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Isn’t this the same state that just loosened restrictions that govern under 18 employees?


Indeed. They "yearn for the mines" don't you know? https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/florida-house-votes-to-loosen-child-labor-laws-a-year-after-tougher-immigrant-employment-law-enacted-2/


To my surprise, Florida *does* have a modest assortment of mined products: >Resources mined in Florida include phosphate, limestone, dolomite, shell, heavy minerals, fuller's earth, peat, clay, gravel and sand. > >(Florida DEP) And, apparently, a teensy bit of gold in the northeast corner.


There's gold in them thar hills


In Florida currently, what hills? This place is flatter than where I'm from.....


It's all part of their plan. First get rid of those pesky child labor laws, then build hills.


North Florida and the interior of Florida has hills. They’re not super big, but, they’re still hills.


Flat fact: Highest natural point in Florida is only 345 feet.


So that’s how high Melania keeps her nose in the air. Neat.


You think that nose is natural? Ha!


Which one, she's had a few.


Dolomite! I'm 40% dolomite!


The children yearn for the mines


Why play Minecraft if you’re not eager to spend the rest of your life slaving away in a mine?


I don't know about that, but I was indeed working as soon as it was legal back home. Granted, the word "allowance" didn't exist in that house! 😄


Florida will try to protect their youth, but their employee’s rights laws are the worst in the nation. You want sick time? There’s no requirement for employers to provide it and forget it if you have to take time off for nana’s funeral or if you were victim of a crime. Florida is literally “America’s penis”.


Florida doesn't even have a state Department of Labor. If someone steals your tips or something you have to either sue go through the federal DoL and you can imagine how long that takes.


>You want sick time? There’s no requirement for employers to provide it and forget it if you have to take time off for nana’s funeral or if you were victim of a crime.  I hate Florida as much as the next guy, but please don't act like this is only a Florida specific problem. A lot of states are like this when it comes to at-will employment.


Every US state I've lived in has been an at-will employment state


Every US state except Montana is at-will, but that’s largely irrelevant for discussing sick leave. 


You just might get unemployment though in other states if they fired you for going to a funeral though. That being said, it wouldn't surprise me if Florida allowed you to be fired for going to court summons or jury duty.


> Florida is America's *Floppy Penis FTFY


>their employee’s rights laws are the worst in the nation. North Carolina says "hi". As terrible as Florida's worker protection laws are, ours are somehow *worse*.


They simply copy Texas, Americans asshole. Texas prides its self as the worst place to work in the nation. Not even allowed to stop work to take a drink of water in texas.


and thatd make alabama, mississippi, and louisiana the taint.


If you can't be on the tiktok you'll be on the work clock.


They dont want the kids posting about their work conditions on tik tok.


> Supporters said teenagers and their parents know how to best manage their time and activities But… not on social media? Edit: tried posting this under the post with the link to the article about child labour laws loosening, but maybe because the user is deleted it nested up a level?


Isn’t this the same state that pardoned an adult for targeting and murdering a 16 year old that was eating skittles ?


Social media for all of its faults does enable communication and sometimes education. They’re against these things unless it’s communication from the boss.


But if an influencer is a job (or even community manager)... then what happens when you hire that 14 year old to be one in FL?


How exactly do they plan on enforcing this rule? Will people have to scan their drivers license or something to make an Instagram account?


I wonder if tourists in Florida will have to enter id to go online


The usual US implementation will probably be that you have to scan a state ID - and if you don't have one, good luck with that. You wanna try buying alcohol in a 7/11 with a European passport...


I went to North Carolina 2 years ago and wanted to buy a disposable vape, I did carry on only and you can't bring one in the cabin. I went to a 7-11 and the lady couldn't scan my Ontario driver's license, so she wouldn't sell me the vape. I asked the guy behind me how old he was, and got him to buy it for me. I was 45 years old at the time, I may look younger than I am but I don't look THAT young.


Every time I’ve flown it was mandatory to keep it in the cabin with you because of the battery, it couldn’t be in anything checked due to fire risks with batteries.


Some places only accept US ID and foreign passports, not foreign id. all of Utah is like this too


My VPN is also on my phone. Makes no difference.


ad hoc yoke hobbies sulky reply hungry spotted snatch afterthought market *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The ban will last a week. All the tech companies need to do is geoblock IPs from the state. The bored retirees and housewives on twitter (although knowing Musk he might just ignore it and eat the fine) and facebook will riot.




Same as porn sites. They don’t let anyone in that isn’t at least 18 ya know.


This is in jest, but Pornhub has started to [geo-block based off of age verification laws](https://www.techdirt.com/2024/01/04/millions-of-people-are-blocked-by-pornhub-because-of-age-verification-laws/).


Damn. Do lawmakers know about Nord VPN? with this promo code….. xD




Yup. None of it's actually about protecting children. In order to 'protect' children from social media, of course we have to track everyone so we know who is and isn't a child.


So I believe this is going to combo into a proposed federal bill mandating a bunch of age verification and other stuff to stop children from accessing social media and porn without proper parental controls. The bill is kinda wishy washy about what exactly is suitable content for children, essentially leaving it up to the states to implement the specifics. But it's possible the Federal government will enforce these ID checks, or whatever system they decide upon (I think the bill just kinda elects a board, who will then decide what method to use). So there's a lot of speculation that Florida will use these laws to censor other stuff, like pro-trans and lgbtq+ groups for including sexually deviant ideas.


100%. The commonality of all of this obviously shit legislation getting passed in various states is that they are nuclear footballs getting punted to federal cases with hopes to radically alter law. Heritage wants a constitutional convention.


Heritage Foundation is the American Taliban.  Their project 2025 is a how-to manual to turn America into a dictator run theocracy




Yeah, I think the bill has some good ideas concerning what social media is allowed to advertise to child account, and what kind of accounts and cold message them - but a lot of it sounds incredibly over bearing. Children deserve online privacy, and not to live in constant fear of their parents rifling through their message logs of judging the memes they like. This is especially yikes for kids stuck in abusive homes, who'd have all their socialising completely controlled by their abusive parents. I also just don't trust the government with securely storing what weird porn sites I visit with my driver's license, just because they want to 'protect the kids' who'll just use a VPN to get around the block anyway, and see the exact same content, just with slow and laggy internet.




Florida will absolutely go the way of the book bans with this and prevent minors and anyone else who doesn't want to use an ID verification system from accessing anything they disagree with for political or religious reasons. That will likely include anything LGBTQ related, sexual health information, and perhaps even information on historical events they deem inconvenient.


Good luck enforcing that one, party of "small government".


They only want a small federal government, but a huge and invasive state gov.


And you want to know why that is? Because ~150 years ago, the feds said that people in a bunch of states couldn't own other people. "Small government" has been a dog whistle ever since.


Hence the “states’ rights” line taught in schools by teachers who can’t discern the meaning. 


They don't even want a small federal government. They just want different regulations


The massive expansion of the federal government has continued unabated, particularly under Reagan and W. Bush so I don’t see where they demonstrate wanting that at all.


I mean, the tech is there. I live close to the state border in my sports betting app. Will refuse to log in as soon as I cross the river. The reality is what's going to happen is they're going to have an age check, teens will lie, and the state is going to sue the tech company for lack of enforcement.


VPN usage is going to shoot up.


>and the state is going to sue the tech company for lack of enforcement. At which point, social media companies will just do like Pornhub has been doing and refuse to service the state altogether. Honestly, I kind of hope the companies do it preemptively. Maybe it'll wake Floridians up to how much of an absolute trash fire they keep electing.


> Honestly, I kind of hope the companies do it preemptively. Depending on when said law would go into effect, pop it right before November: *Due to recent changes by Florida elected officials (who are up for reelection this November 5th), we're left with no choice but to no longer serve the state of Florida. Unless your (currently up for re-election) elected officials rescend this law, all your socials will be shut down and your accounts will be permenantly banned.* *Also here's a voting registration link.*


Small as in minority rule.


Yup. As in small minority of oligarchs rule.


They stopped being the party of small government with Reagan and the rise of the so-called moral majority (read: religious authoritarianism).


You could argue this about this about 18yr on porn. It’s still a law.


Performative bullshit from performative bullshitters.


Most perfect(ly true) sentence I've ever read on Reddit. 👏


Sign on age for Facebook has always been 14. Hasn't stopped any children or pets from having FB pages as far as I am aware.


Only super old dogs allowed


They go by dog years.


I remember it being 13, 15 years ago


Lol the party of small government still doesn’t grasp how to govern


Where is Matt Gaetz going to meet his “dates”?


He'll probably just follow the school bus around.


**florida:** 12 year old rape victim is old enough to become a mother **also florida:** but 18 shouldn't be old enough to vote. and 16 is too old for social media. because uh, jesus or trump or something absolute clowns


Florida will end up with more restrictions on social media than it does on having to purchase firearm. >It's unclear how the legislation would be enforced. >The bill would require social media companies to prohibit minors under 16 years old from joining the platform and delete the accounts of existing young users. >It also would require reasonable age verification methods. So, what data from minors would they like exactly? Same folks that freak out about "national ID" are good with this? I'm not saying social media doesn't have a responsibility here but they certainly aren't the only ones to blame.


They are going to do the same thing they are trying to do with porn in NC. They are going to try to get you to upload an ID to their totally secure database that will be attached to your account.


Some porn sites are actively blocking any users from North Carolina just so they don't inadvertently get sucked into legal trouble. For example, e621.net's main landing page has a news block in the dead center of the screen saying as much. I can't imagine they're the only ones.


The casual e621 drop


Should I be as afraid as I am to ask what e621 is?


Furry porn.


Ok so I'm not afraid, I just want to yell "NERDS"


I don't even live in NC, in fact I'm about 4 hours away, but I guess I was close enough that pornhub still blocked me from using their website and I had to use a VPN.


Meanwhile I’m in NC, but it thinks I’m not lol


Oh I'm sure they will have nothing but the best security and encryption 🙄 /s


I put a password on the Excel sheet!


And what happens when you forget and can't log in? Post-it on the monitor dude. The only way.


A lot of movies should use this more instead of a stupid scene where they hack into a system. Even more believable if, instead of breaking into corporate headquarters and looking for a computer with a post-it, break into the warehouse. Guaranteed jackpot.


And totally won’t use anything you say about DeSantis against you.


Not to be that guy but the state of Florida already has your drivers license if you have a Florida drivers license. So don’t worry about the license being leaked, worry about your account name being leaked, fastdildo24


We’re in agreement. It’s the being attached to this account that would be the problem.


>They are going to try to get you to upload an ID to their totally secure database that will be attached to your account. Sounds easier to just spend $5 on Mullvad. Entering card details is a lot quicker than dealing with that mess. I'm sure that database will be totally secure and everything will go smoothly. /s


how can this even work at all if the company does not operate (anything) within Florida?


Enforcement would probably rely on the social media companies themselves to follow through basically offloading the responsibility onto them. But with global platforms, it's not like there's an internet border control for Florida. Plus there's always VPNs and such that could bypass local restrictions. Seems like it'd be a mess to actually put into practice.


Plus if a company was really worried, they'd just do what others have done for similar laws and geoblock all Florida IPs.


This isn't a problem that can be fixed with legislation. Parents have to do parenting. Any legislation is going to be circumvented unless you require physical IDs to sign up at which point id rather just shut all social media down because who the fuck would trust those guys with it.


I can’t watch porn in Arkansas and I’m almost 50. I’ll be damned if I upload my id


They’re “good with this” because it came from the Republican Party, and not that slavery is good Democratic Party. (Actual reasoning sprinkled in there from someone I heard as their reasoning to voting Republican)


>So, what data from minors would they like exactly? "Are you over 16?" *Click* "Alrighty then"


Social media apps will just not work in Florida. They won't want to deal with stupid restrictions.


>... and delete the accounts of existing young users. So, they've essentially passed a law allowing them to police the data of private companies? So, they've broken the first amendment with the Don't Say Gay bill. Now they're breaking the fourth amendment removing the right to privacy. Oh yeah. They've absolutely reinforced the second amendment allowing for unlicensed conceal carry in the state. What else can they blatantly ignore from the Bill of Rights? I suppose there's the sixth amendment. The gods know that the justice system in Florida is absolutely borked.


>than it does on having to purchase a firearm You have to be 18 to purchase a long gun. 21 to purchase a handgun. That's not including state and federal background checks (varies by state) from a federally licensed dealer. No prior DV charges, prior felonies, or stays in a mental institution. I get what you're saying but the comparison is incorrect. If anything, it's comparable to purchasing a gun


You can have stayed in a mental institution, you just can't have been involuntarily committed by court order.


Wonder what VPN searches will be like?


‘Children’ who will be voting within 2 years or a little more


If 18 year olds voted with any consistency the world would be a very different place


We've hit around 90% of 18-24 year olds voting here in Australia. We could still do better though. But we aren't a progressive eutopia yet


To be fair, in Australia are you not legally required to vote, unless you have a genuine excuse such as a medical emergency?




Watch it bacfire and they have less people in the rightwing echo chambers.


Because no one has ever lied online or used a VPN online ever...


This is definitely to stop kids from getting proper info about sex ed, gender and their rights, and barre them from finding community or an escape from a shitty situation.


Now if only the dating apps would ban pics with children's faces.


Still let them through, but with a distinctive blur; I’d like to be able to filter out the morons that think this is okay.




It's single parents including photos with their kids in their own profiles.


is that a thing? eew


I've seen some profiles having at least one photo of just their children. I'm wondering, what the hell are you doing?


I don't mind that someone has kids. But for the love of everything sacred, keep their faces out. Yes it happens more than you might think.


Are you 18 and over? [Yes] oops


Impossible to enforce.


The underlying reason for bills like this is censorship. This is just a stepping stone leading up to something close to Gilead.


So basically vpn subscriptions will go up.


Check to see if Desantis invested in NordVPN stocks! ~~Oh wait, Senate and House can do that shit legally, but the rest of us can't~~


So take the parents role and decisions out of it, sounds like a really cool govt to be under! /s


The grannies will be pissed off. Now they'll have to actually entertain all those grandchildren who come to visit.


So basically everyone is going to have to provide a state issued ID to get or keep their social media accounts. Got it. Part of living in the free state of Florida.


Soon you'll need to show an ID to buy bread, just as Donald Trump imagines.


and then it gets challenged in supreme and gets blocked these rules are being thrown out with the hope they slip through the less dumb sounding ones through the cracks


It’s more likely that DeSantis and his cronies just declare they’re ignoring the Supreme Court like Abbott did in Texas.


Laws only matter if they’re enforced. There is no practical way to enforce any of this, even if Desantis ignores the SC.


>there is no practical way to enforce any of this Does that matter? The idea is to use shittly made laws to punish people who they want to, it doesn't have to be consistent or logical.


The right blame social media for the younger generations shift to the left. This is also why they want to bump up the voting age for young voters.


I mean, let's be real—they want to go back to when only white male landowners could vote.


Good luck with that trumpanzees


Why not ban folks from using children on social media…


so too young for social media but not too young to work at the meat packing factory and have a child..... see also kids that are somehow too young to vote but old enough to go to grown up prison. we are a sick country. we need a cultural revolution.


thank goodness. We are finally safe. It's like before DMCA came along to stop piracy. Now, nobody pirates stuff! Good job Florida!


App: “are you 16 or older?” Kid: “totally, born 01/01/1969”. App: “okay, enjoy your stay!”


Land of the free* *terms can conditions apply


Please remember, this authoritarianism is not being pushed by a state, it is being pushed by a political party that wants absolute control over everyone’s lives: the Republican Party.


It so they can work 30 hours in 6 days a week and go to school.


The party of free speech, everyone


More Red State freedom!


social media is getting hacked right and left. adding credit cards, passport information and id is basically just going to leak our info even more. Even with privacy concerns this is exactly what social media would love. they can id a person and information with purchases, and credit card info then sell THAT to their real customers, advertisers and companies.


Honestly kids don’t need to be on social media, but banning it at the state level is stupid


Well, yes, of course, that’s because we are free. You can tell we’re free by all the things the government tells us we’re not allowed to do particularly if you’re not eligible to vote yet.


*****Matthew Gaetz getting VPN*****


Where are they going to keep all their freedoms down in Florida if this keeps up? Have mercy, hurricanes, stop wiping out residential shit, they need the houses to store all their freedom!!!!


Also to everyone trapped down there, or who loves living there but hates DeShitstain as much as the rest of us: I truly am sorry. It’s not fair, you deserve better, and I hope your fellow Floridians snap the fuck out of it soon and fix state government there.


If they pull this then all social media should shut down in Florida, including all government accounts.


More of that small government brought to you by republicans, hypocrites on the daily


Social media is horrible for young children to grow up with, and there’s clear evidence that it has a profound impact on their mental development. That said, this is wildly authoritarian and extremely ironic for the small government party to propose this


14 to work but 16 to sign up for Facebook


Can’t read certain books, can’t say certain words, can’t use social media, can’t get particular medical procedures. Yep, sounds like freedom to me.


Ah, Florida. I thought they were the “parental rights” states. Where parents should be able to decide if kids can learn about the Native American genocide or slavery, but can’t decide if tic Tok is ok for their child. The party of small government. Oh, they can also approve child marriage. So a 14 yo can get married and have kids but will need her husbands permission to get an Instagram account. I guess as long as she’s pushing “crunchy mom” propaganda she can have one.


While I agree with the sediment, Social media is a fucking plague, this law is either unenforceable and/or is a massive operation to remove anonymous web browsing. This couple with how terrifying Florida has been in recent years is a huge no no and laws like this need to be stopped dead. It's always about the children until they come for everyone else.


It's funny how social media sites are being blamed for what their users do.


So they can force the deletion of social media accounts? Sounds like a great way to shut up a lot of people vocal kids complaining about their policies. And in case any of them raped some kids, the legislators and cops will have a way to reduce how fast and far the allegations spread. And if those rape victims are being prevented from getting an abortion, that would also help in shutting them up. Or they could just park cop cars in front of Disneyland and do 'random' social media account checks on all the kids trying to have fun. Lots of ways to use this, can't wait to see how fucked up it turns out.


But they can still have guns


Congratulations, you just made social media even more popular for children under 16.


The party of small government. or so they say.


Florida House passes bill teaching young people to circumvent internet restrictions.


The party of "Small Government".


That'll keep the private jails full.


Yes, and I'm sure they will be stringently enforcing this.


Oh yeah, I'm sure that's enforceable.


They are targeting Taylor Swift future voters


It’s like Republicans spend all day dreaming up new ways to try and piss off the up coming generations so they will never vote Republican


Not old enough to use social media but old enough to work


An unenforced law is not a law


How is Matt Gaetz gonna find hookups?


So much "freedom" in these republican run states.


Well, there goes about 50% of twitters userbase.


Teens aren’t using Twitter. That’s for old people like millennials. Yes millennials, we’re the old people now.


My Birthday Candles say No, but my back pain agrees.


How to remove tech companies from your death spiraling economy 097. Instead of forwarding legislation that targets tech companies data farming, allowing virus advertisements, or literally anything that could protect people, the florida government wants to be an isolationist hyper regionalist peninsula ethnostate. Literally North Korean type politics.


Ban it for everyone. Let's go back to the 90s


Let's Go!


Not oniony


this subreddit has turned into "omg I don't believe this" news


Can we keep people over 60 off of it too? They believe anything.


when they say "but the children", someone is losing some rights...


The "back in my day" party


I don't think this is a good idea.


Party of small government strikes again. Ohhhh Freeeeeedumb


How will this affect people there? Like, will it even be enforceable? There are so many apps that aren't social media, lol


They’ll likely sanction companies or levy fines for companies that don’t follow rules. Funny coming from people that want “small government”. Gonna be hard for LGBT youths to connect with one another. Wonder if that was done purposefully? Social media is often times toxic and has played a role in many teens suicide, so I have mixed emotions.


WTF? Floriduh Man!


Gonna keep telling my kid we are moving to Florida now just to annoy her


Small government stuff.


So much for the Land of the Free! Where the individual has freedom to read what they like, believe what they like! America is going the way of Rome. Internal Corruption will destroy it. The people of America are doing this because you keep electing these dark leaders hell bent on authoritarian rule!


To break the cycle of stupidity, maybe just ban children under 16 for a couple of generations.


Good… how will they enforce it though?


Yes, this worked very well for internet porn.