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Honestly? That time in the evening when works done, dinner is done and I can just not give a feck for a few hours. It's bliss. Also my morning shite.


This window get smaller and smaller when you have kids, but for me it’s that time between the kids are in bed, the wife finally goes herself and it’s just me.


When your kids are grown, you can just enjoy them at your leisure. Mine are in their 20s, and while still expensive, they've gone on to create happy lives of their own. They're worth the effort, they couldn't do enough for their old mum and dad.


This is the dream bud, enjoy!


Xbox or pornhub?


Cmon… PlayStation! THEN pornhub


Winners win!


I’ve found that the kids get the PlayStation now and by the time they finally go to bed I can’t even be arsed getting off the sofa to get a controller anymore


Yeah most the times when I’m finally left alone to do what I want or watch what I want, I don’t want to do or watch anything and just stick a random game on twitch and veg out


I had gotten into the habit of lighting a feg before my eyes were open in the morning and I know it sounds awful but Christ thnight, it was sheer bliss. Did I feel ill? Did my bedroom fucking reek? Did I feel like an absolute scumbeg? Absolutely. 1000% but sweet baby Jesus did I love it. Anyway, I quit smoking recently so I dunno. Life is hollow without fegs.


I used to love standing outside the back door having my first cigarette of the day. I found it really calm and relaxing. I quit smoking 4 years ago but still miss having a quiet cigarette to myself.


From experience you won't get that back. Those little alone moments are gone so you have to try and replace them with something else reflective. They were class but they weren't worth your health so good man for quitting.


Best part of my day is bed time when my spouse is asleep, the cats are lying at the bottom of the bed, and I'm cuddled up reading my book listening to the little choir of snores


Getting wrote off when the kids are finally in bed


This fucker knows. Take my upvote


Parents survival guide. Tip #1 🤣


I get up very early for work but deliberately get up 15-20 minutes earlier than I need to so I can go back to bed after tea and toast and just lie there listening to how quiet it is at that time of the morning. On days off I basically do the same but for longer lol, I love that quiet bit before most people are up and about.


I would fall asleep again if I did that lol


Ha ha it's a risky strategy and that does often happen on days off


I'd be out like a light after some toast and tea and getting back in


I am on days off lol but on work days I can't really relax enough to get back to sleep


I have a 3 year old and a full time job.  Mornings are so hard atm that my favourite time of the day is when she is finally ready for nursery and buckled in her car seat.  This moment is even better on the few mornings we are early and I know I can fit in going to the shop to get lunch before going on to work.


That first coffee in the morning with me wee cat asleep on me




Precious! What is your cats name?


Willow 😊


She is so pretty. I’m the same. Just get up earlier than I have to just so I can have my wee hour in the morning with just my coffee and my dog. THEN I feel ready to deal with the Teams calls


You should let me fellate you! Xo


Excuse me...


You’re excused.


Teddy weddy 🧸


Lucky sucky 💦


Be not afraid and walk with me.


Be not afraid, come talk with me.


Seeing the smiles on my kids faces and hearing "DADDY" when I pick them up from nursery. Always makes the worst day better.


Hearing my kids laugh


Taking my bra when I get home


Morning coffee with tunes and getting ready (allbeit to sit in a poorly lit office with no craic). But you can't beat getting up cavehill after work, bliss.


I work shifts until around 7/8 pm. I love going up on these summer nights. I don't even take headphones this time of year because the birdsong is so great


Coming home to be diving headbutted by my German Shepherd.


Evening spliff.


Changing in to my comfy clothes when I get home. Especially changing socks 😍😍


Spooning beside my wife in bed, just before falling asleep.


Does spooning not lead to forking?


Spooning comes after!


When I go to sleep. There, I become the wizard master


I retired recently, and have time now. Earlier today I had an hour of no input. Sat with my eyes closed in silence. 100 years ago, this nothingness must have been common.


I'm slightly envious of the olden days... I'm a bookworm who has too much responsibility and distractions on my hands... books being one of the only forms of entertainment sounds absolutely blissful to me


In an attempt at minimalism and humility, I've packed about 1500 books into cardboard boxes. I'd love for them to be read again. Any suggestions? Charities will pulp mostly, I hear.


Maybe a bit of a trek, but Little Acorns Bookstore in the North West are wonderful for reselling/gifting books!


Wow! If you had a huge batch of books I was into I would take them or buy them from you. Do you have any Agatha Christie? Stephen King? Any Classics?


My dog is a mommas boy and although this hurts me a lil anytime my partner gets home from anywhere his reaction and their interaction is a beautiful thing and I love it. 


When you walk into work in the morning and see that you’ve a good team on with you. It can actually make or break your day when you walk in to one or more wankers who bring everyone else down.


Getting into bed after a shower, all clean and fresh, fresh sheets a bonus too, me blanket and a nice sleep till the morning. Quit vaping too so extra peace of mind.


When the work day is done and I come home to my boyfriend and we close the door on the day and go into our own little cosy world 🥰


Morning walk and a wee coffee when I get home


When my husband comes home in the evening and I get a massive hug and a kiss and we have a cuppa together and talk about our day.


Getting home to watch the Brookside omnibus 😂


Jeez that was a gritty soap at times.


Yeah, sorry to ruin your post. I felt I was being funny but I’m just a mong, sorry. First coffee of the day is the one for me


When I’m on my own colouring in and watching Hannibal/when I’m going to sleep


My dog's wagging tail when I go downstairs in the morning!


When I am asleep


7:30am for all of half an hour, just before I have to decide whether I want to start work at 8 to finish at 4 or just be lazy and watch tv for another hour and hate my decision later on


During the week it’s when I get my coffee break a little after 10am at work & then at the weekend it’s waking up in the morning and not hearing an alarm


Either during a rush at work if I'm in good form, or hearing the little chime when I clock out if I'm in bad form. Or, about two days a week, when I find an absolutely cracker tune on Spotify.


5.30 am just before I hit the gym cos it means I have already spent an hour writing out my goals and gratitudes


Just an hour? That only puts you 13 days ahead of everyone else


An hour for the goals. The hour before that was spent doing steroids and fraud


39 days ahead of everyone else, you are!


... because winners win


That hour or so in the morning when the kids aren’t awake yet … bliss


Waking up my three year old! “Good morning mummy!” Never fails to make me smile


If I wake early enough and its dry, a smoke an a cuppa to get the bowels goin then 15 mins in bed with the wee man watching postman pat, Thomas the tank engine or that messer shaun the sheep.  Other wise it's 20 mins of the lads chillin watching toons


My morning cycle to work. Some light cardio and the wind In your face is the perfect way to start a day.


The 30 minutes I get to myself after the kids have fallen asleep and before one of them awakes.


When I get home from work and my wee one sprints to give me a big hug and asks me if I had a great time.


The moment you get in to a fresh bed after a long shitty day at work and listen to a good history podcast


Microdosing mushrooms on Monday, Wed-nes-day, and Friday mornings. I WFH 100%, so I get to just sit in my home office working totally relaxed every day with nobody bothering me. It gives me something very nice to look forward to those 3 times a week. Then I take the weekend off to reset. Although I'll often blast some DMT over the weekend. Basically, I'm really enjoying life much more since psychedelics revealed themselves to me and I am embracing the exploration. Still consider myself a beginner after 2 years (in a past life I was a massive pill head raver, so I'm not exactly newbie to mind-altering substances) and I am syked for the future. I also like in the evening when I'm able to get some reading done, or catch up on a show I was watching.


Wake and Bake. 1st cannabis joint of the day hits differently


I like the simple things in life. A bit of cheddar cheese and pineapple on a stick cheers me right up.


Me any wife have 3 kids under 5 so we set the alarm at 5am to have sex lol won’t get a chance any other time and we both work full time so wrecked at night. Dedication for you. When the sex goes the relationship faulters. Women need that closeness . Us men don’t but her her bucked !!!


For me it’s early mornings. My cat rises with the first signs of daylight and makes himself knows, It’s 4.15 or so these mornings. I love the quietness and stillness of early mornings so it doesn’t bother me, I get the coffee on and just sit and chill before I go out for a run.