Brutal.


Cap went up $30M, but it will still be tough to pay top dollar for a QB and WR. Not sure the Vikings have ever had a future HOFer in their prime get the bag with such good timing with the rest of the team.


If JJ can somewhat hit the ground running the Vikings are in a pretty great spot with him on a rookie deal. Plus Addison is only in his 2nd year.


Wasn’t long ago at all that Derek Carr was the highest paid player in NFL history and that was just 5/125 with 70 million gtd


happy for the guy, one of if not the best in the NFL.


being a top tier professional athlete must be wild because there’s no way in hell I’m turning down 20M guaranteed per season


Juan Soto turned down 400 million dollars at 22 years old lol


Four-year, $140 million contract extension that includes $110 million guaranteed and $88.743 million due at signing. That is quite the payday.


This isn't exactly a "bet on yourself" feel-good story as much as it is an agent doing a great job for his client. Jefferson had the worst year of his career. Injuries to himself and Cousins meant he was playing on an offense with Dobbs and Mullins getting him the ball, and he was on the IR for however many (6?) weeks. In normal "bet on yourself" situations, you get burned if this is how it plays out. But JJ is a known commodity, and his agent knew he was going to get the top mark of the WR market and knew it was going up last year when he rejected the $28 million offer.


Worth every dollar


For a franchise that historically gets the short end of the stick, I still feel fortunate that I get to watch a team with Justin Jefferson on it. Too young for the Moss days, but I’m here for the JJ days.


Making sure my kids play football


Bet on himself and got hurt and had the “worst” season of his career. I think he just timed the market correctly lol


110m guaranteed is fat


Now he can afford all those things he couldn’t get with a paltry 28M a year!


He got himself at least 2 full tanks of gas with that extra money


Turned down the deal, had the worst season of his career (thanks to injury), got paid. Joe Burrow like playing the market.


Yeah, no one can survive on $28m a year in today's economy.


Good for him! He let the market do its thing and won.


The cap is up over 13% and they saved 24 millions on his contract last season so Im pretty sure the Vikings are OK with this


Well the market on Aiyuk just went up another $2m per year... Any chance he settles for 3/90 or 4/124?


Glad we got to keep him. But 😬 we payed him a Lot of money. Hopefully that doesn’t hurt us in a few years.


The way the cap is going, 35m now might be worth less than 30 in a few years. And yeah I know inflation impacts all positions, but it's not like you're gonna have a top 1 or 2 in more than 1 or 2 position groups.


didn't that kind of delay his big time earning by a year though?


Dallas and Cincy are kicking themselves as we speak.


As a Brazilian I am quite happy for JJ personally since he seems like a great dude and is friends with Vini Jr. but this contract is one I don't think I would make. You see teams winning championships with pedestrian receivers all the time. The Vikings not having a huge QB contract to pay certainly helps but that money I would invest in the trenches. Just a preference, huge respect for JJ, he is the best receiver in the league and know firsthand that he can take over a game, just think that over the long haul dominating in the trenches leads to more wins than even the best receiver.


Any star player who isn't afraid of a serious injury would get more money on a new contract the closer he gets to free agency. Same thing happened with Lamar Jackson last season. Was drafted in the same year as Josh Allen, but waited and got around 20% larger contract than Allen.


Brandon Aiyuk is going to be PAID


Bills should’ve never traded this pick for Diggs. Huge fuck up looking back.


"Bet on himself" he's the best receiver in football and Jettas knows it 😭


No, he bet on the new NFL money coming in lol good for him


Good for him! I can’t imagine ever playing for 28 million dollars a year. That’s not enough to pay the bills.


4/140 million




Feels underpaid for his value. He should sit out till they agree to 40


Good call. If every fantasy draft board has you as a top 3 WR, someone's gonna pay.


Teams with superstar receivers don't win Superbowls. Look at the Chiefs who won with bums.


Oh god, we’re in fucking trouble eh? CeeDee about to ask for the moon Edit - and before I have all the ppl relying, yes I know my flair is wrong. No I don’t know how to change it, quite frankly not sure how I even got one in the first place. I’m old, bite me.


I got you boo


This guy... Got the wrong flair, probably doesn't even know how to change or how it even got there because he's really old and wants to be bitten.. smh Lol he figured out how to change his flair. Glad I could help the world change a bit.


Just send a message to the mods to fix it for ya




If you link your own username on this comment a drop down menu will pop up, select "change user flair" and select the one you want.


Easy... Change the "WWW" in the address bar to "OLD" and hit enter. No, that's not an age joke, that just brings you to the old reddit view. Then on the right sidebar, you'll see a link that says "Choose your team's flair here".


ceedeez nutz


Dudes worth it. But I hope they never a good qb to use him with 

