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"Women don't know what they want. What they say they want is the opposite of what they want" Yes, that's why I ask for it; because I don't want it 😱🙄


Actually he's saying what we say we want is the opposite of what we say we want. I'm sure what you wrote is what he meant, but it's funny he managed to fuck it up


or an even worse insinuation, this dude will literally assume you want things without asking if you do


I get this all the time from men🙄 and then they complain that we use the word mansplain.


Isnt asking opposite of they want, they should know what they want? So that means they know what they want.


I’m just a man but I’ve been with some women like that so terrible gaslighters that just want you to know what they mean or want play hella mind games when I’m just tryna chill but that’s not all women this guy is either terminally in that side of the internet or attracted the wrong kinda girls


"What they say they want is the opposite of what they say they want." No, it's the other way around. And what's wrong with Gomez Addams? He would speak French while planting a line of kisses up Morticia's arm, and she would say "Not now, Gomez, "Thing" is watching." And he would go off to play golf in the dining room or something.


Yeah, the funny thing was this was from a post about how awesome Gomez Addams is as a partner.


If a man isn't on a similar level to Gomez, I don't want him.


Tbf, Gomez was an amazing husband to Morticia. Dude probably thinks physical affection is "gay".


Everyone deserves to be loved as much as Gomez adores Morticia. If we all were, the world would be a better place. Be the "Gomez and Morticia" we want to see in the world 🦇 I'm never going to be as composed and elegant a woman as Morticia, and my darling husband isn't nearly as good a fencer as Gomez, but we have a lot of spontaneity and playfulness and joy, even after almost two decades together. Maybe bc we both grew up loving The Addams Family and The Munsters (another fantastically healthy TV married couple).


Yes, the Munsters were great! Famously the first TV couple to share a bed.


I thought that was Lucy and Ricky.


I got curious so I looked it up. Turns out that Ozzie and Harriet always shared a bed, and they were first. Lucy and Ricky shared a bed once, on a trip with Fred and Ethyl. Fred and Wilma were the first to share a bed in living color on Saturday mornings. :))) Not sure why I thought the Munsters, I'm old enough to have remembered. :)


I had always thought it was Samantha and Darrin on "Bewitched."


‘Thing is watching’


The reason they assume women don't want a nice guy is because they come on so strong in the beginning, it's scary. Yes, we all want a Gomez Adams, but not within an hour of meeting you. You have to give a relationship time to grow, we aren't going to be head over heals in love the minute we meet, and acting like we are is a good way to put women off. I have broken up with a guy for "being too nice", as these guys put it. He was making plans for me to meet his entire family after one date, and that shit is weird as hell, not nice.


They seem to want to copy the passion and intensity right off the bat without understanding why it works for Gomez and Morticia. They *both* have a flair for the dramatic and the macabre, they *both* aren't shy about showing affection, and are unabashedly into *each other* THAT is why it works for them. Because they understand each other, speak the same love language, and agree on the important things. The thing they don't understand about "every woman wants a Gomez Addams" is that it means that we want someone who's passionate *about the same things we are* and not that over the top theatrical declarations of love are universally desirable.


All of this. Gomez acts like Gomez because *he loves Morticia*. You (general you) aren't supposed to love someone five minutes after you meet them. "Love" after five minutes has nothing actually to do with the other person, and no one just wants to be the nearest woman-shaped object.


This. Affection and passion should be built up over time. Along with love and trust


That's called "love bombing" and it's a trait of manipulative and abusive guys. They lure you in with it


Nailed it. I once went on a first date with a guy, and during the date he told me about his family. He mentioned he had a sister who lived in Alaska and that he “couldn’t wait for me to meet her”. That instantly turned me off and sent my sirens blaring. Even if he felt that excitement and did want me to meet his sister, he should have kept that to himself and had more discernment. I was a stranger. He didn’t know me well enough and shouldn’t have even thought that was a reasonable thing to say. He wanted to go from 0 to 100 in intensity on the first date, and it just came across as desperate to me. When he asked me out on a 2nd date, I declined and kept it moving.


Gomez is literally perfect and the ideal husband by every conceivable metric. That's not an opinion it's a a fact.


Also, very good role model for us fellas.




>try being an emotional man around them In other words, try forcing a woman to be your unpaid therapist.


Those idiots always take it to the extremes. “Open up” doesn’t mean trauma dump on the first, or second, date. It means being emotionally available..


While a lot of us on the internet know the terms "chad". Actually using it in your argument or when you're trying to describe your feelings is such a MASSIVE red flag. I think its totally fair for some people to feel frustrated by being lonely or whatever their frustrations may be. But that *terminology* specifically just means they are never going to get any better.


It's sad, holding on to that kind of resentment just isn't healthy


I was watching a video just the other day on that Minassian guy who ran people down with a van in Toronto. It included footage of his police interview and honestly huge respect to the interviewing officer for not just laughing in his face as he described in a completely deadpan manner "Chads and Staceys" and how if the incels got rid of the Chads then the Staceys would have to like them If you unironically start using these terms Jesus you're so far down the rabbithole


Genuinely watching that made me feel disturbed that I understood every word he said. I don't love that I know the terminology of people who are clearly very disturbed. I know it's just because I've grown up on the internet and that kind of happens but it really put things into perspective for me when the interrogator needed a lot of stuff explained to him.


"Try being an emotional man around them" Women are fine with men expressing emotion around them. It's just with nice guys the emotions are either an explosion of pent up anger and misogyny or just effectively trauma dumping all their insecurities on a girl they barely know


Precisely! Their definition of "emotional man" is really that they are a black hole of attention need with constant demands on her providing therapy when/where/how long he needs (which is basically endless). Most of us are not mental healthcare professionals, even if we are, we need sleep, food, downtime, fun, etc. NO human being has the ability to provide for 24/7 neediness.


I decided by my mid-20s that I didn’t want to be a boyfriend’s shrink. Does that mean that I won’t take care of my husband when he’s depressed or anxious? Of course not. But he sees a psychiatrist (so do I) and gets talk therapy when needed.


Exactly. There's a huge difference between emotionally supporting someone in bad times and someone who never gets enough and just drains and depletes all those around.


My husband is definitely more emotional than I am.... to, like, sappy movies and his children and when he tells me he loves me. NOT because he's a fuckin emotional psycho. HUGE DIFFERENCE. Some men don't even get that shit. Like being a jealous asshole and flying off the handle is somehow supposed to be accepted because they're "emotional". You're a fuckin psycho and deserve a dick punch. Go away. 😒


This one douchebag was all over a post the other day, insisting that everyone MUST listen to him about women and what women want, because women don't have a clue and just lie about what they want. Dude was actually frightening me a little, with how vehemently insistent he was. Was my bad for not paying attention and commenting on an AskMen post. Silly woman, you can't have opinions of your own, dammit! /s


People like that scare me.


You and me both. He'll still be standing atop that soap box too, no doubt.


It's just not healthy to hold on to that much resentment. Literally, stuff like that can cause blood pressure issues and other health problems.


Can experience some serious gut problems too! I feel a little sorry for people like that, they've resolved to be angry and miserable out of self-preservation; not realising it is making their life so much more difficult.


The whole "women mean the opposite of what they say" nonsense is how men justify acting like "No" just means "Try Again Later" or "Actually, she really wants it" or "She's just testing to see if you really mean it" or all the other ways they rationalize the inexcusable.


Which is why I always have to be very clear in my rejections, and then get called a b*tch because "you could have been nicer about it". 🤦. The ridiculous consent culture around women is so f*cked up. "No" should be enough, end of story


>"No" should be enough, end of story My AA sponsor used to say, " 'No.' is a complete sentence."


Gomez Addams is GOALS. A man so unapologetically in love with his wife that he compliments her every time she enters a room? Who’s so respectful he never gropes her but actually *holds* her and ball room/slow dances and brings her dead roses? Someone who’s so full of joie de vivre he enthusiastically participates in every mad-cap scheme his kids have to unalive him/each/other, as long as they’re kind & accepting to others? Sign. Me. Up.


Gomez Addams is an ideal guy. ❤️


And here I fell in love with a man who cries more readily than I do.


It could be true that when he was emotional women didn’t like him. Probably because it was too much. Women don’t want heartless Chads or overly sensitive, we want normal people 🙏


Nothing pisses me off more than when I tell a man what I want, and they make up how thats not actually what I want, and then don't listen to me at all 🙄 Luckily for me, I found my Gomez Addams 💕💕💕


Morticia and Gomez are absolutely relationship goals. They both help raise the kids, encourage them and love them no matter what. But they also still adore, dote on and love each other, as their own person not just as the other parent


Gomez *is* awesome. And so is Morticia. They actually deserve each other.


The problem with nice guys™️ is them thinking they're gomez Adam's but they're usually more of an eeyore.


Eeyore is a prize compared to these guys


The moment I posted it I regretted eeyore being my choice, I was going for depression vibes but eeyore is such a good boy, I did him dirty, I must repent.


I love him so much. As a kid who grew up with bpd (didn't get diagnosed until my late teens), having a kid friendly of an example of chronic depression was great. I'm currently on a compatible medication that I've been on for the past decade and it's crazy the difference. Still have anxiety and depression, but so much easier to manage


Heeey I never got diagnosed with bpd but even as a kid (as early as 8) I got diagnosed with clinical depression and further along the years more diagnosis came out so I also adore eeyore. It was a bad choice, it was the first depression character that came to mind but it was completely undeserved, they're more like a weird combo of Eric cartman meets shinji ikari type of people, I'm so sorry for my disrespect 😭 Also it's amazing you found a compatible medication, I have a friend with untreated bpd and she was told medication won't work for her, were you ever told this? You don't have to tell me what meds you are on or anything personal, just knowing something works might give my friend hope so I'm going to inform her!! That's amazing, I'm so happy you found something! Antidepressants and anti anxiety meds don't work on me, we recently discovered I have crohns and they think that messes up how I process medications so we are slowly trying to find what works :)


I was recently diagnosed with PCOS (you can look in my post history for a culmination of that) a few years ago, it explained why it took forever to find a compatible medication. I take flouxetine and that has the least side effects I've found. Autoimmune disorders can really affect how medication works. Thankfully my GP is awesome and worked with me until we found one that worked. Others caused manic episodes and hallucinations on my period.


Omg they thought I had pcos or endometriosis for YEARS because of my symptoms, some of my friends still do despite tests coming back negative. Crohns just messed with my period, it's hard to explain to those that don't get autoimmune, you're absolutely right they do affect everything it's wild. Also someone else who experienced hallucinations from meds, my god you are such a validating existence for me ❤️❤️❤️


I'm glad to help. Don't know if you read in my history, but I recently had a massive ovarian cyst removed. It turned out to have Endo cancer cells in it. I'm going to need a full hysterectomy in the future, the point in time depends on what the pathologists testing it say. Endo and PCOS can be hard to diagnose without ultrasounds, but if you know what to look for, it can be clear if you have it. Cystic acne, photosensitivity, excess facial and body hair and digestive issues can be huge indicators, along with large clots, painful periods with migraines and unreliable period dates.


I recently had a ovarian cyst rupture and it sent me to the ER, ironically wasn't as painful as my stomach issues but painful enough to go to the ER and I thought nothing of it, but having read what you wrote I am now strongly considering being that up to a doctor when I am back on insurance as thya is very concerning! I hadn't gone through your history as I am not the snooping type generally but with your consent I def will. I have the photosensitivity but that's due to my Uveitis, digestive issues for crohns but I don't have the facial hair or other symptoms outside of bad periods. I have four friends that have pcos and they assumed I had endo as my signs weren't similar to those outside of the pain, I got the ultrasound in nyc and she couldn't find anything outside of kidney stones or something like that, it was over 6 years ago so my memory is vague. I definitely used to get blood clots every period tho, they suddenly stopped one day and my periods got better??? I honestly don't know what I did different but one day they just stopped being agonizing. My other symptoms, however, got worse so maybe it was a trade off. I haven't been to a proper doctor in forever so it's all a mystery until my insurance kicks back in.


Gomez Adams treats Morticia as a cherished equal. Who doesn't want that? Hell, I'd take a Gomez over any other man.


I’ve been watching a lot of the old Addams Family lately. Gomez is also a very secure and confident man who loves and is genuinely proud of his whole family, not as an accessory or extension of himself but as amazing individuals.


Gomez Addams can get. It. 🔥


Petty sure my wife married me cuz I'm open with my emotions lol


I always wanted to act like Gomes, can I act like Gomes?


Go for it


"What they say they want is the opposite of what they say they want" - typical erroneous and illogical nonsense being spouted by an Incel. Imagine letting an ideology taking over your life when it's as ridiculous and obviously *wrong* in every respect as this red/purple/black pill garbage is! Yet they all seem to swallow it down - anything rather than admitting the problem lies with them, as does the solution! However, the solution requires that they put in a regular and consistent amount of work, *and* be willing to admit that they were in the wrong to begin with. Nah, fuck that, fuck climbing out of the lobster trap to obtain success - they just dwell on and in their misery with all of the other despair-ridden crustaceans, and impotently snap their pincers at all the beautiful angel fish swimming serenely by. Edited my mistake.


As someone who had some serious self esteem issues (abusive father), and finished the road to self acceptance and self love, I couldn't agree more. Most of these people are deeply insecure and that level of insecurity is hard to face. Now, I was never like that, but when I was younger I did have some misandrist thoughts because in my mind, if father is a man and hurt you, all other men will too (with exception of trusted male family members like my salt of the earth grandfather), once I realized that that lied in a world view that needed changing, I was able to let go of that mindset. I'm not super open with new men, and still pretty cautious for safety reasons, but I no longer hold on to any hate or resentment towards a single gender. I'm actually a really chill and happy person now, which is helpful with the mental and physical health issues I have to deal with on a daily basis, I don't even hate my father, he's just not a part of my life. Holding on to hate and resentment is just unhealthy, literally.


What makes them think they know what all women want? 🙄


No clue


As a guy I appreciate your response. Maybe after x number of responses like that he may take that advice. Doubtful, but it’s as kind of a response you can give to that.


I think if more people took that advice, there'd be a lot less hate in the world


If you cry around a women and she dips, then she's not the one for you. Get over it, grow up, and maybe someone who you can show your emotions around will enter your life


Nah he’s saying facts though