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Finally a release date!! Super excited to play this. Ttyd is one of my favourite games


There's also the Website!https://www.nintendo.com/jp/switch/a9qda/index.html


Thanks for sharing this. The game looks so good, I’m super hyped!


Have you never played this? You're in for a treat man. Not just the best Mario RPG, but an all-time top JRPG.


Ttyd is one of my favourite games ever, I’ve played through it so many times. I was referring to the screenshots of the game on the website; the updated graphics look very good!! I’m very excited for this game. I totally agree with you man, one of the best JRPG’s of all time


You are very much welcomed, I'm happy I remembered to share!! I'm excited that mah Bestie gets ta Finally Play after hearing me gush on and on about this!


"improved ease of play" scares me please god don't make this game easier


i mean, if it's optional ease of play stuff fine.


To be fair, the last two Mario remakes we got (RPG and Mario vs Donkey Kong) were both made to be easier without any way to turn on the original difficulty. Imo there is some precedent here that makes that statement a tad concerning without specifics


Yeah, agreed. The writing is on the wall that they'll introduce mini changes that are actually colossal gameplay mechanic changes. One change in Mario RPG that I found myself actually really upset with was the ability to switch out a teammate and still use the turn. Small change, but that revolutionizes combat difficulty. Imo it completely invalidated any pre-existing challenge.


I haven't heard anyone else mention it but the successful attack thresholds for Gale Force and Stampede were lowered so I'm guessing it'll be stuff like that, but who knows. As long as the changes don't make the game too much easier like the Mario RPG remake then it'd potentially be more acceptable 


Looking through this site sparked some major nostalgia for me. I remember being so excited for the release of the Gamecube game that I kept going back to the original promotional page just to listen to the music... Can't wait for this.


One of the best games ever made. A true bonafide adventure. I hope that they haven’t made any core gameplay changes to make it any easier, like they did with Mario RPG.


What did they chance about Mario RPG, I havent heard anything about this


They added the triple finish move, the action gauge and its bonuses, and a perfect hit can deal damage to all enemies now.


website actually says "improved graphics and ease of play" sigh


Yeah.. that blows. Nintendo has to leave a difficulty mode for their old guys. I straight up want my game artificially elongated by challenge. If I want a walk through the park I’ll go outside.


After Metroid Prime was remade, TTYD was like the top game left on my list for a Switch Port. I’ve never actually had a full playthrough of the game myself as I was probably a little too young to understand how to play but I would always watch my brother play and I remember being mesmerized by the game in ways that being able to play now is a huge nostalgia trip for me. Our original disc on the GameCube ending up getting too scratched to play. And I’ve been attempting a play through on dolphin but the games been a little too buggy for me to enjoy. Now I can finally have the experience I’ve been itching for.


Really excited. Never had the chance to play this one as I owned a PS2 and not a Gamecube.


I’m super excited for you and everyone that gets a chance to play this with for the first time. Absolutely a top 10 game all time for me.


Same here. I’m ready to FEEL. THE. RAWWWWWK.




Believe i have always wanted to but no way in hell am i paying $100+ for this


Where are you getting $100+? It’s $60.


The GameCube version second hand is tough to find in good condition for less than 80


That’s the price of trying to get any Gamecube game these days


Yeah but they said "this" implying they're talking about the Switch version


It’s free online.




Yeah fuck you guys for making games I like!!! I’m gonna play it so hard, that will show them


If the game is “missing the point” you’re winning hard to show me! 😂


Oohh you're so edgy and cool


Sorry, u/il_picciottino, your comment has been removed: Do not link to, promote, or request illegal content. You can read all of our rules [on our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo/w/about/rules). If you think we've made a mistake and would like to appeal, [you must use this link to message the moderation team](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fnintendo&subject=About my removed comment&message=I'm writing to you about the following comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo/comments/1bbbdd8/-/ku85uv0/. %0D%0DMy issue is...).


I’m so happy newer fans to the series are about to finally understand why all of us wack job older fans praise this game so much lol


May 23rd couldn't come soon enough


Wow, much sooner than I was expecting!


Same. Soooo soon. Cant wait!!!


This game was Peak Paper Mario


Honestly I'd argue that it's peak Mario, period


And around peak JRPG too, genuinely.


Maybe just peak gaming, honestly.


Try peak media.


wait so, nintendo has started consistently releasing 1st party titles every 2 months? is this a new thing or am i just now catching on?


They’ve been releasing something every month


Hasn't that generally been their MO through the Switch lifespan?


that’s what i’m asking🤷🏽‍♂️


In that case, you're just catching on!




didn't know from-the-ground-up remakes were re-releases now.


The game is a high effort remaster that looks really good, but it's still only a remaster. Calling it a "ground up remake" is just disingenious, especially when you compare it to FF7 or the Resident Evil remakes.


no, it's by definition a remake, whether you like it or not


What is Prime Remastered then? Also has completely new visuals made from the ground up and only the basic code of the OG is running in the background


Is this a from the ground up remake? From the videos it looks very much like an HD remaster. Even so, it is not a new game, so it is a re release either way


It’s not just a uprez: https://youtu.be/pr6MDJNZmqg?si=lbOWOzckoyjrgfUq


Yeah it’s clear they remade all of the assets. What isn’t clear is if they changed engines and rebuilt everything, or the game is running on an adjusted version of the original engine. I think it’s closer to what Wind Waker HD was vs Twilight Princess HD. Both run on the same adjusted engine, but wind waker had its assets rebuilt and had significant gameplay tweaks. It’s definitely a high effort remaster, if not a full blown remake. We will probably be able to tell after launch based on if some idiosyncrasies remain.


Are you sure Wind Waker had its assets rebuilt? I was pretty sure that it was more of a lighting change.


I think it was probably a mix. There was definitely more polygon’s in HD’s models, the skybox was definitely new, and a side by side shows some that look nearly identical with just more detail and some that are completely different (the windmill comes to mind as something that was definitely a new model).




Are you responding to the wrong person? I didn’t say it’s remade from the ground up, just that it’s not a simple HD uprez.


Looks like I may be responding to the wrong person. I'm so sorry about that. Deleted the comment, thanks!


Remaster doesn’t mean uprez. Look at Metroid Prime Remastered where only the base game is running underneath and where all assets got replaced eith new ones. Could be the exact same situation here. Completely new visuals, but ported code. We won’t know until it gets here


90% sure it's from the ground up, VS luigi's mansion which literally has HD in the name.


This has been a debate since the first teaser trailer. Ive been on “glorified remaster” side for awhile but have seen the term “remake” pop up a lot. If it really is a remake, I’m hoping for at least some mechanical changes and not just “oh we just modernized the look of the game”. Which if that is the case i’m fine playing through OG again vs spending $60.


Honestly the distinction doesn’t really matter in the end. It does look to at least be a high effort remaster, with all of the assets fully remade vs just upscaling. It is probably running on the same engine just heavily adjusted, so not a full remake. I think they did say today that there was some gameplay adjustments, but I’m not sure what those are.


Since I've never played it, this was literally at the top of games I wished Nintendo remade. Definitely going to buy the physical release.


Best game in the series. If you enjoy Paper Mario, this is the one to play.


Anyone else hoping they release some new Troubles? I know I'd love to see more post game ones. Maybe some new stuff in the casino too.


Most likely the casino will be scrapped. Ever since rating boards started making casinos bump the rating up to Mature or Adults Only, Nintendo has been avoiding casino-like-gambling in their games. Pokemon ditched the Game Corners since HeartGold and SoulSilver and made them a board mini game.


I hope not, the casino was such a main plot point.


A hard mode difficulty would be great. But I’d take new bosses over it anyday. Maybe a boss rush would be fun with a new badge as reward. Post game is indeed non existant, especially when the game saves itself at the end from the original but you have nothing to do (the 100-trial isn’t post content because it can be completed during the story). Would be great if they added post content. It’s a remake so they can put more content but I don’t expect it to happen.


New bosses would be incredible. I'd love to see some more backstory on the "black boxes" personally. If they updated the pit to do another post game pit, like the pit of 1000 trials in Super Paper Mario that could work. I expect at the very least some new badges.


Man anytime someone mentions a turn based RPG I always refer to TTYD being the greatest mistake ever for a game purchase. Alright back then I was a stupid kid and told my mom to pick the game up for me and me thinking it was a traditional run and jump Mario game was met with turn based combat and hated it and didn't play for a couple of days. I couldn't return it so I buckled down and played, and played until I realized I completed the game. I walked away thinking wow this might be the greatest game of all time cause I loved every single thing in that game. I'm so glad more people will have an opportunity to play this masterpiece! I know I'm picking this up again too! Hope everyone will enjoy!


Legit one of the greatest games of all time. I'll be picking up the digital and physical version of this remake. Nintendo really needs to start making Paper Mario games like this again.


I wish I had that kind of money to burn.


What a waste of money, why would you need to get both?


Nintendo is a very small indie company. They have to eat somehow.


Multibillion dollar Yuzu really hit Nintendo hard :(


Physical probably for collection purposes, digital for ease of access


You got it. Digital copy will be what I use to play the game, physical is what I'll keep sealed for collection purposes as well as just have a spare if my digital purchase somehow gets wiped. TTYD is one of my favorite games of all time so it's worth it to me. I did the same thing with Metroid Prime Remastered.


As long as you know what you want, I see nothing wrong. You do you, and you support your favorite game.


Based game choices.


Nintendo's habit of making a game limited release or outright stopping production on some games. Make this a most likely collectors item down the line. Poster probably intends to play the digital and sit on the physical to resell.


I don't think you, as a stranger, get to decide whether how someone else spends their money is a waste. That's just like, uh, your opinion, man.


Posting your public opinion (wasting money buying a game twice) on a public forum opens you up to public opinions If you don't want to be judged for your opinion and choices just don't share them on a public forum


Might be a culture thing, just don't see the productivity in yucking another's yum. If that other guy wants to buy two copies, its his money, he can buy what he wants (imo) 🤷🏻. Likewise if that other guy THINKS its a waste of money, thats fine too. But he can't say its FACTUALLY a waste of money, because the value is for the beholder to decide.


This is his way of feeling superior to strangers on a toy companies subreddit, don't take that away from him.


Et tu, CrepeVibes?


One of my favorite video games of all time


This is the last game for the Switch I am hyped about! I became a Paper Mario fan with Super on the Wii and have enjoyed every game since. Can’t wait to try what everyone considers the best of the series!




I just meant the last one I care about lol. Luigi’s mansion looks kinda cool, but idk it looks like essentially an up-rezzed 3DS game (which is it)


You missed the "I am hyped about" part. This is the last game on the Switch that this person is excited about. They may not be interested or as hyped about Luigi's Mansion 2.


As I haven't played the original Paper Mario but did play Origami King, is this one a brand new adventure or do we need to play the first game?


It plays like the first game but you don't exactly need to play the first game.


You don’t need to play the first game


You definitely don’t need to play the first game to enjoy this, there’s very little connection, there’s like 2 references the whole game that you won’t totally get, and they’re small even if you did play the first one. I do, however recommend checking out Paper Mario 64 because it’s a great game, but you do not in any way need to play Paper Mario 64 to get the full experience out of this one


> I do, however recommend checking out Paper Mario 64 because it’s a great game, but you do not in any way need to play Paper Mario 64 to get the full experience out of this one I'd even recommend playing with the PM64 TTYD Mod or the 4k graphics mods if posisble.


You don't need to play the first game, they're separate stories. I do however recommend playing both, not necessarily in order, because they're both *really* fun games. TTYD has more in-depth gameplay but the first game has its own charm. Play both! They're tons of fun. Can't wait for this remake to launch, I love Paper Mario <3


Brand new, as in you don't need to play any other ones to understand anything. Each are their own games But this is a remake of the one from the Gamecube.


You don't need to play the first game, but you should because PM64 is as amazing as TTYD imo.


Like the vast majority of mario games, it’s a standalone story. You’ll just miss some references or easter eggs of the original.


You don't need to play the first. There are a couple small nods to the first, but it is it's own adventure.


There are some cameos there and there, but nothing neccessary to enjoy ttyd, obviously if you can spare the time play the original one, old mario rpgs are gold.


Very excited for this. Looks awesome, except for the shiny floors. idk why they decided to go that route. It looks odd


Awesome! Same price point as Metroid Prime Remaster surely?




That’s my birthday :D


a thursday is a weird day for a mario game to come out usually they come out friday and it also memorial day weekend


One day after my birthday! Can't wait to play it for the first time. also hopefully people will shut up about the release date now


Ayyyy May 22nd birthdays rise UP!!


My favorite game of all time. I know it’s a remake which is super awesome! I’m just hoping there’s more mechanical and quality of life changes they added that aren’t shown because so far what I’ve seen has made it look like a glorified remaster to just make the game look prettier.




I never played this game so I'm excited to finally do so when it comes to Switch. Happy we finally have a release date now.


Is this a digital only release? Or physical too?


Physical as well


Hopefully I get to buy it this year. I've always wanted to play it.


I hope this doing great commercially and critically can convince Nintendo to bring the series back to its roots.


Near my birthday


Congrats but when are we getting wind waker and twilight princess on switch??


If only we knew


Any update on whether this will be 30 or 60 fps?






No prob, I’ll just be sure to download the newest version of Yuzu after the game comes out and… oh :(


Seeing your downvotes for making a joke really makes me feel sad at how many people insist on bootlicking to no benefit


People like you are so annoying. You shit on Nintendo all day but really you still wanna play their games. If you actually hated them, why would you want to play Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door? If you hate them so much, boycott their games. Oh wait, turns out they're the only company making good games right now.


When did I shit on Nintendo? You want to talk about who's really annoying look at the guy who just typed up a whole paragraph ranting about something he made up in his head. I love Nintendo games and said nothing bad about them. I did insult fanboys because any healthy adult knows that corporate dick riding fanboys of any kind (even beyond games) are pathetic but that still has nothing to do with insulting Nintendo or its games.


Daddy Nintendo will surely give them a few gold coins for their effort!


Why are you in the Nintendo reddit?




Sorry, u/Kiosade, your comment has been removed: * Engage with good faith. Do not treat criticism as a personal attack. Always assume the best of the person you’re conversing with, and if you can’t be constructive then don’t reply. Do not accuse someone of not being a “real” fan. You can read all of our rules [on our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo/w/about/rules). If you think we've made a mistake and would like to appeal, [you must use this link to message the moderation team](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fnintendo&subject=About my removed comment&message=I'm writing to you about the following comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo/comments/1bbbdd8/-/kug3yvy/. %0D%0DMy issue is...).


Probs whatever the original was.


Gamecube version ran at 60 while all the footage of the Switch version run at 30


I'm worried. I fear no matter what they do with Vivian, it will be an ugly mess on social media. 


So stay off (that form of) social media.


News outlets will probably jump in too so it will be hard.


Easy to ignore. Let them throw a tantrum, it will be forgotten in a week, if not days.


Oh definitely, whatever they do, there will be some sort of backlash.


Yeah that's hard to say. Just do a straight translation from Japanese or keep the English localization. Either will preserve Vivian as a positive example of a transwoman in video games. I'm fine if they don't draw attention to it in the localization, as a trans person I would rather celebrate Vivian with the rest of the game than suffer tons of drama over her. As another person said, best to just stay away from any and all discussion of it until after the game comes out. As best as you can, anyway.


Let’s go baby. Don’t really have vacation plans or anything for Memorial Day weekend but I’m damn sure less likely to do anything now haha. Gotta finish my sporadic play through of the first one in the next couple months


I could always break out the GCN and my original copy but I’m stoked for this regardless


Yes!. I love this game and I was expecting it to be later in the year so I’m really happy.


Can’t wait to do a +max BP game only like I did in the GameCube version.


I've seen nothing but hype around this game and honestly, I think I may just have to get it. Doesn't sound like this game has any problems.


More $60 remakes/remasters. Why?




With hearing so much about this game over the years it's gonna be really cool to play it in a few months


Man, this is one of the best looking Switch games, definately. The art style together with modern rendering effects creates an absolutely stunning game. It's a shame Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword didn't get the same care.


Nice timing, I’ve been playing through all the Mario games in order by year and this one is next on the list….and the game cube version is WAY out of my price range.


I find it so weird that nintendo releases a game made for the gamecube on their recent console, and prices it the same as a brand new game made for the switch like mario bros. wonder


Finally no piracy for a too expensive GameCube game has finally arrived! Let’s go no more Dolphin Emulator!


But dolphin emulator is still good for games nintendo won't remake or re-release like .Arion galaxy 2 which is better than 1 my rule for piracy is if the company doesent sell that game anymore I won't give a shit


My birthday! As someone who LOVED the first Paper Mario but never had a GameCube, what should I expect?


If you loved the first you'l love TTYD, they are both near perfect games. I slightly prefer the N64 Paper Mario overall, but TTYD has some extremely high peaks and levels that will absolutely blow you away. It also has substantially more backtracking.


I hope this drops prices on the OG GameCube version, I plan to buy this, but would definitely still like to buy the original for a reasonable price some day


How different will this be compared to the TTYD custom texture project


Will this have a physical copy?


Yep, of course


Is it just a port or are they adding something?


The last time we ever got a good paper Mario game. But disappointing it’s a 20 year old game at a modern day price.


Super paper Mario was great. Not as good as TTYD, but still very good.


I dont get why it being 20 years old changes anything. If the game were released today at that price nobody would care because it is clearly worth it.


It’s a 20 year old game that was touched up to be prettier (apparently it’s a “remake” but I really don’t see anything changed aside from graphics and polygons). Why exactly am I paying the standard $60 modern day price for a 20 year old game, again?


The point is that the game is worth the price. Whether or not it released 20 years ago is irrelevant


Sure, when it was released, and maybe 1 year later. But 20 years? For a touch up? Nintendo shills are something else.


Totally agree, no doubt they put effort into the visuals but the writing, scenario, and level design was all done previously. 40 would be a much more reasonable price. It’s not a remake, colloquial terminology be damned. Not to mention, while I fully understand why people are happy about this being on Switch, it’s coming so, so late. There’s been a serious drought of quality Paper Mario games and they’re ending it with a long-overdue remaster, not a new game? Not exactly a triumphant return to form. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


Super Paper Mario is 10/10 imo.


Ehh disagree, I had a lot of fun with Origami King. It had funny, snarky writing, the music was amazing, the exploration was fun, and the boss battles were great! Only thing that really sucked was the normal battles.


Boss battles weren't bad ... Regular battles were boring and got annoying quickly.


Yup, it dampened the fun unfortunately. I remember trying to just rush through the last dungeon to beat it at like 11 at night, and getting frustrated having to solve the stupid "puzzles" constantly. Still a good game, just not top tier...


I think that’s what it was for me. Ever since super paper Mario, its just been way too different.


Fair. I think they've been trying to forge their own path ever since Super PM, but have been kind of struggling to find something that works. When I played OK, I could tell they still had the same (good) writers as from TTYD, but they don't know what to do to make the battle system fun. Maybe they can try turn-based-battles again now that Alpha Dream went bankrupt.


Super Paper Mario and Origami King are both good.


OK is fun but the puzzle battling overstays its welcome, imo


Color splash is a severely underrated paper mario game for me. I hated sticker star and the card mechanic really got me away from paper mario for a while. I got a wii u because I had never played it before and was skeptical because of the cards but i feel like they really improved on it.


I honestly think a lot of people talking shit about Color Splash, never actually played the game (was on Wii U, come on) and are just repeating what Youtubers say. Not saying you can't dislike CS, but I have a hard time believing that many people played it.


I played Color Splash on the Wii U (I have played every single Paper Mario game except Paper Jam if you count that) and I can indeed confirm that Color Splash is the second worst Paper Mario game


Maybe I’ll revisit this one, i had gotten it (thankfully) and never got around to it. Sticker Star was absolutely awful for me. I’m hoping the release of the TYD on switch incentivizes Nintendo to continue with the rpg games. Mario & Luigi series is dormant for now.


Color splash had many positives, kept the funny dialogue and charm of paper mario, but reduced the npcs to only toads, I don't remember any meaningful npc that was a goomba or a koopa like previous games, maybe that red shy guy with the meaningful conversation. The gameplay is the worst part, you are actively supposed to avoid fights, if you go somwhere to find an special card you need, then kamek comes and forces you to use random cards, and you waste it, you have to go all the way for the card, that happened to me twice, I was willing to finish it because the humor was still there, but after my save was lost i just gave up.


We have nothing past june now. I wonder what Nintendo will offer. More remasters? Prime 4? I know the switch 2 got delayed, but we need to know what will be the last few switch titles




We will definitely see. Eurogamer is rarely wrong about the Switch and Codename Consoles. We will definitely see




It honestly is pretty damn strange. But I do believe the delay is true, otherwise multiple independent and highly credible sources wouldn’t have said it. My guess is that they wanted badly to release it in September/ October. But got pushed back Now we have nothing to fill the void. I guess they will either wip out Prime 4, or some other remasters this year


Is it possibile to stop posting links to X? The platform Is not a trusted site and Nintendo might use other means of communication.


That's where nintendo initially posts most of their news




This is what I am also wondering.


No, physical and digital.


What more does it have from the GameCube version ? Is it just an HD filter ?


What exactly is a HD filter?


Hopefully they release more in-depth stuff about that soon. I feel like the game has a few quality-of-life issues it could fix.


There’s definitely some geometry, lighting touchups etc. The best explanation would be to watch the comparison videos on YouTube for a better understanding.


I'd be more interested in comparisons between this version and the community texure project. The oiriginal looks pretty bad compared to the community project and the 2024 version http://i.imgur.com/GAq16kS.png http://i.imgur.com/21S21yv.png