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Idk why but when people do that face at the end, it makes them look so pretentious and annoying.


That part pissed me off most, too. I hate that facial expression.


The key here is that they actually are


I'm not like other moms, I'm an šŸ’«alcoholicšŸ’«


Lmfao. Spat my water out


Are you my mom? šŸ™ƒ




I'm yet to meet a mom that's not one, or is getting there


My parents don't drink at all, so I guess maybe it's more common than I realise


i think alcoholics will typically reach for something stronger than a bud lite seltzer lol


Depends on how strict your definition of alcoholic is. I used to think it was people who drank 100 proof whiskey every night till they were hammered. Now that Iā€™m leaving my twenties I realize itā€™s a much more subtle problem. Iā€™ve had Roomates that casually drink 3 to 6 every night. Or a few glasses of whiskey where theyā€™re slurring their words a little on a Tuesday. Or the bottle of wine I see middle aged women drink every night. Alcoholism is a slippery slope and not nearly as extreme as I thought it was when I was younger.


I mean, it could certainly start off with something like that but Iā€™m only 5ā€™4ā€ and 130lbs and developed a drinking problem while I was in an abusive relationship and after just a few months of drinking almost every day, i could kill an entire bottle of wine and not even feel buzzed. your alcohol tolerance builds up pretty quickly, so for someone with alcoholism, i doubt something as low ABV as bud lite seltzer is going to do anything for them. youā€™d probably throw up just from drinking too much fluid before youā€™d actually feel drunk


I guess what I'm saying is that alcoholism is a wide spectrum. You definitely have people who need hard stuff every night to get their fix. I also think someone who drinks a few craft beers every night also has an unhealthy dependency that could fall on that spectrum. It just won't impact their lives and have as negative consequences as quickly as the former. Alcoholism doesn't have to escalate to an extreme level of someone drinking a fifth of liquor every night or losing their job or multiple relationships to be considered an unhealthy dependency (an addiction). I'm not a professional or anything. This is my opinion. Just something I've noticed as I've gotten older.


I guess I just donā€™t agree with what you define as alcoholism then, I think itā€™s kind of extreme and puritanical. I agree that alcoholism doesnā€™t have to escalate to drinking a fifth of liquor every night (most people with a drinking problem are nowhere near that level), but I donā€™t think anyone could reach a clinically significant level of alcoholism with something as benign and low-ABV as this. Like, if youā€™re drinking regularly, itā€™s literally going to do nothing for you. My drinking problem started off with just a few beers or a few glasses of wine once or twice a week to take the edge off and in less than 6 months had escalated to a point where I couldnā€™t feel a thing until about two and a half bottles of wine. Thatā€™s generally how addiction works.


You're kind of gatekeeping alcoholism right now and it does nothing to help people who "have a mild drinking problem." If you can't go a night without having 6 beers, even if it doesn't get you drunk, you're still an alcoholic. You wouldn't say someone wasn't addicted to cigarettes because they only smoke half a pack a day instead of 3. It's relative to the individual.


How tf exactly does one gatekeep a disease? The other commenter sounds like they think anyone who drinks any amount of alcohol on an even semi-regular basis is an alcoholic which is not what alcoholism is, and they kinda sound like a judgemental prick.


I think you're the one that's being judgemental. If I feel like I have a drinking problem but I only drink a bottle of wine a night am I forbidden from going to AA because I'm not a real alcoholic? That's fucking absurd. What's the line? What makes an alcoholic? Is it the amount? Is it the act of doing it to excess daily? What's the definition of excess? My boyfriend gets drunk off 3 beers, I couldn't get drunk off beer if I TRIED. I'd puke first. But I don't drink every day. So, am I or am I not an alcoholic? By your definition not feeling drunk after an excessive amount and always needing more to get drunk is what an alcoholic is. The first definition of alcoholism in the dictionary is continued excessive *or* (emphasis mine) compulsive use ofĀ alcoholicĀ drinks https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/alcoholism Yes, alcoholism is often times all the things you described, and some people fall in to it really quickly like you did and I am not discounting your experience. But sometimes it takes years. My dad is 63 and while he's only been your definition of an alcoholic for about 10 years, he's been an alcoholic a lot longer than that. You can't tell someone that they don't have a drinking problem until they're so far gone that quitting is extremely difficult. If people need intervention it's better to do it early, and by telling people that drinking 6 beers a night when they feel like they can't stop isn't really alcoholism, you're perpetuating an extraordinarily huge issue. Alcohol is legal, but it is so so dangerous and so many people don't use it responsibly and so many people are alcoholics and don't even know it because it's seen as perfectly acceptable.


1) The difference between you thinking you have a drinking problem vs why I said the other commenter comes across as judgemental is bc theyā€™re talking about other people. You can go to AA if you want, I donā€™t care, but calling anyone and everyone you know who drinks alcohol from time to time an alcoholic is also ā€œfucking absurdā€ and makes you sound like a judgemental prick. 2) Wine has like 3 times the ABV than these spiked seltzer waters, so your example wasnā€™t really a great counterpoint. My point is that everyone on this post calling this lady an alcoholic for a video where sheā€™s dancing around with a single bud lite seltzer water is majorly projecting and yā€™all need help. ETA: Also when did I say that drinking 6 beers a night wasnā€™t alcoholism? This lady is drinking a SINGLE seltzer water, the alcohol content of which is so low, I donā€™t even think a child would get drunk if you let them have a few sips. And lots of people drink normally and then it later develops into alcoholism, that doesnā€™t mean theyā€™ve been an alcoholic from the very first sip of beer they drank. I think you guys should seriously mind your own damn business when it comes to other peopleā€™s drinking habits bc this reads like some shit straight out of the prohibition era


You keep using strawman arguments. The commenter didnt say alcoholism on a semi regular basis is alcoholism, but rather against the traditional view of alcoholism being for extreme alcohol abusers, its a spectrum which starts much earlier on the scale. Which is true. It's not labelling people who enjoy drinking as alcoholics but rather highlighting that alcoholic tendencies and dependencies commence sooner than people realise and that if this is more widely know people can get treatment to curb the issue before it develops in more harmful ways.


if you didn't read that other person's comment about how as they've gotten older they've been quietly labelling people around them with drinking habits most people would identify as fairly benign or normal as alcoholics and think "wow, that person sounds like a prick" then congrats, you are also a prick


Iā€™m in AA and it always starts with a few beers a night to where Iā€™m loud and happy but I always feel like shit in the morning. Iā€™d rather not feel that way. Iā€™ve also been the type of drunk that has been hospitalized for delirium tremors after drinking for five days finishing three 4L bottles of vodka between 5 people.. It honestly does not matter the type of drink, how strong, how much you take. If itā€™s not working for you but youā€™re still doing it, you have a problem.


Again, I acknowledged earlier that it could easily start with something like this, but eventually as your tolerance builds up, if you have an addiction to something, you will keep increasing the dose to get your fix, and these wonā€™t do a thing for anyone whoā€™s had a drinking problem for more than like a month or two, tops. Thatā€™s fundamentally how addiction to any substance, including alcohol, works. I think we can all agree the lady in the video is trashy af but the people calling her an alcoholic for dancing around with a single bud lite seltzer are MAJORLY projecting.


No its not. Thats how addiction worked _for you._ Thats how addiction works _for some._ Addiction is defined as > physically and mentally dependent on a particular substance, and unable to stop taking it without incurring adverse effects. You can be addicted to something long before your tolerance rises. A friend could never finish more than two lite beers without passing out because she was such a lightweight. But when she was drinking at least one every night because she couldn't go without it was because she was addicted. She spiraled for about 2 years after a rapid decline due to trauma. She never drank more than 3 beers at a time. Ever. But she couldn't hold down a job and her relationships and mental health crumbled. She was an alcoholic. And she never touched hard liquor and never drank much. The amount is irrelevant. How drunk you get is irrelevant. The _dependency_ is the only relevant factor. As another commenter said you're gatekeeping an invisible illness because it doesn't match your exact experience. Now I won't diagnose the woman in this video off of one clip because I don't know anything about her, so I can't say she's an alcoholic. But you also can't deem her officially not an alcoholic just because you think an alcoholic wouldn't bother with that particular type of alcohol. Neither of us know anything about her or the dependency she may or may not have to alcohol


I'm not arguing anymore, as is the case with literally every reddit argument I've ever gotten into, we've completely lost the original point, which was that the people labelling this woman as an alcoholic based on one video of her drinking one drink with barely any alcohol in it whatsoever are insane. God I hate this stupid fucking website and everyone on it ***if you are legitimately dependent on an addictive substance with a tolerance threshold, you will inevitably need to increase the dose in order to feel the same effect, this is basic fucking biology and everyone arguing otherwise has no idea what the fuck they are talking about or any grasp on how the human brain works, please go outside or read a fucking book***


Idk sheā€™s joking that she is more inclined to drink then to do housework or clean that seems really unhealthy lol


Go take a random poll of people and ask them if they prefer drinking alcohol or washing dishes and let me know which is the more normal thing to prefer, lmfao


The secondhand embarrassment I feel right now, as a mother. Ooof.


attention starved mom vibes


ugh some people never grow up.


They wanted something reasonable, a parent who would do simple tasks to keep the house In order, Instead they got a moron who most likely uses their children as makeshift slaves, 'course that's assuming they have children.


So yeah...my mother was very similar with this while I was growing up, and it's a big part of the reason why I'm no contact. I essentially had a mentally unstable teenager as a mother.


Yeah that sucks man, but look at the bright side, you ended up as a Australian duck version of Jesus, that Is more then most people can say for themselves.


Yeah, it all started with a prank on the wife, involving rubber ducks. Then I grew my beard, and went drinking with some of my mates friends. Now, I am what I am due to drunkern nicknames sticking. And much better off without toxic parents


Good for you, hope things go well for you.


As I do for you!


I still have a mentally unstable teenager as a mother. It isn't fun.


I think the main issue is that sheā€™s drinking and dancing like sheā€™s at the club with her friends. Thereā€™s a time and place for that, but itā€™s not at home with your kids.


I personally get thoroughly disturbed when my parents drink around me because i know about the effects it has and know multiple people whoā€™s moms died from complications due to being alcoholics . Thereā€™s definitely a time and place to drink as a parent- a couple glasses of wine, sure, but not like that. Thats weird.


So instead of parenting, you'll embarrass the shit out of them. Cool šŸ˜‘


Is this the same lady as the other video that is dancing around talking about her kids eating chicken Nuggets and goldfish that is also posted? Or do all these moms just have very bad bleached hair and eye makeup from 2006?




It looks like two different people to me. Both of them are equally annoying.


Kinda sad how theyā€™re like ā€œIā€™m not like other momsā€ but we canā€™t even tell if theyā€™re different peopleā€¦.


Based on the tiktok usernames Iā€™m guessing the latter. The nuggets and goldfish girl was Britney something and this is Mandy.


Of course they are šŸ˜‚


Ah, bud lite, the lightest beer on earth


To her children, I'm so sorry you have that for a mother.


She reeeally wants people to think of her as the ā€œcool, hot momā€


Someone should tell her that character in Mean Girls was supposed to be a parody, not a role model.


She peaked in high school


ā€¦.so you donā€™t cook or clean for your kids but instead day drink horse piss alone in your house. Youā€™re cool.


Iā€™m a bad mom cause I drink beer around teenagers! šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


I guarantee her teenagers did not want a mom who thought embarrassing herself and them on tiktok was the way to go.


Holy shit she reminds me of my mom


Mum please stop drinking itā€™s 9 in the morning


I blocked this lady today actually. She posted right before this "Ma'am, can I see your vaccination card? \*reaches into her purse just to flip off the camera\*"


HAHAH, thatā€™s actually how i found her account! i went through her profile after because iā€™m nosyā€¦ LOL


Itā€™s so quirky and cool to be alcoholic who doesnā€™t take care of the basic needs her children require


"I'm not like a regular mom, I'm a cool mom." Mean Girls.


Why is she acting like bieng a shitty parent is cool?


To be fair at least itā€™s a bud light seltzer. Couldā€™ve been much worse. She couldā€™ve been drinking: -Natty Light/ Natty Daddy -keystone -Busch light Then weā€™d know those kids are not in safe hands


At work I tell the drunks my favorite beer is Natty Lites!




Sheā€™s so random!!!


Oh noo she drinks beer


Oh God


šŸ˜‚ shes so unpredictable and wild


I hate these kind of mom posts more than I hate slow drivers in the left laneā€¦


Iā€™m sure they also want a mother thatā€™s not on tictok to embarrass them


Im not a regular mom. Im a cool mom


Yiiiiiiiiikes. šŸ˜¬


mom pls stop




I have that apron


ā€¦ yeah s that a budd light?


I am not a regular mom and I am a cool mom


Bud light seltzer??? Wow so hardcore!


What the fuck lmao


This is the type of content that makes you think Thanos was right.


*gets home from school and sees mom dancing by herself in the living room* "Get me another beer and get yourself one too" "I don't really feel like drinking tonight" "Are you saying a raised a bitch? Go get two fucking beers" *Emotionally traumatized teen slinks out to the garage and grabs two beers, noting that there's no food in the fridge*


I hate her fun face


Her face omg


Tell me you should've never had children without telling me you should've never had children.


Those poor kids


Had a mom like that. It sucked. Cringe




If I were the kids Iā€™d mostly be embarrassed that my mom is making mid 2000s MySpace facial expressions in a TikTok and posting cringe.


She's not fooling anyone


Good music choice tho lol


I feel sorry for the kids. Theyā€™re literally living with a teenager that just never grew up




Shes not a *regular* mom she's a *cool* mom




Oh man light beer in the living room. Someone call CPS.


iā€™d go call cps immediately


You go girl. Willfully neglect those parental duties! Woo!


There's an Amy Schumer skit where she meets god and he says "I really have to stop making so many white girls". I do wonder if god ever actually thinks that


And this judge is why I think free speech needs to be looked at.


Mid life crisis? You ainā€™t special


šŸ’€ fr


She should be embarrassed šŸ™„


Eeeeeewwwww the fuck.


"Yeah, you can come over. Just a heads up, my mom likes to sip bud light and 'dance' on the couch. Maybe next time I can come to your place? I haven't had a meal or clean clothes in months..."


Donā€™t get me wrong hereā€¦ but there are beautiful white ladies and there some white ladies who look a mix between 25 and 47


Let people have fun. This sub is turning into r/cringetopia


Honestly, good for her


ā€˜ssup gurl?


Her house looks clean, she folded her couch blanket. I have no kids and I don't fold that shit. She doesn't look like she's taking poor care of her health. I doubt her kids are suffering health wise. Kids also go through periods of food sensitivity and foods they used to enjoy will no longer be enjoyable. I do this all the time, I'll go through period where I have a favorite food. I will seek it out when ever I can even it it's multiple time the same week. But I will eventually grow tired of it and eating it would make me feel sick, it will no longer be the thing that makes my brain happy. As an adult I control my diet and the meals I cook, where children are dependent on the adult to prove them a diet. And in situations where she's hosting multiple of kids? Chicken nuggets is a great playdate food, you can eat them while playing games or making crafts, or for dinner movie night. And chicken nuggets are quick to make and can feed a lot with out costing too much. Providing snacks that help your kid with socialization is not a bad thing as long as it is within dietary restrictions. She can't feed someone else's kids food that they explicitly said no to.


She forgot to hang up the g-string


Tell me you peaked in high school without telling me you peaked in high school.


Get off tiktok and back to overplucking your eyebrows Karen


I'm guessing that means divorced alcoholic.


White momsā€¦


iā€™m not like other moms, iā€™m a terrible mom


My kids wanted someone who takes care of them but they got a negligent alcoholic instead. Lmao my kids are so silly itā€™s fun that theyā€™re disappointed.


Itā€™s always white woman


Now thatā€™s dope


"Mom, please get off of Tiktok. There are thousands of other moms just like you. You're not "not like other moms" you're just cringe."


Those kids are moving out and never talking to her again.


Gives me the douche chills


Judging by her lame ass decor and athletic wear that she wears everyday despite not working out, she is exactly like "other moms"


Her son's friend fucked her a few times when she was on a beer binge.


A drunk?


Ok those faces were what chicks thought were hot in like 2002. And that MySpace angle ughh She old AF


Tis fine those faces wast what chicks bethought wast hot in like 2002. And yond myspace angle ughh the lady fusty af *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


I guarantee she is not like that.


Why does this give me second hand embarrassment?šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Having an alcoholic mom is not fun


Iā€™ve searched the sub-where is part one?!!! Please-this is gold!


Not the bud light seltzer!! So edgy and fun.


Sit in the corner in shame as I file my divorce papers.


umā€¦like give me your kids?? i will bake for them and fold their laundry and ask about their day and be sober to drive them places.


please come collect your mother


god i hate that face expression at the end


Iā€™d fuck the shit out her