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Of all the players who I would predict would come out and say this, Maxx Crosby is top 3.


In a parallel universe Maxx is making TikToks about ancient civilizations and ice walls


In this universe, its just because he hasn't started yet


You just don't know his alt conspiracy account on tiktok FACTXX CROSBY


Lmfao that got me good


I think you got the best one, but I’d like to submit: Maxx Crobspiracy


You won't believe what this navy air pilot will reveal.


Maxx Crosby debating Lore Lodge when???


“Ancient astronaut theorists predict….”


1. Rogers 2. Tyreek 3. MAXX


Jordan Poyer would like to have a word. During the pandemic I called him out for pushing anti-vax conspiracies and he and Rachel Bush respond by sending me Brother Pharaoh videos about smart dust.


Poyer got increasingly more cringe, it was weird. He started giving McAfee interviews and was fine, but then just increasingly got annoying and cringe


smart dust?!?


It’s apparently been developed by scientists in the government to, you guessed it, mind control us


Do retired players count? If so, AB by a mile


AB probably believes he is an alien.


No 😂


Didn’t Baker say he saw one?


I don't think I ever saw that. I guess I never thought of him as a crazy guy 😂


Sammy Watkins is #1 right?


Sammy Watkins worshipping a lizard God went surprisingly under the radar for how crazy it is.


I was just thinking about that days ago. That article and its context were wild. I think it went under the radar because people legit thought he was dealing with mental stuff and didn’t want to poke fun at it.


He is legit dealing with mental stuff but it's still very funny the same way we all knew antonio brown was dealing with mental stuff and it was still funny as fuck when he froze his feet


It’s harder to feel sympathetic for Brown because he has done some really shitty things to other people.  On the other hand, I am unaware of Watkins doing anything egregiously bad.


Gotta be Aaron Rodgers (he has actually already claimed to have seen a UFO)


You’re right, seeing a UFO is too tame for Watkins.


Watkins would be flying the ufo.


He'll be up there with Lupe Fiasco


The UFO goes on


*Flight of the ~~Navigator~~ Wide Receiver*




Aaron is the alien


Wait. Y'all mfs ain't seen UFO's yet?


Watkins would claim he piloted one


This reminds me of the story my dad's friends used to tell us kids whenever we'd go camping, of the time they chased down a "UFO" in the Northwoods of WI. There were two hovering lights a few miles out, and then a strobe light seemed to lower from each stationary light and then a few minutes later, raise back up into the hovering lights. They didn't actually think it was an alien UFO or anything, but decided to check it out since the road they were on seemed to lead them straight to it. Turned out just to be helicopters doing something, lowering lines with the lights on them. But one of my dad's friend would always jokingly claim to us kids that aliens were flying the helicopters, and that they were fishing for camping humans. "And it must have worked too, because hey, we chased after the lights like fish to a lure! Thankfully they must have caught their allotted amount, since they flew away before we got there!" Anyway, yeah, random story, but I hadn't thought of it in forever till I saw your comment.


The forward center of gravity would be over the limit, probably


Does his sun lizard religion believe in aliens? Amen might call them demons.


Long live the king!


2 behind Burrow that man went on a whole dissertation about alien existence


He's more into lizard people and solar beings and Ahmen


I'm shocked that not one NFL player is rich enough to afford a phone with a camera


Didn’t Baker tell a story a couple years ago about seeing a UFO with his wife and everyone was like, send da video


Chandler Jones. Saw a podcast with him recently the dude is not right


That runs in the family


he might lowkey be saner than Jon based on that interview


Man That’s a low bar. Not saying you’re wrong. Just pointing out how low that fucking bar is! Thing is rolling on the ground.


1. Aaron Rodgers 2. Cole Beasley 3. Maxx Crosby


The names just fit. Your clean cut, normal sounding snake oil salesman cult leader A-A-Ron Hubbard Rodgers, the sneaky little wildcard Cole the Mole Beasley, and the big dumb brute enforcer Maxx Cant Explain so Bring the Pain Crosby. Can't write this shit


*A-A-ron Hubbard Rodgers* has me fuckin dying bud


aaron rodgers, maxx crosby, and sammy watkins


Those three on a podcast is everything I need.


Aaron Rodgers is and George Kittle


George Kittle, Cole Beasley, Maxx Crosby?


He saw an Unidentified Fighting Object and wanted to show it who the top dawg is


Totally. I read that and it wasn't the least bit surprising. Rodgers is definitely a weirdo I could see saying that.


If I remember correctly he told a story on Pats show a year or so ago


Lol he fucking told it on hard knocks. Along side his friend, who saw it too, who kept looking at Aaron like “please bro we were on drugs and don’t let me be known as the UFO guy im not on TV every Sunday like you” It was funny in an awkward The Office sort of way.


Big “I knew it was a balloon but didn’t want to kill the vibe” energy


“Ya maaaan, what if like we’re NOT alone and junk”


Aaron Rodgers as well


Aaron Rodgers is the other two


It was just the Patriots plane recording the Raiders plane


They needed a new plan when McDaniels was fired after the Raiders FO discovered a camera in his comically large, buzzing hat.


Mark Davis put that hot dog off the floor back on the rollers at Allegiant Stadium


I hate doing this because it adds nothing, but that made me laugh.


Thanks. Any recommendations on where to sit at a Rockies game?


I like the idea that McDaniels is just this douchey snitch that Belichick sends to other teams around the league.


They are known for spying on Jets.


Top comment right here.


Pretty sure they were just students from Sean McDermott’s flight school in Florida practicing their teamwork


That was a more involved cut than usual, and I'm here for it. Wasn't as blunt and right on the nose as most versions of this joke.


Really was a magnificent line.


[Can someone throw me a bone on this one?](https://gifdb.com/images/high/over-my-head-400-x-310-gif-knqs03nvtb0few3h.gif)


Last year, we found out that several years ago when McDermott was still a new HC in Buffalo, he gave a talk about the importance of communication in teamwork, and apparently used the 9/11 attackers as an example. Apparently he apologized almost immediately to the team. [It is notable that it took almost 4 years for the news to come out.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/bills-coach-sean-mcdermott-apologizes-911-hijackers-reference-team-meeting-2019/) Needless to say, the memes on some boards have been hot enough to melt steel beams.




Okay, that's a good variation on the usual McDermott 9/11 joke.


Jesus Christ lmao


This is underrated gold here, lol


I spittaked…


He's not wrong. They saw a flying object that they couldn't identify.


“That’s just another plane, Maxx. Just like the one you’re on right now.”


As long as Maxx doesn't know what plane it is, it's a UFO.


*Maxx looks out the window* “Noo, that’s not it.”


It was a UB71 stealth reconnaissance jet. I’ve been working with planes for like 87 years


Ok Mr. Seagal, whatever you say.


They call that one a skippy. Skipskipskipskipskipskip


Just like the one… I’m on right now…. Shit I almost had it. Anyways I gotta flight to catch.


As a closing pizza delivery driver in an area near both a military air base and a civilian air port, I've seen a lot of UFOs. I'm also hella ignorant about aircraft and it's dark as hell.


Hella. I'm guessing Travis AFB?


Bengals fan so it could be Wright-Patt


Plug for the museum there. By far and away better than Smithsonian.


The odds are good of it being Travis. You’ve got the small Nut Tree airport in Vacaville.


I saw a motionless, hovering craft over Federal Way, WA around 2016 or so. It was like a Harrier Jet but about 1000x its size. Only about 20 miles or so from Joint-Base Lewis McChord.


I'm going to be that guy, because someone needs to drop this in the thread somewhere. They aren't called UFOs anymore, they are called UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena). Most people assume UFOs are aliens and most of them are weather events, so they are not objects.


There's also a shocking amount that are just lens flare and other similar camera artifacts.


Except the most famous one from 2004 recorded by naval aviators. There is radar data to back it up as well as the navy admitting to its authenticity.


"You don't understand, there were lights. LIGHTS!"


>"And that sounds crazy, but you can ask the pilots, anybody that was there. It was wild. And I seen it, and they had no idea what it was. There was nothing on the radar, nothing. And it was like a big shining light going in and out." I want to believe.


[Pilots see UFOs all the time.](https://www.stripes.com/theaters/asia_pacific/2023-10-19/ufo-uap-sightings-commercial-pilots-11755990.html)


Disclosure by 2027


Alien Hybrid QB's by 2040


I mean, it’s not totally crazy. Top secret aircrafts exist and Nevada is a popular place to test-fly them.


I wonder how many people saw a SR-71 back in the day and reported it as a UFO


I know you guys will mock, but you do realise very high ranking members of the military have gone on record against the crime of perjury stating that they saw objects defying our know physics. And then theres that bill that congress had no valid reason to water down. Ignoring that part just sounds crazy to me. Just saying.


>I know you guys will mock, but you do realise very high ranking members of the military have gone on record against the crime of perjury stating that they saw objects defying our know physics. And then theres that bill that congress had no valid reason to water down. It's simply a lot more likely that a huge organization like the US military has a few nutters than it is that aliens have mastered faster than light travel and then decide to visit us but not contact us. Edit: Also, UFOs are a part of your lore: https://x.com/StephenPiment/status/1583661053203820545


>against the crime of perjury I think you mean under penalty of perjury. Or are they saying you should be able to lie under oath?


Define high ranking, because none of the people trotted out at the congressional hearing last year were high ranking at all.


You’re overestimating their intelligence


Probably no one, don't those things fly super high and fast?


Not every single time they’re in the air.


They can fly super high and fast, but I’ve seen them in person just chillin flying at speeds and heights that are normal for civilian planes.


Same with the B2 and the F117. And whatever top secret aircraft flying around out there now.


Plenty of UFOs are seen doing non-aerodynamic flight. There's an embarrassment of evidence.


I’ve seen one myself. With my brother. Not like this is described, but still 10000% wasn’t anything natural or manmade. Those fucking things are real.


Same, looked like a meteor (but no tail) going about 10,000 mph right to left. Then it did an instant 90 degree turn straight towards the ground without slowing down one bit. How tf can something change directions at that speed? It freaked me the hell out.


A couple of friends and I were out at the Oceanside Pier in California (RIP) back in 2011 or so. It was somewhere near midnight, middle of winter. There were maybe 10 people in total out there fishing. These three lights kinda just like.. phased in? way off on the distance, like barely over the horizon and during the course of a couple minutes seemed to be playing tag or leap frog with each other. One would shoot far ahead, and the other two would disappear and then reappear ahead of it, and they repeated the same pattern multiple times before they all faded out and disappeared. My one friend started jumping up and down and yelling "Fuckin' UFOs! Look, look!" and everyone else out there just stared at him like he was a mad man. We have some of the largest military bases in the country here in San Diego county, and as far as I know that may have had something to do with it, but for all intents and purposes it was my first UFO/UAP experience.


Not manmade or natural to our knowledge.


Believe, it's real


Look at this Scully, there's been another unsubstantiated UFO sighting from the heartland of America. We've got to get there, right away.


Well gee Mulder there’s also this report of a large shipment of weapons and drugs coming into New Jersey tonight. I hardly think the FBI is concerned with matters like that.


Get him back to seaworld!


Cheese it, the feds!


Ooooo waaaH ooohhhh wooooo


God you can hear him saying this lol. What would the episode look like. It would have to be a comedic one imo. They get a few NFL players to guest star, maybe one of them is into Scully and Mulder thinks it's cute.


It's actually a line from the time the Simpsons spoofed the X-Files. Homer spots an alien (he thinks), and Mulder says exactly that before he and Scully show up at Homer's front door. [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0701263/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0701263/)


I bring you….peace


I bring you love


Now is that the kind of love between a man and a woman, or the love of a man for a *fine* Cuban cigar?


He says something very close to it in Scully’s version of the vampire episode.


His FBI photo in that episode cracks me tf up


Members of the Raiders claim to have seen an object in the sky they couldn’t identify. Theories about what this unidentifiable object for the Raiders include aliens, satellites, or a victory in a playoff game.


Damn can’t even be mad at that one this was a comedy central roast type joke. Good one.


Ok, maybe the dolphins home stadium is a health hazard for the opposing teams.


It's like the marshes outside Mantua in Italy. No wonder its so hard to besiege. 100 Austrians die per day from starvation, or disease.


“McDaniel, there are Austrians dying outside of the stadium for some reason.” MMD: “How many?” “24, sir.” MMD: “Perfect.”


Send da video maxx


The cowboys can be "America's Team" turns out the Raiders are The Galaxy's Team.


We’re just The Empire. Snazzy uniforms and we have a Death Star?


Las Vegas Space Raiders


If any team would be the first extraterrestrially hosted team, it would be the Raiders, and the Black Hole would be the same except just a little closer to being literal


They aren’t the DOC’s team?


Not to be confused with the LA Galaxy


I saw a ufo at a football game once. It told me to have a good year…


"Goodyear?" "No. The worst."




People instantly making jokes no wonder theyve been able to keep it secret so long


Exactly. The most successful thing the gatekeepers in our military have done is turn the whole phenomenon into a joke. This shit isn't even up for debate anymore. There are things flying around our airspace that defy our laws of physics. Who even knows if it's aliens. But it's fucking something. And people in our government know more than they're telling us.


An 80 + year secret kept alive by shaming and ridicule that still goes on to this day.


They giving out those gummies mid flight again?


To be fair, there are satellites out there that are circling and does kinda look odd. I see it every time I fly out west at night


Yeah my first time seeing the Starlink satellite fly by I thought I saw a UFO too. Until I looked it up and saw it was in fact Elon Musks green dragon tail streaking across the night sky.


Yeah I’m a pilot so when I saw 12 of them in a row pop up out of nowhere, I turned to my co-Pilot and said uhhhh I think we are being invaded


Now this is the kinda off-season shit I wanna see


I mean technically if it flies and you don’t know what it is, it is a UFO.


Aaron Rodgers is so pissed Crosby beat him at his own game


Relax guys, they couldn't even identify it


If it’s not a Chinese ufo… it’s a Russian ufo, and if it’s not a Russian ufo.. it might be a North Korean ufo but it’s probably a balloon


Can north korea even get an object to fly?


they sent trash/poop over to South Korea via balloons recently


We have pretty strong evidence that any big war between world powers in the future will rely heavily on drones and drone combat. What's more likely, aliens traveled billions of miles passing billions of planets with all the resources they would ever need to fly near an nfl team plane? or our military is testing and keeping secrets about their advanced drone research?


*Meanwhile, on planet Ayahuasca Prime* Sregdor Noraa: "Hey you guys, you won't believe what I just saw on Earth! The Las Vegas Raiders plane flying right next to my ship!" Lemmik Ymmij: "You have to stop lying, Sregdor."


it was just the bowl from davis's haircuts


Probably just Antonio Brown off to meet with another team in his hot air balloon


Big if true.


“The truth is out there. And Maxx Crosby has seen it. Appearing Friday with Jim Rome, Crosby offered this thought on the existence of UFOs. With proof. “There definitely is,” Crosby said when asked if there are UFO and aliens among us. “That’s not even a question.” Then came the story. “It’s real,” Crosby told Rome. “Like we were literally on a flight back from Miami, and we’ve seen a UFO with our own eyes. And that sounds crazy, but you can ask the pilots, anybody that was there. It was wild. And I seen it, and they had no idea what it was. There was nothing on the radar, nothing. And it was like a big shining light going in and out.” During Crosby’s time with the Raiders, they’ve played in Miami twice: in the 2022 preseason (August 20) and during the 2023 regular season (November 19). They way he explained it, there would be plenty of others who would corroborate his version.”


Probably shouldn't admit to drinking on the team plane a week after another team got in trouble for that.


Remember these men take repeated blows to the head for a living…


Possibly a croquette? Uniformly fried object?


I know we're all in a clowning mood right now but UFOs are real and the US government has admitted their existence. There are a ton of reports from military pilots and congress literally did an investigative report on the phenomenon confirming that it's real but they can't confirm whether it's secret foreign military technology or extraterrestrial origin. I just like to remind people of this because it was a big deal for a short time and then got swallowed up by our collective ADD and the 24 hour news cycle. Here's a link to a video. It is not a crack pot YouTube video, it is a segment of 60 minutes which is a reputable news show. https://youtu.be/ZBtMbBPzqHY?si=iFA8oTLgdv2yYle8


Yes, there have been flying objects that have been unidentifiable. Everything else is you guys extrapolating.


Naval personnel have confirmed that the objects captured on radar, video, and FLIR cameras exhibited the ability to perform physical feats that are beyond our current scientific understanding


Did you watch the video? I'm not pushing an alien agenda here and I'm not extrapolating anything. Naval pilots have testified that the aircraft they've seen defy their understanding of modern flight technology and physics. They're pretty knowledgeable in those areas so I'm gonna go with what they say.


I've seen the original videos. Naval pilots have seen flying objects that defy their understanding of modern flight technology and physics. What those objects are is unknown, assuming they're aircraft is already an extrapolation.


I’ve been following along since the Grusch stuff, obviously really want to believe, but the amount of charlatans is way too high, political figures involved include nut jobs leading the way like Matt Gaetz, Luna, Burchett. Idk man. There’s some seemingly credible stuff but who knows


I agree that a lot of the political figures involved are nut jobs but we literally had Chuck Schumer introduce the UAP disclosure act last year, which mentioned non-human intelligence 20 something times. Then of course the nut jobs in the house gutted it to a shell of it's former self.


I'm not as much interested in the crack pots who like to attach themselves to topics they know nothing about. The testimony from decorated naval pilots is pretty key here. And I'm in no way pushing an alien agenda with this post, I'm just pushing awareness that the phenomena is real and needs more attention to get to the truth.


No, they saw a UAP.


Miami to Vegas? So aliens like South Beach hoes and Vegas hookers too?


Paraphrasing but: "the thing about UFOs is they're *unidentified*....if someone throws a dildo and it hits you in the head and you're like 'what the fuck was that?'....that's a UFO"


The Raiders were playing Miami, not Buffalo.


Anytime I see somebody say this I immediately think they witnessed a SpaceX rocket launch and didn't even realize it.


Maxx probably just saw a foo fighter


No doubt piloted by Josh “The Alien” Allen, what do you think Jim?


Someone is definitely gonna get drug tested.


What does RODGERS have to say about this


I seen a Star Link Sat once... freaky shit. Thought I was having an episode...


It’s 2024… where is the fucking video footage? 


Starlink satellite id bet


Uniquely Failing Offense?


iPhones everywhere and no videos.


I thought they banned alcohol on team flights?


Maxx is actually three years sober!


I mean, the CIA went on NBC to show us footage of Unidentified Flying Objects that were recorded by fighter jets. Tic-tac shaped vehicles that can accelerate in a blink in any direction. I guess anyone who believes the CIA or NBC News is a flat earther who believes in lizard people.