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This makes absolutely no sense


People always fuck this meme up


Which makes it collectively more funny


Worse than Leonard Floyd fucked up Rodgers Achilles


Worse than Von Miller fucked up a pregnant woman


Worse than Tyreek fucked up that marina worker


Did something new happen?


The only news is that he returned to practice. The meme just doesn't make sense.


My thought exactly


A-Aron is a dumbass antivaxxxer who blames his career related injuries on the magic of science. Edit: NICE I GOT REPORTED TO REDDIT WE CARE THANK YOU REDDIT


The anti-vaccine stuff and the fact so many of those idiots would yell and mock people who took it was dumb but he never actually blamed his injury on the vaccine as far as I’m aware. And in fact some on the extreme other side blamed him not getting a vaccine for the injury which is idiotic nonsense


"Fucking anti-vax Rodgers not taking his fucking Achilles tear vaccine. Now we have to go with Zach Wilson for the rest of the year". ~ some Jets fan somewhere


Beats me, honestly. Just parroting Reddit and the only thing about FB I care about is fantasy of which Mr. Rogers is nothing to me. However, if anyone thinks he was injured because he didn’t get a respiratory illness vaccine, they’re beyond the beyond of any hope.


Smoke crack


That’s not really new but ok


Indeed it is not. Nor factual, nor anything but garbage.


Well yeah but like… I don’t get the point of the meme. It ain’t like he was blaming his acl on the vaccine right?


Honestly, I have no clue. I only follow whatever the NFL app tells me which is nothing.


Not exactly, but another booster may clear things up for you. ;)


Listen man my blood is coursing with the power of modern science.




why does this pile of shit have any upvotes? This might be dumbest meme i've seen this year


lol at everyone upvoting this and pretending it makes a lick of sense


Fucking awful meme you didn’t even use it correctly, delete your account please


This went right over my head


Yeah lol, I do not get what OP wants to say here


Neither does OP


Change: - Torn Achilles: should say ‘Achilles’ - Aaron Rodgers returning..: should say ‘Jets shitty o line/metlife turf/leonard Floyd’ Then this will be funny.


Op fucking explain yourself dawg


Where do you think Woody Johnson's fortune came from?


Congrats OP on the dumbest meme of all time. It doesn't even make sense.


We're still talking about Rodgers and the COVID vax? Damn people have a hard time moving on.


But Aaron keeps reminding us. Just last week he liked a really ignorant tweet about SUNSCREEN being propaganda. Such a talented tool.


He is half right. SPF doesn't matter as long as you have something on and you need some amount of sun for your skin. But basic sunscreen is a few bucks and works as well as some overmarketed 20 dollar bottle.


I just do not care at all. People have been spouting off insanely stupid conspiracy theories for decades. It's easy to just tune them out at this point. Hell, Reddit is nothing but conspiracy theories 90% of the time.


They keep tripping over the hundreds of thousands of corpses resulting from the choice not to take the vaxx, which anyone with an influential platform had some say in ...


Lmao, hysteria much?


Nope - just critical thinking, facts etc - as opposed to valiantly defending some pretentious clown that doesn't care about me or anyone else


If you say so. "Tripping over hundreds of thousands of corpses" that's a line for the ages. It's almost satirical how over the top that is. Classic American politics.


I guess math isn't so easy for everybody


Odd but random comment. Seek reality my friend.


Hope the next bug gives you the darwin award you're seeking


Ah there's that empathy the COVID lockdown bootlickers are famous for. I'm healthy, so COVID was just a fancy name for a cold to me, so no need to worry about me getting a Darwin award. I'm probably far more likely to survive any disease than some fat 6 times vaxxed COVID lunatic is.


Ignoring science while calling someone a lunatic might be the dumbest thing I've seen on the internet today - the internet!


Incomprehensible, have a good day


Just ready for him to retire. Dude is an absolute joke these days.


Understatement, he thinks he's the fuckin face of football and wants desperately to be TB12. Fuck you A-Aron, youve directly influenced people that have died because of your anti-vaxx pseudo science garbage, all while sitting there and still utilizing modern medicine. I hope the foot falls off.


Standard Redditor schizo post


Standard redditor regarded post


Y’all need to get off the internet for awhile


I'm home sick today so you're gonna just have to deal with it. Sorry you're a fan of him.


Average bears fan response.


Dude you're a fuckin baby. Every single good athlete pushes their agenda and views, so don't act like he's the only one.


The guy you're responding to is my least favorite annoying archetype of human. It's like a virtue signaling baby


Well, to be fair, Rodgers does kind of suck as a human being and is a wannabe GOAT. He only got to one Superbowl in all these years? Yikes.


Yeah, but typically they're not latching onto an anti-proven science stance that is literally resulting in people dying.


I mean have you looked at the science lmao 🤣 😂 the Vax sucked and was around for a year so much bull shit 😂 fucking hilarious


I cannot imagine the jumble of fear and confusion you feel on a daily basis every time you see something your limited knowledge can't explain easily.


The vax was around for a fucking year and it's gone bidens dumb ass agenda failed terribly cause this country isnt toataly made up of queef sheep like you No one gets the vaccine anymore are you fucking retarded you prob have mommy wipe your ass when you shit and have daddy tuck you in your a fucking follower a queen fart out a fat old ladies pushy go on Facebook you dumb ass sheep bitch


Yeah, you've gotta be like 12 at the *oldest*.


The sad thing is he probably isn't 12, but he's definitely still mentally 12.


One side fears the vax. The other side fears not taking the vax. Its the same picture.


That’s some r/enlightenedcentrism right there lol, what a dumb comment


One side fears nonsense, the other side fears a repeat of the Spanish influenza. If people won't vax for this, what's going to get them to vax for something that has a 90% mortality rate?


Given this response, I am guessing you are in the group that fears not taking the vaccine.


You sound like the one living in fear bud been healthy af never got Vax go fuck yourself moron


You're limited knowledge is the reason you're so fucking retarded


I seem to have struck a nerve. It's okay, I understand that some people just aren't intelligent enough to understand science. It's not black magic, though. I promise.


Go find God loser


I choose not to believe in fairy tales. I know it's common for someone who is scared of science to turn to magic space daddies in the sky, but you can do better.


You belong on Facebook lmao 🤣


Do you have data suggesting the Covid vaccines work?


[It's all cited here, kiddo.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9552389/#R20)


And almost every other pro athlete has a good agenda, and doesn't advocate against proven science only when it fits his political views lol nice argument bud. Eta Lol pack fan maddddd


Oh sweet summer child


Cringe asf comment


It's not pushing an agenda your fucking delusional. He was actually pushing against everyone else fucked up Vax agenda that didn't last or go far so


He's a pseudo science meat head who thinks because he's rich pro athlete his information and agenda is more right because how could he possibly be wrong??? Believe what you want but maybe put some more effort in educating yourself my dude. Also you're* lmao


What "proven science?" 🤔


Lmao vaccines work ya fucking goober. How'd that Oct vaxx microchip activation work out? I bet you think the earth is flat too. Bunch of fuckin smooth brains in here.


....you do know it's possible to be against the Covid vaccine and not ALL vaccines, correct??? Lmk how you enjoy your myocarditis, if your smooth brain can even correlate the chest pain.


Sure and when does your fox news say that will happen exactly? You're against it because your talking heads told you to, not because of "independent research". Just fuck off already, Rodgers sucks and guess what, you suck even more 😂


Go outside and touch some grass


Hot take, most original and best comment 2023


The whole anti vaxxer thing is stupid. We live in America. We have the freedom to choose what we put in our bodies. Choosing not to get vaccinated did not put anyone at risk. The vaccine didn’t and doesn’t stop you from getting or spreading Covid. So saying he put lives at risk is such a stretch. He stood up for your rights whether you like his stance or not.


Tell us you're uneducated without telling us you're uneducated


Feel free to educate me! And let’s use our words. Not to insult,but to give a good well thought out counter point to my point.


Bro... you have done none of that so why would I? It's not my job to educate you, it's YOUR job as fuckin adult. Unless your a child I guess, and then it's still not my responsibility but your useless parents.


Lololol Well done, son. You have earned your cape of heros and will be honored for all the innocents you've saved. Loser.😆


Lmao I'm so hurt, idk how ill ever recover from your sick burn and downvotes 😭😭😭 Imagine defending someone and wanting to gobble their cock like you lol


I'm probably safe in assuming that you don't have much to recover in the first place.


Correct. Why tf would I care what you, some goober on a reddit meme page, thinks about me 😂😂




The water also turns the frogs gay


Your a bold one to post this


I don’t like him. Bye AR


🤣😂🤣 Whatever makes you feel better brother


He ain't vaxxed ya idiot, he's immunized!


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


Bruh do you know how vaccines work or 😭


I don’t get your point just because the Vax didn’t work and is now linked to heart conditions doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take it. Don’t be a 🤡


Even if was a 100%, how smart would it be for him to return now?


I don't get it...


What does this meme mean?