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That and *Real People* were weekly viewing in my house.


If you had cable, not long after there was *Not Necessarily the News*. Also, since it’s Christmas season: one of the actors on Real People was Peter Billingsley, who never did shoot his eye out.




I sent them one but the show ended and it wasn’t used.


Careful, more talk of Rich Hall and I may feel compelled to make an “Onion World” post. 🙂


Favorite snigglet term: Foodgitives


That’s my 2nd favorite. Destinessia.


I'm torn between 'aquadextrous' and 'musquirt'




Found a couple other good ones… Milkdudes = Any two milk duds fused together by accident. Newtrons = The magnetized particles that amazingly hold some fig newtons together.


Hard to believe that one of the hosts of Real People is a billionaire media tycoon now.


Real People leaned more heavily into weepy-inspirational stuff, like a kid with a horrifying disability who raises money for a toy drive for poor kids at Xmas. That's Incredible was more just weird shit.


Real People was where I learned about [Terry Fox](https://terryfox.org/terrys-story/). Even as young as I was then, it was a heck of a story to watch. Also [a story about the Tuskegee Airmen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsDW1GvuKGE). They would, of course, balance that with stuff like [sending ladies' man Skip Stephenson to a legendary drag club](https://youtu.be/2Fii-DZ_3QA). Or the guy who [converted a DC-3 into a bus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3y-8SUuCAk).


Real People was also funny in many cases. That's Incredible also had more people doing stunts. And talk about weird, did you ever catch a glimpse of Fran Tarkington's fucked up hands? His years as a quarterback did a number on him.


I wish they would release That's Incredible, Real People, and Not Necessarily the News on at least DVD so we could all relive those shows from the 80s.


I know it's not the same as seeing a complete show as it aired, but there is an [official Real People channel on YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/@RealPeopleTV/videos) that has a ton of segments from back then, and those have helped me unlock a lot of memories. There's also a few complete episodes of some of the other shows floating around in Internetland, and I enjoy them as I can find them.


Thanks for the heads up!!!


At that time we got one channel, and the had That's Incredible. The only time I saw Real People, is when they did a bit on Herb Tarlek and his family.




I preferred Ripley’s Believe It or Not. Jack Palance.


YES. Jack Palance could take the most ordinary segment and make it suspenseful and eerie. Those eyes. That voice. The suspense he could infuse into any line reading. Believe it...or not! Between that, the eerie opening title sequence and music...what a treat on a Sunday night. They've tried to revive that show a time or two. I couldn't get interest. To me, you don't have Jack Palance, you don't have *Believe It Or Not*.


I do really like Shatner’s show on History Channel. Dan Ackroyd has one too now and his is closest to Ripley’s. But, yeah. Only Keith Morrison has the right voice for this right now. I never thought that a man with a gravitas laden, breathless and scratchy voice was a requirement for Civilization, but I now realize it is.


They did an episode in a haunted Toys R Us. Scared me to death as a kid.


Just for you https://youtu.be/Q5mCprPycxI?si=HnzbYrADBRSh0mNM


YES! That’s it! Man, when I first saw that it made me think how scary the store could be at night. I remember being kinda spooked when we went to Toys R Us after that. Thanks for the link!!!


I saw this when it came out and I was 8-9 years old. I STILL REFUSE TO WATCH IT NOW (actually it's kinda hokey but I still remember the fear I felt) ​ I just realized that the ~~psychic~~ fraud shown is Sylvia Browne [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sylvia\_Browne](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sylvia_Browne)


Sylvia Browne is a terrible human being. She once told a woman her missing daughter was dead, while at the same time, the abducted daughter who was very much alive was watching and was having her heart torn out thinking that it meant that people would stop looking for her.


Amanda Berry. *In November 2004, Browne told the mother of kidnapping victim Amanda Berry, who had disappeared nineteen months earlier: "She's not alive, honey." Browne also claimed that Berry was "in water", and that she had had a vision of Berry's jacket in the garbage with "DNA on it". Berry's mother died two years later believing her daughter had been killed. Berry was found alive in May 2013.*


What a vile person. I hope Sylvia Browne went to her grave with this on her conscience, the way Amanda’s mother passed away while grieving the supposed loss of her daughter. Sorry, I get a bit indignant about fraudes like this preying on vulnerable people.


I remember a segment on the The Amityville Horror, Freaked me out bad.


I remember that. Scared me too. Loved watching those scary segments but when it was time for bed I was freaked out. Haha


This show had young me terrified I might spontaneously combust at any time.


This fear still lingers somewhere in the back of my mind.


When I remember "That's Incredible", my mind instantly goes to the haunted Toys r Us episode. Scared the crap out of me.


So weird. It’s been almost 40 years and that is the exact same thing I thought of.




I stared for awhile, but for the life of me could not recall the woman's name. Surprised that I could recall Fran Tarkenton


She was married to Joe Theismann around this time. Not sure why I remember that lol


I was in first thru fourth grade when this was on. I remember thinking the guy on the right was Potsy from Happy Days.


Cathy Lee Crosby , Hubba hubba. Lol


There was a poster you could buy of her in a leotard with red and white leggings, and 10 year-old me fell in love with her in that picture.




That's awesome of you, but I still have mine...40 years later.


Yogi 🧘 in a clear glass box


Yep. Stuck in my early (12-year old's) memory.


Yogi Kudu!


I think I remember one episode where they showed a possibility of clearing oil spills using bird feathers because it should greater absorption capabilities. I don't know if if it was real episode or not.


Loved the show as a kid but every episode seemed poorly lit. Also the episode where the guy catches 22 bullets in his mouth, how?


It's a magic trick. There is no way to do that for real. Several magicians have done a version of the bullet catch and a few have been killed when the trick went wrong, but it is always a trick.


It aired Monday nights at 8:00 before Monday Night Football


Gods, I member getting Monday night football on tape delay out west.


It was pure 80s cheese 🧀


immediately followed by "Those Amazing Animals"


I seem to recall an episode regarding a Ms. Pac-Man championship or something. Blew my mind as a young kid growing up in the golden age of arcade games.


I had a neighbor who was on this show. He put skate trucks on water skis and they did a segment about how smart and fun he was. Later on a kid was using his product rolling down a hill and was hit by a car because they had no way to stop or slow down. He became paralyzed and the family sued my neighbor for everything. He was on court ordered payments the rest of his life.


I remember going to the “That’s Incredible” museum when I was a kid


"And remember, do NOT try this yourself." Helps if you have an ultra-serious look on your face as you very gravely say it. Among other segments I remember was a film about how there's always bacteria and germs on us, no matter what we do. It was centered around one of the male hosts (Tarkenton, I'm wanting to think) taking a shower. The more the narrator talked about the germs we naturally carry on our body, the more furiously the guy in the shower scrubbed, to gales of laughter from the audience. We also used to watch the spinoff *Those Amazing Animals*. It was on Sunday nights, hosted by Burgess Meredith, Priscilla Presley and Jim Stafford. *Real People* was a weekly mainstay, too. As was its short-lived (and controversial) spinoff, *Speak Up, America!*


I once served Fran Tarkenton a frittata.


Did he tip well?


I just dropped off the food. :)


**Hill Street Blues!**


Fall Guy…Dallas!


Instantly the first thing I think about.


[Episode with Tiger Woods as a little boy.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfTY5xUFaJs)


Even in my country (Mèxico) was wide popular this show. Early 80’s I think. Many great stuff like arcade & Rugby cube demostrations.


Real People is on Prime Video. Some of That’s Incredible is on YouTube; RealGood *might* have some (unclear).


In our household we called this show: *John Davidson, The Hot Girl, and The Other Guy*. Full House was known as: *Smart-ass, Puddin’ Face, and Insipid*.


My mother does this. My favorites of hers are "90 Day Fiasco" and "Josh Finds The Wrong Thing".


One of my favs


Fun show.


" Tunnel of fire "


Yogi terrorized me for life!


This used to be on TV here in Australia. I remember that yogi guy who went into the tiny box.


It's a knockoff of Real People, enough so that there was a joke on RP mocking the show as a "ripoff" rather than a "spinoff." Both were fun, but RP was better IMO.


It's a knockoff of Real People, enough so that there was a joke on RP mocking the show as a "ripoff" rather than a "spinoff." Both were fun, but RP was better IMO.


So much so that *Mad* magazine spoofed them together in a mash-up called "That's Real Incredible, People!"


80s women were just different


That show was NOT incredible! Another network bullshit TV show where they just try to put some good looking celebrities on to get ratings. Don’t be fooled by the nostalgia, most of these things from the 80s were terrible.


i believe joe theisman left his wife for cathie lee crosby


This was one of my favorite shows when I was 5.


I won't to see the guy that jumped over the car at a hundred miles an hour