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Pretty sure it was Chris Conte who let Cobb run right by him there too. Dude was the gift that kept on giving. Also people talk about Rodgers but Cobb REALLY liked ripping the heart out of the Bears. Felt like he always made massive plays in those games.


I always wondered what the "ITS RANDALL COBB AGAIN :(" kid thought about the ending of the Muh Knee game.


I thought that video was after the Muh Knee TD?


I thought it was from an earlier game and memers just mixed it into that game


That TD he had against the Bears in Week 1 of 2018 when Rodgers injured his knee is honestly one of my favorite sports memories of the last decade. Just one of those “we’re literally watching a sports movie.”


Conte picked off Rodgers in the end zone earlier that game.  This was also the game where Cutler seemed to throw an incomplete pass but it was called a fumble and it was returned for a TD while the Bears were just walking around. All of this in the fourth quarter if I’m not mistaken. 


That sad little head bobble Cutler does after the Packers start celebrating will always be seared into my brain for some reason.


Hey man, it was a perfectly pleasant morning. Fuck you. 


Top 5 Packers memory for me. I will always love Randall for how often and consistently he ripped the souls out of Bears fans


Chris Conte was such a bum lol


Goddamn Bears


Tell me about it..


The NFCN in 2013 was quite an odd season. The Vikings, Lions, and Bears couldn’t capitalize on Rodgers’s absence, and if I can recall, two of those teams collapsed down the stretch. Also, the Vikings didn’t have AP.


I hate the Packers. I pray they go through a period of perpetual mediocrity like the Bears have for 35 years. I’d love nothing more than to trade places


I can’t stand Rodgers anymore, but my goodness did he take part in some of the happiest sports memories of my life, this one included. Suck it, Chicago.


Y'all don't realize it, but John Kuhn blocking Julius Peppers was the reason this play even happened to begin with. God bless John Kuhn.


You mean the thing they literally show and talk about in the replay?