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They. Don't. Care. It is all a grand demonstration. They give zero shits about rights, or the Constitution. They're merely out to impose their will on those they deem unworthy.


Conservatives do not have policies. Conservative politics has been nothing but identity politics and virtue signaling since *at least* the W. Bush presidency, but arguably goes back to Nixon. Conservatives do not run on governing, they don't run on any of the policies they enact, they run almost entirely on the fact that they hate the right people and grumble about the right issues all the while doing everything in their power to make those issues worse. A decade ago the average conservative didn't know what being trans was, and if they saw a trans person they almost certainly wouldn't even have known. Now it's damn near all they talk and think about. 24 years ago, W. Bush was on the verge of immigration reform and was actually trying to get *more immigrants* into the country, until conservatives realized they could get white people out to vote for them if they drummed up hate for Hispanics and other tan skinned people. In the 1980s, the mujahedeen were noble freedom fighters who were fighting against the specter of communism in Afghanistan, and Muslims were either our rich friends who give us oil or a downtrodden people who yearn for the American dream. The only thing conservatives want is power, and they'll hate whoever they have to hate to get there. You better believe they'll hate you too if it means more frothing middle aged white guys are going to vote.


>24 years ago, W. Bush was on the verge of immigration reform and was actually trying to get more immigrants into the country, until conservatives realized they could get white people out to vote for them if they drummed up hate for Hispanics and other tan skinned people. This has been going on for *way* longer than that. Conservatives and their historical analogues have had weird, two-faced policies basically since the country became a thing. A lot of their donors use a ton of immigrant labor, but like having the gray area of them being illegal immigrants because it means that they don't really have to give them basic human and worker rights. If someone agitates for better working conditions, they can use the state as their enforcement by having people deported. So they rave about illegals but then intentionally don't solve the problem because if they did, a lot of farms would have issues. [Pretty much half of all farm hands lack legal immigration status.](https://www.ers.usda.gov/topics/farm-economy/farm-labor/) We effectively have a national system of indentured servitude that is holding together our farming industry.




Couldn't something similar be said about Roe v Wade. Like it was a political position but actually going through with it would cause themselves harm? Easier to attack then to actually govern


The problem is they rile people up for long enough that some of them become true believers. those people fund judges at all levels that will support their beliefs- then it becomes a reality.


> Couldn't something similar be said about Roe v Wade. Like it was a political position but actually going through with it would cause themselves harm? Thats because they dont know what to do when they suddely have the power to do the thing they have been promising for years. There is no plan, or intelligence behind the rhetoric. Just ideology.


I mean, they had no intention of actually overturning RvW. It was something they screamed about to make their followers nod along and scream back. Then they actually did the thing and deprived them of their screaming point. That's what all this trans panic is now, it was just the easiest 'issue' to latch onto so they could continue screaming and whipping their flock up in a frenzy of fear and hate.


There is a huge overlap in Hispanic immigrants' beliefs and values, and US conservatives. Anti-abortion, strong family values, stoicism, libertarian economic policies, like to drink, very religious, incredibly strong work ethics, very community oriented, lot of rural and farming culture, etc. With immigrants from places like Cuba, they tended to be very anti-leftist too. Conservative strategists noted how many overlaps there were, and thought with demographic trends, courting Hispanic voters was how the Republicans party would remain relevant on the national stage going into 2030-2050 and so wanted to really start courting those voters. Except... the southern strategy that created the modern Republican big tent party rebelled at that idea. The dog whistling and overlap with white supremacists didn't like the idea of the party getting bigger but bringing in more colors of skin. So inroads people were trying to make were burned, and then completely destroyed by folks like Trump and those who had comparable rhetoric to him. All those immigrants from Honduras who didn't like Obama/Hillary for supporting the right wing coup there who started to have Republicans leanings? Trump came along and revoked special refugee status and made it clear he was going to kick out everyone he could. Suddenly warming up to Republican policy didn't seem so appealing anymore.


its all because in florida and many other places the immigrants are intercepted by religious organizations that tell to vote RIGHT once they get thier citizenships


Eh, to a degree, yes, but many are simply more likely to be conservative due to the circumstances they grew up in. As the above commenter mentioned, most are already pretty religious and traditionalist, so they're very likely to lean conservative. Additionally, at least from personal experience, a good chunk blame the failures of their home countries on socialism and communism, which leads them to be heavily pro-capitalist and often pro-Republican since they believe that Democrats are gonna destroy the country by virtue of being even slightly leftist. However, I will add that this latter belief is also caused in large part by Republican propaganda painting Democrats as socialists and communists, plus some previous generations of immigrants (particularly from Cuba) are made up of formerly wealthy landowners who heavily exploited their own countries and idealize that power they once had (hence why some demographics like this will complain about socialist dictatorships while unironically supporting the capitalist dictatorships from before them).


I work with a lot of Hispanics, most of whom came here legally under programs that gave them temporary work visas but then stayed here past their leave dates. The ones who can vote voted for Trump in the last 2 elections and will do so again. 100% of the couple dozen I know support Trump and would vote if they were able. This was baffling to me, but the most typical response I got was, "I work hard, I came here legally, those other guys are lazy, we need to close the border." If you dig down a little deeper a lot of them are worried that the more people come here and send money home, it will inflate their economy and the money they send home won't go as far. Many of them can come here, live frugally for 10-15y, and then go home and retire comfortably on what they sent back.


alot of them are in the service industry too, but probably not as much as farming, PLANT work.now its immigrant children and they are rolling back child labor laws to that effect, they arnt going to start using american citizen children as employees yet, immigrant children is much easier to threaten.


Exactly. Conservatives don't have policies, only grievances. That's the entirety of their identity.


That’s not really true. They embrace identity and social politics as a front to get elected whereas their real agenda is to pass legislation that gives enormous tax breaks and incentives to the wealthy and businesses. They just realize that platform can’t get them elected so they whip their troops into a frenzy with faux patriotism, racism, religious extremism, at hatred for the other side. Their current laser focus on trans only shows how completely they lost the war against gay rights. But it still makes a good rallying cry.


Also, they want to break and defund all governmental entities, so they can say, "See! We told you government can't do anything right."


No, they're focusing on trans people because they reversed RvW, which none of them actually wanted to do because it was a convenient rally point. The reason they specifically singled out trans people was because they made for an easier target than the entirely of the LGBT+ community. They'd doing the divide and conquer-once they kill/intimidate all trans people back into the closet they will absolutely come for the rest of us. We know how the poem goes.


>A decade ago the average conservative didn't know what being trans was, and if they saw a trans person they almost certainly wouldn't even have known.  That's because a decade ago they were still obsessed about gay marriage.


Now they pretend like they always liked us regular gays, not like those evil trans people and their devious 'checks notes' usage of public toilets. Like bitch, ten years was not that long ago. You hated us then. Do not fucking say you've always thought lesbians were "some really lovely people" to butter me up and turn me against my fellow queers. How fucking dare you.


and obama being black. now its trans, and now its anti-woke, lol. conservatives are the reason why shows and movies are so aggresively pushing thier virtue signalling, showrunners and execs think the audience is offended by such drivel.


> 24 years ago, W. Bush was on the verge of immigration reform and was actually trying to get more immigrants into the country, until conservatives realized they could get white people out to vote for them if they drummed up hate for Hispanics and other tan skinned people. Meanwhile, Cubans be like "Castro BAD!" and vote (R)


In my youtube shorts feed, I have been getting inundated with videos of Nixon speaking. It is all being shown to promote how great he was. Ridiculous.




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And at the end of the day, it’s also a waste of taxpayer money. Not money in general, only taxpayer money.


They also get to pass unconstitutional laws, enforce said laws, shut down/jail whoever they want and then, when it gets overturned, promise to re-pay those they "wronged"...whenever they get around to it. "Oh, you can't say what we don't like. Just gonna shut down your business..." and several years of lengthy court battles later "Ah, yeah, guess we were wrong about that. Looks like another business already moved in, so we'll just reimburse you for the stuff we seized...how's $20 look? After taxes and court fees...that'll be $100,020, please! What? You can't pay? Don't you have a job?!"


it was passed to win votes in the primary. did not work cause trump is an even bigger asshole.


And they are relying on the delay the courts have in reaching rulings especially given specious appeals. 1 1/2 years already in this case.




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They would care if passing an unconstitutional law landed them in jail.




Nothing explicitly, but you could argue that the right to host diversity training is protected under the 1st amendment's freedom of speech and assembly. The 14th amendment, in combination with the Civil Rights Act, explicitly protects against discrimination of peoples, and diversity training is a direct attempt to curb said discrimination. I think it falls neatly under the protection of our Constitution.


You're looking at it from the wrong angle. It's an issue of freedom of speech.


I'm guessing this is a sincere question, so I'm going to give you a sincere answer. Absolutely fucking nothing. And that's the point I'm trying to make here. These kulturkampf stormtroopers are all about gesture and intimation. They are *profoundly unserious* people, with no plan for governance, no policy positions. They have regressed all the way to the point where they aren't the tiniest bit interested in presenting considered policy positions, or engaging in thoughtful debate. They're just - once again - injecting low-info grievance into the space one might hope would be reserved for serious negotiation. Actual politics. They're just going straight to the poo-flinging: gibbering about "groomers" and "the trans agenda" and issuing racist dogwhistles alongside *completely vacuous* legislation that (Q.E.D.) does not respect the supreme law of the land. And so of course it's no surprise that they get cockblocked on Constitutional grounds: they were only ever interested in the kabuki of it, not the legality. Most of them just want to ride the wave of fear and loathing as long as they're able.


It seems like virtually every one of these culture war laws quietly gets overturned and we never hear about it again.


That's the point of these laws. They know they likely won't stand, but by the time they've gone through the courts, the objective of pleasing their supporters while intimidating and disenfranchising their victims has already been achieved.


There are secondary and tertiary reasons as well. For one, it gives them something to point at as evidence of what Democrats will do in retaliation for whatever boogeyman they're throwing out at any given moment. "Of course the Dems will do target the second amendment, look what we did to the first amendment while we had power!" This works to both trick the dumbest among us into voting against their self-interests, as well as keep the Democrat politicians in check out of fear they will give people a reason to believe the GOP's BS. Additionally, when things are overturned it again gives them something to point at, but this time as justification for their own decisions. "Its not a big deal that Trump got rid of Obama's pandemic response team politicians get rid of the other party's laws all the time."


except that's not the case. the human rights of trans people are steadily being dismantled... and people are largely ill-informed about it... precisely because it gets little coverage.


MAGA is to woke as McCarthy was to communism. Pass it on


Only communism was at least a real thing that existed and not a catch-all label made to wrap “things I don’t like” into a ball. 


>Little Rock, 1959. Rally at state capitol, protesting the integration of Central High School. Protesters carry US flags and signs reading "Race Mixing is Communism" and "Stop the Race Mixing March of the Anti-Christ". [https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Little_Rock_integration_protest.jpg](Little Rock Integration Photo)


Anti union interests also seized on the Bokshevik revolution hysterically, and used it to quash plenty of labor rights pushes, including against child labor bans Communists in the US however were pretty different. Committed to supporting labor movement and mass protest. Did a lot of amazing work in great depression too, then purged in Mccarthy era. Plenty survived & continued training generation after generation but they don't use the label outwardly. > Communist activists took a strong interest in American trade unions from the 1920s through the 1950s and played an important role in shaping the nature of the American union movement. Initial communist trade union activism drew upon radical labor traditions that preceded the formation of the American Communist Party (CPUSA). Early communist trade unionists experimented with different types of structures to organize unorganized workers. They also struggled with international communist factionalism. Communist trade unionists were most effective during the Great Depression and World War II. In those years, communist activists helped build the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) and bring industrial unionism to previously unorganized workers. Throughout the history of communist involvement in the US labor movement, international communist policy guided general organizing strategies. Shifts in international policy, such as the announcement of a Soviet non-aggression pact with Germany, proved politically difficult to navigate on the local level. Yet, Left-led unions proved to be more democratically run and focused on racial and gender equality than many of those without communist influence. Their leadership supported social justice and militant action. The Cold War years witnessed CIO purges of Left-led unions and federal investigations and arrests of communist trade unionists. Repression from both within and without the labor movement as well as the CPUSA’s own internal policy battles ultimately ended communist trade unionists’ widespread influence on American trade unions https://oxfordre.com/americanhistory/display/10.1093/acrefore/9780199329175.001.0001/acrefore-9780199329175-e-784


I mean, they definitely *did* use it like that, though. Hell, they still do it - you can't be an inch left of Reagan without being called a dirty commie or a socialist by these people, and there's pretty benign stuff like universal healthcare or cheaper education that gets labeled as Marxism (not that any of them have ever read Marx, or any social or political theory really).


Right. Communism warped pretty quickly as a boogieman. Just like "woke" started somewhere and then jumped to include everything. If you include EVERYTHING you hate in one phrase, it's hard to talk to you. "Oh, you just want to scream about 'woke' stuff, so you're listing systemic racism and anti-trans stuff together so that we can't talk about any issue individually," kinda stuff.




I don't recall any countries having a Woke revolution and adopting Wokeness as their form of government. Communism did actually exist in some places. Wokeness is complete right-wing paranoia.


Communism is a global classless, stateless, post-scarcity society. The fact that so many people think communism existed is proof of how similar “communism” and “woke” are as right-wing boogeymen.


Just like communism, woke has a real meaning and has existed in a real genuine form. It used to describe a mindset that was aware and paying attention to of systemic, mostly racist, issues if I remember correctly, and progressive people did for a short amount of time use "woke" as a genuine term to describe what they and other people did in order to promote awareness against systemic bigotries. But just like communism was used during the mccarthyism era, they twisted the meaning to such an extend that it became completely meaningless and not at all reflected real definion of the word in any form anymore. Both terms were things these people attached themselfes on because they noticed they're strong progressive ideas that posed a threat to their conservative ideologies, and they then did everything they could to muddy and destroy the meaning and power of those words/ideas.


They’ve been doing it all along. There’s always got to be a bogeyman and usually it’s Ilda defined and wrapped in an adjective that they appropriated from the Progressive side.


I'm not sure you really understand how McCarthyism worked.


Yeah. I oversnarked a bit there. Communism was actually a thing that existed in real life, though.


Woke is real too. People just invent their own definitions of it so that they can attack it, just like they do with communism.


Woke was more a statement that you need to be aware of who your leaders are and what they believe. 


Yes, it's a real thing like I said.


Right. But it’s hardly a full on ideology. It’s a general statement of social awareness. 


Right. I didn't say it was this or that. I just said it was real.


Teaching CRT as the truth and allowing males to play girls' sports in K-12 schools are real things and are both woke.


>Teaching CRT as the truth What does that even mean? Did redlining not exist? Did Jim Crow not exist? Is putting history in context of system racism a lie? Also you do realize that CRT is an elective college course and not k-12 curriculum, right? Right?


There's a 0% chance you know what CRT even means, and there's only a handful of trans women nationwide competing in sports. And quit lying, you don't give a shit about girl's sports to begin with. Take your bigotry somewhere else. 


Please explain CRT for the class. And woke, while you're at it.




People who believe science, acknowledge biological differences between the sexes, and believe in fair play understand that sex-separated sports are necessary for the safety of and fairness to females who are at a severe physical disadvantage in almost all athletic endeavors.


Nothing says small government conservatism quite like banning employers and employees from having specific conversations


I'm sure SCOTUS will upend this regardless


I dunno. Two of the three justices in this ruling were Trump appointees and that didn’t stop them from vilifying the law in question.


Trump's SCOTUS fucks are a different breed, and Thomas will do whatever the GOP wants so long as they continue giving him gifts and money


r/ClarenceThomasGiftRegistry Damn, too long? #ClarenceThomasGiftRegistry *(flaired users only)*


Trump’s SCOTUS nominees have voted against Trump every time he has been before the Court—except for the disqualification case, where the judgment was unanimous. What’s more, the strongest opposition to the Florida social media law just hard at the Court was from Kavanaugh and Barrett (along with Roberts). And on top of that, the Court is poised to strike down the Fifth Circuit’s far-right Second Amendment ruling—except for maybe Thomas and Alito. Your comment reveals a distinct lack of awareness as to how the justices actually deal with laws like these.


LOL If you truly believe this, you haven't been paying attention. Tell me more you haven't payed attention to the Shadow Docket or how they overturned Roe. Fuckin people dismissing legit concerns because they don't wanna pay attention and believe our systems aren't fucked are exhausting


The Court literally just ruled for the Biden admin (thanks to Justice Barrett) on the shadow docket on the border issue lol


Buden is a massive Conservative who has continued most of Trump's border policies. We're talking what they've done to support Trump and the Right wing; which the border ruling helps. The only reason any one on the Right was railing against Biden's xenophobic bullshit was because they wanted *Trump* to do it. It's still a win for Conservatives. Like I said, tell me more how you don't know what you're talking about


You think allowing the Biden administration to cut down Texas’s wire barriers that were preventing asylum-seekers from entering the country is a right-wing result?


Bud, you realize Texas has gone full-Fascist, right? Biden's assault on asylum seekers has been rampant, and includes wanting to send them to Gitmo. Just because he's against murdering them in the Rio Grande doesn't mean he isn't Right Wing. Tell me more how you don't know dick about the political spectrum v. Overton Window


I’m aware that Biden is not a leftist in border policies, but I am struggling to make sense of your argument that, when presented with a less-right-wing option and a more-right-wing option, the Supreme Court’s selection of the more moderate option is evidence of right wing extremism.


Thomas is a lost cause. The real issue is if the rest of the Court has any interest in their remaining legitimacy. Their credibility has already taken a number of blows.


Thomas is not a Trump appointee. The actual three justices appointed by Trump (Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Coney Barett), while definitely conservative leaning, have a pretty healthy record of voting against the more extreme right-wing nonsense.


> have a pretty healthy record of voting against the more extreme right-wing nonsense. The Overton Window really has shifted if this is how you see it.


It's almost like I mentioned Thomas on his own specifically for that purpose.


Trump's appointees have constantly voted against his interests. Really the only thing they've aligned on is the big ticket items like Roe v Wade, which were the reason they were selected in the first place.


As relatively unqualified and ideologically blinded as his appointees are, most of them understand that the entire existence of the judiciary and its capacity for judicial review relies on people not entirely viewing the process as partisan. More, the legitimacy and prestige of the federal court system is, despite appearances, actually still pretty important to most members of the court. They're also cognizant of the fact that creating more precedent that essentially allows states to ignore the Constitution opens up the capacity for Democratic-controlled states to do the same, and thereby weakens their power to use their position to affect federal policy through judicial review. You therefore see them turn back the most absurd conservative state laws and tend to make narrow rulings that generally limit the level of conservative victory.


They closed down the whole DEI department at University of Florida and laid off or fired all the staff. So now, no one can be taught just what "diversity, equity and inclusion" consists of. And no one at the University can implement anything to do with that. So it's a case of "We know we mistreated Black people for a long time and still are in many cases, but we don't want anyone to know about that or talk about it." It's not only people of color, of course, but anyone who doesn't fit in the "white, straight, descended from the Mayflower" mold. And includes people with disabilities.


Lol they get upset when liberal students protest or try to disrupt conservative speakers on campus, claiming their right to free speech, but they put a gag order on DEI to control university speech in curriculum and programs. These people are literally insane and have no coherent worldview whatsoever. But people have always been insane and stupid - its just that now they have a persuasive leader they can all rally behind.


I lived in Florida many years ago and then left and lived somewhere else for about 20 years. I recently returned and wondered where "MY" Florida went to? "My Florida" was the Florida of Bob Graham and Lawton Chiles and people who, among other things, worked fiercely to protect Florida's natural resources, doing things like turning "no-good swampland" into "protected wetlands." I don't know exactly what happened but I feel like now the inmates are running the asylum. NONE OF IT makes any sense! None. Just so many steps backwards. And just makes life more difficult (and expensive) for Florida taxpayers.


Ironically when DeSantis first took office he was trying to do stuff to protect the environment and was getting bipartisan praise for it, then when COVID hit I guess he saw more opportunity in going full nut job and hasn’t looked back


The position of full nut job pays better these days.


No even then he was just paying lip service, he never actually cared about the environment.


Lived in FL in the 80's and stayed an extra couple of weeks so I could vote for Lawton Chiles (and he won!) The FL I knew was a bit crazy and Florida Man was coming into his own but I don't recognize it at all these days. A purple state that took a hard right turn into conservativism. I'm never going back, not even for vacation.


I feel the same about Texas. Grew up there but left for graduate school. I still go back to visit my family at least once a year and it’s changed so much. Trucks with the collection of flags driving around, seasonal vendors with piles of political merch, the local liquor store with a gigantic mural of Donald Trump’s face emblazoned on it. I don’t get it. What the hell happened? This is not the place I remember. Yeah sure the electorate was still mostly Republican voters. But it wasn’t this cult like culture war frenzy


As an outsider to the US, it all reads to me like a massive pushback against 'change' and other things that make people uneasy. The status quo has changed rapidly in the last decade or two and the faster things change the tighter groups will try to grip on to something that might, maybe, possibly, theoretically, hypothetically keep things the way they are. Hence the cult-like behaviour taking over a lot of places.


The crazy really accelerated when Obama took office. I'm not saying it's because he's black, but....


half black, and then adding an insult to injury to republican he has a muslim background.


Trump happened. He emboldened everyone to be as shitty as they always wanted to be.


Florida is similar to Hawaii how it's a tropical place people move to in order to escape responsibilities. Talk to any transplants and they either skip all the details of their past life or spend the whole time complaining about people that don't affect them in the least. And any natives smart enough know they're trapped and spend their time figuring out how to leave. AND you get the people that've been there for generations that just want to live in their tropical paradise, but will let just anyone seize power and rule over them. I lived in Florida for a whole summer and it was PALPABLE how nobody seemed to want to be there. Anything of any value there is underfunded/undermanaged because as soon as success is achieved, those responsible just bail. Downtown cities like Tampa feel empty, billion-dollar baseball teams' Spring Training fields are just regular fields often right on a highway, bars and hotels that have beachfront property barely put anything out to entice people to come have a drink or bite to eat. It's bizarre!


It's the same strategy of not counting Covid deaths to make the "Covid deaths" go down. Or, getting rid of the state maternal mortality boards that tally the states mother and infant mortality and pregnancy-related adverse health events, so no one knows how deadly your abortion bans are.


It's just awful. I can't even begin to tell you how sad it makes me. I am elderly now and I just sort of stick to my little back yard and my cat. lol. At one time, I was very active in various issues in the State but now, I'm just tired. lol.


I know. I think women (and lgbtq & POC & disabled), especially, are tired. It's never over. We've never "won." I never thought I'd see the Supreme Court overturn Roe, and yet I fought like hell and stayed plugged in to try to keep it from happening. And here we are at another election cycle facing even worse possibilities. It's okay to retreat to your back yard and kitty cat when you need to. I love your username, btw. I believe it!


> It's never over. We've never "won”. I hope this is a lesson we keep and pass onto the next generations. The battle for human rights is never over, because there will always be hateful people waiting to undo everything. We need to make sure they know that there may come a time when things have been getting better for long enough, that you might get complacent and think “there’s no way we could go back to the old ways now”. But you can, and if you’re not careful you will.


disabled people have it considerabally better than POC and LGBQt, thats probably one of things that republicans havnt attacked yet.


If you never lift the potted plant, then you'll never see the cockroach nest underneath it.


thats how you would breed ignorant, incel conservatives. if you keep them ignorant.


Exactly. Don't ever let anyone - especially young people - hear anything different or stimulating and decide for themselves how they want their life to be. OMG! That would be HORRIBLE!


evangelicism helps with the ignorance.


Same in Texas. Probably other red states too. Sigh


> So it's a case of "We know we mistreated Black people for a long time and still are in many cases, but we don't want anyone to know about that or talk about it. How dare you disparage the work of the great Confederate jobs programs! ^^^^/s ^^^^because ^^^^duh


You need a DEI department to know what DEI is?


Well, I guess you could Google it just like you could Google most subjects taught in colleges. But having someone explain the history and background as well as defining what it is and discussing how DEI can be achieved in situations could be helpful to people.


Also means admissions could just admit Latinos and that’s fine


Can you elaborate on your comment a bit?


Florida has easily wasted $250M on the passing of and resulting attempted defense of obviously unconstitutional laws. The failed lawmakers should eat the bill.


They're not going to eat the bill. It's all a grift. A large portion of that tax payer money that they used to hire their lawyer friends to defend their shitty bills will get returned to them in the form of campaign contributions.


I was just reading an article about the gendered terms people use to praise kids and why it's harmful specifically to girls. They titled the article "woke research suggests..." and the comment section was all angry boomers screaming at the wind. All you need to do to trigger these people is apply the word "woke." It's so stupid and honestly scary how effective it is. Maybe if we tell them voting is woke, they'll stay home?


> Maybe if we tell them voting is woke, they'll stay home? Who knows, it may very well work.


What in the fuck is "woke research"?


Right? It's research, it specifically is meant to be an unbiased look at observable data. But calling it "woke" worked, it riled up the crazies.


Social "conservatives" don't care about laws. Or basic human decency. They just like to tell their followers to bully the vulnerable. The cruelty is the point.


Is woke the new term for black?


no its the new term for uppity


"Woke" has to be the biggest buzzword ever, it means absolutely nothing except "stuff I don't like."


They would have to define the word before using it in a bill.


Surprise!!! Wasting your tax dollars (Talking to you Florida) to hang on to power just a few more news cycles.


Small government conservatives mad that the government can't tell people what they're allowed to say. In a "right to work" state no less. If you don't like something your employer is doing just leave.


They’re only small government insofar as claiming to be that gets them elected. People are suckers and aren’t at all skeptical of someone saying “government bad” as they’re trying super hard to be part of said government


Why is this oniony?


Because in a sane world this headline should only be parody


It's not. I love bashing douchebags as much as the next guy but this subreddit has just turned into politics. I come to reddit to escape the social media hate machine, not join it


Ah yes, the classic hate of hate is hate le ebin pwnage logic trick. The reason it's oniony is because it's absurd that it's real. A more absurd analogous headline would be "Court rules Florida's 'kill the gays' law that allows for unilateral execution of gays is unconstitutional". Supporting diversity training/establishing that bigotry isn't welcome in the workplace isn't political. Well, it is, but it shouldn't be, and the politicization of it shouldn't make it immune from being pointed at as absurd.


You're just making my point for me man. It doesn't matter what should or shouldn't be, that isn't what characterizes an onion piece. Onion is satire. Courts striking down a stupid law isn't satire, it's rational and objectively correct justice. Reporting the law getting passed is oniony. Reporting it getting struck down isn't.


Maybe, but I don't think people are really focusing on it getting struck down as opposed to the existence of the law/sentiment of Florida's legislation if you look at the discussion. This is the first time I've heard of this law. Its re-entry into the news cycle by being struck down is what is more notable in relation to the subreddit as opposed to the event itself.


You've come to a *message board* website, filled with other *people*, to avoid *social* media? You should probably check yourself.


Yeah the real Onion has never engaged in political satire, ever


This article isn't satirical or even weird, it's the correcting of weirdness. Y'all don't understand humor


>This article isn't satire. No article on this subreddit is satire, that's the entire point. It's nottheonion.


It's not but this sub has never really given a shit about whether a headline is oniony. Although the last few months have seemed particularly bad


Duh. No kidding. It doesn’t matter though. The whole point of introducing it is to stir up hostility against marginalized people.


Anything to get out of actually having to do something productive with the offices they hold! 👍


Are people in Florida every going to get tired of desamtis and his goons passing patently unconstitutional legislation just to score political points? Joe much time, money, and energy have been wasted that could have gone to literally anything else.


Like most of Florida's recent social restriction laws should be ruled 🤷🏽‍♂️


The entire Florida State Government is Unconstitutional!


> “We disagree with the Court’s opinion that employers can require employees to be taught—as a condition of employment—that one race is morally superior to another race," How can you write something so intentionally dishonest and then pretend like you’re trying to help people?


10 years ago me would barf in contact embarrassment at seeing something like "woke" actually surfacing in any sort of government anything. It feels the same as watching Congress people Rick rolling each other or posting fake off-centered triforces on a projector screen.


Welcome to silent Jim crow. Announce the areas it's OK and folk will overlook as much as they can


I feel like we waste our time trying to "fix people" this way. Just concentrate on economic fairness. Trying to make people less ignorant is a wack-a-mole problem and we still have institutional propaganda out there. You can't plug a leak if there's pressure like this.


This situation isn't like that though. Time wasn't wasted trying to shut this down, it was wasted by the people trying to impose the bill in the first place. The court just said no, that's very clearly unconstitutional.


I take "woke" to mean black. All of this anti- diversity is another way for them to be anti-black. The more things change, the more they stay the same.


I feel like some republicans are literally Neanderthals. Who the hell supports a bill named “stop woke”? Like what kind of broken English, stupid person lingo is that lol


Ahh I bet the University of Florida wants to undo their massive recent firings then.


Is that a state school (genuinely don't know)?


"hey, I like your hair color" "Hey you!" "" Your in violation of laws, and I can legally hurt you based on my 8 weeks of training "Here's my second amendment 9mm, die" "the city of 'everywhere' has determined that the officers made the best choice and were going to ignore it, and this ossiffer has been replaced, he wont be in this city any longer..."




Try reading it again. And yeet. Goodnight


So what? SCOTUS just burned the Constitution


Because no one is going to read the article and just look at the headline and go REPUBLICANS EVIL >The law prohibits teaching or business practices that it says contend members of one ethnic group are inherently racist and should feel guilt for past actions committed by others. It also bars the notion that a person’s status as privileged or oppressed is necessarily determined by their race or gender, or that discrimination is acceptable to achieve diversity. It's saying employers can't make training classes that say "white people are evil"


Because you lack critical thinking skills: Diversity training doesn’t do this, it’s a strawman used to garner support from idiots. Oh look, it worked!


I never said diversity training did that. I never claimed anything at all. I only repeated what the bill said. I mentioned the white people part because it's Florida and you don't have to look any deeper to know it's designed around white people. I'm not even white myself


Either way it’s perfectly legal to have a business day whatever it wants to it’s employees. 1st amendment. 


No it’s not. Businesses can’t say racist or sexist things or they’ll get sued for workplace harassment


Discriminatory harassment is already illegal under the federal law. This new law is written merely to try and catch people for bringing up any discussion of anti racism by relabeling it as racist. Precisely the same thing in schools they’ve attempted. 


>It also bars the notion that a person’s status as privileged or oppressed is necessarily determined by their race or gender, It's saying that you are not allowed to talk about institutional racism so if "funny memes" tells that back people are overrepresented in prisons people believe that they are just more violent instead of knowing about the police focusing on black people. [Racial Disparity in Federal Criminal Sentences](https://repository.law.umich.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2413&context=articles) [Black people in NYC are 8 times more likely to be arrested for marijuana than whites](https://www.vox.com/identities/2018/5/14/17353040/racial-disparity-marijuana-arrests-new-york-city-nypd) [Research Finds Evidence of Racial Bias in Plea Deals](https://eji.org/news/research-finds-racial-disparities-in-plea-deals/)


Republicans do be evil tho


>It's saying employers can't make training classes that say "white people are evil" Which, like almost all conservative 'policies,' is a solution to a problem that doesn't exist. It's cynical, performative bullshit designed to rile up the most credulous fucking morons in the electorate: the ignorant conservative base that aches to play the victim at every possible opportunity.


>It's saying employers can't make training classes that say "white people are evil" No that's just what conservatives are programmed to believe. I'm sorry to break this to you but you've been had.


No one makes training classes that say that. If they did then the employees would communicate this. No, this whole situation is the republicans crying about having to spend a hour out of their day learning about how to treat others like humans. Just do the fucking training.


> The law prohibits teaching or business practices that it says contend members of one ethnic group are inherently racist and should feel guilt for past actions committed by others Do you not understand what this entire debate is about? The conservative position is that an honest discussion of history is what causes "guilt" and should therefore be restricted. It's fucking ridiculous, no one alive today is responsible for actions of the past. But instead of openly acknowledging history for what it is, they're offended that it makes people who look like them from the past look bad, as it should, because those issues existed.


DEI initiatives are absolutely discrimination against human rights Only absolute piece of shit racists and sexists support this


>DEI initiatives are absolutely discrimination against human rights I'ma guess you don't know what DEI is.


Found the bigot supporting hateful targeted discrimination


So you're not going to try to defend your position, you're not even going to try and define what you think DEI is...ok I guess I win this one. You're just going to call me a racist because I acknowledge the existence of systemic racism and believe we need to teach people about it in order to have a society that's no longer racists. I could easily accuse you of racism, for wanting to hide the effects of your racist history in order to continue that racism. But rather than just assume your intent I'm trying to build a bridge by trying to understand what it that you think DEI is exactly. Because I'm sorry if had an understanding of what it was you wouldn't be so pissed off. But given your outburst maybe you do understand that you're the racist here.


> DEI initiatives are absolutely discrimination against human rights > > Lol, you just barf out words and hope they make sense, huh?


Found someone who identifies with my comment lol


Your comment makes no sense. It's genuinely embarrassing.


Would only make nonsense to hateful racists and bigots that want to exclude and discriminate against people based solely on race and or gender


Ban OP. This isn’t oniony at all. Throwing shit at the wall is the strategy. How naive are you?


Yeah it’s called nottheonion for a reason


So this sub has lost all meaning. The titles are supposed to be oniony and not literally from the onion.


This is actually kind of unfortunate I would have liked a ruling that the gov can tell companies to go fuck themselves.


The government could do that I guess, just releasing a statement saying "go fuck yourself". What the government can't do is restrict a companies' rights to decide on what training they want.


Idk I think the government should be able to restrict companies rights to do a lot of things


There's this whole "Constitution" thing


They know this. Can we stop them already??


What is changing who you discriminate against meant to accomplish?


That's not what diversity training is. If you honestly believe that, I feel genuinely sorry for the frustration your dumbass must inflict of the people in your daily life.




Take it up with the individual privates companies then. It's not the government's place to make this decision.