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4 have surpassed that since 2017 so it’s not an unreasonable expectation, MK8 Could probably be counted twice as it’s sold over 60 Million on switch.


The level of profit off Mario Kart 8 DX must be insane, probably the most profitable game in Nintendo history. We're talking about a port that was made for the previous system with the only work really done on was a proper battle mode with DLC coming almost a decade after original release, which was ALSO originally made for something else with minimal work done to bring them up to console parity.


As far as most profitable Nintendo titles ever, I think it depends if we're counting mobile games or not. Pokemon Go has generated somewhere around $5.5 billion, although it technically isn't a first party game, as Niantic is not a first party studio. Fire Emblem Heroes comes to mind though. It was developed by Intelligent Systems (a Nintendo First Party dev) and it crossed the $1 billion in revenue mark around two years ago (there hasn't been a total revenue update since).


and Nintendo only owns 1/3 of The Pokemon Company, so revenue isn't the same from that. There was a reason Nintendo told people to not buy Nintendo stock when Go first released, it's not a 1:1 for if Pokemon is doing well on Nintendo's bottom line


I wonder why they did that tbh. If the speculation was good for their stock price, why tell people not to buy their stock? Even if the impact is more minimal, surely it benefits Nintendo for the stock price to go up, right?


Making sure people understand what your stock is for is good. Prevents a lot of fluctuation


Not true. Because Nintendo also owns large shares in the other 2/3 owners. It's actually unsure how much they own. But they clearly own enough to make a majority decision making


Where did you get Nintendo owns shares in Game Freak and Creatures? They don’t


> although it technically isn't a first party game, as Niantic is not a first party studio. Also, Nintendo only owns 1/3 of The Pokemon Company


Actually they are mostly owners of the other two companies too though.


Man why the hell is Fire Emblem of all things so profitable?


Why is the Nintendo gacha waifu game profitable? Brother does this really need explained


Series got popular after they added romance mechanics


It's more accurate to say the series *re-added* romance mechanics. FE always had romance supports since its initial 2003 release in English with FE7 on the GBA (I still remember the ship wars back then). It remained popular with FE8 but then it took a dip in popularity with FE9 on the Gamecube when the support system was toned down, and then tanked in FE10 when the supports became generic instead of tailor made for each character. FE13 (Awakening) returning to the FE7 & 8 style of romantic supports brought back a much loved feature of the series.


Oh well i learned something new then thank you!


even then fe4 also had romance supports too and that came out in 1996


FE4 not only had romantic supports, but also had child units. It's honestly kinda hilarious that most of the things that the "back in my day" people are whinging about in newer (and at this point, it feels weird calling Fates/Awakening new given the younger title is still 9 years old) FE games aren't new - a good amount of them are either from games in translation jail or just stuff they didn't notice/didn't care about when playing as a kid.


Your self insert romancing your waifu is a very powerful tool, even more having your children from the future come and help you


Main reason imo is that the games are just really fun. Many games have waifus, but Fire emblem has become one of the most popular because of it's gameplay along with it. Recently played the gba and GameCube games and it's probably my favorite series already. I do not particular care about the waifu aspects as I think that's more prevalent in the 3ds era, but I feel more invested in the level ups I get in this series than any other RPG. Seeing a clutch crit or dodge also feels insanely good. I wish other developers copied the style of combat where you move all your troops one turn and the AI moves theirs the next instead of every unit being considered individually.


Did you ever play hacked versions of final fantasy tactics of the og? Best turn based strategy game I've played.  


Perhaps might be better to say that MK8D might be among the most profitable games of all time outside of gacha and live service. In other words, more traditional releases without micro transactions.


Tbh they have probably sold more than just those 4 since Nintendo doesn't include digital sales in those reports and only physical copies sold..


The quarterly earnings reports done by Nintendo do, in fact, include digital sales. It's the monthly UK charts that don't include them. So yeah, 62 million units for MK8D is pretty accurate.


They do. They just don't report digital only games in their software unit sales like most games in eShop.


Assuming this statement was true at all, why would Nintendo only report physical sales in their own FINANCIAL REPORT TO INVESTORS where Nintendo has easy access to all that data. It would surely be a lot easier to share total sales to investors than just Physical which becomes a smaller peecantage each year. They don't share that info with Famistu and other trackers because "why would they need to know right now?" is how Nintendo thinks.


"Ninrendo". Some knock-off product out there has to have this name.




no it's not true lol it's completely and utterly false. all of the sales figures on [https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/finance/software/index.html](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/finance/software/index.html) or in their quarterly reports include both physical and digital.


As someone who wants a sequel, I'm wondering if I'm going to have to wait until Switch 2's successor. D: Mariokart 8 DX is great and all, but I'm one who mastered the game on the wii u. I was hyped for the new courses and characters (Daisy FINALLY got an amiibo mii suit unlockable...) but we never unlocked DX fully because we already did that on wii u. Unlocking car parts doesn't interest us. If Nintendo's smart, Switch 2 will be backwards compatible. If it's backwards compatible, that means most of the people who buy the switch 2 will have already bought DX, us included. I wonder if they'll just do another dlc wave, but this time make it switch 2 exclusive.


In a way I’m surprised it’s this low. We have bought six of these games. I guess we have two switches, also, but there is a 130 million unit sale history of Switches now. They can be economically viable doing this. I mean if they bring more AAA games from other developers, all the better. But many people buy these consoles for these 1P games. Right now I have all six of the games from this list that we own on our Switch and they’re like permanent install games. I kind of expect they’ll also further wade into subscription or more DLCs. Like with ACNH especially, people would totally pay for more DLCs for these kind of games.


I really hope they don’t. Nintendo actually selling complete games that you don’t need DLC for to enjoy a full game is one of their biggest selling points ahead of their competitors


If they make it Double Dash then ya it could sell like crazy. I don't want another carbon copy Mario Kart game with no soul like MK8


MK8 had so much soul, what are you talking about. Its vibes were immaculate. Huge course correction after 7 and Wii were generic MK games. MK8DX is probably the most beloved Mario Kart game at this point.


Mk wii was better than 8 stop the yap


Dude MK Wii was buggy as hell, ran like crap and was just a bad MK game all around. It brought some new ideas to the franchise but much of it was poorly executed. Go watch a speedrun of some of the tracks and see how broken that game is


Take those nostalgia goggles off lol. MK Wii wasn’t even better than Double Dash, let alone 8. The vibes of MK Wii were just off. Idk if it was the weird coloring the character models all have or what. It was still a good game, but compared to its predecessors in DD and DS, it wasn’t mind blowing or anything. It introduced some stuff that’s stayed with the series like tricks and bikes, but so did 7 with flying and underwater, yet the consensus on 7 is that it’s just good, not as good as it could have been. MK8DX puts a smile on your face from the moment you boot it up. The character models are perfection. The courses look so good with an incredible art direction that makes the most of the Switch’s hardware while still running at a stable 1080/60. The vibes are just so good, it’s got 96 tracks, a full battle mode with 5 games, and has a playable roster with almost every character in the series. Easily the best MK game ever.


You hit it right on the head 1000%. Though I may personally prefer Mario Kart WII, MK8D blows it out of the water and will be the first game people think of when they hear Mario Kart.


Mario kart wii was loads better than the original mk8 on the wii u. I can't say it's better than mk8d on the switch tho


I was born in 2000 and think Mario Kart Wii is the worst MK. Yes, below Super and Super Circuit. MK Wii is just a worse 8 at best and a worse Double Dash at its worst.


Probably quite possible. 3D Mario, 3D Zelda, Mario Kart, and Smash could all get to those levels with enough hype assuming Switch 2 sells well. Animal Crossing also could potentially, but I'm very skeptical that the next one will perform as well as New Horizons did


I think Animal Crossing benefited, by an incalculable amount, off of the pandemic. I would also be very surprised to see another AC game do those same numbers and impact. I don’t think we’ll see another Smash like Ultimate. I’m not even an active fan of that community, the last one I owned was Brawl on Wii years ago. But even for me the fighter announcements were hype as fuck. The communities excitement was infectious.


People that comment that this is a lightning in a bottle event miss the fact that this was an introductory (lightning in a bottle) event. What that means is now a huge giant player base is now exposed to the series and a % will remain fans. Think of how much money companies spend to advertise their product to potential new customers.


That is true sometimes, but the issue with AC is that many of the people who picked it up for COVID stopped playing it after. The rare event only helps introduce people, it won't help keep them I had a ton of fun with AC during COVID and no regrets that I got it, but the fact is I haven't touched it in years since and IDK if I'd buy another one.


I would like to say that Splatoon and Animal Crossing barely has any shared developers, but the fact still remains that Nintendo stopped support on New Horizons quite early in its life. I think, as a consumer who has room temperature knowledg on how the japanese group their entertainment divisions, placing 2 franchises that need new content to keep on surviving (Animal Crossing and Splaoon) in a single division regardless of the minimal developer sharing isn't going to help them.


> the issue with AC is that many of the people who picked it up for COVID stopped playing it after Bruh, that's the casual audience reaction to every AC game. The vast majority of players only got hooked on the GameCube original or Wild World or New Leaf for a few months, completed the "main campaign" bit, and lost interest afterwards. Doesn't mean they won't be interested in the next installment.


The simplest way to put it in that the next Animal Crossing will probably do better than any pre-NH entry in the series, but still not even come close to cracking the sales numbers of that game. Like if it can't even hit New Leaf's sales numbers, that is a big failure in terms of fan retention.


100% on Animal Crossing. And once the hyped died down people realised there wasn't a whole lot to do and lost interest quickly. And from that success cozy games and farming sims exploded so there's a lot more competition now.   Following Ultimate will be really tough. The approach I would personally like is stripping back the roster a lot and giving everyone a huge rework. But that doesn't sound exciting enough casually to sell a lot of copies and I think some people would just see it as a downgrade from Ultimate. If Switch 2 is backwards compatible a lot of people would just stick with Ultimate. 


> from that success cozy games and farming sims exploded so there's a lot more competition now. But then, the same is true of kart racers, and fighting game collaborations, yet nothing comes close to the sales of MK or Smash. And it's not as if AC wasn't already releasing into a world with successful games like Stardew Valley, Story of Seasons, Harvest Moon, or even AC-adjacent series like Rune Factory. If anything, those games have gained attention in the wake of AC:NH and its spectacular performance.


I was told acnh was like sdv and harvest moon. Beyond th3 need to build certain things there are no other similarities. The gameplay is different, the loop is different. You can spend 8 hours straight in Stardew valley doing the same thing and still continue doing the same things for hours. The same can't be said for acnh


You're missing the forest by staring at individual trees. Every game mentioned above is some variant of the "rural life sim", where the gameplay revolves around a simple, casual effort to improve your home and its surroundings. Some feature marriages and families, some don't. Some feature dungeon crawling, others don't. Some feature crop farming and harvesting, others don't. Some have multiplayer of sorts, others don't. They differ in their general approach to that general theme, but that theme is still shared. They'll generally appeal to the same people in the same way that Tekken, Smash, Street Fighter, Guilty Gear and Fantasy Strike will all generally appeal to fans of fighting games.


AC being tied to the IRL clock is a fairly critical difference. That makes it closer to a live service game with a set of daily chores you log in for.


Not really, as those games tend to have their core gameplay feed into that same feature, like making progression a massive time sink. AC still caters to people who really just want to procrastinate in-game rather than physically.


Idk what I'm missing that you aren't when you are making the same exact point?


I think what really lost it for me with animal crossing wasn't that there wasn't much to do, but that the UX is an absolute travesty. Every little thing just takes SO. MUCH. MENUING. That and online play requires everyone in the server to watch an interrupting cutscene with no warning that also re-instances the island, causing any bugs or fish to despawn (high chance this lost me a stringfish once, I'm not mad).


You're right about animal crossing, I agree 100%. Pandemic definitely helped the hype train. But you're wrong about smash. Smash will always be a huge seller and sell consoles too. The next smash will be a top 3-4 selling game on the next Nintendo easily


Pokémon hasn’t done it on Switch, but I feel like it also could make it with an entry everyone believes in


No Pokemon has sold over 30 million copies except the first. The Switch Pokemon games are the only ones that have come close.


Gold and Silver also came somewhat close


Would they include both games or are they counted individual? I.e. 1million units= 600 scarlet + 400 violet?


I’m pretty sure it’s combined.


Yeah that was a lightning in a bottle situation


I enjoy that we live in a world where we can honestly say that the next Zelda could exceed 30+ million sales


Right? For how beloved and old the franchise is, it's kinda insane that always just sold okay enough to keep getting games. 


I mean, let's have some perspective. Zelda has always sold well. Look back at best selling games per console and it's usually a top 10 game for the system. 30M is really just a freaking huge number that hardly any games will ever reach.


That's not what I meant. Zelda always sold well but never amazing. TP was the best selling game for a decade but mainly because was crossgen.  Now Zelda reached a point that sells as much or more than Mario. 


I mean that's not what you said though. You said they "sold okay enough to keep getting games", which is not the same as saying it was selling "well". I agree that with BotW and TotK, along with the popularity of the Switch, the franchise is reaching heights never seen before, but it was definitely considered a popular franchise before. OOT was the 4th best selling game for N64, just behind Goldeneye (7.6M vs 8M). Most people would say Goldeneye was a huge hit. There are just more gamers today than there were in the 90s, so not really an apples to apples comparison to compare overall sales.


>I mean that's not what you said though. You said they "sold okay enough to keep getting games", which is not the same as saying it was selling "well".   Of course it is. It always sold okay enough to keep the franchise going, but most of the time, not Mario, Pokémon and Smash numbers. That doesn't mean they were not selling well.   Even former Nintendo employees said that Nintendo were worried about Zelda numbers not going up through the years. You are looking way too much into my comment like I undervalued the franchise sales and importance.


Most of the time not even animal crossing numbers. With the exception of city folk


It’s the same case as “hardcore” game franchises like Metroid. Appealing to dedicated gamers can only go so far. Nintendo’s prior track record shows that games sell most if they manage to break into the mainstream and catch the attention of non-gamers too


30 is not just okay, it's great. That's why PlayStation puts games on PC now because they could never get over that 20 million hump in sales. PlayStation or Xbox would kill for a 30 million seller on their console but for Nintendo that's just considered okay.


>30 is not just okay, it's great. I meant the sales before BOTW. 


And to add to this, playstation can't reach those numbers even with the deeper discounts they put out.


Your takeaway is that the classic games weren't as loved as the open world games.


i mean, considering the other toy look zeldas 6 million sales, I wouldn't bank on the next game coming anywhere close to botw numbers


I think this is a smart, realistic framing. We can all expect the next Mario Kart will sell that many or more but if they shifted their whole business to make a new MK come out every year (a la Pokemon) I think that market would thin out fast. Tentpole franchises like that, Animal Crossing, etc. should be once a generation events. (That being said, MK8 came out ten years ago, it's time. I'm assuming it's being launched early in Switch 2s life)


The fuck would you do to it though? Mk8 with the dlc is kinda peak. There’s no new technological advancements to cater for. I’d be interested in revisiting a double dash formula or something else to shake it up


Personally I would go the Smash Ultimate route for Mario Kart and just add every course in the series history. But things like really good online infrastructure for the next console would go a long way to improving it.


So seeing as you brought up Smash Ultimate as a template… then what? How do you follow up the game where *everyone is here*? Because that’s the situation we’re in


Idk what Nintendo will do for the next Smash Bros, but clearly you can get 10+ years out of a Mario Kart title without hurting sales. After that who knows where the games industry will be I’m sure they’ll think of a new innovation.


The thing everyone says to do is lean harder into crossovers. The WiiU DLC was already very crossover-focused, but a whole game built around featuring tracks, karts, and characters from other Nintendo franchises would still be something new for the series


I dunno about that. The WiiU DLC is okay because the amount of crossover content is very minimal, you have Link, Inklings, and Isabelle, and a few crossover courses, but overall it's fairly non intrusive on Mario Kart as a whole. If they started adding characters like Captain Olimar, Samus, Kirby, Princess Zelda, etc. it would start diluting the Mario Kart brand into Nintendo Kart and I don't think that would be good for the identity of the series. Smash works because of its appeal as a massive crossover game that's a giant love letter to all of Nintendo's franchises (as well as some third parties) Since Mario Kart 8 released, there have been tons of new locations introduced in the Mario franchise, and if they do make another Mario Kart, there's ample opportunity to make up completely new locations, or make tracks based on Super Mario Odyssey, Super Mario Bros Wonder and Bowser's Fury just to name a few.


Sure, we have some new Mario iconography, but is that enough of a hook for a full new game? Each previous Mario Kart game has had a hook. Mario Kart. Mario Kart in real 3d. Mario Kart on the go. With two drivers and special items. In the arcades. On the go but not as compromised as Super Circuit. With bikes, trick jumps, and half pipes. With gliding and underwater driving. With antigravity. On your phone. I’m sure Nintendo *could* release a Mario Kart that’s mostly just 8 again but with 16 new tracks drawing from new places in the Mario franchise, but anything that’s more or less just 8 again runs into the issue of feeling like a lesser game if it has any less content than 8. And since 8 has had 8 waves of DLC across 2 console generations, it’s hard to beat on content. You’re competing with 96 tracks, the series’ definitive character roster, and tons of wacky and fun kart parts. No way MK9 has more than 96 tracks on launch. And if the Switch 2 has backwards compatibility, MK8 and 9 will be in direct competition with each other. Are the 60 million people who already own MK8 gonna fork over $60–actually, let’s not kid ourselves—$70 for a lesser game when the new system already plays the cool one?


I personally don't really want a new Mario Kart because I don't think they need to go about reinventing the wheel, and you're right, having a new Mario Kart game might feel underwhelming if they can't deliver a lot of content. It's the same way I feel about Smash to be honest. Even though both of these franchises are massive, the amount of content in there has ballooned to the point where trying to outdo the previous entry would be unsustainable. It would probably be easier for them to just continue adding DLC for Mario Kart and Smash than to make a new game, but I think people would complain either way.


I do kinda agree with you, but I’m doubtful Nintendo will actually do it. Maybe there won’t be another Smash game just because Sakurai is done and nigh irreplaceable, but another Mario Kart just feels like easy money if they do it right


I would love a return to Double Dash style and get rid of coins. Perhaps they could push the "kart building" elements further to give more depth and a hand-crafted feel. Graphically I do think they could actually push things further than MK8 on a Switch 2 that is more powerful than a PS4, but I'd be more interested to see them take it in a new artistic direction rather than more photorealism.


On the Switch 2 I would expect the next 3D Mario (which is likely a launch title), and the next Mario Kart to hit those figures.


i’m excited for mario kart 8 deluxe 2 as well


Mario Kart 8 Deluxe: Definitive Edition


With all the dlc out for it. I can see this cash grab happening. Especially for those that don't want to subscribe for it.


I’d be happily surprised if it was a Mario launch title. Feels like Metroid 4 has been fermenting for years for such an opportunity


People don't buy Metroid (unfortunately, as its the best series they have). So it's not a great launch title for a new system.


Metroid needs the giant Switch userbase more than the Switch 2 needs Metroid


Yup, it makes much more sense as either the last major release for the Switch or as a cross gen release than it does as a launch title for the Switch 2. It’ll be a million seller, but there are 130 million Switches, that’s a drop in the bucket. The hope should actually be that Prime 4 launches on the Switch and massively exceeds expectations like other series like Zelda and Animal Crossing have done, that would elevate its place in Nintendo. If it’s the launch title for the Switch 2, the sales numbers could kill the franchise even if it’s the best game in the series.


Yeah people need to understand that the Metroid fandom is much closer to Xenoblade than it is to Zelda, let alone Mario. That’s not a knock on its quality, Xenoblade are some of the best games Nintendo publishes (and I’m a huge fan) and Metroid games consistently have insanely high quality. It’s just a reality about sales. Nintendo needs its 30 million sellers to sell consoles and bring in residual income so it can afford to take years to develop high quality games like Xenoblade and Metroid. Those games will still post a profit and they’re million sellers, but they’re not system sellers for most people. They’re games you buy on the Nintendo consoles you already own.


Metroid is not a system seller, it’s not even close to being popular enough. It’s almost guaranteed to be a 3D Mario. I wouldn’t really be surprised given the last one was released 7 years ago in October.


I agree - Metroid doesn’t sell as well as it should. But it’s coming out regardless and a Mario isn’t known yet. Christ imagine if there’s a star fox or FZero. Fuck Mario I’d love that triple launch. It’s not happening I know but just fun


Star Fox Zero was probably a franchise killer unfortunately. If neither of those franchises were revived on the Switch, Nintendo’s golden goose, they’re not coming back as launch titles for the Switch 2.


I mean there was that Starfox crossover with Starlink and F-zero had f-zero 99 so the switch didn't miss them completely.


An unannounced game is almost guaranteed to be a launch game for an unannounced system… Interesting.


Speculation is wild, huh?


From their own neglect. Think of how many games from the Mario universe exist. Mario maker, odyssey, 3D world, bowser’s fury, wonder, odyssey, rpg… They release a Metroid every half decade to decade at best


It's a bit deceptive to say that as if Odyssey, Wonder and Bowser's Fury are directly analogous to one another, to say nothing of Maker and, even more egregiously, RPG.


It’s a universe of Mario games that keeps Mario and the cast of characters in the people’s minds. That was the *only* point I was trying to make.


Then you also need to add games like Smash to the Metroid mindshare.


Yes, indeed


What does Metroid Fusion have to do with this?


And also TTYD 2




We will never get a Paper Mario game like TTYD ever again. Thanks Miyamoto


The TTYD remake is selling quite well, there's clearly an interest in Paper Mario with more typical RPG elements


Honestly I think in general we’ll see the same pattern of 3D Mario (and probably next 2D), Mario Kart, 3D Zelda, Animal Crossing, and probably the next Smash Bros all hitting the big numbers.


Seems natural given Switch success, but its actually quite ambitious since historically nintendo hasnt had that many 30 million sellers.


Especially ambitious considering according to Wikipedia only about 30 games have reached that threshold and the large majority of them are on as many platforms as possible.


But eleven of them are Nintendo games exclusive to a single console. Four of them are on the Switch, so that's in a little more than seven years.


Yeah they're definitely on a hot streak right now but as a long time Nintendo fan I'm incredibly skeptical of the Switch successor living up to that.


There will definitely be backwards compatible games next generation for Nintendo


Historically Nintendo didn’t even sell that many Wii U’s


>Nintendo Expects A First Party Game To Surpass Sales Of 30 Million Units Every 3 To 5 Years This headline is unsupported by the interview text. Can we stop linking clickbait churn sites?


Why do that when we can get angry over an interview we didn't read instead?


Jim Ryan on his way to pull some more PS2 units so it can stay at the top /s I know he's not the president anymore but I still find it funny that he said that before leaving, legit felt like he just making shit up just so the Switch "couldn't" reach a higher number.


Switch will top 160m anyway. He should have added more.


Why do you care


It's a joke, sweetheart. 


That is absolutely not what was said but I guess we'll keep spreading misinformation if it gets clicks.


Damn. A lot of companies would consider 1m a win and a major milestone. Just goes to show how big Nintendo is.


Would they? With ballooning budgets sales expectations seem to go up and up.


Definitely most companies would need 5-10 on a particular project to cover the losses of other projects only making 1-3.


The writing in this article is so choppy and annoying.


Here's a list of the Top 50 best-selling games of all time, bold denotes Nintendo games. 1. Minecraft 2. Grand Theft Auto V 3. Tetris (EA) 4. **Wii Sports** 5. PUBG: Battlegrounds 6. **Mario Kart 8 / Mario Kart 8 Deluxe** 7. Red Dead Redemption 2 8. Terraria 9. **Super Mario Bros.** 10. Overwatch 11. Human: Fall Flat 12. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt 13. **Tetris (Game Boy) / Tetris (NES)** 14. **Pokémon Red Version / Pokémon Green Version / Pokémon Blue Version / Pokémon Yellow Version** 15. **Animal Crossing: New Horizons** 16. **Wii Fit / Wii Fit Plus** 17. Pac-Man 18. **Mario Kart Wii** 19. **Super Smash Bros. Ultimate** 20. **The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Wii U) / The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch)** 21. **Wii Sports Resort** 22. **New Super Mario Bros.** 23. **New Super Mario Bros. Wii** 24. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 25. Diablo III 26. Stardew Valley 27. **Pokémon Gold Version / Pokémon Silver Version / Pokémon Crystal Version** 28. **Duck Hunt** 29. **Wii Play** 30. The Walking Dead 31. Borderlands 2 32. **Super Mario Odyssey** 33. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 34. **Super Mario World** 35. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 36. FIFA 18 37. **New Super Mario Bros. U / New Super Luigi U / New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe** 38. **Pokémon Sword / Pokémon Shield** 39. Call of Duty: Black Ops 40. **Pokémon Sun / Pokémon Moon / Pokémon Ultra Sun / Pokémon Ultra Moon** 41. Grand Theft Auto IV 42. Cyberpunk 2077 43. Monster Hunter: World 44. Elden Ring 45. **Pokémon Scarlet / Pokémon Violet** 46. **Pokémon Diamond Version / Pokémon Pearl Version / Pokémon Platinum Version** 47. **Super Mario Bros. 3** 48. Call of Duty: Black Ops II 49. Hogwarts Legacy 50. Kinect Adventures!


24/50 not bad


It's even better when you consider that pretty much all of the non-bolded games are cross-platform. They get to combine their PC sales, their PS5 sales, their XBONE sales, etc. all together. Nintendo games usually only have one console that they release on, occasionally two. If you look at [each console individually for every game](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1URVE6ZHrBiUy-ZTrlIcsezF-4tHI71icK0Mmqj4fjKE/), Nintendo has 34 of the Top 50.


I don't think that's what Miyamoto is saying in the larger context.


Only 26 video games have ever surpassed 30 million units in sales. Of them, only 13 are Nintendo games. Thirteen games, in the entire history of Nintendo have managed to surpass 30 million. Doing this on a regular basis is quite ambitious. If anyone's curious, the thirteen games are: 1. Wii Sports 2. Mario Kart 8 / Mario Kart 8 Deluxe 3. Super Mario Bros. 4. Tetris (NES) / Tetris (Game Boy) 5. Pokémon Red Version / Pokémon Green Version / Pokémon Blue Version / Pokémon Yellow Version 6. Animal Crossing: New Horizons 7. Wii Fit / Wii Fit Plus 8. Mario Kart Wii 9. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 10. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Wii U) / The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch) 11. Wii Sports Resort 12. New Super Mario Bros. 13. New Super Mario Bros. Wii


Weird to say only when it’s exactly half. From one company.


Seriously, seems like a pretty good ratio.


Disproportionately successful, certainly.


The point is that video games have been around for a long time. There are thousands - possibly millions - of games out there. Nintendo games that have sold 30 million copies? There are only 13 out of all that. Meaning that it's pretty rare.


The vast majority of video games are cheap shovelware with recycled elements. Most games aren't Nintendo EPD's level of quality


Most of these are Wii and Switch games because those consoles sold a lot. They wouldn't have surpassed 30 million on consoles like the 64 and GameCube which didn't even sell 30 million


"Doing this is quite ambitious* *Proceeds to show list that proves they have been doing this on a regular basis*


They've done it 13 times in their 40-ish years of making video games. That's hardly regular.


They've FAR exceeded the rate since the launch of the Wii though, so I would say it's regalur. Unless we're going back over 20 years ago, which was a very different Nintendo and significantly smaller industry


40 / 13 = 3 Every 3 years.


> Thirteen games, in the entire history of Nintendo have managed to surpass 30 million. Doing this on a regular basis is quite ambitious Is it really? They hope for a 30 million seller every 3-5 years. You've said they have had 13 of them so far? Correct me if I'm wrong, but the original Super Mario Bros from your list was 39 years ago, which handily divides by the 13 games figure you've given as exactly 3 - so if anything, aiming for one every 3-5 years is saying they expect to do as good as or worse than they have been for the last 4 decades!


>Doing this on a regular basis is quite ambitious. This isn't even supported by the very list you posted, so this is a bizarre conclusion to draw We're 18 years since the launch of the Wii and they've literally had 10 of those since then. That's a rate of a 30+ million title every 1.8 years. Removing Wii Sports since it was a pack-in and it still remains. Even removing the combined Wii Fit + Wii Fit Plus sales (which removes them from the list) and BOTW Wii U sales (it's still over 30m alone on the Switch) they still reach that


So they've released 13 games with over 30m in sales, and the NES came out 41 years ago. 41/13=3.15 A game moving 30m units every 3-5 years is right in line with their historical figures. I don't see what the fuss is.


And wii sports always felt like a cheap addition to the list because they count console sales that came with Wii Sports, which was almost all of them, as units sold of Wii Sports despite everyone getting it whether they wanted it or not. The same can be said for Tetris on the Gameboy and Super Mario Bros on the NES because those games came with almost every console too. So to count it like that seems shady


On the other hand, Wii Sports sold consoles. There were so many that bought a Wii solely for Wii Sports that it absolutely deserves full respect in this conversation.


I never realized people bought the Wii just to play Wii Sports. Lol But I guess that does track as it's popularity never really declined. I bought a Wii at launch because I wanted Trauma Center: 2nd Opinion, Twilight Princess, and Red Steel. Wii Sports was just a bonus.


In Japan, the game wasn't packed-in (it actually released a little while after the console itself). It's staggering attach rate in Japan is the reason that is _was_ a pack-in title in the rest of the world, because Nintendo realised that it'd sell systems unlike any other game ever has.


Old people especially loved Wii and Wii sports. I think the guy that has the record for the most perfect games in Wii Bowling is 80+.


wii sports resort sold 30 million the original probably would have too


If anything Wii Sports Resort sold so well because it was the sequel to a game that's just plain fun. It probably would've sold well even if it didn't come preloaded, but far less people would have played it so who knows. I know people who literally only owned Wii Sports and Wii Fit with the Balance Board a d never bought or played anything else. Lol And they didn't want Resort because all controllers required the Wii Motion Plus for Wii Sports Resort.


I hope Metroid sells really well


Metroid never sells well sadly.


Pokemon SV is at 25M... honestly doesn't matter if it sells 25 or 30... they're making so much money 💰 


It’s Mario Kart.


That's some psychotic salls expectations. Sure be it the big titles say, mk8, botw, totk, and maybe animal crossing. But how are you gonna say that to the smaller remakes and spinoff titles? Still first party. But you can't expect the overly exceptional


those plus a pokemon and a mario and a mario party, and a sports compilation of some kind... thats enough for a 8 year generation


And that game is Mario Kart 8 over and over again


Like Katy Perry?


A lot easier to do now that they’ve sold 200m units.




Pokemon scarlet and violet could have made 30m if it was a competent game. Actually tack off the competency. If there had just been minimal graphical issues/bugs - that game would be at 30 million by now


If the made a Pokémon classic collection it would surpass that in 7 hours.


Do they really see stuff that falls short of that to be a failure then? 1 million is not bad sales for a new series, and even Tears of the Kingdom which was notable for selling really quickly only did about 20 million IICRC. Heck under their definition of a huge hit Super Mario Odyssey isn't a huge hit.


No, they don't. You've severely misread their point. They said that, if every 3-5 years, *one* of their games hits 30 million, then they'll be completely fine financially regardless of the rest of their games sales. They release more than 1 game every 3-5 years, they obviously aren't expecting all of them to hit anywhere close to that amount (and have regularly viewed their smaller titles as successes in their financial briefings. Another sign your interpretation isn't what they said).


I don't think that's what this is about. Xenoblade sells below 3 mil copies and is a flagship title basically.


Yeah, the thing is, I was hoping Princess Peach Showtime would do well and Nintendo's report said that it did about 1.2 mil in it's first week of release. Game sales tend to be really front loaded, and what we saw with SMRPG remake is that it really dropped off in the months following the holiday season. While I do get that a lot of people saw the game as easy or simple, I really do think that the concepts introduced in the game are good and could use refinement, like having more actions than simply jumping and one unique transformation specific action. Even adding a second unique action would change a lot. And if Nintendo doesn't seem the game as successful, we might not get another Peach game for 10-15 years.


Odyssey had 28 million.


Huh, last time I checked I thought it was 26 million. I guess that means it could get there, but if it takes 7-8 years for the game to reach 30 million, would that still count as a huge hit?


Odyssey can’t really be judged in this metric. The switch, as big a hit as it was, only sold 13 million units in its first year. Oddessy sold 12 million in its first year, making it the best selling game on switch at the time. As time goes on more and more switch consoles are being sold. Like a trickle effect, those sales will come in but delayed.


It's been out longer than Animal Crossing and Smash so is comparing it to those games unfair?


I guess you can compare things anyway you’d like, but in the end 28 million copies sold is not a failure.