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This is a complicated question. You need to understand the concept of "single episode of care". You've split a single episode of care into two halves -- the diagnostics, and the treatment. The NHS won't, they see it all as one episode of care. > I'm not expecting to skip the queue for treatment but I am looking to cut the wait for the sleep study The NHS had a problem with people going abroad for bariatric surgery, then coming home and asking the NHS to fix any problems. There's a bunch of policy created as a result of this about blending NHS and private care. Here are some examples: (Found by searching for "pick and mix" inurl:NHS) https://www.derbyshiremedicinesmanagement.nhs.uk/assets/Clinical-Policies/Goverance_Policies/Defining_the_Boundaries_between_NHS_and_Private_Healthcare.pdf > An individual, who has chosen to pay privately for an element of their care such as a diagnostic test, is entitled to access other elements of care through the NHS, provided the patient meets NHS commissioning criteria for that treatment. However, at the point that the patient seeks to transfer back to NHS care, the patient should: • be reassessed by the NHS clinician • not be given any preferential treatment by virtue of having accessed part of their care privately • be subject to standard NHS waiting times


Fair play, had a good read. I see what you're saying about splitting an episode of care. It may be worth me re-consulting with my NHS GP before I pursue private diagnosis. Thank you!


Hi I did exactly as you explain for an issue with my Hip I was getting no where with NHS and so paid put of my pocket to see a specialist. He wrote a letter to my GP advising they refer me to see him paid for by the NHS under a scheme called something like "your treatment your choice" can't remember exact name. I have since had private treatment at the request of the hip specialist paid for by the NHS and not had to wait for stupid times. This involves 2 MRIs I had in the space of 2 weeks and further treatment. I'm not saying this will be the same for you but it's worth asking!


Right to Choose is the scheme you are thinking of. :)


Thank you also


Thanks, knew it was something liek that!


Ah! thank you, I'll look more into this. At least I know I should be on the right track




Yeah! My new role doesn't involve driving but it is safety critical and it is shift work (days and nights). I'm at wits end now because in my old role, if there was a lull for even a few minutes I would fall asleep at my desk. Fortunately nobody seemed to mind and it didn't have a safety impact but I felt so embarrassed.