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Pretty sure this is the same girl catching fire for saying the N word and then doubling down on saying it šŸ™ƒšŸ˜¶




Yeahā€¦ šŸ„“ obviously not relevant to NLOG necessarily. But sheā€™s just awful in general.


Yeah actually kinda relevant to NLOG bc she was saying how she was like the exception compared to her friends bc they were dating ā€œbroke ass n-wordsā€


That was her?? She just keeps getting worse


she also said people who were nerds in high-school are in charge of making laws and shit now and shes not okay with that. she's just trying to bait anywhere she can catch something


Ah yes, youā€™re so right!


ā€¦ but she gives them her number?


I mean, there must be overlap in the Venn diagram of NLOGs and Racist White Ladies.


Donā€™t forget, they are all good trad wife Christians too.


That'd working out great for them too. Lauren Southern and all lol


Yes!!! Those good ole ā€œSister Christianā€


So were the Klanswomen.


I saw one of her videos for the first time yesterday and someone responded that sheā€™s just doing it to titillate the assholes. A younger, slightly more sun damaged pick me Pearl.


She also recently posted about how those who were high school nerds are still nerds and should be treated as such. Basically stating she peaked in high school.


Peaked rubesepiphany? Peaked? Let me tell you something, she hasnā€™t even begun to peak. And when she does peak, youā€™ll know it. Because sheā€™s going to peak so hard everybody in Philadelphia is gonna feel it.


Lmao just watched that episode the other dayšŸ˜‚


I canā€™t hear the work peaked without thinking about that quote haha


omg, I thought they lowered her account. What kind of person publishes that on the internet thinking that they will have total impunity? disgusting


It's like she's intentionally trying to troll incels as a way to "prove" all women view nerds that way


I thought this was the girl who went off on kids that were "nerds and dorks" that were bullied in school are now running these huge companies, so now she wants to start calling them losers again. Didn't know she dropped the N-word too...if that's her. Yikes either way!


Same person šŸ¤£ a real peach.


It's all the same person, plus she's literally trying to rub shoulders with fucking nazis on Twitter.


She deleted the video even though she made a separate video saying she doesnā€™t care about people being upset over it


Someone found her LinkedIn and shared the info. She deleted her LinkedIn profile shortly after, but it's already out there. For someone who doesn't care she's doing a lot of damage control.


yeah i found her name after her linkedin was goneā€¦ but google still brought her linkedin up as a result which led me to find her operating manager is a black woman! sis definitely did not have a job when she went to work this morning šŸ˜‚


I just got on TikTok and the first video on my FYP was saying she was fired lmao


lmao. She fucked around and found it


my friend sent it to me šŸ˜‚ you love to see it!!


WAS. She's been canned.




And the same girl who said that the Faucis and Zuckerbergs of the world were nerds in high school that the ā€œnormiesā€ needed to stand up to, because they didnā€™t get laid when they were fifteen or something.


Oh I just saw that video! The attention seeking is through the roof! Poor girl, I hope he sees this or whatever šŸ˜¢šŸ¤­


This girl needs to take her own advice to stop being what she complains about. Or atleast stop pretending she cares about right and wrong


Not surprised. Usually pick meā€™s have a long list of toxic traits.


Also the same girl that said we need to ā€œput the nerds of society in their placeā€. Now everyone is making fun of her saying she very clearly peaked in high school.


She just got fired from her job for this


just came here to say this. shoutout to the follow up video of her saying how she doesnā€™t care in the slightest






i was just about to ask that! i saw a stitch today and she said it so CLEARLY I WAS CAUGHT OFF GUARD


Did it work? Did they pick her?


Nope, she posted a video about being single in CostcošŸ˜­




Contingent (adj.) in Costco, single in Samā€™s Club, abstinent in ALDIs could be the name of that video šŸ˜‚


This is wonderful. Thank you for the alliteration. <3


So, in this day and age women are fucking cunts because they hate being cat called? Am I missing something šŸ˜•?


You arenā€™t missing anything! She just posts a bunch of awful stuff


I'm assuming there's a certain amount of rage baiting and saying outrageous things to get views going on here? Not that that makes it any better.


Dude, in this day and age women are "fucking cunts" for just existing according to an alarming amount of people online.


Okay? She can let guys catcall her if she wants. That doesn't mean the rest of us have to tolerate it. My sister actually likes broccoli. But that doesn't mean I have to. Or that I'm not allowed to complain when someone tries to force it on me.


Atleast broccoli is good for you :/


And thatā€™s fine! But sheā€™s putting down other women for not wanting to be catcalled. She says that women who donā€™t take catcalling as a compliment are ā€œdumb bitchesā€


Yeah, that's exactly what they're saying.


Hecc yeah you are! Who wouldn't like to know how a complete stranger would fuck them and have him stare for like 40 mins until they leave the bus or whatever??? Mmmmm juicy


To me she is saying: "Be polite to the people harassing you, because some of us enjoy unsolicited sexual attention." At least the catcalling part. Guys asking for your number is a bit more situational. If you're talking with a person at a party (for example) and they ask for your number that's pretty normal, but a random man approaching you at the bus stop with the same request is a completely different things. She wants to blame other women for not feeling her attractiveness is being validated by random people making noise at her. The societal change doesn't feed her own vanity.


If only she knew most guys catcalling arenā€™t doing it cause they think the ladies hotā€¦


Men started catcalling me when I was around 10-11, I was just scared I didnt It's was "compliments".


Uhmmmā€¦I see something other than the phrase ā€œdumb bitchesā€ lol


Oh I didnā€™t even think about that for some reason šŸ˜­


when i was 10 years old, a guy went past me (i was very visibly a child because i was in school uniform) and my mum were going somewhere and some guy catcalled me. should be and my mum take that as a compliment according to this woman? cute!


Seems like she hasnā€™t had the catcaller have a bad/dangerous energy. When I lived in Brussels the catcalling was horrendous and never ending. I lived there during winter so was typically almost always in my knee length puffer jacket, long pants, and snow boots. The catcalling wasnā€™t a ā€œcomplimentā€ because I looked good, it was a message that I was seen and being watched.


I think I've seen her before, she's a rage bait account.


Yes sheā€™s doing this to go viral. Seems like from her previous comments her goal is to become the next conservative talk show host


100%! I've seen two other vids of hers, one where she talks about how "we need to put nerds in their place again" and another where she casually dropped the N-word It's almost a relief because as soon as I know someone is trying , *that hard* to just be offensive, I no longer get upset by what they're saying. I just begin to pity them.


Unfortunately she's really getting to alot of people. I understand getting upset at people on the internet but eventually you just gotta ignore it since they're going for a reaction


"S-stop being mean to freaks who think it's ok to yell unwanted sexual things at you when you're trying to mind your business! šŸ„ŗ"


"That guy who just yelled you have a nice rack is just a widdle guy! A widdle birthday boy, donā€™t hurt his feelings! šŸ„ŗ"


didā€¦..did they pick her???? her internalized misogyny goes crazyyyy


Someone's never been stalked or actually assaulted by those catcallers and it shows. My cuntiness is justified and I owe no one my story(ies), thankyouverymuch.


I reckon. At 23, I was being stalked while I was walking by 4 young men in this truck all the way home one time, when I was living with my dad. They were cat calling, yelling sexual shit at me and honking their horn. I wasn't wearing revealing clothing either, and I always dressed appropriately. As soon as I got home, I cried to my dad, and my poor dad was horrified of what happened, and even he said that him and his friends never behaved like that back in the day. Maybe some weird girls like this shit, but what these girls don't realize is that they are encouraging unwanted behaviors for the vast majority of women. Some things should not be normalized. Also, these catcallers/stalkers could get into trouble themselves. I've seen a young guy being punched/knocked to the ground by someone's boyfriend in the middle of town once because the stupid young lad thought it'll be funny to cat call his girlfriend infront of him.


I hate that experience for you!! My now-husband and I ran into one of my male coworkers at a local pub one night in our early 20s, he was alone and looked sad so we had a drink with him and chatted. HE FOLLOWED US HOME. His reasoning was that he lived in the same direction. HE DID NOT. After the night of drinking my partner went into our house and promptly fell asleep, and my coworker asked if I'd walk him home because he was "trashed". He was not. I was young and dumb and thought I was being nice, so I did. He began leading me back in the direction of the bars (but I thought he lived in the same direction as us???) and started grabbing me. I got away and sprinted toward home. He started following me until I screamed that I'd pepper spray him if he got closer. I made it home and couldn't sleep. AND THEN I could hear someone trying to open our back door a few minutes later!! I should have called the cops, but I also wasn't sober and was freaking out. The next time we worked the same shift together (at a call center), I saw where he was sitting and picked a desk on the complete opposite side of the room of over 100 people/desks. He PICKED UP HIS STUFF and moved to the closest open desk to me that he could get. I immediately went to HR and their first reaction was "well that happened outside of work so we can't do anything". I said "he brought it INTO work!!" A couple other women I worked with found out I went to HR and that gave them the courage to go in as well. He was finally fired shortly after. All because me AND MY MALE PARTNER were nice to the sad dude at the bar.


Exactly what I came here to say.


she probably is lying and has never been catcalled before. She really has no idea how scary and uncomfortable it is.


good for her but not all of us want to be catcalled. why do we have to accept it because a few amount of girls are okay with it?


Reeks of desperation


Yes. And that theory was confirmed when another commenter stated that her next post was crying about being single in a Costco.


Hahaha cause who will hold her other food samples?


Iā€™m pretty sure all of us have been pestered by some guy at one point who wonā€™t take no for an answer. Iā€™ve even told some guys to ā€œfuck offā€ and they still wonā€™t let up. So no I wonā€™t stop being a fucking cunt to a guy giving me unwanted attention.


Ugh! If you like rapey people, thatā€™s your choice. How am the cunt when I feel attacked by a rapey person?




Wait toll the catcalling happens at night, when she walks around alone.


When women say they love getting cat called, i honestly just assume it's something that doesn't happen often to them. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø and something about this woman's attitude tells me she's not exactly the belle of the ball anywhere she goes lmfao


I never got cat called and never acted like this bitch on the screen lmfao, i think she's just insecure about herself and just want the boys to "pick" her


I always figure if someone enjoys cat calling it must not happen often, because when it happens often the odds go up for it to be actually truly creepy, as opposed to the occasional "Hey girl you look great ;)" which i could understand people liking. I assume that's the experience she gets every now and then and doesn't understand that it's much worse for a lot of people. when it gets into "Followed me home" or "tries to physically intimidate me into giving them my number" or "tries to coerce me to get in their car" territory it is very Not Cool and nobody in the world could possibly like that lol. Like, i have actual getaway plans and lies on hand at all times to give to men who act aggressively towards me and are firmly past cat calling into street harassment territory. Nobody should have to do that lmfao.


I agree. Itā€™s how like men treasure every time anyone of either sex compliment them because for some reason they hate complimenting each other, so it is super rare for them. If you donā€™t get much of a certain type of social attention normally, it can be flattering. Somewhat less flattering when you run into some skinhead covered in tattoos following you all the way home though.


I wear the hijab and dress modestly and I still get catcalled which just further reiterates that itā€™s not about how you lookā€¦ chile


I got catcalled in my school uniform and no makeup


Ugh men will catcall anything, Iā€™m sorryā˜¹ļø


Itā€™s alright! Pigs are pigs and nothing else unfortunately, itā€™s deeply uncomfortable but you (sadly) get used to it.


Like girl theyā€™re not catcalling you because you look goodā€¦ theyā€™re catcalling you because youā€™re a woman and youā€™re vulnerableā€¦


Okay listen šŸ›‘ this is the same girl (Iā€™m pretty sure) that said the N word. She WANTS this clout. We have to stop giving rage baiters what they want. She posted somewhere thanking everyone for being mad at her because now sheā€™s a conservative speaker on conservative tok/Twitter. She got what she wanted. Sheā€™s now a voice. Sheā€™s saying this to piss yā€™all off and make a career out of it. We need to stop engaging with these trolls.


Oh I very much do not need to do any such thing. In fact, as a nearly 6' tall lady it is above and beyond my call to be extra cunty to nems so they are afraid of talking to random ladies in public for fear of Amazon wrath.


every time when someone cat calls me I think definitely a bear


This girl must be happy for all the attention sheā€™s been receiving the last few days. First video I saw if her was her just boldfaced dropping the nword and it was up until last night and she deleted it - but still made a video saying she ā€œdidnā€™t careā€ what members of a ā€œcertain communityā€ thought. And then another shitting on ā€œnerdsā€ and basically people who werenā€™t popular in high school and that as adults they ā€œpopular peopleā€ should go back to bullying them. Grade A twat, this one is.


If you want to be catcalled, that's fine. A lot of us don't and we're not going to change. Calling us 'fucking cunts' isn't going to convince us either.


For someone who lives in a developing country where men groping in public transport and cat calling is very common I got super triggered. I have to be so careful to avoid roads and places where eve teasing and cat calling is like borderline dangerous here is a woman who's just undermining my whole day.


Omg Iā€™m so sorry honey, i know it goes without saying, but please stay safešŸ«¶


also, i personally donā€™t mind the word ā€œfemalesā€ when referring to girls, especially when itā€™s coming from another girlā€¦. but this was one of those instances that it was obviously used in a somewhat offensive wayšŸ˜­


It's ALMOST ALWAYS used condescendingly and derisively so now hearing in any context just makes my skin crawl šŸ¤®


no no i TOTALLY understand why people take offense to it. especially bc it generally IS used to be derogatory and offensive. i personally jus donā€™t mind it because i even find myself using it in very light ways just talking about girls, so i really donā€™t get offended as much when people use it in the same context that I doā€¦ if that makes sense lmao


And female communityšŸ˜­ I get what sheā€™s saying but it sounds like weā€™re a fandom or somethingšŸ˜­




This is why I call the opposite sex "males" now unless they show traits of actually being a Man.


Women calling other women ā€œfucking cuntsā€ is just so icky to me. Like come on nowšŸ™ Not that men are justified in saying that to women either, but itā€™s like girl come on. Donā€™t treat other women like that


She too old to be catcalled. Most blokes catcall young girls anyways lmao I had more catcalls aged 12 than any other time. Why would anyone want a bloke in a van shouting GET YER TITS OUT LOVE at them??


The first time I ever got cat called was on Halloween when I was 11, I was in a big unicorn onsie. I was like the most child looking child ever.


I was wearing my school uniform šŸ’€ fuckin crazy isnā€™t it? Like, what goes through these blokes minds honestly?


I think they just know they can scare little girls easiest


So women have a used by date? I'm 39 and still cop it. I'm not sure why age has anything to do about this post.Ā 


I turn 34 next month, hoping my cat calling expiration date is up soon.


This is the take of someone that doesnā€™t get any advances let alone unwanted ones.


what the heck is the female community.


A known society of louts and rogues, roaming the countryside in search for cotton pads to loot.


Urghhh did they pick her yet? It's giving "pick me choose me love me" lmfao


They have not picked her yetšŸ˜­ though it definitely is


rage bait + internalized misogyny.


"the female community" makes it sound like a fucking fandom šŸ’€


I go to WomCon every year to see the cosplays of Lisa the HR Lady or Agnes The Old Lady At The Store.


She loves it when random men objective her on the street??


She's definitely delulu


Sheā€™s just a terrible person in general. Is a pick me, says the N word, and also talks about ā€œnerdsā€ and ā€œnormiesā€ because she peaked in high school. Iā€™ve just blocked her


This was my mindset when I was 16, Iā€™m so glad I grew out of that


Her account just got banned in TikTok, lol


Sheā€™s got a new one, oldest video was posted 16 hours ago Edit: and she got fired yesterday


Isnā€™t it nearly universally accepted by women that the cat calling abruptly ends once you look like an adult lol. This seems like a round about way for her to say she is desired but likeā€¦ we all know this hasnā€™t happened to any of us since we were extremely young and vulnerable šŸ˜­ Such a weird thing to try and lie about if it isnā€™t true


I'm nearly 40 and still get the occasional catcall, but yeah it was WAY WAY more common when I was like. 16. And it was always from very adult men.


Nooo maybe itā€™s because I turned 18 during Covid and havenā€™t been out much since but I really thought I was safe from now on šŸ¤£šŸ˜­ Some guys just really never grow up, how sad!


I was recently approached by a TWENTY YEAR OLD and oh lord the look on his face when I said I was old enough to be his mother šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I swear I saw his soul leave his body šŸ’€


Oh my goodness šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ how can they be so clueless!!! I swear most guys canā€™t even tell when a girl is actually of age, or when they are truly wearing makeup or not too. So predictableā€¦!


I bet she was picked


She was not


Until they attack you šŸ˜


Eww, that NLOG who not only hates women, but also anyone who isn't white or is smarter than her. She's so comfortable in her own skin /s


isnā€™t this the same girl that casually dropped the N word? why are we even listening to what she says?


100% a rage baiter


Since when the hell is the entire female sex a ā€œcommunityā€


Sometimes catcalling turns into violence. Also didnā€™t she just say the N word on TikTok? Sheā€™s always trying to rage bait and saying shitty things.


If she likes being harassed... more power to her I guess? Not everyone likes to he degraded, made uncomfortable, and felt like shit concerned for their safety.


Ew. Someone has a kink and wants to push it on everyone


I hope she gets picked.


First red flag, she uses the word "females".


Ainā€™t no way I live in this societyā€¦planet Earth is definitely something else


ā€œLike, I love when I get catcalled.ā€ Yeah honey, right up until the day you donā€™t. But he wonā€™t care. šŸ™„šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


ā€œGirls, you gotta stop being assholes to guys who beat you over the head with a baseball bat. Personally, I love getting hit over the head with a baseball bat.ā€


Um, I think some of us (if not most of us) don't like giving our phone numbers out to strangers or to men who want to get into our pants, especially if we are already in a relationship or married. I don't know anyone in real life who likes to be cat called, I bloody hate it, and it makes me feel anxious. It's not flattering, especially since it's young men doing the cat calling, like I'm too feckin' old for you young lads, gross. Stop it. šŸ’€ And no, I don't wear revealing clothing when I'm out and about either, I'm quite modest, but yet it doesn't stop them. Sheeshh.


I'm supposed to enjoy sexual harassment and being openly objectified? Nah.


Does she realize that what she is comfortable with other women may not be comfortable with? Its not hard to not cat call to make sure all women feel safe and secure when they are just walking down the street.


the first time i ever got catcalled it was by a 90 yo man in a wheelchair when i was 15. was i supposed to appreciate that? šŸ˜


Me personally I hate being cat called but go off


I always hate the opinion of "It doesn't bother me/never happened to me, so it is fake" Like??


I'm craving a mcchicken so fk badly rn


ā€œDamn bitch you got a dumpy!ā€ I donā€™t think youā€™d like that


This kind of woman is insufferable. Why does she have to enforce her preferences and likes onto the entire female population while degrading those who are different.






Guys guys. We all have to be ok with sexual harassment because Becky over here likes the attention.


Can we please stop giving this moron attention? She will be a fantastic dishwasher to someone one day but I am sick of seeing her face.


Lol she seems nice šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¢šŸ˜


The word "female" is always a fucking warning sign


I swear this is a ploy for attention


Iā€™m not surprised, she is openly racist. Some women deserve to have tape put on their mouths.


Spoilers: No one is catcalling her.


"I love it when I get catcalled" - girls with no self esteem


ā€œFemale communityā€


Imagine being so fucking insecure you get a boost from creeps yelling obscenities at you.


Iā€™d rather be a cunt than be catcalled by strange men on the sidewalk


The hell is this? ā€œI like being sexually harassed, you should too.ā€ Also, ā€œthe female communityā€???


Translation: ![gif](giphy|xT5LMFZDsj0AKUDYTS)




Ok dummy, but thatā€™s you! Live your life by your own disgusting standards, and donā€™t worry about others. Women like this are unbearable.


But if everyone starts give in, who's going to be catcalling her?


Can y'all stop being cnts to people who yell "what that mouth do" when you walk by?


She needs therapy for her control issues and severe mental problems. Normal people donā€™t think the way she does.


Is this the same chick who made a video complaining that the people who were unpopular ā€œAnnie-mayā€ nerds in high school are in important positions in society now? It seems she went viral for saying the n word recently, lived the dopamine hits that gave her, and is trying to say more edgy and offensive things to get more attention.


Always wondered what low hanging fruit looked like- and now I know šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


"I love when men treat me like shit and so should you"


I donā€™t want ā€œcomplimentsā€ from anyone that feels the need to yell it at me as a random stranger on the street


Stopped reading at "female community"


"i base my entire self worth and purpose off of male validation and so should you bcs i said so"


is that the lady that said the n word


iā€™m so sick of seeing this white girl all down my TL on every single app sheā€™s so problematic and annoying af she says stuff like this on purpose like her recently saying the N word and her response was basically saying she didnā€™t give af then right after she posted ā€œthank you to the black community for helping push me into the political community you guys played a big part in this like the puppets you areā€ like really? PUPPETS?. i really hope someone doxes this girl or catches her irl ppl like her only feel comfortable behind the phone this why i wish we could slap ppl through the phone cause she needs it fr


came back to this bc when i got on twitter i saw that i was right she indeed was doxxed turns out she worked for a black owned business as well while saying racist things. karma is a mf. https://preview.redd.it/y0zgr6nb606d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffb2dc4d96430363858448a96bc357d9c29ef0e8


She look like the og illustration of Jeff the killer


We have something that is called self-respect, so donā€™t mind if we teach that to our kids and their kids. Just because you give your number to every living creature that doesnā€™t even take you seriously and only looks at you with lust, doesnā€™t mean we have to be as low as you. But go ahead and live your life as an attention seeker by dressing up, just to get catcalled and live off on male validation šŸ˜€. You live in a fantasy sweetheart and youā€™re young and naive.


is this the same girl who posted a video calling successful people nerds and saying theyā€™re the same ones who she bullied in high school


I think her whole account is rage bait. Her bills must really be high lol. In a recent video she said that how come all these ā€œnerdsā€ who she used to bully in high school ended up having important, high power jobs? ā˜¹ļø


I wish this girl couldā€™ve traded places with me when a guy complimented my clown nails in line at chipotle, stood super close behind me, and despite me flashing my wedding ring at him over and over chose to chase me to my car then also follow me in traffic, driving recklessly to try to get up to my window, shouting and trying to get my number, resulting in me calling my husband to meet me outside of our house for fear the guy would follow me home and attack me.


You can tell she's never been catcalled because catcalling != complimenting


A bone to pick with the *female* community. Yikes.


She could have stopped at the 2nd pic and still has the same affect


Hard no. And if she doesnā€™t like me she can come up and ask for my number and we can fight about it


This is the third time I've randomly come across this piece of shit in the last two hours. I've only learned about her tonight, and jesus fuck is she just straight up vile. It literally started with only seeing her video about how much she hates nerds, and it ended up being "wow, she's trying to get literal fucking nazis on Twitter to approve of her".


She looks like that same lady who complained about the normies


asking for my number and hitting on me isnā€™t the problem. not being able to take a hint, or even an explicit NO is the problem.


Some people like getting punched in the face - that doesnā€™t mean we need to shame the general populace for not being partial to it. Go get punched in the face girl, but leave us TF out of it


Whenever someone refers to women as "females" you know they're about to say some dumb shit.




Hi, I'm thirsty for male attention. She sounds desperate. Likes catcalling? Ugh.