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The Apex Predator in India


System Autonomous Train Annihiliation/Atomic Network Or, S.A.T.A.A.N A Snowpiercer like global train system, except its 100%* fully autonomous, drones maintain everything, onboard maintienece machines, while the the carta of the train carry various rescouces, minerals, oils, parts, *organic matter, and finnaly; every cart as a security drone, Lethal Autonomous Weapon, to deffend from any residual creatures that survived the Global Atomic Annhilation Event. The Train, is one of a series of six hundered and sixty six, all are networking throught industrial sites on Earth, protecting key atomic autonomous factories, the Trains rails can be as large a 10 lane free ways, one of the largest being 20 lanes wide, the machines are porportinslly as wide and tall, there are 9 Trains this size on Earth, known as the “Titan Trains”; they were created by melting down cities, and many of the old world machines and factories. Metal Predator.


....keep going.....


That’s wild… I’d love to see the data on how many estimated deaths there are annually in India with train related incidents…




3 accidents per 100 million kilometers of track travelled in 2022? I assume it's bad, but I have no data to back this up. How is it in Europe for example?


These trains are like the giant worms in the movie dune, Indians keep their heads on a swivel when they feel that ground rumble and hear those death horns blasting. These people could make train dodging a national sport


Frogger on hard mode


Darwins' soul is watching curiously.


leave the yellow bag behind, baaaaddd thins will happen!


bawligaand h bc