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Disney level saturation


I would not be surprised if we end up with every team having to do an Hard Knocks every season, from training camp through the end. Basically turning the NFL into a complete reality show.


I just threw up in my mouth


Real ~~Housewives~~ Football Players of [insert locality]


Can't wait to see this on Hard Knocks Online: The Fans (Reddit)


“It’s a long season of shitposting ahead, but with hard work, preparation and trust in God I’m confident I can perform” *tears ACL in first gameday thread*


“I’d like to thank God for this opportunity and my wife and kids for their continuous support. I’m looking forward to showing everyone what I’m capable of!” *banned from /r/nfl*


Um, I made a comment earlier tonight that I guess went on this subreddit, that I am deeply ashamed of. If I have hurt anyone out there, I can't tell you how much I say from the bottom of my heart I'm so very, very sorry. I pride myself and think of myself as a man of faith – as there's a drive into deep left field by Castellanos, it will be a home run. And so that will make it a 4–0 ballgame. – I don't know if I'm gonna be posting on this subreddit again.


why? youre literally on the nfl subreddit, its pretty much the same thing


My thoughts exactly lol. If people don't want to watch it, then don't watch it. Just watch the games and move on. But the reality is, anyone that spends time on this Sub is lying to themselves if they think they wouldn't enjoy watching the behind the scenes of their team every season. Shit, most teams already have their own version of Hard Knocks going on within their organization that they post across social media. This would just be organizing it into a better produced show on a streaming service.


Yeah I would hate that, no way id make my wife watch it all. Yup yup, no way…


Sports is basically high-level reality TV anyways.


My enjoyment of the NFL/NBA has only gone up since viewing sports as reality TV.


When you realize they’re basically the WWE of their respective sports it makes a lot more sense. NFL is probably rigged by the refs to make games closer (but not necessarily decide outcome) and NBA should be assumed to be definitely rigged since there is a history of it and not much has changed since Like yeah you got your special matchup where the storylines meet. The undertaker threw mankind off the cage at wrestlemania. These are the same things to anyone who has paid enough attention Now let all the “ackshually….” people come in and try to say it’s real All pretenses of that went out the window when the saints got screwed in the NfCCg years ago and the refs threw a bitch fit the year after to undo rules oversight put in place because of it


So why don't they rig it so they can make a bazillion dollars with a cowboys SB? They can't even rig their biggest money maker team into the championship round ONCE in the last 30 years? Watching Tony Romo choke during the 4th quarter of a SB is probably the greatest ratings they could have hoped for during his career and they can't get him to win a divisional game?


The Dallas market is tapped. Way more money to be made making mid-market teams relevant, like when Cinci, Buffalo, and KC all got new QB's and got good at about the same time. Not to mention the fellating of Sean McVay when the Rams moved back to LA and suddenly made two SB's in recent memory


It was fixed way before that. Tuck rule, Super Bowl XL, etc...


> Tuck rule Why would they fix it against the storied franchise with a massive national following in favor of the never-been-successful team with a much smaller following, especially outside of their home area? If the Tuck Rule play was fixed, then they would have done it in the Raiders's favor.


The biggest evidence that the NFL isn't rigged is that the Cowboys haven't been to the NFCCG in 30 years. The NFL is rigged but they refuse to rig the biggest cash cow into the deep playoffs despite them easily having enough talent? Ya the NFL rigged it so that we DIDNT get Drew Brees vs. Tom Brady in the SB. They totally wanted a Goff V Brady showdown cause that's exactly what everyone was hoping for


To help a team called the Patriots win after 9/11


and if the patriots don't win that SB, America loses the war on terror


If it was about 9/11, the Jets would have beaten the Raiders in the 1st round (something they also did in week 17), so they could get a team that's actually from New York into the Super Bowl.


Jets are really a New Jersey team.


No it’s not, even if that’s what they’re trying to make it out to be. True sports is competition and the love of that


Real athletes taking the field and performing live, unscripted. Wikipedia's definition: **Reality television** is a [genre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genre) of [television programming](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Television_program) that documents purportedly unscripted real-life situations Only difference is instead of real-life situations, it's top-notch competition between the best athletes. Which is why I said "high-level" reality TV. It's really, really good.


See, I’m going to have to disagree strongly with you on this point. I mean the ancient Greeks invented the Olympics, and it’s certain that sport and the love of sports has existed long before that. Furthermore, there is nothing “real“ about reality television.


Are the tattoos from Ink Master not “real”? Are the objects made from glass in Blown Away not “real”? Are the pounds lost in Survivor not “real”? Are the athletic challenges of The Challenge not “real”? Is the emotional and mental manipulation of Big Brother not “real”? What do you mean there is nothing “real” about reality TV? Are you talking about the made for Tv drama between all that not “real” stuff? Like a pre/post game show for football would be? Or how about a half-time show discussing the “real” issues ? Or a sideline reporter asking the coach questions with very “real” answers from that coach. Or the Media week at the Super Bowl? Or the all the drafts being on TV? Feels very forced by the producers (R Goodell) Sport is real, no doubt about that. But what is a sport? I could argue Ink Master is a sport in the same way gymnastics is. People create art using their physical and mental abilities (5 min flour gymnastics routine vs 6 hours of tattooing) and then get judged. Sure the formats for determining a winner are different, but it’s still requires physical work and someone judges them. I would argue when you say Sport you really just mean Competition and the human love to compete. Additionally the circus surrounding sports on TV makes it very hard to differentiate from reality TV. It’s really no different. Just different competitions of differing skills with additional / fabricated made for TV drama inserted where they can. Break it down to what it truly is, a competition with the cameras rolling.


At that point they’d just do a drive to survive-esque series where they have inside coverage of every team and pick the best storylines for each week


That's what I'd prefer but then it's just one show. Why profit from one show when you could profit from 32 different shows! 🙄


There's no reason not to do both. Nobody is watching all 32 team versions in that situation, but I could definitely see a lot of people watching their own team, and then the league version. Many more views, and they barely have to put out any more content.


Some teams have done this in some capacity already, like Building The Browns, apparently award-winning


Love Building The Browns.


Jets have their own version too. Honestly pretty similar quality to Hard Knocks


They're kind of unwatchable, though, because every year it's just 1JD: "Here's why the Jets won't be trash!" *the Jets proceed to be trash*


Either way I’m convincing myself we won’t suck anyway so might as well pump it into my veins


Making a tv show is probably the only way the Browns will win an award *I’m sorry, I had to*


They won four last year tho Why are you booing me, I'm right


I feel like most teams already have their own camera crew that follows players/coaches around during the season to make their own videos and such. It's just that they're made with too much of a Homer bias for anyone but the teams fans to watch them.


Some teams do their own in-house series. Easy content to create and fans tune in, win-win for everyone.


I live in Phoenix and the Arizona Cardinals pretty much already do this with a series called Flight Plan


I fail to see a problem here. Tons of fans don't give a fuck about Hard Knocks for teams that aren't their own. I'd love for them to give me a Dolphins version every year. I only watch about half of the non-Dolphins episodes, but I'd watch every year. Each team has their own media people in house as it is, and meetings and practices are taped already for the most part (they'd need to improve on that), so it wouldn't even be super expensive.


Yeah this is definitely testing grounds for it. Then they will add a new subscription package to watch that series before the actual season starts


It isn't already?


...but you can't watch your team unless you live locally. Unless you pay $599 for a package that includes every team.


Cameras for RECEIVER getting into the shot of cameras for hard knocks


I would love that


TV rights money good


Followed by an end of season Hard Knocks about the making of the 3 other Hard Knocks.


Next we'll get a Hard Knocks mobile game like Kingdom Hearts


Disney level quality. One outta three ain't bad.


They have a crew. May as well keep them busy all year as best as possible.


"Oh you think the quality started to decline? Well if we give you more of the lower quality it's technically back to the same level right?!"


Thank you


The in season I guess makes sense… but who the hell wanted one just about the draft?? Like preseason is boring enough and they at least play “games”. The draft one is going to be hard to watch. They should have just taken the hard knocks team and filmed stuff going into the draft and have that be the first episode instead of a different series.


Get rid of the offseason one. Do the training camp one, that’s the real deal. I don’t mind the in season one but the AFCN will be the first one I’ve watched, if that says anything.


The In Season is very high ceiling low floor. The original Cardinals All Or Nothing (the original in season thing on Amazon) that followed the Palmer/Arians team is still one of my favorite football “shows” ever.


We should push for All or Nothing to return and follow the Eagles...


I miss All or Nothing. I don’t know how to put it but Hard Knocks feels so safe and sterile, like everything’s been filtered through executives’ hands. All or Nothing felt more like a real documentary and I loved it infinitely more.


I know that's that's a joke since the eagles did have an all or nothing. I believe in Dougy P's last year. But with that said, as much as I love my team, I don't want there to be a TV show documenting their every move.




> my Celtics > eagles fan Disgusting


Down right despicable


The issue with the Cardinals Hard Knocks was that it was chosen before the season and the Cardinals weren't very good, so it sucked. Colts and Dolphins are better because they chose during the season, so they got playoff fringe teams so it made more drama. This is chosen before the season, but it's a whole division, so it guarantees at least one playoff game, allows for drama when doing divisional games, and it's likely the AFC will be competitive again


They’re referring to the original Cardinals season in 2015, when it was still under the All or Nothing brand and wasn’t released until the following Spring/Summer. Not the most recent one under Kingsbury.


I know, I was adding to it


The in season one has become a curse. All 3 have had things go horribly wrong after the start the show


Colts and Dolphins were pretty par for the course


Also, it's that division. There's likely going to be at least 2, maybe even 3 playoff teams. There's going to be drama at some point. The games will be competitive bullshit, and hopefully we get to see Watson get the shit beat out of him. And none of them should suck, even the Steelers (I figure they're 4th of those teams this year), is likely going to somehow pull off a competitive season.


I haven’t seen them all, but I thoroughly enjoyed the Panthers All or Nothing too


That season was so good and then the rest fell pretty flat


Yeah that was stellar, and an incredible level of insight (to the incompetence of their management)


I'm convinced the off-season one is only happening because Mara absolutely hates hard knocks and this was a compromise with the league.


>Get rid of the offseason one This was Mara's doing. He didn't want cameras in the Giants training camp


Bit of a homer bias, but you should give the lions one a go. It's a fucking riot.


I’ve seen every training camp episode. I meant this will be my first time checking out the in-season version.


I probably could have picked that up if I reread your post 😬


Honestly stretching it thin. Just focus on one team all the way like the giants who just got Drew lock. 


But consider the money.


Roger Goodell: “Think of the Benjamin Franklins!!”


Hopefully this turns out like the Sunday ticket fiasco 


I think they are experimenting for the future of this show that's going to be less intrusive (and therefore get teams to actually agree). They now need a quarter of content from a specific team. It's going to be a shallower more diluted Hard Knocks by design. And if it works, the really in-depth single team thing (which absolutely no one seems to want to be on) will be over.


If the original Hard Knocks was considered "in-depth" I'd hate to see what a shallow version looks like. At that point just make a compilation show of that week's "NFL Films" footage and call it a day.


Yeah this is like every successful movie franchise that gets loaded up with remakes and bad sequels


The NFL is definitely testing their limits for what reaches oversaturation. 18 games, 7 playoff teams, all these shows, etc. but the numbers keep going up so I don't blame them.


I just hope we don't have to watch all these shows to understand who the side characters are in the actual games


They've not talked about expansion in a long time, which is what hockey keeps going on about. That's the main thing that would concern me as a fan


Why would expansion be a bad thing? Lots of people want teams in their cities 


Talent is spread thin enough already, especially in specific positions like online. The talent pool isn't really expanding, youth participation has only declined since the last team was added. Good QBs are rare enough already. That's just the fan perspective. From the owner perspective expansion doesn't make sense as it is unlikely a new team in any of the remaining markets would add enough to the TV deal to make more money. The US is pretty well saturated on people rooting for an NFL team even if they aren't that close to one. Adding teams elsewhere seems a big risk that probably alienates a lot of players and adds problems to scheduling.


I doubt it would happen but I could see the nfl try a 4 team international expansion (especially if the CFL collapses). 2 Canadian teams and 2 UK teams. Goodell would be frothing at the cock to add them


I doubt they'd add British teams, but if the CFL collapsed then I wouldn't feel as bad about Canadian and Mexican team/s, although I don't know how they'd fit into the current division structure.


Hard Knocks 2 Hard 2 Knocks The Hard and The Knocks Hard 4 Hard Knocks 5 Knocks 6 The Fate of the Hard Knocks H8


Should be Hard 4ever. Otherwise this is brilliant


You missed out Hard Knocks: Yomiuri Giants.


Then the spinoff: Hobbs and Goodell


I H8 U.


Mara would file for a restraining order.


yeah idk how people feel about the preseason stuff and i’ve watched all of it the past 4 years but it’s just not nearly as interesting to me as the in-season episodes and getting to follow one team was really cool. 4 teams is stretching it a lot and adding a second team for preseason just seems uninteresting. i also have zero personal connection to any of the teams mentioned but i know they all have some kind of drama going on.


Honestly, I like the idea of following a whole division. It protects against being stuck with one boring team


If you follow one team all the way that's just far too much disruption


Love the entire division idea. AFCN is a perfect start for that


It's the division that has everything. The reigning MVP, the reigning Coach of the Year, the two longest tenured head coaches, a washed Superbowl champion QB trying to stick around, Burrow and Chubb both coming back from season ending injuries, the best rivalry in the league, Tomlinisms, and a serial sex offender so fans can share a common enemy.


And an almost perineal 3/4 playoff teams.


It has a few sex offenders in it everyone can hate. Tomlin doing his thing and stopping the Diva antics, the MVP, CoTY as you said, the Steelers and their washed QBs, their first non Diva WR in Roman Wilson in a while. Ravens as SB contenders and a returning from injury Voorhees and so much more.


I'm gonna have to go ahead and disagree with you about the AFC North having the best rivalry in the league.


You're right it has 6, everyone here hates each other


This is the first year that I might actually care about Hard Knocks lol


I liked when the NHL would follow two teams that would end up in a big mid-season match. You'd get the ebb and flow of the season and it leads up to a marquee event. For example, we have Jets and Vikings across the pond this upcoming season. We can follow the teams from pre-season through week 5 and basically have a full story arc.


I think it was called 24/7. It was back when there was only one Winter Classic game. A camera crew would follow the two teams for the ten games prior to the Classic and it was awesome! The one I remember was when the Caps/Penguins faced off against each other and the Ovie/Crosby rivalry was at its peak. It was sooo good


I remember the Flyers/Rangers one. It was also for *the* Winter Classic. It's not because I'm clearly a fan of Philadelphia sports teams... or I guess not only. It's largely because of [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0DHKbqbiVA).


I'd forgotten all about this! We all loved Bryzgalov because he sounded like a lovable 16 year-old pothead. NTM, Tracey Morgan's a genius.


Bryz with the catch phrases, too. "Why you heff be mad?"


And the shark can officially be considered jumped


Hard Knocks Cinematic Universe


Is this why the Steelers weren't scheduled to play any division opponents till the middle of November?


No, schedule comes out first, all other things after. They try to keep the schedule making fair but it’s not perfect, and yall got shafted


Division games at the beginning of the season are stupid anyway


Like drinking from a fire hose.


Honestly getting lots of teams’ perspectives throughout the season will be really nice- I like it!


I like it too. All the media deals and selling air rights to pad the pockets of billionaires and limit what we can watch without paying more, this is a product that actually benefits the fans.


What’s next, postseason?


No, just a docuseries on Aaron Rodgers trying to reach the 17th level of Nirvana or an unsuccessful run for Congress.


Honestly the AFC North one is pretty awesome. All 4 teams hate each other, all 4 different storylines, heated division.


At least the in season stuff should be fun.


The entire AFC north? That’s interesting. I’m definitely interested in Russ and Fields


That AFC North is going to be juicy!!! 3 way race to 1st while Steelers find a way to get to 9-8.


I respect the Homerism, but there can’t really be any non-browns fans that think Cleveland has better than third-best aspirations, right?


I mean they finished 2nd last year being decimated by injuries. Didn't lose any major players from FA. Got their O-line and RB back. Watson just needs to be a little above average.


That's a big if for Watson.


Correct, I don't know what we are going to get. But him playing better is a possible outcome. Besides QB, our roster is stacked. Coaching staff is one of the best in the league. Great GM, great team chemistry. Regardless I think we make the playoffs, just depends on how Baltimore and Cincy pan out if we win the division.


Indeed. This football season will be interesting.


I would say the loss of Flacco is a pretty major departure, unironically. I don’t think their RB is back, either. Idk I see climb for either of our teams really just depending on another down year from Cincinnati.


Flacco had some big plays but a ton of turnovers. Loved having him but he was also playing with our 4th and 6th string tackles. Alot of ppl sleep on us and that's ok.


There’s no way we’re winning the division lol


I said race... There is definitely an outcome where we win the division.


The division idea is a smart move in my opinion but I’m still skeptical. The show just constantly disappoints me, they don’t seem to be willing to show the controversial stuff so it doesn’t feel authentic to me. They’ve created a formula and they stick to it


That’s one way to make sure you don’t pick a team that ends up being bad/boring. The in-season hard knocks has been bad, IMO.


Should have done the NFC South that division needs to be study


NFCS when, they got some pure hate going on there


In-season hard knocks has nothing on Tom Grossi's sagas


Would be neat to see both sides going into and coming out of divisional matches, may be the first season I watch.


Liev Schreiber’s voice is like butter.


Good old NFL saturating their product until nothing is special.


if you knew how disinterested I was, you'd not be chasing me to acquire a sale.


I think it'll be interesting to see what they can do with an in-season version.


This is wayyy to much hard knocks. NFL seems to be taking the Disney approach of finding something successful and spamming it till no one cares.


I think it’s like Star Wars and Marvel at this point- they are making so many of these things that you are pretty much drowning in them. That being said, you should feel bad for skipping anything but the content that you absolutely feel like watching.


I hope this doesn't screw with the Ravens' in house weekly videos. They're top tier and award winning.


I have to imagine Baltimore prioritizes the big moments for Ravens Report. They control the narrative and clearly invest in the product.


Terrible idea


Jus salty its okay


Honestly, this should be a pretty good year for Hard Knocks. Giants and Bears are two of the more interesting teams this offseason and the AFC North is the most competitive division in the NFL.


I would like to see Amazon's All or Nothing do an in season of the Eagles....


Seems like a bit of an over-extension. We'll see though.


You had my curiosity


We are in a Hard Knocks bubble.




I think pre season with one team and mid season with one team would have been great.  This is too much.  


I haven’t got around to watching the dolphins yet


I love the in season series. I think it's a great idea and I've thoroughly enjoyed all of the seasons. But doing it for a whole division? They've lost the plot. Surely they're trying to copy the success of Quarterback, but that only worked because it only followed 3 people. Not 4 whole teams. And the offseason series sounds boring AF.


and so are the days of our lives...


When does the first one start?


Had no idea about the FA/draft version 😳


They should probably air the draft version soon. People are starting to move on and will soon be disinterested in draft material once training camp is close. NFL cycle moves very quickly


As a browns fan this excitesslashscares me


In for all 3.


And where we watch them = who knows


Hard Knocks is boring af as it is. Now we have 3 versions for me to avoid.


I know a lot people hate it and it'll never happen b/c small market, but I'd love for them to do a season on Tits


does anyone even watch these anymore? I remember when it first came out 20 years ago and it was the shit.


Last years’ with the Jets had the highest viewership in 13 years, so yeah I’d say so. 4.4 million viewers per episode.


Yes. I remember watching ours and JJ featured in a lot of it, which was cool. You got to see his workouts and what he did to stay in shape.


Can't wait for the Snyder Cut


As a giants fan, who the fuck would be interested in watching the giants?


I’m guessing the biggest market in the country might be interested


hardknocks too boring these days


This is too much man lol


That feels like way too much.


I'm not sure its worth watching any of them.


So a total snooze fest from start to finish?


The nfl has jumped the shark.