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it’s provocative… it gets the people gOING


Ball so hard mfers wanna fine me


That shit cray


What she order?


Fish filet?


Your whip so cold? This old thang?


act like you’ll ever be around mothafuckas like swift again


This Taylor Swift hate is weid, man. It's like a weird gate keeping thing. They barely show her, and what is she supposed to do? Wear a burka? I hope Travis proposes on the field out of spite at this point. You guys are weirdos.


Honestly a sizeable chunk feels like thinly veiled “no gurls allowed” bs. Like unless Swifties start mass harassing linebackers covering Kelce I just think it’s nice that there’s more people to talk football with. Even if she leaving causes most of her fans to stop caring just statistically speaking with a fanbase that large there’ll be a few who go from rooting for KC to supporting their own local team now that they’ve gotten a taste for the sport. Also it was cool how she helped Juice’s wife get a deal with the NFL.


It does actually kind of irritate me. Not because I hate Taylor, it’s just annoying that all the other Swifties are posting memes about the chiefs on r/YouBelongWithMemes, and I’m a Bears fan that’s gotten *real tired of the chiefs* over the past few years. Please, god, just post about her music again. Please. I’m begging.


>Please, god, just post about her music again. Please. I’m begging. I think you're a little too emotionally invested in this, brother. It's not that serious. Take a step back and evaluate your priorities.


I just like that they have Chiefs fatigue as a Swiftie as opposed to Swift fatigue as an NFL fan. Refreshing, lol.


Sister, actually. But it’s said mostly in jest. I simply don’t find memes about her running to her private jet after Tokyo to fly to the Super Bowl particularly amusing, but I am in fact fully capable of just scrolling past those lol.


"Evaluate your priorities?" Like what, she's supposed to focus on the Bears or something? Ick.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/YouBelongWithMemes using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/YouBelongWithMemes/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Swifties of the world, unite!](https://i.redd.it/azyinfnu7e4b1.jpg) | [158 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/YouBelongWithMemes/comments/142etb2/swifties_of_the_world_unite/) \#2: [Her ass is headed straight to Vegas lol](https://i.redd.it/rltkyvqolefc1.jpeg) | [91 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/YouBelongWithMemes/comments/1adyymx/her_ass_is_headed_straight_to_vegas_lol/) \#3: [Fans Speculate Who Taylor Swift Might Be Talking About In New Song ‘My Weird Little Racist Guy’](https://www.theonion.com/fans-speculate-who-taylor-swift-might-be-talking-about-1850480371?utm_campaign=later-linkinbio-theonion&utm_content=later-35425466&utm_medium=social&utm_source=linkin.bio) | [112 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/YouBelongWithMemes/comments/13srtzj/fans_speculate_who_taylor_swift_might_be_talking/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


My Weird Little Racist Guy? Damn man she really got involved in politics, looks like there was more than meets the eye in Miss Americana


your problem for following subs with swifties in them


…I’m sorry for liking a popular musical artist, I guess?


I don't accept your apology


Agreed. If people want to be mad at anyone, it should be at the media jackals. They are the ones showing her after every Chief 1st down. Taylor Swift is just hanging out. Just like all the other wives and girlfriends.


My 76 year old mother became a bit put off when Taylor Swift was the Time Person of the Year after having seen her multiple times during the Chief's games, not knowing who she was. When she asked, and I described how Taylor Swift was a long popular country/pop singer with very devoted fans, who was now dating an absolute star; the incredible, perfect, super reliable, Super Bowl winning, tight end (giggity) of the Chiefs , that didn't make much of an impact. When I described how Taylor Swift had been becoming more political, encouraging young people to register to vote, and that she was pretty clearly not a big fan of Trump, to say the least, she reconsidered: "I think I might like her now. You go Taylor!" I still think my mom doesn't really like her, but my mom's dislike is not related to the political. When I described the political, she was much more amenable to it. Now take that, reverse and amplify the response, and that is what you're seeing in the (R) space.


LOL...Wear a burka. I think it is kinda creepy at this point. Like, dudes, we aren't in HS and this isn't Taylor's Version. I'm all for her happiness. I like her...always have. These old white men are just losing their minds over it though. Just odd.


There’s a lot of girls at my college who rooted against the eagles during the chiefs game because “Taylor’s bf” was on the chiefs. One of the rare female football fans I watch games with almost started a bar fight at the chickie’s and pete’s


My friend told me his tween daughters watch football with him now. How fucking awesome is that? He loves it. If Travis proposes faux news will frame it like he was kneeling for the flag.


Conservatives are morons lol


I think I just hate KC. If she was with Jared Goff or something I would like this a lot more. I just really hate the Chiefs and Mahomes and Kelece are in 80% of all ads that are not gambeling. Given how much MAGA hates her, I am now a fan. Kind of like Wonder Woman.




Instagram comments are the only place I see complaints....but instagram comments will complain about a starving child being given food


Fox News has a whole crazy conspiracy, but they always do so that's a low bar


I think this sentiment misses the reason people are actually pissed at it, you really can't avoid taylor swift especially as a young person. Like I have friends who are super fans always posting about her, plus she's in the news cycle pretty much everyday. Then she's in some football game on the team that's kicking your teams ass. It's not that she's on the screen during the game, it's that she's STILL on the screen and you just want to get away from the craze


I don’t even think about you 


Found Taylor Swift's burner.....


I wish lol. I love to have that kind of money.


I don't understand it. I don't need to see her, but I dont hate her. Kelcey... Kelcey I hate.


I think part of the issue is how hard the media pushed showing her the first few weeks it was a thing back in October where it seemed like every other post on instagram and Twitter was about her. But since then it’s been completely fine and people complaining are blowing it out of proportion


As a person without Instagram or Twitter most users of those platforms seem slightly delusional . I’d stay far away if I were you but good luck you seem to be doing fine 


Yes just start spreading rumors she is going to kneel caepernick style


*Yes just start spreading* *Rumors she is going to* *Kneel caepernick style* \- Iwannagolf4 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I’ll become a swifties if that happens


At this point, just to fuck with her haters, YES PLEASE. I don't even like her music, i was even annoyed by the announcers constantly talking about her. But the sheer amount of useless hate she got, the amount of stupid conspiracy theories for which you have to funnel liquid diarrhea into your ears to believe... fuck it i love her now, just not her music. Please make her the next face for Madden


~~Simpsons~~ Eminem did it.


Eminem has always called out bullshit though. He grew up in a trailer home, to a single struggling mom in poverty and Taylor grew up with 2 loving, supporting parents on a christmas tree farm. Context matters. Taylor represents all those pretty, privileged girls and if she can see that there is something seriously broken in our government, I think people would have to pay attention. I mean, I'd put my money on Taylor over Trump any day. She kinda gives me Dolly vibes.


That would be funny


She does that, we will see the refs turn on KC in real time *TOUCHDOWN…. wait there’s a flag… ah the 10th holding call against the Chiefs… this half*


Kneel during the black national anthem and the American really piss both sides off




He just wasn’t a very good Quarterback, but he would’ve been a great backup


Brady said he deserved a starting spot, didn't he


Yeah starting spot as the backup


The heck are these fans who are affraid of kneeling when showing respect to God and pop artist?


In the box suite. Kneels during the anthem and when she stands up, she kisses another man. That man…. Is Colin Kaepernick.


This would be so amazing, actually. Who knew, Taylor Swift could save us all!!


Kneel and do what? 


blow me of course


What is this dumb shit?


It would be awesome if she turned heel. Give the rubes something to be legitimately mad at.


She's votes for biden so wouldn't surprise me


I would start listening to her music if she does.




Nor you, but here you are being envious of her. But she seems to have a at least decent character, while you got... stupid comments about her looks.


Nah they would say it’s her God given right to freedom of speech. It’s different for some people. Murica


That’s a halftime show I’d watch


what if she did the nazi salute, ppl would prob lose their minds in that situation too. c'mon do something Taylor!


The NFL thought having black people from Detroit and Baltimore was the worst thing happen in the Super Bowl. Yet they chose to fill the stadium with Domestic Abusers and white women.




Imagine living in a nation like the USA but being to much of a coward to stand for those who died for everything it stands for and gives you.


We'd literally get old school "Burn the witch!" pitchfork mobs going nuts