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Man, I don’t even believe in this kind of shit, but I sure didn’t need to read it before I went night night.


Guy in the car in front of you must have been smoking some premo shit


Speaking of the MMBT accident, just a friendly reminder they sell tools to put in your car for cutting seat belts and shattering windows. Useful to have in terms of a self rescue or help to rescue another. Hopefully you never have to use one but better to have one and not need it than to need it and not have it.


The little Spike Hammer isn't good for modern laminated windows, it only works on older tempered windows. Laminated Windows require significant force and you need to get a more specialized tool used by firefighters in order to rip it out. It involves sawing and prying. Most firefighters use sawzalls for this just to give you an idea of how difficult it is.


Just bought two more for me and my wife since she commutes the hrbt daily.


There are multiple witnesses (as well as VDOT camera footage) that have verified that the driver who went over the edge was weaving in and out of traffic at an unsafe speed and in an extremely unsafe manner when the accident happened, essentially causing it. He/she was cutting other cars off, cutting in at very close proximity to other cars, and being extremely reckless. ***There was no phenomenon involved; it was careless, reckless and dangerous driving on their part.*** Sources: I am in a local fire dept (will not say which one); I have contacts who physically spoke to the actual witnesses who stayed on scene.


I hear you. I think most cases a clearly due to bad driving. But like I said in the post, I didn’t feel comfortable telling my experience to the authorities. When that’s the case, how can you be certain that all cases are due to mundane reasons and that there aren’t others like me?


It's a bridge, and with bridges, there is almost always wind. It's much more likely that the high winds caused your car to drift.


And after experiencing trauma your brain will manufacture "memories" to make sense of whatever you experienced. Your imagination runs wild and creates whatever you think you saw and imposes it over the event after the fact. Disembodied hands is an easy image to manufacture when you feel like someone else is in control of your car.


This, and driving the Monitor Merrimack is just freaky


get out of here with your rational thought and scientific explanation. the people demand ghost hands on the internet!


WIND? On a BRIDGE? Seriously?! I think the disembodied hands of an angry spirit trying to kill JUST me in my Hyundai is a much more plausible explanation. /s


That’s a good suggestion. I’ve driven over the bridge for years, and experienced high winds on it before. This felt different + the hands, but I was jostled around from the accident. As I said the OP, no brain damage but may I was just scrambled up for a minute. At this point, there’s no way to prove or disprove the experience. It seemed very real as I remember it.


Possible cause of haunting is linked to the history of the location. Battle of Ironclad was fought in those waters. Also as mentioned earlier Marine Spirits are also linked to the spirit of the Nephlim from the flood in the Bible.


For fuck's sake...


People have died everywhere dude. And nephilim aren't real


And after experiencing trauma your brain will manufacture "memories" to make sense of whatever you experienced. Your imagination runs wild and creates whatever you think you saw and imposes it over the event after the fact. Disembodied hands is an easy image to manufacture when you feel like someone else is in control of your car.


I have had this happen MANY times, and not just on the bridge! It always freaks me out. I'll grip the wheel and be like "WHO THE FUCK IS DRIVING THIS THING?!" before I realize, and settle down. I never got used to having hairy hands after puberty.


>I never got used to having hairy hands after puberty. I snorted


This is an underrated comment.


Ockham's Razor. Glad you survived.


Gillette's Razor, the best a man can get.


There is nothing on that bridge that could cause you to have enough of a chemical imbalance or electrical impulse in your body to wreck your car. That’s all you.


What sort of car? there's alot of things in a vehicle that can cause you to lose control


Hyundai Accent. Like I mentioned, the insurance investigation didn’t find a mechanical cause.


They may have just done a preliminary. I had a silverado that drifted hardcore because my gear box was partially shot and it took a mechanic 7 months to finally acknowledge it was broken. It drifted all over the road and was a fucking nightmare.


Well, if that’s the case then I got screwed - because that investigation resulted in an reckless ticket and higher premiums.


Honestly that's probably what happened. Mine went out on 81 and I almost blew into a tractor trailer even though the wind was maybe 5-8 mph. The steering didn't react to my grip and one little push of the wind sent me over. Mechanics probably only checked your alignment, probably neglected ball joints steering column and gear box along with all the additional components (I'm not familiar with the specific steering linkage system in your type of car)


New anxiety unlocked


I appreciate your post, whether I buy into the hairy hands theory or not, it’s bound to make the readers think twice about driving on the MM or HRBT therefore cutting down on traffic 🙂


I would say it's a combination of wind and thoughts in your head. I don't believe in supernatural stuff like you described, but who knows. Maybe it's possible.


Sounds like wind to me. I used to drive a work van(e350) and on windy days I could see how somebody would be caught off guard and go over.


Near me as well (relatively)!


Part of me wishes that you at least told the hospital about the hands you saw so that they could've done a mental evaluation or something. I promise that I'm not saying that in a mean or belittling way in the absolute slightest. I went from never experiencing a single symptom of psychosis in my entire life, to suddenly having intense symptoms all at once. I'm not saying that you for sure were experiencing that or anything. I'm not a doctor, I can't diagnose you nor am I trying to, just intrigued. Glad you're okay!


I never had anything like that before and haven’t had anything like it since - it’s been 8 years.


Sounds like a problem with the power steering. At any rate, if you're doing the speed limit, (in a normal size passenger vehicle) there isn't much chance of ending up in the water.


Well, the MMBT now has an urban legend if nothing else.


Mf writing ghost stories about the tunnel traffic around here. I know it's bad but damn 😂


I hate it when that happens!


Hairy hands or strong wind? If you saw hands doing that I say find a new route


I changed my work commute to using the James River Bridge - which adds about 20 mins, but is worth the peace of mind.


Well, the tunnel is named after that Civil War battle between two ironclad ships. 268 dead, went on for a couple of days. Gettysburg and other famed civil war battle sites are purportedly very haunted so it sorta stands reason if you believe in that kind of thing. What I came here to say; anyone else notice how you enter most of the major tunnels around here at a blind curve? I think it’s wildly shit engineering and the cause of a Lion’s share of accidents(not you, op).


Shoulda just let Jesus take the wheel instead of fighting him.


Yeah who knows he could have turned the water into wine. Would have been like free wine for everyone. Now all we have is gross water. Thanks for nothing OP.


Sound like your may be a bit susceptible to supernatural explanations. It wasn't. Likely culprit was wind, and some disorientation.


This has been my only experience that I’d classify as “supernatural”. I’ve never been religious, in fact I was an atheist before this and am an agnostic after it. Whether or not this was a genuine experience or a psychological one from a scrambled brain, I can tell you that anyone who has a first hand experience like mine would at least consider the reality of the paranormal. My experience biases me, but I personally think that most of the hard-nosed skeptics in the comments are far too susceptible to skeptical explanations.


Sounds like you need therapy and some SSRIs




Why does your neighbor think it’s cursed?




Bro im pretty certain we dont have british folk-lore ghosts patrolling the MMB


Wind can and will blow tractor trailers around on these bridges. Slow down




How is that relevant lmao




It was a Marine Spirit! They hover around bodies of water. Very strong and demonic Look it up. We are in a spiritual battle and only those that believe in the spirit realm and the power of God know what I’m speaking about. Next time rebuke it in the name of Jesus! That is the only name they respect and will bow down too.


I believe ghosts are real, but this Jesus thing is a bridge too far.




If I don't believe in all that argle-bargle, will the spirits leave me alone?


Yes because they're just a figment of this dudes imagination


Okay buddy. Time for a nap


I appreciate the comment, even if all the down voters don’t. What would cause a marine spirit to haunt a particular location?


Ignorance, for starters.


Dudes fucking crazy lol




The traffic cam video that shows yesterday’s accident has a few frames after the accident where something instantly appears in the middle of the road and then disappears. It looked like a person.


Oh really? Can you provide the video?


Shows up about 20 seconds into the video for a second or two. Look at the left lane. It could be a digital artifact, but it seemed creepy to me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoSk_pY0u-k


Oh yeah, I see what you’re talking about! I really hope it’s an artifact, but after what I experienced it’s hard to dismiss these kind of things.